The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 21, 1911, Image 5

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Eagles' Convention Ends.
The sixth annual convention oC the
star- a-n- of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles came to a close last Thursday
--reruns with a banquet at Orpheus
hall, after a session lasting three days.
Dunn? this time they -svere here, ev
en visitor was given to understand
that the to-vn -vas given over to them
tor their entertainment, and net a
guest left -without a feeling that Col
umDos had done her part to sho-w
tam an enjoyable -week.
One of -the most interesting features
of the convenuon was the competi
tive drill between a number of drill
teams of visiting aeries. The nrst
prize of 51 10 was -won by tne team
from Benson Aerie, and those -who
saw it say it was vry good.
At the business session Thursday.
it was decided to held the next state
mating at Grand Island next year.
Th- rollowmg officers -were elected
- r h- -nsning year- Charles Tracy.
3-nson. past prident. Jay N. Wil-
ams South Omaha, state president:
R D. Gable. Flonnc- vict-president:
''--i Graves. Chadron. chaplain: O. H.
nstensen. Fremont, treasurer: R.
E. Laadis. Chadron. secretary: C.
hiaiie--- Grand Island, conductor.
Tonv Constanzo Omaha. inside
suard. J B Jandrow Benson, outside
iruard. A. J. Ames -North Platte. Wil
liam Kennedy. Omaha, and F. E.
Jobs, South Omaha, trustees.
The banquet waich marked the
ciosr- of the convention -was held
Tnnrsdav evening at Orpheus hall, the
dinner bnng served by the ladies of
ae German Reformed church. After
tne dinner, which was very elaborate,
bad bMHi disposed of. Kon. W I. Al-i-n.
of Schuvlr called the house to
order and assumed the duties of toast
master. W. L. Boettcher nac btjn
srheduled for this place, but was un-
Hii- -it be present, and so th honor
-VJ.S Transferred to the newest mem-
)r A the aene. , position. Among them was an Imper-
Th- tirs 5p- i- of the evening was sonation of Theodore Roosevelt.
Hon '"iiar'es T-arv of Bnsdn. rear-' which was well received.
.is pr-bait-n'- of the state aerie who ' People have said many things
tji.k: for a.s subj-r- Experience .n about Mayor Dahlman. of Omaha.
L,d.r- w r- K- d i his exper- sued, bad and indifferent, but no en-
much of his address being in verse
form and very entertaining.
Hon. John if. Tanner, retiring state
secretary, and editor of the South
Omaha Democrat, and known -wherever
two newspaper men meet as
"Doc"", was the next speaker, his sub
ject being "Fraternalism." No man
could sit and listen to that address
without a feeling that there is more
to fraternalism than a beautiful the
ory, when put to practical use as it
should be.
"The Eagle As An Emblem," was
the subject of a beautiful and instruct
ive address by Rev W E. Xanders,
of Grace Episcopal church. Father
Xanders described the fearless habits
of the bird and showed the beautiful
symbolism of the eagle as an emblem,
in Scripture, and in national affairs as
well as in this great fraternal order.
Harry B. Fleharty. of South Omaha,
was right at home in his treatment of
his subject. "Our Guardian Angels
The Ladies." He treated the subject
in a humorous vein for several min
utes, and closed with a beautiful tri
bute to womanhood and motherhcod.
"Good Fellowship was the subject
assigned by this jolly crowd of good
fellows to one of their own number.
Judge Howard. Mr. Howard defined
good fellowship as he understood the
term, emphasizing the difference be
tween the commonly accepted mean
ing of the expression and the genuine
good fellowship that is willing to
make sacrifices for a brother, if need
Everybody went to tnar banquet
prepared and expecting to receive
"Something Gccd." and this was the
subject chosen by Sir William Ken
nedy, of Omaha, who was abundantly
able to satisfy the expectations of his
hearers, ilr. Kennedy is an enter
tamer of the highest order, and in ad
dition to his address favored the audi
ence with the singmg of several selec
tions, some of them of his own com-
Summer Tourist Round-Trip
Fares to the Pacific Coast
From Colnmbus to California
North. Pacific Coast
Tickets on -ate Jane 10 to
i. inclusive, ana June 27
. to J uiy 3. inclusive rmai
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ive, and 14 to IT. inclusive.
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Telephone Talks
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if a company sives roou s
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ciency, to provide for reconstruction cost when worn out
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Rates m many eases may appear unfair because the
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Telephone rates in various communities mast dirTer
oecause of the conditions that enter into rare computations
varying in given localities. Telephone operation is dirl
erent from nearly any other in this the greater the extent
of -erv:ee. the higher the unit cost.
This peculiarity of telephone charges wilt be ciscussed
next article in this naner.
Nebraska Telephone Co.
C I. MARTZ, Manager
amy of his fias ever suggested that
he was not loyal to his friends. Hence,
it was perfectly appropriate that he
should be assigned the subject of
"Loyalty." He handled the subject
in his own characteristic style, show
ing the beauties of having friends that
ence of thirty years in various lodges,
could be depended upon at all times
and Dahlman's friends know that he
possesses that attribute to a remark
able degree.
During the week entertainment was
furnished for the crowds by the Nat
Reiss Carnival company. One of the
most exciting features of this part of
the program was the choice of a car
nival queen. Several candidates were
brought out by their friends, the vot
ing being exciting for a time. The
choice finally fell upon Miss ilaggie
Held, daughter of Mayor and Mrs.
State Sunday School Convention.
The forty-fourth annual convention
of the Nebraska state Sunday school
association was held in the auditorium
at Grand Island June 6 to S. While '
the number enrolled was not as large
as usual, and the weather was of the
scorching variety, yet every session
was full of inspiration and help to
those whose privilege it was to be '
Problems which trouble county offi
cers were discussed Tuesday morn
ing, followed by a noon-day prayer ser
vice. Tuesday afternoon was taken
by the elementary institute, which
opened with a chorus of 120 or more
children, representing seven different
Sunday schools of Grand Island, each j
school singing a song. Mrs. Ida M.
Leyda. of Chicago, then gave an ad-1
dress on "The Child." which was fol
lowed by talks on each department
in the elementary division.
Tuesday evening's session opened
with music by the orchestra and sang
service led bv Professor L. L. Henry
of Chicago. Mayor C G. Ryan and
Rev S. H. Buell. each gave an address
of welcome. These were followed bv
an address by President George G
Wallace giving the convention rest.
II Samuel. V: 2:3-24. Rev. R. P Shep
herd. D D- oT St. Louis, was then in
troduced. He was the funny man of
the convention, but m his address on
"The Centuries of The Bible" he
brought home many wholesome truths
as well as in his subsequent talks.
Mr R. A Waite. international sec
retary of the Y M. C. A- gave sev
eral excellent addresses relating his
wide experience.
Thursday afternoon. Dr. H H
Meyer of New York City and E. K.
Mcore of Chicago, gave short talks.
They were on their way to attend the
international Sunday school conven
tion at San Francisco.
The men's parade through the
streets was a feature of Thursday's
program, and Mr Waide in his closing (
address spoke of the men's movement
that is scan to begin by the combined
Christian forces in America. Th
Grand Island convenuon goes on rec-'
ord as being among the best ever
Take Advantage sf a Columbus Citi
zen's Experience Before
It's Too Late.
When the back begins to ache.
Don't wait until backache becomes
chronic :
Till serious kidney troubles develop
Till urinary troubles destroy night
Profit by a Columbus citizens ex
perience. Mrs. F Gerber. 201 Seventh street
Columbus. Nebraska, says- "I had an
acute pain m the small of my back
and I could hardly get around or arise
after sitting. My back seemed to
giv out entirely and at night it was
all I could do to turn over in bed. I
would lie in one position as long as I
cculd and then to change. I would
have to shift my self by degrees and
verv carefully as every quick move
ment caused sharp pains. I alwavs
felt tired, had no and did
not eat well. Dizzy spells annoyed me
and a distressing kidney weakness
was present. When Dean's Kidney
Pills were recommended to me. I pro
cured a box and in a couple of days
after beginning their use. I noticed
improvement. I continued to get bet
ter steadily and after I had finished
the contents of one box of Dean's
Sidney Pills, not a symptom of my
former trouble remained. Doan's
Kidney Pills tcned up my entire sys
tem and since using them, I have felt
like a different person."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fcster-Milbum to., suitaio.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Dean's and
take no other.
Your Comb.
Conn should sot be washed with '
water. Tbia ia apt to split the teeth. I
axis nailbrush ia a good thing to
keep for clean Tng them. After using
the brush take a damp cloth and wip
between each tooth with this. .
" Folir-man Tho bns.rt2.
look mucn Hie a wrestler.
The Bystander No
The Policeman And ret. in the
last half ncur it's tnrewn three men.
Michael Spellicy, for nearir thirty
years a resident of the Platte Center
neighborhood, died very suddenly last
Thursday noon, from heart trouble
He had prepared for his dinner, and
was awaiting the call to the table.
We are offering through the efforts of
Chas. I. Zirkle & Co., of Garden City, Kansas,
one of the best propositions now on the mar
ket, viz: over 100,000 acres of fine, level
land, well watered by springs and creeks and
all underlaid by an inexhaustible supply of
the very best and purest of soft water, at a
depth of from 6 to 80 feet; good, deep, rich
soil and at the extremely low price of from
$12.50 to $35.00 per acre.
In this section of Kansas the rain fall is
sufficient to mature any crop adopted to this
climate viz: Wheat, corn, oats, barley, kaffir
corn, milo maise, rye, millet, sweet potatoes,
irish potatoes and Garden Truck of all kinds.
And besides there is on this tract of land
more than 20,066 acres of the very finest of
shallow water sub-irrigated land, ALFALFA
LAND, than which none other better can be
found in the WORLD.
The developement of Kansas has demonstrated
that every county developed in the line of march to
the West, has proven to be better than the territory
previously under cultivation in fact, one of the last
counties cf the fully developed Pawnee less than
50 miles East of the land we are offering for sale,
was FIRST in wheat production last year, and Ford
County, which adjoins this land, an only meagerly
developed, occupied FIFTH place.
As developement extends westward, land values
climb UP and UP and Finney county is just now on
the verge of a great BOOM, yet people are not
aware of its magnificent possibilities; they will be very
soon, therefore now is the time to act.
Come and permit us to show you the acf tjal facts,
regarding this great state, and especially Finn? y County,
Karr & Newlon
504 West Thirteenth Street