(Columlmo rtbtttte-Jtotiml VOLUME 42 COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, JULY 26, 1911 NUMBER 16 1 1 -T The Columbus State Bank Points to its long record of success fully caring for the needs of its custo mers with just pride, and asks for future business on its past record. The Oldest State Bank in Nebraska Think of It. Miss Florence Hopkins, of Lincoln, is the guest of Miss Alice Newman, his week. A baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mullholland Monday evening. Byron Way returned last evening from the east, where he has been giv ing music lessons. Mrs. Mark Kathburn is entertain ing Mrs. V. McKay, of Evanston, Illinois, this week. J. V. Becker, of Ottawa, Kansas, pent several days last week at the home of John Schmocker. Homes can be amde more homelike by using a Jewell Fireless Cooker. Sold by Boyd & Ragatz. E. H. Naumann will leave Tues day on a business trip to Denver. Colorado, expecting to be gone until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich, of Cedar Rapids, who have been guests of Dr. and and Mrs. W. S. Evans re turned to their home today. Mrs. B. B. Richards was called to Oakdale Saturday evening by the seri ous illness of her mother. Mrs. A. Warner. The Jewell leads them all with no tire no steam no smell no lost flavor no burnt cooking. Every thing just right. Sold by Boyd & Ragatz. Mr. and Mrs. Horman and Mrs. C. Horman. of Omaha, and Mr. Martin, of Blair, were guests the last part of the week of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hollenback. Miss Garlow entertained at a 5 o'clock tea Monday in honor of her guests, Mrs. McGraw. of Albion, Miss Agnew. of Lincoln, and Miss Donnel ly, of PlattMnouth. German Methodist Sunday School will hold their picnic tomorrow at the home of John Wuethrich. At the same time the ladies of the church will hold their missionary meeting. Fred Curtis is seriously ill at his home on West ISth street. He had been visiting a sister at Cedar Rapids when he was taken sick, and last Sat urday was brought home a very sick man. 80 Acres of land within 2 miles of Col umbus is offer ed at a bottom price for a quick sale Inquire of Elliott -Speice-Echols Co. The Republictn Convention. It was just a gathering of brothers that was all. Everything went off in the most harmonious manner that any one could think or hope for, and nobody was worrying about any lack of harmony, for the simple reason that there was no room for it. It had been predicted by some that there would be but a small represent ation from the country precincts, but nearly all of these were represented and the greater part of them with full delegations. The convention was called to order by Bruce Webb, chairman of the coun ty commttee, and the call was read by the committee secretary, C. N. Mc El fresh. H. O. Studley of Creston was then chosen as temporary chairman, and A. J. Mason temporary secretary. On motion of Judge Post, the cus tomary committe on credentials was dispensed with, and all townships and wards presented their credentials to the secretary, who called the role by townships,. The temporary organization was then made permanent, and the conven tion proceeded to choose eleven dele gates to the state convention held yes terday at Lincoln. The following were the delegates chosen: A. M. Post, W. A. McAllister, George Fair child, Frank J. Gerharz, Charles B. Galley, C. A. Peterson, Carl Kramer. V. F. Palmateer, Gideon Braun, II. J. Hill and A. J.Mason. Mrs. W. S. Evans entertained at a one o'clock luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Goodrich, of Cedar Rapids. A large line of Hammocks on sale at cost at Speice & Bower's. Misses Marguerite and Stella Becher will leave this week for Shenandoah, la., where they will visit with their brother Charlie, for a few davs. Miss Amelia Getts, of O'Neill, and Miss Grace Thode, of Denver, arrived Friday for a brief visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Anna Anderson. Miss Gwendoine Garlow is enter taining Miss Margaret Agnew, of Lincoln, Miss Donnelly, of Platts mouth, 'ancf Mrs. McGraw, of Albion, this week. David Thomas and wife left yester day afternoon for a trip through the western states. They will stop at Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, San Diego and other places in the west. Several young ladies, who for the past two years have established the "Noah's Ark" camp at Steven's have organized a club by the same name, which will meet every Tuesday. Misses Dorthea and Lyda Weaver entertained the club Tuesday and next week Miss Ethel Baker will be hostess John Hinkleman recently purchased a beautiful Cecelian Piano Player from our dealer, R. W. Saley. it being one of the finest instruments made, as well as one of the first of that make in the city, and Johnnie is staying at home pretty close these days and evenings. Call at his home and see if we are not correct. Wenzel Altman died at his home in the east part of the city last Thurs day afternoon. He was born in Austria nearly eighty years ago, and served in the Austrian army. He was the father of George Altman. Funeral services were held Friday at the Gass undertaking rooms, from where the remains were taken to Columbus cem etery for interment. Word was received in Columbus Sunday evening of the death of Floyd Munger. son of Samuel Munger, which took place near Pocatello, Idaho, that evening. No particulars have been received, other than that the body will be brought here for bur ial. The funeral will be held at the Congregational church Friday forenoon at 11 o'clock, with interment in Col umbus cemetery. Columbus base ball stock has been going for the past few days, the team having taken the matter in hand and decided that it could show the rest of the state at few tricks. As a result of the revival, tney have been win ning over everything that faced them. The boys are deserving of evrey good thing that can be said of them, as they have been playing against hard luck, and now that the wind seems to have changed, let us all stand up and boost for our team. One thing that is noticable is that while they were losing the games, there have been comparatively few times when the box score records did not show that the Discoverers had plaved better ball tnan their opponents. Columbus is now in sixth place, having lifted itself out of the eeventh during the time Kearney was here, and forcing Kear ney down to the place held the past few week by Columbus. If we suc ceed in keeping up the pace we have started, we will yet finish in a very creditable manner. 5 PQiA"h.- fKraB SkfjfaaaaSl InJHXaaaLaV vsi 'miMB w N GSav vtavLlaYlaaaaflvI WHEN WE DELIVER COAL to you, you know that you are get ting the best Coal and the most prompt service possible. TRY OUR ALFALFA MEAL For Feeding Your Live Stock IT WTILL PAY YOU T. B. Hord Grain Co. PHOXES: Independent Bell 188 206 Gladys Levine, of York, is a guest of the week at the A. C. Boone home. Mrs. H. Robinson entertained at a one o'clock luncheon today in honor of Mrs. James Cramer of Clarinda, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Easton, of Cam bridge, are guests at the home of Otto Kummer. Mr. Easten has been very ill with an attack of appendicitis since his arrival. Mrs. L. Enzminger is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert McCray suffering with a severe case of blood pisoning in her finger, caused by a wire from a screen entering her finger. Miss Kate Merz returned Wednesday from a visit with friends at Boulder, Colorado. She was accommpanied home by Mrs. Hall, of Boulder, who will spend the week at the Merz home. Marriage licenses were issued to the following this week: Louis Jones, of Monroe, and Miss Anna Biedmiger. of Humphrey; James Col well, of Cornlea, and Miss Cecelia Bender, of Humphrey. Now. while people are talking so much about standing Up for home peo ple is a right good time for them to show that they really mean it by help ing a Columbus boy to win an automo bile. Wilmer Barnes is one of the contestants in the Daily News contest, and if Columbus people stand by him as they should, he can win it. Division Commander Boone of the Nebraska Division, Sons of Veterans, announces that the organization will take an active part in the Platte Val ley district reunion of the G. A. R., which will be held at Central Cijy August 8. Among those on the pro gram besides Coommander Boone are H. W. Rogers, of Fremont, and G. A. Eberly. of Stanton, respectivelo sen ior and junior vice commander. Mary Briggs has filed in the county court an information that Henry Shi mek is the father of her child, born April 18 last. Shimek is said to be working with a threshing crew in the country near Columbus. He appear ed before Judge Ratterman and en tered a plea of nt guilty. The date foor the preliminary hearing was set for August 16. and his boond for ap pearance at that time was fixed at $750, which was furnished. Louis Jones, of Joliet township, and Miss Anna Biedinger, of Humph rey, were married at St. Francis church in Humphrey Monday morning. The young couple are well known toi many of our readers, having lived in this county all their lives, the bride having been for six years a popular teacher in the county schools. They were in Columbus Monday noon be tween trains on their way to Omaha, and from there they will go to Den ver ana otner western points lor a honeymoon trip, after which they will settle down on the farm of the groom in Joliet township. Inasmuch as Columbus people are much interested at the present time in bettering the streets an article handed to us by Mr. Jaeggi and taken from the Zurich Zeitung, published at Zurich, Switzerland, will be of inter est here. The paper states that a new preparation has been discovered that not only hardens the road, but also acts as a disinfectant. It is called "Intromit," and is described' as being a clear colorless fluid, which is soluable in water, and is sprinkled on the streets in the ordinary method. The mixture used in the first applica tion is made up of one-half water and the other half "Intromit." In a few days after the first treatment the streets are again sprinkled with com mon water, which has a hardening! eueci on uie cnemicai. it is also us ed in offices and stores, where it has a exerts a purifying influence. The paper states that it is cheaper than oil, and has been found to be much more ' eQticfantnnr in Qnririi1 n4 ,! ,,. ious parts of Europe where it has been tried. Hillard Wilson, of Hastings, spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Elsie Adams, of Monroe, spent Sunday with Miss Vivian Jenkinson. Mrs. Jennie Hagel went to Omaha Monday for a short visit with friends. Mrs. Ralph Drake will entertain the Afternoon Five Hundred Club Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cresap, of Edison, spent Monday at the home of W. A. McAllister. Mrs. E. Garlow, of David City, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Koon. Miss Violet Woolsey, of Wayne, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. V. S. Wooslcy. Mrs. Herman Wolf left Wednesday morning for Milwaukee for a months visit with relatives. Miss Grace Lubker left Monday for Cedar Bluffs, where she will visit friends for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John McClenahan left Monday for a three weeks' visit with relatives at Primrose. Mr. and Mrs. Dack,of Los Angeles, will arrive Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dack. FOR SALE A Jersey cow, will soon be fresh. Rev. H. H. Hack mann, 108 West 8th street. Mrs. J. H. Johnson and children re turned Saturday from a month's visit with friends and relatives at Omaha. Miss Fay Scofield left Tuesday for Harlan, Iowa, where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hans Hanson. Mrs. Phil Echols and Miss Lyda Tur ner went to Omaha Monday for a short visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Grand Richard Odum and son, of Island, spent Tuesday in the city visiting Waide. with Mrs. Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Center, sent J. Sullivan, of Platte Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sullivan. Betterton and Mrs. Alica Mrs.Kenyon and Miss Florence Hop kins spent Monday in Oconee, the guests of Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Fennimore. Misses Mary and Esther Wilson left Saturday for Lincoln, where they will be the guests of their brother, Erv Wilson, for a few days. Mrs. Hulbart.who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Voss, for the past two monhts. will leave Thursday for her home at Holton. Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Echols and baby daughter, of Excelsior Springs, Miss ouri, arrived Tuesday for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Echols. Mrs. W. D. Benson has been very sick for the past week, being confined to her bed. At this time her con dition is reported much improved. Several croquet sets left. To close out will sell at cost. Speice & Bower's. Mrs. L. C. Voss entertained a few friends at six o'clock dinner Monday evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. Hulbart, of Holton, Kansas, who is her guest. A pretty baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wins low Monday. This is the first girl in the family, and in consequence George is wearing a broad smile. YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS that headache, nervous derangements and other ailments more or less seri ous, are many times due to . eyestrain. Glasses if pre scribed by a capable Opto metrist, will seldom fail to give relief. I test each eye separate ly, with great care, then prescribe just such glasses as are needed. Any other way is all wrong and apt to be harmful. If you come to me for your glasses you will be sure to get just what you need ana none if you do not need them. I guarantee satisfaction in every case. Ed. J. Niewohner JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Ours is a Complete Line Steam and Furnace COAL Now is the Time to Provide for the Coming Winter BECAUSE Coal is cheajer at this time of year. You can get better service in handling now than when the rush is on. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER Geo. A. Hoagland Co. Richard Goehriag, Mgr. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA The Aid Society of the German Re form church are enjyoing a picnic at Blazers' tooday. Mrs. Edgar Howard entertained at a one o'clock luncheon Monday in hon or of Mrs. James Cramer of Clarinda, Iowa, who is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. H. Dack. Covers were laid for eight. The Sunday School of the German Reform church held their annual pic nic Tuesday at Stevens' Lake. A large crowd enjoyed the day in boat ing, fishing and games. Mrs. Sam Agnew, who has been vis iting with home folks, for the past ten days will leave for her home in Omaha the later part of the week, she will be accompanied by her sister. Miss Martha Hirschbrunner, who will visit with Mrs. Agnew one week. The New York Life has millions of dollars loaned to therailrads, coqiora tions and policy holders of Nebraska. This company will pay out in Platte county in the next few days $15,000 through Mr. C. T. Taylor, senior Nylic, who is now in Columbus. Miss Mary Wilson entertained Thursday at a six c'clock dinner in honor of Miss Florence Hopkins, of Lincoln. Covers were laid for ten. Later in the evening the young ladies enjoyed a theatre party at the North. Those present were Misses Hazel Mil ler, Louise Sloan, Blrnche Dawson. Gladys Moore, Alice Newman, and Florence Hopkins, of Lincoln. Wilmer Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barnes, living four miles south of the city, has decided to enter the new automobile contest now be ing started by the Omaha News. Mr. Barnes has had some experience in this kind of work before, and has made good. Let Columbus people now turn in and help a home man bring this valuable prize to this community. The members of the fire depart ment had a jolly old time Monday evening after their regular meeting, being the guests of the Seagraves company at a luncheon at the Orphues hall. The Seagraves people feel very kindly toward the Columbus people and in recognition of the patronage the firemen and members of the city council enjoyed the feast at their ex pense. A short time ago this office men tioned the fact of a fine line of pianos being received from the factory by R. W. Saley. This week Miss Nellie Christianson is the proud possessor of one of these beautiful instruments, and she is to be complimented on hav ing one of the handsomest and sweet est toned pianos ever seen here. Mr. Saley has orders for three more of the same style, and has just delivered pianos to the following parties: W. J. Benson, Frank Kelly, H. B. Cor rell. Newt Irish, Ole C. Berry, C. Maybon, George Thornburg, D. B. Halstead, Austin Drum, W. C. Bar tholomew, George Daugherty, J. R. Taylor, G. Hastings, the new High School at Silver Creek, and a large double bank pedal bass Estey organ to the Presbyterian church of Monroe. The new fire engine is here, having arrived last Thursday. Friday and Saturday it was taken out for a run about the city and Monday the form al demonstration of the machine took place on Thirteenth street, where a huge bon fire had been built for the purpose. Among the visitors from out of town who were here to witness the demonstration were the fire chiefs nf Mumnhrpv MaHtcnn Srhnvlpr . , ., , j-, I Leigh and a number of other places, j The fire committee of Grand Island had expected to be here, but some of them were called to Aurora as wit nesses in the now famous bank rob bery case and were unable to be here. The machine did its work in a most satisfactory manner and the officers of the city and the department feel that a large percentage of the losses from fires, losses which have been caused by water will now beminimiz- jed, and that it will pay for itself within a comparatively short time. The Democratic Conveatioa. The democratic county convention was held at the court house Monday afternoon, practically every township in the county being represented, while no symptoms of a fight appear ed on the surface, and resolutiosn endorsing nearly every thing and ev erybody were enthusisatically passed, a glance over the list of delegates to the state convention shows that some of the men who have been leading workers in the party are conspicuously absent. The convention was presided over by Representative R. C.Regan while George Bender, of Cornlea was secretary. During a lull in the proceedings, the convention was' addressed by Willis E. Reed, of Madison, one of the candidates for the nomination for United States senator. Mr. Reed was not here to attend the convention by any prearranged plan, but chanced to be in the city between trains, and took advantage of the oppnrtunity to attend. The report of the resolutions com mittee endorsed Bryan, and decided that he is still alive in politics in spite of tne numerous post-mortems recently held; endorsed the record of Senator Hichcock; commended Sena to Albert and Representatives Regan and Schueth for tneir work in the legis lature; and endorsed John C. Bymes for chairman of the state central committee for another term. At the close of the conventoin John Ratter man and Jerry Carrig were re-elected as chairman and secretary of the co unty central committee. Miss Geraldine gray left Thursday for Omaha for a brief visit with friends. Mrs. Gus Prieb and children left today fr a few days visit with friends at Omaha. Mrs. J. Fauble is entertaining her sisters, Misses Pearl and Olive Casey, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Miller and Miss Muntz, of Lindsay, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Iossi and Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Luchsinger spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Iossi on Route 2. Miss Sophie Moersen will-leave Fri day for Crete, Nebr., where she will be the guest of Miss Queen Heath for a week or ten days. Mrs. James Cramer, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. C. H. Dack will return to her home in Clar inda, Iowa, Saturday. Mrs. Lester Gates, Mrs. W. J. Walters and Otto Walters made a trip to Silver Creek in their car Tuesday to attend the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Luchsinger have sold their residence on West 9th street, and are moving today to East 9th to a home owned by Henry Boet tcher. The many friends of Miss Anna Boettcher are pleased to learn that she is getting along as well as can be expected, after the operation last Friday. W. J. Walters went to Fremont Tuesday as a delegate to the Demo cratic convention. Before returning home Mr. Walters will visit Lincoln and Seward. A letter received at the Tribune Journal office from Richard Ramey, who is now in Califorhia, announces that he expects to be back in Colum bus about September 1. Mrs. Mary Lange and daughters, Misses Marie and Pauline, of Piqua, Ohio, arrived in the city last week for a visit at the home of G. Frisc holz and William Bucher. Misses Maud Galley, Geraldine Gray, Minnie and Martha Bucher will be guests of Mrs. C. E. Pollock at a house-party from Thursday until Sat urday. Thursday evening a dancing party will be given in honor of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas left Tues day afternoon for Salt Lake City, Utah, where they will visit their son, T. D. Thomas, who is in the employe of the Intermountain Demurage Com pany at that place. From there Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will go to Los Angeles and later to San Diego, ex pecting to be gone about six weeks, combining business and pleasure. Friday evening a merry crowd of young pople wended their way, with well filled baskets, to Stevens Lake, prepared to enjoy a pleasant evening. Afterthe picnic supper, the evening was spent in boating and other amusements. Those present were Misses Enola Hall, Geneva Jones, Helen McAllister, Blanche Dawson, Alice Newman, Mildred Thompson, and Florence Hopkins, of Lincoln, and Messrs Henry Beecher, Lewis Newman, Fred Rector, Gus Bergman, Robert Anderson, Ralph Taylor, and Roy Hall. Miss Janet McAllister and Mr. Manly Logan acted as chapeo-rnes. Many Uses FOR CHINA-LAC Try it on your floors, front doors, woodwork, furniture, refrigerators, in fact almost anything that needs refinishing. Easily Applied, Qiickly Dried. In Cans of all Sizes. AT DACKS Think of It Do you dance? O rpheus hall, Tues day, August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Teeter have begun houskeeping on West 13th. The Maccabee's are planning a pic nic for next Thrusday to be held at Buffalo park. Mrs. C. W. Ray and children will leave the last of the week for Norfolk for a visit with fiiends. A dance will be given at Orpheus Hall next Tuesday evening. Every body invited. Little Mary Scott entertained a few friends Monday afternoon in honor of her fourth birthday. TAKE NOTICE My office will be closed next week from Tuesday until Saturday. Dr. E. H. Naumann. Helen McAllister and Mildred Chap in are spending a few days at the "Moonshiners" camp at McPherson's Lake. WANTED One 'large or two me dium sized unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping by a lady employed. In quire Tribune-Journal. Rev. Chas. W. Ray, pastor of the Methodist chruch, left Tuesday morn ing for Kansas City, Missiouri, where he intends to spend his month vaca tion. An exceptional line of black leather hand bags at greatly reduced prices at Speice & Bower's. Martin Postle, one oft he old time residents of Platte county, and Ed ward Dyke and wife, of Lincoln, have been visiting in the city this week at the Postle home. The Jewell is as complete as the Kitchen Range. It will Boil, Stea, Roast, Fry and Bake. The aluminum construction of the Jewell "guarantees Purity, Wholesomeness, Cleanliness. It has no equal. For sale by Boyd & Ragatz. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rush returned Saturday from Estas Park, Colorado, where they have been enjoying ten de lightful days of camping. Before re turning home they took in the sights at Denver. Miss Clara Reeder entertained at a nine o'clock breakfast Tuesday morn ing in honor of Miss Angew of Lin coln, 'Mrs. McGraw, of Albion and Miss Donnelly, of Plattsmouth, the guests of Miss Garlow. Mrs. William Lohr is expecting her brother, Frank Heinemyer, and family, of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Friday for a short visit. Mr. Heine myer made the trip from his home here in his car about two months ago and spent the time in visiting in Nebras ka and Colorado, but will leave the first of the week for his home. JULY I, 1911 TIE IEW SYSTEM Try a few Shares in the Columbus Land, Loan & Building Association Becher, Hookenberger & Chambers