S, llii-fl( I ifd usatc. ; s. ; iga ef the Beat ef Eej !. Columbus, Neb., June. IS, 1911. The Board of Supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, met as a county board of equalization at' 9 o'clock, a. m., Hon. Louts Schwarz, chairman and John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following: members present: Supervisors Clother, Dasenbrock, Schaecher, Smith, Wilson; Chairman Schwarz, County Assessor Clark, and County Clerk Graf. Absent: Supervisor Schure. Moved by Supervisor Schaecher that the chair appoint a committee of three on equalization. Motion carried and the chair appointed as such committee Supervisors Schaecher, Smith and Wilson. Moved by Supervisor Dasenbrock that the chair appoint committee of three on complaints. Motion carried and Supervisors Dasenbrock, Clother and County Assessor Clark were ap pointed as such committee. Remaining: In session until 12 o'clock noon, the board of equaliza tion adjorned, reconvening: at 2 o'clock p. m. The complaints of Joseph Anselme and Fried rich Brunbober, considering: themselves aggrieved by excessive valuation of their real estate, were pre sented and read and on motion re ferred to the committee on complaints. Remaining- In session until S o'clock, p. m., the board of equalization then adjourned until 9 o'clock, a. m., tomor row. Columbus, Neb., June 14, 1911. The board of equalization, pursu ant to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock a. m., Hon. Louis Schwartz, chairman, John Graf, clerk and all members pres ent except Supervisor Schure. Remaining- in session until 12 o'clock noon, the board of equalization now adjourned, reconvening- at 2 o'clock, p. m. The following- was presented::: To the Board of Equalization of Platte County, Nebraska. Gentlemen:: Tour committee ap pointed for the purpose of equalizing assessments between townships for the year 1911, would report and rec ommend that the following- changes be made In order that a just and equit able assessment may be had, to-wlt: Add to assessed valuations of Prairie township, 13 per cent fl.392.00 Humphrey township, 17 per cent 1.517.00 Monroe township, 8 per cent.. 811.00 Joliet township, 5 per cent .... 601.00 WoodvIIle township. 7 per cent 788.00 Walker township, 2 per cent.. 364.00 Total additions 15.463.00 Deduct from assessed valuation of township, 6 per cent $1,073.00 Sherman township, 13 percent. 1,541.90 Butler township, 14 per cent.. 1,022.00 Loup township, 11 per cent.. 828.00 St. Bernard township, 8 per cent 1.197.00 Burrows township, 3 per cent. 349.00 Total deductions $6,010.00 Add to assessed valuation of cattle Columbus township, 8 per cent $1,155.00 Sherman township, C per cent. 553.00 Butler township, 6 per cent.. 374.09 Loup township, 10 per cent .. 462.00 Burrows township, 5 per cent 274.00 Joliet township, 9 per cent .. 576.00 St. Bernard township, 9 per cent 468.00 Total additions $3,862.00 Deduct from assessed valuation of cattle Shell Creek township, 6 per cent :.$ 535.00 Creston township, 10 per cent 939.00 Grand Prairie township. 14 per per cent 1.159.00 Oconee township, 6 per cent.. 251.00 Total deductions . . Grand total additions .. Grand total deductions ...$2,884.00 ...$9,325.00 ... 8,894.00 Net Increase 431.00 We recommend that the clerk be di rected to have the foregoing additions and deductions made on the assess ment books and papers and 'prepare the tax list in accordance therewith. Henry Schaecher, Daniel Wilson. Adam Smith. On motion of County Assessor Clark same was adopted. Remaining in session until 5 o'clock p. in., the board of equalization then adjourned until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Columbus, Neb., June 15. 1911. The board of equalization, pursuant to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock, a. m. Hob. Louis Schwarz, chairman; John Graf, clerk and all members present except Supervisor Schure. The following was presented: To the Board of Equalization of Platte County, Nebraska: Gentlemen: I have a piece of land In the southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section 24, town 17. range 1. west through which the rail road runs. They have taken 400 feet wide through the forty acres and yet the whole forty acres Is assessed to me at the same rate that land of much better quality is assessed. Will you please look into this and have the 12 acres taken by the railroad company deducted on the assessment booka from by forty acres and reduce the assessed valuation on same accordingly. Very respectfully E. A. GERRARD. "T5nmotion same was referred to the committee on complaints. The following was presented. Before the Board of Supervisors of Platte County, Nebraska, siting as a Board of Assessment Equaliza tion: Comes now the Telegram Company (incorporated), and complains to this Board of Equalization that the assess ment of Us property by the local as sessor for the year Is too high, in com parison with any and all other assess ments of property in the city of Co lumbus, and respectfully asking that this board may be pleased to reduce such assessment to such figure as in the fair judgment of the board will re sult In placing this complaint upon equal footing with other taxpayers In this city and county. Respectfully submitted. THE TELEGRAM COMPANY, By Edgar Howard. President. On motion same was referred to the committee on complaints. Remaining in session until 12 o'clock noon, the board of equalization then adjourned, reconvening at 2 o'clock, p. m. The complaints of the owners of the following property were reported, back by the committee on complaints, rec ommending reductions of the assessed valuations, same being adopted by the board of equalization as fallows: cut at Coiusabas Prledrldi stub Village of Humphrey Jos. Anselme, lots 3 and 4. block 8. Ottls Third ad dition; $i.im to $m.e . The communication of E. A. Gerrard representing that he Is the owaer of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 24, town 17, range 1 'west; that the railroad which runs through the forty acres has taken therefrom a strip of land 400 feet wide amounting to 12 acres and yet the whole forty acres Is assessed to him, and asking that this 12 acres be de ducted on the assessment books from the said forty acres and reduce the assessed valuation on same according ly, was reported back as follows: We your committee on complaints recommend that the prayer of E. A. Gerrard be granted and the assessed valuation reduced flW.SO. FRED DASENBROCK. SHELL CLARK. M. E. CLOTHER. On motion of Supervisor Schaecher same was adopted. .The following report was submitted: We. your committee on complaints In regard to the complaint of the Tele gram Company beg leave to submit the following report. In his com plaint Mr. Howard asserts that the assessment of the Telegram Company's property is too high In comparison with any and all other property in the city of Columbus: your committee de nies the correctness of this assertion as we do not think that the property of the Telegram Company Is listed higher than the average of the prop erty in the City of Columbus, and for this reason your committee would recommend that the prayer of the Tele gram Company be denied. FRED DASENBROCK, SHELL CLARK. M. E. CLOTHER. On motion of Supervisor Schaecher same was adopted. Moved by Supervisor Wilson that the board of equalization now adjourn un til August 22. 1911, at 9 o'clock, a. m. Motion carried. Columbus. Neb., Monday, p. m. June 12, 1911. The Board of Suepervlsors of Platte County. Nebraska, met In adjourned session at 2 o'clock p. m. Hon Louis Schwarz and John Graf, clerk. Roll call and following members present: Supervisors Clother, Dasenbrock, Schaecher. Smith, Wilson and Chair man Schwarz. Absent: Supervisor Schure. The minutes of the previous session of the board of supervisors were now read and approved. The following was presented to the board of supervisors: Gentlemen: Tou are hereby notified that a dangerous nuisance has been constructed In the public highway that runs north and south, between the north half, of the south half of sec tions 3 and 4. town 17. range 2 west, in Oconee township: That the north half of said sections are low and flat and a large amount of surface waters fall thereon and collect there from the higher grounds north and west and the natural outlet and flow therefrom Is toward the north and east. In which di rection said surplus waters have flowed from time Immemorial. That recently the owners of said low lands, or some one unknown to the undersigned, has opened a large and deep ditch upon the public highway from said low flat lands, across a ridge of higher lands for the purpose and with the Intent and which does and will divert said surface waters from their natural course along said highway, across said higher ground, and discharge them upon the lower lands lying south of said ridge to the j statute.' great damage of said highway and) "I do the adjoining properties. That the collecting and discharge of such surface waters during a wet sea son or In times of heavy rains will flood said lower lands along said highway. wl,l require expensive bridges and culverts to keep the highway passable and by reason of the grade such a large volume of water will tear out the selds of the road, re quire constant repairing and be a con tinuous nuisance and menace to the adjoining lands below, through which said waters will pass. That the undersigned are the own er sof said southwest quarter of sec tion 3 and part of southeast quarter of section 4, adjoining and brings this to your notice In their own interest as well as of the county and township and at the solicitation of all the other Interested parties, and asks that you abate said nuisance before serious damage accrues, which Is sure to fol low. Respectfully submitted, J. D. STIRES IRA GATES. Attorney J. D. Stries now addressed the board In support of the discontinu ance of the nuisance, whereup It was moved by Supervisor Smith that the town board of Oconee township and Road Overseer R. W. Fiefield. together with E. A. Gerrard and Clarence Ger rard shall be nottfled by the clerk of the board to appear before the board of supervisors on Friday. June 16. 1911, at 2 o'clock, p. m. to testify relative to the matter. Motion carried. The application, petition and bond of Frank M. Pawoll for a license to sell, malt, splrltous and vinous liquors in the town of Duncan, In Butler town ship, from the 15th day of June, 1911, to the 15th day of June( 1912, was pre sented and read and on motion re ferred to the committee on judiciary. After a brief Intermission the fol lowing report was submitted: Tour committee on judiciary to whom was referred the application, pe tition and bond of Frank M. Pawoll to sell malt, splrltous and vinous liquors in the town of Duncan In Platte county, Nebraska, would reporf that we find petition signed by the requisite number of free holders, that the same hase been published according to law as per affidavit of publication and we further find that the bond is suffici ent as to surety and form, therefore recommend that same be approved, that the amount of the license be fixed at $500.00 which amount has been paid to the county treasurer as per receipt attached and further recom mend that the license be granted as prayed for. HENRY SCHAECHER. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. The petition of J. C and regulating compensation of coat- pointed to view the lots along the Loap missloners of Insanity provides la part as follows: "The examination physic Ian shall be entitled to $5.00 for each case examined, and mileage at the rate of 10 cents per mile each way." Any person coming within the pro visions of the Dipsomaniac Law is legally speaking, a patient, and treat ment at the "Hospital for the Insane Is provided for. This being true, I am of the opinion that the examining phyV siclan is entitled to $5,00 for each case eaxamlned together with his mileage. However. I am of the opinion that said examining physician is not entitled to such pay unless a professional examin ation Is in fact made, and I would re commend that any claim by such phy sician for an examination fee be denied unless the claim shows that such pro fessional examination had been actual ly made. Respectfully submitted, C. N. McELFRESH. County Attorney. On motion same was ordered to be spread upon the record. The following was presented to the board of supervisors: Gentlemen: With reference to the sheriff retaining mileage collected or earned by him to cover his expenses for making trips and serving papers within his county, beg to report that Section 9437 regulating the fees of sheriffs and as amended, of Cobbeys Annotated Statutes for the year 1909, provides in part as follows: "Traveling expenses for each mile, actually and necessarily traveled, 5 cents." "Provided further, that the sheriff shall on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October of each year, make a report to the Board of County Commissioners or Supervisors, under oath, showing the different items of fees except mileage collected or earned from whom, at what time, and for what service and the total amount of fees collected or earned by such of ficer since the last report and also the amount collected or earned for the current year and he shall then pay all fees earned to the county treas urer." Section 9438 of said statute and as passed in 1907 and in force from April 5. 1907. places the sheriffs of the various counties upon a salary basis, the compensation- of the sheriffs prior to said act of 1907 being on a fee basis. As to the sheriff accounting for fees collected by him the Attorney General has rendered the following opinions based upon the foregoing sections of the statute: "The sheriff Is required to pay all fees earned to the county treasurer. except the fees as allowed for board ing prisoners and conveying state convicts to the state penitentiary. "In addition to their fixed salaries sheriffs are not entitled to any fees excepting for the care of prisoners." "Under the amendment of 1907, the sheriff must report the items of fees except mileage either collected or earned and the total amount of fees collected and earned. Including mile age and pay over to the county all fees earned including mileage." "The Attorney General has further held: "The sheriff is limited to the sal ary provided by law. For such salary he must perform all duties relating to his office. I do not thtnk the law con templates reimbursing the sheriff for expenses incurred for service of papers or for making arrests in his county. Evidently the legislature intended that the sheriff furnish his own means of conveyance for the salary fixed by the Dawson and others for the location of a public road, 40 feet In width, commencing at the southwest corner of section 12, towa 17, range 2 west and running thence east on section line, was presented and read on motion referred to the com mittee on roads and bridges. The report- of the appraisers ap pointed to assess the damages sus tained by the location of the "Baum gart Road" in Granville township, was on motion referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The following was presented to the board of supervisors: Gentlemen: With reference to the pay of the physician as one of the Commissioners of Insanity for the pro fessional examination of patients un der an act of the legislature commonly known as the Dipsomaniac Act, beg to Cltr Of COIUBIBHS newricji - t w. i. c ..d a block 191: S1M.M state that Section ltttt of Cobby o not thinK the sheriff, is en titled to charge or retain mileage for conveying patients to the Insane Asylum, hut I am of the opinion the legislature did not intend to Impose upon him the hardship of paying his own railroad fare and actual expense incurred in conveying an insane per son to the asylum. This is a service performed outside of the county and I think the county board of each county would be justified In reimbursing the sheriff to the extent of his actual ex penses Incurred in performing this service. In view of the foregoing and from a careful examination of the statute, it is my opinion that the sheriff is obliged to pay all fees earned or col lected.' including mileage, to the county treasurer, from and since April 5, 1907, except fees for the boarding of pris oners, and that he cannot retain the mileage collected or earned by him to cover expenses incurred in the per formance of any duty arising within his office and within his county. It Is my opinion that for any services per formed outside of his county, such as conveying convicts to the penitentiary and Insane persons to the asylum, he is entitled to not more than his actual expenses. Respectfully submlted. C. N. McELFRESH, County Attorney. On motion same was ordered to be spread upon the record. On motion all bills and official bonds on file with the clerk of the board were referred to appropriate commit tees. Moved by Supervisor Schaecher that the board of supervisors now adjourn until Friday, June 16, at 9 o'clock a. m. Motion carried. Columbus, Neb. June 16. 1911. The board of supervisors pursuant to adjournment met at 9 o'clock a. m. Hon. Louis Schwarz, chairman and John Graf, clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother. Dasenbrock. Schaecher. Schure. Smith, Wilson and Chairman Schwarz. The petition of D. S. Hayes and oth ers for the location of a public road 40 feet In width, commencing at the southeast corner of section 34, town 20. range 3, west and running thence west on section line, same being the township line between Joliet and St. Bernard townships, and terminating at the Intersection with the "Dunlap Road" on the south line of the south east quarter of section 33, town 20. range 3 west, was presented and read and on motion refered to the commit tee on roads and bridges. The petition of D. S. Hayes and oth ers for the location of a public road. 40 feet in width, commencing at sta tion 11 of the "Walker Road" and Its intersection with the west line of sec tion 3. town 19. range 3 west, and run ning thence north on section line and terminating at the northeast corner of section 33, town 20, range 3 west, was presented and read and on motion re ferred to the commltte eon roads and bridges. The remonstrance of Anton Pinkos and others against the location of a public road commencing at the north west corner of section 28, town 17, range 3 west, and running thence south on section line, for the reason that the location of a road on said sec tion line would be too expensive for the township, was presented and read and on motion referred to the commit tee on roads and bridges. The following report was saeaUttea: We, year committee ea judiciary ap- rlver la the city of Columbus, which were stricken from the tax list In August 1907 oa account of same being la the river would report, that we find that all of said lots are outside of the river at present and we would recom mend that the same be re-entered on the tax list by the county, cleric as follows: Lot 8. block 193. Lots 5. 6. 7. and 8. block 194. Lots 5. 6. 7 and 8. block 223. Lots 1. 2 and 5. block 224. Lots 1 and 2. block 239. Lots 1. 2. 5 and 7. block 231. Lots 3. 7 and 8, block 232. Lots 3 . 4. 5 and 6. block 255. Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 256. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4 and S. block 257. Lots 1 and 2, block 261. Lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 262. Lots 3 and 4. block 263. Columbus out lots 1 and 2. Land In city limits, part of S. W. of N. E. of section 39-17-1E. 1 acre. Respectfully submitted . HENRY SCHAECHER, J. F. SCHURB. DANIEL WILSON. On motion of Supervisor Smith same was adopted. The following was presented to the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: In order to terminate the controversy In the case of A. M. Weldner vs. Platte county, the under signed claimant proposes to accept In settlement of all demands therein made the sum of $43.50 and to pay all costs of suit. A. M. WEIDNER, By A. M. Post, his attorney. On motion same was ordered to be spread upon record. The following resolution was Intro duced by Supervisor Sachaecher: Be it resolved that the proposition of A. M. Weldner in case of Weldner vs. Platte county be accepted and that warrant be drawn on the 1910 county genral fund In favor of the clerk of the district court for the sum of $43.50 in full settlement thereof, the said clerk to deduct all costs and pay the balance to said claimant. On motion of Supervisor Dasenbrock same was adopted. The following bills were on motion allowed by the board and the clerk di rected to issue warrants In payment of same on the county general fund: August Boettcher, assessor, city of Columbus $150.00 John J. Galley, assessor, city of Columbus 165.00 R. T. Lico. assessor, Columbus township 141.00 Siebert Helbel. assessor Bisraark township 122.00 Ed Lueschen, assessor Sherman township 78.90 F. E. Belknapp, assessor Creston township 82.75 W. F. Dodds, assessor Shell Creek 106.60 George Fehringer, assessor. Grand Prairie township .. 92.50 Joseph F. Muff, assessor Humph rey township 132.20 E. J. Ernst, assessor Butler town ship 118.80 J. E. Matter, assessor. Lost Creek township 133.21 A. C. Leas, assessor Burrows township 106.00 T. D. Robinson, assessor Gran ville township - 143.25 Charles Kelley, assessor Oconee township 99.09 O. L. Crawford, assessor Mon roe township 100.00 Rhine Rade. assessor Joliet town ship 97.00 P. J. Schaecher. assessor St Bernard township 164.09 Albert Hurner, assessor. Loup township 57.60 Allen J. Bennett, assessor Wood vIIle township 94.99 Ed. Peterson, assessor Walker township 141.00 E. J. Ernst, assessor Butler township 3.90 John Schmocker assistant to county assessor 183.09 C. N. McElfresh, salary, etc., 2nd quarter 231.00 C. M. Gruenther. C. D. C, costs May term district court 103.15 C. M. Gruenther. C. D. C, costs insanity cases 55.25 C. M. Gruenther. C. D. C, costs, state vs. Bishop 9.00 Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff, board ing prisoners 21.50 Henry C. Lachnit. sheriff, cash advanced 10.05 Wm. O'Brien, J. P., costs state vs. Jos Mostek 6.35 Wm. O'Brien, J. P.. costs, state vs. Ferdinand Voight 8.10 Louis Barjenbruch, juror district court 3.80 John Lake, juror district court.. 4.00 Oscar Eng, juror district court 8.50 August Schack. witness. Insanity of Frank Walrath 2.10 C. L. Lund.wltness, insanity of Renholn Renson 2.10 Gertrude Carlson, witness. In sanity of Renholn Renson.. 2.10 J. J. Classen, witness. Insanity of John Fitzsimmons 5.20 Dr. B. Tlesing. commissioner of insanity 40.00 Wm. M. Cornelius, commissioner of insanity 15.00 W. N. Hensley, def. counsel, state vs. George Bishop 10.00 Joseph F. Muff, constable, costs taking Oiga Kuehn to jail 8.39 John Moffett, registrar 2.75 R. P. Drake, registrar 8.00 John Schmocker. registrar .. .. 24.55 C E. Wagner, registrar 1.50 F. .J Smith, registrar 5.09 Henry Gass, Jr., registrar 3.29 Joseph Bender, appraiser 2.80 Joseph Lachnit, appraiser 2.80 John Hugg, appraiser 2.80 Chas. Schueth, J. P.. swearing ap praisers 1.00 Tribune Printing Co., subscrip tions 10.90 Paul Becker, short hand work.. 4.75 City of Columbus, water rent.. 8.08 Rothltetner St Co., mdse. for county 1.80 Hammond 4k Stephens Co., sup plies for county 20.25 H. A. Phillips, typewriter re- pairs ........ 2.50 Hammond Printing Co.. re-allow ance of warrant 14.00 Henry Huteman. re-allowance of wararnt 2.40 Louis Held, Co. Trees., cash ad vanced 123.90 Henry Blermann Commissioner on Brodball road 2.70 J. E. Dlschner. auto for super visors .... ................ 12.00 Arnold Nyffeler, corn cobs for court house 1.50 Henry Gass, office fixtures for county 26.90 John Grossnicklaus, refunding erroneous tax paid 12.00 Klopp 4k Bartlett Co., supplies for county 26.30 Col. Printing St Spec. House, sup plies for county 1.50 Hamond 4k Stephens Co.. sup-. piles for county 21.50 Wilson Chemical Co.. supplies for county 6.09 Smith Premier Typewriter Co., supplies for county 7.49 Humphrey Democrat. pubL pre ceding aad supplies 12.99 Telegram Compear. subL pro ceedings aad bar docket .. 68.45 Nebraska Blene, pubi. proced- lugs 11.78 Henry C Lachnit, "sher.. salary for May and June 259.94) Mark Burke, dep. sher.. salary for may aad June 149.99 Fred S. Lecron.'Co. SupL. sal ary for May and Jane .... Z33.S9 John Graf, Co. Clk, salary as Co. Clerk 2d quarter $375.99 John Graf, Co. Clk.. salary as clerk of board 2d quarter 199.09 John Graf, Co. Clk, cash ad vanced 16.39 Fred S. Lecorn, Co. Supt, cash advanced 8.69 Nebraska Telephone Co., Tele phone service for county.. 78.25 Platte Co, Ind. Tel Co, telephone service for county 14.25 Col. Light H. and Power Co.. light at court house 22.69 G. W. Davles. janitor, salary April 12 to June 12 61.99 Platte Center Signal, pfb. pro ceedings JA 1S.SS The following bills Wn oa motion allowed by the board and the clerk di rected to Issue warrants la payment thereof on the county poor fund: John Ernst, supt, salary for May and June $129.99 C. C. Moore, hauling hogs from county farm 2.09 William J. Voss. hand shelter for County Farm 8.49 Fred Ellas, butchering and cur ing meat, county farm .... 11.99 Rothleltner Co., mdse. for county farm 16.59 Columbus Roller Mills, flour and shorts for county farm .... 23.55 John F. Settje. care of poor for county farm 66.90 L. W. Weaver 4k Son, coal for poor s.75 T. B. Hord Grain Co., coal for poor 3.03 W. F. Schram, mdse. for poor . . 28.00 Peter Koslowskl, medse. for poor 10.09 Christlanson 4k Co., mdse. for poor 4.99 H. F. Grelner. mdse for poor .... 5.69 Frischhols Bros., mdse. for poor 21.71 Louis Held. Co. Treas., cash ad vanced 3.46 The following bill was on motion allowed by the board and the clerk di rected to issue warrant In payment of same on the Carrlg 4k Jewell Drain age Ditch fund: Standard Bridge Co.. balance on flood gate $ 80.00 On motion of Supervisor Smith the board of supervisors now adjourned until 2 o'clock this p. m. Pursuant to the adjournment the board of supervisors reconvened at 2 o'clock. Hon. Louis Schkarz. chair man, and John Graf, clerk, and all members present. This being the fixed date by the board of supervisors for the town board of Oconee township and others to appear before this board to testify relative to the complaint made by J. D. Stires and Ira E. Gates In regard to the ditch constructed upon the pub lic highway that runs north and south betwen the north half of the south half of section 3 and 4, town 17, range "2, west. John Gibbon. C. W. Hollngshead and Charles Kelley. constituting the towa board of Oconee township now ap peared before the board of supervisors and testified relative to the mater. J. D. Stires. E. A. Gerrard. W. E. Beck with. J. C Dawson. Clarence Gerrard. C H. Chapin and others also testified in reference thereto. At the conclusion of the testimonies, it was moved by Supervisor Dasen brock that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole. Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Clother that the committee of the whole, together with the county attorney, proceed to view and Investigate the ditch tomorrow forenoon. Motion carried. The following was presented by the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: We the town board of Oconee township respectfully ask that you have the road surveyed, running east and west through the center of section 5. town 17. range 2 west, being a part of the Genoa and Columbus road. C. W. HOLLINGSHEAis. Chairman. JOMN GIBBON. Clerk. On motion of Supervisor Wilson the request was granted. The following was presented to the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: In the Interest of the western part of Platte county. It Is proposed to construct a steel wagon bridge across the Loup river In said county at a point south of the village of Monroe at a cost estimated by the state engineer of $35,900. Five thous and dollars of which has been sub scribed by private Individuals. By the provisions of the law passed by the last legislature, we understand that the state will bear one half -of cost of bridges of this character. If recom mended, by the county board, this com mittee therefore respectfuiy ask the county board to make the necessary recommendation and file application with the state commissioner of irriga tion for the funds required. It Is also proposed as a means of raising funds to bond the townships of Oconee and Loup for the sum of $9,000. Believing that a bridge constructed at Monroe would be of great benefit to the whole of the western part of Platte county, we respectfully ask for an appropriation of $3,009 from Platte county for aid In the construction of this bridge. In case the cost of the bridge should fall short of present es timates the districts and county shall share equally In the advantage. WM. WEBSTER. L. FRANKLIN. JOHN GIBBON. Moved by Supervisor Wilson that the board of supervisors take the matter under advisement. Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Schure that the sheriff be directed to submit his quar terly reports In regard to mileage and fees received at the next session of the board. Motion carried. Moved by Supervisor Schaecher that the chair appoint a committee of three to make semi-annual settlement with the county treasurer. Motion carried and the chair appoint ed as such committee. Supervisors Schaecher. Smith and Schure. Moved by Supervisor Smith that the hoard of supervisors now adjourn un til June 19. 1911. at 2 o'clock p. m. Mo tion carried. Columbus. Neb., June 19. 1911. The board of supervisors pursuant to adjournment met at 2 o'clock, p. m. Hon. Louis Schwarz, chairman and ToVi Graf. Clerk. Roll called and following members present: Supervisors Clother Dasen brock. Schaechr. Smith. Wilson and Chaltman Schwartz. Absent: Supervisor Schure. The following official bonds on re commendation of the Judiciary com mittee were oa motion approved by the board: Joe C Kilmer, road overseer. Cres ton towashlp. Joha Jaspers, road overseer, St Ber nard township. M. I Vaa Allen, road overseer, Oce-. aee towaaalp. a I Haven't You j Been Expecting I To tart a bank account? Been trying to save an J aaaount sufficient to "make a good start?" I The ''small purchase temptation7' makes it very hard to accum ulate any certain sum by keeping' money in your pocket or hiding it around the house probably that has been YOUR trouble. This Bank accepts deposits for $1.00 and up why not come in and open an account with us NOW LET THE BANK UELP YOU SAVE-it is the only SAFE way. Tke excellent service in banking lines we have to offer is the backbone of our invitation to you. The First National Bank Columbus, Nebraska The Oldest and Largest National Bank in Platte County (50LUMBUS SUITATORIUM C F'SISSEL, Proprietor Headquarters for Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Niewohner Bid?., 13th St. GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER TOT Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this summer to eastern cities. They are 90-day tourist rates to New York, Atlantic City, Boston, Mont real, Portland, Buffalo, and other places; slightly higher 60-day limit tourists rates to many of these cities; there are diverse tours via Old Point Comfort, thence ocean voyage to New York and Boston; this tour recently introduced by the railroads has become one of the most popular tours of American travel. TO THE WEST. Daily excursion fares to COLORADO, YELLOWSTOWNE PARK, BIG HORN MOUNTAIN RESORTS, BLACK HILLS, PACIFIC COAST, also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive localities in one tour. Call or write for leafletsdescribing any tour you ex pect to make. L. F. RECTOR, TICKET AGENT, Columbus, Nebr. L. W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. Kffi9 10.60 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 r. 00 The following; bills were on motion allowed by the board and the clerk directed to Issue warrants In payment of same on the county general fund: Henry Gass, Jr.. Cor., viewing body of John E. RIersal ...$ 5.10 Henry Gass. Jr.. Cor., Inquest on Geo. B. Mayborn J. S. Haney. juror. Inquest on Geo. B. Mayborn David Schupbach, juror same .. Thos. S. Jaworskl. juror, same.. Geo. W. Davles, juror, same .... Hugo Schad, juror, same William V. Joss, juror, same .. Henry C. Lachnit, sher., salary balance for April, May and June Brunken St Haney, mdse. for couiiiy E. N. Walde. mdse. for county.. John Branigan, autos for super visors 16.50 John Nansel, re-allowance on warrant 3.00 Wm. Nansel. re-allowance on warrant 3.00 The folowing bills were on motion allowed by the board and the clerk directed to Issue warrants in payment of same on the county poor fund: E. N. Walde. mdse. for county farm I 28.41 Brunken St Haney, mdse for county farm 4.37 Nels Hansen, mds. for poor . 25.00 Louis Schwarz, sup., cash ad vanced 13.50 The following bills were on motion allowed by the board and the clerk directed to Issue warrants in payment of same on the county road and bridge funds: Joe Fangman, ac, Granville township I 10.50 Wm. Groeger. ac, Granville township 10.00 Arnold Nyffeler, ac. Columbus township 28.30 Ed Bacon, ac. Lost Creek town ship 10.50 C. C. Doody, ac. Lost Creek township 10.C0 Wm. Nansel, ac, Monroe town- William Soulllere. ac, Lost Creek township . . ............. Chas. Lease, ac. Lost Creek township . . ............. Ira Bacon, ac. Lost Creek town ship Standard Bridge Co., ac. Shell Creek township L. F. Gottschalk. ac. Lost Creek township . . ............. Fred Schulte. ac, Shell Creek township . . ............. Geo. A Hoagland, ac, City of Columbus . . 131.08 Crowell Lumber St Grain Co.. ac, Sherman twp 180.00 Austin Western Company, ac. Creston twp. - 231.00 Joseph Keller, ac, Humphrey township 17.23 Tom Van Dyke, ac, Humphrey township 14.50 Jos. Jaworskl. ac. Grand Prai rie township H-00 John Labenz, ac. Granville twp.. 4.00 Henry Folz, ac. Granville twp.. 12.00 Josenh Bender, ac. Granville township 6-25 Nebraska Culvert St Mfg Co.. ac. Sherman township 626.00 L. F. Gottschalk, ac. Burrows township 16-30 Standard Bridge Co., ac. Lost Creek township 95.80 Joseph Keller, ac. Humphrey township 124.37 Louis Bender, ac, Granville twp. 5.30 John Jaworskl, ac. Grand Prai rie township 3.50 John Brudney, ac. Grand Prai rie townsiph 76.50 Nebraska Culvert St Mfg. Co., ac. Creston township 498.80 Andrew Magsamen. ac. Grand Prairie, township 64.36 The following was presented to the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned elec tors of Oconee township would 9p j ffi 4--7U-- TURN ON THE WATER in the bathroom after we have pro nounced it all ri;lit. There will be no danger of leak? or any waiting for water. A MODERN BATHROOM put in by real sanitary plumbers will save its cots in doctor's bills every year. l.etV put one in for you while you are reiiovatiu your house this Spring-. A. DTJSSELL & SON 34.30 3.50 2.00 9.00 95.80 16.30 18.00 Charles II. Campbell M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE ami THROAT Glares Fitted Both Phones COLUMBUS, NKB. W. M. CORNELIUS Attorney-at-Law Commercial Bank liuildinir COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA DR. F. H. MORROW Physician and Surgeon Office New Luschen Building COLUMBUS, NEB. Bell Phone Red 12 Ind. Rhone 12 C. N. MCELFRESH ATTORN E V- AT-L A W Post Office Block COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA COLUMBUS Continued on Page Saves MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the Very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S.E.KARTY&CO. TMlt,n o,L - Cotaabna,Nah. V f U flit. cn tatibj for the year 1999 1 t r -r - - et