The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1911, Image 3

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    '--.--- rvjs, 'p-sT-s
V a"5?
. ""Mr-.-.
Miss Oldgirl What do you think
of Fred proposing to me "when he
hasn't known me a week?
Miss Frank I think that's the rea
"I suffered "with eczema on my neck
for about six months, beginning by lit
tle pimples breaking out- I kept
scratching till the blood came. It kept
getting worse, I couldn't sleep nights
any more. It kept itching for about a
month, then I went to a doctor and
got some liquid to take. It seemed
as if I was going to get better. The
itching stopped for about three days,
but when it started again, was even
svorse than before. The eczema itched
so badly I couldn't stand it any more.
"I went to a doctor and he gave me
tone medicine, but didn't do any good.
We have been having Cuticura Rem
edies in the house, so I decided to try
them. I had been using Cuticura
Soap, so I got me a box of Cuticura
Ointment, and washed off the affected
part with Cuticura Soap three times a
day. and then put the Cuticura Oint
ment on. The first day I put it on. it
relieved me of itching so I could sleep
all that night. It took about a week,
then I could see the scab come off. I
Kept the treatment up for three weeks,
md my eczema was cured.
".My brother got his face burned
with gun-powder, and he used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. The people all
:hought he would have scars, but you
-an't see that he ever had his face
burned. It was simply awful to look
at before the Cuticura Remedies
Soap and Ointment) cured it."
Signed) Miss Elizabeth Gehrki. For
rest City. Ark.. Oct. 1G, 1910 Although
"uticura Soap and Ointment are sold
by druggists and dealers everywhere,
a. sample of each, with 32-page book.
Ail! be mailed free on application to
'Cuticura." Dept. 17 L, Boston.
Kid McCoy, the hero of 125 battles.
Is to open a sanitarium at Stamford.
He said the other day to a New York
"I hope in my sanitarium to restore
lots of jrrumpy middle-aged people to
perfect health, and if I give them back
perfect health I'll give them back
youth and gayety and romance. If mid
dle age is stupid, it middle age is pro
saic, it is on!y because the health of
middle ae is poor
"Th woman," he continued, "who
fends her grumpy mate to my estab
lishment will no longer have to make
the bitter complaint of Mrs. Blank.
" "My husband. 15 years ago.' said
.Mrs. Blank, "used to kiss me every
time we passed through a tunnel. But
now '
"i:he gave a bitter laugh.
""Now.' she said, "he takes a long
rill at his traveling flask.' "
A Student cf Humanity.
Mrs. Carter and her cook, says the
Brooklyn Citizen, were discussing the
nurder which had harrowed the dusky
-itizens of the countryside.
"Will dey hang him fer killin' of
jls wife. Miss Cyarter?"
"We can't tell yet. Aunt Jinny. The
ourt will decide. Of course, if they
prove he did It on purpose "
"Done it a purpose! Law. Miss
Tyarter. in course he kilt him wife a
purpose! Honey, ain't I done been
aiarried? Don't I know men?"
It's human nature, but bad medi
rine. to buck about the walk up hill
sfter we'te enjoyed a good long slide
Can Easily Be Secured.
"Up to 2 years ago," a woman writes,
"I was in the habit of using both tea
and coffee regularly.
"I found that my health was begin
ning to fail, strange nervous attacks
would come suddenly upon me. making
me tremble so excessively that I could
cot do my work Rhile they lasted; my
Bleep left me and I passed long nights
in restless discomfort. I was filled
with a nervous dread as to the future.
"A friend suggested that possibly
tea and coffee were to blame, and I
decided to give them up. and in cast
ing about for a hot table beverage,
ahich I felt was an absolute necessity,
I was led by good fortune to try Post
jm. "For more than a year I have used
it three times a day and expect, so
much good has it done me, to con
tinue its use during the rest of my
"Soon after beginning the use of
Postum. I found, to my surprise, that.
Instead of tossing on a sleepless bed
through the long, dreary night. I
dropped into a sound, dreamless sleep
the moment my head touched the pil
low. "Then I suddenly realized that nil
my nervousness had left me. and my
appetite, which had fallen off before,
had all at once been restored so that
I ate- my fcod with a keen relish.
"All the nervous dread has gone. I
walk a mile and a half each way to
ay work every day and enjoy it. I
find an interest in everything that
goes on about me that makes life a
pleasure. All this I owe to leaving off
tea and coffee and the use of Postum,
for I have taken no medicine. Name
given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek,
"There's a reason." and it is ex
plained in the little book, "The Road
to Wellville." in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
eae appears from tine to time. They
are srraulnc, trae. and fall of Kansas
latere t.
Much Theorizing Has Been Done on
This Subject, but Little Knowl
edge Has Been Acquired.
Much theorizing has been done on
pruning, bat comparatively little accu
rate knowledge has yet been acquired
regarding the relative merit of the
easy-going methods practiced with the
so-called "natural" form of top and
the more careful and heavier cutting
followed in the base form and other
repressive systems as practiced on
the Pacific coast.
Many of the eastern orcbardlsts
have looked upon heavy pruning as
close akin to murder, and we have as
a result a large proportion of leggy
and awkward trees in most of tne
older apple orchards, the bearing
wood on which is high in the air and
inaccessible both at spraying time and
time of harvest, says a writer in an
exchange. Such trees require close
heading back, and sometimes even
need to be "dehorned." Such beading
back, which should preferably be
done in the spring just before growth
starts, need not be done in a single
year, but whether done in one year or
gradually through a series or years,
it should not stop short of bringing
the remodeled framework of the tree
within convenient reach of the spray
nozzle and the light picking ladder.
Can Be Made of White Pine and When
Placed in Fork of Limb There
Is No Danger of Slipping.
The Illustration is of a safety ladder
for the benefit of fruit growers. Take
lix3-inch white pine clear of flaws
for sides, and 1x3 for steps, as they
are better to stand on than rounds;
nail blocks for them to rest on. and
to keep it from spreading put a small
rod under every third step, or wire
will do; double and twist it. Take a
solid piece four feet long for the
"snout;" bolt this with two -inch
bolts, with wedges to make it solid.
This makes a much lighter and ban-
A Light Fruit Ladder.
dier ladder than the old straight one.
Put the snout in the fork of a limb
and there Is no slipping or turning.
, nor knocking the fruit off. Use dlffer-
i ent lengths to suit the tree.
Protecting Tree Trunks..
j The trunks of fruit trees may be
j wrapped with paper to protect them
j from mice and rabbits, the paper be-
lng tied on with a cord to hold it In
j place. Old newspapers may be used
for the purpose, the care necessary be-
ing to see that the paper entirely cov-
ers the trunk of the tree high enough
I to prevent the rabbits reaching the
exposed portion above the paper.
Apples should be carefully assorted.
Grapes have been much neglected of
late years.
Pear and peach trees will need thin
ning to save the trees.
Do not take up the bulbs of the
dahlias, gladioli and cannas until after
The foolish man plants his orchard
on low ground and the wise man seeks
the hills.
Nothing grown on the farm pays bet
ter for the care bestowed upon It than
the orchard.
Apples, pears, peaches, plums and
cherries should be grown on every
farm, large or small
Do not place your fruit in competi
tion with another by dividing ship
ments in any market.
The strawberry, like the cranberry
and blueberry, prefers a sour soil and
will do best in such a soiL
There are three processes of prun
,ng a young apple tree; the formative.
:he directive and the corrective.
When a crop on a tree is too large
for normal maturity, thinning is of
value and should always be gien.
Whenever a large limb is sawed
from the tref the wound should be at
ance covered with wax or thick paint.
As a rule sheep do no harm to the
old orchard, but they should not be
allowed to have access to the young
We never could see the wisdom of
allowing the hcgs to run in the orch
ard unless it is in cow peas or clover
Never ship fruit to a market that is
overstocked and weak. Your com
mission merchant will sord you daily
Kuctations on a postal cr
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'I I
yi'Bltfl gBZgVk BBBBBmaVBBv.PmBLmBBBBl
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Sows should be bred in trios.
Put the Iambs out of the bearing of
the ewes.
Never sacrifice a good mother or a
prolific sow.
It costs no more to raise a good
hog than a poor one.
Overcrowding is the cause of many
deaths in the brooder.
Give plenty of oats or barley with
some corn and good pasture.
Push the shoats and early spring
pigs, and get them to market early.
To maintain normal soil fertility the
supply of humus must be conserved.
The most expert Judge cannot se
lect a dairy bull by appearances
Great care should be used in water
ing horses. A little and often is the
best way.
There is no question that beef cat
tle relish silage just as well as dairy
cattle do.
In grading up the chickens, only
those that are most vigorous should
be considered.
Early hatches do better than those
brought off after the heat of the sum
mer has begun.
A "cheap" harness is really about
the most expensive thing on the farm,
as it sometimes costs life.
Whatever material is used for bed
ding, it should be changed sufficiently
often to insure cleanliness.
It is nearly always best to save
some of the old sows, especially to
farrow the early spring litters.
Sweet corn is one of the very best
crops to grow to feed as a soiling
crop to the dairy cows in summer.
Green fodder at the tall end or the
summer is relished by the cows as ice
cream is relished by the school chil
dren. All ewe Iambs that are not desir
able to raise as breeders should be
given extra feed and sent to the block
The dairy cannot be managed just
right without the use of a thermome
ter and it must be a good one, no
25 cent affair.
The ultimate end of the hog is pork
and the quicker the growth to market
maturity the more profit there Is In it
for the feeder.
Ensilage is not considered good for
sheep and if it is fed at all it should
be fed very sparingly and at intervals
of two or three days.
At no time of the year is dairying
more unpleasant work than during
the time when pastures are short and
the flies are troublesome.
A hen that runs to meat may lay
steadily for a week in the spring and
summer, and then go on a vacation
for the balance of the year.
If the onions are not growing well,
a little nitrate of soda or hen manure
sown broadcast, before or during a
rain often helps them to fill out.
Prune out old canes of raspberries
and blackberries, and burn them. Thin
the hills to three or forr shoots. Cul
tivate, and add some manure to the
Stirring and pouring the freshly
drawn milk will reduce In part the
peculiar odor present in quality and !
with more good butter on the market j
more is consumed
After farrowing when the digest! we '
system of the sow has reached a nor
mal condition her ration should be
gradually increased until she is get
ting all she can eat.
There is no animal that responds so
quickly to good treatment and gener
ous feeding as the pig. And none
that will degenerate so rapidly if not
cared for and poorly fed.
There are great possibilities in plant
YiTmMnse thrnuch seed selection hut
every gardener or fanner must learn '
to do his own work, as it is hardly I
possible for a commercial seedsman
to do much along this line.
When filling the cheese hoops, pack
the curd well in the center, so that
when pressure is applied the curd will
close up in the center first and the air ;
and whey will have a chance to es-,
Many hog growers supply salt to i
their animals by mixing it with such
substances as bone meal, charcoal,
ashes, etc., keeping the resulting com
pound before the animals all the -time.
Eggs laid "before the hens get the
spring run and exercise, variety of
scratched out things, etc. are net
thought to hatch so well or to bring
so strong chicks as eggs laid a little .
later. j
( JA
L'-S JO i
S -V&J 7
I It is a mistaka ta treat the her cat
The poultry house should be venU
lated thoroughly.
Feed goes farther with a young aai
mal than an older one.
The individual cow must be consld
ered and reckoned with.
Wrap your butter in parchment pa
per and keep it in a cool place.
Shorts and braa make, an excellent
ration for sows that are suckling piss
You can hardly push pigs too fast,
providing you use the right kind of
The cleaner the feed and feeding
places, the better the quality of the
pork in alL
Less grain is needed for fowls when
bone "and vegetables are fed In
Sheep do not drink much water, but
what little there is drunk must be ab
solutely clean.
Aim to get the top price for the
best, and if prices are cut, let it
be for the cullings.
Chilled or long-laid eggs will not
produce as strong chicks as fresh,
well-cared-for eggs.
It is conductive to health to feed
hogs when they can have the range
of the pasture field.
The successful dairyman endeavors
to raise all the feed needed for his
cows en his own farm.
The dry season will emphasize still
more strongly the need of preparing
more food for the stock.
Turkey raisers find it profitable to
have Guinea fowls with the turkey
flock. They act as police.
Feeding bay not will have a tenden- i
cy to increase rather than decrease i
the milk flow next winter. '
The fleece of the ram should be
dense, even in quality, and of a strong, j
clear white fiber "roughouL
The farmer ha. not yet discovered
a more efficient fertilizer and bumus
for the soil than animal manure.
There Is nothing like silage to keep
the dairy cow's appetite on edge
throughout the long winter period.
The separator should be placed
where the lishi Is good. Working In a
dark place i. always a disadvantage.
Farmers will soon be feeding new t
hay and new grain. Change from the ,
old to the new should be made grad-
After the haying and harvesting is
completed it is often desirable to j
change the sheep from the regular '
The shortage in the hay crop in
many sections makes the silo all the
more needful. It is now the mainstay
of the dairy. '
; Swigs Woman Preacher.
There is only one time when a poul- Miss Getrrude von Petzold wll! prob
tryman is justified in selling a good ably be the first woman preacher in
puller, and that is when he is going Switzerland, now that the synod of
out of business.
The hen is admitted to be one ot
the greatest financial factors in the
country today, and she is also one of
the most overworked.
Bacteria does not thrive in the cole
but In heat only. If you keep your
milk below 40 degrees the bacteria
will have small chance.
Some good poultry men think bj
feeding sitting hens in the morning
they are more apt to remain content
edly on their nests all day.
To secure the best results the
speed of the separator must be uni
form and up to the standard requirec
for the make of the separator used.
Now is a good time to observe what
was once the wet places on the farm
where tile was laid and see how it '
compares with other parts of the field I
The cream should be cooled Jusl
as quickly as possible after separat
ing this weather and it should be kept
cool until it is delivered at the cream
ery. Clover Is rich in nitrogen, and it
homogeneous soils it develops tuber
cles which attract nitrogen from the
air.where it is stored in inexhaustible '
In large pastures the animals roam J
from one especially attractive patch
of grass to another, traveling all over
the field, and trampling down more
than they eat.
Cull the flock so that the steep art
of uniform type, and present an even
apeparance. Only such as show evi
dence of motherhood and hardiness
should be retained.
Some people assert that sheep do
not drink water at all but it may be
because they do not have a chance to
get clean water and must subsist on
the dew on the grass.
Soils that have been under cultiva
tion for a series of years without prop:
er rotation of crops lose the original i
numus uiaL uaiuie uiu prcviaeu IC
make the land produce the uecessarie:
of life.
Most people have the idea that
ducks must always have mixed feed
but It is a mistake, for they will eat
wheat or barley off the ground, just
like a chicken, and seem to think it
good stuff.
Some men refuse to help their wives
and daughters make flower gardens or
allow them to have a piano or pretty
carpets on the floor because they
don't care for such things." Neither
joes a mule.
How many people suffer from back
ache, headache and dizziness with
out realizing the cause? These symp
toms of kidney trouble are too serious
to neglect.
James C. Hardia,
Weatherford, Texas,
says: "My feet and
limbs became numb
and I had terrible
pains through the
small of my back.
Kidney secretions
caused untold annoy
ance by their fre
quency in passage and I began to
think there was no hope for me.
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and I
have not had the slightest trouble
"When Your Back is Lame, Remem
ber the Name DOAN'S."
For sale by druggists and general
storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Red Cross Christmas Seals.
A statement denying the recent re
ports about the abandonment of the
Red Cross Christmas seal sale has
been issued by the National Associa
tion tor tne stuay ana prevention oi
Tuberculosis. The statement declares j
that not only will the sale be held '
this year, as in the past three years,
but that it will be conducted on broad
er lines than ever before. The only
order Issued by the postofflce depart-
ment which bears on the sale of Red
' Cross seals was sent out on July 1,
and prohibits the use of the mails to
letters and packages bearing non
I postage stamps on the face, and also
to any mail bearing seals which re
' semble postage stamps, if used either
' on the face or back. The Red Cross
seal to be used this year has been
submitted to the postofflce depart
J mehnt and approved, and thus may be
i used, but only on the back of letters
1 and packages. The design to be used
! this year depicts a pretty winter scene
1 enclosed in a heavy red circle. The
corners are white, thus giving the ef-
feet when affixed to a letter or a
package of a round seal.
The Simple Life.
Anna Maria Wilhelmlna Pickering,
in her "Memoirs," edited by her son.
tells a Yorkshire incident which con
tains a great deal of human nature.
Variety spices life; the plain is monot
onous, until Its extent entitles it to
the name of prairie or desert, and it
gains interest through vastness.
There was an old couple in the vil
lage whom I used often to go to see.
One day, when I found them sitting,
one on each side of the fire, the old
man said to me:
"Well, f missis and me. we've been
married night on 50 years, and weve
never had one quarrel."
The old woman looked at me. with a
twinkle in her eye. and said:
"It war verle conscientious, but
varie dool." Youth's Companion.
Usual Thing.
"Been taxing your eyes lately?"
asked the oculist.
"Yes," said the patient; "I looked
all through a newspaper of 144 pages
which came through the mail to me
bearing the words 'marked copy. "
"Xo wonder your eyes smart!"
"Oh. but that isn't the worst of it.
I didn't find anything marked." Buf
falo Express.
the cantons has decided that women
may preach. She was formerly min
ister of the Free Christian church in
Leicester. England, where she was
born. She has also preached in this
Nipped in the Bud.
"Until now I have never had to ask
for a small loan."
"And until now I have never been
obliged to refuse you."
Cole's Carbollsalve quickly reltev? and '
cures burning, itching and torturinp skin
diseases. It instantly stops the pain of ,
burns. Cures without scars. Sc and V
by druirjrists. For free sample write to j
J. T. Cole & Co.. Black River Falls. Wlb.
Its Location.
Little Brother Where's my fishin'
pole gone to?
Bigger Brother Sister's usln' It for
a hatpin! Puck.
Send 3c stamp for fl samples of my rery choic
est Gold BmbuBied Birthday. Flower and Motto
Poet Cards; beantifnl colors and loveliest designs.
Art Post Card Clob. 731 Jackson SU Topeka, Kan&as
There are cures for the dope and
rum addictions, but the self-kidder
never gets it out of bis system!
Mr. Wrnstow' Soothing Syrcp for Children
teething, (-often. the nm, reduce inflamma
tion, allays pais, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle.
The fact that beauty is only skin
deep should influence a woman to be
Good For Toil
When the Stomach, Liver and
Bowels have "gone back" on
you there is nothing: will do
yon so much good as a short
course of
Sttaaeh Bitters
For 58 YEARS it
helping sickly folks
health. Try it today.
It Does the Work
icmrmcregpoos nrttyterana taster colors than any
aye scy garment without ripping apart. Wnte (or
JJEV-i Ptasrt
,Jlf MW
n. n jfr
Wire Uncle Joshua.
"Be you the elevator conductor?"
asked Uncle Joshua, who had strayed
into town out of the sweet rusticity of
a comic paper.
"Yes. sir,- grinned the boy.
"Well. I come ter this village ter see
the high buildin'. Haow high up d
"To the top twenty-flrst floor."
"Take me up to th leventh. Shol
What's th' use o' riskin' my lire an'
goin' all the hull way when the folks
to home '11 never believe I went any
higher than ten stories, no matter
what I tell "em?"
Gillet What did you pay that
world famous specialist 950 for if you
felt perfectly well?
Perry I wanted to know how he
pronounced appendicitis.
Lewin Single Binder straight 5c cigar
is made to nutiffv the smoker.
But many a college graduate avoids
the disgrace of dyinsr rich.
from women's .ailments are Invited to write to the names and
addresses here given, for positive proof that Lydia EL PinkhanVa
Vegetable Compound docs core female ills.
Taaaor Brmoml.
Boo, Mo.-Mr3.Sar.ili J.Stuart,BJI. Ko.2,
BoxlC Sin. Christina R!,106Mo3ad9t.
Katick, Mat;.-Mr. .it!un B. tiraatoa, 61
North 3Iaia St.
Mil waulec. Wis. Mrs. Ezsma Imse, 833 1st St.
Chicago. 111. Mrs. Alreaa Sperling, IMS Cly-
boarne Are.
Galena. Kan. Mra.R.R.Hnv,7I3MinraLkv.
Vlctcra,Mss. Mrs. Willio Edwan's.
Cincinnati. Ohio.-Xrs.'W. H. HouB,?Eaat
view Ave. .
Change of Life.
Eppinc. K.R. Mrs. CeliA . Stores.
Strcatcr, 11L Mrs. J. H. Campbell; aoCKorta,
Second St.
BrookUvn. N. Y. Mrs. Erens. Kt Halsey St.
Koah, K;. Mrs. lizzie Holland.
Catbamet,Waab. Mrs.ElraBuber Edwards.
CircIeTiHe, Ohio. Mrs. AUeeKirlin,X3 Weat
Huston St.
Salem. Ind. Mrs. Lizzie 9. Rlnkle.R.K. Vo.S.
2ew Orleans. La.-Mrs. tiastoaBIoatieausn
Terpsichore St.
MUUawaka. Ind. Mrs. Cams. Baser, Sr., B23
East Marion St.
Kacine.Wis.-Mrs. Katie Kubik. R. Z. Box 61.
Maternity Troahle.
Brasaagb, Mo. Mrs. D. F. Aleshlr.
rhenix, KX-Mr. Wm.O. King, BoxSS.
Carlstadt, X.J. Mrs. Louis Fischer, i: Moa-
South Sanford, Me. Mrs. Charles A. Atxstla.
bchenectadX.Y. Mrs.H.Portr,732Aibaay
Tavlorrille. TO. Mrs. Joa Grantham. EST.
Cincinnati. Ohio. Mrs. Sophia HoflT, 515 Mo-
Mlcken Are.
B2f Ran. Pa.-Mrs. "tT. E. Pooler.
Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. M. Juaastoa, 210
Ste,1St Back,
Peoria. r.l.-Mrs.Clara L. Gaawitx, B. R.Ko.
4, Box S3.
Acffnsta, Me. Mrs-TTIcfleld IHna, R. F. D. 2.
8U Paul. Minu.Mrs. B. M. Schorn, 1083
Woodbridge St.
Pittsbanr. Pa.-Mrs. G. Ltoer,62 Kiakaid
St.. E.E.
Reamer. Mo. Mrs. Thosoas Asbnrry.
Bice Island. IlL-Mrs. Anna Schwartz, 328
Grore St.
East Earl, Pa.-Mrs. Angastns Lyoc,R.FJZ.
Operations A raided.
Slkerton. Mo. Mrs. Dema Bethona.
Gardiner. Me. Mrs. S. A. Williams, H2 Wash
ington Are.
Chicago. m.-Mrs.tVm.Ahreiis,223SW.21it Sc
BeUerne. Ohio-Mrs. Edith Wieland, 231
Monroe St.
DcForest.WIs. Mr. Augusta Vespamaan.
Dexter. Kansas. Mrs. Lirzia Scute
These women are only a few of
the power of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female
diseases. Xot one of these women ever received compensation in any
form for the use of their names in this advertisement but are will
ing that we should refer to them because of the good they mar
do other suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that the
statements made in oar advertisements regarding its merit are the
truth and nothing but the truth.
2.50. '3.00, '3.50 i4.00 SHOES
WXJ3ocUs stySsk.
ki Tboats.hsraaisati
fitting-, easy
asW-LDglssM s
The wwlpaTswhip which has madcW.L.
Douglas shoes famous the world over
n&avaibed n every pair.
K I could lake you mto my large bdories
at Brocktoa. Mast, and ahow you how
carefully W .LDouglas shoes axe made, you
would then uodentand why they .are war
ranted to hold their shape, fit better sod
wear loogeruW any other makefor the price
ClimnN Tb Bare W- L. Daagtaa
?w.w" l llflfl ! dial aci hnflini
If to a cannot obtain W L. Pou? las shoes
oar town, write for catalog Shoes nent direct ONE PAIR off say BOYS' Stt.aKJS)
xrczi tacKiry to wearer, all eharse prepaid.
vuiuuu, ao spare e iutockmq.
Milady Who Is
on Having
Defiance Starch
for dresses, skirts, petticoats, eta
Defiance produces a finish and
freshness impossible with any
other starch,
The Best Hot or Cold Water
Starch Ever Made. One Trial
Will Soon Convince You.
ether dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. ThcrdyeiacoldwerbetttrtaaBacTatleree. You
free bookkt-
nam w iyc. rwen ana ag isnrs.
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cat eat cathartics aad purgative. They
avau Bans, oaaeceamxy. irxasa
Forer? vegetable.
oa tne
soothe the deacate.
membrane oft
bowel. Car
must bear Signature
U.. OMAHA, NO. 40-1911.
Black Dock. Minn. Urs. Anna Aaaaneo,
Box IS.
WeslerrUle.Pa.-Xrs. MacgioEster.RJJ). 1.
Trenton. Mo.-Mrs.V. T7ParaeU,3t7 Liaeoia
Camden" J. Mrs.EJTaJoaratnn,aWLisgrty
Chicago, IU.-Mrs. Wss. Tally, 3K3 Ogsa
Caledonia, Wla,-Mrs. Ph. Sehatt
Adrian, Moj-Mrs. C. B. Masoa.RB. No. 2.
X. Oxford, Mass. Miss Amelia Ihwo. Box 14,
"egauneeVMich.-Mrs.M:4TTSedlo!k3x m
Orrrtlle, Ohio. Mrs. E. F. Wagner, Box SSL
Atwater, Ohio. Miss Minnie Maelhaapt.
PralriedaCalsB.Wte. Mrs. Jnllagnnirbecs,
Baa!aIo,X.Y.-Mr3. Clara DarBraka,nMaris-
most St.
Winchester, Ind. Mrs. May Baal. TUL No. T.
St. Regis Falls, N.Y.-M.-S. J. H. Breyere.
GrayriUa. In. Mrs. Jessia Schaar, Box 22. '
liaison, Ohio.-Mrs. Geo. Stricter, B. "c. A,
Box 32.
Orarlasi TiauMsw
Marrayviua, TO. Mrs. Chas. Moors. B. B. 9. '
Philadelphia, PaMra Chas. Boeli, 2215 X.
Mtaaeaaolis, Mlna. Mrs. Joha G. Moldaa,
BIS Secoad St., North,
Hadson, Ohio. Mrs. LenaCartsoetao3JJ.7.
West wood, Md. Mrs. John F. Blehard. t
Benjamin, Mo. Mrs. Julia Fraatx, fi.FJ. L
Fesaala We
W.TerraBant,InL Mrs-ArtlellaTaailtoB.
Elmo, Mo. Mrs. A. C. DaVaoit.
I-airresce.Iowa. Mrs.JalUA.Saov.B.No.8.
Utica, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Earlwiae, R. F. D. 3.
Beilerne, Ohio. Mrs. Charley Chapman, B-F.
Ugn, Ill.-Mrs. Henry LeJseberg. 743 Adaaai
Sehaefferstown, Pa, Mrs. CyrcaHetrieh.
Cresana, Pa,-Mra. EUa E. Alkey.
Fairchanee,Pa Mrs. IdsllaA.l)aaaS9Boz
Xm miaa 1
Kaoxrinclowa. Mrs. Clara FranksLF.X.S,
Oroaogo, Mo. Mrs. Mas McJCnight. i
Camden, N-J.-Mrs. W. P.Ysl ttsa, SsSLia-
coin Arenue.
Muddy, III. Mrs. Mar Nolea.
Brookrille. Ohio. Mrs. R. Kinnisoav
Fitchrille. Ohio. Mrs. C. Cole.
Philadelphia, Pa.-Mrs. Frank dark, 2412 JL
Allegheny Are. I
thousands of living1 witnesses of,
W.L. SP.OB SHOES UI pefjtlswly
tt. iwu MTAMMMQt
Particular Insists
Nothing But
5 UTTIE .sav7?v.
entiy oa tM aver. gggggavMff. I UU
eliminate bSe. and aSafairrri r
hegggggggwT IgflVfcK
saaaawfgsaY MLLS.
? for Coughs B Coldi 3
W. N.
: !Sfcs.
M&X" aasasst
a&rn: ... .ysjc
kaBBaMsaBaasasaBBS. 'asaBBsV
SBBBasaVflsBsisH ssrSBBBVB bbbbbbbbbbP"
!?: tjcwj laWv
sHsaaasBBsaS-- j
.asaHB'-slsaR aW
.33EaaBBlP- asaaV
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 1 a " " f I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW
Big 16-ounce package for
10 cents; only 12 ounces for
same price of any other kind.
Not Best Because it Is
Cheapest, But Cheapest
Because it Is Best.
Defiance Starch Co.
mmrnwOK. Psmfc CMffANT. H