The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1911, Image 7

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vat-Bunnd Trains.
. Overland L. mited.. 11:46 a. m
China & Ja; :.n Mall G:5Sp. m
...Oregon 2:00 a. m
L.o AnKcifK limited 2:35 p ra
... . Fast ill 11:30 a. m
.Di-nver j -Ual 3 .08 a m
Colorado p-cial.. 1:27 a. m
Colorado Express. 6:23 p. m
jrf & Wa-r. Llm. . 3:05 p. m
l! Epr-. - 11:25 a m
21.. N.jrth iatf 12:15 p. m
23 ...;rand Isla:. Local. 8:3a p. m
5! "Local K eight.. 7:0o a. ir.
Lt-avt-.s 12.10 p in
l.rav.-M from Coal 2nute
Kuot-linuuii Tronic.
No 2. .. .overland limited. 5-26 p mi
No. 4 Atlantic K :preus. . 4.32 a. m'
No 6 .. orsjun E jrca-j 2.4; p m
No s . L.o- Ansi-!s tmltd C 10 p. m t
No. l ..China & Jar. n Mail 3:12 p. m ,
X, 12 L-nver S eiial. .. 5:30 a. m
No 14 ... I'-.lora.lo p-ial . 10.2S p. m
No 16 ... Colorado 2:16 p. m
No IS . Or- -Wa.Ii Jmlt-d 5-53 p m
No 20 . Mail Exf -ean ... 3oo p m
No. 22 'North Piatt Local 1 d p m
No. 24 ...Grand Islana Local 7:12 a. m
Lt-aws 1 20 p. m
No 77 Fr-ltfht .... lv 7.20 a. m
No 25 Passenger lv.. 7 25 p. m
N 2u I'asfenger .ar 1:10 p m
N.. 7s Freight ar Ciflp m
N )
Passenger . . . .
Pasi-ngcr . . .
. .lv
, .ar
fl.00 a. m
. 1:10 p. m'
. II ::.: a. m
6:40 p m
TIck-t Ai ent
A. n. M'KEEN
Assistant Ticket Afent.
daily ex .un) lv 7:25 a m '
N j Pns
N 32 1 rt & Ac (J'ypx.Mt lv 5:00 p m i
i i -. iaii ex -'in i ar "0ip. m
2' t ? -W d'ye Snnar6 45 a. id
I)r. 1:. I:. WUekanJers.
iin-e A lr T --.!.
ilu M ,n .i. Si.
Especial attention ien to Ear,
Nose, Throat and Surgery.
ILoi IMl : !
1'Loi.e I ml ollj.v J
K"-nleijee 131.
K'.lii.i-t- ?Z f
Dr. Dura WieicRanders.
I- xpecial attention given to Diseases
of Women and Children.
Office and Residence 1006 Murray St.
I'i.oi.e It.-! tjo !-.: .-!,... -i- !
Charles II. Camp tell. 31. D.
Clue F tUMl
U..TH I'H.-Ni.- Ci-:Mi:'. NKll.
( 'untn t--iti liar.'
i ill id HUT
Physician and Surgeon
Office New Luschen Cuilding
I'oU'Mtil'. NKIi
Bell Phi. lie ll.ti 1 lnd. riione VI
P)st ufficf. Block
is essential to first class plumbing. All
the nickel ar.i tile in the world will not
make up for poor seuer connections.
We do good plumbing work from the
ground up.
is just as honest as the plumbing work
which is always in sight. Have you any
trouble with your plumbing? Maybe
the sewer connections are not right.
We can tell.
are now arm mg.
Please give
us vour winter orders
Carl Kramer
Successor to Speice Coal Co.
m XI
From the Signal :
George, the twelve-year -old son of
J. T. Evan. is under the care of a
physician. He is suffering from ivy
And business changes in Platte
Center are still of frequent occurren
ce. The first of the week Denny
Dugan Id his restaurant to Bob
Hillary, the eight-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sehilz. while rid.
ing horse back last Saturday, fell in
such a manner as to fracure a bone in
! his left arm above the elbow.
j Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lie
! big. Saturday September 2.'?. a son.
i Since the birth of the child the life
tne nibther has been despaired of,
but at this writing
reports from her
bedside are much more encouraging.
Mrs. Johanna Burke, of Columubs.
and Mi-s Agnes Walker, of Seattle.
Washington, were guests of their re
lative and many friend here for a
short time this week. Miss Walker
is well known in this community, she
having attended school here several
vears ago.
Chariey Bacon has bought of the
Union Land company the piece of land
in the south-east part of town on
which the beaseball diamond has been
located for a number of years. A
new location will have to be found if
the boys play ball next season, as Ba
con is busy building a house ami barn
on the lots.
An important business change which
has been under consideration for some
time was consummated last Saturday
when J. F. Berneysuld his implement
business to Mr. Daniel:, of Ains
worth. The sale include the ware
house ami other buildine in which
the business is conducted. No in
ventorv has vet been taken.
From The Democrat:
Mrs. Jos. Fangman who spent
three weeks down at Exelsior Springs.
Missouri, in an effort to rind relief
from rheumatism, returned home last
Thursday, and apparently -he is con
siderably improved. Mr. LeMar.
wh accompanied Mrs. Fangman to
the spring, remained for a longer
Father Kurzer and other priests of
this part of the county were passengers
to Columlus Wednesday where they
went to attend a conference of the
priests of this deanery which includes
the counties of Platte. Bone. Antelope.
Colfax and one or two more counties
in thi part of the state. A meeting
of thi kind is held twice a vear.
Roe and Odelia Alderson.
who had been at Rochester. Minne
, sota. for the past four or live weeks,
'when' Mis Odelia submitted to a ser-
iou surgical peration. arrived home
, last Thurday evening. The Demo
1 erat is pleaed to report that Miss
Odelia operation was entirelv sue-
cee .ful and satisfactory, and a soon
the effects of her operation her health
wdl no doubt be fully retored.
A -ingle page in a ingle issue of the
Century magazine taken for advertis
ing purpose cost S500: in Harper,
$400: in other prominent magazine
from $330 down to $100. A yearly
advertisement of one column in the
Chicago Tribune cost $26,000: in the
New York Tribune $29,000 for the
lowest rate and $85,950 for the high
est rate: in the New York Herald the
eot for the lowest rates is $36,203
and $349,000 for the highest priced
column. Yet one can see that thtse
papers are always full of advertising
matter, even at these enormous prices.
Wont this make the man feel funny
who pays $10 a year for advertising
and struts about town posing as a
liberal advertiser?
Mrs. Jos. Siemers. one of the old
settlers of this neighborhood, died at
her home in this city on Thursday
morning of last week at 9 o'clock,
after an illness dating back almost
j ten years. The deceased was born in
! the county Limerick. Ireland. August
15. 1S42. In 1S72 she came to the
United states, ar.d in 1S79. at Ster
! ling. Illinois, she was united in mar--iace
to Jos. Siemers. Four years
later, in 1SS3, they moved to Platte
' county. Nebraska and settled on the
' Siemers farm west of town where they
j continued to make their home until
' moving to Humphrey about ten years
ago. With the exception of a daugh
ter which died in infancy. Mr. and
Mrs. Siemers had no children, but the
deceased is survived by her husband
and an adopted daughter. Mrs. Seimer
was a devoted wife and a Chritian
womanin every sense of the word.
She was an active member of the Third
Order of St. Francis congregation, as
I a member of the Christian Mothers
J Society. By her kindly acts and
! charitable deeds, she won the admira
tion and friendship of all with whom
she came in contact.
The funeral was
held Saturday morning from St, Fran
cis church and the remains were laid
to rest in the church cemeterv.
From the Boone County Advance:
Han Christensen shipped his house
hold goods o Hubbard, Minnesota.
Tuesday where he and his family will
make their future home.
Mrs. M. H. ComDton returned from
Columbus Wednesday, where she had
been to see her daughter. Maurine.
who is attending school there.
A couple of boys were throwing a
ball on the school ground Wednesday
and an overthrown ball by one of them
struck Julie Peterson on the shoulder,
breaking her shoulder blade. A phy
sician was called who set the broken
bone and reports no probable serious
consequences as a result of the acci
Mrs. Augusta C. Jacbsen died at
her home near Salem church Wednes
day September 20. 1911. at the age
of 71 years, 5 months and 1 day.
The funeral services were conducted
from the Salem church Friday. Rev.
A. S. Becklund. pastor of the Salem
church, preaching the sermon. Many
beautiful floral tributes were paid the
deceased by her many friends. She
leaves besides a husband and seven
cnnuren. iour uaugnters. .Mrs Axel
Johnson and Mrs. Alice Swanson. of
Newman Grove. Mrs. Albert Olson.
Miss Alma Jacobson, and three sons.
Frank, of Superior, David and Gustaf.
of Bradish.
James Cummings is lying in a crit
ical enditb n at St, Mary's hospital
in Columbus the result of a horrible
accident which befell him Wednesday.
He climbed to the top of the windmill
tower to oil the bearings and do some
repairing. While descending the lad
der came loose from the tower and he
fell a distance of thirty thitf-five feet.
He was picked up unconsious and an
examination showed that both his legs
his left arm and several bones in his
right hand were broken. He recov
ered coniousnes yesterday and was
taken to Columbus today. His physi
cians report that while his condition
is very serious he is now resting easy
and they are hopeful of his recovery.
BELLW00D. tfi
From the Gazette:
A new baby boy brought joy to the
home of Mr. and Mrs Joe Romhek on
Saturday last.
Peter Kurt and wife, Mrs. Ellen
Cady and grandma Waldo were Col
umbus callers Thursday.
L". G. Nantkes received a phone
message from Bunkerhille. Illinois,
Thursday of last week announcing the
death of his step-father at said place.
I. G. left the same evening by waj"
of Columbus to attend the funeral,
which was held Monday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ida Hajek of Austria
and Miss Zimmerof the same country,
all arrived in Bellwood Monday even
ing and were greeted by a host of
friends. Mrs. Hajek is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs, and Miss
Zimmer is a sister to Emil and Anna
Zimmer of Alexis township.
Mis Mamie Bock left Bellwood last
Saturday morning for Idaho and now
it is rumored that Ora Brandenburg
and Mamie were married one day this
week. Ora is engineer in one of the
mines in that part of the country.
The Gazette takes the risk of sending
After registering for the coming
school year in Lincoln last Week.
Walter Hager returned to Bellwood
and stayed until Monday morning, his
school commencing Tuesday of this
week. On Friday night 22 of his
young friends tendered him a surprise
party, bringing with them a supply of
toothsome refreshments and a lot of
good cheer. The evening was spent
in playing games and a very enjoyable
time was had.
H. W. Nantkes was operated on last
Saturday morning at the sanitarium at
Lincoln, and 76 gallstones were taken
from him. After the operation he re
sted quite easy until about 5 o'clock
Monday afternoon of this week when
he suddenly became very ill. Tues
day he was reported a little better.
Mrs. Nantkes has been at his bedside
since the operation. He has the sym
pathy of his many frinds in this com
munity all of whom will be glad to
welcome him home much improved in
James C. Dahlman, "Cowboy" Mayor
of Omaha, "Throws the Lariat"
Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his
career as a cowboy, and is at present
Mayor of Omaha, and has the follow
ing record. Sheriff of Dawes county.
Nebraska, three terms: Mayor of Chad
ron. two terms; Democratic National
Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of
Omaha, six years;, and in 1910 can
didate for Governor of Nebraska.
Writing to Foley and Co., Chicago, he
says: I have taken Foley Kidney Pills
and they have given me a great deal
relief so I heartily recommend them."
Yours Truly,
(signed) James C. Dahlman.
For sale by all Druggists.
I'aul llocu- will take notice that on the nth
day of September It'll Wm. O Brten. Jusuee
of the IVaee of Platte county. N 'brusku.
is-ued an order of attachment for tt -uin of
l"i. lean action pending before him a herein
Frank lloiru- i- plaintiS and Paul Bo m- i de
fendant; tnat notice in garnishment a- err
ed upou the Chicago. Burhnton J Quinev
Railroad Co . and property coaitinj? f money
and u-a:r in the -urn of M W) ha- bee attach
ed and varnished under -aid order Si. id cau-e
was continued to the day of Oeto -er. iyil.
at i o clock a m . for defendant to jp ear aad
an-w er. KUANK I il.'S.
Dated. Sept. II. VJU 1 jintiS
l:a- N'otile-.
Sealed bid- will be receued at the offlee of
the I'ountv Jud'e of Platte count v. X bra.-ka.
at I'olumbus. on or before I- o clock aoon of
October '.. 111 1. for the ;rradinr and nproe
mentof the follow insrde-enbed roadt f Platte
count r. to-.vjt:
The itamurn Road, beinnm.: at -out i end of
Loup liner bridge. rumunr thence in j -outh-erl
direction to a point on Barnum - 'ree 1;
and mnnin--' thence m a southeaster v direc
tion and terminating at the north end I Platte
Kiier bndjre. according to the plan- profile--ketche-.
and spccilicution- on tile in r le ofilee
of the County Clerk of slid county
The Board of Supen isor- reserves the nirht
to recet an;, and all bids.
H order of the Board of Supervisors.
JOHN liKAP. Count v Clerk.
Dated. Columbus. Nebraska, this itth day of
September. II.
In the count court of Platte county. Nbra-ka.
In the matter of the estate o: John scudder.
decea-eiL Notice of final settlen. nt and
To the creditor-, heir-, Iei.-itee- at.- othT-iniere-ted
in the estate oi John Sci..-ler de
ceased. Take notice that Melchior Jruj-'s?er
has tiled in the eouutv court a repot: of his
domes as administrator with will anr. sed ot
the e-tate of John -cui!dcr. deeeaed and :t Ls
ordered that the -.ime -tai.d for hear.i ii.n the
Ittndaj of Oe'ober I'.dl. before the ourt at
the hour of luo clock a re., at which 'me any
per-ou !Uier"-ted mav appear and e-.oept to
and content the -ame.
Thi- nonce ordered iritct: ;n the C numbu
Tri'une Jourt.ul three consecutive we k pnor
to t!ie Hill d.iv of c:oier. Ilt
Witness my hand and the eal of th county
court, at Columbu- th:-.s!nl da of rie; ember
l'.'ll JolIX ItATTEKJ AN
County . -ds.'e
Probate Notice to Creditors.
In the eour.u court Pl-itte eoantv. X .ri-ka
In the mailer of the e-taieof S'li A .Ma-"ey, decea-ed
Nonce js hereti iriveii that the ere' itor-of
the s.i:d deceased meet the etc- ulor of
-aid e-tate, before me, county judiree Platte
county. Nebra-ka. at the county eou't room
in -aid county on the aith day of Set .ember
131 1; ami on the -inth day of Decern! -r lid I.
and on the :!utn dav of March. I'.di at ! o clock
i m each da; for the iurpose of pri -eutinir
their claim- for examination, adju-tn? nt -u;d
illoivatice Si month- are allowed ' '"creditor-
to pre-cnt lh-ir lajm-. from t-. tember
Aixh. I'.dl ami one year for tue executor to
settle s.i,i ftate from the Jlth da of u'usi
lid I This notice wdl be published in thefi
lnmbu-Tribune-Journal four ueeks. successive
ly prior to the 3 th l.i of September. 'II
Witness m hand and seal of sjjj ci urt. th.
ilih day of Awctl-i A I . I'.ll
John IUttkh in
Count iali.'e
Wiliiam J Colhn- Collin-, wife of said
William J Collins, rtr-t or enn.uan a ime un
Kluiuu. John VV Mantn. Nina Marin, the
unktiowu heir- and deT-es . William. J Col
llli- deeea-ed. the unknown heirs and de-tw'i-
of Jotiu V Martin. d-ceaed the un
Known heir- and deu-ce- of Nina Martin.
decea-d the unkiioun heir- and deiisces
of Phiil.ii Cam. deceasei. the Credit Moln
.er of America and Thtrfiia- C lljmia as
Tru-tee and his -iicce-or- in trst and
each thereiif wnl tau notice tha; there
.- on tile ai-'aiii-t itn-m ill the Ui-lnct urt for
P.a'ti" cuiint Xelira-nii the petit.. . of the
anders-.-'iied plaini'iT nun -jii- to e-t
i ,iei a- atfa.iisi ttien, and eacn thereof ln
title to the K-t-t one th.rd of Ij1 Th" e (.11 in
IliocK tjirhty -eeu (-T in The ctt o. "oiuui
tiu- Plane ciiunt. Nl.r.iska. also cancel
of reconl a certain morts.'a'i- on said ; remi-Cs
executed !- John W". Martin ami Nina Martin
his . ifc to Phillip i 'ain on the nth dav -if cio
tjer l-f.'. -ind reconleil in lti D. Hecord of
Morl-'ak'es for said Platte county at Patre ITJ.
alo tt remove the clou: cast upon the plain
uiTs said title bv -aid record and t any and
all claim- of title to .r nen upon -aid r roperty
b said ilefeiidjiiL- or either thereof
S.i.d defendant- are ri,uired to an-vcr-uid
petition 011 r before the .U)th day f eto-
September i. l.oi I'iaiiuC
Supply just the ingredients needed to
build up. strengthen and restore the
natural action of the kidneys and blad
der. Specially prepared for backache
headache, nervousness, rheumatism am
all kidney, bladder and urinary irreg
ularities. For sale by all druggists.
HOG SALE October 251 will
sel "35 head of big type Poland China
males on above date at Columbus.
They are strictly the big type with
bone and feeding qualities. Fred
The Busy
can lesson her toil and
make her kitchen more
comfortable during the hot
summer weather by using
and many other labor sav
ing devices that we have
on display at our office.
The expense for operating
means nothing when com
pared to the comfort de
rived, f your lights are
dingy or your eyes weak
we recommend
The kind that make dark
corners look like day.
Light, Heat and
Power Co.
Are Anxiously Await
ing Tbeir Return
Associated Doctors Specialists
Will be in Columbus at Thurston Hotel
Tuesday, Oct. 17th
These are the Doctors you no doubt
have read about. While you may
not know them personally, you may
know them by reputation or through
some of your neighbors they have
The remarkable success of these
talented physicians in the treatment
of chronic diseases has aroused much
enthusiasm in the northwest.
This is said to be and no doubt is
true, one of the most able specialists
organizations of its kind in this section
of the country, and must be a success
ful one from the many good results
they are getting.
The Associated Doctors, licensed by
the state of Nebraska for the treat
ment of deformities of men, women
and children, offer to all who call on
them, consultation, examination, and
advice free.
It is specially requsted that married
ladies come with their husbands and
minors with their parents.
TORS, is what it implies a union of
specialists twelve in number that have
gotten together for the treatment of
chronic and nervous diseases. Not
to be understood that they treat all
oiseases that the human body is heir
to. They mean to be very careful in
selecting and taking cases as they
want good results, which means good
returns in the way of their patients
recommending them to others.
They estimate that over eighty per
cent of the patients now coming to
them, come from recommendations of
those they have treated.
They do not treat any acute diseases
whatever, ther time and attention be
ing devoted to such diseases as fol
lows :
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheuma
tism, sciatica, diabetes, bedwetting,
leg ulcers, weak lungs and those aiili
cted with longstanding, deep seated,
chronic diseases, that have batHed the
skill of the family physicians, should
not fail to call.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, galls
tones, tumors or goiter. They were
among the first in America to earn the
name of "Bloodless Surgeons." by do
ing away with knife, with blood and
with all pain in the successful treat-J
ment of these dangerous diseases.
of a few of the many patients that
j have many good things to say for the
Associated Doctors.
Grace Munk. Dell Rapids. South
Dakota catarrh ami deafness.
Mrs. O. G. Anderson. Mina. South
Dakota, nervous and kidney trouble.
Mrs. John H. Keiser. Yankton.
South Dakota, nearly dead with heart
, jand kidney trouble producing dropsy
was given onlv week to live in. short
time under their treatment was doing
some of her housework.
John Gerlach, Agar, South Dakota,
cold sore on Up.
Bert Clark. Shelby, South Dakota
so pleased ;with Associated Doctors'
treatment, brought his father in for
Mrs. Frank Gray, Hazelton. North
Dakota, catarrh of stomach general
Anton De Young, Ashton. South
Dakota. Rheumatism, writes he is
doing tine,.
Mrs. Sherman Vann, Huron. South
Dakota, feels that she has struck the
right doctors this time.
Mrs. J. L. Hall, Hot Springs,
South Dakota, writes she is doing
nicely under their treatment.
Mrs. Ben McBride. Wagner. South
I Dakota, catarrh of stomach.
j Many others that space will not
Delhi and Its History.
t'hvh .Minn in ir:i built th" pte-ent
ity r Ii-I'ii. Iuse n the .ld Ielhl.
and ir the royal resident . Th"
Mt..:iu.i;.ed n till call it Sh.ihjeh.iun
b::d. tie "i ity of the kin;: f the
world." Nadir Sh:ih. the IVr-ian u-urp
er. ai-rt:red it In 17TU. ni:i-:ii-r.Ml
thousand- .f the inhabitant-: ami lre
away plunder to the value of nearly
$10.'-i" . tncludinc the faumu- pea
co k t --m and the reat Kuhimir
dianioiu! The British tirst came into
control in lSf"J. when the Mahrattas
were defeated near Delhi by Lord
Lake. When the sepoy mutiny broke
out In 1ST.7 Shah Mohammed Baha
dour, then ninety years old. took com
mand of the city and until the English
acaiu triumphed enjoyed the Imperial
state to which he had long been a
Take Your Common Colds Seriously
Common colds, severe and frequent,
lay the foundation of chronic diseasd t
conditions of the nose and throat, and
may develop into bronchitis, pneumo- '
nia and consumption. For all coughs -
and colds in children and in grown per
sons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound promptly. For sale by all
Absoiuiety Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal GrapeCreamoffTartar
His Line.
A cuarminjr youuj; member of a wo
man's literary club, who add- the dis
tinction of being a bride to sikn esful
authorship, recently met a jrusliins
Btraujrer at a club reception.
"Oh. Mrs. Blank. I am so j-lad to
meet you. I enjoy your stories
much, and your husband's to ."" Then j
nddinp a an afterthought.
.! ! lit
erary. too. isn't he?'
hrlnv" "IlWin the co-,1 l.iU.e. ''-
New York Press.
"I think Arthur would have proposed
to me last nlsht if you hadn't onie in
the room ji:t when you did."
"What reason have you for Ih.!I..v,,k
"He h.-d just taken both of my
fcaud- in his. He had never held more
than one of them at a time lefore."
Wide Hats In 1798.
.n artisr nas nuvertiseti tnat ne
makes up wornout umbrella:
up uurnout umnreiias mio
fashionable rypsy bonnets. The tran
sition is so easy that he is scarce to
be praised for the Invention. London
Tims. July T. 1708.
A Medicine that gives Confidence
Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compund.
Mtss T .1 Ailnm .W Vn Vfin.;?!
.. rvvi.,,.,1.. - t.- . : r
Ave., Columbus. Kansas, writes: r or
a number of years my children have
been subject to coughs and colds. I
used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
and found that it cured their coughs
and colds, so I keep it in the house all
the time." Refuse all substitutes.
For sale by all Druggists.
K .'
&;& TSJS.
s -
fee the whole west under one roof
Somethins doing all the time.
It ls a show that will interest you.
Eiff Machinery Exhibit, with everything
In action. Traction PIovln demonstra
tions. Klne entertainments, music anl ?perlal
Uea. Moving picture- and illustrated
Displays trom every state In the neat.
howins Irrigation. Dry Farming. Fruit
Growing. Alfalfa Kuisir.ur and all kind of
Farm Work.
405 11th Street
The Home of Quality Groceries
The Top Notch in Groceries we
Strive to Attain. As we Succeed our Patrons
Gain! When it comes to selling things to eat,
In Quality and Price, We'll not be Beat!
T&. N. WAiD&
Eleventh Street Grocer. Columbus, Nebraska
A Bad Back is Always Worse in the
Morning. Columbus People
Finding Relief.
A back that aches all day and caus-
- es discomfort at night is usually worse
in the morning. Makes you feel as
.iir . ,
. if -VOU ' s,ePl at
I Can't cure a bad back until you
cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney
Pills are especially prepared for sick
or weakened kidneys have cured
j thousands of just such troubles.
Testimony of Columbus people prov-
. f D .
j C. A. Beardsley. 1710 Olive Street,
Coluumbus. Nebraska, says: "For
j several years my back was weak and
I painful and in the morning when I
tirst got up there was stiffness and
lameness across my loins. Work that
n1i:flrMiim-fft-fnilI1 -...oi : ,a fiAmr
"-te-i. "- " ".""f. .... j- - -"jfj
back. The kidney secretion? passed
too frequently and were atenc ed by a
burning sensation. 1 docto:ed, but
did not get any lasting reliel Four
or live years ago, I learned of Doan's
Kidney Pills and began their use.
They gave me prompt relief ard when-
ever I have taken them since, the re-
; ,,
suits have been the best.'
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
NewYork. sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doar's and
take no other.
c' -
5hoes, Clothing'.
Gents' Furnish
ing Goods ....
Columbus, Nebraska