The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 24, 1911, Image 1

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In Considering
the Place to Do
Remember that money de
posited in this bank will
receive protection under
the Guarantee law of the
State of Nebraska
State Bank
Mrs. Gus Ernst spent Monday in
Schuyler, the guest of her mother.
Mrs. Helms is entertaining the Jolly
Seventeen club this afternoon at her
Mrs. J. W. Herrod and Miss Ger
trude Herrod spent Saturday in
Mrs. Brindley. of Kearney, will ar
rive Friday for a short visit with Mrs.
O. L. Baker.
Mrs. Will Paynter. of Omaha, was
the guest or Mrs. O. L. Baker last
vek several days.
Miss Amelia datz. of O'Neill, arrived
Fri-Iay for a short visit with her aunt.
Mrs. Anna Anderson.
Oscar Baker, who spent several
days last week at home, returned
Thursday to Shenandoah. Iowa.
Will Baker, or Denver, arrived Tues
day for a visit of about three weeks
with his mother, Mrs. O. h. Baker.
Misses Mabt-1 Duke and Ethel Baker
went to Silver Creek Friday, returning
Saturday accompanied by Miss Fitz
gerald. Mrs. II .Robinson is giving a lunch
eon this afternoon for Miss Butler, of
Chicago, and Mrs. Mcllenry. of Denni
son, Iowa.
Mrs. Carver, of Grant, will arrive
Thursday for a visit with her daugh
ter. Miss Amy Carver and sister. Mrs.
E. C. Worden.
Miss Sparhawk. who has been spend
ing the winter at the home of her
brother. E. S. Sparhawk. left today for
home in Oberlin, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fritz and chil
dren, who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. II. A. Fritz for the past two
weeks, left Monday for their home in
I-avenif, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hickok left Sat
urday for Omaha and Tabor, Iowa,
where they will visit friends. Mr.
Hickok expects to return Thursday,
but .Mrs. Hickok will remain about
three weeks.
Mrs. Dan Echols and baby daughter,
and Miss Louise Echols will leave Fri
day for Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
Mrs. Echols goes to join her husband
and they will make their future home
at the Springs. Miss Echols will be
their guest for about three weeks.
Don't Fail to
Inspect the
Three miles
north of
Hockenburger &
Jobbing Rates For Columbus.
After three years of hard work on
the part of H. W. Abts Co., the rail
way commission has granted to Colum
bus jobbers freight rates. Columbus
is the fifth city in the state to be al
lowed this privilege, the others being
Omaha. Lincoln. Grand Island and Fre
mont. The Abts company had been in
corresiondenee with C. J. Lane, gen
eral freight agent of the Union Pacific
for three years, and the company rec
ognized the fact that Columbus was
entitled to the rates, or some time
they have been working to get the
rates on an equitable basis, being as
sisted by W. H. Beuham, traveling
freight agent of the system. The new
rates affect freight of the first, sec
ond, third and fourth classes, and the
reduction as a result of the permit
amounts to about twenty-five per cent,
and will be in effect about June 17.
They will be enjoyed not only by the
Abts company, but by all jobbers of
the city, which includes the firms of
The Columbus Brewing Co., A. Dus
sell & Son. Charles Segelke and Wil
liam Poesch.
The rate on flour will not be af
fected by it. as flour is carried under
a special rate.
In speaking to The Tribune-Journal,
Mr. H. W. Abts, senior member of the
firm, said: The Union Pacific had
offered no objection to the new rates,
but rather had joined them in asking
to have them established. The Bur
lington has not yet granted the new
rates, but will undoubtedly do so as
soon as the necessary preliminaries
can be arranged. As to the North
western, their rates cannot be affected
owing to the fact that their lines do
not reacli Columbus.
The change will make a difference
of from three to eight cents for every
hundred pounds of freight handled by
Columbus jobbers, which makes a
great uinerence in the course or a
year's business, with a firm like the
Abts company, which last did a busi
ness exceeding three hundred thou
sand dollars. Not only will it make a
difference in the cost of goods to the
retailer, but it will also give the home
jobbers a prestige in their territory
which they could not otherwise"Tiave.
Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium Exhibition.
Xext Tuesday Evening. May 30th. at
8:00 o'rlock the last Boys Gymnasium
Exhibition will be given at the Y. M.
C. A. Gymnasium. This will undoubt
edly be the best Exhibition off the seo
son as the boys are in the best of
shape and are ready to give all those
interested in this work a real treat in
the line of Gymnastics. All are invited
to attend and enjoy this Programme
and a special invitation is extended to
all Parents to be present: as n is your
boys that will take part in this exhi
bition. So it is your place to be there
to see the results of the season's work
in the Gym. and to encourage them in
this work.
The program will consist of the fol
lowing: Fancy marching Drill.
Coimbination Dumb Bell Drill.
Pyramid Building.
Blind folded boxing bout.
Wrestling Bouts.
High and distant Diving.
Combination work on the Parallel
There will be Clown work and clown
Specialties all during the program so
there will not be any weary moments.
Program starts at 8:00 O'Clock
sharp. Admission Free.
For Sale The "Lambert Home
stead" one mile south-west of St. Ed
ward, about 90 acres under cultiva
tion, twenty acres alfalfa. Address J.
C. Richards, 3929 X. 19th Street,
Omaha, Nebr.
Dr. J. A. Beatie. of Lincoln, was the
guest Friday and Saturday of Prof.
Carnahan. Dr. Beatie was for many
years president of the Peru normal,
but now is associated with Cotner
University at Lincoln.
Playing with his children and chat
ting with his wife while waiting for
her to finish preparing his breakfast,
Smith Hilliard, of Platte Center,
passed instantly from apparently per
fect health to his death at his home
last Saturday morning. His death is
asid to have been due to a stroke of
appoplexy. Mr. Hilliard waB born in
North Carolina, August 17, 1855, and
came north in 18S5. In November of
that year, he came to Platte county
and settled on what is now known as
the Foley farm near Platte Center. He
was married February 25, 1883, to
Miss Mary Masten, and to this union
six children were born, of whom five,
together with their mother are left to
mourn the untimely death of their
husband and father. The surviving
children are Mrs. Jacob Hoerley, of
Clearwater, and Miss Florence, and
Frank, Thomas and Roy, at home. The
funeral was held Monday morning
from the Christian Baptist church at
Platte Center, the services being con
ducted by Rev. Mr. Hilzinger, the pas
tor. Interment was made In Colum
bus cemtery.
mF aiiaa.tfBHBBSBBFBaBaBaBs
w NII flw?VW40ViBBBTl
to you. you know that you are jetting
the best Coal and the most prompt
service possible.
For Feeding Your Live Stock
T. B. Hord Grain Go.
PHONES: Indeiiendeut 20G
Bell 188
Mrs. B. Geitzen is entertaining Mrs.
Dawson, of Omaha, this week.
Miss Isabell Kluck, of Richland,
spent the week-end with Miss Kate
Ladies' coats worth up to $15.00
Mr. and Mrs. E. Erskine, of Norfolk,
were guests at the home of J. E. Ers
kine Sunday.
Mrs. Knaver returned Saturday
from David City, where she has been
nursing in the hospital.
Miss Stella Sparhawk returned Sat
urday from David City, where she has
had charge of a patient.
Miss Neta Worden closed a very suc
cessful term at the West Hill school
Friday and returned to this city Satur
day. Miss Opal Merrill and Mr. John
Pope, of Silver Creek, spent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of J. E. Pe
terson. Mrs. Frank Potter, of Monroe, and
Miss Ore Horton, of Genoa, will arrive
Friday for a short visit with Miss
Ettnc Linstrum. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walters and Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Walters will go to Lin
coln Saturday to attend the play which
will be put on by the State University
at the Oliver Theater Saturday even
ing. Otto Walter will take one of the
leading characters in the play.
A telegram has been received by the
Columbus relatives of Dr. and Mrs. A.
J. Luschen. of Bakerfield. California,
announcing the coming of a ten pound
boy at their home on May the 21st.
Mrs. Luschen will be remembered in
Columbus as Miss Gertrude Elias.
E. M. LaGrange and daughter. Miss
Nettie, came down from Fullerton in
their car spending Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wood Smith. Miss LaGrange
left Monday for Kearney, where she
will visit a few days and attend the
graduation exercises of the high
Misses Marie and Agues Scott, who
have been visiting their uucle, ueo.
Scott, left Saturday for their home in
Denmark. The Misses Scotts have
been in America about six years, dur
ing that time having completed a
course in nursing at one of the St.
Louis hospitals.
Mrs. Wm. Lohr is expecting her
brother, Frank Heinemeyer, and his
family, of Sbankville, Pennsylvania,
the last of this week. Mr. Heine
meyer is making the trip from Penn
sylvania to Nebraska via auto. Mrs..
Lohr has not seen her brother for ten
years so his arrival is looked forward
to with much pleasure.
As an incentive to counties along
the line to stimulate their interest in
good roads, the World-Herald will con
duct another endurance run next fall.
In addition to the regular prizes,
amounting to about f 400, list of special
prizes will be offered. These include a
prize of $500 to the county along their
route having the best roads, between
Omaha and North Platte, and also a
special prize of from $300 to $500 to
the township having the best road.
Manager Washburn, of the Lyric
and Airdome theaters, announces that
be will open his Airdoms next Sunday
evening, and has secured the famous
Remlin harp orchestra to furnish the
music. Mr. Washburn has decided to
build a theater on the Airdome site at
the close of the season next fall, the
new building to have a seating
capacity of six hundred, and to cost
about six thousand dollars. Accord
ing to the plans which he has under
consideration it will be the finest
building of the kind in this part of the
country, and will, together with the
other new buildings being erected on
that block make a handsome block of
it. The Illuminations alone are to
cost a thouasnd dollars.
L. W. Snow Co. -Sell.
One of the most notable business
deals made in Columbus in a long time
was consummated Monday, when the
L. W. Snow Co. sold its stationery
and post card business to W. I. Speice
and Milton G. Bower. The news came
as a surprise to every one, and indeed
it was scarcely less of a surprise to
the parties concerned as it had not
been contemplated prior to Saturday
Mr. Snow has been in the business
here for the past eleven years, and
has built it up from a very modest be;
ginning to its present large propor
tions. Last winter, Edward M. Ragatz
and Carl P. Scofield were admitted
into the firm and the style became
The L. W. Snow Company, Incorporat
ing shortly after that change was
For a number of years Mr. Snow
had paid considerable attention to the
post card business, and about two
years ago decided to go into this fea
ture on a wholesale scale, aud now
the firm has a very large wholesale
post card trade.
The new proprietors are well and
favorably knpwn in Columbus, Mr.
Speice having been born and raised
here, and until a few months ago had
charge of the business of the Speice
Coal Co. Mr. Bowers has been a resi
dent here for several years, being a
traveling salesman and a thoroughly
practical stationery man. Coming as
theydo, into the possession of such a
well established business, and bear
ing their well known reputations for
business ability, there is every indica
tion of a bright future for them.
Mr. Snow has not yet decided what
his next line of endeavor will be. He
assigns as his reason for selling out
that he wished to investigate other
propositions which he has oppor
tunities to grasp, and which will allow
him a larger field to work. However
he is not sure whether he will accept
any of the offers he has received, nor
does he know whether he will leave
Columbus. In fact, he says that his
home is not for sale, although he has
received a good offer for it. as he may
decide to remain here. He will spend
a portion of the summer in Oregon
and California investigating some of
the lines that field has to, offer, but
insists that it must be ."ery good to
induce him to leave Columbus.
Mr. Scofield who has been associat
ed with Mr. Snow for some time will
remain with the new firm, and his
thorough knowledge of the business
and of local conditions, as well as his
experience in charge of the wholesale
department will add materially to the
strength of the firm. Mr. Ragatz ex
pects to go to Los Angeles shortly
after the first of June, to visit his par
ents, and intends to return iu the fall.
He has not decided what he will do
when lie does again return to active
business life.
The work of invoicing will com
mence Saturday, and possession will
be given to the new firm June 1.
Mrs. W. F. Hawthorne, who is the
guest of Mrs. E. II. Naumann. is visit
ing in St. Paul this week with Mrs.
Herman Harms and Edward Zybach
got their wires crossed recently and
during the mill Harms suffered a
black eye according to a petition filed
by him in district ocurt. As a result.
Harms is asking the court to compel
Zybach to pay him damages to the
amount of $500 for injuries he claims
to have received, and in addition, ten
dollars for medical services.
Sunday, May 28th, 1911
The Funniest of All Comedy
Weiser & Weiser, Comedy Acrobats and Equilibrists
Catering to the Most Fastidious. Every Move a Laugh.
OpeCiai 1V1U51C TRA with all tlie latest music.
We Guarantee All Vaudeville Acts to be Clean and
Wholesome. Entire Changa of Vaudeville and Pictures
Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Admission 5c and 10c
All the latest shades and
styles in
Papar Hamgiag
and Decorating
Sigi Writlic a Specially
Bleached muslin AT GRAY'S 6&.c
Dr. Valller. Osteopath, Barber Block.
Mrs. Jennie Hagel spent Sunday in
27-inch Embroidery
GRAY'S 49c.
Flouncing AT
Mrs. E. Clure went to Omaha the
first of the week to visit her mother.
Wunder Hose for children and la
Miss Grace Bloom left Monday for
a two weeks' visit with relatives at
Mrs. E. Mills and daughter. Miss
Ella, returned to their home in Al
bion, after a short visit with Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dowers, who
have been visiting their daughter,
Mrs. S. E. Baker, for the past week,
returned to their home in David City
Mrs. A. Dussell entered the hos
pital Sunday evening and Tuesday
submitted to an operation. The re
ports from her bedside this morning
are very encouraging.
-Henry Classon, of Seward, has
bought a home on Platte street be
tween 19th aud 20th and the first of
June will move his family and house
hold goods to Columbus.
Dr. Johnson and M. S. Binney sjent
Sunday in Fullerton, making the trip
in Dr. Johnson's car. The severe rain
storm Sunday compelled them to
leave the auto at Fullerton and return
by train.
Word was received here last week
announcing the death of Mrs. Rose
Wescott last Wednesday at her home
in Crestou. Her death was caused by
a complication of pneumonia and
measles. Mr. and Mrs. Wescott re
sided in Columbus until about a year
ago when they moved to Creston.
John Van der Hyden. an aged man
who for the past few years has been
making his home at the hospital, died
yesterday morning, from complica
tions due to his advanced age. He was
eighty-six years oid. Funeral services
will be held this afternoon at the
Catholic church, with Interment in the
parish cemetery.
Elephant In A Wheat Field.
Teddy Rooserelt had to go to Africa
to hunt elephants, but Mark Burke
and Ed. Rossiter. and a couple of other
people have all the experience they
wanted in that line right here at
home. Think of it! Hunting a big
bull elephant, weighing nine thousand
pounds, and running amuck not in the
Jungles of Its native Asia, but In the
wheat fields of a Platte county farm,
in this enlightened age, the great
twentieth century!
Now, we are telling this story as
given under oath even at the risk of
being called "nature fakirs", "Anna
nias" or some other similar suggestive
term by jealous seekers after big
things, and who had to go to Africa to
find them.
The particular elephant In question
this time was one that got away from
a circus crowd that were on their way
to Leigh where they were to show this
week. He made his get-away Monday
and ran through the wheat fields on
the Gottschalk farm, occupied by D.
L. Martley, going right straight ahead
through fence and Held It was all
the same to him. No one dared to ap
proach him. as he was swinging his
trunk to right and left in a vicious
manner, and everybody was afraid to
get in his way.
While going through the soft wheat
ground, the Immense weight of the
beast made him sink down to a depth
of several inches, yet even with that
handicap his speed was such that it
took a good runner to keep up with
him. It certainly was a most inter
esting sight to see an elephant run
ning around in a farming country and
the only decoration being a quantity
of barbed wire fencing hanging to bis
back and trailing along behind. As
L. F. Gottschalk put it. "A man some
times does see snakes, but I can't un
derstand what brand of whiskey
makes a man see an elephant."
The manager of the show was at
Leigh at the time the mogul was cap
tured and when telephoned to, thought
that there was some Joke connected
with the story. When told that there
would be damages following, or that
the elephant would be attached, he
replied, "Take the elephant and go to
thunder with him." Of course, no one
else had any use for him and so the
keepers started off with him. The
next morning, however, an attachment
proceeding was started in Judge Rat
terman's court to recover damages for
Mr! Martley for the damage to his
fencing, and Deputy Sheriff Burke and
Constable Rossiter went out and over
took the men taking their property to
I.eigh and served the attachment. The
keepers paid the amount asked for
and the elephant probably kept bis
date with the circus goers of Leigh.
Teachers' Annual Institute.
County Superintendent Lecron has
now completed the arrangements for
the holding of the thirty-fourth annual
session of the Platte county teachers
institute, which will be held in the as
sembly room of the high school build
ing in this city June 12 to 16. The
first four days of the session will be
for purpose of in instruction, and on
Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17.
will occur the regular monthly exam
inations for those wishing certificates
or renewals.
In the prospectus sent out by the
superintendent to the teachers, he
makes a number of Important an
nouncements in addition to presenting
an introductory note regarding each of
the instructors. Among the announce
ments he requests all teachers who
expects to teach in Platte county next
year to be sure to attend the Institute
here. Excuses from attendance will
be granted only to those who are In
actual attendance at a summer normal
at the time the institute is in session.
The Instructors are Harry E. Brad
ford, of Kearney, who will have charge
of the work in history and geography;
Miss Julia Bednar, of Omaha, who will
present the work in primary methods
and domestic art; Fred M. Hunter, of
Norfolk, will give instructions in the
course of study and conduct hte be
ginners' round table; Horace F. Car
son, of Hastings, will have charge of
the work in arithmetic and iddactics.
The following is the daily program
as outlined:
8:50 Roll Call.
9:00 Geography Bradford
9:35 Course of Study Hunter
10:10 Intermission.
10:15 Primary Methods Bednar
10:50 Didactics Carson
11:25 Noon.
1:20 Roll Call.
1:30 Arithmetic Carson
1 : 30 Beginners' Round Table
2:05 Domestic Art Bednar
2:40 History Bradford
3:15 Helpful Talks.
There are now more than fifty fire
men, active and honorary, burled in
the two cemeteries here. The active
firemen will consider it a great favor,
if any of the citizens who may have
a few flowers to spare that they dec
orate the graves of their deceased
brothers will let them know, they
will be glad to call and get them for
decoratlom purposes.
For moderate outlay,
will wonderfully improve
the appearance of your
BarnsyFences, Out-Buildings,
Brick and Iron Sur
faces. Protect from de
cay and increase their
Ask for Color Card
Ladies Umbrellas AT GRAY'S 89c.
Lace Dutch collars and Jabots
Clyde Scott has bought the prop
erty formerly owned by Mrs. Gertie
Brock on the corner of 20th and
Olive and expects to take possession
the first of July.
Prof. C. H. Bright, of the Wayne
Normal, spent Thursday at the home
of Mrs. C. A. Woosley. Prof. Bright
was on his way to Bellwood to deliver
the commencement address at that
Hon. A. M. Walling, of David City,
grand master workman of the A. O. U.
W. of Nebraska, and W. N. Huse. of
Norfolk, publisher of the Norfolk
News and editor of the Nebraska
Workman, were in the city last even
ing between trains, while on their
way home from Grand Island, where
they had been attending to some busi
ness pertaining to the order. Richard
Ramey, who was also in attendance at
the meeting, came home with them.
2,240 Acres
of food farm and grazing
land will be sold on the old
Gould and Baker ranch 7
miles southwest of Belgrade,
on Friday, June 2nd. This
land wiU be divided into 6
farms ranging from 160 to
720 acres. Four of these
farms are improved and all
of this land is extra good soil,
about one half smooth to
level, the balance rolling to
rough. It will make ideal
grain and stock farms. Terms
reasonable. This sale offers
a rare chance for snaps in
good farm lands. Special
train leaves Columbus for
Belgrade on the morning of
the sale June 2nd.
On June 3rd, over 400
Hereford and Durham cattle
will be sold on this place, 115
of these Hereford are regis
tered. Col F. M. Woods,
Auctioneer. John W. Smith,
Chicago, C Greek, Genoa,
Nebr., owners.
For terms or any special
information address, H. R.
Ryan, sales manager, Sioux
Cily, Iowa, or C. M. Gruen
ther, assistant, Columbus,
Large Houses
For Rent
Suitable for Room
ing or Boarding
6ood Locations
Inquire of