r UNI03 PACIFIC 1:. TABLE rat-Hound rrnlna. u-.-rlanl L -!..t-d 11:40 a. Ct.ma &. Jai n .Uil 6 3s p. . ..Oregon -.,ire-s . 2:uua. Lob Angeles ..mited 2 J p. Fa.-t :..: . . .11:30 a. . ..lienver s, i lal .. S.5na. . . Colorado S -iij.l. . 1:37 a. .Colorado repress. 6:32 p. ..Ore i Was-. Lim. . 3 .05 p. Epres- 11:25 a. .N'-.rth I'.att- Local. 12. 15 p. .;rand I-ian.. Lo. al. S:39 p . 1 N . N . No No. N,. So. No No. - No 1 3 9 11 13. 15 i; ia. 2i . - 5a Local Freight :0") Leaves 13.10 p m 'Lai.-s from Coal Chut K:it-IIonud Train. owrlanil L nil ted t Atlantic E .pres . No No No No N.i N , N.i N.i No No N.i. 3.2Cp 4:22 a. 6 . - rgoii fc-x n Los An-,'i'"' ! . .Cbina i Ji; 1 J . ... N-nvi-r S: res.- ::)6p .united c.i; p i Mail 2 13 p. . i.lI . . .". 30 a. 1! . . "..l..ra.! j 16 '.dorado ! ire - V i " .- ,-.-i.il 10 23 p. fc.. pre-s. 3.16 p. . ITUted j .-. p. - Hail Ecp-esa .. 3:J0 p. ZZ North Piatt- Local. 1:00 p. 24... Grand Ialar.i Local. 7:12 a, Leaves 1:20 p. m. li It AXCn T It A I JJ s Norfolk 77 Freight Iv.. 7.30 a. 23 Passenger Iv.. 7 25 p. 2J Passenger ... . ar . 1:10 p. 7S Freight ar .7:111 p. N Spa I Jin j. 7J Freight 31 PiysfnSHr .... M l"j.--enger .lv . Iv .ar ar . 6:00 a. . 1.10 p. . 11 .5T. a. i : W p. E HKiAVN. Ticket Aer.t. A H. M'fCEEN Asslstan Ticket Ajent. BURL1HQT0N TIME TABLE 2 1 i -s 'da!', .-x -i" '.t . - a. n. 'j . 4 A t i' -. - it lv 5 00 p. m I . : ili ar 9 oi) p n. ! i l' . eX - .'i ar 43 . rfi lir. I:. i;. Wicii. Ranks. i. T . ; .. i Especial attention ui mi to F"ye, F.ar, Noio, Throat .mi Nursery. i'L..- i'- ii .: -i- !.- . i.ti. P'i... . I ... . i. .:. t jr. l)r. lra Wid lenders. I ipecial attention y;iven to Diseases of Women anJ Children. Office and Residence 11Z6 Murray St. ! . u. .- Charles II. Ciratrell. 31. D. i: 1:. i:ai:. .!: tmi thi.o.vi ;iae Filled .. .i :. N't-- O n. "Mill -. N'KH. W. M. CORNELIUS Attorney -p.. iLaw u.'Miii nki:i:a-k. DR. F. H. MORROW IlnsK'iAN and Surgeon Office .New luschen Building I -I." M ..' - '. in ,. . i . . iii ,.,... i ' l Ii ... I.Hi 1 i .1. t 1.' itc li I - , N . M CELFRESH 1 ITOi:Ni. i-S.W , li -T 'bVh fc. I."K GOOD SEWER WORK . -- t.i. T "r- i- ; ur.l :n All i .: tib- . t..e wodii w.I! not j t: .ti. .. n.ak u: f.-r pr ovr connections, j W- A) e.rt1 plumbirur work from the t 1 J crdnl up OUR SEWER WORK i just as n.'iiesr as the plumbintr worn. ' w-.ieh i always in vz. Have vou anv ! trout-1-' w:tn jour i. .binir? Maybe trr s, vwr -orni.-tc.n- are et richt. ra Tii. A. DTJSELL & SON COAL COAL Semi-Anthracite and PENNSYLVANIA HARD GOAL are now arriving'. Please give us vour winter orders Gail Kramer Successor to Speice Coal Co. ,j-o "sj. "-ZSjh Supervisors Proceedings i " .ir.-tru. tion of thi permanent ; ..i.i to li- tiiiitru"tl south of Colum- ! , . lu-t n-vn :Iih il:it4- an! I-oiin rlv-r I ... . . ,- -- -- . n.i-i--! aaJ aftr a lns'thy U.cu?sxon it tu- matter tlt- am- was on motion l'-t.-rr-.'! unt.l tomorrow. . ri itni. "f Sui)-r-tor :Vha-elier t..- r...arl oi up-msor now ailjourn i until 'j o'cl-K k. a. m.. tomorrow. 'olumbu. NVbra.-ka. S.-pt. 12. 111. i-:r-iant ti aljournment the board i -upf rvisor. mt at a olo-k. a. m. tinn. Louis jVhwarz. chairman. John Iraf cl-rk. and all m-mbrs present. M'i'.l uv Hup-rvior n.ith that a 'iiiimittt-H of thre be appunt.-d of wiin n th- ihairman of th board shall - 'in-. inr tn- purpo-i to consult with Jr Siii-M-m in r-trard to ettin irum iin iit from his pasture lyin &ju:h of ti -nuth -r..I of tlie Platt rive '.n.l-- tt t- u-f.i in th construction ..t tii- permanent road between the l''jMf- ai.d L-iup rivt-r brl-!---'. M-.tion arriid and -upervlsors i. "h and .-Vhure and Chairman au w-ri- appoint-l a u h cum- II -T-. il.ii-.l !jv Supervisor Smith that thf !.. r. .if u.rvisnr now .tdjuurn for . - . 1 1 . 1 1 1 -- work until 'j n'clm k. a m. . i..rr..w Motion earriei. .hin.hus NVhraska. S-pt. 13. llll. T board of ut-rvi!tor pursuant to i 1 . .rniit-nt nnn at '-l k. a. m . Iiui Scliwars. ohainnan. and i " ;raf. cirk. i: : iai:d and folinwin members - -nt ioi r-. 1-r i..!..-r. Da.nbrock. -. . n. r i-!i'ir- and Chairman y i'e. A'.--r.t an. I -i a-i. Supr - Sti,.Tn ar..i WiKoti T " i- !i.i-ini; i rr-sent-.l i:..artj uf Sup-r i.r. : .-n I have to n-port that in i . ii - v it 'i xrf ri-so! ition adopr- ! t '..ard of supervisor" at their ! i. toll, r 2;. !'.!' anil upon ti.:- u n a ertitii-at l.v Engineer .. I "..! t--l. ilk si.owins? fiat I'has I" ! :p . ntractor for the widen- i c ! reninjf an.l tral'hlnln of "irnc and J.-weli ilrain.iire ditch. ! i i- . unt-i.'t w.tn the i ountv of I" ' .- .p'it..j to fie f ,i.rt'i pay- . t f.M- j.ii.j w-.rk arr.otintins' to i- k " ". fr.-i-i w ii 'i am., .it j'j p.r t . - t . I... ri-Ta.ni-d n p-r contract. 1 .-- .-.1 i uarrart ..n Au; i-t '.:. 1911. ' -a..I ' a- Thompson m t'i- eunt .!" J. I"t ! on til.- Cams' and Jewell 1-ii'i.itr.- .Lt i fund. Said warrant was i - .re.i l.v chairman Si hwarz and ! . r-. . Flov.i ravi.ion. r-pre- t'," -.f c-as. Tiomp-'ti Ui-spectfuliv s'ibmiTtefl. JoliN ;ll.VF I'.iuntv Cl-rfc I ".;.n : S'in-r-isor Wi'on 1 li- W 1 adopteJ Ti.- ' wins' resolution was intro ! : ! U Sup-rvisor Wilson U "Tea- I'uiintv Surve'-or Ro.iter i- 'i-t in a !' i al .ondition to pr f ..j t1-. luti' of his office and where-i- rl -r are a number of new roads ' -urvei-.-.! t!i.-rer..re I.- u I;. ...iv. . Uv th !-i.ir-' of supervisor-' ' 1" it;.- lountv Neira.-ka. that the ' . rk be d.Te. Te.1 to etlipIoV a .("iit sure-or to establish th- ... ,,ii sij. h roads -aid urvcvor .. ti te ' i- -'irvevs and ri lI notes with ' rk of tins board. ! ."'.ithin of Supervisor Si haecher - i .; is a.lopt.-il Si. v. v..r I. F ;.ttsi-halk -"jKniitteil -nr.-v and ti"id notes of part of t. ii.i.m of the !..wi road and on i .'. -.inie jj- apprived bv the ' ii I i" n .n! ran. - of Peter YVehn and t . r iiri.nst tue alteration of a cer- t -.I.) iii W.imlnll- t..wn-liip was ;r. . iit..l and read and on motion re- - '! r.. ttie committee on road and '.. T'o . iims of Parri. k H.-ldv Kate r ;..-. . j.,hn fc. Pot-nk J-.hn Ssach I i ' I I".- Noon in o'l 1 n: of t!ie .... ":.i .,f Lewis road in Joh-r t vrn- . . pr-sented and ra-1 md on .. .-i -rred to the toinmitte- on - .-.! bridifes i .ivir.K i.i'is on reconimnd.i- t , ..vral i imni!ftee were on i a. J !. tue board and th- ' ! iui- w iriai.ts m pav- . f m a t!ie r.C" i.iuntv jr-n- . :"r. sii. .'nunt.- .rt.ir lrv .in.! office rent ; irt-r .S33 o ; .z i.nirt . b-rk. -al- - cterk 3.1 nuar 12 in 'ojf .Ik. saiarv as k ..f noard M tjuar. . ! b I. r.-n o s ipt . saiarv . .;. tuber ... . 133 3 'v I 'u . i. janitor alarv Ajc ; t -'. p: 1 2 Craf Ik . cah al- i-.e.l ! I S L-i r.n supt.. cash 31 oo S 50 2 On 5 00 2 U0 2 00 2 00 35 63 5 30 5? 5 30 34 30 5 50 -0 75 .'' TIT .-d ... i li. i n nin ln-r sup. i.ish ad- . I" .-il - e Eariv . anva1ns bond "1-''" r-' irn" I Hiev canvassms h.ind -u- i l. it. retarns i i i ' n ilr.if . o ik . i anvam? -.tid el-, tion return n. i.raska Bien pub pricee,i- : " a,,,i ""'I'1'-' n i- iriotid . Stephens Co. up- ,, i. - f..r county K iP -,; Bartlett Co uppl.es r . on-.ty x ,- Anderson, ilower plants 'l.r labor and material r ! H'jMtv '.. .rubus LlSlit H. , P Co. i.x. t f.r oitirt houe.. ; . M Brat.isan auto hire for - 0..1UV L F ili'tt.. halk survey for co :nt 16 00 li-: rv B- lermann. commissjoner : Brodball road 5 50 i'lii Becker stenocraph-r state - Ed Hissins. Jr A 00 i: B Webb chainman. 3 50 V Palmateer. chainman 2 50 Mir'in C'lristnsr-n. po.-tms up -"iti..n notices 2 00 Bak' r. puttins up election tii 6 00 V n A Rice, posting up lec- : : n.-:. es. etc 4 25 e. rr.. t on oi Supervisor Cbther the 1 i-i of supervisors now adjourned -r... 2 . '.lo. k this p m c.jlur -.us Nebraska. Sept. 13. 1911. P-r-oa: t to adjournment the board r" ipr. .ji met at 2 o'clock p. m. H.-n Lou.- Schwann chairman, and John Oraf clerk j R..-.1! cal.e.1 and following -nembers ; present ! Supervisor? Clother Dasenbrock. S. haecher. Schure. Smith. Wilson and chairman Schwarz. About 200 representative taxpayers f various parts Qf the county being present Chairman Shwarz announced that th.s is the time fixed by resolu tion at the last session of the board of supervisors, extending; an invitation to the taxpayers of the county to be pres ent at the mewtinj? of the board and pa itn ipate in the discussion of the proposition of building- a new court liou?e. Supervisor Dasenbrock now stated that the first step to be taken is to de cide whether or not Platte county wants a new court house and a discus sion of the proposition of raising funds for the building of the same, either by direct taxation or by voting bonds. Mr. G. Fri.-chholz addressed the board urging the necessity of building a new court house, whereupon it was moved by Attorney August Wagner that it i the sense of this meeting that Platte county -hall build a new court house. Motion carried unanimously by a rising vote. County Attorney McElfresh now ex plained the different methods of rais ins fund- for the building of a court hous. . whereupon a general discussion of the proposition followed in whuh lion. J E North. IL S. Dickinson, R. P. Irake Ferdinand Fuchs. 1. W Phil np. William Blither. W. M. Cornelius, ci, as Seseike. c. J c;arlow. L. H. Loavy and others participated, at the conclus ion of which it was moved by Hon. J. E. North tliat it is the sens.- of this meeting that a proposition shall be submitted to the voters of the county .f voting bonds in the -uin f S250.mj0 for the building of a new court hou-e. Amendment offered by Attorney Aug ust Wasner that the sum to be voted for -hall, not exceed the uii of J1V).- Vote on amendment declared carried. V-.te on onsinal motion as amended le. iared carried. Move.! bv Chas. Segelke that it is the -mi of this meeting that the new u.iirt hou-e shall b er- tei on the present sue of the old court house. Motion declared -arried br a rising Vote. Moved bv Sup-rvisor Smith that the board of sup.-n i--ur now adjourn until tomorrow at a o'. loi k a. m. Motion . arried. Columbus Nebraska. Sept. U. Pill. T!:- board of supervisors pursuant to adjournment met at 'J o'clock a. m. Hon Louis Schwarz. chairman. John Craf. derk. and all members present. Ti..- following resolution was intro i 4i ed bv Sup-r isor Smith. W!..-rea-i the townhips of Oconee and Loup of Platte county have voted bonds in tue sUm of $a.oii for the .-..: -truction of a steel wagon bridge -out.' of Monro- m said county, and W!..-reas subscriptions have been i. ad.- for the on-truction of said i-rt is.- in tue stjm of -tMl0 in aildi tiin i) sad bonds and whereas the . ost of -aid bridge is estimated at J3L- Now T.i. r f.re be it Resolved that the iv.intv of Platte assi-t m the cost of t';e con-truction f said bridge in the - mi not eceedms 2.ooo.m). n mo t on .if Supervisor Wilson same was. adopted. Moved by Supervisor Wilson that t'li. miintv cb-rk. with the aid of the .oiii iv alt irn-y be directed to jrepare a resolution relative of making ap pii. .t n to the State of Nebraska for -tm -ii.: lor the ..instruction of the -;.- i wair.ii bridge a. ross the Lou. rier south f Monr-n- Motion carried. n ui.ition of Supervisor Casen l.r... k fie board of supervisors now ad journed until 2 o'clock this p. m. Columbus. Nebraska. Sept. II. 1311. Pur-;. ant to adjournment the board of -up rvi--ors met at 2 o'clock p. m lion. Loui- Schwa rz. chairman, and John Oraf clerk. Roll called and following members present Supervisors Clother. Dasenbrock S. ho-. h'-r Schure Smith. Wilson ami chairman Schwans. Th" following resolution was intro-iu.-d bv Supervi-or Smith: Whereas, public necessity demands the onstruction of a bridse across Loup rier -.ojth of Monroe, and with i I'latte eoiintv Nebra-ka. .N'.it toeref re be it re .t.-.-d that a -tee! wason bridse be cn-tructe.i i- ro-s l., ip river south of Monroe. .W-'.-.i-ki. and wh-dJv tvithin Platte coun :v smd ras..n bri.lffe to be . .instruct ed of st.. and about 2 feet in nsf i tn-l it... it 1; feet in wid'h and a-ri-- -aid Lo-p ri -r at a point or -.. a" 'x lere t:.e .-ast line of s.ftion I t . "-'up !7 rans- 3 we-t .,; the Sixth (nil. :pal meridian reai lies Loup river, s.oiin of Monroe and where ti.t riivr N jli.il 2 feet wide, -aid Loup river (ems a stream Hon ins throush Platte c .i.r.Tv Ne i.raska. ..n.i being more than ..ne hundred and -eVellty-llve feet in wilt:.. Be i further res.,H-ed that the Cost of cn-tru.-tion of said bruise be not to exceed $3 4 . and that the countv of putt.- N. braska. pav at least $17 iiiii or oR.ha'f of the ii.st of construc tion thereof Be u further resolved that the fol low ms application be made to the -tate of Nebra-ka for -Mate aid in the . ..nstru. t:-.n of said brids-. the coun tv of Platte pledjnns itself to the state of Nebra-ka to furni-h one-half of the cost of construction of said bride- as herein --et forth. Application. To the State of Nebraska and the State Board of Irrigation of Nebras ka. Application is hereby made by the . nunt'- of Platte. Nebraska, for state aid to th extent of S!7oi) in tne con--tructi .n of the following proposed bridse A steel wason bridge across Loup rr..r s,jUth of Monro-. Nebra-ka. at a p..i:tt at or near where the east line of s.-, uon 1. township 17. range J west of the Sixth principal meridian reaches Loup river, and whollv within Platte Countv Nebraska, said Loup river be ins a stream Sowing through Platte county, and more than 175 feet in width, said bridge to be constructed of modern steel structure with tubular pier- and about 2. '' feet Ions and about 16 feet wide, said river at aiu point beins about 2.0"0 feet wide Said bridse to cost not to exceed $34 -into and to be constructed at the esti mated cost of $3io0i. For the pur pose of tixins the estimate cost of con struction of said bridse reference is made to plan for steel bridges No. l.0 on rile in the state engineer's of fit e. That on the 14th day of September. 1'Ul. the board of supervisors of said county dulv passed a re-olution pleds ins said Platte county to the payment of one-half of the construction of said bridse. a certified copy of wnieh is hereto attached and made a part of this application. Said Platte county respectfully re-unest- that its application herein made be accepted and approved and that plans and specifications be furnished by the state engineer and that all nec-e-sary steps be taken in the construc tion of said bridge. On motion of Supervisor Wilson same was- adopted. The following bills were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment thereof on the 1310 county poor fnnd: Ernest Schacher. threshing at cuntv farm 564 00 ! PVnesr Rerciitobl. labor at countv farm 3 50 A. D. Jensen. labor at cour y farm 3 75 IL F. Grelner. mdse. for poor 3 23 lr. I- P Carstenson. attendirg sick horses at co. farm 21 00 The following bills Were on motion allowed by the board and the Merk di rected to issue warrants in oayment ther-of on the county road and bridge funds. Geo -V Hoagland. account clty of Columbus $34S 32 L. J. Merten. account Granville twp - M Geo A. Hoasland. account Co lumbus twp 'US 33 John Smyers. account Colum bus twp 13 00 M E Clother. account Lose Creek twp 30 00 Walrath & Sherwood Lbr. C.. account Sherman twp i5 50 Arnold Nyffeler. account Co lumbus city 'js 00 Joseph Keller ac-ount Humph rey twp 134 30 Fred Pa.-enbroek. account Cres- ton twn 3 00 Peter Lubischer. account Gran ville twp T ill) J. D. Adam- Co . account Shell i 're.-k twp 24 o0 las. Burows. account Shell Creek twp 41 00 Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.. account Shell Creek twp ... 13 ) Walrath .& Sherwood Lbr. Co.. a.-i oiint Burows twp IIS SS Car! W Gertsth. act ount Bur rows :wp 30 Do John 11 S.liafer. account Gran- die twp S Jo-eph Bender, account Gran ville twp 33 j- John German, account Granville tap I"- " X'-.. Schneider Fowler Co. ac count Grannlle twp 23 6o f" J Bender account Gran- .Me twp $) j..) n H. Ternns. account Gran ville twp 30 on W A. Pender account Granvli:.- .vp 67 50 71ms. A. Van Lvke. account Grtnville twp 4 0i Louis Bonder, u. count Gran- '. twp 6 Co it Cro.-ser. account Granville f p 16 'Ji Chi -. Miller, account Oconee iv.p 3 23 V .liter i Sherwo.nl Lbr Co account Oconee ;wp 2.1 7o Alvin Goke. account Oconee twp C 00 Fred Goke. account Oconee twp 21 4' Ciar-r.. e Sesea. account Ocon-e twp 6 . .. E L. Van Ail-n. acount Oconee t wp 31 5" W J Welch, account Oconee twp 35 00 "ha-. Miller, account Oconee twp 30 00 c as. Miller, account Oconee t wp 56 20 John If. liwr-n:e account Oc.i- ne- tp 1 1 2". Wm Sis-a. ac.M-unt Oconee twp 3! !3 Wni Sise.i. a unt Oconee twp 249 C.is Miller, account Oconee twp 14 05 George Miller account Oconee t V 3-0 E L. Van Alb-n. a. count Oeor.et tw p . - .... 60 25 Chas Miller account onee twp '- s' Tie- following report was submitted W vour committee appoint-4 to up-r-. is.- tne road work on roads leading fr m Platte Cent.-r under contract let :o Carl W G-rt- li and C C. Doody an.l to be paid for out of the inheri taine tax fund rep..r' that we have 1 .Iv superintended -aid work and that t!..- -atue iii- been done in a workman like niann. r and according to ontract ti.d the sain.- is tt.-r. f-r- appr c-ed bv is in all res.,;s M E. CLOTHER, A I 'AM SMITH. J F SHURE n motion :" Supervisor Si:ith the report was adopted. Ti- f.d'.winc bills were on motion allowed b" the board an.l the !erk di rei ted to i-sije warrants in p.i".mnt of -an;.. ..ii the inheritance tax f".nd. C c liootly improving and siadins r.-nd $4- 0 '"arl W Gert. h. improving and grading road 223 Oo I'v 'notion of Suj.er i--or WiNon the b..arl of supervisors now adjourned until o'clock a. in. tomorrow c..iumlis. Nebraska. Sept. 13. pill. T!" board of supervisors of Platte oiintv N-bra-ka pursuant to ad- j.oirtinient met at ' o'clock a. t. Hon- .-oiiis -:. hwarz chairman, and John Graf clerk. Roll talb-d and following ni-mbers jre-.-nt : Supervisors Clother. Da-.nbrock. S. !ia 'i-r. Si hure. Smith. WiN.in and Chairman S. nwarz M..v. ! t. ..per- i-or Schaec r that The Busy Housewife can lesson her toil and make her kitchen more comfortable during the hot summer weather by using ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS ELECTRIC PLATE HEATERS ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES and many other labor sav ing devices that we have on display at our office. The expense for operating means nothing when com pared to the comfort de rived, f your lights are dingy or your eyes weak we recommend TUNGSTEN OR MAZDA LAMPS The kind that make dark corners look like day. Columbus Light, Heat and Power Co. the chair appoint a rommittee of three to pr-pare a resolution submitting to the voters of Platte county a proposi tion to build, equip and furnish a new court house and to i.-sue bonds to pay for the same. Motion carried and the chair appointed as uc!i committ.e Supervisors Schaecher. Schure and Wil son. Moved by Supervisor Clother that an intermission be taken by the board of supervisors to give the committee suf ficient time to prepare the resolution Motion earned. After reconvenement of the board of supervisors report was submitted as follows. Your committee appointed to pre pare a resolution submitting to the voters of PL.tie county a proposition to build, enuip and furni-h a new court house and issue bonds to pay for the same, beg leave to submit as their re port the following resolution: Be it Re-olved by the board of sup ervisors of Platte county. Nebraska, that the following proposition be and is lier-by submitted to the legal vot ers of -aid county at a special election her.-by ordered and called to b. held in Platte county at the several voting places ther-in on the pjth day of De cember, l'ill. said proposition being in the following word ami figures, f wit: Xotlrf of pevlal Election. Notice J- brebv given to the legi, voters of Platte county In the state f Nebraska, that a special election wi be I ed m said county at the usual -t-ins pl.u es therein on the pith da- of I'ecelnber. l'Ul. foT the purpose of . ,' - ins on the following proposition r.- Wit. Shall the board of supervisors of Platte cuntv N-braska. isue the .-..i.-pon bonds of uid . oiinty to the amour.: f $1hi.imio to erect, construct and f ir-ni-h a suitable notrt hous- on the -it.-if the pre-ent court hou-- in the . if of Columbus In Platte county. Neira--ka. said bonds to be issued in sum- ..f Jl.oOo each t be made payable to bear er and dated on the 1st dav of .Map h. I'12. and to become due and payable ten ears from the date thereof w it i intere-t at rive per cent p-r annum pavabl- annually on the 1st day of March of each war upon interest cou pons thereto attached, both principle .nd intere-t payable at the . tre.i.s office in citv of Columbus, countv of I'latte and -tate ..f Nebra.-ka. and said bonds or any portion thereof in the -urns or not less than $1 ooo shall ' made redeemable at any time after tire v.-ars from tae date of -aid bonds at the option and upon the call of ti.. proper officers of said county, and Shall the board of supervisors of th-. OlltltV of Pl.ltte calls- tO ll.' levied Up- ui the taxable? property of said county in annual tax sufficient for the pa-tn-nt of the interest on said bonds as it li-eomes du.. and beginning with and after .March 1st. 112. shall the board of supervisors annually cause to b levied on the taxable property of said countv an annua! tax sufficient to pa ei-veti per . -nt of the principal of said coapon bonds and at tax levy preced ing she niat.iritv of saj.j bonds !all the said board of supervisors cau-e to be l.-v'te.l on the taxable property of said cuntv a tax sufficient to pav th prin. n!e and Interest due upon .u. bond- said bonds -hall b- i-sued. r-g- st-red and sold bv the proper officers of said county and the proceeds thereof shall be paid to the treasurer thereof ro be held l.v said treasurer as a spe- jol fund to he di-bursed only on iie order of th- county board of said oun tv in paym. tit of warrants regular! v i -ued for the purpose aforesaid, and f two-thirds of th- legal votes cast at said ele,ti..n shall b- in favor of r.e proposition h-rehv submitted the -a.-i hoard of sup.-rvisors snail b- autl. ti - ed to eeCUte and is.-Ue the said "" To- manner in which the proposition shall be s.ji mitted shall be b' i-a! " upon whi a there shall be written printed the words For tourr h.o'i-e bonds and tax... Again.-t court house bonds and tax i If two-thirds of the ballots ca-t c -aid election shall be in favor of t! -proposition, then the same shall - ! . !ar-! adopted, otherwi" it sh.nl '. . tared lost. At said el. Ctl'l the polls shall be .p.-r.ed at ..'clock in the morning and shall c.se at six o'cloi k in the aft-r- nn of the said date of election, to be conducted according to law- an.l aft-r noti.-t- ther.-of as in such cases made and provided bv statute. Bv ord-r of the board of supervisors of Platte countv Nebraska, this j-.th dav of September loll. Atte-- Chairman of Board of Supervisors County Clerk. We vour committee further recom mend that t'i county clerk be dirette.1 to have the necessary ballots print, d for -aid el... tion and cause the forego ing "Notice of Special Election" to r published in all of the newsp iper pnnted and published in Platte co i-.' KENRT SCHAECHER J F. SCHURE. Comi!i.tTee Moved by Supervisor l-asen' r- k that the report ami resolution -ui.'i. - ed bv the .ommittee be adopted b" ' ,e board. R. II called for vote Supers l-oi-s Clother. Das-n'"r... k Schaecher S. hure. Smith and Sehwirc Voting -yes- Supervisor Wii-on v..t ng 'no " Motion d- tared carri-d Moved bv Supervisor Smith tl. c - board of supervisors now adjourn ;' til 2 o clo. k tht. p. m. Motion carri-d Columbus. Nebraska. S-pt. 13 i'Ki Pursuant to adjournment th- board of supervisors met at 2 o'clock p. m Hon. Lotus Sdiwarz. chairman. Jobn Graf clerk, and all members pres-nt. Mov-d by Supervisor Smith that a committee of three be appointed of whi. h tn.- chairman of this board shall b one to superintend the construction of the permanent road south of Colum bus, between the Platte and Loup riv-r bridges. Motion .arried and Supervisors Smith and Clother and Chairman Sen wars ic-r- appointed as such committee. Supervisor Schure was now tal'.-d upon to take the chair. Moved bv Supervisor Schwarz tint the -l-rk be directed to advertise for b!s for the construction of that part I of the permanent road between the r i Platte an I Loup river bridges whe h will be construct-d under the inheri- j tanc- tax law. as soon as the n'- sary survey is made by the govern ment engineer and the plans and P" i neatlon tiled with him. hid" to b- til-d with th- county juds- not later than Octob-r 3th at 12 o'clock noon. Motion carried. The following bills w-r- on motion allowed by the board and the el-rk di rected to lsue warrants tn paym-nt -f sam- on the Rift county g-n-ral fund Jhn Ratterman. co. judge. cots instate cases $30 30 KIopp & Bartlett Co.. supplies for i county 12 30 ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pun The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream offTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE Mark Burke salary for Septem- br 7) )0 Fr.-d Iasenbrock sup. services as supervisor 42 40 I F S hure. sup. services as si.t.ervisor 40 70 C. i-!.: her. sup. services as slo.-t-.sor 33 70 A 1 1-1 s,RI 1, sup. services as -i.- . .-or I -. H- r ?. jec'ner. op. services k9k. . XTrT! m fTfcSvr1""-' SQj:QMArtA:WANT5 YOU ! I -.' I 'O 1 . . M - IW .K -HfLMK -v Ik WKS E2Zi BB8 miVriK-5i Si COARNIVAL w' 'jsTj s , -s. , - u p -. 5;EP127 7 TUEsnav Mtrr4unnu -ir-r . MANUFAsURER'a 'PARADE : THUR3DAyAFrOW00H.OCT 5 e oi-nnai, nKAUC rnrvAn r 4 .; . 959AYfflOLEYEAR,S FUN INTO lO CAYS w uu uiMK, wij wc ntLr FRISCHHOLZ BROS. ing RELIABLE GOODS FRISCHHOLZ 405 11th Street IRRIGATED LANDS ASSERT THEIR VALUE The irriirateil area: in the Biir Horn B isin an.l the Yellowstone Valley pre sent at this time a wholesome example of the '.alue of irrigation On the Gov ernment irrigated homesteads in the v.eimty of Italstnti. Powell ami Garland. Wyo.. aad alonir the Yellowsrone river near Huntle. .Mont., there are maejiiri cent cop:? of alfalfa, wheat, oats, potatoes, smrar lieets. etc. An ample supply of water is furnished through tiie -ea-on by th Govern ment. A Ion"; the Biir Horn River, upon lands taken under the Cirey et, there are liKewise extensive areas of prorltable crops The Government irrijjated homesteads under the new Ralston unir are now available for entry. These include some of the most vduable and easily irri irateii lands in the Basin. They are surro-mded by protectintf and magnificent mountain ranges. Foeal and Government agvnts help you in everv way to select your land, and they take a deep interest in the development of y iur tarm. The writer visited that locality the week of Autrut tith to the 12th and saw everywhere such excellent yields, such hijfhlv !. elopeii farms, canals full of water, fast irowm town-: new land ?oin;r under cultivation, a- to warrant thL- statement, that there are not today, in the United States, better chances for successful farming- and future homes than upon the irrigated lands of the above named regions. Join our personally conducted excursions during tho autumn, ard see for yourself what I am trying to make plain to you. nffljffiSwil E. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent, The Home of The Top Notch in Groceries we Strive to Attain. As we Succeed our Patrons Gain! When it comes to selling things to eat, In Quality and Price, We'll not be Beat! B. N. Eleventh Street Grocer. Columbus, Nebraska -r sup-ivisor 37 l0 Loins Schwarz. sup. services as sop-iv -. 33 CO faniet Wilson, sup. services as supctvisor 43 60 Paniel Wilson, sup., cash ad- vanced 4 00 .Moved by Supervisor Schure that the hoard of supervisors now ad.ourn un- tn Ottober 3 1311. at 2 O'ci 'Ck p m. .Motion carried. - 1- --a Mmr to OCT. 7. 1911 WEDNESDAY NTCHT, OCT 4 ELECTRICAL PARADE FRIDAY NTGHT, CKT.6 CORONATION BALL iLEEP AFTER YOUCET flOME vShoes, Clothing, Gents' Furnish AT RIGHT PRICES BROTHERS Columbus, Nebraska 1004 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. Quality Groceries WAIDE