The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 27, 1911, Image 8

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    uf ma; irvnawiir'Tr
is something that all of us have to
seek sooner or later in our lives.
Money gives protection when all
other things fail; therefore every
one should open
and prepare for the uncertainty of
the future. Our bank solicits your
account, no matter how small the
deposit may be. Start your account
with us today and make it grow.
you have the protection of the Guar
antee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
G. W. PHILLIPS, Cashier
Sherman Township.
A little shower Sunday which helps
the wheat some.
Ernest Rosche, who broke his leg
two weeks ago, progressing nicely.
Mrs. E. Pohl and son, of Colum
bus, spent Sunday at the home of
Frank Wurdeman.
Gus Loseke was looking at the
finny tribe in the Loup Friday and
rejMjrts a good catch, but did not treat
us to some.
Sunday was O. J. Lueschen's birth
da' and a big crowd turned out to help
him celebrate.
H. Cruse and Mr. Harms, of Col
umbus spent Sunday at D. Dierks'
Ed Lueschen and family spent Sat
urday at Columbus.
K. II Wurdeman has the carpenters
at work moving and repairing one of
his barns.
Last Wednesday William Hellbush
and Emelia Muth were married at the
home of the bride's parents. Only
near relatives were present at the
ceremony. They went to housekeep
ing at once on the grooms place in
Grand Prairie township. Our best
wishes go with them.
Mrs. Job Hook'returned Thursday
from Omaha, where she had gone on
a business errand.
Between forty and fifty Creston
people attended the fair at Albion
Thursday. They report the fair a
good one.
Mrs. Elmer Jacobson, of Mason
City, Iowa, who visited friends here
the first of the week, left Wednesday
for Oakdale, enroute to her home.
Miss Eva Burnam left Saturday
for her home in Tilden, aftera short
visit with her friend Laurel Decker.
Mrs. C. E. Clark was a passenger
for Omaha Wednesday, where she un
derwent a surgical operation Friday,
for appendicitis.
Mr and Mrs. L. Westcott left the
first of the week for Ponca for a visit
at the home of their daughterMrs. J.
J. Kemper. Mr. Westcott left the
next day after their arrival for Omaha
in company with Rev. Kemper to at
tenp the annual conference.
Mr. Meyer, of Howells, is visiting
at the home of his sister, Mrs, George
Roat, this week.
Grandma Wagner was on the sick
list the first of the week, but is
again able to be up and around.
The dance given by the Moran orch
estra of Leigh on Frida3' night was at
tended by a large crowd. Apparently
all enjoyed a pleasant'evening.
Mrs. Oscar Gains is quite ill this
week with an attack of the grip.
William Wenk returned the first of
the week from Wisconsin, where had
been gone in company with some oth
ers on a fishing and hunting expedition.
Miss Pearl Leach visited with
friends at Humphrey the first of the
Rev and Mrs. W. H. Moore left on
Wednesday for Omaha to attend the
Mrs. Mary Watts of Davenport Io
wa is visiting at the Zellers and Flem
ing homes this week.
Mrs. Anderson of Stanton, is visit
ing at the the home of her friend,
Miss Ada Phillips this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Baker of Tilden ar
rived in Creston Friday for a short
visit at the home of Dr. H. G. Morris.
I. W. Martz, of Columbus, visited
over Sunday with friends here re
turning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Webb and son
Knneeth were business visitors at Co
lumbus Saturday.
Miss Ella Snyder spent Saturday
with her friend, Gladys Munger, at
Mrs. Fred Westcott and children
returned to their home in Newman
Grove Friday.
Mr Walter Tousen, of Newman
Grove, spent Sunday at the J. L. Brown
Mr. Clarence Galbrath and sister
Miss Lulu spent Sunday at the E. T.
Graham ranch, returning to their home
in Beemer Monday.
Cedar Chips.
James Hoadley had the misfortune,
last Tuesday evening, of having a
horse fall with him, breaking his leg
just above the ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. Cowgill, of Chicago
have been the guests of Mr. and ftrs.
Frank Olcott the past week. The la
dies were girl friends in old Virginia.
Mrs. Duncan Hansel went to Sioux
City last week to attend the Iowa
state fair, returning Saturday.
John Haskins shot a coyote the
other day that was carying off a pig
from Mr. Hansel's barn yard. It is
rather early in the season for the coy
otes to be so bold, but we suppose the
high cost of living is effecting the an
imals also.
Mr. Goldberg, of Blair, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Mortensen last
week, and enjoyed roast jack rabbit,
for the first time in his life.
Duncan Hansel is receiving a visit
from his mother.
Miss Rose Kinsman left last week
for her home in Iowa after an extended
visit with her brother, J. W. Kinsman
and family.
Potatoes a dollar and a half a bush
el and scarce at that, sugar eight big
silver doollars a sack, but apples are
plentiful and the pumpkin crop is fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McWilliams
are the proud patents of a fine baby
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hollingshead
went to Silver Creek Wednesday to
attend the wedding of Mrs. Hollings
head's sister, Miss Hazel Baker.
Miss Lola RafTinsparger, of Shick
ley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Ladd and daugh
ter Elane are visitng Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Dack.
Misses Grace and Mabel McWilliams
and Ida Hill went to Genoa Tuesday.
Miss Mabel remained until Saturday
visiting at the home of her brother,
Everett McWilliams.
C. W. Holingshead attended the
Boone county fair at Albion, last wetk.
Thomas Hill sr., was in Columbus
A. M. Work was a Columbus visit
or last Friday.
Merle Clayburn was in Columbus
Martin Smith was in Columbus be
tween trains Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Daugherty preached a
splendid sermon at the M. E. church
Sunday, to a crowded house.
Miss Grace Richards, of Genoa,
was visiting her sister, Miss Hazel
over Sunday.
No ball game Saturday. The Y.
M. C. A. failed to appear.
Ralph Symington, of Spencer, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Rodney Hill.
Rev. G. II. Phillips is attending thu
annual conference at Omaha.
The Presbyterian Christian Endeav
or gave a wedding breakfast and a
splendid program at Sigea's hall Sat
urday night The bridal scene was
represented by an old bridle lying over
the back of a chair.
Mrs. C. W. Hollingshead was a Col
umbus visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor have a
new baby girl, born Monday night.
Mrs. Gus Kluck entertained the
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church
Thursday evening.
Miss Mazie Engel was a guest of
relatives on Shell creek Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tropholz were
Sabbath visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Julia Johnson visited with her
friend Miss Gallagher, near Schuyler,
Bruno Luschei is a guest of an uncle
at Friend for a few weeks.
Ed Yonkie delivered 1,500 bushels
of corn here one day last week.
Mr, and Mrs. George Engel, of
Shell creek, partook of the noonday
meal with relatives here Sunday.
Miss Freda Luschei and mother
were shopping in Columbus Friday.
Miss Ethel Stevenson returned fiom
the hospital Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engel were with
their son John at the hospital Sunday
and report him as doing nicely.
There are two fellows, one from
our village and one from Schuyler,
who can tell you what a good time they
had at the Richland dance Saturday
night. With a little training Rich
land may turn out a world's champion
pugilist yet.
Mrs. L. Luschi and family were
guests at the Bert Stevenson home
Christ Mueller, of Edholm, is here
assisting his brother Fred with his
Mr. Channer returned home a short
visit at Cozad, Nebraska, Tuesday.
While keeping house for mother
last Thursday Mable Stevenson, acci
dentally ran a sewing needle full
length into her right hand and was ta
ken to Columbus Friday where an op
eration was performed which removed
the needle, and the little lady was at
her school studies the following Mon
day none the worse for her acciednt.
Second annual ball of Spanish War
Veterans. Orpheus Hall, Monday Oct
ober 2.
Sealed bids w ill be received at the nftice or
the Counu Judce of Platte county. Nebraska,
at Columbus, on or before 12 o'clock noon, of
October?, lyil. for the grading and improie
mcntof the following described road-, or I'iatte
county, to-wit:
The Barnum Road, beginning at wuth end of
Loup Rii er bridge, running thence in a south,
crlv direction to a point on Barnura" Creek,
and running thence in a southeasterly direc
tion and terminating at the north end of Platte
Kixer bridge, according to the plans, profiles,
sketches and specifications on tile in the oOlce
of the County Clerk of said count v.
The Board of Supervisor reserves the right
to reject any and all bid-.
By order of the Board of Supervisors.
JOHN GRAF. County Clerk.
Dated. Columbus. Nebraska, this 27th day of
September. Ml.
The ladies' guild of the Epioscopal
church met at the home of Mrs.
Homer Robinson this afternoon.
German Lutheran Church.
The Sunday School hour has been
changed from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Morning service at 10 a. m. at which
time the pastor will speak from the
subject of "Christ the True Comfort
at the Coffin of our Beloved Ones,
who have died in the Lord." Based
on Luke 7:1117.
Herman Meissler, Pastor.
Methodist Church Notes.
Regular services will be held on
Sunday. Morning sermon at eleven
o'clock. Sunday school at noon.
The Epworth League will meet at
6:30 p.m. Evening service for pub
lic worship at 7:30 p. m. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to wor
ship with us.
Chas. W. Ray, pastor.
German Reform Church.
The annual Mission and Harvest
home festival of the German Evange
lical Protestant church, Rev. R.
Neumarker D. D. pastor, will be
celebrated next Sunday October 1st.
There will be services at 10:30 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. The out of town
ministers taking part in these services
are, Ret,. F. Rabe of Bloomfield, Rev.
G. Nichelman of Grand Island, and
Rev. E. Klostche of Leigh.
Everybody is invited to attend these
Rev. R. Neumarker, Pastor.
Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath services at the following
hours: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
A Rally Day program will be given
by the school. Morning sermon
will beat 11:00a. m. The sermon
will be the last of a series upon "The
Inner Life," and its subject will
be: "Saved to Serve." The sa
crament of the Lord's supper will be
administered. Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. The topic will be
4 Peter, A Red Blooded Saint. ' ' Eve
ning service 7 :30 p. m. The sermon
will be entitled, "The Master Touch. ' '
You will be welcomed at "The Strang
er's Sunday Home."
Samuel D. Harkness, Pastor.
St. Francis Academy Notes.
Mr,, and Mrs. M. Compton, of St.
Edward, called at the Academy the
first of the week to visit their daugh
ter Marine, who is attending the
Thursday September 28th, the Rev
erand Clergy of the Columbus Deanery
will meet for Conference at St. Fran
ciscan Monasttery, Rev. Father Mar
cel I inus will preside as Dean.
Miss Anna Hagel, of Attica, Indiana,
arrived at the Academy this morning
with the intention of making the
piano and violin her special study.
The male choir of St. Bonaventure's
church is working up a new Liturgical
Mass. The members have made great
progress of late Rehearsals are held
every Monday and Thursday evening.
Rev. Father Sigsmund has arranged
and harmonized a sacred quartette for
the Polish mixed choir, which they
will render in the near future.
Next Sunday the feast of the Holy
Rosary will be celebrated with great
solemnity at the church.
Mrs. B. Preston and children left
this afternoon for Earling, Iowa, for
a two weeks' visit with her father.
Second annual ball of the
Spanish War Veterans at
Orpheus hall Monday, Oct 2.
Mrs. Dwight Dickinson and baby,
of Spalding, arrived today for a brief
visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dickin
son Lost a gold gold hat-pin, Persian
setting, between Lutheran church and
Ninth street on September 17. Find
er please leave at this office and re
ceive reward.
Mothers wishing to take advantage
of the Crechgarden for one day or
more may see Miss Wilber at 512
14th St. or telephone 1741, (new No.
Ind ), or Black 95 on Bell
Do your policies give you proper
protection? We issue farm policies
in the strongest company in the world
for the same charge the weaker com
panies make. Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
Ten camps of Woodmen of the
World will meet with the Columbus
camp next Sunday and assist in the
ceremonies of unveiling monuments in
the Columbus cemetery. Monuments
Will be unveiled over the graves of
six departed members, John G. Becher,
Adolph Jaeggi, Joseph Roesch, O. L.
Baker, Sithm Hilliadand W. A. Way.
The members will meet at their hall
at two o'clock, and march in a body
to the cemetery where the exercises
will be held. Music for the occa
sion will be furnished by the band,
and the ceremonies will be in charge
of Edward Walsh, of Omaha, state or
ganizer of the order.
Every tomorrow has two han
dles. We can take hold of k by
the hande of anxiety or thehwde
of faith. -Fmmon.
Lj ITitll I
Dr. E. H. Naumann, dentist.
Miss Mathilde Lutz spent Sunday
with the home folks.
Come to our Ten Day Sale
and see. Herrick.
E. C. Worden spent Sunday with
his mother in Lincoln.
Dr. H. 7 Arnold, office on ground
floor. Meridian hotel annex.
George Willard is spending the week
with friends at St. Edward.
Baby contest opens at Davis Studio,
north of Thurston, on October 1.
Miss Freeman entertained the Noah's
Ark Kensington club at her home this
Mr. and Mrs Jonh Keating, of Den
ver spent Sunday with Mr. an Mrs.
Thomas Keating.
Wanted A girl for gen
eral housework. L. Gerrard,
420 West 16th St
Good fresh spring chickens, live or
dresed. Phone, Bell Black 172, or
Independent Red 12.
Miss Anna Gass entertained the
teachers Kensington club Tuesday
evening, at her home.
Mrs. C. H. Matthews is expected
home Friday from an extended visit
with friends in Indiana.
Mrs. Alice Sullivan and children
spent Saturday and Sunday with rela
tives at Platte Center.
Don't forget to bring the babies.
Davis Studio, north of Thurston.
New contest October 1.
Mrs. M. O. Smith, of St Edward,
spent Sunday in this city as the guest
of Mrs. George Willard.
Wanted three canvassers for city.
Call Saturday at Room 8, over Com
mercial Natinal Bank.
Misses Kittie and Maggie Quinn,
and Maggie Lyons spent Sunday with
friends in Platte Center.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chenoweth re
turned Friday from their wedding trip
through the eastern states.
Miss Grace Taylor returned the last
of the week from a two mo nths' stay
with relatives at Central City.
C. J. Garlow and his brother, 15..
T. Garlow, of Grand Island, are in
Chicago this week on business.
Mrs. Frank Hagel, who has been
aiienuing me lair anu visiting menus
in Albion returned home Monday.
Second annual ball of the
Spanish War Veterans at
Orpheus hall Monday, Oct 2.
Columbus Public Library 13th St.
between North and Olive Streets,
Hours 2 to 5:30 p. m. and 7 to 8:30
p. IT..
Mrs. Henry Smith, of Omaha, will
arrive the last of the week for a visit
at the home of her mother Mrs. Tom.
Mrs. Henry Gass entertained the
Afternon Five Hundred club Friday
afternooon at her home on North
Mrs. J. T. Col lough and daughter
Louise, of St.J Edward, spent several
days last week at the home of George
Mrs. Milton Bowers and children
left the first of the week for Omaha,
where they will visit relatives for
several days.
Wanted - An elderly lady or widow
to keep house on a farm. A good
home for the "right party. Call or
address this office.
Wanted two young men, canvas
sers for the city. Call at room 8,
over Commercial National Bank, on
Saturday the 23rd.
Mrs. William O'Brien is visiting
with relatives and friends in Chicago
and Peoria, Illinois. She will begone
about three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Janing and Miss
Vivian Jenkinson left Tuesday for a
visit several days at Osceola, and also
to attend the fair at that place.
Second annual ball of the
Spanish War Veterans at
Orpheus hall Monday, Oct 2.
Word has been received by the re
latives of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boyd,
of Norfolk, of the arrival of a baby
boy at their home on Monday of this
The Maennerchor society has organi
zed a singing class, which met for
the first time Tuesday evening. They
expect to spend a great deal of time
on chorus work.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wernert, of
Kearney, who have been guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Herrod
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyer, re
turned to their home Tuesday.
Do your policies give you proper
protection? We issue farm policies
in the strongest company in the world
for the same charge the weaker com
panies make. Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
In order to give the people a better
opprtunity to becoome acquainted with
the teachers of the city, the school
board has arranged for an informal
reception at the high school Friday
evening, from eight to ten. Every
one that is interested in school work
is invited.
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The Y. M. C A. 8
to furnish the course for this
season. The committee pre
sent this course for your consid
eration with the utmost confi
dence. Last year six numbers
were given which cost $320.00.
These four numbers sell for $440.
Look at the figures and then de
cide whether or not you can
afford to miss it. Because of the
increased cost and the limited
seating capacity of our room we
will have to sell the tickets at
$1.50 this year.
flntnhor 17th Mr Frederick w Kirk-
UlilUUBI 1 1 III busch, jr., the baritone
soloist witb this company has sung
abroad extensively and given recitals in
many oi the large cities ot this country.
He was in the consular service during
Cleveland's and McKinley's administra
tions and bad the privilege oi study in
the best conservatories ol the world.
Mary Denison Gailey, violinist, made one
of the biggest hits on record belore the
meeting of the National Lyceum associa
tion last year. Violet Smith Clarence is
the brilliant pianist who last season ap
peared with the Mendelssohn Trio. The
Minneapolis Tribune says of the other
member of this group: "Miss Emily
Waterman, reader and impersonator, dis
played her talents in lines that called lor
exceptional versatility."
December 12th
bus people. No production ol any kind
in years has caused the stir and comment
in the Lyceum world which is created
by Mr. Flowers' Hamlet. His subject lor
Columbus is not announced as yet.
Eohriiaru 7h "In tbe s14 Present-
lli Ul Udl J I III day fight against gralt
in our larger cities, and especially in the
strenuous effort to reach the men 'higher
up', the name of Francis J. Heney, the
San Francisco prosecutor, stands forth
as a bright star lighting the path which
is leading to the dawn of a new day."
llarPh llth "Tne PurPseml Orator"
nidi Ml lllll comes to Columbus March
11, with a choice of four wonderful lec
tures. Ott will not only please but in
struct, and it is this ability that admits
him to this course.
These four numbers have been chosen
regardless ol price, ana now we present q
them feeling confident ot tne support oi
Columbus citizens.
The Course Tickets must all be sold
before October 17. A solicitor will see
you soon for your order of tickets. This
is not a money making feature of the
Association but an endeavor to furnish
The Best at a Reasonable Price.
Can you withhold your support on this
needs no introduc
tion to many Colum