k r THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW GIRL J Y Y Y r B4NNIJTHtMEKWIN rixfme SYNOPSIS. At the expense of a soiled hat Robert Orme saves from arrest a sirl in a black tourins: car who has caused a traffic jam on State street. He buys a new hat and Is Klven in change a five dollar bill with: "Kemcmber the person you pay this to. written on It. A second time he help3 the lady In the black car. and learns that In Tom and Bessie WalllnKham they have mutual friends, but gains no further hint of her Identity. . Senor Poritol of South America and Senor Alcatrante. minister from the same country, and some Japs try to get pos session of the bill. Two of the latter over power Orme and effect a forcible ex change of the marked bill for another. Orme finds the sirl of the black car waiting for lilm. She also wants the bill. Ormo tflls his story. She recognizes one of the Japs as her father's butler. Maku. A 6'-cond Inscription on the bill is tne kev to the hiding place of Important pa pers stolen from her father. Orme and the "Girl" start out In the black car In quest of the papers. In the university prounds In Evanston the hiding place is located. Maku and another Jap aro there. Orme fells Maku and the other Jap es cape. Orme finds In Maku's pocket a folded Blip of paper. Ho takes the girl, whose name Is still unknown to him. to the home of a friend in Evanston. Re turning to the university grounds Orme gets In conversation with a guard at the life-saving station. They hear a motor boat in trouble In the darkness on tie lake. Thev find the crippled boat. In it are the Jap with the papers a"''01;' She Jumps into Oram's boat: but the Jap eludoj. pursuit. Orni- find-; on the paper he took from Maku the mMr.-ss. ..41 .. Parker street." He goes mere . m -Arima. teacher of Jlu-jltsu. 1 on the third floor. He calls on Alia, clairvoyant, on the fourth floor, descends by the tire escape and conceals Himself unnr1fl taoio In Arima's room. Alcatrante. Torltol and the Jap minister enter. Orme finds the papers In a drawer, under the table and substitutes mining prospectuses for tnem. He learns that the papers are ofJn;er"a; tional importance with a time limit ior signatures of that night midnight. The substitution Is discovered. Tli girl ap pears and leaves acaln after being tola that the American has the papers. Orme attempts to get away. Is discovered and net upon bv Arima and Maku. He eludes them and Is hidden In a closet by the clairvoyant. Orme escapes during a entice given by Alia. On the sidewalk no encounters Alcatrante. Orme goes to find Tom Walllngham. Alcatrante hangs on and tries to get the papers. During the excitement caused hv one of Alca trante's tricks to delav Orme. the latter nee.M the girl nnd follows her back to Wnlllngham's office. He and the girl are locked in a giant specimen refrigerator bv Alcatrante. , Thev confess their love and when the had almost abandoned hope of escape Orme breaks the thermometer colls and attracts the nttntion of a late-going clerk. They are liberated. Alcatrante Is on watch. They get away In a hired motor car to Evanston. The chnuffeur turns out to be Maku. Ho runs them to a quiet spot where they meet another motor. Orme pretends to conceal the papers under tho seat, but drops them In the road. Orme fights Arima. Maku and two other Japs. .... A policeman Intervenes. The girl drives awav In one car with what Orme deceives her "into thinking are the real papers. Arima finds the real papers, eludes the policeman and drives away in another car. Orme. unnoticed, climbs In behind, throtttes the Jnp. recovers the stolen napers and goes to Arradale. Bessie Wal llngham introduces him to the club mem ben and tho Japanese minister. CHAPTER XVII. Continued. "He thought himself safe," contin ued Orme, "but my friend had caught the back of the motor car just as It started. He climbed silently into the tonneau, and throwing his arm around the neck of the thief, pulled him back ward from his seat. "The car was ditched, and my friend End the thief were both thrown out. My friend was fiot hurt. The thief, however, had his leg broken." "What happened then?" inquired the minister; for Orme had paused. "Oh, my friend tcok the proxies from the thief's pocket and walked away. He stopped at the nearest farmhouse and sent help back." "Even In America," commented the minister, "the frien's of the injured man might see that his hurt was avenge. Tho man who caused the ac cident should be made to suffer." "Oh. no," said Orme. "If the matter were pressed at all, the correct thing to do would be to arrest tho man with the broken leg. He had stolen the papers in the first place. Harm came to him, when ho tried to escape with the papers after stealing them. But as a matter of fact, the average American would consider the affair at an end." "Your story and in?ne are dissim ilar," remarked the minister. "Perhaps. But they involve a simi lar question: Whether a man should yield passively to a power that ap pears to be stronger than his own. In America we do not yield passively unless we understand all the bearings of the case, and see that it is right to yield." At this moment a motor car came up the drive. "There's our car. Bob." said Bessie. "Wait a moment, while I get my wraps. I know that you are impatient to go." "I know that you are a good friend," he whispered, as she arose. He did not care to remain with the group in Bessie's absence. With a bow, he turned to stroll by himself down the veranda. But the minister jumred to his feet and called: "Mr. Orme!" Orme looked back. "Please be so good as to return." continued the min ister. With mere politeness. Orme halted, and took a step back toward his chair. An air of startled expectancy was manifest in the position taken by the different members of the group. The minister's voice had sounded sharp and authoritative, and he now stepped forward a pace or two. stopping at a point where the light from one of the clubhouse windows fell full on his face. Clearly he was laboring under great excitement. "You have something to say to me?" inquired Orme. He foresaw an effort to detain im. "PICKWICK PAPERS" FOR LAW Judge Holt Tells Students of Colum bia Law School to Study Dick sns Becks. "A majority of the persons who sit In the witness chair are honest and they shculd be treated as such by the cross-examining lawyers," declared Judse Holt of the United States cir cuit court, in addressing the students of Columbia Law school recently on tho r-biect cf "Leeal Ethics." BILL "I am compelled to ask the ladles to leave us for a few minutes," said the minister, seriously. "There is a matter of utmos' importance." He bowed. The women, hesitating in their embarrassment, rose and walked away, leaving the half-dozen men standing in a circle. "I find myself in an awkward po sition," began the minister, slowly. "I am a guest of your club, and I should never dream of saying what I mus say, were my own personal affairs alone involved. Let me urge that no one leave until I have done." For a tense moment ho was silent. Then he went on: "Gentlemen, while we were talking together here, I had in my pflcket certain papers of great importance to my country. In the last few min utes they have disappeared. I regret to say it but, gentlemen, some one has taken them." There was a gasp of astonishment "I mus even open myself to the charge of abusing your hospitality rather than let the matter pass. If I could only make you understand how grave it is" he was brilliantly impres sive. Just the right shade of re luctance colored his earnestness. "I have every reason to think." he continued, "that the possession of those papers would be of immense per sonal advantage to the man who has been sitting at my right Mr. Orme." "This is a serious charge, excel lency," exclaimed one of the men. "1 am aware of that. But I am obliged to ask you not to dismiss it hastily. My position and standing are known to you. When I tell you that these papers are of importance to my country, you can only in part realize how great that importance it Gen tlemen, f mus' ask Mr. Orme whether he has the papers." Orme saw that the minister's bold stroke was having its effect He de cided quickly to meet it with frank ness. "The papers to which his ex cellency refers," he said quietly, "are in my pocket" Several of the men exclaimed. "But," Orme went on, "I did not take them from his excellency. On the contrary, his agents have for some time been using every device to steal them from me. They have failed, and now he is making a last attempt by trying to persuade you that they be long to him." "I submit that this smart answer does not satisfy my charge," cried the minister. "Do you really wish to go further?" demanded Orme. "Would you like me to explain to these men what those papers really mean?" "If you do that, you betray my coun try's secrets." Orme turned to the others. "His excellency and I are both guests here," he said. "Leaving his official position out of the question, my word must go as far as his. I assure you that he has no claim at all upon the papers In my pocket." "That is not true!" The minister's words exploded in a sharp staccato. "In this country," said Orme. calm ly, "we knock men down for woras like that In Japan, perhaps, the Ho can be passed with impunity." "Gentlemen, I ask that Mr. Orme be detained," exclaimed the minister furiously. "I will not be detained," said Orme. The other men were whispering among themselves, and at last one of them stepped forward as spokesman. "This is a serious matter for the club." he said. "I suggest, Mr. Orme, that wc go to the library" he glanced significantly at the other groups on the veranda "where no one can over hear us, and talk the matter over quietly." "But that will exactly fit In with his scheme," exclaimed Orme, heatedly. "He knows that, in the interests of our own country" he hazarded this "I must be at a certain place before midnight He will uso every means to delay me even to charging me with theft" "What is that?" Bessie Walling ham's voice broke in upon them. "Is any one daring to accuse Bob Orme?" In her long, gray silk motor cloak, with tho filmy chiffon veil bound about her hat she startled them. like an apparition. The spokesman explained. "His ex cellency says that Mr. Orme has stolen some papers from him." "Then his excellency is at fault," said Bessie, promptly. "I vouch for Mr. Orme. He is Tom's best friend, and Tom is one of the governors of the club. Come, Bob." She turned away decisively, and Orme recognized the advantage she had given him, and strode after her. From noises behind him he gathered that the men were holding the min ister back by main force. CHAPTER XVIII. The Goal. The chauffeur was opening the door of the waiting car. It was a black car a car with strangoly familiar lines. Orme started. "Where did that code from?" he demanded. Bessie smiled at him. "That is my surprise for you. My very dear friend, whom you so much desire to see, tele phoned me here this evening and The speaker took ai his particular topic "The Treatment of Witnesses," and the judge stated that there was no position in life which calls for such self-restraint and the repression of ir ritation and other expressions of the will as in the cross-examination of wit nesses. "Don't brow-beat them," he declared. "Don't sneer at them or harshly and unjustly criticise them. You will only detract from your case if you do and bring about the displeas ure of both the court and the jury. "This Is the test of a lawyer's char acter, and a crime necessity of all suc "W'fWlfe IB "What Happened Then?" asked me to spend the night with her instead of returning to Chicago. She promised to send her car for me. It was long enough coming, goodness knows, but if it bad appeared sooner, I should have one before you arrived." Orme understood. The girl had telephoned to Bessie while he waited there on La Sallo street She had planned a meeting that would satisfy him with full knowledge of her name and place. And the lateness of the car in reaching Arradale was unques tionably owing to the fact that it had not set out on its errand until after the girl reached home and gave her chauffeur the order. Orme welcomed this evidence that she had got home safely. Bessie jumped lightly into the ton neau, and Orme followed. The car glided from tho grounds. Eastward it went, through the pleasant, rolling farming country, that was wrapped In the beauty of the starry night They crossed a bridge over a narrow creek. "You would hardly think," said Bes sie, "that this is so-called north branch of the Chicago river." "I would believe anything about that river," he replied. She laughed nervously. He knew that she was suppressing her natural interest in the scene she had wit nessed on the veranda; yet, of course, she was expecting some explanation. "Bessie," he said, "I am sorry to have got into such a muss there at the club. The Japanese minister was the last man I wanted to see." She did not answer. "Perhaps your friend whom we are now going to visit will explain things a little," ho went on. "I can tell you only that I had in my pocket certain papers which the Jap would have given much to get hold of. He tried it by accusing me of stealing them from him. It was very awkward." "I understand better than you think," she said, suddenly. "Don't you see, you big stupid, that I know where we are going? That tells me some thing. I can put two and two to gether." "Then I needn't try to do any more explaining of things I can't explain." "Of course not You are forgiven all. Just think. Bob, it's nearly a year An Old Man, Coatlesa and cessful cross-exeminers is the expres sion of a quiet good humor, a court eous demeanor and a repression of Irritation and abuse of the other side." "Occasionally a liar will get on the stand, but by the right kind of treat ment he can be made to assert some inconsistency by continual cross-examination. Truth is logical and consist ent whereas falsehood is not" Judge Holt declared that all classes and conditions of people occupy the witness chair. "For examp'e," he said, "it requires care, skill and remarkable charity to bring out the facts where ST ' ' Inquired the Minister. since you stood up with Tom and me." "That's so!" "How time does go! See" as the car turned at a crossing "we are go ing northward. We are bound for the village of Winnetka. Does that tell you anything?" "Nothing at all," said Orme, striving vainly to give the Indian name a place in bis mind. On they sped. Orme looked at his watch. It was half-past ten. "We must be nearly there," he said. "Yes. It's only a little way, now." They were going eastward again, following a narrow dirt road. Sud- Wenly the chauffeur threw the brakes n hard. Orme and Bessie, thrown forward by the sudden stopping, clutched the sides of the car. There was a crash, and they found them selves in the bottom of the tonneau. Orme was unharmed. "Are you all right Bessie?" he asked. "All right" Her voice was cheery. He leaped to the road. The chauf feur had descended and was hurrying to the front of the car. "What was it?" asked Orme. "Some one pushed a wheelbarrow into the road just as we were com ing." "A wheelbarrow!" "Yes, sir. There it Is." Orme looked at the wheelbarrow. It was wedged under the front of the car. He peered off into the field at the left Dimly he could see a run ning figure, and he hastily climbed tho rail fence and started in pursuit It was a hard sprint The running man was fast on his feet, but bis speed did not long serve him, for he stumbled and fell. He did not rise, and Orme, coming up, for the moment supposed him. to be stunned. Bending over, he discovered that the prostrate man was panting bard, and digging his hands into the turf. "Get up," commanded Orme. The man got to his knees and, turn ing, raised supplicating hands. "Poritol!" exclaimed Orme. "On, Mr. Orme. spare me. It was an accident" His face worked con vulsively. "I I" Something like a sob escaped him. and Orme again found himself divided between con tempt and pity. Slippered, Opened the Deer. such persons as the deaf, the illiterate, the voluble, the obstinate and the prej udiced are called upon to testify. An ordinary reasonable man is generally easy to handle, but much encourage ment should be extended to such class es as have been referred to. Judge Holt read several passages from Dickens' ''Pickwick Papers" to show the proper and improper method of cross-examination. "There is a whole lot of good, sound law in the book," asserted the speak er, "in addition to its amusing and sound philosophy." fjjayTRATTCWL eomaiOHT fo oooQnnAo 9 "What were you dolus wit that wheelbarrow?" Poritol kept his frightened eyes on Orme's face, but he said nothing. "Well. I wiU explain it You fol lowed the car when it started for Ar radale. You waited here, found a wheelbarrow, and tried to wreck us. It is further evidence of your comic equipment that you should use a wheelbarrow." Poritol got to his feet "You are mistaken, dear Mr. Orme. I I " Orme smiled grimly. "Stop," he said. "Don't explain. Now I want you to stay right here in this field for a half hour. Don't budge. If I catch you outside, I'll take you to the near est Jail." Poritol drew himself up. "As an attache I am exempt." he said, with a pitiful attempt at dignity. "0u are not exempt from the con sequences of a crime like this. Now, get on your knees." Whimpering, Poritol kneeled. "Stay in that position." "Ob, sir oh, my very dear sir. I "Stay there!" thundered Orme. Poritol was still, but his lips moved, and his Interlaced fingers worked con vulsively. As Orme walked away, he stopped now and then to look back. Poritol did not move, and Orme long carried the picture of that kneeling figure. "Who was It?" asked Bessie Wal llngham, as he climbed hack over the fence. "A puppy with sharp teeth," he re plied, thinking of what the girl had said. "We might as well forget him." She studied him In silence, then pointed to the chauffeur, who was down at the side of the car. "Anything damaged?" Orme quer ied. "Yes, sir." "Much?" "Two hours work, sir." "Pshaw!" Orme shut his teeth down hard; Poritol, had he known it, might have felt thankful that he was not near at hand. He turned to Bessie. "How much farther Is it?" "The chauffeur answered. "About three miles, sir." Three miles over dark country roads and It was nearly 11 o'clock. He light twinkled. "Bessie," he said, tome with me to that farmhouse. We must go on. Or, if you prefer to wait here " "I'll go with you, of course." They walked along the road to the farm gate. A cur yelped at their feet as they approached the house, and an old man, coatless and slippered, opened the door, holding an oil lamp high above his head. "Down. Rover! What do you want?" he shouted. "We've got to have a rig to take us to Winnetka," said Orme. "Our car broke down." The old man reflected. "Can't do it," he said, at last "All shet up fer tiie night Can't leave the missus alone." A head protruded from a dark upper window. "Yes, you can, Simeon," growled a woman's guttural voice. "Wall I don't know" "Yes, you can." She turned to Orme. "He'll take ye fer five dollars cash. Ye can pay me." Orme turned to Bessie. "Have you any money?" he whispered. "Heavens! I left my hand bag in my locker at the clubhouse. How stu pid!" "Never mind." Orme saw that he must lose the marked bill after all. Regretfully he took it from his pocket The woman had disappeared from the window, and now sho came to the door and stood behind her husband. Wrapped in an old blanket, she made a gaunt figure, not unlike a squaw. As Orme walked up the two or three steps, she stretched her hand over her husband's shoulder and snatched the bill, examining it closely by the lamp light "What's this writin on it?" sho de manded, fiercely. "Oh, that's just somebody's joke. It doesn't hurt anything." "Well, I don't know." Sho looked at it doubtfully, then crumpled It tight in her fist "I guess it'll pass. Git a move on you, Simeon." The old man departed, grumbling. to the barn, and the woman drew back into the house, shutting the door care fully. Orme and Bessie heard the bolts click as she shot them homo. "Hospitable!" exclaimed Bessie, seating herself on the doorstep. After a wait that seemed intermi nable, the old man came driving around the house. To a ramshackle buggy he had hitched a decrepit horse. They wedged in as best they could, the old man between them, and at a shuffling amble the nag proceeded through the gate and turned eastward. In the course of 20 miniuc3 they crossed railroad tracks and entered the shady streets of the village. Bessie directing the old man where to drive. Presently they came to the entrance of what appeared to be an extensive estate. Back among the trees glim mered the lights cf a house. "Turn in." said Bessie. A thought struck Orme. If Poritol, why not the Japanese? Maku and his friends might easily have got back to this place. And If the minister had been able tc telephone to hia allies Sixty Mile Fox Chase. A two days' fox hunt that gave op portunity for pursuit of quarry over more than sixty miles ended yesterday afternoon, when tho Chester Valley hounds returned to the kennels from Downingtown. The hunt, which was an innovation in local circles, started on Tuesday when the pack picked up a scent that carried the riders far up the Chester valley and over much ad- j jacent territory, reynard being holed. The hunters passed the night at Downingtown and yesterday contihued the chase, springing another fine sne- from Arradale. they would be expect ing him. "Stop!" he whispered. "Let me out. You drive on to the door and wait there for me." Bessie nodded. She did not com prehend, but she accepted the situa tion unhesitatingly. Orme noted, by the light of the lamp at the gate, the shimmer of the Tell that was wound around her hat "Give me your veil," he said. She withdrew the pins and unwound the piece of gossamer. He took it and stepped to the ground, concealing him self among the trees that lined the drive. The buggy proceeded slowly. Orme followed afoot on a parallel course, keeping well back among the trees. At a certain point, after the buggy passed, a figure stepped out into the drive, and stood looking after it Prom his build and the peculiar agility of his motions, he was recognized as Maku. Orme hunted about till he found a bush from which he could quietly break a wand about six feet long. Stripping it of leaves, he fastened the veil to one end of it and tiptoed toward the drive. The Japanese was still looking aft er the buggy, which had drawn up be fore the house. Suddenly, out of the darkness a sinuous gray form came floating to ward him. It wavered, advanced, halted, then seemed to rush. The seance of the afternoon was fresh la the mind of the Japanese. With screams of terror, he turned and fled down the drive, while Orme, removing the veil from the stick, moved on to ward the house. Madam Alla's game certainly wis effective in dealing with Orientals. A moment later Orme and Bessie had crossed the roomy veranda and were at the door, while the old man, still grumbling, swung around the cir cle of the drive and rattled away. Orme's heart was pounding. When the servant answered the bell, he drew back and he did not hear the words which Bessie spoke in a low voice. They were ushered into a wide re ception hall, and the servant went to announce them. "You wish to see her alone," said Bessie. "Go in there and I will ar range it" He went as she directed, into a lit tle reception room, and there he wait ed while subdued feminine greetings were exchanged in the hall without Then, at last through the doorway came the gracious, lovely figure of the . girl. "Oh," she whispered. "1 knew you would come, dear I knew." He took her hands and drew her to him. But with a glance at the doorway she held herself away from him. In his delight at seeing her he had almost forgotten his mission. But now he remembered. "I have the papers." he said, taking them from his pocket. "I was sure you had them. I was sure that you would come." He laid them in her hands. "For give me, Girl, for fooling you with that blank contract" She laughed happily. "I didn't look at it until I got home. Then I was so disappointed that I almost cried. But when I thought it over, I under stood. Oh, my dear, I believed In you so strongly that even then I went to my father and told him that the pa pers were on the way that they would be here in time. I just simply knew you would come." Regardless of the open doorway he clasped her closely, and she buried her face in his coat with a little !agh that was almost a sob. Then, sudden ly, she left him standing there and, holding tho papers tight went from the room. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Up in the Air. Glenn H. Curtiss was describing In New York his flight down the Hud son. "The intelligent interest of the pub lic in my aeroplane and its operation." he said, "shows very plainly that peo ple nowadays have a good general knowledge of aeronautics. It wasn't always so. When I think of the stupid nnd useless questions about my ma chine that used to exasperate me to the point of rudeness, I am reminded of Smith. "Smith, meeting Jones one day, ex claimed: " 'Hallo. Jones! You wearing glass es? What's that for?' "Jones, annoyed at tho foolishness of the question, answered irritably: Corns!'" An Exploded Theory. "Children." said the Sunday school teacher, "there Is one thing that I wish to especially impress upon your minds. Always bo kind to your parents. Make it as pleasant for them as you can. Remember that none of you can ever have another mother after the one you posses is gono. You can never " "Oh. yes. we can," Interrupted a lit tle boy who had lost most of his but tons. "I lost mine last week and pa brought me a new one home the same day he got back from house." the court clmcn and riding In the direction of the kennels until this fox, too, was holed. Several other scents were found by tho hounds, but darkness coming on the pursuit was abandoned Philadelphia Press. That for His First Wife's Cooking. "I wish you could learn to cook as my first wife did." he complained. "If you had the ability my first hus band possessed," she replied, "our income would be sufficient to enable us to hire the best cook in the coun Many Wemen There Are Whe WW Understand Just Why Lenf-St ferinf MWermn Turned. Several years ago an Atchison coaple were living happily together. The community was shocked onedaywaem the wife applied for a divorce aad got it The story of the divorce has coae out It seems that the wife went into the kitchen and "slaved" all day. She made bread, pies, cake, cookies and pork and beans. She boiled a tongue, made a potato salad, stuffed eggs. made a custard and brown bread. When her husband came home at six o'clock la the evening he foand her dressed up. And on the table was cold tongue, pork and beans, fresh bread, cake, cookies, pie, potato salad, stuffed eggs, brown bread and cus tard. The wife thought her husband would say: "You poor darling, how you have worked today!" Instead, he said, in a surprised way: "COLD ras per! Lord, but you have an easy time!" His wife did not answer his. She was speechless with rage, aad he doe3 not know to this day why she asked Jhe court to be divorced from a BRUTE. Atchison Globe. HARD LINES. xixr si ji Grace She married a widowert Edith Is she happy? Grace No; when he's not talking about himself he's talking about hU first wife. The Impossible. Andrew Carnegie, at a recent dla aer in New York, said of a certaut labor trouble: "It Is silly of employers to pretend In these troubles that they are always in the right Employers are oftea In the wrong; often unreasonable. They often like Mrs. Smith-Jones ask impossible things: "Mrs. Smith-Jones, taking a villa it Palm Beach, engaged for butler a stately old colored deacon. '"Now. Clay,' she said to the old fellow, 'there are two things I must insist upon truthfulness and obedi ence.' "'Yes, madam,' the venerable serv ant answered, 'and when yo' bids me tell yo' guests yo's out when yo's la, which shall it be. madam?' " Keep Clean. Keep your house and your belong ings clean. Let the blessed sun. the greatest physician in the world, get all through you and all about you. Get your full share of the free air of heaven. "Eat to live and not live to eat," as a sage philosopher of the long ago tells us. Keep your house 'dean in which you live and keep the "house" in which your life lives clean, and all will be well. Better Days. He (with a little sigh) This Is the third winter hat you have had this year. She Well, but dearest, summer will soon be here now. Humor Is a great solvent against snobbishness and vulgarity. Seaman. On the Level. you assimilate your "Do food. aunty?" "No. I doesn't, sah. I buys it open an' honest sah." Woman's National Daily. The only proof against disappoint ment is to expect the unexpected. FOOD IN SERMONS Feed the Dominie Right and the Ser mons Are Brilliant. A conscientious, hard-working and successful clergyman writes: "I am glad to bear testimony to the pleasure and increased measure of efficiency and health that have como to mo from adopting Grape-Nuts food as one of my articles of diet "For several years I was much dis tressed during tho early part of each day by indigestion. My breakfast 6cemed to turn 6our and failed to di gest After dinner the headache and other symptoms following the break fast would wear away, only to return, however, next morning. "Having heard of Grape-Nuts food. I finally concluded to give it a trial. I made my breakfasts of Grape-Nuts with cream, toast and Posturn. The re sult was surprising in improved health and total absence of tho distress that had. for so long a time, followed th morning meal. "My digestion became once mere satisfactory, the headaches ceased, and the old feeling of energy returned. Since that time I have always had Grape-Nuts food on my breakfast table. "I was delighted to find also, that whereas before I began to use Grape Nuts fcod I was quite nervous and be came easily wearied in the work of preparing sermons and in study, a marked improvement in this respect resulted from the change in my diet "I am convinced that Grape-Nuts food produced this result and helped me to a sturdy condition of mental and physical strength. "I have known of several persona who were formerly troubled as I was. and who have been helped as I have been, by the use of Grape-Nuts food, an my recommendation." Name given by Posturn Company, Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Wcllvllle," In pkgs. Ever read" the aboTe letter? A aew SBe appear from tine to time. They are cm alar, trae, ana itui latere t. -,- ; j". .