The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 21, 1911, Image 3

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    -i itr-
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"Women Buffering from any form of
Illness are- invited to promptly com
municate with Mrs. Pinkbam at Lynn,
Mass. All letters are received, opened,
read and answered by women. A wo
man can freely talc
of her private ill
ness to a woman;
thus has been es
tablished this con
fidence between
Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of
America which has
never been broken.
Never has she pub
lished a testimonial or used a letter
without the written consent of the
writer, and never has the Company
allowed these confidential letters to
f;et out of their possession, as the
lUndmls of thousands of them in
their files will attest
Out of the vast volume of experience
which Mrs. Pinkham has to draw
from, it is more than possible that she
lias pained the very knowledge needod
in your case. She asks nothing in re
turn except your good will, and her
advice has helped thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, should bo
glad to take advantage of this gener
ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs
Pinkham, care of Lvdia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Every woman ought to have
Lydia li Pinkham's 80-page
Text Book. It is not a book for
general distribution, as it is too
expensive. It is free and only
obtainable by mail. "Write fox
it today.
Splendid Crops
fn Saskatchewan (Western Canada)
80O Bushels from 20 acres
ot wheat was the thresher t
return from a Lloyd-
I minster farm in the
J season of 1910. Many
fields in thotasv-cllas
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of whent to the
acre. Other grains in
re thus dtrlted
Iron the FREE
of Western Canada.
Till- fxecllent hhoKinc causes
wirt'S tit advance. Land values
should douhu-linno years lime.
4 : nil n grow inc.tiifotMl farm
Ini. itllraiii.iiEHiu-lMlrj-liiK
am all profit ulile. Kie
llmit-Mf!ftfr lCOarrrhiirc
lei Ih IiiiiI in tlie very lient
IUtrirtn: HI" nrre pre-emp-tloiinat
tKI.OO i-r 11T-M itli
in ctTtuin nr-:in. S1hio1bihI
-linr'lifH in Men nettle-
.unit. -Ilmut iiiirxt-fllril.
mill tlif rlilit'Ht : mil. water
unil liul 1I in ir material
plentiful. 3D
For iianlnilars, as to Irx-ation.
low vrmcrs nil may rales xmu
tlenTliillv"" lllnMrated leimpMet.
IjiM H-m West." and oiher In
fi.rmnlM.n. write IiSnjt of Immi
gration. Ottawa t'Anada. or to
Canadian (;ivcrnm nt Agent.
I bTamm A flaa Dlrfa nHkk Mm
, TT I I'lrane write to tlicacntncrct vu
Couldn't See the Resemblance.
They have been joking Assistant
Treasurer James A. Mathews of the
Guardian bank, on his resemblance to
President Taft, and Mr. Mathews has
steadily refused to be annoyed there
by. So the jokers subsided and the
joke died a natural death.
Until the other night, when Mr. and
Mrs. Mathews dined together with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harmon and their
little daughter, when the Taft resem
blance was revived. Turning to young
Miss Harmon. Mr. Mathews asked
whether she. too, thought he looked
like the president.
Dorothy studied long and earnestly.
Then she answered:
"Not in the face. Uncle Jim."
Cleveland Leader.
A good dish for
a Luncheon
or Supper.
Brown the con
tents of a tin of
Libby's Vienna
Sausages in the
frying pan and
serve with baked
Easy to serve
fine to eat
Look for the Libby
label which means
Libby, McNeill & Libby
MpeS I
vt i rflRj
V jo. " 1
KJE7 f -5riI I
rs gra
f V
Spray potato plants for bugs.
Use barnyard manure for fertilizing.
Study the comforts of the cows and
young things.
No kind of young stock grows so
fast as a draft foal.
Raspberries are propagated by seeds,
sucker plants and tip plants.
The currant must not be cultivated
deeply, for it Is a shallow-rooted plant.
Twenty acres of good corn put In
the silo will feed 30 cows for a whole
The raspberry and blackberry, like
the strawberry, will succeed on any
good corn soil.
Water the horses before feeding.
When fed first there is often more
danger of colic.
Care should be taken that the cow
does not have to wade through filth
in the barnyard.
Very few farmers take enough time
in fitting the field for planting cither
corn or potatoes.
Watch sweet clover. It begins to
look as if it had a very valuable place
among our farm crops.
Horses that are clipped dry off fast
at night This is better than having
tbem stand around in a heavy wet
A teaspoonful of coal tar to a peck
of corn, moistened with a little wa
ter, is said to be a protection against
To be on the safe side cabbage
plants should be started in soil which
has not been previously used for cab
bage culture.
The production of pure milk means
obtaining the milk under scrupulously
clean conditions and handling it in a
cleanly manner.
Farmers make more clear money
from a flock of hens than from any
other livestock, but they are more
careless with them.
Much may be done to increase the
value of a woodlot by cutting out the
unsound or unlikely trees which are
crowding more valuable ones.
When buying a sprayer, get one
that throws a mist spray, as no other
will get the solution uniformly distrib
uted over all parts of the plant.
Where orchard trees have been heav
ily pruned early in the season, many
water sprouts or "suckers" will be apt
to grow in the center of the trees.
The chief value of alfalfa meal
over alfalfa is that it is all fed up,
and thus saves the waste impossible
to prevent in woody or coarse alfalfa.
The horses and oxen should be kept
in good, thrifty condition, not too fat
nor too thin, and this can only be had
by regular grain feeding throughout
I the year.
i The fertilization of the crop is only
t one of the several Important conslder
I atlons in growing a crop: seed, prep
aration of the soil and cultivation are
j equally important.
The best way to start in the poultry
business is to get a few hens and set
them on good eggs. These should al
ways be bought from a reliable breed
er and should be from pure-bred stock.
Barnyard manure is the best gen-
! eral fertilizer to use about young
J fruit trees; care 3hould be taken.
however, not to pile it up about the
tree trunk aB it is liable to burn the
In order that the hen may be able
to manufacture eggs she must be
given material that will not only ruild
up the wasting tissues, but will also
furnish the right ingredients to make
the eggs.
The biggest acreage of fodder crops
that ever was put into the ground Is
going in this spring in the northwest,
because the farmers who had poor
crops last year are tired, they say; of
paying high prices for hay and corn
and other commodities, and they are
going to raise plenty of stock food
this year.-
Potatoes should not be manured in
the drill. Plant on clover sod ground,
and apply 830 pounds of high-grade
animal bone and potash compound to
the acre. This will be at the rate of
one large handful to every three feet
of row. For tomatoes and cabbage
use both manure and phosphate. Mix
with the earth; make a low. flat hill.
It Is important that the eggs for
hatching receive consideration from
the first. Every male that is not
active and full of life should be
sacrificed for one that is better. Be
careful in feeding the hens, as eggs
from very fat hens seldon hatch and
if they produce chicks at all the
chicks will be weak and puny. Much
time can be saved in selecting only
strong ami-healthy hens for producing
eggs for hatching.
Keep on cultivating the com.
The foolish man sells his best cows.
Electricity is coming to be a farm
Carelessness is the greatest cause
of failure in farming.
The teeth and the feet of the horse
should receive special attention.
Protein, starch, fat. sugar and fiber
are the nutrients that make up foods.
A rest just after foaling is worth
more to the brood mare than just be
fore. In building a dairy barn one of the
main points is to see that it is light
A good tomato plant should yield 30
pounds or one-half bushel, at a low
The feet of the horse 6bouId be
cleaned every morning before he
leaves the stable.
Government whitewash will pre
serve the wood of old buildings more
cheaply than paint
Corn grown to rid land of weeds
should be check rowed. On clean
land drilling is satisfactory.
A fully ripe tomato taken from the
vine will weigh 20 per cent more than
one pulled and ripened indoors.
The new born colt must have milk
during the first half hour of its life, or
the chances arc that it will die.
Apple trees should be sprayed Im
mediately to kill the eggs and the
hatching young of the apple aphis.
The west has probably reached its
limit in sheep production. Now tbn
native lamb will get better attention.
The churn should be thoroughly
scalded and cooled with clean, cold
water before the cream is put into it
It is said that 20 acres of corn put
into the silo is worth more in feeding
a dairy herd than 30 acres in the
The best dairy cow is the one that
will convert the forage raised on the
farm into the greatest amount of but
ter fat
White pine Is one of the most profit
able trees to raise, and can be planted
to advantage on cutover land or worn
out pastures.
Brush the mud off the cow's udder
and flank, then wipe off with damp
cloth. You can't strain mud out cf
milk. Keep it out.
No man or woman to whom the
chickens are mere machines to swal
low corn and shell out eggs can ever
hope to get best results.
There are some excellent dry chick
feeds on the market at the present
time, ones that are both cheap and pos
sess a good feeding value.
The white grub, or larva of the June
beetle. Is found in sod land; hence the
best preventive is not to plant straw-,
berries on freshly-broken sod.
For black loams, clay and limestone
lands, the sod should be deeply
plowed in the fall or early part- of
winter to the depth of six to eight
Tender chickens for tabie use are 'a
rarity in the cities at practically all
seasons in the year, and it seems that
this particular demand will never :be
About 8,000 Dutch farmers are com
ing to America to settle upon farm
lands in Iowa. Illinois and Wisconsin.
About 350 have already arrived and all
have large families.
For the thrift and product of the
hen to keep her i . a good, healthful
condition and produce many eggs
both carbonaceous and nitrogenous
foods must be used with proper bal
ance. If chickens are confined In the hen
house until late in the morning they
are sure to fly off the roost as soon
as it is light and scratch around in
the filth, thereby laying the founda
tion for disease.
A blanched ration, In poultry diet
means a sufficient amount of car
bonaceous material in a mixture to
counteract any bad results that might
arise where an entirely nitrogenous
ration is given, and vice versa.
Groom the horses in the morning
and rub down at night; bathe the
shoulders with cold water both morn
ing and evening: the horse collar
should be scraped clean before putting
on in the morning.
Every step taken to make the sur
roundings of the homestead more at
tractive is one step further toward
keeping the boy or girl at home, in
stead of wandering to the city, and
toward the attainment of rural im
provement If this step be both orna
mental and useful, It Is the more
Weeds in many cases have been
blessings in disguise. They have
taught us how to cultivate the soil
and they never allow us to forget the
lesson "Solomon went by the field
of the slothful and by the vineyard of
the man void of understanding, and.
lo, it was all grown over with thorns,
and nettles had covered the face there
of." Following is an approved formula
for commercial fertilizer for sweet po
tato: Nitrate of soda. 100 pounds;
bene meal, 100 pounds; acid phos
phate. 550 pounds; muriate of potash.
250 pounds. Composition: Nitrogen.
1.8 per cent; phosphoric acid (avail
able). 8.5 per cent; phosphoric acid
(total), 11.2 per cent; potash, 12.5
per cent Application at the rate of
COO to 1,200 pounds per acre.
ifamBaV m "Vi 'LjL
Every Farmer With Flock .of Twenty
five Animals Should Possess
One Concrete Is Cheap.
A farmer owning as many as twen
ty-five sheep should have a good
dipping vat These may be made of
wood, metal or concrete. For a
smaller number of sheep than twenty
five, the barrel used to scald the pigs
will do if the farmer feels that he
cannot afford to purchase or build
a vat
A good galvanized vat ten feet long
and four feet deep made purposely
for ' dipping can be purchased for
about $12. There are smaller sizes
than this that can be purchased for
less money. Concrete vats can be
built at a normal cost. Three or four
farmers can club together and pur
chase one of the galvanized tanks and
haul it to their respective farms as it
is wanted. A dipping vat for sheep
shoud be narrow enough to prevent
the sheep turning around in it, and
deep enough to swim large sheep.
The length of the vat should depend
upon the number cf sheep a man
keeps on his place, as the longer the
vat the greater the number of sheep
which can be dipped in a day. There
is considerable variation as to the
A Dipping Vat
width of vats found on different farms
and as a usual thing they are wider
than necessary. Then, too, the nar
rower J he vat the less the dip required
to fill it. A vat 20 Inches wide at the
(op and 8 inches wide at the bottom
is a fair average ns regards width,
although some very practical sheep
men construct their vats as narrow as
16 inches at the top and 6 Inches at
the bottom when the vat is 4 feet
deep. The size of sheep kept on a
farm must, of course, be taken into
The dipping vat illustrated is lo
cated in the driveway of the hog
house, and can be used for the dip
ping of sheep and young pigs. It Is
built entirely of concrete, the walls
of which are 6 inches in width with
the exception of the partition be
tween the vat and dry chamber, which
has a thickness of 9 inches. The end
of the vat into which the hogs and
sheep are plunged is perpendicular
while the opposite end is provided
with an incline which is quite deeply
creased to that the animal can walk
out The floor around the end of the
vat from which the sheep emerge is
so graded that all drippings return
to the vat There are sewer connec
tions with this outfit, the valve of
which is located In the dry chamber.
The end of the sewer pipe in the vat
is' provided with a grate and trap so
as to catch bits of wool and droppings
which would otherwise clog the pipe.
Brick or Stone Sunk in Ground With
Piece cf Wire Attached Will
Prove Effective.
I have had no little amount of
trouble fencing against hogs, for
stretch the fence as tightly as I could,
some old sow or pig would eventu
ally press the wire up between the
posts and let the whole bunch out,
says a writer in the Farm and Home.
A year ago I tried the following de
vice for keeping my hogs from lifting
the fence:
Take a brick or small stone for a
weight and a piece of No. 9 wire long
enough to fasten around the weighr
with three feet extending, and sink
the weight two and a ha.'f feet in the
Hog-Tight Fence.
ground directly under the bottom wire
and half way between the posts. Tamp
the earth firmly over the weight and
then bring the bottom wire of the
fence down closely to the ground and
fasten it to the wire that Is on the
weight This holds the fence down
firmly to the ground and there is no
hog that can raise it up.
Improving Sheep.
A sheep farmer near San Angelo,
Tex., has during the past two or three
years brought over several carloads
of fine French Merino sheep. Ke is
using them to raise the standard of
his own flock and to improve the
breeds in bis part of the state.
Selecting a Ram.
In selecting a ram always pick out
one that stands square on his legs
shows courage and masculinity. A
slow, pokey animal will prove a dis
French Horse Breeders.
Every year France spends I4.840.00C
to encourage horse breeders to main
.tain the quality of their horses
. ' JN. " "
Subordinate Officer the Recipient of
Hints Intended for His
N Superior.
A sea captain's wife tells this, story
of -a maiden woman, sister, of one of
the owners of tne ship on which she
once made a long voyage. She had
very decided opinions on most mat
ters, and she and the captain had
many spirited arguments at the din
ner table.
The captain's wife, a meek, submis
sive little soul, fearing that in the
beat of argument her husband might
say something to offend their august
passenger, was in the habit of kick
ing him on the shins to hint at mod
eration. Nevertheless, all these re
minders passed unheeded.
One day she administered a more
vigorous kick than usual, and noticed
an expression of pain flit across the
face of the mate, who sat opposite
"Oh. Mr. Brown, was that your
shin?" she asked.
"Yes, Mrs. Biaikie." said the mate,
meekly, "hit's been my shin hall the
voyage, ma'am." Youth's Companion.
A Terrible Case of Dropsy and How
It Was Cured.
Mrs. W. R, Cody, 603 Tenth St,
Lewist on, Idaho, says: "Fourteen years
I suffered from kid
ney trouble. I was
so lame and sore I
could hardly move.
Headaches were fre
quent and my whole
body bloated. I bad
chills and hot flashes
and my ankles were
so swollen I could
scarcely wear my shoes. The kidney
secretions bothered me and my nerves
were unstrung. I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills and soon the swelling
diminished. The backache and other I
troubles quickly disappeared and I
was completely cured."
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by druggists and general
storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Willing to Suport Proxy.
Albert Tiedemann, a freshman of
the University of Pennsylvania, was
called upon to vote for officers in a
recent gathering. Not being well ac
quainted with the nominees, he
thoughtfully hesitated before filling
out his ballot
One of the company left the room
with the explanation that he would
"vote by proxy."
"So will I," said Albert, and with his
pencil poised above his paper, leaned
over to a companion on his right and
"Say, what's Proxy's first name?"
Historic Event Celebrated.
Australia recently commemorated
the one hundred and forty-first anni
versary of Captain Cook's first land
ing. It was in 1770 that H. M. S. En
deavor, a barque of 370 tons, entered
the inlet first called Sting Rays Har
bor, but afterwards Botany Bay, from
the beauty and variety of the plants
growing about its shore. The vessel
remained eight days, and before she
left the British flag was hoisted. As
is the custom on each recurring anni
versary, the flag was again unfurled
upon the spot where it was first dis
played, and was saluted by the guns
of the warships in the harbor.
The Worth of the Voice.
How wonderful is the human voice!
It is indeed the organ of the soul!
The intellect of man sits enthroned
visibly upon his forehead and in his '
eye. and the heart of man is written
upon his countenance. But the soul t
reveals itself In the voice only; ai '
God revealed himself to the prophet of
old in the still, small voice, and in ,'
the voice from the burning bush. The
soul of man is audible, not visible. A
sound alone betrays the flowing of the
eternal fountain, invisible to man.
Longfellow: Hyperion.
(A short human-inttm: story ivrtffca by C. IP. Post for the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.)
Some Day Ask
Your Physician
To tell you the curious story of how the mind
affects the digestion of food,
I refer to the condition the mind Is in, Just
before, mt the time, or just following the taking
of foodi
If he has been properly educated (the major
ity have) he will help you understand the curious
machinery of digestion.
To start you thinking on this interesting
subject, I will try to lay out the plan in a general
way and you can then follow Into more minute
Pawlow (pronounce Pavloff) a famous Russian Phy
rlcian and Chemist, experimenting on some dog's, cut
Into the tube leading from the throat to the stomach.
They were first put under chloroform or some other
anaesthetic and the operation was painless. They were
kept for months in very good condition. .
When quite hungry some un-appetizing food was
placed before tbem and, although hunger forced them
to eat, it was shown by analysis of the contents of the
stomach that little if any of the digestive juices were
Then, in contrast, some raw meat was put where they
couldn't reach it at once, and a little time allowed for
the minds of the dogs to "anticipate" and create an ap
petite. When the food was, finally given them, they de
voured it ravenously and with every evidence of sat
isfaction. The food was passed out into a dish through
the opening before it reached the stomach. It was
found to be mixed with "Ptyalin" the alkaline juice of
the mouth, which is important for the first step in di
gestion. Then an analysis was made of the contents of
'There's a Reason" for saying ''The Memory Lingers" when breakfast is
started with POST TOASTICS. ;
il For Your law gj H
I Enjoyment W I
Here's aa-iadlvidual araoag; driaki a bewge taeLW S
, f ftj$ fairly taape with delkaoue food aad icfnskisfjk HH
i w$ il
drEElnK aMre to t1 raer wHaus or inn mm tt'nii m aH
OTMorou., full of life. You'U enjoy kfrora the aotiip iBW
tfflKf to " "? d afterwards. m pV
I mVM liasBBJZ COCA-COtA ro . rrmm!mM
I lefl BSVjBfaSJ-BiMla.ll
Bora ear aad DoalUTDraTCBtlT.BoaiMar maw aonaiataayt
wiinf irwnmiKwy. .twiwii la mgaaagBaMpaatti.oicmi
HtlT. Ulilta lllng't
and UaS Kid y r tarnlj. lOcaad a botlto; r aad)ioad
Kwplt. MiowtoTourdroKlat.wbolllgtUforyea. tttm Bo
Incident That Struck Householder as
Being Along Slightly Humor
ous Lines.
"Many funny things happen in a
flat during the course of a few
months," said a Milwaukee flat dwell
er, "but one of the best things I ever
saw happened yesterday.
"I was suddenly roused from my
slumber by three loud knocks on the
door. Jumping to my feet and into a
bathrobe, I hastened to see what was
wanted. I opened the door in time
to see a young fellow half way up the
flight to the next floor.
"'Hello, there I yelled at him.
"He turned around, hastened back
and handed out a small envelope,
pointing to the inscription. I glanced
at it. It was an appeal for aid be
cause the applicant was deaf and
"Say, I was mad enough to kick him
down stairs. Then the joke struck
me and I slammed the door in his face
and went back to bed laughing."
Parson Boys, don't you know that
you shouldn't play ball on Sunday?
Jimmy Oh! that's all right. Parson.
We ain't playing; we're practicing fer
tomorrow's game.
He Got the Pass.
"I want a pass."
"Pass? You're not entitled to a
pass. You are not an employe.
"No; but here the antipass law says
free transportation can be granted to
'necessary caretakers of live stock,
poultry and fruit' Well. I'm going on
this trip with an aunt that's a hen
there's your poultry; a girl that's a
peach there's your fruit; and a
nephew that's a mule there's your
live stock. Gimme a pass." The Way
Bill. '
flak Eye. EpIaeoMo
Sftdpalatf Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
I Inf.";agloalaa Blood aadQIand. eipelaUial
wtnrk uintlr. run u drlna
Friendship is one soul in two bodies.
The Exception.
Post There are as good fish in the
sea as ever were caught.
Parker Hm! I guess you haven't
heard Thompson's latest fish story.
Harper's Bazar.
The Herb laxative, Garfield Tea, over
comes constipation, giving freedom from
sick-headache and bilioua attacks.
Tea Time in Chile.
Either tea or yerba mate is served
in Chile at 4:00 p. m., not only in the
homes but at clubs, restaurants and
hotels, and many business houses. A
cut of tea and a roll or small cake in
the club or hotel cost froni eight to
twelve cents United States gold, while
the business houses serve , it free
rather than have the clerks leave their
work or go out for it.
Fatherly Advice.
"Now that you are married, my bob,
listen to me."
"What is it. dad?"
"Try to be a husband, not merely
an ex-bachelor."
Intricate Letter.
-When Bilkins was away from borne)
on a long business trip, he got a letter
from his wife that still puzzles him,
it ended thus:
"Baby is well and lots brighter than
she used to be. Hoping you are the
same, I remain, your loving wife."
A. self-made man? Yes, and wor
ships his creator. Henry. Clapp.
If a man prefeies the kind of clothes
he can jump into and wears another
only under compulsion;
While a woman prefers such clothes
as she cannot put on without toil and
trouble and -the expenditures of time,
and will unless under compulsion,
wear nothing else;
Then what of permanent equality is
it going to avail for the law to call the
sexes back to the tape and start them
all over again? Puck.
The Old Gag.
Miss Lillian B. Rowe. at an adver
tisement writers dinner in Denver,
said of the harem skirt:
"It will soon be so widely worn that
the old gag. perpetrated in the'40s oa
men, may profitably be revived .for
women victims.
"Some sharper, you know will re
vive the gag by advertising in the
Ladies' Own
"'Send $1 and learn how 'to keep
your harem skirt from becoming
fringed at the bottom.'
"Thousands of dollars will pour in,
and to each victim the sharper will
" 'Wear knickers.' "
the stomach, into which no food had entered. It was
shown that the digestive fluids of stomach were flowing
freely, exactly as if the desirable food had entered.
This proved that it was not the presence of food
which caused the digestive juices to flow, but the flow
was caused entirely and alone as a result or the action
of the mind, from "anticipation."
One dog continued to eat the food he liked for over
an hour believing he was getting it into his stomach,
whereas, not an ounce went there; every particle went
out through the opening and yet all this time the di
gestive juices flowed to the stomach, prepared to
quickly digest food, in response to the curious orders of
the mind.
Do you pick up the lesson?
Unappetizing food, that which fails to create mental
anticipation, does not cause the necessary digestive
Juices to flow, whereas, foou that is pleasing to the
sight, and hence to the mind, will cause the complicated
machinery of the body to prepare in a wonderful way
for its digestion.
How natural, then, to reason that one should sit dowm
to a meal in a peaceful, happy state of mind and start
off the breakfast, say with some ripe delicious fruit,
then follow with a bowl of crisp, lightly browned, thin
bits of corn like Post Toastles, add a sprinkle or sugar
and some good yellow cream and the attractive, appetiz
ing picture cannot escape your eye and will produce the
condition of mind which causes the digestive juices
nature has hidden in mouth and stomach, to come forth
and do their work.
These digestive juices can be driven back by a mind
oppressed with worry, hate, anger or dislike of the dis
agreeable appearance of food placed before one.
Solid facts that are worthy the attention of anyone
who esteems prime health and human happiness as a
valuable asset in the game of life.