The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1911, Image 1

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    Colttmbtts ribttnc-30tttti4
State Bank
announces that it
has received its
certificate from the
State Banking De
partment, stating
that its depositors
are now protected
By the Deposi
tor's Guarantee
Fund of the State
of Nebraska.
- .- . i ,r - nTvrTu.nimr neien
'-.ik irr. .; M rcr r.: fK.
Knars. - iira: SI 00 3er ousnej.
.-iiniir, is, - ut- 2. CoiumDUs. Ben
jmaif. ceiinr I34
Mrs. Ira Gate retarned last even
:UT from Denver where sne aas been
:or tae past tar-- weetia.
Hugo Scnaad ana wife returned
Pome Satunav frfim a visit to Denver
and other Colorado Domes.
Mrs. W-st ami Laeiia Tayior. of
Beiiwoud. arrvnu Tuesday for a brief
-.".ait at tn- aom it Jonn Taylor.
Mrs. B Btswi and uuimgter Mrs.
Araier. i htthv wre guests at the
Riaesmrtn aum- Fnda- and Saturday
Anna Brandr-:.- and Emma Eoifman
r-taratHi Satardav from Lincoln, where
tney aavt been attending tne univer
sity. Geneva Jones entertained at a six
ick dinner Fdav in nonr of Julia
Brace, oi sewaro. Covers were laid
for twelve.
Earl Simmons, of Council Biuifs.
spent Sunar.y witn his wife, who is a
guest at tne name of her nrotner.
Jonn Tayior
Mrs. E. J. Scott entertained at a
i.c o ciock ainner Samrday in honor
n aer sister. Maole Sloan, of Sioux
Cry. Iowa.
Vetma Covert and Ottra Rasmossen
and Mrs. Watt.- returned Friday from
K.jarney wnere tne- nad Oeen attend
ing the normal.
Martha W waiey returned the last
of the weefc from Wayne, where sne
nad oeen attinding the normral for
O E. Waiter anu wife and son
Chltord. of A.bion. wii. arrive tne
iast of the weeK for a visit of a few
days at tne O H. Walters home.
S. P Hoiioway of Lincoln, a Mo
dern Woodmen deputy has decided to
make Columbus nis headquratres m
the future, dntiimr that he can easny
reach tne 'renter part oi his territory
from here.
C. E. Eary reports tnat he recent
ly received a tetter from nis Drother
Jonn. n tne gotHi news is con
vey ed mat ne i reeunc much Oetter
tnan tit- na at and tnat ne appears
v De .rr."r "r.c
80 Acres
of land within
2 miles of Col
umbus is offer
ed at a bottom
price for a
quick sale
Inquire of
Elliott -Speice-Echols
May and Clara Eloedora spent Sun
day visiting' friends m Humphrey.
I Misses Three and Clara Kenze, of
! Council Basir. and Lucy Tidsworth.
of Omana wno nave been the guests i
of Miss Hatne Erodfuehrer. returned,
to tneir home Sundav evening. I
In a letter to The Tribune-Journal, !
Rev W. L. Dibbie announces that he '
w: be hGme this week, and that re
gular services will be held at the Con
gregationa churcn nest Sunday.
Frances, the five month old child
! of John Zakrezski living east of the ;
city, died Monday nignt. Funeral
services were held Tuesday aftrenoon. I
! wth interment in the Catholic ceme-1
, tery. I
An account is given in Monday's
Bee of a reception, wnich was tend- ,
ered Chaneeuor and Mrs. Avery by
tne Los Angeles young people, wno .
w-r former students of the Nebraska
State University Miss Jaeggi. a
coiumbus gir! was on the program
and won much praise. .
County Attorney McElfresh has filed
a complaint against Edward Eiggins.
jr.. cnarging him with assault with
intent to do great bodily injury to
Frank Sullivan at Platte Center lasti
Saturday evening. We do not know '
tne cause of tne tmunie. but Sullivan
anpears Co have a badly lacerated eye
a the result. ;
A merry crowd of young people
snent iast Sunday at Steven's laKe.
enjoylmr the buating and fishing.
The fortunate ones were Clara and
fherese Kinze. of Council Eutfs. '
Lucy Tidswortn. of Omana. Anna and
Hattie Bordfuenrer. and Ear! Gosani.
, Jonn Speicher. Will Dawson and
, Flovd Snvder.
! Mrs. H. B. Reed received a mess-
air- tnis morning announcing tne '
deatn of her brother Geo. W. Erb. of
Central City No particulars have
oeen received only tnat the body
will oe nrougnt to tms city Saturday
at one o clock and will De taken to tne j
Shell! Creek churcn where services
will De neid.
; The members of the German Luth
eran church held a mission festival
last Sunday in Ed. Acsne's grove six
nines north-west of the city. Rev. j
Oretei. of Malcolm, and Rev. Hensick i
t of Madison. -hauVcharge of the servi- (
ces. The choir of Rev Hensick 's
churcn rendered sevrea seletions.
wmen were much appreiated.
After more than tnirty years of
activ- business life in Colambus.
'Anton vogel will retire next week.
' having sold his bakery to Gus Plata.
Mr Vogei has been a resident of
' tne city since 1S79. and during that
: time has nad few vacations and when
i tne opportunity presented itself last
j wees to make a saie it was quickly
He has established a good
j trade a
I elf ore
a result of nis long years of
Asked as to wnat plans he
the future, ne said. "My on-
for the future, at least tne
nad ror
ly plan
immediate future, is to taKe a good
rest, wnich I feel tnat I have earn
ed. '
I O. H. Wrasnbum and Karr &. New
j ion are having a misundertsandmg in
j regard to condiuons at tne lot on
' Thirteentn street on wnich tne Karr
! i Newlon omce stands. it appears
' that last fah. Mr. Washburn ieaseu a
; portion of his lot to them for their
' building, and now. when he wishes
: to bund, tne trouble comes in. Karr
i Newion have started an injunction
j suit asramst Washburn to prevent him
! from going ahead with the excavation
! and taking tne soii cut from under ; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carrig attended
I tne building. They c:aim they have a a family reunion at Kearney Sunday,
' w-itten tease for two years with tne where they went to spend the day
j privilege of three, and do notfeei like with Mr. Gang's brother. C. C. Car
giving up their site and their lease. ?i?, and sister Mrs. N. J. Gentleman.
Mr. W:ashbum. on the other hand de- Monday morning Mr. Carrig returned
I ciares that when he had the plans home, while Mrs. Carrig went on west
j drawn for the new building, he made for an extended visit with relatives in
1 provision for suitable rooms for a real the Pacinc coast country. She went
' estate omce in the basement. It is directly to Daisy. Washington, where
honed that the srentlemen will be able ' she will visit her Darents and other
to get together and that their misun-
I derstanding will not stand in tne way .
of a permanent improvement.
Carrying concealed weapons was ,
tne charge lodged against Dr. W. M.
Conaon. a prominent dentist of Earn-
phrev. m countv court Mondav morn
ing. The charge was sworn to by
I Marshal Frank Echoit. of that viL
1 age. The whole thing is an outgrowth
, of a tournament held at Humphrey
Wednesday and Thursday of last week
and a street fair and carnival company
; were holding the boards there at the
I same time. Dr. Condon claims that
a number of street women wera there
at tne time and that some of them
were using his private park as a rend-
jezvous. and that he objected to it. and
j feeiing tnat the police protetations
J were insunicient took the matter in
I hand himself. No notice was taken of
the matter until it was mentioned in
one of the churches Sunday, when the
marshal took exception to some of
the statements made. The doctor al-
so says that he drew the gun when die
atficer accosted him to prevent being
assaulted. He waived preliminary ex-
aminarion and was bound over to the
court in. five hundred dollar
F IC-J af-aaa
Bx aY SBMCaaBKBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
to you, you know that you are get
ting the best Coal and the moat
prompt service possible.
Far Feeding Taur Uve Stock
T. B. Hard Grail Ct.
Independent 206
Bell 1S8
A daugnter was born to Mr. and
Mrs.W. W. Rathburn Saturday morn
ing. L. A. Lachnit took in the firemen's
tournament at Humphrey Thursday.
returning Friday.
3iiss sopnie iloerson expects to re
turn Saturday from a visit of a week
at the home of friends at Crete.
Mr. and Mrs E. S. Newlon are re
, joicing over tne birth of a son at
their home iast Saturday morning
Mrs. A. C. Eoone is this week en
tertaining her mother, Mrs. fiowhnir,
of Beatrice, and E. A. Horn and wife
and young son. of York.
Mrs. L. A. Lachnit and son Victoor.
returned home Monday after a visit of
several weeks with relatives and
friends at Humphrey and vicinity.
Misses Eazei and Grace Richards of
Genoa were Columbus visitors between
trains Saturday, they being enroute
to Omaha, to spend a week with
Miss Minnie Glur was an over Sun
day guest with Omaha friends, she be
ing accompanied bv Miss Mazie
Matrill. who will soend the rest of the
week with friends and relatives.
William Eouser of Route 5. was
m the city Monday for the first time
since tne serious illness which he re
cently suffered. He is preparing to
enter tne hospital for a surgical opper
ation. Invitatioons have been issued for a
"Moonlight" picnic at Stevens' lake
tonight, in compliment to Misses
Gladys Levme. of York, and Elne
, Farnsworth of Boone who are guests
' of Miss Georgia Boone. The party
; will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Boone and Mr. and Mrs. George
, R. H. Miiler had a lively encounter
with a wouid-be burgiar early last
' Saturday evening. The fellow was
i caught peeping into some of the
windows of tne Miller home, but when
: he found that ne was discovered he
made a game attempt to escape, while
, Mr. Miller took up the chase armed
witn a stilletto. Miller overtook the
' marauder, and attacked him with the
stilletto but was 3truck on the head
with a ciub. which stunned him. and
gave the fellow an opportunity to es-
members of the family. From there
she will go to Vancouver, British
Columbia, to visit a sister, and thence
down to Seattle, where another sister
resides. On her return trip she will
visit friends at Cheyenne. Denver
and Colorado Springs. Colorado,
The relief rand in the treasury of
the fire department has been increas
ed thirty-five dollars during the past
few weeks. It wil be remembered
that at the time of the Telegram fire
on the night of Jane 10. considerable
damage was done to the building,
which was owned by R. S. Dickinson.
and the adjoining building, owned by
Messrs. Whitmoyer, Post and GerranL
In recogniztion of theifaixs of the
department. Mr. Dicxinson recently
sent to Chief Galley a check for
twenty-five dollars, together with a
neat note telling what it was for. and
a check for ten dollars was received
from Whinnoyer, Post and Gerrard.
The firemen have a special relief
fund in which all money received from
gifts of this kind are placed, and
which are never used -ezcept "for the
relief of firemen who may become in-
jured while an fire dutv. The relief
fund now has a halw of nearly five
hundred dollars.
Election Bards.
Court Clerk Gruenther has made
the following selections for judges
and clerks of election in the various
townships and wards at the primary
election to be held August 15. The
same members will also serve on the
boards at the general election in Nov
ember, and also at any other elections
that may be held during the next year.
CuloikH. Fin. War.
Judges AL C. Calto, Leopold Plata.
Jacob Erase
Clerks John Schmocker, Ed Early.
Col aaa , Sca4 Ward.
Judges Charles IKcek, Louis Phll-
lipps, Oscar Brock.
Clerks L. H. Heavy, Joseph Gutzmer.
Culnbu. Third Ward.
Judges C. W. Freeman. David
Thomas. George Elston.
Clerks J. H. Meagher "Wallie Novel.
Colaaikaa. Favrtli Ward.
Judges Vincent Macken. Arnold
Oehlricn. Perry Loshbaugh.
Clerks Basil Gletzen, P H. Derriag
ton. CoIaMbaa Tawaaal.
Judges F. A. Sborield. SI P.apn,
John Kryzckt.
Clerki" Charles Morgan. J. F Bel
fa rd.
Judges "William Durkop. Frank
Aerai. jr.. David Lusche.
Clerks Adolph Mueller. Fred Cat
tau. Judge? Adolph Groteluschen. George
Michaelson. Gerhard Rosciie.
Clerks Cari Luedtke. Herman G.
Judges T. F Plageman. Sam Flem-
;njr. A. r rsarretz.
Clerks Otto Strueve. Thad Stevens.
Sarll Creek.
Judges Herman Kunneman. Ed.
A?cae. Herman Kluever.
Clerks Louis Saalfeld. Henry Barge
man. Graad Prairie.
Judges Peter Michaelson. Adolph
Hellbusch. Wm. HoefJleman.
Clerks J. S. Becher. Silert Brack
enhofr. Hamateey.
Judges Otto Wen'dt, A. A. P.allman.
A. "W Aldersan.
Clerks Peter Bodewig, Hugo Sren
Judges Peter KozIowk!. Albert
Graer Mike Foreman.
Cl-rks Tm. W Ernst. Henry Blas
er Lea.
Judsres Jonn Drazd. J. G. Summer.
Fred Meedle.
Clerk? John Sehalz. Ernst P.upp.
Lost Creek.
Jud:r" John Rjilley Henry Clay
ourn. Jonn Mofferr.--
Clerks Lew Hoar. T H. Gleason.
.Iud- WUiam Shur John Nosal.
Frank Lamb.
ri,rks Joseph Jaworski. J. M.
ftraavtlle. Hmaparer-
.I-idr" Jonn Bovor. P.icnard Olmer.
E. C Halm.
lerk? Et-n K-rcn. Math C!a;-
Granville. Curalea.
j.jdspu a: Edwards Theodore Hitt-
nt-r TVm. 3ndT
Clerk Jacob Oik. Josepn
JudET"3 Fred Jrnber;r. George
iajfr John Williams.
Clerk.- J T Gleason.
Judges J T Sysiaw
David Jenkin-
Gearge Glass.
M. ? Christensen.
Clerks Wm. D Jones. TVill Williams
St. Bernard.
Judge" Jacob Borer. Dave McAulif
ia. C. J. Carlson.
Cleric? Peter J Scnmitr. John Purt
ser Woodpile.
Judges? TV "vT. Blvm. D. S. ?arse.
poter W-lin.
Clerks P.oy Greisr, Geo. Mahood.
Judges' Herman Otterpohl. H. T
Swanson. C J Christensen.
Clerks Wallac Hood. Gust Benson.
Oetiaee. Mmriie.
-W J W-ich. H.
Sounds Very Mysterious
but only means tnat you are
"far sighted." whicn indicates
a datenmg of the eye ball and
lets you see well at a distance.
This trounie puts an extra strain
on the eyes for close work. It
is the most common of all eye
defects. Many young people see
well at a distance and also close
by for reading, but the eyes soon
become tired, achey, burning hot
eye lids, innamed. headaches, etc
Don't Feel Alarmed
But Act on This
let me make a thorough exam
ination of your eyes to determine
whether you will be benefited by
using glasses. If not, I will as
frankly tell you so as to tell you
the opposite.
You'll be treated fairiv.
Ed. J. Niewohner
Ours is a
Complete Line
Steam and Furnace
Sow is the Time to Provide
for the Coming Winter
Coal is cheaper at this time of
year. You can get better service
in handling now than
when the rush is on.
Geo. A. Hoa gland Co.
Ricfcard Gacfcraa;, Mgr.
Clerks John M. Kelly. W T Stro
ther Oeaaee. Oeaaee.
Judges J. G. Cochran. C. E. Chapin.
Chris .Vbegelen.
Clerks Jonn C. Dawson. W. E. Beck-
Mr. Eck. of Beatrice . spent Sun
day at the home of E. G. Malone.
Nellie Sullivan, of Platte Center,
spent Sunday wth Mrs. Alice Sulli
van. Mrs. J. E. Erskine will entertain
the R. K. ciub Friday afternoon at her
Hazel Boyd will leave today for Al
bion for a week's visit with Ella
P. A. Peterson and Dr. Johnson
autoed to Schuyler Monday evening on
Mrs. C. D. Evans is entertaining
her niece Miss Nina North, of PueDio,
Eenry Eartman. of Chappell visit
ed friends m Columnus from Friday
until Monday.
Miss Lillian Bloedorn left Tuesday
for a week's visit with friends at
Council Biuifs.
Miss Mathilda Eirshbrunner left
Tuesday for a week's visit with friends
at North Platte.
Mrs. Geo. Merrill, of Silver Creek,
spent the week end with her daugh
ter Mrs. J. E. Peterson.
Misses Carroline and Bertha Miller
will leave Saturday for Calmar. Iowa
for a two weeks visit at their home.
Mrs. Guy Matson and children re
turned Friday from Omaha where they
had been the guests of Mrs. E. Mat
son. Mrs. Eck. of Beatrice,
been the sruest of Mrs. E. G
who has
left Monday for Hastings, where she
will visit oefore returning home.
Mrs. W. L Speice and daughter
Katherine will leave tomorrow for
Boston, where they will visit rela
tives for about sis weeks.
Justice Schmocker has rented the
ofiice room at the rear of the Kramer
coal orfice to be used for a justice
oifice and collecting airency. He will L
aiso conduct a labor central there,
where those seeking help may meet
those seeking employment.
Ethei and Peari Jenkinson and
Clarence Jenkinson and Genre Burke.
of Stromsburg, spent Sunday at the
home ot R. Jenkinson. making the
' trip in an automobile. They return
ed home the same evening, accom
panied by Vivian Jenkmsor.
This ofiice is in receipt of a cony
for the program of the graduation ex
ercises of the Univesrity summer
school which were held last Friday at
Lincoln. Among the members of tne
class we notice the name of Samuel
' Arthur Mahood. of Columbus, who has
I finished his Mastter's degree work in
l chemistrv. Mr. Mahood has accepted
a poosition as instructor in organic
Chemistry at Lawrence college at Ap-
pleton. Wisconsin, for the next year.
We always try to look on the
bright side of things, and do not like
to see anyone always looking at the
clouds, but things in Platte county
have come to the place where every
body would like to see a real leaky
cloud A number of farmers who have
been in the citv during the oast few
days report that it will be necessary
, to nave rain at least by tne end ot tne
, week in order to have even a half a
crop of corn One newspaper, in giv-
ing the official rain fall figures for
i that community up to Julyl. as com
, pared with other years, finds that
there has been less rain this year by
almost an inch than there was in tne
dry season of 1S94 Of coarse, we
have had rains and at times they were
almost invaluable, and as a result a
fair crop of wheat has been harvested.
Bar the outlook far corn is certainly
ot encouraging right now.
Miss Martha Ernst of Schuyler was
a Columbus visitor Monday.
Agnes Maguill, of Omaha, arrived
today for a visit of a week with Anna
Frank Savage, who is employed in
Omaha, spent Sunday at home with
his mother.
Mrs. James Jenkinson. of Stroms
burg. is a guest at the R. Jenkinson
home this week
Mrs. A. W. Clark returned Monday
evening from Omaha, after a few days
visit with friends and relatives.
Will Dawson, who is traveling for
a wholesale publishing house, spent
Sunday in Columbus with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Erskine return
ed Tuesday from Norfolk, where they
had spent several days visiting rela
tives. Geraldine Gray entretained twelve
young ladies at a one o'clock lunchen
Saturday in honor for her guests, the
Misses Hugh, of Fullerton.
Mrs A F Foot and daughters Helen
and Etfie. of Ogallala. were guests
the last of the week of Mrs. Frank
The young ladies were re
from their school work in
Suffering from an extreme case of
cancer of the bladder, Fred Curtis lies
at the hospital in a critical condition.
Yesterday, he submitted to an opera
tion, but his case is regarded as a
very serious one.
Particulars in the case of the tragic
death of Floyd Munger have been
very meager. Practically no details
as to how the accident happened have
been secured, or probably ever will
be known. He was frightfully man
gled, appearently every bane being
Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Dack are
expected to arrive in the city Sunday
on a visit to their son C. H. Dack.
and family. A brother of Mr. Dack.
Fred Dack. and wife, of Galva. Illi
nois, arrived in the city last evening
for a short visit, being an their way
home from a visit to California.
Syphrian Nisson. of Platte Center,
died at the hospital Samrday fore
noon, of uremic poisoning. He was
a native Denmark, and sixty-one yeais
old. The body was shipped to Platte
Center Saturday evening, and the fun
eral services were held there Monday,
after which the remains were brought
to Columbus for burial in the Colum
bus cemetery. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. R. Neumar
ker. He was a laborer and leaves a
Gottfried Ingold died very suddenly
at his home in the east part of the
city earlv Saturday morning. He
arose in the morning, apparently
well, and went out to a tent in the
yard, where he was found some time
later by members of the family and
taken to the house, where he. died
soon after. Apparently death was
caused by heart failure. He had been
a resident of this city far about twen
ty years. He is survived by a wife
and nine children, six sons and three
daugnters. He was born in Switzer
land. July 5, 1572. The funeral was
held at the German Reformed church
Sundav afternoon. Rev. R. Neumar-
ker conducting the services, and the
remains were laid to rest in the Col
umbus cemetery.
Eight straight without a miss was
the record of the Columbus team for
eight days preceding the tumble of
last Sunday. As a result, the team
rose from seventh place to fourth and
remained in the first division for one
day. But SuSWay the tide turned
again and the game was lost to Se
ward, and Monday and Tuesday they
lost to York at York. In yesterday's
game the score was close with Col
umbus in the lead until the last half
of the last inning, when with two
men out. and one an base a home run
was knocked which reversed the score
and took the game. The team will
be watched with more concern and in
terest than ever from now on"to the
end of the season on account of the
fact that there are but five mare
weeks of the season. There is still
time for Coimbus to stand out and
make a good showing if they have
good luck. One game has been for
feited during the week, when last
Friday. Umpire Edwards threw the
game between York and Fremont to
York, on account of the insubordina
tion of Manager Bennett, which has
become chronic as is admitted even
by the Fremont Tribune. Both Fre
mont and Superior are making hard
fights to maintain the supremacy,
first he and then the other heading
the list by a narrow margin. Just
now, Superior is in the lead, but not
so much so. but Fremont can get it
back again in a couple of days with
the conditions right. Columbus will
be back home again Sunday for a ser
ies of twelve more games three
each with York. Superior. Kearney
and Grand Island. The remainder of
this week will be spent at Kearney.
Many U
Try it on your floors,
front door woodwork,
furniture, refrigerators,
in fact ateost anything
that needs refiniahing-
EasOy Applied. Qu'ckrf Dried.
In Cans of all Sizes.
Fred Baker made a business trip to
Omaha Monday.
Mrs. H. A. Pueschel spent Tues
dav in Bellwood.
S. E. Baker went
business Tuesdav.
to Albion on
Mr. Mochell. of Lincoln, spent Sun
day at the home of E. G. Malone.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewitt are the
proud parents of a ten pound boy.
Mrs. Frank Durr. of Omaha, spent
Sunday at the home of J. B. Curtis.
Louise Taylor will leave Friday for
a short visit with realtives at Central
Florence Stack, of North Platte, is
a guest of Miss Gertrude Herrod this
Mrs. C. N. McElrfesh will enter
tain the Jolly Seventeen club Thurs
day afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Craig Turner spent
Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kauf
man at Hampton
William Sullivan, of Denver. Colo
rado, spent a fw days with Columbus
relativs last week
Miss Grace Taylor went to Central
City the first of the week for a brief
visit with relatives.
William Houser entered the hospi
tal today, and the last of the week
will submit to an opperation.
Otto Egger and Ida Gehring. both
of Columbus, were married last
Thursday by Judge Ratterman.
Mrs. A. J. Schaaf and children
went to David City Thursday for a
visit of a week with relatives.
Mrs. J. W. Herrod returned Mon"
day from Kearney, where she has
been the guest of her sister Mrs. Wer
nert. Agnes Bruckner, of Platte Center,
who had been visiting relatives and
friends in the city for a week, return
ed to her home Sunday evening.
E. C. Warden and wife were called
to Lincoln Tuesday in response to a
message telling of the serious illness
of his mother.
Two extra special
Cheyenne county lands,
improved, other raw
from owner. Chas. L.
Bank Building.
bargains in
One highly
land. Direct
Dickev. State
Miss Ethel Baker spent Saturday
and Sunday with friends at David
City. Mrs C. From and Miss Hazel
spent Sunday at David City attending
the Chautauqua.
Eugene Meissler. who is associated
with his brother Walter in a drug
stoore in St. Louis, is spending a
month's vacation with his parents.
He wil enter a pharmacy schol in St.
Louis this fall.
JULY I, llll
Try a few Share
in the
Cohanbot Land, Loan
Jb Bmldmg Association
Hockenberger &