The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 21, 1911, Image 7

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State Apcorcicnmeni cf Funds.
Superintendent Lecron has made
the following apportionment of funds
received from the state for the vari
ous school districts in the county.
county. The amount received from
the state was 56.775.72. and 3100 was
added to it from Snes and licenses m
the county which makes the total
snm 5G.S7S.7f. Of this amount, one
fourth is diiidd equally among all
the districts in the county, and the
remaining thn-e-fourths is divided ac
cording to th number of pupils in
each district. Under this apportion
ment there are 6.749 children of
school age to participate in the divi
sion among tile seventy-nine districts
of th county.
The foikiwmg is the table showing
tbr- amount fur each district:
1 1 413 41 5 aS 27
- 04 Zi 42 ... . 5i 05
You Will Find Us Bet
ter Equipped than
Ever to Attend to your
Wants in
Electric Lighting
Electric Irons
Light, Heat and
Power Co..
3 37 S3
4 43 17
5 75 2S
5 38 59
7 91 33
8 60 75
9 63 03
10 82 16
11 70 69
12 53 11
i.J . . o
14 66 10
15 70 69
16 74 51
17 49 2S
IS 53 46
19 84 45
20 66 10
21 99 74
22 56 17
23 59 99
24 165 43
25 64 58
26 .. .. 54 64
27 63 11
2? 69 93
29 ... . 151 72
10 96 68
31 47 76
32 31 39
33 124 96
34 53 S7
35 50 82
36 51 58
37 40 11
38 91 33
39 57 70
40 31 36
43 55 40
44 So 21
45 41 64
46 63 SI
47 44 70
48 58 46
49 59 99
50 121 14
51 39 99
52 63 IS
53 50 05
54 71 46
55 50 82
56 70 69
57 43 17
58 42 41
59 53 87
60 71 46
61 63 81
62 57 70
63 73 75
64 69 16
65 4 58
66 49 29
67 321 42
68 S3 05
69 "1 46
70 76 81
71 58 46
72 49 29
-n 40 41
4 T
74 33 87
75 59 99
75 147 90
77 50 82
7S 49 29
79 59 93
God Move la a Mysterious Way. . .
"The Wondrous Cross" Choir
There is a Fountain Duet
Mrs. J. Janing and Mrs. F. Kersen
brock. Take my Life Choir
There is a Land Solo... Hazel From.
Shall We Gather Congregation
Nearer Mr God to Thee Duet
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Erskine
How Sweet the Xame. .Congregation
Abide With Me Solo Otto Knmpf
Moment by Moment Choir
Jesus Lover of My Soul Quartette
All Hail the Power Congregation
This is a delightful service for all
classes and a royal welcome for ev
erybody. CHAS. W. RAY. Pastor.
lT fch. M 1 Lf
Take Advantage ef a Columbus Citi
zen's Experience Before
It's Too Late.
For the Week Ending June 21st, 1911.
W cv te ai who aesire choice
"' u&. -in. j t.f very best cuts of
1. .iht-r meats to cali at our
marset -n Eleventh street. We
a -o hac-iie poultry and dh and
ovstrT1- .n s-ai-n.
Letters D. C. Barrett. Clarence
Curtis. J. F. Feaster 3t, Julian Hinde
man. Miss Edna Miller P. P. Par
grove. Elmer R. Pearson. Walter Ru
fenacht. George T. Scott. State Train
ing Association. Forest Woodbeck.
Mrs. Sarah L. Willis.
Cards Miss Min Bills. E. E.
Brown. Flossie Carpenter. Anton
Guss. Miss Edna Miller. Robert
Spires 2t. State Training Associa
tion. Miss Sarah Shaad. Forest Wood
beck. Parties calling for any of the above
will please say "advertised."
T-lpnoce No. 1. - Columbus, Neb.
Methodist Church Notes.
Sunday School begins at 9:45. Ser
mon topic for the congregation is.
Measured by the Deeds of Life" Ep
worth League at 7 p. m.
In the evening our choir will give a
sacred Sonz Concert.
to your account in th savingsbank
i a step toward independence and
comfort. So when you open an ac
count ax this bank, don't wait for
big- amounts to add to it.
are more apt to mount up quicker
than larger ones made less frequent
ly. Can't you guess why?
6. W. PHILLIPS. Caskisr
, When the back begins to ache,
! Don't wait until backache becomes
1 chronic;
Till serious kidney troubles develop;
Till urinary troubles destroy night's
Profit by a Columbus citizen's ex
perience. Mrs. F. Gerber. 201 Seventh street.
I Columbus. Nebraska, says: "I had an
I acute pain in the small of my back
and I could hardly get around or arise
after sitting. My back seemed to
give out entirely and at night it was
all I could do to turn over in bed. I
would lie in one position as long as I
could and then to change, I would
have to shift my self by degrees and
very carefully, as every quick move
ment caused sharp pains. I always
felt tired, had no ambition and did
not eat well. Dizzy spells annoyed me
and a distressing kidney weakness
was present. When Doaa's Kidney
Pills were recommended to me, I pro
cured a box and in a couple of days
after beginning their use, I noticed
improvement. I continued to get bet
ter steadily and after I had finished
the contents of one box of Doaa's
Kidney Pills, not a symptom of my
former trouble remained. Doan's
Kidney Pills toned up my entire sys
tem and since using them. I have felt '
like a different person."
For sale by all dealers. Price 30
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Foley's Kidney Remedy
Is particularly recommended for
chronic cases of kidney and bladder
trouble. It tends to regulate and con
trol the kidney and bladder action
and is healing, strong and bracing
For sale by all druggists.
Any persons having any claims or
bills against the CoIumbu3 Printing
and SDecialtv House, or against Rich
ard Ramey are kindly requested to j
present the same for payment imme-!
diately. ;
Professor C. E. Collett. who has
served as principal of the Columbus
high school during the past year, left
this week for Lincoln, where he will
remain during the summer at the sum
mer school of the state university.
Next. fall he wilt assume his duties as
superintendent of the citystfhools at
Fairmont. His many friends in Col
umbiiswill wish him every sifccess in
his new field. -
Mr. and Mrs. L.-. PL, 3HIr, of Punx
sutawney, Pennsylvania, who have
been guests at the home of William
Connor for the past three weeks, re
turned Monday to their home. This
was their first visit to the west, and
they report themselves as very much
pleased with their trip.
O. It used to b that the election cigar
Filled my soul with a burden of gloom.
But there's ona thing that discounts the
cabbage by Jar
IV a the
And the ra-ta-ta-teedle
And zoam-a-zizn-zani
And r!ddle-de-reedla
And boom-1-ty-bam
Or the band on tne wagon that rolls down
the street
And appeals- to the voter with blaring and
la zny youth I would writhe at the sight
of a torch
Which appealed to the patriot's soul.
And the bonfire which blazed, all our
faces to scorch
Was not quite Ilka the
And the roo-too-te-toodle
And zum-a-zoom-sum
And Jlppy-kiooodle
And blngtty-bum
Of the band that la hauled down the.
chief thoroughfare
To convince all the voters with crash and
with blare.
O. I yarn for conviction. I want to de
cide By the strict rales of logic, you see.
But I rise with a rage that will not be
At the
And the squeakiry-squeedls
And blammlty-bllm
And tootledy-teedle
And aum-a-sazn-slm
Of the band that assists me In getting
things straight
And choosing the man who's the right
SO. 2807
at Cohimbus. in the State of Nebraska,
at tbr close of buainevi. June 7th. IUI 1
Loans and Discounts JO nti-v
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. tl.-CUit
V : Bonds to secure circulation. . .S.iUio.
Other Bonds to secure P01t.1l Sartngv
Dt-ponlts (. Pretnintn) 5.177 77,
Premiums 00 U S Bonds . JSuuu
Bonds. securities, etc . . a0S7.3O
Banking txoux. furniture and fixtures JD.yui.0u !
Other real estate owned luaiouo'
Due from National Banks "
(not reserve agenta) . ... ILt.IiS7.7iJ I
Due from State Bonis, and I
Bankers iOulCu
tme rnim approved reserve
arenta. ....... . . ... .. Uii.k3 54
Cheeks and otnerca&a items 1. 113.1)
Exchanges for cleann ho- '4547
Notes of other Nauouai
Banks 72fti)
Fractional paper currency
nickels, and cents ... JT7 HI
Lawvci. Moxet Rjsserve
tN Bask, viz:
Specie !T.ift
Leital tender notes 4.H7HU0
Redetnpuon fund with C. S.
Trt-urtr (5 per cnt of
circulation) 1.7M.00
Du from r S. Treasurer " HO.U) 186.979 86
Natioaal Bilks
are safe phets
Total .
Capital stock paid in ."ii.uuaoii
Surplus fund i.iC0)
Undivided prunt-s, less expenses and
taxes paid . 7-2TI.M
National Bank notes outstanding . .. 3T..iHiun
Due to other National
Bants ... ii.vE9.yu
Du to State and Private
Banks and Bankers .. . aftlsiu:
Individual deposits vibjecs
10 cheek littTtS
Demand certificates of de
p4v.1t J 27i33
Time certitlcatei of deposit 35."74i
Cashiers checks outstand
ing ii!4. i7492.043.8l
.LAWS, as well as most
i them so.
We desire to call your atten
tion to the annexed statement of
this bank, showing our usual
that your deposit la always ready
for you.
Careful conservative manage
ment under a capable Board of
Directors, alive to their duties
and trust as Bankers makes your
money absolutely safe with us.
Total Jrtttai? :5
State of Nebraska. County of Platte, v.:
F. A. R. Miller. Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. A. R. Milleh. Cashier
l J H. Galley 1
Correct Attest- Jacob fjpten -Directors
I P F. Luehsinuer I
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day or June. 1!! I ,
AUC.CST Wh.xer
Notary Public
The First National Bank,
The Oldest and Largest National Bank a Platte Cocnty
Columbus Automobile Club
DR. N. MATZEN, Secretary
Columbus, Nebr., June 21, 1911,
Dear Sir:
This letter I send to you is going to-day to every automobile owner in
Platte County, also to the county Supervisors, Mayors of the different
towns and other prominent men who we think will be interested in the Good
Road Movement
Numerous so called good road meetings have been held where no doubt all
intentions were good, but lacking experienca and a systematic way of secur
ing results not very much has been accomplished, but we are going to have a
meeting here in Columbus at the North Opera House Monday, June 26th, at 2
?. M. , that means something to you if you want to see better roads in Platte
Mr. D. E. Watkins of Omaha, Secretary of Nebraska State Automobile
Association, will be with us and explain to you Just what method we shall
follow to get results. At this meeting all car owners will be asked to Join
the Columbus Automobile Club, which in turn will be affiliated with the
State Association as well as the American Automobile Association. The
National Association assisted by every state association have started a
National road movement, which you no doubt realize cannot be a howling suc
cess without the assistance of the local clubs in whose locality they are
working. 12 counties in the state of Nebraska have been organized by Mr.
Watkins Who is to continue this work until every county in the state has"
teen visited.
At this Columbus meeting he wants to organise Platte County, and we
have promised him a good attendance of good Road Boosters from all over the
County, and we want you to attend this meeting. Do you know that every
year the Automobile owners of Platte County will pay into the Good Road
funds more than twice as much money as it "will require lo drag two trans
county roads.
Our idea first is to lay out a road running from the East to the West
county line, and one running from the North to the South county line and
then extend this until all leading roads of the county are included. ' Mr.
Watkins will go into details of this movement at this meeting, and I assure
you that his plans are very practical. We don't ask for any subscription
our license fees and county road funds are sufficient. We have the money
he has the plan. Now, come to this meeting, and let us get together and
make Platte County roads as good as the best.
Don't lay this letter aside and leave it to some one else, come your
self, and bring some one with you if you are interested in Good Roads and
really want them. Now, is the proper time to act, it makes no difference
whether you are an automobile owner or not ; whether you are a farmar or a
merchant, good roads mean much to all of us, and understand this this
movement is not for the benefit of Columbus but for Platte County the
North as well as the South, so come and represent your vicinity, and get
your share. "
Very respectfully yours,
tTae above is a lae-amilie of the letter sent to automobile ovsezs o? Platte County)
Obed Anged of East Liverpool, Ohio,
ays be -sill sot have bis hair cut until
the Probibltioniata elect a president.
He Is bald.
J. P. Ccnnery of Melville, Minn., al--nrays
eata cream on his oatmeal for
Otis Bales of Greenwood. Ind.. has
cot had a tooth pulled for thirty years.
Irene Rivers, an eighteen year old
girl of MtUersburg. Pa has never
wanted to go on the stage.
John Jones, the oldest inhabitant of
Alexandria, Va., can remember noth
ing: about George Washington.
William Pria of Selma, Ala ran
away ten years ago to make his for
tune. Ee has not yet returned.
Mrs. Pearlie Fridgett of Conners
ville, Ind., claims to have been th&
first woman in that state to adopt the
style of sticking out the little finger
while holding a teacup.
Henry Glllingwater of Burlington,
Ia is said to be a perfect double of
King Edward, although Mr. Gllling
water never saw the king.
Elmer Shope of Wheeling, W. Va..
says he does not know how the gov
ernment should dig the Panama canal.
Arthur Allen of Elkhart, Ind., Is
heading a movement against fly fish
ing. He says there is no sense in
catching flies.
Your Neighbor's Experience.
How you may profit by it. Take Fo
ley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whiting.
360 Willow street, Akron. Ohio, says:
"For some time I had a very serious
case of kidney trouble and I suffered
with backache and dizzy headaches. I
had specks floating before my eyes
and I felt all tired out and miserable.
r saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised
and got a bottle and took them, ac
cording to directions and results
showed almost at once. The pain and
dizzy headaches left me, my eye-sight
became clear and today I can say I
am a well w omaa, thanks to Foley Kid
ney Pills." For sale by all druggists.
Gacd-by, Stiver Polish.
No more rubbing or scrubbing with
Silver Polish. Common baking soda
and table salt, used with the galvanic
cleaning pan. does the work like
magic, prolongs the life of your sil
ver and saves time and labor. Ed. J.
Dr. W. R. Neumarker OfHce with
Dr. C. D. Evans. West side Park.
Dr. E. H. Naumann, dentist.
A new time table went into effect
on the Union Pacific last Sunday,
changing the time of a number of
trains materially. We would suggest
that any on intending to travel on
the main line would note carefully
the changes made in the time table
as published Fn another columa, and
which has been revised this week.
Dr. H. Arnold, office on ground
floor. Meridian hotel annex.
Couldnt Find It.
The meighbors having dropped in
informally upon the Suthrons during
the evening, Mrs. Suthron suggests
that if her husband will gather some
mint from the mint bed in the gar
den she will mix for them a genuine
Kentucky Julep. Mr. Suthron. who
has indulged in a matter of seven or
eight genuine Kentucky Juleps prior
to the arrival of the guests, goes will
ingly in search of the desired gar
nishment for the drink. He remains
im the garden quite a while, and final
ly the others go out to ascertain
what causes the delay.
"Why dont you bring the mint la,
dear?" hi wife calls.
From somewhere in the darkness
comes the testy response:
"Jane, I've eaten my way twice
around this lot. I've chewed gerani
um leaves, grass, catnip, tulips,
ontoas, sage and burdock, but blamed
if I caa. find a sprig of mint anywhere!"
Official Wit-
These letters were entirely un
called for," says the clerk in" the dead
letter office, indicating a bunch of un
claimed missives.
As a result of the uproarious cachin
nafioa that ensued there were any
nsaober of prosKKlons for the good of
the service.
Ten minutes' time will clean all the
silverware you have, no matter how
black or tarnished. Practically no la
bor, makes it white as new Galvanic
silver cleaning pans at Xlewohner's,
IL25 to fo.06.
For Sale A nice lot of Barred Ply
moatjt Rock chickens and chicks;
also. chicken paraphernalia. Call at
oncevJ. W LosJs, 413 West Foor
teeata" street, Colrahui, Nek.
j L j l L .
fi, i
3 -v i !
rT - i-i --- -
Tilting and removable flour bin. easily tilled and cleaned.
eDtaehable flcrar sifter.
Cupboard for extracts, package goods, etc.
Set of glass spice canisters with sifter tops.
Glass tea and cotfee canisters with aluminum screw tops.
Sanitary metal sugar bin.
Rolling pin rest.
Hooks for esg beater, etc.
Compartment drawer for kitrhen tools and dish towels.
Sanitary metal bread and cake box.
Cupboard for pans and kettles.
Hardwood cutting and pounding board.
Sliding cupboard shelf.
Full extension sanitary sliding table top.
Grocers ' want list and daily reminder for ordering
Pigeonhole for cook books, etc.
Drawer for nutmegs, yeast, chocolate, etc.
Drawer for grocers bills or matches, toothpicks, etc.
Tray for catching ilonr sif tings.
Sliding panels in doors, making sugar and flour instantly
Sliding side shelves to give additional table space.
Sliding cupboard bottom, making kettles accessible.
Sanitary wire raclc for hording pie and cake tins and
kettle covers.
Ventilated cooling cupboard for eatables, locked door.
Sanitary wire sliding shelves.
TVood drawer for holding cake box. .
Wire pocket and shelves for spi.-eT tea and coffee canisters
Price $3250
219-22-23 Vest 11th Street