The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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    K-vs.'ji- .- i-:-v'- ;s k"-7-' r -r4i---ViSjVJy-'Z
i - -f - ; -
m 'm aW sri
Yours for uni-
Yours for great
est leavening
Yovrs for never
failing results.
Yowrs for parity.
Yours for economy.
Yours for every
thing that goes to
make np a strictly
high grade, ever-
dependable baking
ThatisCalnmet. Try
it once and note the im
provement in your bak
ing. See how much more
economical over the high
priced trust brands, how
much better than the cheap
and big-can kinds.
Calnmet is highest in quality
moderate in cost.
Received Highest Award
World's Pare Food
Nebraska Directory
Write N. Z. 8XEL Lincoln, Nebraska
Jjirct-it stock, lowest prices. Remingtons (12,
Hmltli l'romliTs (15, Clilt-aco S3, Underwood CS,
L. Cmith NO. Monarch $4U. Ilamroond IIS, Koxfli
Full (iuanintec. Send for Catalog A.
II. V SWANbON CO.. 131G Famam Bu, Omaba, Ken.
All makes 55 up. Over 100 to se
lect from. Marnlncs for rent, 3
monthsforSi. Write for list Xo.IO
Central Trpwrrittr Eichangt, Omaha, Ktb.
Mall order
Given special
attention. All supplies for tlie Amateur stnet
ly freb. Send for catalogue and finishing
COMPANY, Box 1197. Omaha, Neb.
"At last, liss Millie. I can say
something that I have been burning
to ask you for some time."
"What is it? What is it?"
"Has your cousin Erna enough
money to marry on?"
When the Minister Scored.
In a contribution to the Christiai
Register. Thomas R. Slicer tells this:
"Some men the other night, in con
versation with me, knowing I was a
minister and it is the spirit of this
time to put it up to a minister in
terms at least of gentle satire said:
'We have been discussing conscience,'
and one of them said, 'I have given a
definition of conscience; It is the ver
micular appendix of the soul,' and the
laughed. And 1 said, 'That is a good
definition in your case; you never
know yon have it until it hurts you.'
Then they did not laugh."
Efficiency in the Forest.
The Babes in the Woods were lost.
"There is no hope," they cried,
'they will try to find us by a filing
system." .
Try For
Scramble two eggs.
When nearly cooKed,
mix in about a half a
cup of
and serve at once
seasoning to taste.
It's immense!
"The Memory Lingers"
Postum Cereal Company. Ltd.
Battle Creek. Midi.
Single Pound or Weil-Ripened Product
Contains More Nutriment Than
Two Pounds of Pork.
A single pound of well-ripened
honey contains more nutriment than
two pounds of pork, and more medi
cine than any druggist would put up
for fifty cents, says the Bee Journal.
Money is also one of the choicest
foods for man, and not the least valu
able, as it Is the only food that, hav
ing undergone chemical change In the
body of the bee. can be taken directly
into the system and used as a force
producer without having to pass
through the ordinary digestive nroc
The apiary Is fast being recognized
as one of the sources of profit on
the farm, especially with the farmer
who desires to carry on a system ot
diversified farming. The farmer, ot
all people, is perhaps the least de
pendent upon his fellow men, and on
every fair-sized farm there annually
goes to waste several hundred pounds
of nectar, unless he has the means of
gathering and storing for the use
of himself and family. It is not neces
sary that the farmer beekeeper be
come a competitlor in the market
with the expert bee keeper, and in
most instances this would not be de
sirable or profitable, but the farmer
should produce at least enough to sup
ply his own table, if not more.
Few Things More Pleasing Than to
Stand Under Sprinkler Just Be
fore Going to Bed.
If there is no bathtub In the bouse
it is an easy matter to rig up a pretty
good substitute. It consists simply of
a barrel, about ten feet of one-Inch
pipe, and a common faucet with a
sprinkling can attachment. The cut
gives an idea of its construction. Fig
ure (1) pipe. (2) barrel, (3) spbrot.
Convenient Shower Bath.
(4) sprinkler. The hired man speaks
and stands for himself. If there is
no water connection in the house the
barrel must be filled by hand, but this
is not much of a job. A couple of
pailfuls of boiling water will warm up
the entire barrel, and it's mighty
comforting to stand under the sprinkler
just before going to bed, after a hard
day's work in the field, then finish off
with a coarse towel.
It is a right good time to buy clover
seed. Some of your neighbors will
cut a crop that will be reasonably
free from foul weeds seeds, and they
are the men to buy seed from. If this
matter is put off until the seed is
wanted for sowing, nine times in ten
you will have to take anything of
fered, and more than likely get some
thing mixed with it that you did not
bargain for. Buy cloverseed right at
the huller, if possible; it will cost
you less than at the stores, and be
sides you will know what you are
Plants From Seeds.
About the number of plants that can
be produced from one ounce of seed
is as follows: Asparagus, 500; broc
coli, 2.000; cabbage, 2.000; cauliflower,
2,000; celery, 3,000; egg plant, 1,000;
endive, 3,000; kale, 2,000; leek. 1,000;
lettuce, 3,000; pepper, 2.000; tomato,
3.000; sage. 1.000; thyme. 5.000.
Draining Land.
Never make an open ditch if it is
possible to drain the land with tile.
A tile drain costs but little more than
a properly constructed open ditch hav
ing a sufficiently sloping bank, and,
unlike the open ditch, it leaves the
land perfectly smooth, without any
waste for cultivation.
Timothy hay should be grown for
market every time.
Canteloupes may be gathered for
market before the rind colors.
The kind of corn to grow for filling
the silo will depend on the locality.
A good garden is a luxury that
svery iarmer's family should enjoy.
Land that will grow a heavy crop
Df wheat or rye will grow timothy.
Kale requires deep, rich, mellow
ground, well supplied with rotted
Celery for market should be planted
In four-foot rows, setting the plants
six inches apart in the row.
When buying plants of the cabbage
or other crucifers the grower should
make certain that the plants are free
from club-root.
The man who expects fat harvests,
nigh prices and active markets all the
time has got something wrong with
bis reasoning apparatus.
Grass, clover, corn fodder and cow
peas, when fed in green state, are rel
ished by farm animals much more
than after they are cured.
Three insects destroy 55 per cent.
of the clover seed in the plants. They
ere the clover midge, the clover seed
chalelid and the clover caterpillar.
rA -XLf "X"
ssva. Smcbs9e9 j& ffoBj
aaaSBWaYaBSBaSSlOSar' s8Ss
PMaamJMSMMMavBaMaC ItrA - -
Get a hand separator.
Don't forget the road drag.
Aren't well painted buildings a good
It is unwise and wasteful to stuff a
horse with hay.
Salt regularly twice a week Is bet
ter than once.
Just as soon as the cream is sep
arated is should be cooled.
The potatoes can be greatly im
proved by selecting the seed.
Drench the ground around the tea
roses, but do not spray the bush.
No not neglect to spray the orchard
trees and berry bushes this year.
The average production of alfalfa
has been four tons of hay per acre.
Disease lurks In a neglected 6wlll
barrel. Scrub and scald it every
Seed onions should now have pro
duced plants big enough for bunch
Bloody milk or that from a sick
cow should never be mixed with whole
some milk.
As chickens grow, diminish the
number of meals as well as the vari
ety of food.
It is fatal to some plants to ferti
lize them with rich manures when the
ground is very dry.
It is well to have a trough in the
hog-house in which is kept wood ashes,
salt and copperas.
If the spring pigs are doing well
hold them steady until fall and then
push them for the market
Some cows are such persistent milk
ers that it is next to impossible to dry
them up. even for a short time.
It requires the work of experienced
grower of ginseng to germinate the
seed with any degree of success.
A hog needs all his time to make
pork and should not be expected to
spend any moments fighting lice.
It should be remembered that the
milk cannot be increased in solids
and in fat by the feeding of rich food.
The individuality of each horse
should be studied, and the feeds sup
plied to meet individual requirements.
Tou will appreciate the difference
between low-beaded and high-headed
trees when you are picking the crop.
An average, of between one and two
per cent of all hogs slaughtered in
the United States are infected with
In order to produce desirable flavor
It is very essential that the milk and
cream be handled under sanitary con
ditions. Free range for hogs does not mean
that they should be allowed to run in
the highways and through tbe neigh
bors' fences.
It often pays to grade strawberries
very carefully. A customer pleased
and satisfied means a steady market
for produce.
Anybody can raise an ordinary
horse and sell it for an ordinary price
It takes blood and feed and care to
beat the average.
Cabbage and cauliflower will grow
better If frequently cultivated. Tie
the leaves about the cauliflower heads
to keep them white.
Each cow's udder should be thor
oughly cleansed before milking and
the hands of the milker should be ab
solutely clean and dry.
At no time Is the development of
the pigs so easily influenced as while
they are depending on the sow's, milk
the first month of life
There is no trouble about working
the brood mare on the farm, if she is
the right kind of a mare and is han
dled by the right sort of man.
Hogs require attention, regardless
of condition, age or sex, but the man
agement of the brood sow is the sur
est test of the breeder's skill.
Milk should find its way Into the
chicken rations much more generally,
and if a cow is kept for the purpose
of supplying it, it will be found one
of the cheapest foods.
To introduce filth Into the cream Is
to introduce not only the bad flavors
which that filth contains, but also
germs which will tend to develop
some kind of a bad flavor In the
An acre of good corn will furnish
forty pounds of silage per day to a
cow for 500 days, and an acre of alfal
fa will furnish sixteen pounds of bay
per day to a cow for 500 days. This
makes a good ration for a cow produc
ing 22 pounds of milk per day. "
The silo is sot am experiment.
-; .1 " "
Charcoal Is excellent for pigs.
Take good care of ..what pigs 70a
have "
If short of fall feed, sow rape or
Collar boils are caused by Ill-fitting
The use of silage 'does not breed
One way to improve land rapidly Is
to pasture hogs upon it
Trim any apple or plum trees that
are over-bearing. It nays.
Setting away, in a narge can Is a
very poor way to cool cream.
Horses that have a light bay diet
are seldom affected with heaves.
All weeds damage the apeparance
of a farm and render lit less valuable.
Strong, vigorous pigs when a week
old will care for themselves, barring
accidents. '
The dairyman cannot' afford to
keep a cow at the expense of the rest
of the herd.
Local manure should be applied,
only when the ground is moist enough
to absorb it
Aim for early maturity, and keep
hogs growing by intelligent feeding
and good care
Runs of confined fowls quickly be
come foul this warm weather. Plow
them up often.
The pig crop is governed by numer
ous influences that tend to increase or
decrease supply.
Even circulation of air is the one
important factor necessary for the
proper curing of corn.
It is just as necessary for little
pigs to have fresh dirt to root in as to
have nourishing feed.
Cowpcas sown in standing corn at
the last cultivation will furnish a'
large amount of pasturage.
The first tomatoes to ripen that are
oval and smooth, and the seed from
them should be saved also.
Unless the birds are on grass, sup
ply them with green food daily, there
fore cut grass is excellent
Hens that are frightened every time
an attendant goes among them can
not do well In producing eggs.
Humus is the organic matter in tne
soil, and is formed by the decay of
animal and vegetable matter.
All breeds of hogs look good when
taken care of, all of them will yield
good money if rightly bandied.
The man who can raise bogs profit
ably without pasture can increase bis
profits many fold by using pasture.
The usefulness of a horse depends
largely upon his good health and abili
ty to perform what is required of him.
The majority of silos being built
have a continuous door, which makes
it very convenient for emptying tbe
Warm milk should never be poured
Into cold milk, nor should the night's"
milk be mixed with the morning"'
It is a good sign that the pure-bred
sheep are increasing rapidly and.
are, therefore improving all of the
The draft horse should show a vig
orous, lively, energetic disposition..
yet be docile, tractable, and' Intelli
gent Raise the type of colt that sells
best in your community. Select the
sire and dam that will bring this type
of colt
Put some sort of a mark on the
earliest and best ears of sweet corn
and do not pick them, but save for
A goose that is being fattened for
market should never be permitted to
swim in the water or to wander any
Milk should never be exposed to
foul air in the cow stable or in dirty:
tanks before it is delivered to the:
Pet and talk to tbe cow. Kicking
and beating spoils ber for milk pur
poses. If she really needs beating or
kicking, butcher ber.
The pig is merely a meat-producing
machine and the more he is fed witb
good judgment, of course the more
meat he will turn over.
For tbe farmer who wants to go
into the business of breeding for
profit, mules are much better than
horses, and a safer proposition.
A check rein is unnecessary cruelty
For tbe horse that occasions trouble
by reaching down after grass or corn,
try a muzzle, but leave his head free
When acorns are fed pigs their fleh
Is apt to become very sol Ld oily,
but this difficulty may be t . come by
feeding corn for tree weeks before
Formerly it was thought that the
corn should be quite green when used
for silage purposes. It is now realized
that the best silage Is made from corn
which is well along toward maturity.
Many kinds of insect vermin besides
red mites Infest the poultry yards and
some of them live exclusively on the
little chicks, hiding la the down oa
their beads and under their throats.
I sbbbbP AbVbsbTsbMbiP " I
If Cut While Wet Grass Requires
Longer Time to Dry it Than
When Standing.
Do not start the mower until the
dew is off the grass. If cut while wet
the grass will require longer for tbe
sun to dry It than when standing.
Cut just what you can easily handle
in one-half day. The next afternoon
Home-Made Hay Loader.
rake the hay into windrows, and If
not thoroughly dry. better leave it
over night
In order to be perfectly sure that
hay Is well cured on our father's
farm, we always put it up s Into good
sized cocks and allowed it to remain
about two days. This second band
ling exposes all the damp hay to the
air and is swift in curing.
If you have a hay-loader, count
yourself lucky; but if not hitch two
horses to the end of a pole about
eight feet-long, straddle one or two.
cocks and drag them to the stack, if
the hay is to be left standing in the
A device shown in the cut is a
home-made stacker recommended by
an Illinois farmer. He says this
stacker when equipped with a fork
and an active horse, will handle all
the bay six wagons can bring In. The
rope is fastened at the top and bot
tom of a strong, slanted pole, and the
fork hangs over tbe center of the
stack. The wagon Is placed alongside
the board slideway and tbe fork used
the same is In the barn. .
If tbe bay is to be stored in the
barn, you will need a steady team
on the wagon. Tbe hayrack ought to
be about sixteeen feet long and ten
feet wide. If you are a good loader,
boards at the end and sides will not
be necessary.
When you arrive at the barn with
a load, bitch a steady horse on the end
of the rope attached to the bay-fork,
set the harpoon as deeply as possible,
and tbe horse will draw up 300 pounds
In a twinkling.
When the hay has run along tbe
carrier to tbe point where it is to be
Visiting Cousin Driving Team.
dropped, pull the whip-cord, and there
you are.
With a bright boy to handle the
horse on tbe rope and an experienced
man on the load, it can be put into
tbe barn in ten minutes or less.
Always begin at tbe back end ol
the mow, or the end farthest from
the chute to tbe barn floor, because
when the bay is put in in that way.
It will come out easier when being
It is a good plan to place the bay
level in the mow when it is being
unloaded. If you can get an extra
man to help, so much the better; if
not, do tbe best you can between bites
with the fork, and keep tbe mow as
level as possible.
It Has Been Found to Be More Nutri
tious ThanTimothy and Nearly
Equals Alfalfa.
In tbe past horse feeders have not
jnderslocd the value of clover hay.
Clover should constitute one of the
main coarse roughages for horses. It
has been found to be more nutritious
than timothy and nearly equals alfalfa
in this respect Feeders object to it
however, because of its tendency to
produce heaves and other respiratory
troubles when fed in a dusty or other
wise unclean condition. These objec
tions do not apply to clover which is
rut at the right time; properly cured,
and free from dust mold. Moldy
clover will often cause acute indiges
tion and even death. Those who do
oot care to feed straight clover will
find that a grade of light clover
mixed will give better results than
timothy, and there is no good reason
why It should not be used extensively.
Improving Pastures.
It has been abundantly shown that
pastures may be improved either by
natural or commercial fertilizers.
When the pastures are heavily grazed
and the animals fed little cr no other
food, usually the pastures gradually
decline. If. however, the cattle are
fed a little concentrated food, espe
cially of a highly nitrogenous charac
ter, or if the "pastures are top-dressed
with manures or commercial fertiliz
ers, they stea'dily grow better. But
occasional application of' seed clipping
the weeds and the harrowing of tbe
Geld, also contribute to this end.
Substitute Pasturage for Hogs.
Those who have a good alfalfa pas
tare for hogs are in luck, and those
who have not stay help their luck
along by sowing a stixtare of all the.
grains they have and adding about six
sounds of rape to tne acre.
SmmmmbmT Mml ' I MSI
litlTT Ml ll 'rii'ii
Mutual Obligations Entered Into That
Surely Should Have Been
Newell Dwight Hlllis, the now fa
mous New York preacher and author,
some years ago took charge of the
First Presbyterian church of Evans
ton. 111. Shortly after going there he
required the services of a physician,
and on the advice of one of his par
ishioners called in a doctor noted for
his ability properly to emphasise a
good story, but who attended church
very rarely. He proved very satisfac
tory to the young preacher, but for
some reason could not be induced to
render a bill. Finally Dr. Hillis. be
coming alarmed at the inroads the
bill might make in his modest stipend,
went to the physician and said: "See
here, doctor, I must know how much
I owe you."
After some urging, the physician re
plied: "WeIL-111 tell you what 111
do with you, Hillis. They say you're
a pretty good preacher, and you seem
tothink I am a fair doctor, so 111
make this bargain with you. I'll do
all I can to keep1 you out of heaven if
you do all you can to keep me out of 1
hell, and it won't cost either of us
a cent. Is it a go?" Cosmopolitan
"There is nothing the matter with
my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap
was only for skin troubles." True, it
is for skin troubles, but its great mis
sion is to prevent skin troubles. For
more than a generation its delicate '
emollient and prophylactic properties
have rendered it tbe standard for this ;
purpose, while its extreme purity and
refreshing fragrance give to it all the
advantages of the best of toilet soaps.
It is also invaluable in keeping the
hands. soft and white, the hair live
and glossy, and the scalp free from
dandruff and irritation.
While its first cost Is a few cents
more than that of ordinary toilet
soaps, it is prepared with such .care
and of such materials, that it' wears
to a wafer, often outlasting several
cakes of other soap, and making Its
use, in practice, most economical
Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and
dealers everywhere, but the truth of
these claims may be demonstrated
without cost by sending to "Cuticura,"
Dept. 23 L, Boston, for a liberal sam
ple cake, together with a thirty-two
page book on the skin and hair.
Where It Points.
"For whom is she wearing black
her late husband?"
"No. for her next She knows she
looks well in it" Judge.
Send 2c stamp for tiTft samples of my very choic
est Gold Embossed Birthday, Flower and Mottc
Post tiirds: beautiful colore and loYellett d salens.
An Pest Card Club, 7JI Jackson SL. Topeka,
Slang to Define Slang.
"He's in bad."
"Yes; he's all in."
tint. Wlnsiow Soothinz syrup for Chtldret,
teething. wften the jrmns, reduces inflamma
tion. bIL&tb paio.curna wlau colic. 25c a bottle.
Whoever complains of not having
found a true friend accuses himself.
Lewis Single Binder, extra quality t
bacco, costs more than other 5c cigars.
If yon have occasion to pick your
company, use a magnifying glass.
2.50, '3.00, 3.50& '4.00 SHOES
WOMEN mtr W-LDfa. MfSA. Pft
Douglas shoes famous the world over
b every paw.
If I could take you into my large hWlones
at Brockton, Mass, and show you how
carriulIyWiJougMi shoes are made, yoa
wcuM then understand why they are war
ranted to bold then shape, nt better and
west longer than any oAermakefcuSe price
ClirfhtkBl The seralae hare W. L. PhwIm
www name aad price ataaiaed m bottom
It yoa cannot obtain W L. Doulaa abnea la
tout towa, write for catalog. Shoes aeat direct OXK PAIR of my BOTS S,S2je
n hctory to trearer, all eharjres prepd. W.I. S&oW SHOKS wlU positively ewtwa
wv w awm 9fa, aiwiiai
I Wat feed by Lyt R Pkk.
s VetrfaMe
Wamika, Okla. 1 had female trou
bles for seven, years, was all ran down.
and so nerrov I
conid not do auy
thinf. ' Tbe doctors
treated me for dif.
ferent thima bat
did mo no good. I
got so Daa that l
could not sleep day
or night. While in
this condition1, read
of Lydia E. Fink,
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
bexsn ita nse and
wrote to Mrs. Finkham for advice. In
a short time I bad gained my average
weight and am now stronr and welL
Mrs. Saixix Stevens, JL F.Sl, No.
S. Box 81, Waurika, Okla,
Another Grateful TTousasu
Huntington, Mass. "I was in a ner
Tous, rundown condition and for three
years could find no help.
"I owe my present good health to
lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
Eoundand Blood Purifier which 1 be
eve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what helped wm
and does not say one word against iL
Mrs. Mam Jarxtts Baxbs, Box
1SL Huntington, Mass.
m Because your case is a difficult one,
doctors having done you no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Xosv
pound a triaL It surely has cured
many cases of fmale ilk, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio
pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, andnerroas prostration.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation -
tan qoKkiy he overcome sy
Purely vegetable
act surely and ssssssssPaiiTCBte
gently on the
liver. Cure
ache, Dizzi
iiess.andlnolgestioa. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
FnF tk tnatBMiBC nf CfcmMe Ubwfa.1
Solent UlrwBjSaKWtaAjlNrVlTlUt Swell
tar.MUk LeK.reMr8orM.aUoMfMM.Verr
mm mmmVUmm: B9S E
Krrar TaOe te SMtote Otm
Can nip dtevn h& SOLE.
' llWBtUWIll
lnctoo.D.C. Books! re. TIIcb
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 37-1911.
ass, xwv rauuisi maiaaij aojs
BBSS! " AtBBsi
psamssgj s smn ,
(& oBdfc.
K VaBMSsat
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mmm et rfti
mr wjl
Kmmm0s - - rf
sEfsSMMMsl r
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mmmmmm. I 1mmm551 f gigigW
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