t -i-c" a-J 3rS Mcnrce. Monroe did u-t end-a.or to b.d j. regular calibration this var. bur the patriotic families, wbo did not go to other towns gathered in The s"hoc grave for a picnic d.nner. Artt.-r this a short program wis given ... which Messrs Rodnev Hii: and C. W. Tabtttzer gave short addresses, fi.-u with patriotic zeal and fervor. Ttn followed the htg eve-.- of f'ie celebra tion. when the boys challenged th married men for a game of base-ball OH memories sirred in their bear's .13 the? wre once more on the piar gromtd of former i-ars and ie ar lege spoke in the Presbyterian church. Sinidaj evening. i airs. C. F. Ewert received a visit j q WHY WOT GARRY YOUR INSURANCE In a Nebraska Co. You Know is Right ? from her mother last week. I H That Monroe is to have a bridge j a j across the Loup seems an almost cer-1 jg "3l 4 j uuiiij as tne petition cas oeen re-1 . cnraed to g"t 16 more signers before J ?.1,-, & can e granted and there is no ' r doubt it win soon be as tae sentiment j is strong in its favor. Several younsr people enjoyed a moonlight picnic at Holingshead's grove the night of the Fourth. - A LjTTLE UAH "- l "'m ' " Sherman Township. j Th dry spell was broken Saturday ( n.srt w:h a rood rain, which makes I the farmers smile and a prospect for j com. ; c-ptL going dowa to a gior.ous de- ?. -ptfX '" T? fal ana thrift he :.i nevr oe short m feat of 16 to 24. While the score was a money ser. H. '. about that boy not k.-pt down to ai ri. a manrin of yours.' Wh -t.t .-t-irt thehrtlernar ilT "JLir-JfA!! th m 5AY.SG3 sakx i b ' uuiuomoi h, .iwwu. Ul. SiJTLiit?rs riewed the game elsewhere. The bov Comment. w;-h as litti a- one -ol- w i ..ir if "oit . 7Hn ta"i rt htrvi T iii .. -d in fine stjl- aal t:v tJ : as ." ?:;. Vnen he set oid r ' " a do-s sot look Lac to - .e J01 - e I I''i of n: . and h " . u. - :h. ot.,r d-. Some ..- HOME SAVINGS SANK -a- z-t p -d ba.I -or ten or, e w philips. jshter Ii -i mz. ill a:i Earn AT - . ' 'IT. 'ills TU i "It m -a t. U-l ird 1 n. -e - a. i"z d a:.. atur Ij" '.si . i.r 'a.'i b -r -er t :'. 5L"s. Pet.- T !i .- - m.t '. n ..s I' i -nd-i.c" ! ' " -' d '- r ' -"' ' '-'1--1 in-I . . AT:r"m G i '-- ". ' .a r,ija'.".f A'cdi-Swa." . i. bu.. s 7a. ! r " . js a Jtnoa Sun- ir -T.-r r ''r:." a.:'' -:.' wd T-:.- a j: .- 3 n -1 r.da- i. ' .t-d M .. K .las.-t:.. b u L-u rVIt the past - du --;, . - r L .: 0f Ena th. ! .-!-.t causn"-r of Vr. iad rn. '" i " L'.;h ta. 'r,ns ci'':d ' --n nas ' ' -T- Sf-r us but s --m3 o b I - i. oft- r ?r rr,s r ! Tb:" j --'.- bo- '-as also b-u s. k but ".or ' ' ' r i.,I - c,i I v -d m-s N r. ft '. !;.'.;. nj ad I "" I '- n r - - G- oa is. jrs Th mission feast at Leigh, was j w!i atnded from this community, j Gns Loseke and family drove down to bis father. Herman Loseke to , b p him celebrate his seventy-first I birthday. J. E. Curtis of South Omaha, was . -xasactinsr business in this vicinity Saturday. Thrashing has beun and the yield "s net very good as the faaii took the . T'St R. H. Wurdxnan. and Frank "Wurd caa and family autoeu to Columbus ; Satardav. Frank Wardman was a passenger , .-.r Omaha Monday. Tbe rtport that Levi Bisson was drrwnni in South Dakota is not trn. H- is alive and Rell. and Is working at Sious Fails. Tbf dnnre at R. Wurdman's was J -:i attended and some had to stay ' until the n-xt mrrning on account of tb raix Wm. Cartau and Carl lluth hauled J . -ne fit Va :o Cres-tou last week, i THE FOLLOWING LETTER TO MR CAMPBELL AND His Reply Shows The Kind of Treatment ...We Extendi THIS LETTER TELLS THE TALE i I v. '-. o i I . Jo. '. . i ..Hi n 1 r ..-"- - . "'"" "m-s Tarrar --ad r - f-r - T I" x-1 i-; air i FTd "" v -! a ;.t h sie o sd.'v f v 'j f v. ,: , , n2 -" 1 : -? a , r a r it 1 -I.. S r-. ' -. - 'UC- - .d i .ol 20. I .' I Methodist Church Notes. i C. me in and join, a class in our ( Sundae sohooi at 9:43 a. m. Mcrning ' s"-non opic is. "How God aragniSes j r.-i '" Epworh Leamie at 7 p. m. L-adr Miss Sarah Cover. Subject f evenirs serain. "The Demands of; Christ.aanv" Sp.Krial music at all! srvvs. CHAS. W. RAY. Pastor. V MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSO. 424-425 Gty Natioiui Bank Buikn. Aidnaa all CoauuaicaftMM t c c. auss. Tj I L - ,.n.- I-f- 's M." 'Maard Far ; - r ! - F-;'r - "'-'- - - .v-w i i !.j - M.ie1? :d n. I.""'-. Advertised Letter List. Fr tbe Rf'c ending July 12, 1311. Ltri-rs Harry R. Aikinson. Ciiar-- Ci t ;-r c. J. Cmvs. Secretary - A-s. .- -tlon Artnur Demasfce, L i b.'"-5. .' s-. ". !-.irT Clav Robinson. Sam j 3..r.a. ' i.-is A. A. Coberl-y (2); Chas. CHritt-a. n H. Fitzjrarald. Glen Kow-i-!. FV' I Kr.'I.t. M'ss Ciara Hour. V-- E M'.l. r G T. Purdum. .! rr:s - i E. Pit -re George Vandtr berg, 2. Prt.-s cllLz for any of the above. w-'I p'ease sa. "Advertised." "":. A. MCALLISTER, Poostcnster. :C.-. ". v. . -' A K - a, . "ara- -'. . . A", r i -'tai . -t , , ;, - ,. - raa- -s i.a. -: u.p t- 1 'd a.:ds n.uh '.' t" it.i i-e o - ' ' ' " :i' 't.I " "v. . r partn's. - v .' Ry""-rd Fi -:d ':.: ' i "mi-.sj : jj s - . .i .v -1' ie t:..s s-r: "1 - it-: ?!. '- -' u'-t a bam and butIdir.g a ,lS .-,, (i'-i-ad -. a "--" '-r-'cri1 dd-'tn t" the b'-'.ise. M- ?. b :b. - wis .n 'a-:-1-- - ?ari pompi ld. v i iv- scar" Rb. Manba a-d Paul Corcoran if-1 " ' J1S ,..,. T. ja :d "."en's in M- -i " F h ,-d t' 3ad "rc&- - i ;il - --. -. -, ; ri: R . G F. rb . " '. .sit -d tis - M vr- fi w -- r-rJir -i v- r:i n "r K "iogg ot Primrose .-. o ' ' , TT .. -, -- Ved:it-da;- md TLursdiv H;-est Medicines Versus Fakes Pr sa.d-ai Tift's recent message j -a-'ng an amendment to the ::':. wu- Fu.-" T,cd and Dnig law in its rela- r ' .. v. - - .n. Pr-nared Medicines, does not r- -'- " sach standard medicines as Fc.2-- i Honey and Tar Compound d F:Iev Kidney Pills, both of which ir- trie medicines carefully cora-iund-Sr c: ..irediPnts whose medi jal qaalitis are recognized by the xi.cal ; rcf ssion 4telf as the best aowa rmW.al arrnfi for the dis -i?s tb -y are intended to counter -14". For c--r three decades Foley's , Honey and Tar Compound has been a standard remedy for coughs, colds .sad affVcturas of the throat, chest and ' 'ungs for children and for grown j rerseris and :t retains today its pre-! r'a- noe abcre all other preparaMons i it is kind. Foly Ividney Pills are -quaLy erf.-oti,e and meritor;cus. For sale bv aii druggists. QMdia, Bmbr.9 Junt 19, 1911. Mr. J. Will Campbell, Monroe, Nebr. Dear Sir: Our special claim adjuster, Mr. W. W. Abbott, has informed ua that a settlement of $37.50 would be perfectly satisfactory to you and we have given him check for this amount to deliver to you in person. However, it may be the last of the week before he arrives as there are a couple of other cases which require his immediate attention. We trust that the way we have settled your claim will so meet with your approval that you will be willing to say a good word for us if you believe we deserve it, and we again thank you for your patronage and any assistance you may render us. Yours very truly, C. C. Criss, Treasurer. The letter was returned to the offices of the company with the following written across it: Received the above check June 22, 1911. Shall be pleased to continue my pol icy and am pleased to recommend same to you. J. WILL CAMPBELL. 4 rf is.r j co,- j I j E?W5SfeSpSS?3lQ!SSEXSSI S3 2 -4f-tf JP- . aB V. "i 1 & " " -' . y , i ; yj i ' ; - i 1 . Wit -m-Z -"j-j- -tc v 1&. jr - 1i -TTiSS- m-T 1 . Ycur .Neichbcr's Experience. Sow you may profit by it. Take Fo-, Tev Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whiting. 260 Willow street, Akron. Ohio, says Fcr son? time I had a vry serious case of V.dney trouble "and I suffered with backache and dizzy headaches. I had spt-cks floating before my eyes and I felt ail tired out and miserable. I saw Foley Kidney puis advertised and get a hcttle and took them ac cording to directions and results showed almost at once. The pain and i'zzy headaches left me. my eye-sight became clear and tcday I can say I am a wen ; oman. thanks to Foley Kid ney PIs." For sale by all druggists. , 61 J?T,j ii -j --- --T- - - - - cj r-3BriYi ! vwhw v9. T ImiS&mg' Canada wiil harvest the largest ""v: in her history, and I have the b-st facilities for the accommodation of ranadian land buyers. Chas. L. Dicbey. State Bank Buildini. TELEPH0H1NS THE VETERINARY Ii" " - -ir.e-s t a u.i i.rie r. the farm ittnanos rae c::atc ao-.- -. Dt.ay in geture tnt -tr:oes of a ski Ird vt-ter.-ary mAy rr.-r. -- -f a h.jh-nrce'i animal. I' .y mt-ars of loc aistanje Ee.i Ttl-p;iroe irv"ce. tie vetennarT is rcnec. ani ne teas the farmer a hat t.i : ii.-3til he arriies. N-- far-sighted farmer gets aionir w-.tnout loil and 'ore distance Be.. Telephone service. Da:i. ht- sees proof o; its useiIness. Ti5nE?? j..--y t- f ar i R PSA .TJiz?-Tr ZViliJ 22 t AT v?rt. ms- Vr-itswi;'c. v Nebraska Telephone Go. C. I. MARTZ. Manager Call fcr the Renublican County Con vention. The republican electors of Platte couar- X-braska. are hereby called o meet in dele ate cenventiou in the city of Columbus, in Flymen's ball. In the North opera house on Monday, the 2ih day of Jj'r. a- 2 o'clock, p. m . for the purpose of elect ing eleven delegates to the state con-v-nr:ou to be held in the city of Lincoln. Nebraska on the 23th cay cf July. 19::. and to elect a central committee, and transact such ether business as may publicly come be "er.; the convention. IT is recommended that primaries be te'd in the several townships and wards on Saturday. July 22, 1911. for rr purpose of electing delegates to' - d cut convention :n1 srimi-. t-s t3 be held at an hour designated "r the township or ward commit z eman. The basis cf representation for celt-sratps to said convention shall be cue delegate at large, and one dIezate for every fifteen (15) votes, for major fraction cast for Senator Elmer J. Burkett for preference for united States senator at the last gen eral election. X70 Issue what we believe to be the most Liberal Pol- C iCy 0f its kind and at surprisingly low rates. Your time is valuable Protect It For further particulars address Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Asso. 423 City National Bank Building Omaha, Nebraska or write to ABBOTT & ADKINS, Special Representatives, Clother Hotel, Columbus, Neb. Said representation to be aa follows: J Oconee, "Oconee" LolumDus, rirst want o Columbus, Second Ward 5 Columbus. Third Ward Columbus, rourth Ward Columbus township .. Bismark township .. . 'Sherman towsnhip.. .. Crestoc township .. .. anell Creek township ., . Grand Prairie township Humphrey township .. Butler township . . . . , ' Loup township Lost Creek township .. Burrows township .. . Granville township .. . , Monroe township . . Joliet township St. Bernard township . , woodvule township . . , Walker township Oconee, -Honro" .... ..11 . 9 . . 4 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 6 o '. 4 . 4 . 4 . 3 . 4 .10 . 4 Total number of delegates 109 1 It Lj recommended that no proxies i be allowed, and that the delegates delegation on all matters which may arise. BRUCE WBB, Chairman C. X. McELFRESH, J Secretary. DO NT WAIT. Take Advantage of a Calumfeua CitI Shi's Eptrinc Before It's Tm Late. When the back begins to acne. Doat wait aatil baefcacke beco Till serious kidney troubles derelop; Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest. Profit by a Colambus citizen's ex perience. Mrs. F. Gerber, 201 Seventh street, Columbus. Nebraska, says: "I had an acute pain In the small of my back and I could hardly get around or arise after sitting-. My back seeand to give out entirely and at nlgat it was all I could do to turn over In bed. I woeld lie In one position an Ions I could and then to ckange, I wonld nave to shift ny self by segrt and very carefully, as every qjoick SMve BMBt canaed sharp fi ft I always felt tired, and no ". m noteatwefl. Ciamr speOs asnofed aw and a distressing' kidney weakness was present. When Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me, I pro cured a box and in a couple of days after beginning their use, I noticed Improvement. I continued to get bet ter steadily and after I bad finished the contents of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, not a symptom of my former trouble remained. Doan's Kidney Pills toned up my entire sys tem and since using them, I have felt like a different person.' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,. New York, sole agents for the United States. the name Doan's sad