The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 19, 1911, Image 6

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Colombos TriboneJonnial
Home and Foreign Intelligence Cat
denied Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
"Nothing but speeches stand in the
way of the complete success of the
Canadian reciprocity bill and we are
working the speeches off as fast as
possible," said Chairman Pennine of
the senate finance committee. "1 am
sticking to a prediction made long
since that we shall adjourn either on
July 29 or August 3."
An inquiry into Alaska's industrial
development, second in importance
only to the Ballinger-Pinchot investi
gation, will be inaugurated by the
house committee on expenditures in
the interior department, according to
altered plans of that committee. In
stead of having Miss M. F. Abbott tell
the story of the famous "Dick to
Dock" letter, the committee will ex
amine government officials on general
conditions in the territory.
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska
told the senate that the farmers have
little interest in Canadian reciprocity.
"In every test that I have made for
the purpose of finding out the senti
ment of the farmers in my state,"
said the senator, I have found that
there is an indifference as to whether
the bill becomes a law or is defeated.
Of course there are some farmers
who oppose the measure, but I think
their opposition is so slight, when
compared with the sentiment through
out the state, as to be allium neglig
ible.' President Taft reviewed the action
of President Hayes in a pardon ease
in 1878 and extended executive clem
ency to Joshua Wade, a half-breed
Choctaw Indian who has spent the
last :0 years in jail for a crime
against a woman. President Hayes
in 1S78 saved Wade from hanging and i
commuted ins sentence to iiTe im
prisonment. The man is now old and
feeble and still protests his innocence.
President Taft ordered him released
at once. The crime was alleged to
have been committed near Caddo.
Indian Territory.
There is slight danger of a clash
between Germany and France over
Twhe were killed and 14 injured
In a wreck on the New Haven road
at Bridgeport, Conn.
Nicholas Murray Duller resigned
from the board of directors of the na
tional educational association.
Perry C. McClanahan, head of the
normal department of Highland Park
college, was elected Iowa state high
school inspector.
W. 11. Shattuc, aged seventy, former
congressman from the tirst Ohio dis
trict, was found dead in the bath room
of his home in Madisonvilie.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
Lowell and Franklin halls, men's and
boys' dormitories at Highland Park
college, Des Moines, causing a loss of
over $00,000.
Details of the great storm on the
Japanese coast June 20. were brought
by the steamship Kumcric. Several
hundred lives were lost and many
ships destroyed.
The "senate will-vote on the Cana
dian reciprocity bill July 2. on the
muui iarm revision mil .liny Zi. on
the Treelist bill August 1 and con
gressional reapportionment bill Au
gust ::.
Because of serious revolutionary
movements in northern Haiti, which
is jeopardizing extensive American in
terests, the United States gunboat Pe
trel was ordered from Gitsutanauio.
Cuba, to Cape Haitien.
Seventy million acres of govern
ment laud will be thrown open to en
try after an investigation by fourteen
government survey parties now in the
field in North and South Dakota. Mon
tana, Wyoming. Idaho, Washington,
Oregon. Utah and Colorado.
Ethel Conrad and Lillian Graham,
who. on June G, shot W. E. D. Stokes,
tho millionaire, of New York,, in
their apartment, were held in $.".,000
bail for the grand jury on a charge
ui felonious assault.
An investigation of the Brussels
conference of steel men. which, it lias
been predicted, may bring about an
International combination to control
the steel trade of the world, will be
undertaken by the department of jus
tice. Beginning bis speech against the
reciprocity bill. Senator La Follette
bitterly attacked President Taft.
The Venezuelan government has
positive news that Ciprano Castro,
the exiled president of Venezuela, ef
fected a landing in the western part
of Venezuela and has a following of
1,000 men.
A telegram from Senator Robert I
Owen, received at Oklahoma City,
announces that the Interstate Com
merce commission will issue an or
der making effective emergency rates
on cattle shipped from Oklahoma to
The London Times in an editorial
on the Anglo-American arbitration
treaty expresses the opinion teat tl:e
present is an opportune moment for
Great Britan to open negotiations
with Japan with a view to modifying
the Anglo-Jananese agreement su s
to harmonize it with the nglo
American treaty.
The lftl2 tournament of the Amer
ican Bowling congress was awarded
to Chicago at a meeting of the con
gress officials held in that city. The
tournament will be held between
January 15 and March 13, the dsls
to be named later.
A Chicago jury found Evelyn Ar-1
thur See guilty of abduction.
t Dr. H. . iley, pure food expert.
may be given an opportunity to resign.
Testifying before the committee.
Governor Deneen of Illinois denied
he was for Lorimer for senator.
Senator Penrose says reciprocity is
on the high road to passage.
The Washington 'Star advises W. J.
Bryan to continue his political agita
tion. Vekkibery, editor of the newspaper
Shehra at Constantinople, was assas
sinated. Fires in the forest country of
north Michigan have wiped out two
towns and perhaps otheers.
The Fifteenth United States infan
try left the maneuvers camp at Fort
Sam Houston, for Fort Douglas, Utah.
Mrs. Morgan J. Goldsmith of Clin
ton Place, the Bronx. New York, was
killed in an automobile accident near
Cape May. N. J.
J. S. lng, of Council Bluffs, la..
was elected treasurer of the conven
tion of the American instructors of
the deaf at Delavau, Wis.
William Beecher, sentenced from
Dead wood, S. D.. June 8, last, for sell
ing liquor to Iudiaus. died in the fed
eral prison at Leaenworth.
The body of the eighth negro wom
an to be murdered at Atlanta, Gn.. in
as many weeks by an unidentified
"Jask-the-Ripper," was found on an
unfrequented street.
Seven buildings which housed
places of amusement, were destroyed
and probably 1.000 persons thrown
into panic at Columbus, O., by a fire
in Olentangy park.
The German cruiser Berlin will re
lieve the gunboat Panther at Agadin,
Morocco. The Berlin is three times
as large as the gunboat Panther.
Sister Madeline O'Brien, for 40
years directorf ss of St. Joseph's acad
emy. Eiiuuittshurg, Md., and one of
the best known educators in this
country and Canada, is dead.
Joseph M. Terrell will not return
to Washington to serve as United'
States senator from Georgia and a
positive announcement to this effect,
will be issued by Mr. Terrell in the
next day or two.
President Taft's order transferring
coal lands at Controller bay. Alaska,
from the forest reserve to the public
domain will be the subject of inquiry
by the house committee on expendi
ture in the interior department.
Bishop Frederick Foote Johnson of
the Episcopal missionary diocese of
South Dakota announced that he
would accept the call extended on
Mpy IS to the office of bishep coad
jutor for the state of Missouri.
Resolutions were passed by 29 na
tional, state and clearing house bank
examiners, who met in St. Louis, ad-
Public Charges Made Against Health
Officers Doty of Allowing Employes
to Endanger Health.
New York. Although, the cholera
situation at quarantine is at present
regarded by Dr. Alvah H. Doty, health
officer of the port, as being well in
band he did not conceal his apprehen
sion that New York is "in the very
midst of a threatened invasion of
"The quarantine department of
every pert in this country is facing a
very serious and onerous task during
the summer," said Dr. Doty, "and it is
not improbable that many vessels ar
riving from Italy in the next few
weeks will bring one or moro cases
of the disease."
Today's official report of the situa
tion shows there are fifteen eases in
Swinburne Island hospital, and fout
cases symptomic of the disease. With
in twenty-four hours one more' victim
has died. The steamer Perugia has
been detained and the medical staff is
preparing to make bacteriological ex
amination of 'the 284 persons from
the steamer Moltke who are now un
der observation.
It is possible Governor Dix will be
called upon to take charge at quaran
tine. Charles Dushkind. attorney for
the immigrants, whose charges
against Dr. Doty are being investigat
ed by a commission, made public a
letter he wrote to Judge Bulger of the
commission, suggesting the latter call
upon Governor Dix to take charge o!
the health officer's department.
In a statement in reply to an inter
iew attributed by a morning paper to
Judge Bulger, Dr. Doty reviewed the
situation and pointed to the clement
of danger.
"The statements attributed to Judge
Bulger." Dr. Doty says, "are calculat
ed to alarm the people in the midst
of a threatened invasion of cholera
Wife of Husband, Drafted for the
Wa'r, Looked With Disfavor on
Proffered Substitute.
Mr. Pilkinson, a small farmer in
Pennsylvania, was drafted for the
services of his country during thoo
Civil war. His wife, though she pos
sessed but a small stock of informa
tion, was one of the best conjugal
partners, and she was much troubled
at the thought of parting with her
husband. As she was engaged in
scrubbing off her doorsteps, a rough
looking stranger came up and thus
addressed her:
"I hear, ma'am, that your husband
bas been drafted."
"Yes, sir, he has," answered Mrs.
Pilkinston, "though, dear knows,
there's few men that couldn't better
be spared from their families."
"Well, ma'am, I've come to offer
myself as a substitute for him."
"A what?" asked Mrs. Pilkinston,
with some excitement.
"I'm willing to take his place," said
the stranger.
"You take the place of my husband,
you wretch: I'll teach you to insult a
distressed woman that way, you vaga
bond," cried Mrs. Pilkerston, as she
discharged the dirty soapsuds in the
face of the discomfited and astonished
substitute, who took to his heels just
in time to escape having his head
broken by the bucket.
50,000 NEEDED TO
Will Take 160,000 Alto
gether to Take Care
of Yield of Prairie
News Notes of Interest from Varti
"About four years ago I broke out
with sores on my arms like boils. Af
ter two months they were all over my
body, some coming, and some going
away. In about six months the boils
quit, but my arms, neck and body
broke out with an Itching, burning
rash. It would burn and itch, and
come out in pimples like grains of
wheat I was In a terrible condition;
I could not sleep or rest. Parts of my
flesh were raw, and I could scarcely
bear my clothes on. I cculd not lie
in bed in any position and rest. In
about a year the sores extended down
to my feet. Then I suffered agony
with the burning. Itching sores. I
could hardly walk and for a long time
I could not put on socks.
One hundred and sixty-two thousand
farm hands will be required this year
to harvest the grain crops of Mani
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Of
this number the local help will pro
vide about 112,000, which will leave
about 50,000 extra farm hands. There
Is, therefore, a great demand for this
class of laborers in all parts of West
ern Canada. In order to meet the re
quirements it has been arranged to
grant very low railway rates from all
boundary points reached by Canadian I Lincoln recently, was one of the old-
Manager Glenn of the Lyric, theater,
Beatrice, purchased the Auditorium
Block of John Heacock of New Mexi
co for 112.000.
The golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Samuelson, resid
ing three miles east of Davey. was cel
ebrated at their home by a family re
union. The first -exhibition of wireless tel
egraphy ever made by the United
States navy department at a state fair
is to be shown at the Nebraska state
fair in Lincoln.
Dundee, a suburb of Omaha, is ligur
ing on putting in a water plant.
Little Harold Kunyan shot himself
in the mouth at Morrill, but with no
greater damage, it is hoped than that
of having his two front teeth knocked
Dr. Henry C. Victor, who died in
Acts directly and peculiarly
on the blood; purifies, enriches
and revitalizes it, and in this
way builds up the whole sys-
I tem. Take it. Get it today.
1 bsmI liquid form or in chocolate
coated tablets called SraataM.
Every time a child shows you Its
toy bank It's your ante.
railways. In order to secure these
rates It will be necessary for you to
call on one of the following authorized
agents of the Canadian government:
M. V. Mclnnes, 176 Jefferson Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan; C. A. Laurier, Mar
quette, Michigan; J. S. Crawford,
Syracuse, N. Y.; Thos. Hetherington,
Room 202, 72 Tremont Street, Boston,
Mass.; H. M. Williams, 413 Gardner
BIdg., Toledo, Ohio; Geo. Aird, 216
Traction-Terminal BIdg., Indianapolis.
Indiana: C. J. Broughton. Room 412
Merchants' Loan & Trust BIdg., Chi
cago, I1L; Geo. A. Hall, 2nd Floor, 125
Second Street, Milwaukee, Wis.; E.
T. Holmes, 315 Jackson Street. SL
Paul, Minn.; Chas. Pilling, Clifford
Block, Grand Forks, N. D.; J. M. Mac
Lachlan, Box 197, Watertown, S. D.;
W. V. Bennett. Room 4, Bee BIdg.,
Omaha, Neb.; W. H. Rogers. 125 West
9th Street, Kansas City. Mo.; BenJ.
Davies, Room 6, 'Dunn Block. Great
Falls, Montana; J. B. Carbonneau, Jr.,
217 Main Street. Biddeford, Me.; J. N.
Grieve, Auditorium Building, Spokane,
This will give to Intending harvest
laborers a splendid opportunity to look
over the magnificent wheat fields of
Western Canada and will give them
the best evidence that can be secured
'All this time I was trying every- of the splendid character of that coun
ts num iuh lanuer s siuuupoiui.
thing I could hear of, and had the skill
of three doctors. They said it was
eczema. I got no benefit from all
this. I was nearly worn out, and had
that I feel justified in making a re- given up in despair of ever being cured
' 'What can Dr. Doty, health olfieei
of the port, mean when he allows five
men who have been in daily contact
with persons suffering from Asiatic
vocating an amendment to the na- . ., . , . " , '" l" .,
I tlUlllCT U1CJ nuiu MJUJU .IlliUll 111C
cholera victims and touch elbows
tional banking act, to empower na
tional (tanks to lo?n money on real
estate security.
Directors of national banks who
fail to hold meetings frequently and
who give other evidences of a lack
of personal interest in the affairs of
their banks will hereafter find a na
tional examiner overhauling their in
stitution at least four times a year.
All the Madrid papers print the
statement of Brigadier General Will
iam H. Hixby. chief of engineers,
United States army, that lie believed
that the destruction of the battleship
Maine in Haana harbor was caused
by the explosion of its magazines
and not bj external force.
Thousands of iiead of cattle have
died from heat, hunger and thirst on
the ranges in western Texas and in
Pecos vailey. and the losses even
now are estimated from $600,000 to
$7."0,0uU. Unless generous rains fall
within tea days the losses will go a
couple of million or more.
Cuba is arranging to pay a tribute
to the sailors whose lives were sacri
ficed in the destruction of the battle
ship Maine. President Gomez has
issued a decree ordering a special
demonstration of sympatic through
out the republic as soon as Hat ana
harbor gives up the dead.
That his wife lias refused to keer
house in La Crosse, saying that she
did not desire to remain his wife
longer because women will have the
ballot in Wisconsin soon, and that
she then intends to run for governor,
is the husband's defense made to suit
of divorce begun in La Crosse, Wis.,
by Mrs. IVisca W. Olson.
Dr. William T. Hornaday, directoi
of the New York zoological park, and
a member of the Campfire club, testi
fied before the house committee on
expenditures in the department of
commerce and labor, that Secretary
Nagel and Fish Commissioner Bowei
"tried to suppress"' him two years age
because he sought legislation to pre
serve the diminishing herd of seaif
on the Pribiloff islands.
with everybody they meet?'" is the
question propounded by Judge Bul
ger, in the interview.
"The facts are these: The five
men referred to were called as wit
nesses by the persons in charge ol
the investigation and were permitted
by me to be absent from duty at Hoff.
man island for this purpose. Cholera
is not transmitted by clothing or by
the air. but by actual contact through
the mouth with discharges irom the
intestinal tract of the cholera victims.
There is, therefore, no danger "what
ever from contact with a person who
has been in the presence of the disease.
when I was advised by a friend to try
Cuticura Remedies. I purchased Cutf
cura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent,
and used exactly as directed. I used
the Cuticura Remedies constantly for
four months, and nothing else, and was
perfectly cured. It is now a year, and
I have not had the least bit since. I
am ready to praise the Cuticura Rem
edies at any time. (Signed) E. U
Cate. Exile. Ry., Nov. 10. 1910.
Although Cuticura Soap and Oint.
ment are sold by druggists and dealers
everywhere, a sample of each, with 32
page book, will be mailed free on ap
plication to "Cuticura," Dept 21, K
Alt Legislative Paths Lead to Speedy
Close of Congress.
Washington. All legislative natlis
now lead to speedy adjournment of
congress after the vote on the Arizona-New
Mexico statehood bill is taken
in the senate on the legislative day of
August 7. The senate will be ready
then, in all probability, despite the
general tariff revision threat of Sen
ator Cummins of Iowa and other in
surgents, and the house will not. inter
pose any fresh legislation to disturb
the senate's program for winding up
the extra session.
Only six days remain before tho fin
al vote is reached upon the Canadian
reciprocity bill in the senate. Its
passage by a two-thirds v;e of the
senate is confidently predicted by
senate leaders who have seen many
important amendments voted down in
the last few days by majorities larger
than they had ventured to hope for.
&f -
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There will be at least 200,000,000
bushels of wheat harvested within the
area of the three provinces above
named this year and it is expected
that the yield will run rrom 15 to 25
bushels per acre. Many farmers, this
year, will net, as a result of their
labors, as much as $8 to $10 per acre
and many of them will deposit as
profits as much as $8,000 to $10,000.
The wide publicity that has been
given to the excellent crop that Is be
ing raised in central Alberta and
southern Alberta, central Saskatche
wan and southern Saskatchewan, and
also in Manitoba, will inciease the
price of lands in these three provinces
from $3 to $5 per acre and the man
who was fortunate enough to secure
lands at from $12 to $20 per acre will
have reason for gratification that he
exercised sufficient forethought to In
vest, while the man v. ho was fortu
nate enough to secure :: homestead of
1C0 acres free will also have a greater
reason to feel pleased.
Notwithstanding the great addition
to ihe acreage this year over last and
tho large crop that will be ready for
harvest there is no reason to become
alarmed that the harvest will not be
reaped successfully. There will be a
great demand for these low rates dur
ing the next couple of months; be
J sure to make your application to any
I of the agents above mentioned that
t may be in your territory at as early
est practicing dentists in that city.
He sustained a slight stroke of apo
plexy four years ago and since that
time has been in poor health.
Postmaster Shelley received notice
from the postoffice department that
the Fairbury postoffice has been de
signated for the establishment of a
postal savings bank, aud the new en
terprise will be installed August 1.
Mr. W. H. Zenlz. who lives a few
miles north of York, reports that he
threshed from a field of firty-four
acres 1.S23 bushels or wheat, being
an average of twenty-four and one
half bushels per acre.
W. M. Davis has resigned the city
marshal's job in Broken How upon re
quest of Mayor ledwich. and W. M.
Rickel has been appointed to fill the
vacancy. Davis resignation was
asked for because or neglect of duty.
The body of Gus Hern bloom was
round in the granary on his farm,
three miles south-cast of O.-eeola by
neighbors who had been hunting for
him for some time. He had climbed
the stairs leading up the outside and
tied a rope around his neck having
been hanging ror two or three hours
when fouud.
Because the supply of grain and
livestock in Dodge county Is at the
lowest ebb reached in several years
the valuation of personal property In
the rural districts, as shown by the
annual report of County Assessor
Henry Oberman to the state board of
Lewis Single Binder, straight 3c many
anokers prefer them to 10c cigars.
A woman has about as much use
for a man who doesn't admire her as
a fatted calf has for a prodigal son.
Mrs. Wisatow-B Boetklar Sjrap tor Childrm
tectbtag. soften the gans. reduce Inflaauna
Uam, mOmsm pala.eare wiad colic. Se bottic.
"Nature knows what she was doing
when she deprived fishes of a voice."
"How do you make that out?"
"What if a fish had to cackle over
every egg it laid?"
Beautiful Poet Cards Free.
Send -c stamp for five sample of our
very best Gold Embossed Birthday. Flow
er and Motto Post Curds: beautiful color
and loveliest desuenn. Art Pout Card Club.
731 Jackson St.. Topeku. Kan.
v Prudential Reasons.
"So you are going to send your
cook off. But isn't her name Ara
bella Gunn?"
"What's that got to do with our
getting rid of her?"
"But. ray dear boy. isn't there an
ordinance against discharging A.
Gunn within the city limits?"
W1t. C.-. rl TTf k. .... 1
xui! ou .irs. s liusuauti j
has developed bad habits. How did
you hear about it?
Dolly Oh, Mrs. Hlghniere iuvited
ns all to an afternoon tea so she could
tell us how she suffered in silence!
i a date as possible. Harvesting will
i commence abonr tbp 2."th of July and
continue for five or s:. weeks, when
threshing will begin and thre will be
j plenty of work until November.
Senators this week will be busy
with recipiocity.
Congressman Mitchell, of Kansas
died after a long illness.
Dissolution threatens the unionist
parly of Great Britain.
The condition of John V. Gates,
now in Paris, is reported as un
changed. Aviator J. C. Mars was probably fa
taily injured by a fall during a flight
at Erie. Pa.
Governor Deneen said while Lori
mer posed as a friend, he was in real
ity false to him.
Senator La Follette proposes to
take up considerable time in dis
cussion of recipsocity.
Portland, Ore., was chosen by the
grand lodge of the Benevolent Pro
tective Order of Elks as the next
meeting place.
Sensational charges against Attor
ney General Wickersham were made
to a house committee.
Three representatives of St. John's
lodge of Glasgow. Scotland, the old
est Masonic lodge in the world, are
visiting in this country.
The Ottawa cabinet commuted to
life imprisonment th' sentence of
death passed upon the Italian woman.
Angelino Ncapolitano. for the murder
of her husband at Sault Ste. Marie.
The condition oC Edward M. Shep
ard, of New York, recently a candi
date Tor the United States senator
ship, who is sick at his summer home
at Lake George. N. Y is more ser
ious than previous reports have indicated.
Senator's Wife Burned.
Lynchburg, Va. Funeral services
for Mrs. Narcissa Chisholmn Owen,
mother of United States Senator Owen
of Oklahoma and Major O. S. Owen,
U. S. A., retired, of Washington, were
held Sunday in St. Paul's Episcopal
church- and in Springhill cemetery.
Mars Is Recoveryig.
Erie, Pa. J. C. (Bud) Mars, who
was hurt when he fell with his aero
plane here last Friday, is rapidly re
covering. He sat iip for several hours
Sunday, and as he is now out of dan
ger, it is expected wil be able to
leave the hospital in another week.
The Summer Toast.
In all her business life the bit of
work she is now completing has been
most pleasant, sajs the free lance
"I have been typewriting (oasts on
paper napkins," she said. "A society
of club women who have planned to
do a lot of outdoor entertaining (his
summer expect to u.-o thousands of
paper napkins, and I have had the
job of typewriting a toast on each
napkin. It In a pr-;i;. idea, aud I tried
to meet the charming sentiment of
the ladies half way by using a good
non-copying ink, but in spite of that
precaution I am afraid that many a
guest will leave the lunch table with
E purple ink smudge on her face."
Might Help.
Mrs. Willis (at the Ladies' Aid so
ciety) Now, what can you do for
the poor boys at the front? .
Mrs. Gillis I was reading today
where the soldiers nre always mak
ing sorties. Now, why can't we get
the rcciiies for those thangs and make
them ourselves and send them to the
boys? Puck.
equalization, is lower by many thou
sand dollars than last year.
O. Petecson. a bachelor ranchman
living near Hariisburg. set a trap to
catch the thief who had been pilfer
ing from his home during his ab
sence and Sam Benson, a 1. ""-year-old
boy who walked into it. is dead.
Peterson arranged a gun inside tho
door with a string attached to the
trigger and so pointed that any one
entering the house would receive the
Dr. W. D. Gibbons and Postmaster
Joel Eaton of Lortoii. fourteen miles
southwest of Nebraska City, were
severely and perhaps fatally injured
in an auto accident two ami one-halt
! miles from Nebraska Citj while they
were returning to their homos. The
machine was running at a high rate
j of speed when the driver lost control
and it ran into a roadside hedge turn
' ing turtle forty yards from the road.
A novel incident happened at Ra
venna. Ralph Herrick. a small boy,
went fishing in Beaver" creek near the
Burlington bridge, accompanied by his
constant companion, a superannuated
and almost toothless bird dog. The
boy hooked an eight-pound -attish.
and after quite a tussle had it near
the bank in the shallow water. The
old bird dog jumped into the water,
seized the fish and draped it up on
dry land.
Over 100 applications for paidon or
! parole are on file with the state par
j don board. The board lias to far used
a day tor hearing each case. The ex
pense per case is $o. Tin co-it of
hearing 100 cases al this rate will be
$i;.00(). whereas the appropriation for
the board for the bienniuui is only
$1,000. After the appropriation is ex
hausted, it is expected that the board
will expediate its work, pt-dhly hear
ing two or three cates in th. course
of a day.
A pioneer minister of Nebraska,
tlm Rev. Edward J. Robinson, died
at his home in Siicridan. Wjo. Two
weeks ago he suffered a slipbt stroke
The greatest cause of worry on
ironing day can be removed by using
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to the iron. Sold everywhere, 16 oz.
for 10c.
ixsssssssssssi X Jiav
g. iVf
JIggs The corset trust Isn't eco
nomical. Jaggs How do you know?
JIggs Why, everything it makes
goes to waist.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottic of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
In I'se For Over 3C Years.
j Uiilu'rvii t 'rv lor HclcherV (anuria Nebraska in 1879 and bean the es
J tablishment of a home on a farm i::
rT t?f-nl-eitr -intl fi-rni tlt-it flint frill-
tie y2 - J i 'd rapidly. Mr. Robinson was born
sof CjtatyyCiL&&te "P:ir Schenectady. N. Y.. September
I l... is.i.j. rie came wuti m iiinuiv iu
Flyer Jumps the Track.
Bradford, Pa. The Rochester and
Buffalo flyer "on the Rochester it Pitts
burg railroad, went into the ditch
Sunday afternoon, while running on a
straightaway track and se-en of the
seventeen passengers were injured.
The wheels of the tender left the rails
and the cars followed, careeninc
against an embankment which pre
vented their turning over. The pas
sahgers. after medical attention, were
sent on their journey on a special
train. Officials of the road are un
able to explain the cause of the wreck
Postal Depositories.
Washington. Postmaster General
Hitchcock designed the main postof
fices in New York, Chicago, Boston
rnd St. Louis as postal savings depos
itories. They will begin to receive
deposits August 1.
Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
Liked It Dull.
"How do you find things, my man:
"Very dull. I'm glad to say."
"Glad? Why?"
'I'm a knife grinder."
Garrulous Barber As the sayin
goes, "There's always room at the
Sensitive Customer How dare you
refer to my baldness!
If a man would work at some em
ployment half as hard as he will try
ing to get a public office at a low sal
ary he could make a fair living.
the keystone
to health
A IS mmm
Nebraskan Suicides in Iowa.
Ccnterviife, la. Discouraged and
sick Robert Fuller, a traveling man
for an Omaha women's outfitting firm,
ended his life at the home of his par
ents at Unionville by drinking car
bolic acid.
Stop the Pain. ,
Tho hurt of a burn or a cut stons whn I
Cole's CarbolImUve is applied. It heals
quickly and prevemu scars. 23c and 50c by
druKtfftts. For free sample write to
J. W. Cole & Co.. Black River Fall. Wis.
There are some things that even
the most absent-minded of us can't
Lewis' Single Binder, extra quality to
bacco, costs more than other Jc cigars.
It's the land of the free for spins
ters and bachelors.
You will find the Bitters
a beneficial remedy in every
way in cases of Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Cos
tiveness and Cramps.
Try it today and see.
I'lrcracrofaloas C!rera.VarlrtM Clrra.In
itolent Clrra,Merc-nrUI UlrvrMt hit Swell
tnc.tfUJrU.reerMor,.iiMM. iwu..i;
Utm.liIIMr. JJ AUJCN-IXsl A3lZlJilmm
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 29-1911.
Sarpy county.
Spontaneous combustion u;is the
cause alleged to have started a fii- in
a bunk car standing in the .Missouri
Faciiif yards in Plattsmouth. which
consumed itand another which was
partly loaded with cement. A gang
of Italians occupied the car. but on
account of the extreme heat they had
transferred their sleeping quarters
to the freight houe platform ;nd
v. ere not in the car at the time of the
starting of the fire.
State Engineer Price is of the opini
on that a few irrigation ditches will
have to be shut down before the sum
mer is over. Lack of water in a few
instances will compel the shutting off
of the supply of some of tlw later
appropriations of water from the
North Platte river.
Three merchants of Beaver City
anil one at Hendley were arretted by
the dairy and sanitary inspector for
ha, ing decayed eggs in their po ses
sion. They were fined So eacn. Al
bert Martin, a farmer who .uol;l eggs
that are alleged to be spoiled, was
also arrested, but has nuj been tried.
The state ruditcr ii registered
?100,u00 of .Merrick county court
house bonds and $30.C0Q of bonds is
sued by drainage district No. 1 of
Pawnee county. The Merrick county
tonds draw 4 per cent interest and
the drainage district bonds draw t per
Newton Webster, a lT-year-o!d boy,
who has made Nebraska City his
home, went to Douglas and hired a
team of horses and buggy, promising
to return them at night. Later ho was
arrested at Nemaha City, where he
was trying to dispose of the outfit,
claiming it as his own.
A trial package cf Munyon'a Baw Paw
Pilli v.-ill be t-cnt free to anyone on re
quest. Address Profwi-or Munyon. 53I &.
Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. If you am
in need of medical advice, do not fail to
write Profeor Mum on. Your communi
cation will be treated in ftrict confidence,
and your cae will be dir.jrnofred as care
fully as though you had a personal ictei
view. Munyon Paw Pa.v Pills are unlilze
all other laxatives or cathartics. They
coax the liver into activity by gentle
methods. They ilo not scour, they do
not gripe, they do not weaken, but they
do start all the secretions of the liver
and Htomach in a way that noon puts
thee organs in a healthy condition and
corrects constipation. In my opinioc
constipation it responsible for most ail
ments. There are 26 feet of hurnai
bowels, which is really a M?ucr pipe.
When this pipe becomes clogged the
whole system liecomes poisoned, caus
ing biliousness, indigestion and impure
blood, which often produce rheumatism
and kidnev ailments. No woman who
j suffers with con&tipation or any liver
ailment can eijoct to have a clear
complexion or enjoy good health. Ii
I had my way I would prohibit ihe sale
of nine-tenths of the cathartics that arc
now being sold for the reason that they
soon destroy the lining of the -tomacb,
setting up serious form', of indication,
and o paralyse the bowels that they re
fuse to act unless forced by strong
Munjon's Paw Paw Pills are a ton:c
to the stomaeh, liver aud nerves. They
invigorate instead of weaken; they en
rich the blood Instead of impoverish
it; th-y enable the stomach to get all
the nourishment from food that is put
into it.
These pills contain no calomel, no
tfope; they are soothing, healing and
stimulating. They school the bowele
lo act without physic.
Regular zizc bottle, containing 45 pills,
25 cents. Munyon's Laboratory, 53d &
Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia.
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