' ' ",--. '" -- -j ' ' ' ' ? --1- n-r. " ' ' V'-I--M-gmmatsmamW ' . -A -Tr- - ? ,m . tv -v 3 i- v ' . 'Jti'IS. ' ' Colombns TriboneJoorial BY THE TRIBUNE PTG. CO. COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. NEWS OF THE WEEK CONDENSATIONS OF GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE. II BOILING DOWN OF EVENTS the the Na, National, Political, Personal and Other Matters in Brief Form for All Classes of Readers. Washington. Government finances for this month Will not compare favorably with Aug. 1910. A deficit of $22,000,000 on or dinary accounts already is shown In comparison with a deGcit of $14,000, 000 last year. Customs receipts show a decrease of $4,000,000 as compared with a year ago. The government's total expenditures for the same period are more than $2,000,000 greater. Undaunted by unfavorable atmo spheric conditions, Representative Ben Johnson of Kentucky made his first flight in an aeroplane and gained the distinction of being the first per son outside of army circles to be tak en up as a passenger in any of the ma chines flown at the army aviation school at College Park, Md. The Ken tucky statesman made the trip with Lieut. Harry H. Arnold, and remained in the air twenty minutes and attained a height of COO feet Speaking in behalf of the negro in dustrial school at Hampton, Va., or which he is trustee, President Taft voiced his indignation at the necessity that such useful institutions must beg for money and at the failure of the na tion's many millionaires to come to their rescue with contributions. In the graduation of Booker Washington, the president said, Hampton has done enough to entitle it to the gratitude or the country. An outline of the program of legis lation for the postal service which Postmaster General Hitchcock will ask congress to follow during the regular session to begin in December; has been indicated by Sir. Hitchcock. Among other things he will recom mend the establishment of a parcels post service on rural mail routes and the crystallization into law of pro posed increases in second class mail rates. Genera!. Next year's Grand Army reunion will be held in Los Angeles. Reciprocity campaign in Canada is now in full swing. The census bureau issued a report on the value of Nebraska farm ani mals. A severe storm in the south Atlan tic coast caused some loss of life and heavy financial loss. Postmaster General Hitchcock has named as a postal savings bank the Topeka. Kas., postofflce. Frances Madero was nominated by the progressive party in Mexico as its candidate for the presidency. The work of cleaning up the debris caused by the recent hurricane in the south is occupying the attention of many southern cities. During the visit of John Jacob As tor and his fiancee, Miss Madeline Force, to Newport, it became known today they signed the marriage agree ment which Colonel Astor is to make upon his bride. The body of a man believed to he Charles" Parslow, the second of the alleged murders of Marshal Butcher of Missouri Valley, la., was found in, the Missouri river a mile from the scene of the murder. The government's recent decision to impose the regulation duty of $4 a ton on refined sulphur from the Pacakade volcano in Japan, has re sulted in the resumption of business by a sulphur refinery in Nevada which has been closed. Professor S. L. Curtis, instructor in Greek at Yale divinity school and un til recently acting dean of the school, died on the Boston boat on the way to Rockland, Maine, from Castine. Death was due to an acute attack of heart disease. The two battleships authorized by the last naval act probably will be of 28,500 tons displacement, or the big gest vessels in the world. The larg est ships so far designed of the American navy are tne New York and Texas with a displacement of 27,000 tons each. The marital difficulties of Upton Sinclair, the Utopian colonist and socialist author, and Meta Fuller Sin clair, who have been married eleven years, reached a climax when the author brought suit for absolute di vorce, naming Harry Kemp, the poet, as co-respondent. Bagland. Ala., will get the five mil lion dollar industrial school for white children which is to be established by the southern bureau of education with funds given, ic is said, by John D. Rockefeller, the Russel Sage founda tion, Mrs. E. H. Harrison and others. Contracts for the construction or eight torpedo boat destroyers were awarded by Acting Secretary of the Navy Wintnrop. Kansas City will get the 1912 con vention of the Loyal Order of Moose according to the vote taken at the convention of the national order now being held at Detroit. Statehood for New Mexico and Arizona on a basis acceptable to President Taft was approved by the senate through the passage of the Flood-Smith resolution presented by Senator William Alden Smith, chair man of the committee on territories. Walter Clyde Jones has announce! himself a candidate for the republi can nomination for governor of Illi nois. A considerable number of the em ployes of the Southern Pacific Rail way company will be dropped tem porarily from the company's payrolls before September 1. Twenty were killed and twenty-six seriously injured at the theater panic at Canonsburg, Pa. Charged with impersonating a fed eral marshal, Dave Colome and Heine Hansen have been arrested at Winner, S. D. The total of the death list of the wreck near Manchester, N., Y., now reaches twenty-eight. Robert Chasteen, city Marshal of Ullin, 111., was shot and killed by un identified persons. Monument makers all over country are in Cincinnati for sixth annual convention of the tional Retail Monument Dealers. Sixty persons were injured, eight of them seriously, when an express train on the valley division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford rail road was wrecked by the spreading: of rails. Melvin Maniman's baloon, with which he and five others will attempt to fly across the Atlantic ocean Octo ber 28, has been shipped from Akron. Ohio, to Atlantic City. A bag of American mail matter which was lost overboard while being landed from the. Hamburg-American line steamer Kaiserin Auguste Vic toria at Plymouth, August 11, was picked up in the Helford river near Falmouth. The mail bag was swept away from the steamer by a wave. In denouncing at the session of tho national independent political league, the lynching of negroes. Bishop Alex ander Walters declared that President Taft was "one of the weakest presi dents the country had ever had. In view of the fact that, he had remained silent in the face of many lynchings about the country." Having a distinct recollection of ev ery president in the United States ex cept the first five, and remembering when the first railway train was run in the United States, Alvin Austin, ol Chicago, registered for a home in the Fort Berthold Indian reservation at the age of ninety-four years. Mr. Aus tin who was born at Sterlin, Conn., in 1817. is as spry as a man forty years younger. The raging storm which swept the South Atlantic left its imprint on the navy. Six torpedo boats were wrenched from their moorings at the Charleston navy yard and tossed as toys high upon the beach by the nine ty mile gale. Many buildings of the yard are believed to be wrecked. No estimate of the damage can be made here because of the interrupted tele graphic service. Robert G. Fowler of Los Angeles, Cal., is announced as the first formal entrant in the coast to coast aero plane flight contest for the William Randolph Hearst prize. Fowler, who will flly a biplane in his projected trans-continental trip is expected to start from San Francisco Sunday, September 10. His route calls for a crossing of the Rockies between Lara mie and Cheyenne, Wyo. Eugene Labine, a Marshal county (Minn.) farmer, is harvesting 500 acres of wheat with one machine, working day and night. The binder is run with eight horses, four to a shift, and a headlight is used at night The night shift of horses stand the work better than those used in the beat of the day, and Labine predicts night binding will become the vogue in the northwest. At Kansas City, John Perron, twenty-seven years old, a railroad clerk, shot and killed Mrs. Margaret Gos sard, aged twenty-five, wife of a rail road conductor, and then inflicted probably fatal wounds to himself. He recently left a note saying he and Mrs. Gossard alone knew the cause for the tragedy. Internal revenue inspectors in search of illicit distillers have dis covered that a man trap is being used to discourage their investigations. Two revenue officers said they just missed stepping into a large steel trap, presumably set for them by 'moonshiners" in Iredell county. The officers had destroyed an illicit still William Loeb, jr.. collector of. the port of New York announced that an American art connoiseur now in Eur ope is under surveillance by the for eign agents of the United States gov ernment co-operating with the French government in the search for the pic ture 'Mona Lisa," Leonardo De Wind's masterpiece, which disappear ed from the Louvere some time ago. The first great duty of the negr is to teach his children that they have lived an aimless, worthless life unless they have accumulated some of this world's goods,'" said B. K Bruce, of Leavenworth, Kas., ad dressing the second day's session of the fortieth annual convention ot the United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, in Kansas City. Minneapolis (Minn.) dispatch: With every member of the credits' commit tee present the F. H. Peavey refund ing plan was approved. Holders "ol outstanding commercial paper of the F. H. Peavey and company practically all sent their claims to the Minneapo lis Trust company in accordance with the plan of issuing in lieu thereof three year collateral trust 6 per cent notes of F. H. Peavey and company. Two New Jersey communities in special elections rejected tfie commis sion form of municipal government The city of Patterson cast 4.917 votes in favor of the proposed law and 7,984 MOWN ANDQU T BIG OIL COMBINE FINALLY QUITS BUSINESS. UFE SAVED BY FRIEND'S ADVICE v QUITS WITH AUGUST MONTH Securities Distributed, Subsidiary Holding Being Divided Among the Stockholders. New York. The Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey, the corporation which has been the storm center of anti-trust agitation throughout the country for years passes out of evi dence, so far as its present form and functions are concerned. After Friday this famous corpora tion will cease officially to carry on its operations as the heed cf a vast organization whose activities extend into almost every part of the world. In obedience to the decree of deci sion of the supreme court it is re linquishing itscontrol of the subsid iary concerns and today is the data set for the ending of the old regime. With the end of business day the company's transfer books containing the list of stockholders closed, and the stock of its subsidiaries will be distributed among the stockholders in the parent organization of record at that time. The work of apportioning the com pany's holdings of the stock of more than thirty subsidiaries affected will occupy at least three months it is ex pected, so that the readjustment will not be complete prior to December 1 Standard Oil stocks was traded in Friday at about $625 per share, trans actions being restricted to cash deal ings of the necessity of affecting transfers. A bid of $130 a share for Standard Oil "ex-subsidiaries.' or without rights to participation in the distribution of subsidiaries, was made by a ventursome trader on the "curb," but as no intelligent appraisal can yet be made of the worth of the stock when divested of its outside holdings, the offer was not accepted. Abort taxee yean ago I aaffeced with appeadieitaa and after kaviac an operation perfumed it left a with a severe case ef hidaey treable. I was doctored by ser era! physicians and gettiag no relief I took the advice of a friend and procmred a bot tie of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. After Ukiac the eontenta of the fir bottle I felt greatly relieved and decided to continae it. After Miag the contests of three more dol lar bottles, I experienced a complete care. I cannot lecoauaend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot too highly to anyone safer ing from kidney or bladder trouble. Yosts very truly, . P. HTUkM. CartenriHe, Ck. Sworn to and ebaeribed before aae thie July mh, not. JOS. S. CALHOUN. Notary Public, B. Co., Ga. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News NeUa ef Interest from Various Sections. frere Wist SwasmRael W Do For Ton Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Bingham ton, N. Y for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of vahable information, telling H about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price fifty cents and oae-dollar. BABY'S FUTURE. FLEECED OUT OF FARM. in by A Nebraska Farmer is Taken Sharper. Kansas City. Zeittie King of Cus ter county, Nebraska, reported to the free legal and bureau here that an affable stranger had fleeced him out of his G40 acres of land near Broken Bow, Neb. "The next fellow I trade farms with 'sight and unseen,' will have to have hair longer than a railroad tie," said King. According to King's story tiie stran ger who visited him at his farm in Nebraska traded him fifty-five acres of land near near Unn Creek, Mo. 3Ir. King gave the stranger a deed to his Nebraska property and visited the Missouri' farm, only to learn that it belonged to a Topeka bank and that the deed the stranger gave him was worthless. Pjktutk. .mVisggggggggggev Ba"r dwer OOoorg Mrs Justwco-Did you ever notice how much baby hollers and kicks about? Mr. Justwed Yes: I think he'll be a baseball player when he grows up. Name Taft Delegates. Birmingham, Ala. President Taft's administration was indorsed and del egates were named and instructed to support him in the next national con vention, when the republicans of Alabama held their state convention here. Incident Overlooked. A New England farmer, noted for his uncontrolled temper, became con verted, according to the St. Louis Re public. A month later he was holding forth to a number of friends and relatives gathered at the Thanksgiving dinner table on the subject of bis religious principles, bis entire change of char acter and his kind and forbearing dis position. Finally growing enthusiastic In his description, he called on his wife to uphold his assertions. "Jane," he shouted, "you haven't had an unkind word or deed from me since I got converted now, have you?" There was a dead silence; then came in meek, yet reminding tones from the other end of the table. "Jerome, Jerome, you've forgo: the time you bit me." High Price Paid For Beef. South Omaha. The record price for corn-fed cattle was paid when the Swift Packing company bought eigh teen head from E. T. Graham of Cres ton, Neb. The price paid was $7.90 per 100 pounds, and the cattle aver aged 1,620 pounds each. Not Coming to Omaha. Omaha. Postmaster General Hitch cock has notified the Commercial club publicity bureau that he has changed his plans and will not be able to at tend the national convention of post masters at this city. Pat Was More Than Willing. A very pretty girl who recently re turned from Ireland tells of an en counter with an Irish cabby in Dub lin. She had started out from the hotel to do some shopping, but de cided Instead to make a tour of the city on a jaunting car. Arriving at the first car stand, and having se lected the smartest looking vehicle, she told the driver that she "wanted to engage him for the day." Pat. never backward in paying homage to beauty, earnestly replied: "Begorra. ma'am you are welcome. 1 only wish It was for life!" X Ambassador to Italy. Tokio. Thomas J. O'Brien for four years American ambassador to Japan, sailed from Yokohama Friday on board the steamer Shin Yo Maru to take up his new duties as ambassa dor to Italy. against. Personal. Speaker Clark will reply to Presi dent Tafft's tariff speech. Champ Clark replies to the recent speech of President Taft's on the tariff legislation. Kruttschnitt says it will mean chaos to grant the demands of the union leaders. Mayor Seidel of Milwaukee is being sued for $50,000 for alleged slander. Lieutenant Zolotnehin, a Russian military aviator, fell with his aero plane while making a flight at St. Pe tersburg and was killed. i Redmond Barry, attorney general of Ireland, has been appointed lord chancellor of Ireland. , President Taft is preparing to at tack the insurgents and the demo crats on his western tour. At the age of 94. Alvin Austin, ot Chicago, has registered for a .home in the Fort Berthold Indian reserve- ' tioa drawing. Marries His Nurse. Boston. Mass. John Eilerton Lodge, son of Henry Cabot Lodge, was married Friday to Miss Mary Catherine Connelly, who nursed him during an illness in a Boston hospital. Mr. Lodge fell in love with his nurse and married her. A Sandwich Filling. A delicious filling for sandwiches or crackers is made by mixing equal parts of cream cheese and snappy cheese with French dressing to a smooth paste, then stirring in it chopped red peppers or chopped olives. This paste should be very creamy and put on thickly, at least a quarter of an Inch. It is nice between salted wafers or on thin rounds of brown or rye bread. The friends of humanity will de precate want whatever it may ap pear. Washincton. FOUND RIGHT PATH After a False Start. Ice Man Shoots Wift St. Joseph, Mo. Following his wife's refusal to return to live with him, Ott Anderson, driver of an ice wagon here, shot and killed the wo man and then killed himself. They had been separated it is said. Big Registration For Land. Minot, N. D., Tho total registra tion for the opening of the Berthold reservation is 18,807. There are two more registration days, and the gov ernment officials predict a total reg istration of from 20,000 to 22,000. - Latta Still Improving. Rochester, Minn. The condition- of Congressman J. P. Latta continues to be very encouraging, and, unless something unforseen develops, there is little question but what he will re cover. Names Dix as Possibility. Buffalo, N. Y. Chairman Norman "E. Mack of the Democratic National com mittee, in the September number of his democratic magazine, presents Governor John A. Dix of New York as a democratic presidential possibility. Governor Dix is the fifth prominent democrat to be brought forward by Chairman Mack in a series of articles en democratic presidential possibili ties. The others are Governor Jud- son Harmon of Ohio, Governor Wood-J row Wilson of New Jersey and Gov ernor Marshal of Indiana. 'In 1890 I began to drink coffee. "At that time I was healthy and en joyed life. At first I noticed no bad effects from the Indulgence but in course of time found that various troubles were coming upon me. "Palpitation of the heart took unto itself sick and nervous headaches, kid ney troubles followed and eventually my stomach became so deranged that even a light meal caused me serious distress. "Our physician's prescriptions failed to help me and then I dosed myself with patent medicines till I was thor oughly disgusted and hopeless. "Finally I began to suspect that cof fee was the cause of my troubles. I ex perimented by leaving it off, except for one small cup at breakfast This helped some but did not altogether re lieve my distress. It satisfied me. however, that I was on the right track. "So I gave up coffee altogether and began to use Postum. In ten days I found myself greatly Improved, my nerves steady, my head clecr, my kid neys working better end better, my heart's action rapidly improving, my appetite improved and the ability to eat a hearty meal without subsequent suffering restored to me. And this con dition remains. "Leaving off coffee and using Postum did this, with no help from drugs, as 1 abandoned the use of medicines when I began to use the food drink." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason.' and It is ex plained in the little book, "The Road to WellvflkV in pkgs. Ever reatl the aWre letterr A ae ra-Strata tame fbm. Taey bm rh ax ai Andrew Howard, a pioneer ef Podge county, died last week. Aurora is making preparations for a lot of street paving soon to begin. The Polk' county Jeachers Insti tute had an an attendance of about 125. Beatrice repaving has been blocked by a number of property owners who refuse to sign petitions. The fifth annual picnic of theXMd Settlers of Boone county was a great success. m - Robert G. Douglas has been elected captain of company H,. First regiment, Nebraska national guard of Osceola. School bonds of the city of Kear ney to the amount of $40,000 have been bought and delivered to the state treasury. The bonds run twenty years and draw 5 per cent interest. Dr. J. L. Pierce of Lincoln has been appointed to a place on the examining board of the state dental board in place or Dr. C. F. Ladd of Lincoln, re signed. Fremont festival, from September 25 to 30, promises a big time. Four bands have been engaged and pre parations for a great event are going forward. Danna D. Little, jr., a young man 21 years of age, was killed by falling into a gasoline engine at the home of his parents, ten miles nothwest of Osceola. Death ensued a few hours after the accident. Through efforts of Rev. E. D. Eubank, of Broken Bow, a Christian church has been organized at Co burg, Custer county, and a house of worship built. The church will seat 250 people and will be dedicated with in a few weeks. Aviator Dickson of the Curtiss Avi ation company made a pretty flight at Grand Island, though he was not completely familiar with the machine and did not allow for sufficient space to stop it after alighting and dashed into a barrel of gasoline and a grand stand post, quite badly damaging the machine. The avitor escaped injury. Charles J. Gtfeene, a prominent at torney of vlmaha died in New York soon after arrival from Europe, where he had gone in search of health. For many years he was attorney for the Burlington railroad, and a man who took much part in political matters in the interest of the republican party. G. W. Comstock and Bartlett Rich ards, two of the quartet of cattle barons who have been serving sen tences in the Adams county jail un der indictment from the federal gov ernment, will be released from cus tody September 29. The other two men have been at liberty for some time, having each drawn lighter sen tences. The two young sons of P. L. Sine, traveling salesman for the Carpenter Papaer company of Omaha, drove their father's large touring car from Lincoln to Hastings to meet their father. The boys are but 10 and 14 years of age and came all the way unaccompanied. This is probably the first time that boys so young have made this 100-mile drive in an auto mobile alone. A. E. Sheldon, who has been inves tigating the history or agriculture in Nebraska, has found a new record showing that winter wheat was sown in 1861 oh the Ponca Indian reserva tion and a good crop was harvested in 1862. The wheat was planted by Indians under the direction of a far mer employed by the government. The crop was sown on the reservation near Niobrara. Swan Polsen, a well known citizen of Swedish nationality living east of West Point was adjudged insane by the commissioners on the complaint of J. W. Rich, United States mail car rier, whom he threatened to shoot by reason of a fancied grievance in the alleged abstraction by some one of a valuable book from his mail box some years ago. He brooded over this im aginary grievance until his mind has given away. Miss Eunice Murphy arrived in Valentine from Independence, Mo., accompanied by her attorney, Mr. Kelly, and was immediately arrested by Sheriff Rosseter on the charge of inciting the four men now in jail to murder Charles Sellars. The exact date of her preliminary trial has not bepn set. but it Is thought it will be soou. She is going to stand trial and the case will be hotly contested on The Lion Bonding &. Surety com panj of Omaha has brought suit in district court of Lancaster county against George W. Losey, the Farm ers & Merchants bank and the Capi tal Fire Insurance company, asking judgment against Losey and the bank for $2,000 and that plaintiff be subro gated to all of the rights of the in surance company as against the oth er two defendants, who are charged with wrongfully converting to their own use $3,000 belonging to the in surance company. At a special meeting of the city council of Beatrice the recommenda tion of the water committee that a reservoir he constructed of concrete near the new city wells, to hold 1,000. 000 gallons, was adopted and bids will be advertised for for its construction. October 18 is the day set for the dedication of the $100,400 Odd Fel lows' home in York. The grand lodge meets in Lincoln on October 17 and will adjourn on that date until Octob er 19 for the purpose of taking part in the dedicatory services. Special trains will carry the members of the grand lodge to and from York. Prof. Albrecht, who for some years has been principal of the German Lutheran parochial schools in West Point, has left for Alma, Kan. He has been employed as principal of the parochial schools at that place. The Fairbury Commercial club is making elaborate preparations for an old settlers' picnic which is to be held there September 14. This old settlers' picnic is an annual occurence. Here tofore it has. been held at Endicott Governor Aldrich and other prominent speakers have been secured for that date. BBBJPBlBB&iI BmavrnV mw- 'alaS BmaabmaWatV Bnma aaftWbad aaaaaaaamaaaTaPam ITTMC By Lydia E. Pmkhun's Vegetable Compoomi The Change of Life is the most critical period of av woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Here is proof: lUtJck, Mas, I cannot express what I rent throaffh darter the Change ef Life hef era tried IiTdia E. Pinkham's VegetaMe Com i. I was Im such a nerveas coaouaan I. uld not keep still. My limhs were coM. I creepy sen tie amel ceaM mot aieea rats. I was flmallj teM y two ahysiclaae itlsUMlataaMr. ' I read one day ef the wemeterfal cares made Lydia E. Pimkham's Vegetable Comaeaad1 id decided to try it,aad It has mwdemeawell oman. My aeich feers aad frieada declare tt kas worked a miracle for ate. Lydia E. Piakkam's Vegetable voaiDoaaa is worth Its weight la cold for woaaen duriac this period of life. If it wffl kelp others yea aiay publish this letter." Mrs. Nathan B. Greatoa, 01 Xo.MaimStXaticcttus, ANOTHER 8TMTLAB CASE. CornwallTillc. K. X. "I have been Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound f some time for Change of Life, nervonsneas, a fibroid growth. "Two doctors advided me te m to hospital, but one day while I was away TisitinfrJ I met a woman who told mo to take Lydia E.I Pinhham's Vegetable Compoand. I did so and II know it helped me wonderfully. I am thankful that I was told to try Lydia E.I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Wn. Cornwall ville, X. Y., Greene Co. The makers of Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This medicine is no stranger if has stood thetest for years. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoand has been the standard remedy for xemnaie lua jam hck woman aoes justice to merseu wno wui not xry cats iamo Made exdusiTelr from roots am has thousands of cares to its credits anaamntMrs. Pinkham Invites all stok afBw to write nor for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkbaaa, Lynn. Mass. PE-mawSP IBaammBsadi rpmrnr E2M OaBBaSivWBBJ!v !W)m- aw ammmmk . am tammmmm TerrmmmsVT 3i iVam rg.KVr-Amsl Boagafea, a fir. AK ) V-X ."'Vi' The W4f? 'K WiU mm w- C5cCinKjwAl4v Milady Who Is Particular Insists on Having Nothing But Defiance Starch for dresses, skirts, petticoats, eta Defiance produces a finish "and freshness impossible with any other starch. Best Hot or Cold Water Starch Ever Made. One Trial Soon Convince You. Big 16-ounce package for 10 cents; only 12 ounces for same price of any other kind. , Not Beat Because it Is Cheapest, But Cheapest Because it Is Best Manufactured by Defiance Starch Co. OMAHA, NEBRASKA V -16 BMW" MMHMH a eTCfcr a aV aawamrVamma yfafJ 4si JBa" yPaliMlobofslavfttO) , He says that mats al riffe As locgas Ma has FsaMsat Stardy To keep "a snow. hMfssftosowmtt I FXEEwxfc Each He PMaje-Aa $ wggygjy DISTEMPER Man : aett oa am maal a7oaaa"!I 'WtaMBMr ta Dmm, aatSawSawia 9n cm and pott tl pcvreatlT. aa i Eye. EftummUo Sfclmame: Fever Catarrhal Fever Unald.slraaoa tk. Wtaemomg9rmmtnmiifooaj Cat JIMUUJ l.llTlllll. Il..tntai ai raa Lm MdlialMKUMT mwijjgema tt a temtm. W ami iicpiii Hwuifiiiunpn wavwupin XMmmma niw. isaeiai agfas aia itfea &mteak tftllKima?om T T?l M