!WHuaarwn!jiiti im m i.ft The Conservative Banker i in making loans must know to a certainty that hia ap plicants or sureties are responsible and worthy of credit. Likewise, the prudent depositor should know the character and standing of the bank with which he deals. The business reputation of our directors and the ex perience and ability of our officers, with a record of years of successful business is sufficient guarantee that the in terests of every depositor will be carefully protected. The First National Bank Columbus, Nebraska The Oldest and Largest National Bank in Platte County Prorerdliiga of tar Hoard of Kqaaltea tltm. Columbus, Nebraska, August 22, 1911. The Board of Equalization of Platte County. Nebraska, met in adjourned session at 9 o'clock A. M. Hon. Louts Schwarz, chairman, and John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother, Dasen brock. Schaecher. Schure, Smith, Wil son, Chairman Schwarz, County As sessor Clark and County Clerk Graf. The minutes of the previous session of the board of equalization were now read and approved. Moved by Supervisor Schaecher that the chair appoint a committee of three on levies. Motion carried and Super visors Schaecher, Schure and Dasen brock were appointed as such commit tee. The following was persented: To the Board of Equalization: Gentlemen: Your committee appoint ed for the purpose of submitting the levies necessary to defray the ex.. penses or the county for the ensuing year would report that we find the to tal assessed valuation of the county for the year 1311 to be $7,754,541, and we recommend the following levies to be made: County general fund 3 C10 mills County road fund 2 mills County bridge fund 2 mills County poor fund 31" mills Soldiers relief fund 110 mills Total levy m,1,s We also recommend that a levy of I 710 mills upon the dollar be made up on all the taxable property in Colum bus township for the payment of the interest and part payment of the prin cipal of the $2,500.00 outstanding Co lumbus Township bridge bonds (Loup river bridge bonds), and also that a levy of 3 10 mills upon the dollar be made upon all the taxable property in Columbus township for the payment of the interest on the $5,000.00 outstand ing Columbus township bridge bonds (Platte river bridge bonds). Respectfully submitted, HENRY SCAECHER. J. F.. SCHURE, FRED DASENPROCK. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. The following was presented: To the Board of Equalization: Gentlemen: Your committee appoint ed for the purpose of submitting the levies necessary to defray the ex penses of the cities, villages and town ships of the county, recommend the following levies be approved and made: City of Colaatbaa. For general fund 12 1020 mills For city park purposes. 1220 mills For maintaining public . library 1 For payment of chemi cal tire hose wagon... 2 For Improving the wat er works For interest on water water works refund ing bonds 1 For interest on Loup 1020 mills 1020 mills 620 mills 120 mills river bridge bonds... For interest on Platte river bridge bonds... For interest on water works extension bonds For sinking fund water works refunding bonds For sinking fund Loup river bridge bonds 1 1720 mills 1 320 mills 1020 mills 2 mills 3 120 mills Total levy 27 mills Village at Platte Ceater. For general fund 10 mills For water works fund 10 mills For sinking fund village bonds 6 mills For interest on water works bonds 2 mills Total levy 2S mills Village of Creataa. For general fund 10 mills For Interest on water works bonds 8 mills Total levy 18 mills SEE THE ELWIN STRONG Village mt LUtaf. For general fund 10 mills For water works fund 10 mills For sinking fund village bonds 8 mills Total levy 28 Village of Taraar. For general fund .". .. 5 Village mt Caralea. No levy. Vllage mt Maarae. For general fund 10 For water works fund 20 mills mills mills mills Total levy...-. 30 mills Vllage mt Haataarey. For general fund 10 mills For street light fund S mills For water works fund..... 6 mills For sinking fund water work bonds 4 mills Total levy 25 mills Calamaas Tawaahla. For general fund mill For road fund 2 mills For bridge fund mill Total levy 3s mills Blaatark Tawaahla. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 2 mills For bridge fund 1 mill Total levy 5. mills Sherawa Tawaahla. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 4 mills For bridge fund 2 mills Total levy 8 mills Creataa Tawaaklp. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 2 mills For bridge fund 1 mill Total levy 5 mills Shell Creek Tawaahla. For general fund .- 2 mills For road fund 14 mills For bridge fund li mills Total levy 5 mills Graad Prairie Tawaahla. For general fund - 1 mill For road fund 1 mill For bridge fund 1 mill Total levy 3 mills Hamparejr Tawaaklp. For general fund 1 mill For road fund 1 mills For bridge fund 1 mill Total levy 3 mills tier Tawaaklp. For general fund mill For road fund 2 mills For bridge fund 1 mill Total levy 4 mills Laap Tawaaklp. For general fund 1 mill For road fund 3 mills Total levy 44 mills Last Creek Tawaaklp. For general fund 1 mill For road fund 2 mills Total levy 3 mills Barrawa Tawaaklp. For general fund 1 mill For road fund i mill For bridge fund mill Total levy 2 mills GraBTllle Tawaaklp. No levy. Sfaarae Tawaaklp. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 5 mills For bridge fund .-. 2 mills Total levy mill Jallet Tawaaklp. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 5 mills For bridge fund 2 mills Total levy 9 mills St. Bernard Tawaaklp. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 1 mill For bridge fund mill Total levy 34 mills 30 IvMle Tawaahla. For For For general fund mill road fund 5H mills bridge fund 2 mills Total levy 8 mills For general fund mill For road fund?...; 1 mills For bridge fund X mill Total levy 2 mills Ocmmc Tawaahla. For general fund 2 mills For road fund 9 mills For bridge fund 2 mills Total levy 13 mills Respectfully submitted, HENRY SCHAECHER, J. F. SCHURE. FRED DASENBROCK. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. The following was presented: To the Board of Equalization: Gentlemen: Tour committee appoint ed to submit the levies necessary to de fray the expenses of the school dis tricts of the county respectfully re port, that we And that the officers of the several districts have filed with the county clerk their certificate show ing the amount of money needed to de fray the expenses of their respective districts for the current year and In accordance therewith would recom mend the following levies to be made in mills: Dist. Dist. Bond No. Tax. Aa " 7 3 .. 4 5.. 5 1.. 6 8 .. Tax. ...3 7 7.. 8 4 .. at 7M && S a mm 'Ja 15 4 ... 16 12 ... 17 6.. 18 1.. 19 4fe... mmV m m m m o 22 14 ... 1 714 mmt w 26 8... 7 1714 (? 4 a 72"J. ( mt mm 31... 32... 33... 34... 35... 36... 37... UO 40... 41... 42... 43... 44... 45... 46... 47... 48... 49... ,...10H. 10 mt 13 . 8 . t 7$ ...17 . ... Vt. ...15 . ...None. o ... 6H ... . ... 9 . ... 5 . ...11. ... 3. ... 4 . 50 None.. ) 1 7j . , 53 5H.. 3" 73 55 1 ix ! 7X 56 None. . 57 6.. 58 10 .. 59 10 .. " 9 a wlta.t.(t(t 0 y m . 62 10 .. 63 9 .. 64 ( .. 65 8 .. 66'. 6fc... 67 None. . 68 , 11 .- 4 None 6 74 14 6 8 29 2 c ...... ........... ......ii ........... 2 69 70 71 , 72 . 73 , 74 75 76 ((((( io 79 Respectfully submitted. HENRY SCHAECHER. J. F. SCHURE. FRED DASENBROCK. On motion of County Assessor Clark same was adopted. Remaining in session until 12 o'clock noon the board of eauallzatlon ad journed, reconvening at 2 o'clock P. M. with all members present. The minutes of this session of the board of equalization were now read and on motion approved. Moved by Supervisor Schure that the board of equalization now adjourn sine die. Motion carried. Praeeedlaga at the r4 at S Columbus, Nebraska, August 21. 1911. The Board of Supervisors of Platte County, Nebraska, met in adjourned session at 2 o'clock P. M. Hon. Louis 4 DAYS 4 Thursday, September 7th, Under America's Largest Canvas Theatre PEOPLE and John Graf. clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Dasenbrock. Schaecher,. Schure, Smith. Wilson and Chairman Schwarz. The minutes of the previous session of the hoard of supervisors were read and approved. The petition of T. R. Thomazin and others for the location of a public road 40 feet In width, commencing at sta tion No. 11 on the "Walker road" and Its Intersection with the west line of section 3 town 19 range 3 west and running thence due south on the sec tion line to the southwest corner of said section 3, thence due "east on the section line to a point where the Walk road Intersects the south line of said section 3 and at that point terminating, was presented and read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of Adam Pier and oth ers for the location of a public road 40 feet in width, commenclag at the southwest corner of section 10 town 19 range 2 west and running thence due north on section line, was presented and read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of Jacob Oik and others for the alteration of a road running in a northwesterly direction over the northeast quarter of section 1 town 20 range 1 west, was presented and read and on motion referred to the commit tee on road and bridges. The petition of G. N. Mackie and oth ers for dividing Shell Creek township Into four road districts and the peti tion of Lew Hoare and others for di viding Lost Creek township into four road districts, were presented and read and on motion referred to the judiciary committee. The reports of the appraisers ap pointed to assess the damages sus tained by the location of the "Beck- with road in Oconee township and the "Borchers road" on the township line between Bismark and Sherman town ships, were presented and read and on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. All bills on file with the clerk were on motion referred to appropriate com mittees. Moved by Supervisor Clother that the board of supervisors now adjourn until August 23. 1911. at 9 o'clock A. M. Mo tion carried. Columbus. Nebraska, August 23, 1911. The board of supervisors pursuant to journment met at 9 o'clock A. M. Hon Louls Schwarz. chairman, and John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following members present. Supervisors Clother, Dasenbrock. Schaecher. Schure, Smith and Chairman Schwarz. Absent and excused Super visor Wilson. The petition of Claus Johnson and others for the location of a public road 40 feet in width, commencing at the northeast corner of section 25 town 19 range 4 west and running thence due south on section line about one and three-fourths mile and terminating at the intersection with the Claus John son road, were presented and read and on motion referred to the committee of roads and bridges. The bid of John Barrett filed with County Judge Ratterman for the im provement of certain roads in Creston township was now opened by him and read by County Clerk Graf and on mo tion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The following resolution was Intro duced by Supervisor Dasenbrock: Whereas. The time has come when a new court house for Platte county has become a real necessity to properly ac commodate the various county offi cials anil fni tlio .. i, , . .. I .. ...- .,.,,- Kt-t-i,,,,, or mo public records and documents, the pres ent building being utterly Inadequate for these purposes, besides being In compatible with the rank and dignity ..- v.uuuiy oi 1'iaite, Therefore. Be it resolved that this ooara can on the citizens of Platte amin Tnmm , .., .u. serious considering the j question of building a new court house nu oe it rurther Resolved. That this board take neces sary steps to secure at an early date some public expression on this ques tion. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. On motion of Supervisor Dasenbrock the board of supervisors now adjourn- eu ior committee work until 2 o'clock mis p. m. Pursuant to adjournment the board of supervisors reconvened at 2 o'clock, with all members present except Super visor Wilson, absent and excused. The following bills were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of same on the 1910 county general fund: C. E. Early, election board, city IL V.OIUIIIOUS I g fly Leopold Plath, election board. city of Columbus oo M. C. Calto, election board, city of Columbus g no J. A. Ernst, election board, city of Columbus 6 00 John Schmocker, election board. city of Columbus c 00 Joseph Gutzmer, election board. city of Columbus c 00 Charley Micek, election board. city of Columbus. c 00 L. F. Phillips, election board. Schwarz, chairman. STARTING BAND AND city of Columbus 6 99 Otto Staab, election board, city of Columbus 6 9 Isaac Brock, election board, city of Columbus - 6 00 George W. Elston, election board city of Columbus 6 00 Chas. L. Dickey, election board. city of Columbus 6 00 J. R. Meagher, election board. city of Columbus C 00 Wallace W. Novell, election board, city of Columbus 6' 00 C. W. Freeman, election board. city of Columbus 6 00 V. A. Mackln, election board. city of Columbus 6 00 P. B. Derrington. election board, city of Columbus 6 00 A. C. Linstrom. election board, city of Columbus 6 00 Arnold Oehlrich. election board. city of Columbus 6 00 Eugene Clark, election board. city of Columbus 6 00 Fred A. Scofleld, election board. Columbus township 4 00 S. K. .Rapp, election board", Co lumbus township 4 00 John Kotlar, election board. Co lumbus township 4 00 Chas. Morgan, election board. Columbus township 4 00 J. F. Befford. election board, Co lumbus township 5 U0 Frank Arnie. jr., election board, Bismark township 4 00 Wm. Durkop, election board. Bismark township 4 00 Adolph Mueller, election board. Bismark township 4 00 David Lusche. election board. Bismark township 4 00 Friedr Cattau. election board. Bismark township 11 50 C. G. Luedtke. election board. Sherman township 4 00 Gerhard Rosche. election board. Sherman township 4 00 Henry Wllke. election board. Sherman township 4 00 Adolph Groteluschen, election board. Sherman township 4 00 II. G. Lueschen, election board. Sherman township 7 50 George Rollin. election board. Creston township 4 00 Theo. F. Plageman. election board. Creston township 4 00 V. F. I"almateer. election board. Creston township 4 00 A. F. Barrett, election board. Creston township 4 00 Otto II. Struve. election board. Creston township 8 00 Henry Bargman, election board. Shell Creek township 4 40 Herman Kluever, election board. Shell Creek township 4 00 Louis Saalfeld. election hoard. Shell Creek township 4 00 Herman Kuenemann. election board. Shell Creek township.. 4 00 Ed Asche, election board. Shell Creek township C 75 Win. Hoeffelman, jr.. election board. Grand Prairie township 4 00 Eilert Brackenhof. election board. Grand Prairie township 4 oo Adolph Lueschen. election board. Grand Prairie township 4 00 Peter Michaelson. election board. Grand Prairie township 4 00 Henry Johannes, election board. Grand Prairie township 7 50 Albert Kallmann, election board. Humphrey township 4 oo Christ Jacobs, election board, Humphrey township 4 00 Peter Bodewlg. election board. Humphrey township 4 oo II. W. Krenz. election board. Humphrey township 4 oo Otto Wendt. election board. Humphrey township 8 7o W. W. Ernst, election board. Butler township -t Go Henry Blaser. election board. Butler township 4 00 Mike Furman. election board. Butler township 4 00 Albert Gerber. election board, Butler township 4 00 Peter Kozlowski. election board, Butler township 6 SO Ernest Rupp. election board. Loup township 4 00 J. G. KumiiuT. election hoard. Loup township 4 00 John Drozd. election board. Loup township 4 00 Fred Meedel. election board. Loup township 4 00 John Scholz. eletcion board. Loup township 7 00 Lew Hoare, eleclTon board. Lost Creek township 4 CO Albert Duster, election board. Lost Cre.ek township 4 00 T. II. Gleason. election board. Lost Creek township 4 00 John Moffett. election board. Lost Creek township 4 oo Henry Clayburn. election board. Lost Creek township 7 50 Frank P. Limb, election board. Burrows township 4 00 John M. Tworek. election board. Burrows township 4 00 W. E. Schure, election board. Burrows township 4 oo Joseph T. Jaworski, election Burrows township 4 00 John Nosal. election board. Burrows township 8 00 Henry Kersch. election board, Granville township C 00 John Boyer, election board. Granville township 4 00 Richard Olmer, election board. Granville township 4 00 E. C. Halm, election board. Granville township 4 00 ORCHESTRA FRISCHHOLZ BROS. O RELIABLE GOODS FRISCHHOLZ 405 11th Street Mathlas Classen, sr.. election board. Granville township 8 50 Theo. Huettner. election board. Granville township 5 25 Al Edwards, election board. Granville township 4 rto Jacob Oik. election board. Gran ville township 4 00 Jos. G. Mueting. election board. Granville township 4 00 W. A. Bender, election board. Granville township 9 20 J. T. Gleason. election board, Monroe township 4 00 George Lindauer. election board. Monroe township 4 00 D. J. Gleason. election board. Monroe township 4 00 Fred Jernberg. election board. Monroe township 4 00 John R. Williams, election board, Monroe township 8 00 J. L. Syslnw. election board. Joliet township 4 oo M. P. Christenson, election board Joliet township 4 00 George Glass, election board. Joliet township 4 00 D. T. Roberts, election board. Joliet township 4 oo W. D. Jones, election board. Jol iet township 9 oo C. J. Carlson, election board. St. Bernard township 4 oo David McAuliffa. election board. St. Bernard township 4 00 Jacob Borer, election board. St. Bernard township 4 00 John Purtzer. election board. St. Bernard township 4 oo Peter J. Schmitz. election board. St. Bernard township 1 00 D. S. Pearse. election board. Woodville township 4 00 W. W. Bivin. election board. Woodville township 4 00 Roy Greig. election hoard. Woodville township 4 no George Mahood. election board. Woodville township 4 Oil Peter Welln. election board. Woodville township 11 oo Wallace Rood, election board. Walker township 4 00 C. J. Jacohson. election hoard. Walker township 4 00 II. T. Swansou. election board. Walker township 4 oo Gust Benson, election board. Walker township 4 00 Herman Otterpohl. election board. Walker township .... 12 5J Chris Abegglen. election board, Oconee township 4 00 C. E. Chapin, election board. Oconee township 4 00 J. G. Cochran, election board. Oconee township 4 oo J. C. Dawson, election board. Oconee township 4 oo W. E. Beck with, election board. Oconee township 7 00 W. J. Welch, election board. Oconee township 4 0 J. M. Kelly. election board. Oconee township 4 00 J. E. Dack. election hoard. Oconee township 4 to W. T. Strother. election board.. Oconee township 4 oo Chas R. Watts, election board. Oconee township 7 4'i Louis Jones, constable, eiertioii. Joliet township 4 oo I. J. Beckwitll. constable, elec tion. Oconee townsllio 4 00 .Mar ius Nelson, constable, elect- tlon. Walker township 4 oo Fred Driimmond. constable. election, city of Columbus oo locob Fisher, constable, elec tion. Granville township 4 J. J. Ducey. constable, election. St. Bernard township 4 ' Otto Helden. constable, election. Bismark township 4 '' E. W. Hoare, constable, election. T.nt fTreMlc tnwnsllill 4 M Frank Savadge. constable, elec tion. Burrows township 4 oo J. A. Hoadley. making booths primary election ' " Eilert Brackenhon. use or .school house in District No. 21 5 00 School Dist. No. 63, use of school house for election 5 00 SPECIAL SundayAfternoon 3 P. M. Sacred Band Concert by hi Tnufhtuiti Concert Ban. Shoes, Clothing. Gents9 Furnish ing GOOdS a a a a AT RIGHT PRICES BROTHERS Columbus, Nebraska Joliet township, rent for town hall for election 5 Wm. Becker, posting notices election city of Columbus 2 J. S. Ilauey. canvassing election returns 5 K. C. Early, canvassing election returns 5 John Graf, county clerk, can vassing election returns 5 Henry C. I.ichnit. sheriff, costs in insane cases 35 Henry C Lachnit. sheriff, salary for August 145 Henry C. lachnit. automobile hire 1 Marke Burke, dep. slier., salary for August 70 Shell Clark, eo. asses., salary etc. for 1911 614 Fred S. Lecron. co. supt.. salary for August 132 Fred S. Lecron. cash advanced. Louis Held. co. treas. cash ad- 00 00 00 00 00 Gl S3 50 00 25 33 sa 25 00 40 31 o5 50 S3 00 20 OS 00 10 0 20 John Graf. co. elk., part pay ment l'.ll tax list 200 John Graf. co. elk., cash ad- KIopp & Bartlett Co., supplies for county 2til Hammond & Stephens Co.. sup plies for county 4 Underwood Typewriter Co., sup plies for county 1 Telegram Company. supplies, etc.. for county 207 Lindsay Post, publishing road notices 35 Nebraska Hieue, publishing pro- Humphrey Democrat, publishing publishing procedings 29 G. W. Davis, salary as janitor.. 3X John RranniganT'auto delivering ballots, etc 43 Columbus Automobile Co.. auto for county attorney 4 Platte Center Auto Co., auto for Supervisor Clother 4 ( Continued on page 8 ) The Busy Housewife can lesson her toil and make her kitchen more comfortable during the hot summer weather by using ELECTRIC FLAT IRMS ELECTRIC PLATE HEATERS ELECTRIC WASHMHI HACHMES and many other labor sav ing devices that we have on display at our office. The expense for operating means nothing when com pared to the comfort de rived, f your lights are dingy or your eyes weak we recommend TUfMSTEN OR MAZRA LAMPS The kind that make dark corners look like day. Columbus light. Heat and Power Co. $1 ( f I I II 1 I f t i 4 Popular Prices. The Opening Play A MAN AMONG MEN." SHOW 6 At Frankfort Park '- .Vrf-r.A j. -'- -V ..t --,?-fcr .,-... ,.yT7r,:vv j.1-,.,. -.- .,'-.: -j. v-v --fT, tt r- '- , -, , i--' - j -v ? ' .A. . -.- -,- - ,-- r "R-HaTaTaTaTa.TaVaTaVaVaT.TaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa'afaTaVaVafaVa'aH aV .