The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 14, 1911, Image 2

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Preparing Seed Wheat For Sowing.
We think our readers in the corn
belt will agree with us that winter
wheat, which many of them said they
could not raise at all, has proven to
be the surest crop this year, more cer
tain even than corn except where
there has been abundant rain fall.
Winter wheat, if the seed bed be prop
erly prepared, the right kind of wheat
selected, drilled in and then harrowed
in the spring, can ripen before even
as severe drouth as this year can do it
very serious injury. It has suffered
some, probably in some cases to the
extent of five or ten bushels to the acre;
hut takinir it all in all, there is less
complaint about the wnter wheat crop
in the corn belt than any other.
We have given a good deal of time
and space to suggestions as to the prep
aration of the land, but perhaps have
not said enough about the preparation
of the seed for sowing. Wheat is
subject to both rust and smut. Rust
is a matter of season. This can not
be controlled. There is danger of
rust damage, and always will be, in
a season of great heat and superabund
ant rain fali.
There are two kinds of smut in
wheat: the loose smut and the stink
ing smut, the later usnally called bunt.
Loose smut is sown with the wheat
and crows with the wheat, the spores
being blown over the wheat field at the
time when the wheat is in bloom.
Hence the loss from it is often under
estimated. The farmer does not often
visit his wheat field until he is about
ready to cut, and hence fails to see
the amount of injury he has suffered
from smut. The same is true of oats
and barley! He sometimes is blind
to the damage he has suffered from
bunt or stinking smut; for this grows
in the grain, converts it into a mass
of stinking spores, but does not great
ly change the appearance of the grian
What now is the remedy? First get
out your fanning mill. If you do not
have one, hire or borrow one; if you
pan not do that, buv one. Then sift
out the small grains and blow out as
far as possible all the stinking smut.
This can be done, because these smut
ted grains are lighter than the aver
age grain.
Next treat your seed wheat with for
maldehyde, just as you do oats. We
don't know that formaldehyde is as
effective airainst loose smut of wheat
as it is against the loose smut of oats
but it is the best practical means that
we know of to pevent loose smut.
After thoroughly fanning your wheat,
use only the large, well developed
grains for seed. Spread it out on the
floor, and sprinkle it with the form
alin solution as recommended for the
oats., then another of wheat, and so
on. Be sure that the formaledhyde
is pure. Get it in the original pack
age and see that it is sealed. A
pound of formaldehyde in forty gallons
or a barrel of water will treat from
forty to fifty bushels of wheat. This
will cost you but a trifle in addition
to the work, and will save you money.
There is another way of certainly
killing loose smut in wheat, but we
do not regard it as practical for the
average farmer; what is known as the
Jensen hot water treatment. It would
not be practical except for enough to
furnish seed for the next year, and
besides, may injure the germination
of the wheat. Hence we do not des
cribe it. The formalin treatment is
the most practical treatment for the
farmer that we know any thing about;
but before applying the treatment don't
forget to thnuroughly grade your wheat
and use only the larger grans. It
will mean- difference of from three
to five bushels per acre to your crop,
if the experiments at the various ex
The Busy
can lesson her toil and
make her kitchen more
comfortable during the hot
summer weather by using
and many other labor sav
ing devices that we have
on display at our office.
The expense for operating
means nothing when com
pared to the comfort de
rived, f your lights are
dingy or your eyes weak
we recommend
The kind that make dark
corners look like day.
light, Heat and
Power Co.
periment stations mean anything. As
a matter of fact they are very safe
guides for the farmer to follow.
Wallaces' Farmer.
Preparing Ground For Fall Wheat.
We have been raising fall wheat
for a good many years and in the last
quarter of a century have prepared the
ground in many different ways. As our
soil gets older we find we must do
better fanning and give the land bet
ter preparation. In the early days
we broke the virgin soil in June, back
set it in August, harrowed it the first
of September and sowed from the tenth
up to the twentieth of that month.
Then, in a few years, we discovered
we got better results sowing in the lat
ter days of September and now in Neb
raska we get some pretty good wheat
from October seeding. This gives us
a longer time in the autumn to get the
seed bed in proper condition.
Recent experiment station work
has demonstrated that good ploughing
done the last days of July and up to
tho middle of Auerust was the best
way to begin preparation, then by the
use of the harrow and disc, we kept
up the dust mulch condition and re
tained the mosture, assuring an ideal
place to drop the golden grains of
We have been following this plan
this season and find that we are get
ting a fine place to sprout the wheat
and give it a start toward a good fall
growth. If one has the horse power
on the farm, it does not pay to wait
for a rain to soak the soil and make
it plow easy. No matter if the clods
do roll up and make it look like poor
farming, if the horses can stand the
work, push the early plowing without
reference to the weather conditions.
Of course, by early plowing we are
apt to have a stand of volunteer wheat
or oats on the land. This can be elim
inated by a good disking and then
when you have rain, the soil is ready
to harrow down in fine shape.
We had some extra horses on the
place. We put them on the harrow
and followed the gang and kept the
fresh plowing harrowed down. It only
took a couple of hours each evening
to harrow the day's plowing and it
saved unhitching from the plow and
using the tired horses to pulverize the
day's working. Even the driving
horses can stand a few hours harrow
ing each day. Of course we did no
harrowing when the ground broke up
in clods as big as a man's head, as
they did before the first rain but as
soon as it rained we put the harrow
on the land and kept the harrowing
done up right along afterwards.
Some farmers who do not follow the
practice of sowing oats on the ground
where they expect to put fall wheat
follow the practice of sowing wheat
in the cornfields. We have done this,
but it almost invariably failed to pay
and although we have not been raising
many oats to the acre of late, we still
follow the practice of sowing every
bit of wheat land in oats the preced
ing spring. We would rather sow
wheat two years in succession than
sow in stalk ground. We remember
one case when we got 30 bushels of
wheat the first year and by early and
good preparation of the soil, obtained
a 33-bushel crop the next year. We
attributed the increased yield to the
better and earlier preparation of the
soil, for we got the wheat stacked
early and set about plowing at once.
In early days we burned the stubble,
but no one does that these days, as in
Nebraska we have learned the fact that
we need all the humus we can return
in the way of stubble and weeds.
We recently took a trip through the
famous wheat lands of Canada and
found that they were growing wheat
for several years in succession and not
even plowing the ground. They sim
ply disked the land, harrowed it down
and sowed with a disk drill. This
brings big crops on the virgin soil of
that country and this method is follow
ed on our western farms of the arid
belt, where they do not summer-fallow
every other year, but westerners
will find in coming years that summer-fallowing
will pay better, if they
have no time to plow and properly
prepare the ground and want to use
it every season. J. O. Shroyer, in
Nebraska Farm Journal.
Wheat in Standing Corn.
In your issue of August 11, page
1106, there is a reply, "Wheat in
Standing Corn," that attracted my
special attention, as I was intending
to sow wheat in forty acres of corn the
coming fall.
We value Wallaces' Farmr very
highly. In fact, we look upon it as
the most reliable farm weekly that
comes to our home. But the reply
civen in the above article was to us
most disappointing.
You say it will knodc our the ears
very much to seed in the corn and then
advise seeding both ways, which would
require going through the corn twice;
once each way. This surely would
break down and knock off twice as
many stalks and ears, Again, if we
seed both ways, as you advise, there
arises another difficulty. With one
seeder it will take very active work
to seed forty acres in six days. Then
there is one rest day at last, and pos
sibly one or more wet days; at least
the latter would just now be very de
sirable. That would make seven or
eight days from the first seeding-be-
gan until the second seeding would
commence. By that time the first few
days' seeding would be up and half of
the seeding would be sprouted. You
would not surely advise cross seeding
under such conditions. This cross
seeding is therefore impractical, un
less in a very limited acreage. It
might do on ten acres.
This is to be my first effort at grow
ing fall wheat, and that is the reason
why I am so interested in the "know
I have never been able to make fall
wheat growing work into our rotation
of corn and clover and pasture, cattle
sheep and hogs.
Pasture, hay and stock, with what
spring grain we could raise, has been
our forte. The spring grain has never
given us much profit as grain, but
served well as feed and bedding.
Your article makes it a little dis
couraging, but if weather conditions
prove favorable we will not give up
our effort.
Our cornfield has been well worked,
level culture, so that it is as level as
any field prepared for crop could be
desired free from weeds and the corn
standing well. The seed was good
and the stand of corn is quite heavy.
This is not so good for a corn crop as
if the stand was lighter .on account of
the dryness of the season. The last
working was just before the corn came
into silk and this made a fine dust
mulch and leaves it in fine shape for
seeding to wheat.
Our pastures became so dry that our
stock, cattle and sheep, were taken
from the pastures and put on a stubble
field adjoining our corn field, where
we feed them fresh corn every dayi
We give them all the corn they will
clean up, cutting from the outside of
the field so as to give us a good turn
ing place when seeding the wheat.
And this will give the outside rows a
better chance to make a good showing
until the next harvest comes. That
is quite important along a public road.
Now I would not like to make a
failure in this, our first effort, as
that would be quite discouraging, so
you will tell me what is wrong in our
plans and what would aid us in our
efforts. David Brown, Dodge County,
Remarks: In the foregoing Mr.
Brown has clearly set forth the objec
tions to drilling both ways. Against
them must be considered the advantage
of a more thorough covering of the
ground by double drilling. In his case
it appears that he will have a level
field in either event, Therefore, it
seems to be a matter for him to decide
after considering the advantages and
disadvantages. We do not urge the
drilling of wheat in corn for the reas
ons set forth in our issue of August
11; but under favorable conditions
good crops can be grown by this meth
od. Wallaces' Farmer.
Drilling Winter Wheat In Corn
L. B. Benson, Dawson county,
Nebraska, writes: "Having had some
experience on this subject I would like
to make a few remarks. About the
first week in September we go through
he corn with a fine shovel cultivator.
This process destroys the weeds,
loosens the ground and makes a good
seed bed. I generally aim to start to
sow from four to six pecks to the acre
just according to season. After the
corn is husked we turn the stock in
the cornfield. They will not hurt the
wheat unless it is pastured too heavy.
I let them jrun on wheat all winter,
but I shut them off when the snow is
on the ground.
"The stock breaks the stalks con
siderably. Early in the spring when
the stalks are hard and dry I run over
them. The first time I set the teeth
so they will dig in the grourd a little.
This loosens the soil and helps the
work a great deal. The second time
I harrow it crossways and set the teeth
flat, which breaks most of the stalks.
The wheat in an ordinary year will be
tall enough to cut with a binder. This
year some of the farmers had to use
I have sown cornstalk wheat for
the last ten years. It yields between
ten and thirty-five bushels per Jacre.
Last year my wheat yielded twenty
seven bushels, which is considered a
good yield for cornstalk wheat."
A. Pewitt, Williamson Co., Ten
nesee, writs: "We always sow wheat
in the stalks. We take a bull-tongue
plow and plow as closely to the corn
both ways as we can, then sow. the
wheat and plow it in good. When
the ground is frozen hard take a pole
twenty feet long and hitch a mule to
each end of the pole, put a rider on
each mule and drive all over the fields.
This will knock the stalks all off close
to the ground. The stalks wont both
er much if left on the ground, some
times we take a rake and rake them
and fill gullies or burn them. I have
been sowing wheat this way for thirty
years and make from twenty to thirty
five bushels to the acre according to the
ground." Iowa Homestead.
Before you reach the Limit
of physical endurance and while your
condition is still curable, take Foley
Kidney Pills. Their quick action and
positive results will delight you. For
backache, nervousness, rheumatism,
and all kidney, bladder and urinary
-&.' -Cu.'t.i5iri'r .-.".- x '.IvbKtsBbbbbbwwbbbbbbbbwb
VraBHHwiBBBBB" SmMVMr.MMMz "9 LbbbhSb !bbbV !t jEfi3tomBrmBttiMm
FTa?. lSbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbm Jm wMmmmUmmw kfeBkwlkHHRIEEdB5?k?'HHI
TmAeEiiiKDts of Relriski Na
tional Gurd for Mioeuiers
Dales Ourine Ak-Sar-fien.
Program Will Extend Over a Period
of Ten Days, Beginning September
26 and Ending October 5 Camp
Near BeMevue.
When the visitors from all over
the world go to Omaha to witness the
festivities incident to the coronation
or Kiug Ak-Sar-Ben XVII., they will
have the opportunity to witness the
Nebraska national guard Nebraska's
contribution to the citizen soldiery of
the nation at its best.
For at the same time, the national
guardsmen will be attending their an-
nual encampment, located this year a
short distance south of Bellevue, per
haps twelve miles south of the busi
ness district of Omaha, and easily ac
cessible by the interurban railway
leading to Bellevue and Fort Crook.
in fact, a trip to the camp to visit
Nebraska's soldier boys may be made
a pleasant outing in various ways, for
also may be visited Bellevue, where
the French voyageurs of 100 years
ago, delighted beyond measure at na
ture's panorama spread in magnificent
colors and scenic grandeur before
them, exclaimed "La Bellevue." and
Fort Crook, within a mile of which the
camp will be located, may be visited,
and Uncle Sam's soldiers in their
splendid army post may be observed.
Once each year the Nebraska na
tional guard, like the national guard
of other states, goes into camp from
one to two weeks. Thfs year it will
last ten days. This Is the period of
the year when full time is devoted to
military iustruction; when by the
massing of large bodies of troops in
struction of a character which can
not be given at the home stations is
given, and when larger military prob
lems are worked out; when camp life
is tried out, and the men taught and
hardened by experience for the active
service to which they may at any time
be called; when all become enthused
over military affairs, and return to
their homes with a new zeal aud in
spiration for military duties.
Long years ago, before the civil
war, but yet within the memory of the
older mon and women, the military in
struction of general character for the
citizens consisted of "general train
ing day" once a year; a gala day of
unique efforts and uniforms; a day
when the old people met and gossiped,
and the youngsters ate gingerbread,
while the able-bodied men were sol
diers for the day.
But the civil war taught one terri
ble lesson that raw and untrained
men will die in camp like sheep from
disease before they ever reached the
front; and that loyalty and patriotism
vithout organization often are virtues
that lead to dire disaster on the bat
tlefield. The Spanish war taught an
other lesson that men must not only
.be trained in their local organizations,
but that these organizations must be
uniform in their make-up, quickly an
swerable to a single head, and pre
pared to act promptly as the second
line of defense of the nation, the reg
ular army, of course, being the flrst
To that end, since the Spanish war
the national guard of the various
states has been made a part of the
regular army.
The Nebraska national guard con
sists or two regiments of infantry,
the First and Second; one company of
the signal corps, located at Fremont;
one field hospital company, located at
Lincoln; ono machine, gun company,
located al Beatrice, and one engineer
company, located at Omaha.
Though the two infantry regiments
would consist of twelve companies
each, if filled, the attitude of the state
military department in recent years
has been that of promptly mustering
out a company that does not maintain
itself at a high standard, and to not
fill the vacancy until a new company,
organized with at least forty-five men
or good character, officered with men
of experience, and enjoying the moral
and financial support or tne commu
nity, is offered to take its place. As
a result, the last roster showed two
vacancies in the First regiment, and
one in the Second regiment.
These are the present Infantry com
panies and their home stations:
First Regiment Company A, York,
Captain Roy E. Olmstead; B. Stanton,
Captain Iver S. Johnson; C, Beatrice,
Captain Charles L. Brewster; D. Nor
folk, Captain Charles L. Anderson;
E, Blair, Captain Frederick A. Ab
bott; G, Geneva, Captain Harry E.
Ford; H. Osceola, Captain Richard O.
Allen; K, Wymore, Captain Jesse V.
Craig; L. Omaha, Captain Henning F.
Elsasscr; M, McCook, Captain J. Roy
Second Regiment Company A,
Kearney, Captain Harry N. Jones; B,
Beaver City, Captain John Stevens;
C. Nebraska City. Captain Clyde E.
McCormick; D. Hastings, Captain J.
Hamilton Rifee; E, Holdrege, Captain
Frank A. Anderson; F, Lincoln, Cap
tain Phil L. Hall, Jr.; G, Omaha, Cap
tain Earl E. Sterricker; H, Aurora,
Captain Carl G. Johnson; K. Schuyler,
Captain Charles H. Johnson; L, Alma,
Captain Arthur Kimberling; M, Al
bion, Captian LHn II. Davis.
The commander in chief of the Ne
braska national guard is Governor
Chester H. Aldrich.
Direct manage-
ment is entrusted by him to a general
J staff, of which General Ernest H.
Phelps, the adjutant general, is tne
head, he being a regular salaried of-
fleer, and having several salaried of
fices of the rank of major or captain
assisting him. Next to the adjutant
general are three heads of depart
ments, whose services are called but
occasionally, they being Colonel Allan
D. Falconer, quartermaster and com
missary general; Colonel A. D. Fetter
man, inspector general, and Colonel
Willard A. Prince, judge advocate
A large part of the advisory work
is docc by the military board, which
meets monthly, and which consists of
the adjutant general, the brigade com
mander, the two regimental command
ers and the chief surgeon of the med
ical corps.
Attached to the general staff is the
medical corps, of which Major John
M. Birkner or Lincoln is chief sur
geon. He has fifteen surgeons under
him. All or the field forces of the
guard, previously named, are organ
ized into a brigade, of which General
Joseph A. Storch of Fullerton is in
command. He has the usual brigade
Under him are the First regiment,
or which the field officers are Colonel
George A. Eberly or Stanton. Lieuten
ant Colonel W. Edmund Baehr of
Omaha. Major George E. Holdeman of
York. Major Charles E. Fraser of
Madison and Major Albert H.Hollings-
torth or Beatrice; the Second regi
ment, or which the field officers are
Colonel Fred J. Mack or Albion. Lieu
tenant Colonel Hugh Elton Clapp or
Steele City. Major Herbert H. Paul
or St. Paul, Major Walter F. Sam
mons or Kearney and Major Otis M.
Newman or Aruora; the machine gun
company, Captain Henry A. Jess; the
field hospital company. Major John M.
Birkner; the machine gun company,
Captain Herhert T. Weston, and the
engineer company, Captain F. Otto
Altogether, the brigade consists or
nbout 1.400 officers and men, as they
turn out for duty, after eliminating
those who are ill or who have substan
tial reasons for not reporting.
'This brieade. officered by Spanish
war veterans as a rule, for the two
Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw ; -x-jHII
IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV okBSijKKHI
paaaaaaaar. -yBb -Bpaaaaaaaaii
aaaaaaaaaw v ctvSBSSmv SSSBSH
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbVbbbbHXibbbbbbbbbbV -3
Absolutely Purm
The only Baking Powder made
fromRoyal CrapeCreamofTartar
regiments served with credit in that
war, well drilled, wishing to make a
good appearance, will be in camp from
Sept. 2C to Oct. 5. There will be
squad, company, battalion and regi
mental drills, and brigade reviews,
dress parades and other specfacular
functions, extended order drills and
maneuvers to the extent that the
ground will permit and practice ia
making and breaking camp, and in va
rious other matters that go to make
up the life of a soldier in the field.
One day will be devoted to field
day exercises.
Foley Kidney Pills
Will reach your individual case if
you have any form of kidney and blad
der trouble or urinary irregularities.
Try them.
in this Bank is very clearly
shown in the annexed
statement. Our large line
of deposits speaksfor itself.
Place your idle funds under
the protection of our strong
carefully managed by a
live Board of Directors and
experienced Officers.
Wide Awake and
Always Courteous, Always
Accomodating. Join the
Ranks of Our Many
The First National Bank, XKa
The Oldest and Largest National Bank in Platte County
The irrigated areas in the Big Horn Basin and the Yellowstone Valley pre
sent at this time a wholesome example of the value of irrigation. On the Gov
ernment irrigated homesteads in the vicinity of Ralston, Powell and Garland,
Wyo., and along the Yellowstone river near Huntley. Mont., there are magnifi
cent crops of alfalfa, wheat, oats, potatoes, sugar beets, etc.
An ample supply of water is furnished through the season by the Govern
ment. Along the Big Horn River, upon lands taken under the Carey Act, there
are likewise extensive areas of profitable crops.
The Government irrigated homesteads under the new Ralston unit are now
available for entry. These include some of the most valuable and easily irri
gated lands in the Basin. They are surrounded by protecting and magnificent
mountain ranges. Local and Government agents help you in every way to
select your land, and they take a deep interest in the development of your tarm.
The writer visited that locality the week of August 6th to the 12th and saw
everywhere such excellent yields, such highly developed farms, canals full of
water, fast growing towns, new land going under cultivation, as .to warrant
this statement, that there are not today, in the United States better chances
for successful farming and future homes than upon the irrigated lands of the
above named regions.
Join our personally conducted excursions during tha autumn, and see for
yourself what I am trying to make plain to you.
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
405 11th Street
I will tell at public auction
on the 26th day of Septem
ber, 1911, 320 acres of land
known as the Gerd Reins
property in Sections 3, 10 and
15, Creston township. For
terms and particulars of sale
see formal notice in next issue
of this paper.
NO. 2807
Keport or the Condition of
at Columbia, in the State or Nebraska,
at the close of business. Sept 1st. 11)11
Loans and Discounts 3&.74 9J
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. B.UT-.
U. S Uondt to secure circulation 3.MWO.0O
Other Uond to secure Postal Savings
Deposits ,5.077.77
l'reniiums.nn U. S Bonds 3UU.00
Hnnds, securities, etc S.lSTi'.U
Banking house, furniture and ilxtures -Ju.tuO 00
Other real estate owned 1,3)0 00
Due from National Banks
not reserve agents) t S.K18 13
Due from State Banks aud
Bankers iOUO.OO
Due from approved reserve
agents 130.20I.-W
Cheeks and other cash items l,0lt 01
Exchanges for clearing house 1,U2.U
Notes of other National
Banks 1 200
Fractional paper currency
nickels, and cents 582.(58
Lawful Money Kkskkvk
in Bank, viz:
Specie 3I.057.S0
Legal-tender notes 3,ei)00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation) l.r0 0U
Due from C. S. Treasurer .. 50 U) 179.511.62
Total liiiwerjai
Capital stock paid in t 50.000 00
Surplus fund -20,000 00
Undu ided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid oH1!
National Bank notes outstanding 3o 000 00
Due to other National
Banks H,r3.i:
Due to State and Private
Banks and Bankers 32.32tf.oT
Individual deposits subject
to check It5i 910.52
Demand certificates of de
posit -,- !?.!!?
Time eertillCHies of deposit...,it.a0
Cashier's checks outstaud
ig Laos OB 910.120 31
T.ffAl 5H.&25
State or Nebraska. County of Platte, ss:
I. A. K. Miller. Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. A. R. MlLLEK, Cashier.
I J. H. Galley I
Correct Attest-' Jacob Creisen -Directors
I Franz Lucusinger
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
8th day of Sept. 191 1.
Auoust Ua:nek
Notary Public
Shoes, Clothing,
Gents9 Furnish
Columbus, Nebraska
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