-feS T-'A, ' - f KY 7&&&i& -3?'5S ri,"r- i rjr-m V mc - VM y H : i S. it R: NOTES MEADOWBROOK FARM )mZamtfr Cb-7 See the land before you buy It. Apples should be carefully assorted. Cool the cream as soon as possible after separating. Prepared dips kill lice. A lousy cow is a hard keeper. Oats should be made a part of the ration of the growing colt. It is often a good plan to turn wean ling lambs into the cornfield. Don't give Ihe pigs a setback by a day or two of carelessness. The comfortable cow is usually one that produces the best profits. Change pastures often to give the grass a chance to start up fresh. Corn silage is an excellent calf feed when fed In moderate amounts. Allow no weeds to go to seed. This will make cultivation easier next year. Spring pigs can get along very well without shelter except from rain un til fall. Tainted, musty or mouldy feeds should never be served In the dairy herd rations. A silo should not be less than 30 feet deep or more than 12 or 14 feet In diameter. There is always much difficulty In Reaping ca.ns clean and sweet in very warm weather. Tho hog on pasture requires 20 per .cnL less grain to make a gain of 100 pounds in weight. The most profitable pork Is pro duced by using as largely as possible other feeds than corn. tlzr-o will stand a vast amount of ;'.abIo manure and give a surprising growth of green feed. The only hog pasture crop that r.:ay be sown now to furnish fall feed is cowpeas or sorghum. When grapes are bagged at an early stage there is hardly any work in the fruit, line that pays better. Cut out sprouts about shade trees, ,iiuais and apples. They oniy take strength from the main plant If the pig is stinted in its food at my stage of its life, it can never be come a perfect pork producer. Gather pumpkins and squash before i hard frost and store away in a dry placo (not in a "damp cellar). The best corn-cutting outfit for the average farmer is a portable engine with silage cutter and blower attach ment. Hogs will not thrive on sour and decomposed food any more than men will. See that they get fresh, clean water to drink. A shed that is warm and poorly ventilated will often cause the sheep's wool to loosen, besides injuring the animal's vitality. Quality in form, disposition and gen eral conformation must be coupled with the size and style to get the best in each class of horses. Cabbage will sometimes cure slob ber in horses caused by eating white clover, but it is better to keep the clover away from the horses. Re sure that you furnish proper quarters for the farrowing sow. You can t afford to lose a single one of the little "squealers" this season. In real warm weather it will pay and pay well to round up the young pigs every ten days or two weeks and give them a thorough wetting. The farmers whose corn fields are most likely to suffer this season are those who quit plowing just because there were no more weeds to kill. Milk should never be exposed to foul air in the cow stable or in dirty tanks before h. is delivered to the creamery. Those who get best results in the garden must practice seed selection to some extent by saving the most per fect specimens. The primary principle in the mak ing of silage is the exclusion of air in order to prevent decay; therefore, not only the walls, but the doors, must be perfectly airtight Every farmer knows the value of corn as a supplement to a pasture crop late in summer, for which pur pose It may be used for cattle as soon as it is tasseled out ar.d for hogs as soon as the ears have reached the roasting stage. It does not cost much to get a pure bred sire when the benefits io be de rived from his use are considered, and the ownership of a good animal has an educational value which is practic ally sure to lead to a desire to own a good herd. vf ii ,,, - R- C fmf Get some pure-bred stock. It pays to epray Intelligently. Keep the Iambs growing all the time. Never mix warm cream with cold cream. Feed corn very carefully to the pigs in hot weaiher. The needs of the good dairy cow must be studied. Keep fewer sheep, better sheep and give them better care. w Bran is good for both growing chicks and laying hens. It certainly pays to keep a big quiet flock of good fowls. Seeds of maple trees have been known to germinate In ice. Oats are frequently seeded with Canada field peas for forage. Clover and skim milk are almost In dispensable In the ration of the grow ing pig. Boards should be used for bleaching early celery. Soil is apt to cause it to decay. Artificial heat In the hog pen Is not necessary. Freedom from drafts is better. Every farmer should have a piece of rape to turn the sheep on when the pastures fall. A hog could be starved to eat al most anything: but seldom does well on spoiled food. A side line of dairying that helps out is to have plenty of pigs to eat the skim milk. Young chickens should not be coop ed on land that was occupied by chick ens last year. An accessible supply of pure, cold water should always be available for the dairy herd. Different kinds of milk animals dif fer greatly as to the fat and solid con tents of the milk. Rape is commonly sown either broadcast or In rows about 30 inches apart and cultivated. Plenty of hot water must be used in keeping the dairy utensils clean dur ing the hot weather. The best authorities give the weight of one gallon of milk, of average com position, as 8.G pounds. The silo is now a necessity, and for you to compete with the man who has one you must have one, too. The levelness with which a horse walks is one of the best evidences that his legs work in harmony. Roughage for calves should first be fed at two or three weeks of age, when the calf begins to eat grain. Steel silos are growing in favor, and seemingly do not hold the frost any" more or even as much as the cement ones. Contrary to popular belief more chickens die from June until Sep tember than in all the rest of the year. Do not hurry the mare that Is with colt when she is eating. She ought to have plenty of time to chew her feed well. The cold storage man makes better prices for the dairyman and poultry man until the cold storage man is "busted." The milk should be strained through one thickness of clean white flannel and then should be quickly cooled and well aired. If a ewe keeps her lamb in fine fat condition up to the time of weaning, be sure she is a good mother, and keep her. A silo saves labor, as with it you can feed more stock in much less time' than by any other means and do it much easier. When a hog reaches 200 pounds in weight it requires extra good care and an expert feeder to continue to lay on flesh at a profit Some people claim that a hog is a scavenger by nature, but he certainly thrives better on clean feed and de cent surroundings. Weeds plowed under add some hu-. mus and fertility to the soil, though In a very much less degree than clover or cow peas. The amount of feed used by cows depends some hat upon their body weight, larger cows requiring more feed for maintenance. Common millet is one of the best varieties of millet to sow as an emer gency hay or pasture crop, since It yields well under trying conditions of soil and climate. Pigs, sows and fattening .hogs should be kept in separate inclosures. They will be healthier., and derive mere benefit from their feeds by such handling. Make a creep for the little pigs in which they can get in and eat and the old hogs cannot follow. By the way, do not feed the little fellows sloppy, sour feed. Give them shelled corn and watch them crack it Fall fairs have already begun. Ex hibit your poultry at as many of them as possible. You will learn much that will benefit you in many ways. Ex change ideas with the poultry breed ers you meet there. The poultry in dustry has never yet been completely mastered by any one man. EXCELLENT VENTILATION OF STABLES OF ORDINARY SIZE Most Satisfactory System Is Described and Illustrated No Plan That Will Automatically Meet All Conditions of Wind and Weather The Cause of Corrosion of Metal Frames. For stables of ordinary width, the common and most satisfactory form of fresh air inlet is a sash at each stall hinged at the botton, opening inward, but with galvanized iron pieces attached to the sides of the window frame, so that the only air admitted has to take an, upward course over the top of the sash, writes George F. Weston in the Coun try Gentleman. This prevents direct drafts. A piece of chain stapled to the top of the frame, with a beheaded wire nail projecting' from the top of the sash, allows the window to be opened any number of links. The free edges of the metal side plates are turned upward so as to make a stop that prevents the windows from fall ing open too wide. There is no system of ventilation that will automatically meet all con ditions of wind and weather, which at times will call for the closing of all windows to windward, and opening JUL Plan of Stable Showing Method of Ventilation A, Inlets between ceil ing joists; B, Inlets on hay floor; C, Window inlets; D, Side section of double stall and exhaust flue; E, Back view, same; F, E;:haust flue and side connection; I, I, I, Location of passage inlets. of those on the sheltered side a mere crack. In winter when the horses come in hot. and, in the case of work horses, cannot be rubbed quite dry, it will often save colds to keep every thing tight until they are dry and have cooled off. The stable shown in the illustration is an extra wide one. and to secure sufficient fresh air in lets for the central double row of horses, it may be necessary to make ducts from the outside to the open ings in the ceiling over the center of each passage, about 14 by 20 inches, and marked I, I, I in the plan. These can be closed by a board, with pin sliding on bottom of inside. The eas iest way to make these ducts is to en close between two ceiling joists, or if this cannot be done, make as at B on hay floor above. The exhaust flues for a stable of this design should be three in num ber, about two feet six inches by one foot six inches, extending from bottom of manger clear to the roof. Each one connects with lateral flues below manger, so as to tap eight stalls, and the openings to each stall should increase in size as they leave DISEASES OF HORSE LOCATED W H i III Jl n'lllli I ' I ffl IPFlUfcH l;:ll!tea nSSHsiiiiiiiHssB LY xsMrQrfisillllllllllllllllllllllllllllBBllllV BRRmRKltTRRRmRY vRRY BRflKRRRt Jm AW H 30 The location of some diseases of the horse is shown in the illustration here with, which is taken from the North west Homstead: 1. Poll evil; 2. swelling by bridle pressure; 3, inflamed parotid gland; 4. inflamed jugular vein; 5. caries of the lower jaw; 6. fistula of parotid duct; 7. bony excrescence; 8, fistula of withers; 9. saddle gall; 10, tumor TO DESTROY GROUND HOGS Maw be Poisoned 'With Wheat Soaked in a. Solution of Strychnine .Also to Trap Tn (By WALTER B. LEUTZ.) Ground hogs may be poisoned with wheat soaked in a solution of strych nine, but they can easily be trapped at the entrance of their burrows. A better way is toeoak a bit of moss or hay with bisulphate of carbon and place it well down into the burrow covering the entrance with a heavy cloth. The carbon -being neavier than air it penetrates to the-bottom of the burrow and kills the animals in staptly. Great care in handling bisulphate of carbon must be observed because Jt is a deadly poison and must never he Inhaled. The bottle cntaining It should be kept tightly ccrked until the moment it is to. be isccL the main flue, and be screened with half-Inch wire netting to keep out rats. AH main exhaust fines in a sta ble should also have two or the oppo site sides made with a door just below the ceiling, and two feet down, so that this can be opened up against the ceiling and take out all hot air in summer. Frequently the hay chutes can be so arranged as to serve also for exhaust flues by having a tight- fitting door at the hay floor, which is only opened tor leeatng. iney can be of galvanized iron as far up as the celling of stable, but in such a climate as Canada, where the upper space is much lower In temperature, should be of wood, and it may even pay to cover with a couple of layers of heavy building paper. It is well to remember that ven tilating flues only work when their air contents are at a higher temper ature than the outside air. This means that the air is expanded and is of i ill i . . . . . rtM lesser weight than an equal column of the colder outside air. Finally there must be a material difference in tem perature, for the stable air is loaded with moisture and products of ani mal combustion. There have been cases in northern winters of the metal flues beiig almost entirely stopped by condensed moisture deposited as ice on the inside top end. The best re sults are secured from many small in lets, instead of the few larger ones. especially as io prevention oi injuri ous drafts. Moisture condensed during cold weather is the cause of the corrosion of metal frames, and we suggest giv ing them a couple of coats, of as pbaltum paint over the interior sur face, especially on the sash bars. When of metal the expansion of these is so much greater than of the glass1 that it is impossible to get a perfect seal or seat between these and the glass, and as a result there have been put on the market many special forms of metal sash to remedy the trou ble of drip from condensed moisture. Under some conditions, cypress bars may be more durable than iron. caused by collar; 11. splint; 12. ma landers; 13. a treat on the coronet: 14. sand crack; 15, quittor; 16. knee bunch; 17, clap on back sinews; 18. ringbone; 19, foundered foot; 20. ven tral hernia; 21, rat tail; 22, spavin; 23. curb; 24. quarter crack; 25. trick leg; 26. malanders; 27. capped fceek; 28. swelled sinews; 29. grease; SO. sand crack; 31. tumor of elbow. Turkey Breeding. The turkey crop hatched previous to June 1 should attain good growth by the Jast of November, the cock birds reaching ten or twelve pounds. The turkey is not fully matured un til two years of age. and Is in his prime at three years, and nearly as good at four years old. It is therefore a mistake t oseil off all the older birds and retain the young ones for breeding purposes. Toung turkeys are of a delicate na ture until they are fully feathered and have thrown out the red on their heads, which usually occurs at about three months of age. After that they are hardy, and may be alTowed unlim ited range at all times. Poultry in Ireland. Ireland is the greatest poultry grow ing country in the world. It is far ahead of France, though we have al ways accepted the latter as the lead ing country In this industry. Ireland, with a population of not quite 5,000 000. has 14.000,000 fowls; while France, with a population seven timet greafr, has only 10.000,000. REST FOR COW IS ESSENTIAL Animal, Like Other Machines, Must e Given Sufficient Time for Making Needed Repairs. (By WALTER B. LEUTZ.) Too many farmers milk their cowe from "calf to calf." In some states the law forbids the selling of milk of cows within two weeks of calving or five days after. This rest is none too long and in fact young heifers would do better if they were given longer rest before calving. We once heard a farmer at county institute defend his practice of milk ing bis cow up to the last moment on the ground that he worked every day and wanted his cows to do the same. A woman asked him If he did not rest on Sundays and he rather shame facedly replied that be worked every day in the week, particularly daring the summer months. Not much use arguing with a man like that, but ex perience shows that it is much better for the health and usefulness of the cow, especially heifers, to give ber at least a month's rest during the year. A cow Is a milk machine, it Is true, and we want to get all we can out of her. but like machines made of steel and wood she must be given time for repairs or she will wear out all to quickly. TO KEEP HANDLES UPRIGHT Pail Arranged in This Manner Will Often Be Fcund of Great Con venience Around Dairy. It often happens that one finds It convenient to have a pail on which the handle will remain upright at all limes, says the Farm-and Home. An ordinary pail can be fixed to produce the desired result A piece of tin, a. is cut as shown, and attached to the side of the pail at the place where, the handle comes by bending the slot over so that It engages the handle Keeps Handles Upright. and will hold it firmly in place. This type is for metal pails. At b is shown a piece of tin cut for use on wooden pails. Instead of being bent over the edge of the pail the piece is Screwed to the wood. CARE PREVIOUS TO CALVING Cow Should Be Placed in Comfort able Stall, Well Littered, in Which There Is No Manger. For ten days preceding the time fcr calving, the cow should be- kept in a comfortable, well-littered box stall or pen, in which there is no manger. The feed should be given in a box or basket, which should be re moved after the feed is takea. The coarse feed may be put in the corner, and no more should be given than she will eat. This rule should, how ever, be observed, not only before calving, but at all times. Throwing large quantities of roughage before a cow leads her Into the bad habit of eating only the most appetizing parts, and so wasting much feed. It Is a good practice to take a lantern and go the rounds of the. barn, before retir ing for the night, to see that every thing is as it should be. Milk Fever. Milk fever can be prevented very casiiy by milking the cow regularly before she drops her calf. If she is usually a heavy milker, she should be as regularly milked for a few weeks bofnre calving as she is after. Begin the milking at least two weeks before the time for the arrival of the j calf. During the first week once each day is sufficient, but trie last week she should be milked .both night and I morning. Air-Tight Milk Can. A new type of milk can has been invented which is air-tight, and is easily cleaned. Filled at the dair-j' and sealed with the owner's label, the can is so constructed that it de livers automatically and accurately any quantity that is desired, and runs out clean to tne last drop. Liberal Feeding Pays A poor cow may be made to pay bei way at least by liberal feeding. It is equally true that a good cow may be made to lose by stingy treatment Scalding water Is an essential In the dairy. When butter prices are low there is absolutely no excuse for keeping poor cows. An accessible supply of pure, cold water should always be available for the herd. Tainted, musty or mouldy feeds should never be served in the dairy herd rations. One .of the best indications of a good milk cow is the large and tortu ous milk veins. Care should be taken that the cow ?oes not brve to wede through filth n the barnyad. Pouring or dipping the mi sev eral times from one can to another rapidly cools it. To do good work the cream sep arator must be level and on a good solid foundation. ' The separator means the greatest profit with tho least cost In handling and marketing milk. JLg Ml Hl Ww' I iBbV v1 kSlllili iff LlkRkN RRr aRRSBaBSRRafn EXPLANATION. ' "Honest, Mr. Bird, 1 only came up here for the view!" HANDS WOULD CRACK OPEN "About two months ago my hands started to crack open and bleed, the skin would scale off, and the good j flesh would burn and Itch dreadfully. When my hands first started to get I sore, there were small blisters like wa-1 ter blisters which formed. They Itched dreadfully. It just seemed as though I could tear the skin all off. I would scratch them and the skin would peel off, and the flesh would be all red and crack open and bleed. It wor ried me very much, as I had never had anything the matter with my skin. I was so afraid I would have to give up my employment, f ".My doctor said he didn't think it would amount to anything. But it kept ; getting worse. One day I saw a piece in one of the papers about a lady who had the same trouble with her hands. She had used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment and was cured. I decided to try them, and my hands were all healed before I had used one cake of Cuti cura Ointment. I am truly thankful for the good results from the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, for thanks to them I was cured, and did not have to lose a day from work. I have bad no re turn of the skin trouble." (Signed) Mrs. Mary E. Breig, 2522 Brown Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1911. 'Although Cuticura Soap and Oint ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura," Dept 6 K, Boston. Tne Heights of Song. Miss Mary Garden, at a supper in New York that preceded her depar ture for Europe, praised a new tenor. "He is one of those tenors," said Miss Garden, "who have to shut their eyes when they sing." "Why so?" asked a young million aire. "Because," she replied, smiling, "he goes so high it makes him dizzy." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Tlora tfiA Signature of CmJtArzfiJjMr' In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Not Much of a -Water User. Hewitt Gruet spends money like water. Jewett I thought you said he spent it freely. Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut stops when Cole's Carbolisalve Is applied. It heals oulckly and prevents scars. 3c and 50c by arucgists. For free sample write to J. W. Cole & Co.. Black River FalU. Wis. Out of the Whaleback. i Jonah joined the Vacation Liars j club. "Yes." he remark, d. "I enjoyed my ocean trip immensely." ASK FOR ALLKX'S FOOT-EASE. tbeABtlseptlepoirdertosbakelntOToursboe'l. R Meres Coma. Bunions, Ingrowing Xails, Swollen aod Swrating irrt. Blisters and Calluua spou. Bold CYrrrwbfrc.25c lton'taccrptar.yiulitittitr. 8am pie FREE. Address Allan S. Olmsted. LeEcr.X.Y. Just set to work and do a thing, and don't talk about it. This is the great secret of success In all enter prises. Sarah Grand. BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Send 3c stamp for Ot' samples ul iuj- Tory rbolc t Gold Embossed Birthday, Flower mod Motto Post Cards: beautiful colors und lowliest desiims. Art i'ost Card Club, Til Jackson U. Topcka. Kansas Young people should reverence their parents when at home, strangers when abroad, and themselves when alone and at all times. Massillon. Rheumatism. Neuraljria and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with i Hamlina W izard Oil. the world best liniment for the relief of all pain. Good Reason. ' "Why did Jagsby leave the castvof that tank drama?" "Because he wanted to be the tank." 3fr. Winalow' Sootnintr Syrup for Children teethlnir. stoftens the trams, reduees intl.imma Uon, allays pain. cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Happiness like the snail, is never round from home, nor without, a home. Judson. Lewi" Single Binder gives a min whit ke wantu, a rich, mellow-tasting cijar. To be without enemies Is to be un worthy of having friends. Joubert. W. L. DOUGLAS 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES WOMEN wmr Wl Tlwrnflm mA mfa I aCaaaaa .urna amaBmmaab R . 1 AaSSaSa aVmWaSft UsfWMr.u-MuWJ.DoafktllM'iikMi. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS Ttir i.ni.SMSsfsV inrtsrhhuTmTTT- f DoucUb snoes hMBoos the world over u rmswSBacd erery pm, KIcosUtakeyottiDtORtykrfebcteda st BrocktoR, Mate' ad show yo how carefolVWJJoriMhoeMRKde. yoa would then tmarjentaad why ihey sre war ranted to hold their shape, it better asd wests ip i rimi any iw m i wi ewrsaepnee RflaUfYRRBml aaSaVamReauaa faMaaa V W VsaaavRm) If joe eaaaet ottata W. I DovglM Aom la war un, wmafnr frofltYa9Bf T wi SOVGLAS, 1 awer.au enariwa iiimii. w.t WHY BE WEAKt "Why suffer hackacho, headache, dlzsteeae, weariless, mrinary Irregu larities as other troubles that arise from disordered kidneys? Doaa's. Edaey Pills havo e n r o d thousands. John O. 8edain. Mo desto, Cal., says: MI was so weak I stag gered like adrunken man. I ran down in. weight from 176 to 137 pounds. I had practically no con trol over the kidney stocretloBB and the palm in my back was terrible. I becamo a nerroas wreck and was given up-by our best physicians. Like a drowsing nui grasping at a straw I began sw ing Doan's Kidney Pills and steadily improved. la a few months' time I was back at my old weight. Doan'b Kidney Pills cured me and I give them the entire credit" Remember the name Doan's. For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c Foster-Mllbura Co.. Buffalo. N. T. Ceneelidatien. "You say I'm a liar, sir?" "You claim that I'm a thief, sir?" "Say" "Well?" "Let's go into partnership. You get the money and I will pay the taxes. There are imitations, don't be fooled. Ask for Lewis Single Binder agar, 5c. Let ns return to nature, and her veracities aad integrities. If You Suffer from a bad stomach, inactive liver, consti pated bowels, you should try HOSTETTERS Stsnaeh Bitttrs It is absolutely pure, safe and reli able and will always do the work. Try It Today LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GSKAT VARIETY FOR, SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Sa-531 W. Adas St Cblcaeo Your liver Is Clogged Up That's Why YaVre ef Setts Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you ria in a few days. They d their duty.. CureCon-i stioation. BUiousoess.IndigTstkmandSickHeadache SMALL PHI, SHALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature CAREY ACT land and waturriabts. Open to entry on Bis Wood Hirer rroieet in tjomnem roieet Idaho. EOLSO hb arm In U annual Installments. Amslo water nupplr guaran teed. IbAUO IRRIGATION CO., HJeuScld. Main. "tub asiilani mcbuaska ; FIOUl MI 11 FOR. SALE I Write n. Z-snem-Uncoin.Nebnwka ta IKS W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 36-1911. Nebraska Directory TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES lAntest stock, lowest pricoa. Reoiimrtons. JTJ, 8ml lb Premiers SIS, Chlcsco. fs. Underwood joS, 1C. Smith WO. Monarch !U. Uannsoml L k'osUL Vnll Guarantee. 8nd fur Catalog . ! B. V. SW ANSON CO- 1316 lamam St, Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS All Bakes 85 up. Over llM to se lect from. Machines for rent. 3 aaoathsforlo. Write for list Ko.rO T?MtM Erefcaqt. Cauka, Sm. m tation. Addre CUSS BUSINESS nitta BeYcnyearonucreHM Uiekof It. It baa been built by itsrenu- Address Bat. A. PURY EAR COUK EHCIAL I OtUCSC 74S-74S W. Bramton. CmmII Buff, ta. OMBVAIft at mm BOTS? paalllralyr I I 1 Br B lireeV-Oat HKp t ,aflEMRmJUflfclO .4sfMr IYER JBMMaBM PIUS. y&J?zrz IBma m fS." 5x5. Z& VCfc MUZ- il SmmBmRSRSSaE. iSafS KPvRRRRRBy?-:r- " KfilaX &. . T BmmRmmmRSSmm' $ RRRRRRRRRRRRBh.'-:' M RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrtv'v." wawaWMWawMBWjBWBWawawavL wjawjaT,"wjggwMmjiOv.- I BrrgEt" ,""2fii5j&s?' JL BaKv'--";.---2aQ2? L BrbSa&&uSBp Rv JmBH sV M. Hrr: aRRmV BRRRRRmWi feilC: 1.BrRRRRRRr1 BaWaWaWaWawal . aWaWawaWaWawawR BwaWaWaWawawj x. BWavaWaWawaRVaR J -- 1 : TWOK