" ' ! The Columbus Tribune - Journal V,t Published by The Tribune Printing Company Columbus, Nebraska. Ones Admitted at the Postofflce at Columbus, Nebraska, as second-class matter. ALBERT J. MASON. Editor. MILLARD S. BINNET, Business Manager. CHESTER J. MASON, Circulation Manager. Crow Heads Puzzle the Officials V (f MMB MMfl m MMk MMM JMb MH MMVMMb IvMMMLl MMl IMMMalMMM MMMMt MM! MMM m MBi MH V IAT MB MttMMmI MmI I MM"A MMTrMr MM! MMM J- "mV MMI mm EMLML. IVMMeJ. V TMMMI H -k M H H H Tl" 3-V M I -"T T -W-m M ; m ?. l m J & ; V.' 7f I . i! K i i IH -1 4. ! i! i.' s i! ! ! J '! Wot Ice to SBbdcribera. ' RENEWALS The date opposite your name on your paper, or wrapper, show the date to which you have paid. When payment Is made the date will be changed accordingly. DISCONTINUANCES Responsible subscribers will continue to receive The Tribune until the publisher is notified to discontinue, when all arrearages must be paid. Refusing paper at postofflce is not notice to the publisher. CHANGE IN ADDRESS When ordering change in address be sure to give the old as well as the new address. ' ' CHEAP PATRIOTISM. ' ' Cold, indeed must lie (lie man whose innermost self is not stirred by the strains of such airs as "The Star Spangled Ban ner," "America," "Yankee Doodle," "Dixie," or any one of a hundred other such pieces. Yet there are some people just that cold. A New York man who was in Columbus not long since, attended one of the Friday evening hand concerts at the park, and remarked that "Jle had no use for this cheap pat riotism which inspired people to throw up their hats and their' voices to applaud such pieces." Fortunately, such a man does not represent any country, any city or community. JTe represents nothing but himself, and that is proof positive that his constituency is very small. For indeed, the Frenchman and his "Marseillaise," the Gei' man and his "Wacht am Khein," the Englishman and his "God save the King," and the AVelshman and his "ITen Wlad Fy Nhadai, (Land of My Fathers)," are quite as enthusiastic over their respective anthems as we Americans are over ours. And indeed there is none who dare gainsay their rights. Is this "cheap patriotism?" In 1813, an American was detained on board a BriU- war vessel during the bombardment of an American fort. ITe walked the deck of the vessel in deep agony during the entire length of the night, and when the dawn came and showed the Stars and Stripes still floating where he had last seen them, he was moved by the spirit of the occasion to write the Star Spangled Banner. Could any "cheap patriotism" have pro duced such results? When Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, expressed a prefer ence for "Dixie Land," it was suggested that it was a rebel song, and the president should leave it alone. The reply was characteristic: "We have conquered "the South; their inter ests are ours; why shouldn't we appropriate their songs?" Yet who dare accuse Abraham Lincoln of "cheap patriotism?" Just before the opening of the war with Spain, in 1S98, a man made the remark that "People are not as loyal now as they were in 1801." Yet when the crucial test, came, how quickly was the lie given to the fellow who uttered such a senti ment! The government records show that only a small per centage of those who volunteered their services were needed or accepted. These volunteers had been brought up on the kind of patrioism instilled by a love for tho good old national anthems. Is it "cheap patriotism" that leads a man to risk his very life at such a time? Yesterda', a hundred million people rested from their labors to honor the American nation our home and our flag the symbol of Purity, Honor, and Strength. For more than a qentury and a third this has been the great day of rejoicing in our history, second only to the feast of Christinas, which is uni; versal in the civilized world. Great men of affairs, statesmen and scholars joined with the more humble citizens in the cele bration. Still there is one man in this hundred million who sees nothing but "cheap patriotism." in it all. Thank Heaven, the influence of such a man is interred with his bones. CANADA SLAVERY OR VIRTUE? The governor general of Canada is being beseiged with petitions to save the life of a woman who killed the father of her children rather than submit to the disgrace and horrors of slavery. "We hear much about the noble enforcement of laws in Canada and other British possessions, but there is such a thing as carrying virtue so far that it becomes weak through lack of exercise. A pretty sight, indeed! A being, not man for his very nature is not human, not brute, for the wildest of beasts will protect his young as well as his mate, tries to compel his wife, who is the mother of four and soon expecting a fifth, to take up a life of shame to procure" money for himself. The poor woman, whose life had been made unbearable by his un speakable propositions, and in defense of her own honor and of the good name of her children, finally killed her husband. THE FARMER'S TELEPHONE The progressive farmer stays at home in stormy weather and tran sacts his business by telephone the less diligent one drives miles through the rain and mud. Most farmers have learned that it is poor economy to get along without local and long distance telephone service. Local Bell Service is the farmer's neighborhood messenger, while the long distance Bell lines keep him in touch with the markets of the big cities. N Nebraska Telephone Co. C. I. MARTZ, Manager SUMMER jtf&izz&''''':''''y''''!''f AVBMMMMMr " Jlflk-.' .. S& "stW ?$S$S5""5? f&mW TS yflMMHMk wt MR 3&3$&j!v S$i-!&i&:&)J&vJ $u:$:$$l "M T ill fcpJ?SFv " :;;: i- .v2"-Jl.. .;;-- vr?"M;. . .. loMMMBki.. r"".."-" TmMF Ml Mfc-i "T.--i - ..- i"i"ir : ;"."" . J,i-r,r,v .y"v iiHMMfck,t . ..vrK A I MMMSpIk 1 iMf """-V.V ."; I"V "" J ""- " " ". I & .T'".4"tfa...,.'V.TM! AwrtWrm 1 BEM0 IW w. Uv I" i "V .' -r it ;- rcr."V"- I ."i"v,r.jP'."vit.v-i"MMMAJMr wa lssfl V tat 1 -""-; .."...;;;. & W X " M"Vfv" v "VA""tD'31 i JMMPfl pf JEP rCotivrlrfr. 1S11.) The Canadian law says she is a murderess, and as such, she must hang. But the Canadian law says that two lives must not be taken for one, so she is giveii a respite until her child shall be one month old. Can you imagine that a good God will allow this to take place? A Chicago physician, according to press dispatches has stated that he will offer to go upon the scaffold in her stead, that her life may be spared to her children, to whom it be longs. Xo sane man will question, under the circumstances, that she will make a far better mother ,and give the children better training, than would be possible if their father's plan had succeeded, or even if it had failed and he had been allowed to live, and flaunt his unnatural influences before- them. In this country, 'we still have some states who continue the disgraceful relic of barbarism, known as capital punishment, but even in them, a woman who would defend her honor even to the murder of the father of her children, would be hailed, and rightly so, as a moral heroine. Petitions are being circulated in different parts of the United States, praying Earl Gray to spare the life of this brave little mother. We do not know whether these petitions will reach Columbus or not, but if they do, the least that any man worthy of the name can do, in the name of humanity, is to sign them. AVill the Canadian government have tlie heart to refuse the prayer of a petition such as is being circulated, should it show sufficient strength? It does not seem possible, that a supposedly civilized, self-respecting country would enter of ficially into a partnership with white slavers and who fall a victim to their intended prey who had the courage to stand for her own honor. Let "Canada murder Angel ino Napolitano if she must When she does, she will by that very act say to the panderers of every city on the globe, "Welcome here; our daughters are here for your use and purposes, and they dare not defend them selves, under the penalties of the Canadian law!" By its acts in this case, the Canadian executive will build himself a monument. The world will wab'h what kind he shall choose. 1 UkJ11 PRID AY 'S TRAGEDY, A poet once, in commenting on the two kinds of people in this world made the remark that they were Not the jolly and sad, for the swift-flying years Bring each man his joys and each man his tears." Last Friday afternoon there was a happy family living in South Columbus. They belonged to that large class which Abra ham Lincoln once declared, "God must have loved, for lie made so many of them." An hour later that home was in sore distress, for the summons had come to gather one of the little children from that household to return to its eternal home. But it is seldom that the summons comes in such frightful guise as it did when it called little Frank Glenn. The piercing wail of the dreaded call of fire is awful at any time, but when the respondents are called upon to witness the charred and roasted remains of a little child in the ruins, then words fail in their purpose and attempt at description becomes a mockery. The father rises from his noon-day meal and goes forth to his work, knowing that when he shall return he shall have completed another half-year of efforts for the family he is sup porting, and expects to return to their bosom at night, to be met at the gate with the kiss and prattle of his babe. But it is not to be. lie is called home prematurely, to receive the awful tidings that the expected greetings can never come. The poor mother, who has seen her darling but a few min utes previously, happy and joyous in his play with his com panions is told of the discovery. She cannot believe it. How can she? Was "not her child healthy and happy a moment be fore? Yet, it is true, for the poor little body is there, telling a mute and tragic story, whichthe human heart cannot fathom nor motal mind comx)rehe: iBBBBBKErAi Tli question of a liospnmjpsr Norfolk received a great impetus last week, when a lady of that town was almost fatally burned, and was taken to Omaha to reach a hospital. It was not necessary to go that far, but a city of six thousand people should make preparations for such emergencies, it would seem. The Aurora Republican is worrying about the lfitchcock-Shallenberger-Dahlman bunch consigning Bryan to oblivion. Nothing to it. The memory of Nebraska's greatest citizen will still be fresh when nothing but his historical records will be left to show that any one of the other three ever lived. x Three questions open for discussion: How it happened, how bad he is burnt, and a safe and sane Fourth nexj year. Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A.NYE. "WAKTED-A BIG BROTMER." That was one of the big signs at the child slfnre exhibit held recently in New York. You who live in the wide open space of the countryside or you whose lawns or yards give room for children's joy--ful piny, what do you know of child life iu the tenement districts of the big ciiies? In those regions live children whose only place Is in the foul dark rooms frequently infested with disease or in the streets. In a single block in New York city live or exist-2.371 children! The population of a fair sized coun ty seat town of the middle west chil dren alone, to say nothing of adults is congested in a district no bigger than the cdurt house square, and there is no playground but the street. And listen! , With no other playground, of 717 children arrested In New York in July, 1!K)9, half were arrested for playing games. The world has wept at the sorrows of "Poor Joe." compelled by the burly policeman to "move on." and here Is society in the guise of big patrolmen arresting little children for playing games on the only playground they can have.- Another exhibit showed a sad phase of child life children forced at a ten der age to work in factories and sweat shops. For instance: Some of the mere tots work on wil low plumes, knotting forty-two sep arate filaments for a cent, or at the age of four and five years they make arti ficial violets 144 for 2 cents or they work twelve hours picking beans of coffee from the sweepings. And they die like flies. Much is being said about the con servation of our natural resources, but how will yon compare the material wealth of soil and forest and stream and mine with "a better crop of boys and girls?" Is a tree worth more than a child? The only hopeful feature of this Xew York exhibit which finds Its parallel in all large cities is .that one half the world learns how the other half lives. And to know the awful needs of these neglected children Is to find a way for betterment. "The Big Brother" society you and I must be responsible. We are our brother's keeper. II TIMES HIE IT Interesting Happenings of Many Years Ago, Taken From the Files of This Paper. Forty Years Ago. The building now occupied by the Tribune Printing Company was com pleted. It was built at that time by Gerrard & Reed, bankers, and was later used by the Columbus State Bank, coming into the possession of Richard Ramey a few years ago. Great excitement was manifested over the ousting of Governor David Butler from his office. Thirty Years Ago. President James A. Garfield was shot in the depot of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, at Washington. The assassin, Charles J. Guiteau, a dis appointed office-seeker, was captured. Twenty Years Ago. The office of The Columbus Tele gram suffered a small fire, the dam age being estimated at about seventy five dollars. At the celebration of the Fourth at Lindsay, a prize was offered auy couple who would be married in pub lic at the celebration. The prize wa3 claimed by E. M. Vaught and Miss Emma Hedman, of Genoa. Ten Yeas Ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Useo and son "bbmmmSSB IIP if & INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Here is a pretty kettle of fish. The offices of the county clerks in Indiana aro being filled to overflowing: with the heads of dead crows, and the result is not pleasing to the sense of smell, to say the least. Came about this way: At the last session of the legislature the farmers of the state succeeded in having a law enacted which placed a bounty of ten cents upon the head of every crow. The farmers argued that the crows destroyed much of their crops by eating the seeds after they were scattered on the ground and were a nuisance In general. Every body thought it would be a good scheme to abolish the pest by killing off a large number of the prolific crows. And so it came to pass that the law was enacted and 'most ererr body thought the question was solved at once and for all time. But It wasn't. The county clerks are the sufferers and complainants now. The farmer boys spend tfcalr WMMMMMMM WMM4WWWWWWW Chinese Queues CHICAGO. Prices of coiffures ax due for a slump and "milady of the boulevards" may soon be prome nading down Michigan avenue be decked in the very latest of late Im ported puffs which but recently form ed the most conspicuous part of the; hirsute adornment of the Celestials of South Clark street It may seem strange that tho moats fashionable of Chicago's smart set'J will be able to purchase real "imports ed" nuffs. curls, braids, switches and rata which were once the queues ofi Chicago chop suey waiters and ChIn-4 ese laundrymen, but the fact remains Indisputable, for according to the edict! recently passed in China 90 per cent. of all the Celestials in the United! States have divorced themselves fronvJ one of the most typically distinguish- Ing features of the race the queue.!' Following a similar move in thM Chinatown of New York. San Franciai co and other cities, the Chinese of Chicago the other day kept the barbers busy with the shears and by nighty there were few left along South CIarlc.1 street who could boast of the "pig tails" which were their pride of other! days. Hip Lung, mayor of Chicago's J Chinatown, and the leaders of tka Wife Rifles Pockets! Then Beat Her MbRy- IS & 4AA. Hx A . vLBM jusrine Vr mWmmw aArvw: : PROVIDENCE, R. I. Judge a M. After listening to considerable of Lee of the superior court, in tht this testimony. Judge Lee stated in course of a separation suit brought? his opinion this couple ought to be by Elizabeth T. England against her brought together and become recon husband. John E. England, stated that died. Ho brought out the fact that a man is justified in chastising hisj the woman only wanted separate sup spouse if sho rifles his pockets. : port and probably woulu become The Englands have been married reconciled to her husband some time, about five years, and, recently thereij and thought the present a good timo. has been trouble in the households Judgo Lee conferred with Lawyer Mrs. England wanted separate sup-) Thomas F. Cooney. who represented port from her husband when sho, camel Mrs. England, and Lawyer Arthur Into court. She told on the witnesSii Cashing, representing Mr. England, stand that they had three child and had been living happily ,enot until a short time ago. One night, she related. MrjEngla arrived at his home on Warren street about 3 a. m., and proceeded to curl up on the floor. Mrs. England ad- mltted that she thought he was asleei and started to go through, his pocket MMMWMWMWMMM Ar Laailiiig and Lake on Roof BJEW YORK. Xew York within an I" year Is to have one-of the mostirei markable buildings on earth. It Is4 designed to replace Madison ' Square Garden, and not the least of Its team tures will be a landing stage 'for fly ing machines. A $2,000,000 structure Is to be reared on tho site of tho old Brewster carriage factory on the west side of Broadway between Forty,-sev- enth and Forty-Eighth streets. It. wilfi be used mainly for exhibition pur- poses and tsMvbi trades In tho sporty inc line. The Broadway project is backed byi Interests Identified with 'the Schlltzt Brewing company of Milwaukee, rep-e resented In New York 'by John Oh-i meis, restauranteur, and, OscarHabout Schmidt The building 'will be erected by the Atlas Development company which in January of last year took long lease on the Brewster site fromu the Sutphin estate. The new building is to, bo adapted particularly to the needs? of the au- tomobile, motor boat andavtatlon ln-jr iuatries and their allied trades. Wtthir Robert, left for an extended trip to Europe, their objective point being: the old home in Ireland. County Treasurer J. G. Becher drew a draft of $25,000 to pay tu principal of the railroad bond'.s issued. twenty years previously, also one for $1,750 to pay the interest. i;he total Interest amounted to $33,000.. making: a grand total of $60,000. I Five Years Ago. ' Dr. Edward Hoehen, an oIi resident of Colambus, died at Danvill , Illinois, "off rainy days" hunting crows. They are bringing them to the county seats by hundreds. The heads are strung like so many beads or pearls, and oft' en the strings measure four or five feet in length. In communities whero the crows are plentiful and that seems to be all over Indiana the gun uers can bag enough crows in a day to rcalizo a good compensation for their work. Here is where the rub comes in. The county clerk who receives and pays for the crow heads must keep them until his books, stock and ofllco materials are audited by the county commissioners, which is once a year. Now what is the county clerk going to do with the hundreds and hundreds of crow heads brought to his oftlce? Surely he cannot put them away in the safe with other valuables. Neither can he throw them away, for in that vent he would have to stand the bounty money from his own pocket. The result is that his office smells to high heaven, and even the. sale of marriage licenses has suffered a lump. And that is the reason the county Clerks of Indiana have signed a round robin and forwarded it to Governor Marshall, praying him to offer a solu tion, or at least appoint a commission for that end. MMMv for Milady's Wig famous Moy family, Moy Tong Geo and Moy Tong Hoy. all bowed with good grace before the power of the scissors. The hair is being shipped by tho Chinese to London where largo Eng lish hair dealers will convert it Into coiffures of tho latest fashions and of various shades, and then ship "real Imported" puffs back to American soil. The money which tho Chinese in this country will receive for tho hair Is to be sent back to China. Some time ago an edict was passed to the effect that all citizens or for mer citizens of China might cut off their queues or retain them as they saw fit. It was formerly one of the strictest laws of the country that every citizen must wear a queue, and those without them were not allowed to return to the empire on pain of severe punishment. In search. of a watch and ring which she claimed belong to her. But Mr. England woke up and gave her a slap In the face. She tried to go through his pockets again and testified that he gave her a kick in the back. Under cross-examination Mrs. England told that sho had struck her husband with a shoe. and they agreed to do what they could to effect a reconciliation. "But you must tell your client," ad monished Judgo Leo, -with a smile, in addressing Lawyer Cooney, "that sho must not go through her husband's pockets again. A man is justified in slapping his wife if she goes through. his pockets." WV this end in view, certain unusual structural features have been planned. such as a starting and landing track on tho roof, for flying machines, a lake 60 by 125 feet, also on the -roof. for the display of motor boats, and an enormous freight and passenger ele vator, 25 by 52, capable of carrying anl aeroplane, a 50-foot motor boat orl 400 persons at one trip. I The basement, which will have a very high ceiling, will contain a res taurant seating 6,000 or 7.000 persons and run on tho plan of the famous rathskellers of Berlin and Munich. The roof will be used as an open air garden in the summer. The lake is to ,be utilized as a skating rink in the winter. at the home of his daughter. A meeting of the directors of the new bank in Columbus, decided to give it the name of "German National Bank." News has reached Columbus that Norman Parks, a former Columbus boy, has purchased the Custer County Rcpublican, at Broken Bow. The Re publican has been a daily, but it is understood that Mr. Parks will dis continue the daily and publish a weekly. FSS! . .-vay--llF1