The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1911, Image 1

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Columbus ribtmc-IottrML
Volume 42
Columbus. Nebraska. Wednesday, October 4. 1911
Number 27
Arrantr '-a .ill ..s to p-iy -ur L(;ti:re Dues.
We vviiJ .i-on. afier zti, rr you. thus insuring
their pr pavmnt.
Wr- pay -4 prr cent interest '-n time certifi
cate? of d-po-it. Deposits protected by the
I 'ep -sitors Guarantee Fund of the Stare of
Coiumbus State Bank
..i . : 'a. -1.-1
i. i-;-an.r i.i-n- .v-nt ti
ii:i il init. r t 'jrii-. -ta .'
' :.t.i .iu -.-.i-on is here
. -.1.- t I .V ' - in .!oler 2)
I. -.11
iiti m-t Tjesday
d i" r:it- .denner-flor nii.i.
-i"tfiei.. -s -; i:il HIT Tda. ..i
i i-,.ag n- .K-..:rtei -igni--.
.-.i-n-r - ien-i!.,ri n .-r.ib met
1 -- IItlA'ig Tue-day
MeH'lii of Silver I'reek
-iiiila'.' .vitii hi- daufftiter. Mrs. t
:" r.'r)ii.
ami .Mrs.
Barciav Jne- left
!U i lay tor mahu wiier thev wul
Mis Dora Babcuefc enteruiined the ,
i Ark Kn-inirton -lun this after j
i ar her home.
t Ce-irg'a fi.Kjite rt-ruraedSatur -
"Ta "om .1 "
1 Is 4t I'H
II t SVnii 'JHlv .Vltn j
.1 1TV
.. , X7..-i Ci... il ir-ri ri I
H 3. JT l T-i . Mai Hill t,- Maa .
ar'.-.'WKm Fi " Handrei cum Fnoay
n: '-limn t n-r hme.
1 - .itiVnae Karhe .ett tht-nrt
r:::.e v -t r r 'mana .omi'inintr bus-
i... m: ii.-asur- -n tms tnp. ,
i i.i.
f nj jhi.dren. win i
Siu ruiiie o i-mihd .-ntur
Mr . C. R.i. .eft Thurs-
. ilia -! )V he -er'.oll-
i' - i..i. - Tiiither Mr-.
jgu-t roettc'.er returii-il j
t -nn i -w-v-rti la s .isit
l.nig.. rr Mr-. W.n it me-
it L, -!''
v',Hn.'tel this
:'..r a sinef
hi N- v -n. iivva
-i i.- -.i dr-ii .it
the ntme
l - uid Mr- Harrv
:: liHl ITT..- 'lallglTer e:trn To
i.i ictnTi Thur-Ja" t.i -i-iii! the
"1 're'ld-i.
M nid Mr- H . Fritz and -on
I- Uotnlav f.r a v.-eK - .-it vith
t "e .ds in mana. and a-o t" T-iKe .n
li'.f Ai-artje:i :V-1.' :tje-..
Mr- r. N Mci:"ren enTerMnnet:
a tVw fnenti- Monday aienn .n
honor of 51 r. Homer Saumier. f
Edsremoiit. Sa:tn Dakota.
Mr. P B. Ri.-nar-is rernrneii .Mn
c.i -"m hk laie .vier -ne had tt n
-.. .g -he was acctim
.!.:. i n me ny ner mother Mr-.
TA ar. r
Yfr. H. Gallagher .vho nas ruri
i her i-ter. 51rs. W.ii Gregor
1 iis for -eVera. fteli; .e.t Tuesday
tor her home .n New Haven. Con
necticut. .
Mr. and Mr- A..n RoUe-on.
Thaver v-r- g-it-r- i: The nom
., '
Geirg- M .-ie;t-r -t-v-ra. .ay- .as
w- k M- K u'e-on - a neice o
.M-- M ;y
80 Acres
of land within
2 miles of Col
umbus is offer
ed at a bottom
price for a
quick sale
Inquire of
Elliott -Speice-Echols
aiis'ir - !
Air and .Mr-. Rav H '-acock ecpeet
."ve Saruniav for Kearney when
thev will -pend a v.'ws rffa
t. -.
Mrs. W M. Warier left T.iesday
f'ir umaha. where -ne w.l. ;-it hei
laughter Mi J.innette who :s i.i train-
ng for a nur-e at a -mtii 'tnaha
Mr-. -iu,ia Ilasmu en will .-nt.-r-tain
the t'ii Neigniioniood card ciui
Vn!nf!ay evening m nonoi of her
lanirnter Mr-. Homer aunder. of
iigi-mont. South Daoura.
( .ill "3.
A. L. Rash and .Mrs. .1 E. '
; reter-on ift Mondav for Anrnra.
wtiire thev jo aj 'it-ieate t tne
missionary eonv.-ntiuii. whicn i- in --
-"jn M that place this weeK
.lr. Bmvn. of t":ar Raj)tJs. i.- a
sniest thii .v.eK at thi' homt- of her
""" E- - Brown. .Mrs. Brown is en-
' " """ i'i u mu -u in i-ai
A-tks vxi rnniisB .it mah:i ami
Miss Lvda Turner left Sundav for
inaha ca.ied by the .un-i- of her
si-ier Mrs. Rie. wno unlerwent an
.iiyntino Mimlav murninir on: has ,
-,nee b.-t-n r.-eeiv.d that .Mrs. R..e !
raini nuviv from the oiieririnn as I
'.Veil a.- .vmid Ik
rw n f
it" Keam,-- has I
rven renewimr oio afpiamrance her- I
hif .v--(i. T'le-:av ne ,t-ft fe:ni- J
wiMi. -.Jiitn I'JtK.ra vht-r.- he wi,i
'sit t -i-ter .'Wor- r-turiing To hi
hinie. orwm nas in-en "mpiveii
. .u r i i . I
c u,.- D,isiKTion .!-joi at Kearney ,
.niv having C.,n:m.m-.
Dr. . E. V.n,ir .-eturn.ti.Mondav
from tii- rr-o ,f a m.inth
-ient m .Mi-snin. I
Iowa .mi
i VV -conin. K-- report- that ne nail a
!.. enjiiyanle vacation and g'Kl .:-its !
'V-nvhf!'- he Weor K- s:iv- Tn.-ir in
Tlii-I of Tht- nl:nc n.. noruii h...n-Tr j
rams W, wniie he was there. .Mrs. j
Vi..ier w: i r-'tur: home -Mime time i
iet we-.. ,
.Mr. ami .Mrs. f. L.
Sergeant Bluif-
:i spent -everai i
iiiun. .n the city Mon,iay evening with
trieni:.-. wtme on
l - - ." l-I.i.u. Z - t.n!
. i -lie .t "lie --.-iv .--'.il '
it -i-!lilV!t-r.
iii.-ir aj t. -p.-m:,an,: .,..iaiv Neater. Beside
the wint.-r in Lo- Angeie-
amor- i ,
ma. It win ne r-m.-mbered that
Mr. Hunter was .'iv:v burned at
the rime of rhe Thurrm hotel rin--oine
years ago.
Several hundred employee- of the
Union Pacific railroad went on a -trike
last Saturday forenoon, thi cause be
ing an eiforr to forre the company to
i vctignize Uieir federation of union2.
' Si ime of the men s,.em to have r:i.
j zed that this was an inopportune time
i ui be out of employment, and have re
ruriid to their work. m .Mondav.
the company issued a bulletin that all j
mploye- ot the motive power or car
lepartment wno had wa.ked out and
nad not then reported for duty might
'return to tneir place- if applications!
were n atie by noon today. As far as ,
Cotumbus ;s concerned, onlv two men
.vere atfected. one machinist and one
ar cleaner going out with their coia-
inirer-. J V. Herrod. in charg of
the round nouse here, say? that ne
loes lot expect tilese men back, as
Tiiey nave left the city, and he has
aiready ilieu their place--.
A -ensationai divorce silt was Tiiel
n he oriice of the clerk of the ns- '
tr-ct court last week. The parties ,
are Christiana Mana Kamratn and!
FinK Kamrath. wno nve near New- '
iian Grove. In the aetition .Mr. j
Kamrath alleges that they were mar
ed .:i Madi.-on county in 1SG2. and
-me later moved to this county
.vnicn nas since been their home. She
iec.are- riiat for zht.' past -everai
ear- ner husband has been anusive.
itten Oecommg intoxicateti and apply
ing vi.e enithets to her. so that sne
has Oeen compeileti to leave him and .
seK retuee t-isewhere. She aiso a.le- I
ges that he has been guilty of as- I
sociation with various Derons. and '
names one Mrs. Steinberg or Stern
berg, of Humphrey as co-respondent
m specific instances, particularly one
. evening a few weeks aio. when she
claims he stopped tb visit her whue
j on his way norne from the fair at
Columbus 12 Madison II. '
j Bewildering their oponents with a
com to nation of forward passes, end
, runs, tackle -mashes and fake forma- t
! tmn-. uie Coiumbus high achtnii foot
tan. team won its lirst victory of the
' it .Madison last Saturday. 12
' t ). It .vas a disagreeable -:ay for
l.M.ttaii.. ami the -pongy fieni. to
geuier .v:tn tile drizzie. wnieh during
( tne ast naif of the game, turned into
j a steady lownpoiir. made good, -steady
ga.ns almost an impossibility. As .t
a a tile home team played a better
game n both the otfense and defense
man .i.d their opponents, and the
rreutvr par'of tne ame being played
1 "" " '
' inside of
Madisiwi s :J5 yard line.
Maiiisiin made rir-t tiown but tiiree
I ' r.m .-ttiii ii!id(iiihrrd!v' rhe mud -:v ,
' , , , "
.irr trom '.vor-r deteat.
.ladi-i.n reined t. lack the dash
, . . ,
' aim -jiiil t .jiii uui.ei jsLit ji uei Jiu-
I .nt.-. aitiiough Bates at quarter ran
tne team weii. t aptam ctininic al-
-i piaei a g-nxi irame. hi kck-otf.-i !
oeing line. There wasn't a w-ak "
-ptt in the home team, at least .Madi-
-on couht nit rinil it. Kinsman onlv I
- i
hail to punt twice, whicn -hows that
the home iroal was nut m iiamrer. i
tjiur of the oilVnse anil Kaufmann on
the defence played the best game, and
.Madi-oii has co.icludeu that "thevwuh "v"ml of the "th,r trtims'
dun t make em anv better in goou tn" ,itate- iUa,ma ztx"m b",ni-r ,,n:la
..i.i NeUrasKa. The coach savs : Lin,v,,n- Kasumrs. Crand Island anit
that's true ot the wnole team. " ,k ,a- b,,t n P'i' h:J:i bn riv-
Captam Schmidt won the m-s an.l j -,1 aR,i '''"-m-'nrly no .late -iven
Recuir KicKeii-.,tr. .Madi-on fumble.1 th-m- The :...-als want the Thanks
.in the hrst down an.l Commons did -!V,nir !roin" " ti" h,,me min.L5 thi-.ikewi-e.
Madison -not a forward ! i'":"- th"-v hav,n? playe,i away from
.. ..m. ..o. P....r.. k,l- ,r ,,.. ! hiime tor the last few yar. Crand
(J.4.T.. tilii lillilll ft4.IA AW L Vl Ut'lUi h. J '
and with Rector and Kaufman for in-
TertVr.'iiet H.irTmnn r.-in rhirT.-riv
s ftjr Uli. rir,c &mi:h,iuWn .")f the
-asi.n. Cotton kicked goal.
Thi re-t of the half was piayed in
Madison - terrmiry. the forward pass
. of t'aptain Taylor and Kinsman,
combined with the good work of the
i backrield. keeping the ball out of dan
ger. The naif ended with the ball
about ten yards from .Madison s goal.
To -tart the -econd half. Scnmnit
kickeii-ojf to Kaufmann. who returned
thirty yardhne. Again fonvani pass
es ami line smashes brouirnt the ball
within -eonnir distance where Conim-
j bus .o.-t it on a fumble ami the tjuar-
ter ejnie:.
The last ijuarter started with the
bait in .Madi-on's possession in their
I -,-.-T n -... ,.,. Th... r,.l.,.... ..r..l
Z irrij nlkll 411. L ii V Ifllllll U til 4
h- n b.jaii The hoin
tcalTiJ m-tl for ,
their ipuonnenL- goal. Again thr
-l.pper- :iali ".as m.-t on fumble.
The home team kept ngnt after tiiat
-eeinu litwn and nisin-d the ball
within 1" yards of .Madison'- goal. J
H.-r :i T.iP'.vriril n:is- K in-m:in ro I
.--,. .,. , Tlir f
tht. . if tfit. wa. ;.,.,. t,,t. j Jn,.
j"',t' kicictl goal,
Tht Coiumbus line-up- ,eit end.
V.enrus. i.-ft tackle. Kaufman left !
guani. hartman. center. Caiiy. right ,
tn,an!- Thoi::as. right tackle. Kins
man, right 'inl. jii:r: .piarter. Lol-
left haif. Rector. . full, Schmo-
,'k,'r: "tfnt half. Taylor iCaptam. i
With -even of last year's team
back, the wearers of the M union and
vv hite again nave dreams ot a chain -hunter.
t j p1(,nj.hip eleven. The veterans in-
t.iUl... j-antain Tavior. Ha-'el. Km
m:m. Cm Kaufman. Rector. Col ton
assin .--cnmocKer. l nomas, vv et-
br-iok. Viergutz. liiur. Fauole. Walt
er-. Hartnian and Jim Cotton, several
, of them 'ast year's -ub-tituts. intend
I making things hot for the regulars in
' order to cinch a place on tbe team.
I Team and school -nirit run hign and
i . .
enthusiasm i.- a ready tumbling over
for the iipein ng game on the home
grounds. .Most ot the dates nave
uT-T-ii uiit-u iim wiir jiiu.ii7iir -..ii-iii4it- -
is as f.Mlow October 7. Fremont j
high scnotii at Columbus. Octoner
11. Nebraska .Military Academy at
Lincoln. October 21. David Citv
ihigh school at David city Octoner
2S. .Madison nigh school at Columbus.
November 4. Norfolk high school at
Coiumbus November 11. Pender hign
school at Pender. November IS.
high school at Fremont
No-mner 2.3. Wayne hign school at
' Wa- ne . Probable, i Novemuer "JO.
Lowest Prices
Rock Springs. Maitland.
Canyon City, Hanna.
Pennsylvania Hard Coal.
All kinds Steam and Fur
nace, Franklin County.
Illinois, Coal.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Geo. A, Hoagland
- - -- - -
nnif -imiiir eif-i ir vm n-ll ti-inr ('Hif
f.i'r vuur .-iimforL See us .ihoii't it
' .inii vou will have
: af,nr ;',ur '"al "s t,0,rnt- r';,i '" :ul
, kinds lor range turnin'e or heater.
T. B. Hord Grain Co.
PKON'ES- Independent "(
Bll tss
i York high -chool at Columims. i Pro-
' bablei.
Communication iias also been held
Isianii was ini of the team.- invited
to come hen ami in reply stated they
WOllld like to schedule the irame f.ll
their -econd team. If Gnind I.-iand.
or any other team thinks their rir-t
team is too for Columbus High
School, they can keep their second
team at home. Don't forget the
Fremont game on October 7tn. It's
going ti be a dandv.
V. M. C . Notes.
The state committee that was ap
pointed at the conference at Omaha
-ome time ago to organize a -tate fed
eration to gowrn the atletlCs tlf the
state ot Nebra.-ka met here last Sat
mlav ami drew up the constitution
ami by law-! and aiso appointed otiicers
fiir the coming year.
The meeting was a success all
rhrrnlirh .in,! vr"
gittnl federation
was organised. The r.iies .iwi nylaw
Were drawn up in a manner that make
it possible fur all rhe -C!Iool- i'Olieg-
.. an,i chitib that are not mnnii-rs of
tus .irganiitmon to compete with the
v i" ......... ........ . i... ....
i. .ii. . -. ouiui tiiiuijose un- "i -
wnicn compose
The following oincers w-re ap
pomteii pre-nleiit. . B. Amirson.
C.iiiimbus. -ice-pre-nient. G. L. Rath-
i,,n Beatrice. -e-r-tan--tr-asurer. .1.
j. Maxwe):. Omaha, executive .mm-
mitte-. (j-iinre Pinneo. Lincln. and
Riiiiert .McLean. Hastings. The oiiic
ers also are on the- executive commit-
For Rent A large aght. airy mom
fiir rent to a lady. Six dollars. In
pre at this oitice.
Miss Anna Brodfuehrer left Sunday
for Aurora, where sue has accepted a
position as saleslady in one of the
leading scores of the citv.
Do your policies give you pmper
protection W'r issue farm policies
in the stronge-t company in the world
for the same cnarge the weaKer com-panie-
maKe. Beciier. KocKenberger
and Cham hers.
For Sale Ten Acres of
i j j f .it, f j
land Sood DUlldingS, shade
trees and orchard. Will ac-
cept part cash and rest on
time, if sold soon. Inqure of
Mrs. Shaffer, Meridian Hotel.
For The Week Ending Oct. 4.
Letters: A. B. C. Paul Bogus.
Louis W. Collvin. R. o. Case. .Mrs.
i R. V. Devoe. Mrs. W K. Duriami.
I .Mrs. Alfred Eilwanison. .Mrs. Perrj
j Laughiin. Emma Launnis. Freii .Mc
j Pheron 1 2). H. B. Robberts. Harry
' P. Schafer 1 2). Messrs. Wiley &
! Morehouse.
Cards: J. C. Butle. Miss Clani
' Brown. George Elliote. Miss Oneitta
I Fiscner. Mrs. Eiina Gmver. Mrs.
i Anna Green. Ben Howard i2. Sam
Kuchen. Mis- Rose Karmer Joe Lim
( ser. F. Mohran. David Powell. Mis
; Helen Kissel 1. Mrs. Harrv Sehuman.
Mrs. Eliza Shaw. J. J. Spies. Frank
Parties calling for any ofj the
r....,- n.,ii i... .. ..1,....;.- ,,;
i Wm. A. McAllister. P. M.
' All located in Platte county,
j will be sold at the Court
House, under an order of the
.Court, Tuesday, October 17.
, For terms and particulars in
j quire of
C M. Gruenther, Referee.
Republican Couuty Convention.
The attendance at the republican
county mass convention called for last
Satuniav was verv small, owing to
the fact that the ram kept the fann
ers at home, and few even of the city
people turned out on account of the
heavy down-pmir in progress at the
time of tile meeting.
The convention was called to order
by Chairman Lueschen. and R. P
Drake of Humphrey, was cin.sen
chairman, with E. H. TiiFany -eer-tary.
Frank Schram moved that the
delegates Chosen to the collgreSsiolia.
convention be instructed to vote and
do all in their power to secure the
nomination of Judge A. M. Post tr
congress. Judge Post announced that
he had been very reluctant to allow
his name to be considered in c iiinection
with the nomination, but at the earnest
-oiicitation of friends, both in Platte
county ami in other counties 111 the
district, hail tinaliy decided to become
a candidate. After this announce
ment, the motion was unanimously
The convention them pmceeded to
select eleven delegates to Fremont.
and the following were chosen Frank
Schram. Carl Kraimer. R. P. Drake.
Fred B. Nelson.. S. T. Fleming.
Frank Wurdeman. Frank Gerharz.
Charles Todennoft. J. G. Reeder.
Charles E. Davis and A. J. Mason.
Professor Gideon Braun. the repub
lican candidate for county -upenntend-ent
was then called on for a speech,
and responded in a few well cno-en
words. At the close of his remarks,
the chairman, looking carefully around
the mom. called for a few remarks by
our candidate for clerk of the district
court. Hon. C. M. Gruenther. .Mr.
Gnieiither addivs--ed the convention as
"Feilow republicans. ' and assured
them that he was glad to know that
there was one man on the ticket who
nail reasonahie assurance of election.
Before tin meeting adjourned, the
following resolutions were presented
and unanimously adopted:
We. the republicans of Platte coun
ty, in mass convention assembled, loy
al tii the teachings of the Grand Old
Party which nas. -ince it.- organiza
tion deserved unit commanded tile res
pect ami admiration of the American
people. Since they IlllVe dl-COVerett
that througn it and it alone, could the
nation maintain its standing at home
ami aiirnaii. take --pecial pride at tin-
time in reallirming our allegiance to
and confidence m the republican part..
We --nd heart;,' greetings . the
president of tne United States, who
is soon to enter om state on his second
trans-continental trip as president,
ami bespeak for him a welcome com
mensurate with the exalted position
he holds.
w e learn witu -nrrow o
f tii.
of Genera! Charles F. Mander-on.
who. for twelve year- was a com
manding tigure m the -ellat of the
United States, while repre-enting
Nebraska, and who fiir a portion !'
thl.S time Oi'CUpieil the exalted po-ltloil
of president of that august body.
We regret exceedingly the death of
our congressman. Hoiierable James p.
Latta. who had but entered upon hi
second term as our representative.
Tii his famuy we extend our -mcere
condolence and in this hour of their
severe trial.
J. C. Echols accompanied by his
brother F G. Echols, of Hartford.
Connecticut, left Tuesday morning lor
Denver. They will return he .ast of
the week and Mr Echols wi.i make an
extended visit in this citv tiefn- re
turning r.- hi- a.tern home.
The Seven Modern
Wonders of the World
Excepting the Prramids ul of the
sewn ancient wonders t ne
world are now durt. Not any f
them were ever much beiierit -o
man. The seven modern won
ders )i the world if I should name
them I should say the telephone,
the incandescent lamp, the elec
tric trolley car. the automobile,
the dying machine, the use of .m
crete and the Icy Hot or Thermos
The Icy Hot or Thermos Bottle
is one of the greatest and cheap
est benerits to man of the --even
modern wonders of the world.
Fill it with hot coifee. hot soup,
or any hot drinK ami it mmnins
piping hot for days. Fill it with
lemonade, ice cream, or any cold
dnnk and the contents- remain
cold for days. For the automo
biler, the huntsman, the rail
road or laboring' man. the baby.
For the guests room, etc, it is
$1.00 to $4.75
. SI .50 to $10.00
Lunch Kits $3.00
Ic.3 Hots and Thermos Bottles
are sold bv
Ed. J. Niewohner
Jeweler and Optometrist
GOOD PAINT True Economy
THE REAL COST of paint is the average cost oi
protecting and beautifying the surface. The
paint that costs the least per gallon is not the cheap-e-t.
It's the paint that covers the most surface and
wears longest, ami that's
B. P. S.
Among the Coiumbus people who
are -pending the day in Omaha are
Mrs. E. Rinsniith. Mr. and Mr. J.
Nichols. .Mr. and Mrs. Fnschholz and
Mr-. Camming.
Mr. and Mr-. Fred Saywvr ami
Mrs. Rebausen left Tuesday for Kear
ney for an extended visit with Mr.
and Mrs. L. Wernert. Before return
ing home thev will visit in North
Mrs.W. J. Walter and little daugh
ter Helen will leave Thur-da for
Dixon. Illinois, where they will visit
relatives for two weeks. They will
be accompanied by John Odenthohal.
of Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, a bm-
ther of Mrs. Waiters.
Mi.-s Maude Hinman spent Tue-day
with Miss Margaret Willanl. Mis
Hmman was enrnute to Omaha when
she will enter the hospital pivpatory
to having an operation. She was ae
compained by her father S. Hinman
anil Mrs. J. McCull.iugh.
Albert Newman while hor-v back
ruling Monday had the misfortune to
be thrown from his horse and fell in
sucn .1 way as to throw his shoulder
nit of joint. Last week Lewis New
man was thrown from a horse which
he was riding ami sutfered a sprained
ankle. The boy- are having more
than their share of trouble.
Not only were the Omaha dis.-ap-pointed
in the fact that President Taft
did not arrive in the metropolis until!
-ix o'clock Sunday evening but a iium
b-r of Columbus people, who had
planned on welcoming him to that
city came home very much disappoint
ed. Among the number was Mrs.
LaBook. who hail made the trip es
ncialiy u greet the Pre3iir-nt.
The patrons of the city school -tendered
a reception to the teachers at
the high school building last Frulav
evening, at the invitations of the
-chool board. Columbus has an unus
ually large number of new teachers
this year, and the purpose of the re
ception was to give parents an oppor-
rumtvtto meet the teachers. . -non
. ,
e as-emblv
omgram was rnderd in th
rom. after which a light luncheon
was served on thi second tioor.
Friday evening twenty-four young
people in a rc-ponse to invitations is
sued by Mis.-es Alice Newman ami
Enoia Hall, gathered at the home of
Miss Newman for a jolly evening.
The guests of honor were Miss Ruth
Raney. of South Omaha and Mis.
Berthe Bode, of Keokuk. Iowa. Pro
gressive Some-R-Set was piaved dur
ing the evening. Miss Opal Snyder
and Earl We-tbrook earring jjiT the
favors. A dainty two cour-e lunch
wis s.-rved by the hostesses.
The young people of the Christian
Endeavor of the Pn nytenna church
Tendered a -tirprise ti Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Cheiioweth last evening at the
nome of W T. Rickley. A business
meeting it the society was held at the
enumi. alter wnicn tne young people
marched to the Rieklev home. In ad
dition to having a joily good time, the
gue-ts tendered the bride a granite
-nower. and many useful gifts of this
wan were presented. Light refresh
ments were s,.rVed and even,- one .ie-
parteil with
a pleasant memory of the
d heartv good wishes and
good will for the
happy couple in!
wno- honor the atfair was held.
After an illness of about six mon- Murphy has -tpenr rhe summer with
ths. Charles Frederick Curtis died at friend.- in New rK and Pennsvlva
ten o'clock yesterday forenoon, at the ' nia. and is now "nr- ute to her home,
hospital, where he had been for about mmmmmmmmmm
the past two months. He was born
inClulicothe. Illinois. June 27. Lsli'J. 1
and lived in Stark county Illinois,
until ISS'J. when he came to Colum-'
bus. On June 2 1. 1.S. he was mar
ried to Miss Jennie Lohr. who. with
one daugnter. Mrs. Mamie Marsh, and
two sons. Ralph Harold and Clitforl.
survive him. be-ides one bmther. J.
M. Curtis, of Mahtowa. Minne-ota.
and one ster. Mrs. A. L. Beaty. of
Cedar Rapids. For more than twentv
y-ar- he had been in the emoiov for
Dusseil and Son as a piumber and
steam ritter. and his work had gi .vn
him a wide acquaintance in numerous
-urrnundning towns. He was a mem
ber of Porter Nest. No. 1107. Onier
of Owls, the memlfers of which will
attend the funeral in a body. The '
services being held at the .Methodist '
church at three o'clock, and interment
will be made in Columbus cemetery.
Mr. Curtis had alwavs been a hani
working man. and was deservedly
popular with his employer and with
whomever he had occasion to deal, and
died at peace with his feilow-man and
Mr. ami Mrs. Martin Bloeiiorn are
spending the day m Omaha.
Mr. an.l Mi-. W B. .Miller --pent
Sunday at the home of A. R. .Miller.
.Mrs. G. Lueke will entertian the
S. S. club this evening at her home.
Miss .Margaret Willanl and Will
Wlillani are spending the day in Oma
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilz are
spending the week in Omaha visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Weldin are
spending the week with friends in
Miss Francis Sehroeder returned
.Monday trom a brief visit with friends
in Omaha.
Miss Enola Hall entertained Miss
Ruth Raney of South Omaha several
lays last week.
Mrs. Lillian Sassenberger. of Lin
coln was the guest of Mrs. E. N.
Waidi Saturday.
Mrs. E. N. Waiiie will go to
Schuyler this evening to visit with
friend.- and relatives.
Otto Johannes has accepted u posi
tion in the Phillips Gun shop and be
gun his duties Monday.
.Mrs. Jennie Walker, of Denvver.
is spending the week with her daugh
ter. .Mr.. Elmer Winey.
Mrs. .Martin Scnilz. of Platte Cen
ter, is spending thi week with Mr.
and Mrs. William Schilz.
Mrs. Wood Smith and her father,
Mr. LaGmnie. ot Fullerton left Tues
day for a brief -ray with- friends? i"
Mi.-s Anna Schilz left this morning
for Omaha where -die will be the guest
of Mrs. M. B. Rogers for the rest of
the We-k.
M. C. Abt--. who is a patient at
the St. Marv's hospital reevermg
from a recent opeatimi is reported as
1 doing nicelv.
Miss Geiievive Re-ce sp.-nt Sunday
with her parent- .Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Reece. Miss Reeee is attending school
at Kearnev.
Mr. am: Mrs. Phil Echols left
Tue-day for a visit of several days
with friends m Omaha, and to attend
the Ak-arben.
Mr-. J. A. R eec- accompanied bv
P. L. Reeee. of Netcong. New Jersey
left Mommy for a week's visit with old
friends at Asntand.
H. Miller, of Calmar. Iowa, arrived
the last of the week for a visit with
his son. A. R. .Miller and daughters.
Misses Bertha and Caroline.
Mr. ami Mrs. Z. A. Weldin will
leave the last of the week for Gibbon.
J where thev intern! to make their 1:-
un home. Mr. Weldin will conduct
a studio at that place.
Mrs. Henry Heinman accompanied
by her guests Mrs. H. Bode and
daughter Miss Bertha, of Keokuk.
1 l',w'. -pending the day in Omaha
j taking in the Aksarban sights.
! . ...
' LunUa "?"' ".
Platte arrived todav for a week's visit
with Miss Gertrude Herrod. Miss
Fine land, rine improve
ments, two miles from
Silver Creek
for sale at a very reas
onable price.
Hockenbarger &
j I Madison. I
witn nis God. 1 1