S3 gl .a 1 hi i V I-' 1 9B m.w.MtwintnL1 wawHygwawW ! i las ti n 1 u I !! fl !', V l IM Ki I ! I H NEWS FROM """L m f mssrmrsmrmB asH mm mm mmv H mTsmV I mml yaw mvnm ssmsmmv' mm xsmm gmmMsmV. mV Creston. Mr. Montgomery arrived Wednes day from California for a few months' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Meham, and other relatives. Mrs. Frank Leach spent the past week visiting relatives at Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Gustason left Monday morning for their home in Chicago, after spending a few weeks here visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Engel. Mr. Gustason is a brother of Mrs. Engel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Austin left for Columbus Monday on their way to Minnesota, having received a message the same morning that Mr. Austin's father had died. Mr. and Mrs. Gouch, of Leigh, spent Sunday at this place visiting friends. Mrs. Frank Kersenbrock, of Colum bus, returned home Monday, after spending a few days visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Jack son. George Ogan is on the sick list this week with tonsilitis. Cleve and Cesil Moran were visitors in town on Monday. Cesil Moran hav ing arrived from Chicago a few days prior for a visit with relatives and old friends here and also at Leigh. Mrs. Hollis Harris, of Denver, Col orado, returned Monday morning after a few days' visit at the home of J. N. Kincaid. The base ball game played here Sunday with Creston and Clarkson was won by the latter to the tune of 5 and 7. Sherman Township. Not very much rain fell Friday aft ernoon, just enough to lay the dust. Gus Loseke and Oscar Lueschen sold a car of hogs at Creston Wednes day. Frank Wurdeman and Carl Luedtke made up a car of hogs and shipped to Omaha Friday. Willie Schultz and Henry Siefken are the latest who got the auto fever No. No. No. No. No. HIIOI NCIFIC TIIETIILE 7:00 a. n 5:26 p. m 4:32 a. m 2:46 p. m Wct- a IMu. 1 Overland Limited.. 11:46 a. m 3... China &. Japan Mall 6:58 p. m 5 Oregon Express . . 2 :00 a. m 7... Los Angeles Limited 2:36 p. m 9 Fast Mail 11 -30 am No. 11 Denver Special... 8:58 a. m No. 13 Colorado Special.. 1:27 a. m No. 15.... Colorado Express. C:23p. m No. 17 Ore. Wash. Urn.. 3:05 p. m No. 19 Express 11:25 a. m No. 21 North Piatte Local.l2:15 p. m No. 23 Grand Island Local. 8:39 n. m no. ty "locai freight.. 'Leaves 12:10 p. in. 'Leaves from Coal Chute. East-Bmra Tralaa. No. 2 Overland Limited. No. 4 Atlantic Express.. No. 6 .Oregon Express... No. 8... Los Angeles Limited 6:16 p. m No. 10... China &. Japan Mail 3:12 p. m No. 12 Denver Special... 5:30 a. m No. 14 Colorado Special.. 10:28 p. m No. 16 Colorado Express.. 2:16 p. m No. lS...Ore.-Wash. Limited 5:53 p. m No. 20 Mall Express.... 3:00 p. m No. 22... ."North Platte Local. 1:00 p. m No. 24.... Grand Island Local. 7:12 a. m "Leaves 1:20 p. m. RANCH TRAINS Nerfelk No. 7T Freight lv.. 7:20 a. m No. 29 Passenger lv. . 7:25 p. m No. 30 Passenger ar.. 1:10 p. m No. 78 Freight ar.. 6:10 p. m SneJatec No. 79 No. 31 No. 32 No. 80 and each purchased a car at Colum bus. Carl Hollman and family spent Sunday at Alfred Lueschen's in Col fax county. Wm. Muth and family spent Sunday at Otto Loseke's, near Creston. Freight lv.. 6:00 a. m Passenger lv.. 1:10 p. m Passenger ar.. 11:55 a.m ar.. 6:40 p. m K, G. BROWN. Ticket Agent. A. B. 1TKEEN. Assistant Ticket Agent. THE TMLE No. 22. Pass (dally ex. San) lv..7:25 a. m No. 32. Frt. Ac. (d'rexSat) lv S:M p. m No. 21. Pass, (dally ex. Sua) ar.9:00 p. at No. 31. Frt Ac (dyex8un) arf:4S a. at Lindsay. Misses Lena (Hau) and Susan Smith, who have been attending Mount St. Mary's school in Omaha, re turned home Saturday to spend the summer with their parents. John Borer and M. J. Ramaekers were Columbus visitors Thursday. Misses Mary and Stacia Welder visited with friends at Madison Thursday and Friday. Ben Freschauf, of Loretta, was an over-Sunday visitor in town. Messrs. George and Clemens Jostes drove to Norfolk last Sunday. Miss Kathryn Muntz, clerk In V. Lausen's store, is spending her vaca tion in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hayes were Spaulding visitors Wednesday. They were accompanied home by their son, Frank, who has been attending col lege at that place. Mrs. Maud Winkler very pleasant ly entertained the Ladies' Kensington Club at her home last Thursday after noon. The feast of Corpus Christ! was cel ebrated last Sunday at the Holy Fam ily Church following high mass at 9:30 o'clock, at he 'close of which the entire congregation marched in pro cession to the prettily decorated chapels where adoration of the blessed sacrament took place. The Holy Family Church choir and the Lindsay Band rendered nvisi? for the ocea nic n. Mrs. Emma Riede, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Rivet, were Colum bus visitors Monday. Miss Thomas went down to Colum bus Saturday to be present at the graduation of her sister, Miss Nora, from the academic course at St. Fran cis Academy. The exercises took place Monday. Last Monday morning as Mr. Levi- johan, Sr., was walking past E. J. Weidner's garage an automobile back ing out from the garage struck him, throwing him to the ground, and dragging him for a short distance. What might have been -a serious acci dent to Mr. Levijohan proved to be only the sustaining of some bruises and a nervous shock. We hope to see him around again in a few days. Miss Mary Diederich was a Hum phrey visitor Monday. C. J. Miller, of Howells, Nebraska, was transacting business in town Monday. The Lindsay Base Ball team scored another victory last Sunday, when they defeated Cornlea. The score was 5 to 3 in favor of Lindsay. Paul Van Ackeren returned Friday from a week's visit in Texas. He was accompanied home by his daughter, Elsie, who has been attending school in St Louis. Quite a number of Foresters attend ed the convention of the C. O. F. at Howells last Tuesday. N. M. Brachle was delegate from Lindsay and Peter Bettinger, one of the state directors, was also present. Others in the party were Joseph Thomas, Hubert Ramae kers, M. J. Ramaekers. W. J. Roberts and Martin Weidner. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Alderson, of Humphrey, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Alderson's father, W. J. New man, who has been ill for some time. The stork paid a visit at the home of our mail carrier last week one day and left a baby girl. Mrs. Fred Ernst and Mrs. P. F. Lucksinger spent Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Newman. Richland and Vicinity. We need rain. Wheat harvest is now here. Corn is being laid by. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tonkle partook of the Sunday meal with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson. The Independent Telephone com pany are laying a new line to John Klug's residence, north of our vil lage. Carl Bodker is having a new three room addition built on his residence. Our village is having several con crete walks built which improves its looks. Miss Mary Stibal entered St. Mary's hospital Tuesday to have a alight op eration performed on her right hand. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stellman and Miss Freda and Louie Luschi were pleasant callers at the Burt Steven son home Sunday. Felix and Bruno Luschi attended the carnival at Columbus one day last week. Anton Svaorta is erecting a large addition to his commodious residence. Ward Stevenson was the guest Sun day of his cousin, Giendive Stevenson. Eric Luschi has been under the doctor's care for a few days. Too many green apples. Word was received here last week that George Drinnin, of District 44, had entered the hospital at Columbus for treatment. George's many friends here wish to see him much improved in health. Duncan. District 9 and Vicinity. Miss Minnie Mayberger spent last Monday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Adolf Rupprecht. It is to Your Advantage To Pay Your Arrearage and Advance Subscriptions NOW On the First Day of July the Price of the Tribune-Journal Will be $1.50 Per Year r Until then you may pay as far in advance as you care to for the old price, $1.00. Jake Tchudin, from over on the Loup, shipped two cars of cattle to Omaha last Wednesday. Julius and Herman Ernst went to Columbus last Saturday. Hurrah for Duncan. Last Thursday night tho business men met at the town hall. Will Schram was elected chairman of the meeting and Art Lindley secretary. It was voted that Duncan would celebrate the Fourth of July. Julius and Herman Ernst were appointed as a committee to raise the funds. Friday the committee got to work and inside of two hours raised enough money to celebrate. They will not spare time or money and they will see that everybody that comes to Duncan on the 4th will be royally en tertained and that a special invitation is extended to all to come to Duncan and have a good time. Pastor Kozlowski Is having his business building painted this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Shelby, are spending a week on the Loup north of Duncan. Mrs. Zybach, Mrs. Gibson. Miss Zy- bach. Frank Zybach and Frank Gib son went to Columbus Friday night. Mrs. Henry Faneck is quite sick again. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas spent Sunday afternoon on the Loup. A fine barn dance was held up at Henry Feneck's last Saturday night several auto loads from Duncan went up and reported a royal good time. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kummer, and Misses Stella and Helen Kummer, Freda Gass, of Columbus, was In Dun can Sunday visiting friends. Misses Anna Glur and Llllie Ernst, of Columbus, were visiting friends In Duncan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woods and Miss May Woods, of St. Edward, visited with the Gibson's Sunday and Mon day. Fred Bruggerman shipped two cars of cattle and one of hogs to the Omaha market Monday. Mr. Tiaden over on the Loup Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terry, Mr. Plck ern, Miss Peckern from Fremont and Miss Martha Bean, of Columbus, vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Harring ton Monday and Tuesday. Chas. Sokol went to Central City Monday on business. business-. Mrs. Ernest Van Allen baa Just un dergone am operation for appendicitis successfully and is remaining at the hospital to fain strength for a second operation by which she hopes to have a goiter removed frost her neck. Word has just readied the friends of Ed. Fox, for years a resident here, but now operating a farm of his own at Valparaiso, that his barn, grain and hay-were destroyed by lightning. Messrs. Wm. Webster and Howard Hill returned from their automobile trip to Springfield, South Dakota, Tuesday. Tae many friends in this place of Rev. Wm. Primrose were surprised to receive the announcement of the mar riage to Miss Jewel Hones, of Rush ville, Wednesday afternoon, June fourteenth. That they may live a long happy and prosperous life together is the wish of this pastorate where he labored so successfully at different times. Wedding bells were ringing all over on Wednesday, June fourteenth, and yet none have a deeper Interest for Monroe people than those which rang for Miss Anna Gleeson the second daughter of Mrs. Mary Gleesoji of Lindsay, at eight o'clock Wednesday morning at the Catholic church at Platte Center. After the wedding, a reception was held at he home of the bride's mother. The newly wedded couple left on the evening train to establish their new home at Lindsay. Anna was born and has grown to wo manhood amongst us, where her sterl ing qualities of worth and character have won her many lifelong friends, who wish her every happiness that life can bestow. Misses Susie and Anna Smith were in Columbus Wednesday. Will Gleeson is a very sick boy. Miss Stella Rhodes, who has been visiting relatives at St. Edward and Fullerton for some time past, returned home Tuesday. D. H. Gipe was on our streets Tues day. Mrs. Fred Read and children visited her brother, James Burroughs, in Ge noa Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Terry entertained a few friends Wednesday at a six o'clock supper in honor of her moth er, Mrs. Lillian Hennesy. August Johnson's little son met with a very serious misfortune Monday aft ernoon, when childlike he was trying to guard a bird's nest at the edge of the woods from being run over by the mower where Mr. Johnson was having alfalfa cut. The driven did not notice him in time to stop before he bad cut the little fellow's foot off. Medical aid was 'at once summoned, the limb bound up and the next day Mr. Chapln took him to the hospital in Columbus in his automobile. It "Is a good plan to gather the little ones into the house before the mower gets into operation as they are so apt to get In the way by following some childish fancy, having no thought of personal danger. Let us all be more careful In order thit such a serious acident b averted. George Ifland and Charles Potter returned from Chicago Friday, after a week's visit at that place. S. C. Terry went to Havens Satur day to see after the drawing ditch which he is placing on his farm there and which will add greatly to the pro ductiveness of the land, protecting it from overflow. Fishing parties are the order of the day, the anglers bringing home some fine fish and a thirty-pound turtle has been reported. The Methodist Sunday School rend ered a fine Children's Day program Sunday evening to a large and appre ciative audience. Another old soldier in the person of Joseph Carter dropped out of the ranks on Thursday last, June 15th. Mr. Carter served about four years in the Civil War. He was stricken with paralysis fourteen months ago and up to the last was an invalid. The funeral service was conducted In the Monroe Methodist Church on Satur day last by Rev. G. H. Phillips, as sisted by Rev. M. Rose. The sermon was based on Deut XXX 111:27. The preacher offered words of comfort to the mourners in their crushing sor row. The belr, after the service, was taken to Columbus, where a number of old soldiers were waiting to take the remains' of their old comrade to his last resting; place. Heartfelt sym pathy is expressed on all hands for the mourners. E. D. Jenkinson was in Platte Cen ter Saturday. Messrs. Webster and Franklin made an automobile trip to Columbus Fri day. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill were In Columbus shoppers Monday. George Durkam spent Sunday with his brother, returning to Havens to finish the ditch which he Is digging for S. C. Terry. Monroe. Misses Grace and Mable McWft- liams returned from their week's visit at Shelfon and Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Talbitzer went to York Monday evening to attend the Postmaster's Convention, returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SIgIa took In the sights at the county seat the first of the week, as did also Misses Elsie Adams and Bessie Ziegler. Miss Dora McWilliams was la the Genoa Thursday afternoon. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church have purchased paper to re- paper the building, which will add greatly to the appearance. Mr. E. A. Garrard spent several days in Columbus this week visiting U brother, Leaader. aad teailac to Teachers' Institute Closes. The teachers' Institute came to a close last Thursday evening, after a very successful session of four days. At the close of the session, the county association was organised for the en suing year with the election of Prin cipal J. G. Good, of Creston, as presi dent; Principal John I. Engleman, of Monroe, vice-president and Miss Ma thllde Lutz, of Columbus, secretary. The meetings of the association during the next year will be held at Lindsay. Creston and Platte Center, at the call of the county superintendent. Before adjourning Thursday evening the resolutions committee made the following report, which was unanl mously. adopted: Whereas, the Talrty-fomrth annual session of the Platte County Tetclata' 1 Institute, of the year 1911, Is now drawing to a close, we the teachers of Platte county submit the following resolutions: Resolved, That we extend our sin cere thanks to our excellent instruct ors; Professors H. E. Bradford, F. M. Hunter, and H. F. Carson and Miss Julia Bednar, who have so ably pre sented their various subjects. Resolved, That we extend our hearty thanks to Superintendent F. S. Lecron for his earnest efforts in mak ing this institute helpful to all In at tendance, and our congratulations in his being so fortunate in securing these able instructors. Resolved, That we tender a vote of thanks to Miss Fergusson for her very interesting readings, to Prof. Brad ford his entertaining solos, to Miss Kavanaugh for her well-rendered ac companiments, and to Judge Howard for being so kind as to give us special Instruction in punctuation. And further be it resolved, that we thank the school-board of Columbus for the use of their building and the janitor for his extra efforts put forth to make us comfortable. And lastly be It resolved. That we thank the people of Columbus for their entertainment during our stay in their city. Respectfully submitted by the com mittee. (Signed) JOHN I. ENGLEMAN, ' CHARLES A. WELCH. TERESA EISENMENGER. DELLA RICE. MARY LEWIS. S. T. Fleming to Anna En glebart, lot 6. blk 8, Cres ton C. D. Evans to L. A. Hunt zelman, lots 11 and 12, blk 3, Evans add And. Paprockl to Mary Las sek, lots 1 and 2, blk 41.. Mary W. Kelley to E. A. Gerrard, lot 7, blk "D," Monroe I Mary J. McWilliams to J. P. I Anderson, lot 7, blk "A," 1,000 00, Monroe 3,200 00 Jos. Morfeld to J. A. Bent . ley, lot 1. blk 5. Cornlea. . 1 00 Boyd Dawson to C. A. Welch, lots 9, 10. 11 and 12. blk 8, Phillips 2nd add. 1,275 00 C. A. Welch to Nellie M. Welch, lots 9. 10, 11 and 12, blk 8. Phillips 2nd add. 1 00 2,000 00 1 00 75 00 Real Estate Transfers. Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers, Real Estate Agents, report the follow ing transfers filed for record In the office of the Register of Deeds during the week ending June 17, 1911: A. S. Wilckens to G. W. Phil lipps, pt lots 1 and 2, blk 8 C$3,300 00 AT THE BAR Haven't You Been Expecting To start a bank account? Been trying to save an amount sufficient to "make a good start?" The "small purchase temptation" makes it very hard to accum ulate any certain sum by keeninjr money in your pocket or hiding it around the house probably that has beeii YOUR trouble. This Bank accepts deposits for $1.00 anil up whv not come in and open an account with us NOW LET TIIK BANK HKLP YOU SAVE it is the only SAFE way. The excellent service in banking lines we have to offer is the backbone of our invitation to you. The First National Bank Columbus, Nebraska The Oldest and Largest National Bank in Platte Couutv COLUMBUS SUITATORIUM C. F. SISSEL, Proprietor Headquarters for Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Niewohnur Bldg., 13th St. GO SOMEWHERE THIS "JVawT-, SUMMER TOT BInks I heard Soaker is a hart trlnker. Jinks That's a mistake. I never aw a mam 4riak easier la aaj Ufa Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this summer to eastern cities. They are 30-day tourist rates to New York, Atlantic City, Boston, Mont real, Portland, Buffalo, and other places; slightly higher 60-day limit tourists rates to manyof these cities; there are diverse tours via Old Point Comfort, thence ocean voyage to New York and Boston; this tour recently introduced by the railroads has become one of the most popular tours of American travel. TO THE2 WEST. Daily excursion fares to COLORADO, YELLOWSTOWNE PARK, BIG HORN MOUNTAIN RESORTS, BLACK HILLS, PACIFIC COAST, also circuit tours that will include all of these attractive localities in one tour. Call or write for leafletsdescribing any tour you ex pect to make. L. F. RECTOR, TICKET AGENT, Columbus, Nebr. L. W. WAKELY, General Fassesger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. A Splendid Treat for the Ladies... The Remainder of the Month to be Given Over to a Kitchen Economy Exhibit GREAT HOOSIER SALE Remarkable Display of the Celebrated ..Hoosier Cabinets.. Every Lady in Columbus is Invited One Cabinet Absolutely Free A gigantic investigation just completed by The Hoosier Manufacturing Company, world's largest makers of kitchen cabinets, shows that seven out of every ten Hoosier Cabinets are sold on the recom mendation of delighted owners. Scores of women right here in Columbus who have already fallen in love with the Hoosier Cabinet are now saving up to buy one. Bt lXlPSnlBTmBBBBBBBBBVHBm Wm SBBBtl LsmsfcBs-SslmsSSSSBSSSSSSSSSrj?5Imm AVIgnaVEHmmgm HHsBBBm 'mSBBBBBBs! I v3SBnSBBBBBBBBBBBm?BBTl mBBBBBBBBSBSBBMBBBBBBBBBm ' SBBBBBsH I"Vs2bBbP3BBBBBBBbL ImVTmBBBBBBBBBsl SBBBsHI BBsSkSSmBBBVlfmmBBVVNBBBrSmBBBBBBBBBBBl One Dollar a Week for a few weeks. This is our quick plan for getting a great num ber of Hoosier Cabinets in use early in the season. We know that every cabinet sold now will sell another soon. This great advertising! plan will last just this month not this week, but All of this Month One of these celebrated Hoosier Cabinets will be given away during the club week, to a lady who visits the store, but we want you to come in and find out our plan. Some one will get the FREE CABINET. Remember, the Hoosier saves you MILLIONS OF STEPS to and from the kitchen table. It saves you reaching; up to high shelves. It savea yon from the back-breaking strain of bending over bias and barrels. It is a wonderful labor-saving: device worthy of your kitchen. A Word to Farmers9 Wives Your husband has a 'riding: plow, a mower, and a score of other conveniences. The Hoosier Cabi net costs less than any of these. You need it more. It saves your health and strength. By our plan a little butter and egg money soon pays for your Hoosier Cabinet. Bring your husband with you next week, and let- us show him this wonderful cabinet. Special Invitation to Mail Order Buyers When you buy a kitchen cabinet you want to buy where you can get most for your money. We invite you simply to see this Hoosier Cabinet before you order one. The Hoosier Manufacturing Company are the world's largest makers of kitchen cabinets. Enor mous production enables them to give remarkable value. The low price is fixed by the Hoosier Man ufacturing Company. We think the Hoosier gives more for the money than anyone else ever thought of putting into a kitchen cabinet. In fairness to yourself come in and see if we are ' right before you buy. This great exhibit of Hoosicrs is now on. No lady can afford to miss seeing this remarkable cabi net whether she cares to own one or not. Come in. FRED W. HERRICK Licensed Agent for HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS ,