j - - r s r ?' . ! I Columbus -Journal Published by The Tribune Printing Company Columbus, Nebraska. Admitted at tbe Postoffice at Columbus, Nebr., as second class matter ALBERT J. MASON. Editor. MILLARD 8. BINNEY. Business Msnsg-er. CHESTER J. MASON. Circulation Manager. Hmttee ta Sabaerlfecn. Subscription lRicK-One dollar and a bait a year, seventy live cents for six months. Renkwals The date opposite yonr name on your paper, or wrap per, shows tbe date to which you bare paid. When payment is made the date will be changed accordingly. Discontinuances Responsible subscribers will continue to re ceive The Tribune-Journal until tbe publisher Is notified to discon llnue, when all arrearages must be paid. Refusing paper at postofflce is not notice to tbe publisher. Change in address When ordering change in address be sure to give the old as well as tbe new address. Dare A Man Advertise? Editor Harrison, of the Nebraska State Capital is get ting virtuous in his old age. Last week he spent con siderable printer's ink in scoring a number of newspapers over the state for accepting paid advertising from a can didate for the supreme bench. For the benefit of the Capital we will say, that The Tribune-Journal is in business for business reasons, re garding our business as a seroius proposition. Please understand also that no business enterprise has any strings on our editorial or news columns, and that editor ially no choice was expressed 'as among the republicans at the recent primary. We do not know whether Judge Hamer pent six hundred dollars or six thousand dollars, (as charged by the Capital,) but we do know that Mr, Hamer advertised in The Tribune-Journal, just as any reputable business man has a right to do . Our banks, merchants, drug gists and other business men advertise with us; if a can didate desires to do the same, well and good. He is wel come. But a paid advertisement does not necessarily carry with it editorial endorsement. In this connection we will say, (and this is editorial, if you pleiase, and not paid advertising, ) that we are for the election of Judge Hamer. One reason is because Editor Harrison is against him, which ought to be sufficient cause to merit for him the support of all right-thinking citizens. At a special election held in the city of Omaha last Saturday, the voters by a majority of nearly three to one, voted to adopt the commission form of government. Although this is the first attempt at this form of govern ment, in Nebraska, it is not an experiment, as it has been successfully tried in a number of other large cities. The proposition carried in every portion of the city ex cepting the notorious third' ward, where it was turned down in apout the same proportion as it carried in the city at large. Big things going on in Lincoln this week. State fair, flying machines, reunion of members of legislature, and other things. By the way, the democratic state club will also meet there tonight to mix medicine to pro duce thunderous results in the state campaign. Printing The Newt. In the last issue of the Saturday Evening Post ap peears the opening installment of a story wirtten by a former editorial writer of the Star, Oliver P. Newman, who left this city to enter the service of the Mousey pa pers at Philladelphia and Washington. This story following the suggestion made popular by Will Irwin in Colliers, is an indulgence in raking through journalistic muck to disclose how inevitably . the news service of a newspaper is subordinated to the business office. When Mr. Newman came to Lincoln it was from St. Joseph, a city wherein newspaper work has always been enshrouded in more or less of a funeral atmosphere, and it is of his experience there that the recital treats. He hides the identity of St. Joe, however, in the somewhat similar name of St. James. Here a coterie of Schrips-McRae newspaper men had bought the shattered hulk of a newspaper that was gasp ing its life away, paying $20,000 for it, had put $60, 000 into a pot and had started out to build a paper that was absolutely independent of the business office in its news service and editorial utterances. How the editorial activities of that newspaper soon managed to alienate its advertising support and consign it to the journalistic graveyard is told in an entertaining way, and so vivdily as to confirm the axiom that truth is stranger than fiction. It is hardly probable, however, that the business boycott could be exerted anywhere else with such fatal effect as it was worked in the instance dealt with by Mr. Newman in St. Joseph. The same men who sought to establish in the Missouri town a paper wherein the news and editorial col umns would have no thought of the responsibility to the advertising side of the paper have established money-making newspapers on the same plan in other cities. The conclusion that the reading public is apt to draw from such stories as those of Will Irwin and Mr. New man is that newspapers cannot be successfnul without subservience to the advertising side. That i a sadly mistaken suggestion, for it is a fact that the successful modern newspaper is the one that prints the news to which it deems the public entitled and in which it thinks its readers interested without any careful thought of the effect it will have upon its advertising patronage other than the general thought that the advertiser wants into the paper that does print all the news. In doing this it makes itself such a business fact or in the community that the advertiser, even though he may hate it for having trod on his corns, simply has to patronize it to maintain his business prestige. Lincoln Star. Ten years ago tonight thecrushinsg news was flashed over the wires telling of the assassination of President McKinley. As will be remembered, the president was holding a reception in the temple of music at the Pan American exposition at Buffalo, which was in session at that time. It is a remarkable fact that sinice 1840 the nation has suffered the loss by death of the chief execu tive chosen at regular intervals of twenty years Harri son was elected in 1840, Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, and McKinley in 1900. opened According to the face of the returns there are but few people who are not rejoicing this week over the suc cess of the bridge bond proposition in Loup and Oconee townships last Saturday. There is no reason why those Loup township farmers should be compelled to haul their grain ten to fifteen miles to market, when there is an other town within two to six miles of them, if 'they could only get to it. IN TIMES GONE BY Interesting Happenings of Many Years Ago, Taken Prom the Files of This Paper. Thirty Years Ago. President Garfield was taken to Long Branch, New Jersey, where it was hoped he might be relieved of the symptoms of malaria, with which he was threatened. A terrific hail storm struck the vi cinity of Rising city. The Congregationalists of Genoa weie piepaiing to build a new church. Twenty Years Ago. A. C. Turner, who, with his son, M. K. Turner, started the Journal in 1870, died. He had attained the age of eighty-two years. The members of the Knights Temp lars of Columbus went ina body to David City to attend the funeral of Benjamin F. Haight. Two hundred Platte county people attended the G. A. R. reunion at Grand Island. Ten Years Ago. President McKinley was assassin ated while attending the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. The corier stone of the North opera house was laid, the Masonic form be ing used. William Bucher and daughter re turned from their trip abroad. The Tribune Printing Company Carries in Stock a Complete Line of MORTGAGE NOTES City Leases, Farm Leases, Subpoe nas, Articles of Agreement, Chattel Mortgages, Bills of Sale, Warranty Deeds, Real Estate Mortgages, Ap plications for Loans, and in fact Five Yean Ago. The German National Back its doors. Edward Rosewater, founder of the Omaha Bee, died suddenly. Albert Becker and Miss Pauline Bucher were married. Lil lis i Every Whi These are carried in stock. Remem ber, you don't have to go to the both er of having them printed to order if you go to the Tribune shop. They are already for you at any time. No Delay. Ho Special Orders flflflHHiHftBHajaBBBBBBlBaBBBBBB) No Special Cost for Printing Congress Adjourns. The special session of the congress of the United States was called very early in the spring for the purpose of considering the reciprocity treaty, or the enactment of a law that would carry into effect the bargain or contract made betwixt the government! of Can ada and that of the United States. It has been a long drawn out session through the hottest of weather; and hot weather is less endurable in Washington than almost any other place in the United State, s It has been a session of heated controversy from first to last. . It has resulted in the enactment of the reciprocity agreement, which will not go into effect, however, until af ter it has received the endorsement of the people of Canada. It takes two nations as well as two people to make a bargain. The Canadian government has practically referred it to the peo ple of Canada, who will vote on it September 21st. Whether the bar gain will be ratified -by the Canadians is as yet an open question. It would seem from this distance as if the farming interests were in favor of it and the manufacturers against it, with the probability that the agreement will be ratified. We shall then know in the onlyway pos sibe by actual trial what effect it will have. f We have beieved all along that on the whole it will neither do the farm ers much harm nor the laboring peo ple much good. In other words, we do not believe it will materially affect the cost of living in the least jior the profits of the farmers in the west. However, we shall know more about this after a couple of years' trial, if it should be tried. In order to compensate the farmers for the loss that they believed would incur through the reciprocity agree ment, congress enacted a bill known as the farmers' free list bill. We have never believed that this would do the farmer very much good, and in its original form would have done them a great deal of harm, for the reason that 'it provided for free meat and free grains from all the world. We believe that the free im portation of corn and meat from the Argentine would be a serious blow to the agricultural interests of the west. The bill was modified in the senate, however, so that it applied practically only to Canada; and in this form it could not do very much good nor very much harm. The president has vetoed it. The house also passed a wool bill, placing wool and woolen practically on a revenue basis, and levying the du ties ad valorem. The senate amended the bill, lowering the duties very considerably but still on the theory of protection. The bill finally passed both houses, but was vetoed by the president on the ground that the tariff commttee had not had time to report and therefore congress had not suffi cient reliable information. The bill reducing the tariff on cottons met with the same treatment by the pres ident. Thus ended a session which, with all its discussions, has not been of any immediate practical value. Nev ertheless, it has a great deal of re mote practical value. The president and the republican party are now com mitted to a thorough revision of the tariff schedules one by one and on the basis of the most up-to-date, scientific knowledge. We regard this as a very great advance and we hope the time will soon come when the tar iff will no longer be a party issue; in other words, that it will be taken out of poitics. If we undersand the attitude of the common people of the United States, they are willing there should be a measure of protection that will enable every legitimate industry to flourish. They are unwilling that here should be a measure of protection that will de velop great monopolies and enable the manufacturing interests to levy toll or taxes on the people for their own private benefit under the plea of sup porting the goverment. We believe that the protection on steel, on cotton on wool and woolens, has been entire ly too high and oppressive to the peo ple. The work of the present con gress has therefore been simply pre liminary. We have had the feeling all sum mer long that congressmen would not have endured thegoppressive heat of the summer in Washington had it not been that the different factions have been aming rather to secure party advant age than to really promote the interest of the whole people. The measure of sacrifice required and freely given is more than men are likely to giVe un less they have some special political or personal advantage to gain therefrom. Wallaces' Farmer. A Great Advantage to Working Men J. A. Maples, 125 S. 7th St., Steu- benville, O., says: "For years I suffered from weak kidney and a sev ere bladder trouble. I learned of Fol ey Kidney Pills and their wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, express man, that alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and I have my highest flannnWToannVtVVnH vlinnVnnnHBrV:nnnnnnnnn snnnnnnnnV awHKHaFJBKaH anaa?attdBnBaasBHMi'panjMBBBVk v4 vJr' VlaBBBBBBBBBl HHBBBBHBllBK' SJBSBSSSSSvB " BBBnHtjL SM?BBBBBBBSl BiaHKHKwfByMBH A FEW VICTIMS. UNIQUE IS PLAN FOR AK-SAR-BEN Nebraska OrganizatiM Provides Varied Eiter)aionut (or Visitors. 1911 INITIATION BRAND NEW. Many New Features Have Been Added to Program to Be Offered to Mem bers and Friends During the Fall Festivities. BY E. V. PARRISH. Go where you will on pleasure bent to tbe Mardi Gms in New Orleans In the late winter months; to the 1'riet.ts of Pallas parade in Kansas City, or to the Veiled Prophets parade and ball in St. Louis then go to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities in Omaha, Neb., and you will find a departure, original and unique, iu the way of fall festi vities. The Ak-Sar-Ben is distinctly a west ern institution. It was fostered by the western sjJrit and developed by the western dash. From purely a lo cal institution, conceived in Omaha, it bus grown to a national institution, numbering among its members such well known personages as former President Theodore Roosevelt, Pres ident William H. Taft. members of United States cabinets ana governors of states of the east, west, north and Eoutu. Rare indeed is he who has not vis ited Omaha during the summer months and has not been inducted in to the mysteries of the land of King Samson. And rarer is he who, after having tread the narrow and roeky road which lids to the shrine of King Samson, has not declared that the ex perience i3 unique to such extent that he has never before experienced any thing like it. Like all similar institutions, Ak-Sar-Ben has its queen and its king and the customary retinue of attend ants. The king, always ono of the lcadine business or professional men of the city, holds forth for a year. He in turn is permitted to name his queen to whom the fair western women do honor for the ensuing year. Unlike other institutions, class dis tinction has nothing to do with the selection of the kini? or the queen. They are chosen from all walks of iife. In no other place is talent, ability and beauty recognized more than it is in this modern land of Quivera. AR-Sar-Ben goes farther than sim ilar institutions. Its activities do not begin and end with one week of feast and merrymaking as in others. For six months, the Ak-Sar-Ben promoters plan and work out the details. Tho October schedule, is but the perfection of a half year's work. To properly icalize this ambition, weekly meetings are held for a half year preceding the fall festivities, during which numerous schemes are tried out. Some stand the arid test. They are few In com 'bartson with the great number of feature"? that are cast by the wayside with the label, "Not flood Enough for the Residents of the Ak-Sar-Ben World." But wTen the Gnal scheme la con summated), when the offerings of the organization aro ready for the ap proval of the great multitude of peo ple who flock to Omaha during the first week in October of each year, then it is that the casual spectator knows just what Ak-Sar-Bcn means. It is during this week that the great electrical parade is given, and it is during the week that the great ball, which ushers out the Ak-Sar-Ben sea son in a blaze or giory. occupies uie center nlace in western social life. The Ak-Sar-Ben dates back to 1895 when it was organized as an enter tainment feature for the state fair visitors, with an initiation intended to promote a better spirit of co-operation among the business men of Omaha, the state and the west. This latter spirit has dominated the organization sinco and it has become an organiza tion for the people, of the people and by the people, a democratic institu tion in every sense of tho word. Western people swear by the name Ak-Sar-Ben. It stands to them for everything that means to go ahead. The name itself is tho name of the glorious state of Nebraska spelled backward. But that is the only thing that is backward about the organization. One source of gratification to the Ak-Sar-Ben people is the notable men of the country that they have bad the pleasure of entertaining and investing with the symbol of the organization. In 1898. President McKinley, with most of the members of his cabinet, many foreign ambassadors. General Miles, then head of the army, and other distinguished gentlemen were the guests of tho city." Chauncey Depew also graced the ball room that year with his presence. Since Pres ident Taft. former President Roose velt and a host of others have honored the Ak-Sar-Ben with a visit and have gone away feeling, according to their own statements, that the Ak-Sar-Ben is an innovation in the world of fes tivities of this character. The red letter day iu the history of tho organization camo in the fall of 1910, when Colonel Roosevelt was made a member. "Here's where you get a touch or Ilell" was tho gentlo admonition which greeted tho ears of the strenu ous one, when he was being led to the slaughter. With this gentle re minder, the seven red devils took charge of Colonel Roosevelt and for an hour and a half he was buffeted about like an ocean liner on the bot tomless deep. In his characteristic way. Colonel Roosevelt took every thing that was coming and then demanded more. Once again bis strenuosity stood him in good stead, for the devils were "all in" while tho colonel was there with a broad grin on his face and with tho usual "de lighted" to greet his entertainers. "Bully!" roared Colonel Roosevelt, as ho repaired to the immense dining room where a feast was spread in the true western style. "I have had the best time that I have had in many days." Colonel Roosevelt voiced the sen timents of others who had hit the trail before him. It was no wonder that the Colonel was pleased, for the Ak-Sar-Ben is a booster organization after his own heait. made up of men who do things in the most approved way. Ak-Sar-Ben initiation, unique in its own way, is purely a local product. It is conceived, written, staged and acted by vilunteer workers, drawn from the large ranks or Omaha busi ness men. There is a little of the oriental asasBM IbbbbK&bbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH llkV v K aBBBBBBanHI I essV --- ' eBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBHI ROYAL ARTILLERYMAN. A PWPv W bbbbbbbb v r . ntV - rf TaiikkkkVaB7TCw3tfww-r3. bbbbbbB . i e 4 r bMbbbbbbbbVB' -t -sriTS Jtkj lUllMt-'sBBBMBMBMnr .WgJhrfl.4 WPzV-'t . 5 kPPM- iiPjPjPjPjPJAk jmflSk&feTv IvvLj v , f i saaaEiiBBBBBBBrlSllwllllllE UBK: ;rdflllllllB4. ,- kkVkkvkHalkkkkvVMaVK aaaaaaj'v r4KMc'jPMaMa&& 'mWi favor Injected iato the maaM. Tae Syrian Ak. meaning head of the family; Sar, Arabic, the aoaseaold. and Ben,' Hebraic, meaning, brothers In tho household, combine to give the true. meaning cf the organization, the king, the body of knights, and the household in short, all. Its colors, Ted, green and yellow, are symbolic of the chief products of the city and state, and give a combina tion which is appropriate for the fall festival season, which the organiza tion celebrates. Red Is for the beef, for Omaha is one of tho largest pack ing centers in the United States; yel low for he corn which grows in the fertile lands in abundance, and green for the alfalfa, which viea witn the corn in putting the great, lelds of Nebraska to the front as a producer. Every loyal son of Nebraska hearti ly indorses the sentiment. "Sweet are the uses of adversity." for out of this grew the Ak-Sar-Ben. If the wave of hard times and trade depressions had not swept over the state in the early '90s; if there had not been the result ing depleted values in real estate and tightness or money, there might have never been an Ak-Sar-Ben to enjoy in these days of prosperity. For Ak-Sar-Ben is the development of the delib erations of a sturdy band of men, who early in the spring of 1895 looked con ditions squarely in the face, -and met them with true western spirit by de ciding that only some strenuous ac tion could shake off the lethargy that kmkBkmkMHlnflEiyif " - '::P4 kBkBkBkBkBkMkneVME:f SPmAAAKrasi ;Xx&3 PPPPPPPPPPPPHPPPSW "--: j vw i sS., jm '&$ -kmwfx -s' w -T' V f -! "-a Kwlw ! n ri-" v w., & KW -."" I n san99BHV'0v .vk4t)iiR ku km. 1 I 7 uIkV&Ki: yt v .Eia W fllJl A '.aSHeElBfilkmV nannMP'innvBnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .lenwiBiaaaaBH 7'T"i- ' ''"'llwHL vkBkmkmkfl 3S kaVkBkmH kBkBkBVkBkBkBkBkmkmV " SdamVPsemkm amkBkBkkkBkBkBkBkBkmV 4 kmVJMf!kBamkBkBHkBkBkBkBkBkV HIS HOTTENTOT ESCORT. THE IMPERIAL BANDMASTER. was killing the trade activities of the city and brint; about co-operation and concerted interest among the business men. The ambitions have been real ized to an extent that is beyond the fondest hopes of even the most san guine or that determined little body or men, who worked long and hard foi the ultimate resulL The Ak-Sar-Ben lRjosters have added many features to their 1911 .nitiation. The initiatory season proper will open on Sept. 18. while the fall festivities will begin nine days later and continue until Saturday ni ;li. Oct. 7. Tuesday alternoon, Oct. 3. the man ufacturers or the city and state will give a parade or live floats, which will demonstrate that Nebraska Is a manu facturing center as well as a jobbing and industrial center. Nearly half a hundred manufacturers have already provided for floats in this affair. On Wednesday night. Oct. 4, Ak-Sar-Ben's great electrical pageant. "Dreams or Other Years," will wend its way up ind down th streets, across the thoroughfares The parade tliis year will be a review of formei years, when twenty floats will repro duce the themes or the parades of the last sixteen ye;irs. Two regiments of the Nebraska na tional guard will furnish the part of the program or the week for Wednes day afternoon, when the gigantic military procession will make its way here and there about the cjty. The season festivities will wind up Friday night when the grand corona tion ball will be given in the royal castle. "The Den," where King Ak-Sar-Ben XVII and hi3 noble consort will receive the crowns before a brilliant assemblage of royal subjects. Tbe naming of the king and hi3 selection or his queen are the pieces de resistance or tbe season's triumphs. Everett Buckingham, superintendent or the Union &tock yards, the present king, will give way to his illustrious successor, and Her Royal Highness, Miss Frances Nash, the queen, will gracefully bow to the new queen. Then the grand ball will be on and when the myriads of lights, which glitter among the profuse decorations, wink the last wink In the early morn ing hours, another successful year iu the Ak-Sar-Ben will pass into histoid . New Court House Meeting. At the session of the Board of Supervisor, held the-'Jth day or August. I'JIl. the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, On January lii. 1910. a resolution was adopted by the Board or Supervisors for the consideration of a new court house for Platte county and afterwards on March i5tb. said matter w as considered by the Hoard and after due consideration action on thi question was deferred. Therefore be it. Uesolved bv the Board of Supervisors of t'lalte county, that on the 13th day of September. Hdl, at a o eioek p. m., at said date the proposition of buddim; a new court house lie made the order or business for that time and an invitation i hereby extended to th tax payers or Platte county in general to be present and participate in the discussion of said proposition. , , . John Ckav. Uated, A ugust LM. 191 1. County Clerk. Common Colds must be taken Seri ously or unless they sap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious infection. Protect your chil dren and yourself by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note its quick and decisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready nd valuable remedy. Eagle Cafe new manage mentclean, fresh, up-to-date. Drop in and give us a trial. Foley Kidney Pills Will reach your individual case if you have any form of kidney and blad der troahlft or nrinarv .-,w.l--.- 3 11 :: T1 praise." f THE KANNIBAL KING AND uiM(iua. Try the. V N