The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 17, 1911, Image 1

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May 5, 1011
Try a low Shares
.. i;
f:2n in ?-. (i
1 -tc,
V I., nl .
into Cm'
I . i".tt I "t II
'". tV
't !. " wwmmm www
MINY YLfllLS noo
I ol the .Journal .May JJ. I'M I
I iniHi:''ii"' i" Platte -mil itni .
Ilitji . till HiliU;,' bill: li ell Ci-tl. idei
iii numlieiH. i.ii! u'tli t'MtitiiH
'! m week lure imiiil?.- f i"iiu
Hit l'nt'e havi pie-'-ed tliUMih lir
( 'Mill f'M I'l'lt! Inlet Wis! f 5 lmni '!-.
i mux')' everv da, I'MiiU" nee .! -
'ne f i:i iii poriein'od voun;; men
.j.jh1 In-, limp t put an addition !
'i aim II" iiiiiiiil out bv vieitie;; lui
"t llit IIH iliat li Would ll" till! t
i .. a o to conk lur. iuinli. In plau-
lit'i hiii. i in ". '! cot ii't" Iiin head li would in.'il t.Hitl cooked. Ho
t mtt f t bv -imiik In' 1 : I thoitcjil
' . inc. u patent '"li Ilalllor.
M Webb Iihh eiw ir'l the imitiiiiM
IflMI'l' till' lllflll hit IV eel t'ol'llll
' .'rct I'he in!" i"ied.iSe p-ml
' 'Miiiiiiiitt t "I v 'fieri "i tul
.iil." Iuviiim .lulv I, fur fi'in :ti - Ili
1H lf till to..llCiil. prOlllptlMlt llll'l'
i nr I'uclo Samucl'ii iiihiIh th
, I 14. l lit line up ! III".'. Wa'tl. :i!il
' lie pto.jinil !' ijit r p..- i-tifi .
i! ei tised I I'tlcis.
Il-tut.; I a le t of unclaimed until
tf.i r-iiiH'uiiit hi tin pi' "ili" at
MUllllJ(.. ibl.llkll. fill t ll" pl"l I 111 1'lnl-
i i "dn I . I .'J 1
:, ht- Mik lii'uin-. '' M I aw mi.
ll .4ili. :i I (Ii'iilifli. 1 :.
'I r Merlin Hull IJi-i jamm 1 i ''li
'iril' Mm .Iii'. t'.mipl'i ll. . iIJi"'
'in i riu t . I -it i'ii. M i Hi I "i!ii.
I Kirk ih. Wnll'T Kuli'iuu lit Tilt"
! '.'.-.!
1 ii-f i jill'iijr Jut "u. "f th uliuv
..' lA a .e i. "-I'lvi 'lin"i'."
V. .M. i i i ii . I. M.
M.u i" I i'ii .t
1 "Mpll 1 I i ' -'
v l .1 i !" 'I. 'J .IH .
I 'rlMll Jl'llllMlf t tHt.1 . ...
II ImfiK ;t:-.t:i!'iii. ' ""iiuM .
i t oini.'.i Si'lit " ti-i ! ii iit t.
1 ! Til i'i Jiii-'. r. 11'Mi'p'iK ;
1 i ll , ilutMv UllliT. li"l"M ..
Ma Hnti 4n. (iiMKia . .
' I :' 'j H' f'it"'1
.. .p M l t ) fl'IM
!i,!!Hn ul So" . i -.
'It'.i'llH "Uliri 'lP ! I ' I'll
miiI;-. Mm .' tlif I'h ! :i iti
1 ' Tl'll ll' K"l n'( 111 I. H III 'l
i Miril. (if th" t . . li . viu' "" 'r
i . Ij4i9 AmuIIitj ili.ii Sjii'itisli :i ,
! uai .tiTHiiM lir llHJIJI .l4 l : !:
i '!i4 iiiui'i! Ajuij IiiiI! ; t'.li- nth
n't' a ti rliick ii. in. t" 'iSti'ti'l
lu-unmat -orMO'
All the latest shades am!
-tylco in
Paiior Hanging;
and Decorating
Sign Writing; a Specialty
Monday nilit. about ten o'clock, 'uhn
IViirciU, ont 'f tlio ohlest liraktinn on
tin' I nion l'jicilif, was caught bctwton
tin l irii at tin. Schroetler null crohhtiifr,
ami ihciJ from the priVets of his mjuriee
about t-oven o'clock Tubil-iy inorninj:.
Ilrakoman I'tarwiII :iino 111 Suntluy ove
iiui from Omaha with Conductor HofF
ni'iii ami tin- rnnv were licit up hur for
the n' Monday nij;hl Gtock train.
Tht-y wen about ready to lcavo and
1 Varolii wan makin;a coupling near the
place of the accident wlion tlio coupler
ri'fiibi'd to work and he tfavo them a Mn
to I'd aliciid no ho could ;idjiiRt the knu
ckle He vi4S adjUHtuiK tho knuckle
when th"': in tho train caino back
anil i.uiKht In in . Freight iu;ent Fred
Cm her wis near the croa-tnt: at tho
Hum . and Iie.inue; the mail n ence, went
to hiti atwitance. The tram pulled
.men! and I'eanall was released from bin
n!i!i.ii ami taken to the hobpilal, where
hi lived until morning. HiK wife in
Oiuah'i w.ih notili"d at once of the iicli
dent and die at rived on the earlj iimm
iiiC train, before he dud. Hoffman wa
Mi" i;!.ltnt liiiikeiniiii on the road mid
1 r firreii thai position to conductor,
winch In had hten ollered a uuiuber of
tini" C'lrotu r (inns, who took charge
if ;h" Ii'hIv, ileciibil that an unpiest v.aa
urn ei'i t-my, and l'eaiflall was takeu to
Iiii.i'i.i TueiuhiA. where funeral pervtcou
will In held
.iiMeph Hi nc.'ich, who IB well know m
th"4 1 it. In inn leader ol the old Audi
torium nl chest ia. which is the pnsent
Maeiu iici.ur nrche'trn. m .-uuif; the
"in iht, i itlioad for S2 W0 damiiU"-. for
ifiju'i' --n-i -:'d in h w reck. Thefollow
:n; iebi. the i.torj of the c:ik- On his
Icicl. mi the J'nor of a wrecked mail cm
rub !! across bin abdomui and a
li -"il .imp d inirlnii: jili'l abov" hi- i the way Jtifieph IJenesi ll de
'. lli.-l !.: poriltl'lll III lllK Hill! foi t-."i
.'iim.-Ki against lb" C'luciiuo. SI I'aul.
Miii"i-4,'ulii A Omuha rtibii.'id le'W mi
tiii! 'l.f.'ii inline S'ar.-. The uieck al
i..i i.. h.i.priied in l'.HI.i. 15eii(.ncli,ininl
. k. n he CMiiipiuiiu-eil with tin
ci:iipi.ti fin ;(lil when told by a dnetm
in He ii".-1 iiienf the ro'id's claim a-ent
thai he would he mil ol the hoi-pital nil
' a-, a dollar within i5itv dive, lie
u'.im thi! tin iiicihca! opinion wan not
lime mil find that Inn real ihimare ih
S.. inie. but i.uisfor onl f"J,(HKI
I'lul i nche. a forme i ColumhiiH
I'uMiii hi. man. ilu l Wedt ly at, tiie of hi . Hii.ter. Tilrn. Co rhard Kiv.elie.
i:iv i"tbi! north ! "iibiiiilui', iiii"''
fo t ei.-lil jean. He had bet n bed
rn'de:: for tin bust ear, anil prior to tiun had n:i!i(ied from jmial.
in. Iir An-hewuu !i'rn in Ohleiibiirj:.
Ceri'iin". November ill, li-. and came
! Au.'TU'a fit the njce of te!'. jeain.
Mt. h" was mat i led to Miri Anna
I'.'.. i.tiiu. who with two onu eurvive
hoii lb-: fdi-o tiurvnedhy three iue
tiii. Mi-i Ceih.ird Ko.chi. Mm. llenn
Wtl'. si-el .Mir. I ioiiiii .Scliieiher, all re
ubiic in thn lm nitty. Funeral i.eruceb' hi Id Jviluiday at the (leriuan
I.i tin tan Munch and weie conducted
! lb . UenincAr of the Loaeke Cheek
-li.ii ii. in th-'abi'Micenf FaMorMein-der.
1 1 mi.'! Hiiifn. for many jean a I'titon
I'ai 'lie "limine' i. 'mil for nrun yean; on
t'e 'Vi.imliu-. and Norfolk paoeimer
run. h.e. 'etired and wilt mal;i Iiih home
i'i Hi: .".ly. ;i,:de.i railroading for
l I.i rt "i ;; iap. Mr. Hine. ha alt,
N"M i lien ted m invention!! ol hi own.
.'no ul the pit'tient time he anil .lohu
Fi'iln t .' iliiii city ha." .. cril mi
Miiif '".oiitii'iiti under way. Hi..
p;it- -i' foi weblltl-j llue.s into boilere.
:lii,i'!u i "liK-iup; the cunt of fuel, lui'i
im.4 .; milt h attention Hip rervt
,. .i.iii. ' 'in-iii I'.icilit has been if suili-,-i
..j t. !,(, i fit he l- plac d on ll."
pe.i toil , II. :uiil will diaw a ulhciinl
.ttj'i le '" kp linn i "'uifiirlabK in hits
old !;
A I it. "ki'l 'diiitl-liii th" i'lal'e
ni.ii im'opt'iidt'tit t"'b'plniii "'xeiian-e
i hii. ' il . which has been under ivn
. I'T'itioti tir iini tine', u mu couiiiie'i
e ) 'hi. week. The pi'l-'i: l"r this work
!'4 ... u bete fin -I'lne tune and with
' ,ii:i I'Hie of -.(IH) worth of cable,
w ii i- .-in nuthor;"d by the hoard of
d"ecin. he work will now be pushed
'"' mi .1 iit-V what i- litem will
! - -ii .lb il has not been decided mi,
in" .' . be Miher i minnmi battery,
ti." mil' a-the Hell at present, or the
. ift'!'--. b5 Omaha and Lincoln
U'h'-n t1. i lompicted, the local
e . will ! one of the most up-to-da"
in lie-1 ttite.
: iit i a-. e i i:ik his .-tction war. vis
.t ,i i,., ..-,.. .,f th" iieu'tict-t downpours
' ti'ii in a uunibt'r of yearf. 'l'he-4tonn.
wli ich came fit'in the southwest, bistcd
a lit! It oei an hmir a'ul during that
Tnai i.l'i uii'ius of rain fell. Very little
i.iiu u;e r, suited from the downpour, the
m v.-ly e:.-iv.ited basements for the build
in o'i I .nrtieath street ami the T I.
iluni elevator cettinc plenty of inoi.
ttire At the latter plnce there was not
e'.Hiuch oi an outlet for the water, and it
'mud it way into the basement of the
ikvator. di"n t.-'Mio dnmajje. Further
we-t "n the Spahhncbrnuch the raiufal!
v.-i- ho-ivier. and the Liotip river was
bank fill! bundav as a result.
Thur-MJav ni?ht the fire dcpHrtnient
w a? ailed to the I'nion Pacific ysrds by
r luircinff boi car which was brought in
on a freich tr.:in. The hlBze wa nn-
j der control by the time the boys reached
' the yards and damage was nominal.
Dr. Kallmann, Dentist l!lth til.
Wash skirts !Sl- at Cray's.
Dr. Morrow-, office Lueecheu building.
Baled hay for ealo. Jirnist .fc Brock.
Aiik for Peter Schniilt'b unbleached
May Sale at Grays contiuueb all
Plain and faticy ce-xmg M130 Grajjert
:jh; Kaot 1 1th ct.
Red U.ide the best barn paint on
earth, nt Lenvy.
Dr. C. A. AllenlmrKor, olliee in new
State Lauk buildinjc-
Wanted A Platte couuty atlaa. L.
A. Biley, Genoa. I-IebraBka.
Dr. Ij P. CamtenHon, Veterinarian, lu
tirmary, 11th and KummerSto.
llyron Uompton of Genoa wa3 n Col
iiuihua caller between traiiiB Monday.
A nice line of wedding nnH just re
ceived. Carl Frocinel, Eleventh street
Mibs Mazio Magili who baa been uh
eistini: in the Tiuien ellico at Genoa, re
turned home Friday
Ned Jaueu will leave Sunday morning
for Lincoln, where ho will spend a few
days with bin parent.;.
4.lrs. D T. Martyii, jr., left Thursdny
inornini: for a mix weeks.' vmtt with rela
tive!? at Mt. Sterling, III. '
Miri Unzei Olarkreturned from Genoa
hint Wednesday, after auveral days visit
with relatives "ind fnendn.
Mi-h Sube I'mito of Fremoiit lj ex
pected up Saturday, to spend Sunday
with her many CohiiuhtiM frunds.
Mi-s I lor." itiis-s, uccoiiip-iuud by her
sister. Mm. Aucii'.t Men: were Omaha
xitiitori bint Wednesday and Thui-ilay.
Mig.s liin.te tlrten of Genoa was the
gueul of Mi1-! Miiinit lilur between
trains Saturday, being euroiite to North
Mm S. C IVderron returned Wodntfi
day evening from Siduev. Nebr.. alter
an extended vi-Kith herhiibiiand, who
1- located there.
The "blear' gits gabolme or oil cover.
Saves -0 per cent of fuel C J. llagel,
agent. Coluuibiie Neb. Bell phono 10S,
Independent 1 lit.
i-.c diesi ginghams 10c at
J. II. Galley. W. A MoAlliMer and
ii. K. Block lift Vedtiioday morning
for Kai!'ev, wlnie they will attend the
Kltit" enca'tipuient of the Grand Army
of the lb public.
Albert Stuiger left Tueaday for Sher
man county to look after hiQiuleiests in
that locality. Mr. .Mengcr recently
purchaied his In olhei'i- half interest in
the holding there, which coeniutcd of hiu
half intetest in the N10 act o ranch
Kd Ilicsiter win. called to Uiuidia
TiieMlav on aicmiut if 'lie illm u. of hit;
brother, B. li Bossilei. for nianv yearo
county Hiirvevor of tins county. Mr.
BoHsiter has bet n in p mr health for
i-eveial montii'i ami on hH teceiit visit
to Columbus hii. frn ndr- wen concerned
about Inn health
C'obimbiin ih to l;iie the Inst postal
saviii"i btnk n tins locality, the press
dispatches of Motiij'iv indicating that
this has been de:.icuuto-i by I'oytmauter
Ceneral I In heotk. .Sm far Postmaster hus no! ivciived any advices
regaiding the entabln.liiiienL of a postal
bank hen., but wiM no doubt in a few
Oheoti r 'tnvlnr m i.ion t'lty, Iowa,
at lived in 1 he illy lii.i eik for a few
lav ? vi.-it, be-ng i gue'4l -it the homo of
Mm j H.-leiikms The Tav lor family
fm met Iv resided hen. llu father in 11:1:11
prnmmcni .lock d",d"r at th time of
th"ir ilcp.nrt tire for the Iowa uly eleven
v-ars ago Che t"r now lias a good
position with the Cu.iahy packing com
-Vic Lisle gh'vi h m white andblacll
2J)c at Grny's.
Tuesday. V.Vdtuday and Thursday,
June 1 5, 1 1 :"id !., the st'ito convention
of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will he
held in this city. When the delegates
from the local lodge secured this meet
nig a the Ohadioti convention, they
pmn1itn.1l tin vi-itmg Eagles a royal
tune at the 1!H1 conveiitmn. untl the
Cohiinbur. meinbers of the order aro nr
raui'ing to make their promise good
Mr. ami Mre. G. W. Elston left Mon
day for Exc"bir Spring . Mn., in hopes
that the u. -it (.is there will be benelicial
to Mr.Eiston' health. During the nest
three month they will abo vi-u with
relatives and friends in Iowa. South
Dakoia ami Minnesota, and old neiuh
bors and friends will be pleased to ece
this worthy couple return home much
lieneiitcd by their mingling again with
the friends of long ago.
Burlington Agent L. F. Hector return
ed last Friday from his extended trip 111
the west, and while there visited ninny
places with 11 view of investing. He
says that in many places the onportuiu-
! ties are not any better than here, but
the cne section that he was taken with
was the Big Horn basin. This, be eaye,
is the coining country of the west, and
a judicious investment there is practi
cally sure to bring good returns. Mr.
Rector did not invest as yet, although
he has several options for a limited time.
Your Expense
will be a Mnall item if the
monthly rent checks aie omit
ted. Have you as yet solved
(he problem whereby this item
of expense called "rent" can lie
termed a profit, and ultimately
niake you a home owner.
If you will take this mailer
up with our Secretary he will
explain our method of making
your rent item a profit.
Tlio EquitablG
Building, Loan incl
Savings Association
Office With
Elliot t-Speice-Echols Co.
Dr. W. S. Evans. Union Block.
Shirt waists at Gray's 9Sc.
Dr. Vnllier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. Maten, dentist, ovei Nicwohner's.
Seoournevv line of wallpaper heavy.
15 in. blenched pillow tubeing
15c t Gray'c.
Dr L. U. Vosii. homeopathic physi
cian. Both phones.
Dr. Chan. H. Cnmpboll, oculist nnd
nurist, lUiri Olive street.
Dr. W. II. Neiiinarl.ei, olliee with Dr
C D. Evatui, west side of Park.
Mr. and Mre. Harry yraveu relumed
i!i!t Thursday evening from their wnl
ding trip.
George Bloedorn, who was taken very
sit k a week 'igo, is improving, and hit;
condition is such that he 11; regarded as
out of danger.
George Birmingham, operator at the
Union Pacific depot, left Wednesday
morning for a three wt-ka' trip to Ijos
Anrelec. Caii , which includes a thorl
stop at Denver.
Di!lrifl t'oiiil lor Jlu Mav term was
blioit no far a.; juty iv: est weic coticern
cl, .ludge Thou'.'n. di" hatgiug them the
lirstof the week fht-n. wtie 110 ciiuii
ual e'aiH'ti ami hut few civil oaocu ready
for trial.
Friday evening the City Baud will
rive th" 5ce'ind one of their weekly baud
concert!! in Frankfort park The pro
gram, which has not u- jet been lire
pared, will be posted on the black board
at the park the evening of the concert
Change in the tunc of the Overland
limited, both e.i'jt ami west on the
L mull Pacific on Sunday, May 'iS, will
prolnblv result in some more important
change-inn the time card, it it. rumored
thai the fast Denver trainu. taken off
lis! fall, will be placed in service again
and the local trains put 011 their old
May Sale Prices on Milhueiy at
According to St. houiu advicee'. Mrs.
Dot a K. Do.ey. who i.i on trial forbig
aiuv in that city, hud to be earned into
the court rmeu mi a etrelt her . Monday
of thn week, the dav the care was called.
Alter uuiue'i'.iiis deluj:. the judge, beforo
who i.iio is to i o tried, tieelined to grant
any further delay and the case will go
to a close-.
Drui. 11. ic Gala-k:. foiii"rIy of Hum
phiey. w!u died in Ksuis.t (."lly hist
Suminy, was bioilght here Tiu-s day for
buna?, am: he funeiid wa., held Wed
iiesduy morning front 'st. Bmiaveuturc'n
chinch Me vvas !l jear.s of age ami his
death was du to pieurmy. Hn; bod
was accompanied here by bis daughter.
Mi;-n Era Galaski of Lincoln.
WdlncEtiaj evening, May :1, the hon
orary members of the Columbus lire de
part men I lender the active members f
the department a complimentary miiou
er and iniiMcal entertainment at the
Orphans ball. The arrangement com
niittce. couijioed of one member from
each company, is made up of Major
Held, Leopold Plalb. Win Grcgoriuc,
Win. Boettcher and Emit Kumpf.
Tuesday of this v.iek I'muiiy Judge
Knttermau proiiniiuced the wenis which
made two couples happy The lirfct
pair to visit the judire was 0:?ear Slrmu
lin; and Anna Han en of Genua. A
fevr minuter, later Ciiarie. h. NelT and
Bepeie 11. NelT. bother (hi't-ola appeared
and asked the judge to perform the
marriage ceremony feir '.hem They had
been divorced, but .ig:eed to try it ngam
and were accompanied by their little
:;; in. black taffeta silk at
Gray's 69c.
John C Byrn-.-. who vvas taken very
sick last Wediie-bday evening and was
taken to St. Mar v'.s Ic-pital Thiirsday,
where be was operated on for appendi
citis Thursday evening, in still a very
pick man, although his condition since
the operation has improved to fcuch .iii
xtent that his many friends have hopes
lor his recovery. The attack came
apparently without wrninj;. and for a
time his condition was considered very
Memorial Day.
All comrades of the Grand Army of
the Kepubhc and all soldiers and sailer.-,
Sons of Veterans, Spnnish-Amerteaii
War Veterans anil Confederato soldiers
nre invited to join llaker Post No. !, G.
A. IL.ut 10 o'clock May'lO, 11)11. at
their hall on Eleventh e.reet. to take
part in the Memorial Day services.
The Columbus City Band nnd Colum
bus Fire Department will form on 1'Jth
street nl Firemen's hall, then march
south to 11th street, then west to the
corner or Olive toG. A. 11. hull, where
the vcterauo of the C A. Ii, Sons of
Veterans and Spanish-American War
Veterans will fall in line umler the cunt
maud of August Wagner, marshal of the
liny. The lino of march wilt be taken
on Olive to 12th street, went ou 1-th to
Nebraska Avenue-, north to lJ(h street,
then east to tho North oera bonce. The
exercises will commence pioniptiy at
1! o'clock.
1. Calling ncxcmlily loonier
1'ir-t roi'jinaini'ir.l. Il.t'nlli'
J. Millie "oliuiiliiiK Cily Kniil
:i. iv'iluletollii'iliiAil llaker I'o'-t No. !.(. A. It
I. I'rairr Chaplain A. V. Clark
.. InliiiKof Ke'lienil iinli'n.
V. A. McAllinter, Ailjutmit
ii. Aililre-i Cnniniili'ilciliii IMIreck
T. Sun,: -America. Schutil churn
s. Kivitatiea-Veiceof tlie Fias
IJciso llarktuati
'.'. Tlio ttiiiuii ur the Hlno ami 1'ray Muci-
ea! recitation alair lln-pi
St. Frances Acaiii'iny
in. llrmarkR in U'hnlf uf the Sanii-Anior-
ican War Wtrtan and Sjiis uf Veler-
aijB.CS. A C.I. Mavis
11. KiTitation Neva JIuiikit
1. .Music .....Ciant Alit:
IS. Ki-i'itatiein A picture uf akin.
Wrsiw IViorsijii
II. miiik The Kill, White ami HIii"
ScluHit chorti-
15. IJecitnliuti-The lllueanil thi'(ini
Florence llnn-KiT
Pi. i-'i'iiu SlarSjiKiusIcil ItatiiUT
Scliiu! churus
17. Jlncic Coliinilnis Cily Kami
l- ISe'iHilicliun Kv. C. W. Il'iy
At the close of the program at the
North opera house tkelmeof march will
be taken up to the Columbus cemeterv,
where the exercises will be conducted
according to the G. A. ll. ritual, ending
with a salute by tho Spanish American
War Veterans- and Sons of Veterans
linu:. sipiad under command of A. C
Boone, division commander Sons of
riilluttiii;: i-j.n h'-t nf vi'tcram. iutimil m Ike
Celtunlmn auil Oitlmlic ccin',li'riis..
Aikuiis II. I Artiulil. K. W.
ArrliiT.O. II. Allen. W.T.
l!iii-r It. 1 1. Mp-4il. AluliZ'i
'ainpliell. W. S. Ilntkn. itiirr.e
lar!y..l.W. j Kilnanl-. S. .1.
Kills, .laciili I'li-min. Frittk
I'ra.'ii'r, .l.iuift. Ilcnrj. K. li.
Ilainiiiutnl.-biliti lltinl.S. I.
I'lii'-s, .laaiit- Kline. II. C
K'u-iiii:. M hovMiii. .1 N
l-iwrctice. I. .1. I.wip. W. II.
Matlhou. Funl Maluj. Win.
MnriliH'k..l.S. Mi-lliillj. iMvnl
McFnrlaiul. Jmi.ili Mclntire. K. It.
MrKitiiiicT. W. Mci'iiii'vn. Win.
Nurlh. I'nmk- Novel, Win.
Kii-lur. K. . Si-liulle. Firil
Stnrpim.,1. Ij. Hmall. II. h.
S-n.rry. II. T. Sl.illiry. I.. I.
SlevenMiii, .1. V. SehriHiltr. I". W.
S.iumlirR.T. II. TmIiih1'..I 1.
Tlminai-. W. II Tlniii-oii. W. II.
Turner. M. K. WoihI-. Ilcnt
Whil taker. A. J. Wit-e. .lehu
While, l-vvis Wibun. T. .M.
Well". E. O. (I'unrcihralel
CVinoLIC I kMkTI-.llY
C.illrry. bijaii
Filzisitrick, K I).
Nolan. .I.inif.
irt'uuiifn.. 'Ihimia-.
lievanv, Ij.
Kavaii;iuli, I".. I '.
Nolan, .loli ii
Shct'linu. K. ll.
itiLI'MIlfS CFMm uv
I "rank (".Turner
i vtiiolic umi-riiiv
'Pmmas Callrey Henry knrupn
Board of Education.
At a special meeting of tho board of
education Monday evening President
McAllister announced tho following
standing committees for Ihejcar.
Teachers, schools and text books
E. H. Natinmnii, P. F. Lucheinger,
Chiis. L. Dickey.
Buildings and grounds L. F. Philippe,
E. U. Nati m ruin, Chas L. Dickey.
Supplies Chas L. Dickey, Ijoiiis
Lachnit. h. F. Philbppe.
Finance P. F. lmchsmgcr, K. II.
Natimann, W. A. McAllister.
Library Louie Lachnit, L. F. Phi!
hpps, Uhau L. Dickey.
Tho finance committee submitted the
following report covering the last jenr:
Receipts, general fund, ')..UH.U7; teach
ers fund, SlS.lioTi.OO: text booki-, $".")
Disbursements, general fund, $?,-l'JS.!l.v:
teacher's fund, -517,17(5 To. text hooks,
Mies Giltner of Pern was elected prin
cipal of the First ward school, which
completes the list of teachers.
Methodist Church Notice.
Make your Sunday a helpful day by
attending divine services both morning
nnd evening. Sermon theme at the
Methodist church at 11 a. m., "The
Greatest Commandment.' Sunday
school at noon. Epworth league at 7 p.
in. Evening subject will be, "Called to
a Sacred Mission." Special unthems by
the choir at morning and evening meet
ings. Gins. Wayne Kay, Pastor.
I. F. Doody. better known as "Packy"
was in the city Tuesday renewing old
acquaintances. He is now a resident of
Oheyenne. where he is emplojed by
the Union Pacific in the shops nnd asrde
from this he is also quite a factor in lo
cal politics, the same when be was a re
sident of Platte Center During hi3
stay here he is looking after business
matters at bis old home.
On the Diamond.
The opening game of the state league
in thi!i city last Friday vvas very satis
factory to both the mamigeiiient and the
fnns. the frmu the point of attend
ance ami the latter from the fact that
the game was good from start to finish.
Seward was hero for the lirt two
day.-. Friday ami Sat unlay, ami succe'd
ed in breaking even, losing tho Friday
game by n mm re of 7 to ." and winning
from Columbus Saturday by a score of
o to 7.
York vvas bote for Sunday and Monday
and the home team took both games,
the Sunday game by a :,corc of . to 'J
ami the Monday game, which it took ten
innings to settle, by score of .' to 2.
Tuesday' game, with Superior, the
firdt of tho two to be plaved, was won by
the home team, to ". Tho second
game with Superior will he played this
Tomorrow Hast lilt's will be here for
two games. Thursday and Friday, and
then the home team leaves for a trip
aruiind tho stale', being at York May till
and l!l, al Superior May 22 and 23,
Hastings. May 21 and 2", Seward, May
2i and 27, and at Fremont May 2S ami
'".. returning home again on May !, no
games being played ou May .id.
Walworth, tho new pitcher who ar
rived hist week, was in he box Sunday
and showed up in tine form, holding the
victor.- down to three scattered hits.
Paul KiFSell, tho old itandby of the
team, vvas in the box on the opening
da;., and won the game, as he did with
Superior Tuesday.
The new catcher, E. A. Kushenberg.
from Grand Inland, who rriived here
Tuesday, will work Wednesday against
So far Buster Brown has been doing
the lieavy hitting for the Columbus
team, getting three two baggers in four
times up one day and lining out a home
run in another game.
Thre-eof the plaveii; who have been
Irving out were relented by Manager
Corbett Wednesday morning, Tovvne
ami Beuhemeiil, pitcheru, and Kennedy,
catcher, which leaves the re'gular num
ber of playt-ru allowed each team.
State League Standbier.
Willi. Ijtel. IVt
I uliiailms I I ki
1'r.itnl Maud I I si
Kirii"'y I I """
I'llMIKltll... I I "'"i'
York I 3
S'W.inl I I -'
Suwnnr I ' -'
HastiiiKK I I 3"
Y. M. G. A. Notes.
Th ascoe'iatioii iu now offering n enim
mer membership good from May If to
Sept. l.
-The re'port of the iiieiuberbhip com
mittee showed u gain of 12 during the
year making the membership 27.'.
The regular meeting of tho Business
Menu club will be held on May 2-'rd
instead of the usual time this month.
Tho tre'isiirer'u report showed a dc
lic.t of SiiH.0i) on the years epeiiicu.
This is 10 cent of the budget and is not
a bad showing for a largo number of
associations raise mure that 2ll per cent
of their budget by subscnplions.
The report of the social committee
wan favorably received and when the re
port of the home talent f how was heard
it wan voted that the association express
iln appreciation of their work to all who
:,u ably assisted in its production.
Tho Epworth League lecture which
wad announced for this week has been
post poued for one wei.k and will be
given on May 21th. Tickets arc now on
sale and it is hoped that this enterprise
of the league will be liberally supported
by a!.
Mr. Andersons report through the
phvHicnl committee showed the greatest
increase of any single c.iuiuiitteo's work
ami the boy's work committee was the
one whose report suffered the most by
comparison with the report of last year
However as no boy's secretary was em
ployed this year the report. vas a good
Columbus took third plnce in the
state athletic meet. Six of the associa
tions entered the meet, each completing
in the same events ou the same day hut
in its own gymnasium under the direc
tion of their own phvsicnl director.
Lovd Cassin took third place in tho
state in thostanding hoard jump and sec
ond in the running high jump. The
team representing Columbus won third
place in the potato race nnd third in tho
relay race.
At the association meeting held last
Wednesday night II. S. Elliott wan elect
ed to till tho only vacancy in the board
of directors as all those who-e term had
expired wens rw elected. Our list of
directors is as follows: W. L. Cheno
weth, I. Brock, D. Thomas, K. U. Nau
mnnn, J. D. Stiree, 1I Brugger, J. C.
Echols. E. M. Kagat. C.C.Sheldon.
H. Hockenberger, II. S Elliott. Otto W.
Ivurapf, II. Kamey, A. E. Vnllier, J. T
Boyd. The reports of the various com
mittees were received nod ordered placed
on tile The work of the year compares
quito favorably with that of and
the prospects now are for better records
right along.
(let your garden Iio.m- from
us, any length iu one, piece.
Any length you wish cut the
right length without extra
of Deposits
LAW is now in effect in Ne
braska. Our highest court has
said that this law is good.
This is the oldest and largest
Bank in the county whose de
positors will receive protection
under this law,
Columbus State Bank
Cnpitnl &Snrplaa. S85.QOO.OO
Route No. 1.
MinH Thifea Bieder returned Inst Sun
day from Silver Creek, where Bhe had
been visiting with friends.
Miss Iluldii Gructter is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Rudolph Schull.
A few of the farmets on the route will
be compelled to replant their corn ou
account of the heavy rains.
Seibert Heibel isuuite sick, nnd under
the care of a physician.
Fred Mueller had a very lucky runa
way while in Columbus hist Saturday.
Route No. S.
Peter Schmitt loaded a car of Hour for
the eastern markets last week.
K. It. Bisson spent several dayo last
week with hts con, E. II. Bisuon, on this
A good many people from the route
attended tho opening game of the Nebr
aska state league in Columbus last Fri
day. '
Lost Creek wau over the hankH Mon
day morning as ji result of the heavy
rain Saturd-iy night. Near tho Win.
Mason place the rain ciius-d the road to
cave, for twenty feel equare, and to a
depth of two feet and a half. Several
automobiles gul into the hole and had to
bo pulled oul. The side I11II3 were also
badly washed by the rniti.
Route No. 5.
Saturday night's storm damaged the
telephone hue ou thiu route in places.
Mien Florence Branigau visited from
Friday until Sunday with Mioo Jeanette
Miss Edith Barnes returned Monday
from Bethany, Mo, whete she has been
visiting for the last threo weeks.
Frank Placeman, our efficient road
overseer, ban be'ii compelled to step
work on account of the wet condition of
the ronds.
Fears regarding damage to the fruit
by the late fieeze aro apparently ground
less, as the Oleott orchard, one of the
largest in Polk county, is in excellent
Farmers are replanting their corn, the
heavy rain of Saturday night washing
much of it out, and they are afrnid that
a poor stand would result if they did
not replant.
Half ii business day will soon he cut
from tho Chicago-San Francisco time of
the Union Pacific-Southern Pacific San
Francisco Overland Limited, enabling
that train to make the trip in (ft hourB,
instead or 72';. as at present. ' This an
nihilation of distance," said J. C Stnbbe,
directoEof traffic of the Union Pacific,
today, "which will be accomplished up
on Sunday, iMny 2Sth, is the initial Rtep
toward realizing to the travelers using
tho Union-Southern Pacific system the
advantages made possible by tho vast
sums expended improving their roadbed
in installing electric block-signal pro
tection, iu double-tracking, betterment
of power and equipment, etc.
Wo have the agency for the
famous Mnnsing Underwear, the.
best popular priced Union Suits
ou the market. Prices in men'o
from S1.5U to H.W. 1'riceu in
boys' from 50c, 7uc, -51 and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a dplenuid line ready for yonr in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to 32 oO a garment. Buy
early while the sizes aro corrplete.