The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 03, 1911, Image 7

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    "T -
Avoid the Cheap and "Big Can" Bak
ing Powders.
The cheap baking powders have but on
recommendation: they certainly give the
purchaser plenty of powder for his money
put it's not all baking powder; the bulk
is made r.p of cheap materials that hare
no leavening power. These powders are
fo carelessly made from inferior mate
rials that thev will not make light, whole
tonic food, further, these cheap baking
powders have a very small percentage or
leavening ga; therefore it takes from two
to three times a much of fuch powder to
raise tLe cake or biscuit as it does of Calu
met Baking Powder. Therefore, in the long
run, the actual cot to the consumer of the
cheap powders is more than Calumet
would be.
Why not buv a perfectly wholesome bak
ing powder like Calumet, that is at the
frame time moderate in price and one
which can be relied upon? Calumet gives
the cook the least trouble.
No man becomes a jailbird just for
a laik.
To keep the blood pure and the skin
clear, drink Garfield Tta before retiring.
The truth Is that the love of dress
Is. n'-t after drink and gambling, one
of the curses of our country, Mrs.
Yonr DniKRlat "Will Tell Yon
Murine K"- K-in-dy Relieves Sore Eyes.
Strenwtliens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart.
Sooth, s i:ye lain Try it in liaby'a
Eyes for Scaly Evcllds and Granulation.
One of the loudest of the many
Ktrango cries which fill the air today
Is the cry for universal independence.
Mrs. U. It. Haweis.
A pin scratch mav cause blood poison,
n nitv mil cut i orv njt to do bo.
Hamlin Wizard Oil tied at once drawl
nut nil infection and makes blood poison
WapRC Why did Henpecl: leavf
the church?
Jaggs Somebody told him mar
riages were made In heaven. Judge.
EH OI:i:RP. "The grand old man," he
i railed f ,r he is i-o honest handling in races. H ?avs: "1 have used
cars-. ahvaxs with best success. It is the
only iemed 1 know to cure all forms of
distemper and prevent horses in same sta
ble hawug the disejc-e." TiOc and $1 a bot
tle. All druggists, or manufacturers. Spohn
Medical t . Chemists, Goshen. Ind.
Close Guess.
Schmidt Ye got a new baby py
our house yesterday.
Schmaltz Vas iss; poy or girl?
Schmidt I vond dell you. You hef
got to gess it.
Schmaltz Iss id a girl?
Schmidt You cho-o-ost missed it.
Youngstown Telegram.
Sheer white goods. In fact, any fins
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to tho way they
nre laundered, this being done In a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
hiven to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
Clearing Kansas of Grasshoppers.
A live grasshopper will eat a dead
'grasshopper. A farmer mixed paris
' green ami bran together and let a
grasshopper eat It. It died and 20
grasshoppers ate it up. and they died.
Four hundred ate these 20 and they
died. Eight thousand ate those 400
and they died. A hundred and sixty
thousand ate those S.000 and died, and
the farmer was troubled no more.
Anthony Bulletin.
Labrador's Future.
According to statements made the
other day by Dr Grenfell of Labrador,
the Cinderella of Hritish possessions
lias a brilliant future before it. Dr.
Grenfell, who has lived twenty years
In that snowy country, says that in
days to come It will carry a popula
tion ns easily as Norway does today.
It Is. he says, a better country than
Iceland, and to be greatly preferred
to Lapland, Finland, Siberia and
Northern Alaska.
Open-AIr Schools Increasing.
Since January l. 1H07. sixty-five open
air schools for children afflicted with
or predisposed to tuberculosis have
been established in twenty-eight cities,
according to an announcement made
by the National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Tne first open air school in the United
States was established on January 1,
1907. by tho board of education of
Providence, R. I., at the instance of
Dr. Ellen A. Stone. The next school
was established in May of the same
year at Pittsburg, and the third at
)oston In July. 190S. According to
the reports received by the national
association, the result of the open air
class-work has been to restore most
of the children to normal health and
efficiency. One of these open air
schools or chisses should be estab
lished for each 23,000 population, es
pecially in cities.
Makes a
Good Breakfast
To have some
with cream or milk.
For a pleasing change,
sprinkle Post Toasties
over fresh or stewed fruit,
then add cream and you
have a small feast
"The Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek. Midi.
"What Is everybody's business Is no
body's business." This is especially
true In cases of sickness in the homes
where the nursing, or care of the pa
tient, devolves upon the members of
the family. In such cases, where sev
eral try to carry out the physician'
orders, it often happens that some or
ders are neglected, each member of
the family believing that these things
had been attended to by some other
Whenever there Is illness In a home
and it o" !s not seem advisable, for
various reasons, to employ a trained
nurse, one person should be selected
to take charge of the patient, and this
person should receive all orders from
the physician and be responsible for
their fulfilment.
The chief requirements for one who
is to take the part of the nurse in a
home are neatness, quietness and an
ability to carry out the physician's
orders exactly.
In her personal appearance, a nurse
must be scrupulously clean and neaL
Ker hair should be tastefully dressed
and free from ornaments. Her hands
should be clean and well cared for. A
roughened hand is very annoying to
the patient. The nails should receive
especial attention and should be filed
rather short. A nurse should not wear
any rings for they are liable to catch
on the clothing or the patient's hair
and be annoying. The nurse's dress
should be of some washable, cotton
material, soft enough not to rustle
when she walks. White aprons give a
neat and tidy appearance. Her shoes
Bhould not be too heavy, permitting
her to step noiselessly about the room.
During the twenty-four hours some
provisions should be made for suffi
cient sleep and outdoor exercise for
the nurse. She needs seven or eight
hours' sleep and one or two hours for
exercise, besides time in which to
dress, attend to her toilet require
ments and eat her meals without hur
rying. A nurse who does not have suf
ficient time for sleep and rest becomes
not only physically tired, but mentally
so exhausted that she Is incapable of
giving proper care to the patient or of
observing symptoms. For the sake of
the patient, be sure that the nurse is
not overworked. She can be relieved
of her duties by some other person.
At such times as she Is away from her
patient, written orders for the substi
tute should be left and she should
make sure that the one left in charge
understands the directions.
The nurse always should speak in a
low, well-modulated voice that can be
understood by the patient without any
effort. She should never speak in
whispers or a low tone to a third per
son so the patient can bear the voices
but cannot understand what is being
said. A sick person is very sensitivo
Pretty Nightdresses
j v
taps kffo
The stage toe, in a modified form,
is to be seen on the finer grade of
Toques of brocade, with puffed
crowns of plain satin, are good for
the early spring days. They are trim
med with small aigrettes at one
Peanut straw is a name given to a
new coarse mesh straw which has the
effect of woven grass. There are all
sorts of smart little bats in it.
Dresden gold and silver ribbon
edged with a narrow line of plain col
ored satin make a most attractive
trimming for the frock veiled with
Many blouses are showing designs in
beads or in a beaded effect, secured
by French knots. These latest are
very new and are worked in silk or
heavy cotton and in contrasting colors.
Straw Jack Tar hats are already in
the shops for boys, intended probably
for the little tourists goi&s south.
Bachelor of Science. Graduate Nana,
Physician and Surgeon.
Formerly Superintendent of Jefferson Park
and South Chicago Hospitals and Training
Schools for Nu rses. Author of "Confidences
A Book for Young Girls."
and whispering ii annoying. The na
ture of the Illness should not be dis
cussed and nothing but the kindest
things said before the patient A per
son who is very ill is incapable of
carrying on, or even listening to, a
sustained conversation. In such a
case, there should be as little con
versation as possible in the room. As
the patient becomes convalescent, he
requires to be entertained. A nurse
who can read or tell light, happy
stories in an entertaining manner is
invaluable at such times. Gossip or
tales of sadness or unkindness should
not be retailed to any patient. A pa
tient who is kept in an optimistic
frame of mind stands a better chance
of recovery than one who is melan
choly. The patient should be made to
feel that the nurse Is Interested in his
recovery and that even-thing is being
done to hasten it.
When the physician makes his daily
visit, it is considered a mark of re
spect for the nurse to arise when he
enters the room and remain standing
unless asked to be seated; she should
hand him her written report (which
will be explained later), answer any
questions he may ask and then quietly
leave the room, and wait outside until
he leaves the sick-room. This gives
the patient an opportunity to talk pri
vately with the physician about any
thing he wishes. Often a patient does
not talk freely with the physician nor
tell him essential things, because of
an inability to confide in him in the
presence of a third party even if that
person is an intimate relative. Then,
too, the nurse is thus given an oppor
tunity of speaking with the doctor
about anything she wishes to know
and of reporting to him anything she
does not deem it wise to say before
the patient.
(Copyright, by W. O. Chapman.)
Nothing Has Been Discovered Bettei
Than Mixture Our Grand
mothers Used.
Everybody nowadays knows that tc
secure a bright polish on an old oafc
chest or table there Is nothing tc
equal "elbow grease."
In our grandmothers' days, however
it was elbow grease plus one of their
wonderful and efficacious homemade
mixtures. Half a pint each of mall
vinegar and raw linseed oil were
mixed with a couple of drams of but
ter of antimony. This formed a polish
which, after a good shaking, could be
rubbed on the old wood without feat
of spoiling the color, while it brought
about a bright and glistening result,
far less smeary than the warm beer
which was the old-fashioned farmhouse
renovator for old oak.
Sometimes the brims are different
color from the square crowns.
The New Parasols.
A noticeable feature in some of the
new parasols is the fancy form in
which the ferrule end of the stick is
cut This end is somewhat prolonged
and is shaped like an elongated bulb
at the base. It tapers away for about
two inches and ends with a tiny ball
at the tip.
Materials for Spring.
Serges and cashmeres in plain col
ors, fancy mixtures, checks, stripes
and plaids, also worsteds, are cow be
ing featured for spring wear. These
are shown made up in tailor effects,
Peter Thomsons, Russian, bretelle and
Jumper styles for young girls.
New Flowers.
One of the prettiest of artificial
Cowers which the summer styles have
produced is the big clematis. This is
shaped true to nature and comes In
all colors, although the natural pur
ple and white are perhaps the prettiest
JEiaCalBIA12anF4aVr j9 JwmmCat Am OmmmaC Smmy-aTmrnmrnTsiamaw
Mil 7mAarYiwaYm EawP
Cummins Seeks Rigid Merit System
Wg'fitr-1 -guess
WASHINGTON. Senator Cummins
of Iowa, as chairman of the com
mittee on civil service and retrench
ment, proposes to push the consrdcra
tion of a comprehensive civil service
measure one that will provide for
the designation by law of all places
under civil service classification, in
stead of leaving them to executive or
der, and which will regulate promo
tions and retirements.
As a member of the committee on
interstate commerce he already has
done some work on a bill to reorgan
ize the interstate commission, in
creasing its membership and dividing
it into five parts, these parts to have
jurisdiction respectively over sections
of the country corresponding to the
traffic divisions as designated by the
It is not certain that the scheme
for reorganization of the Interstate
commerce commission will be ad
vanced beyond the preliminary stago
at this extra session.
With respect to the subject first
mentioned, however, it is the inten
tion to introduce a bill within a short
Sherman Hard
fondness for mixing with the
crowd, talking politics with his old
cronies in the house and a general
dislike for formality, especially when
the formality is a prolonged affair,
almost disarranged the White House
plans for the New Year reception.
Mr. Sherman was the first man re
ceived by the president. The vice
president then became a member of
the president's receiving party. The
presiding officer of the senate contin
ued to bow sweetly as long as pos
sible, and then quietly stepped into
the line of guests which had already
passed the president and walked out
to the east room, where there were
hundreds cf politicians of various
brands. Tho vice-president was hav
ing a fine time when he was inter
rupted by CapL Archibald Butt, the
president's military aid.
"Mr. Vice-President." said Captain
Butt, "you have been missed from the
receiving line. Permit me to escort
you back in time to receive the diplo
mats." "So long, boys," said the vice-president,
waving his hand to his old cro
nies in the house. "See you later."
Diplomat after diplomat passed the
Jap War Talk Is
ItVOV can take two friendly boys
I and bump their heads together
until one of them will lose his temper
and then you will have a fight," said
a high-up official of the United States.
"The same rule applies to nations.
This talk about a prospective war be
tween the United States and Japan if
kept up for a few years will inevitably
produce war between the two coun
tries. It ought to be stopped, and
stopped now.
"There ought to be some way of In
flicting punishment on persons who in
dulge in this war talk when there is
not the slightest foundation for it
The newspapers are not primarily re
sponsible for this talk. I do think,
however, that they ought to quit giv
ing it publicity."
Some persons have recently made
Naturalists Busy
ENCOURAGING reports are being re
ceived by the Smithsonian Institu
tion from the naturalists who are tak
ing part in the biological survey of
the Panama canal zone, which was or
ganized by the institution last winter.
The principal branches of natural his
tory are represented in the party,
which includes seven experienced field
naturalists, nearly all of them from
the scientific bureaus of the govern
ment. Naturalists throughout the world are
greatly interested in this biological
survey, becauso when the canal is
opened sweeping changes probably will
take place in the distribution of the
animals and plants. A part of the
fresh water streams of the isthmus
now empty into the Atlantic ocean and
others Into the Pacific.
It is known that a certain number
of animals and plants in the streams
on the Atlantic side differ from those
of the Pacific side, but as no biological
survey has ever been undertaken the
extent and magnitude of these differ
ences have yet to be learned.
No Advancement.
Experts in Brazilian agriculture
unite In affirming that methods of
growing tobacco, gathering the crop
and curing it have changed little, if at
all, since the days of the early colo
nist, two centuries ago. Practically
nowhere is there any idea of tilling
the soil and cultivating the crop with
an instrument more modern than the
Getter Fitted.
"Well, who got the nomination
the chap who looked like Daniel Web
ster?" "No The feller that looked
like ready money." Puck.
,v ijJ0 40
time and to do as much work on it
as possible in committee during the
Hearings may be held and as an In
dication of Senator Cummins' inten
tion to keep his committee busy, the
first thing he did after reaching Wash
ington the other day was to move his
quarters in the senate office building
from the northwest corner to the
southeast corner, Immediately adjoin
ing the room allotted to the commit
tee on civil service and retrenchment
For years, until Mr. Cummins be
came chairman, this committee had
been one of the "do-nothing" commit
tees of the senate. in the last con
gress it held bearing on the propo
tion to provide for the retirement
and pensioning of superannuated em
ployees of the various government de
partments. It now is proposed to embrace the
civil service classification and the
promotion and retirement features in
one comprehensive measure.
There is no intention, it is under
stood, of assailing the executive
branch of the government through the
proposition to designate by law the
positions that shall be filled under
the civil service rules. It Is designed,
however, to make the rules more
rigid and to prevent in the future the
excepting of certain places from the
application of the rules by executive
to Keep in Line
president, and behind them the vice
president saw an endless line of gold
braid adorning the breasts of count
less officers of the army and navy sta
tioned in Washington.
"Those fellows don't want to see me
for anything," said the vice-president,
as he slipped back into the cast room.
Half an hour later, while the vice
president was exchanging the compli
ments of the season and telling and
hearing stories, he was again accosted
by Captain Butt.
"I have been looking all over the
White House for you," said the mili
tary aid.
"Well, here I am," remarked "Sun
ny Jim," slapping Butt on the back.
"What do you want this time?"
"President Taft's party is ready to
go to luncheon," said the captain,
"and we are waiting for you to escort
Mrs. Taft"
Called Criminal
the suggestion that it might not be
improper for congress to start an In
vestigation with a view to ascertaining
why this talk of hostilities between
the United States and Japan con
tinues. It is pointed out that such an
investigation ought to reveal whether
as r. matter of cold fact there is any
basis for the stories that are constant
ly put in circulation. For nearly four
years this talk has gone on here at tho
capital, and naturally has spread to
other sections of the country.
President Taft has recently found it
necessary to invite tlfe ambassador of
the Japanese empire to the White
Houses and assure him personally that
the administration is In no way re
sponsible for the war talk that has re
cently been indulged in. and to reiter
ate to him that the United States has
only the kindliest feelings for Japan.
DurV.g the last month many stories,
circuuisrantial in character, have been
passed around here tending to show
that Japan is preparing to fight this
country- Every one of them on In
vestigation has been found to be base
less. on Canal Zone
It also is of great importance to
science to determine the geographical
distribution of the various organisms
inhabiting these waters, as the isth
mus Is one of the routes by which the
animals and plants of South America
have entered North America and vice
When the canal Is completed the
natural distinctions now existing will
be obliterated, while by the construc
tion of the Gatun dam a vast fresh wa
ter lake r.ill be formed, which will
drivs away or drown the majority of
the animals and plants now inhabiting
the locality and might exterminate
some of the species before the scien
tific experts had a chance to study
Childhood Souvenirs.
A good idea for mothers who like to
have souvenirs of their little one's
childhood is to paste In a book sam
ples from every new dress or suit,
with a picture of the pattern if possi
ble. Not only is this interesting for
both mother and children in time to
come, but it forms a valuable history
of costume for the period, and is of
practical service as well by Insuring
variety in dress from year to year.
City Air Destructive to Wire.
A telegraph wire strung through the
country will last about four times as
long as one pasting tarcugk the city.
JSgHElLdj iKfrjJl 007 MfFB
SQv Jffc fHOWSTttrKE
Joshua had just made the sob staae
"Fine, but we bet you can't make
Willie Jones do it," we cried.
Herewith he acknowledged his lim
itations. Harper's Bazar. .
Nature's laxative, Garfield Tea. overcomes-
constipation and is ideally suited to
tone up the system ia the Spring.
He who gives pleasure meets with
It; kindness is the bond of friendship
and the book of love. Basile.
Lewis' Single Binder (rive the smoker a
rich, mellow-tasting 8e cigar.
It Is not necessarily true that the
worst Is yet to come.
Welcome Words to Women
Wosaea who safer with disorders pecsJiar to their
sex should write to Dr. Pierce aad receive free the
advice of a physician of ever 4 years'
a killed and sacoewfel specialist ia
cf wossea. Every letter of this sort has the asost
careful consideration end k regarded as sacredly
conadential. Many sensitively ssodest women write
felly to-Dr. Pierce what they would shrink froas
telling to their local physician. The local physician
is pretty sure to. say that he cannot do anythins
without "an exaeunatioa. Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful sisssinstlons are dene rally need
ana tent ao woman, except in
Dr. Tierce's
yonr o
m BMtne. aus
taxrommms, I
It Is the only swdicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly gradsatei
physician. The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every
tafredient on its oetside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear exaauae
ttoa. No alcohol end no swhit-fornung draft are fband in it. 1 Sosas vnscrep
alous medicine dealers assy offer yon n sabstitate. Don't take k. Don't trife
with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, President, Buffalo,' N. Y., take the advice received and he well.
Pete I hear dat Sam's wife done
cracked him over de haid wid a rollln'
pin an' frowed all de klndlin' wood at
Joe Well, I 6pecks she were cele
bratin' dere woodin' weddin.
'1 suffered with eczema on my neck
for about six months, beginning by
little pimples breaking out. I kept
scratching till the blood came. It
kept getting worse, I couldn't sleep
nights any more. It kept itching for
about a month, then I went toa doc
tor and got some liquid to take. It
seemed as if I was going to get bet
ter. The itching stopped for about
three days, but when it started again
was even worse than before. The ec
zema Itched so badly I couldn't stand
it any more. I went to a doctor and
he gave me some medicine, but it
didn't do any good. We have been
having Cuticura Remedies In the
house, so I decided to try them. I
had been using Cuticura Soap, so I
got me a box of Cuticura Ointment,
and washed off the affected part with
Cuticura Soap three times a day, and
then put the Cuticura Ointment on.
Tho first day I put it on, it relieved
me of itching so I could sleep all that
night. It took about a week, then I
could see the scab come off. I kept
the treatment up for three weeks, and
my eczema was cured.
"My brother got his face burned
with gunpowder, and he used Cuti
cura Soap and-Ointment. The peo
ple all thought he would have scars,
but you can't see that he ever bad
his face burned. It was simply awful
to look at before the Cuticura Rem
edies (Soap and Ointment) cured it."
(Signed) Miss Elizabeth Gehrki, For
rest City, Ark., Oct 16. 1910.
Although Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment are sold by druggists and deal
ers everywhere, a liberal sample of
each, with 32-page booklet on the care
and treatment of skin and hair, will be
6ent, postfree, on application to Potter
D. & C. Corp., DepL X. Boston.
Solely to Blame.
Diner Who is that singing so dread
fully out of tune?
Restaurant Proprietor It Is my
Diner Perhaps the accompanist
plays out of tune?
R. P. She is accompanying herself!
London Opinion.
A Backhanded One.
He The great trouble with Gab
bleigh Is he talks too much.
She That's strange. When he's
been with me he's scarcely said a
He Ob, he's too much of a gentle
man to Interrupt.
Allen's Foot-Ease, tho Antiseptic powder fur Tired,
acorns, swollen, nrrvona feet. Qlvea test and
comfort. Makcawalklna-adellg-ht. Sold everywhere.
Xc JJonI accept any sabstitate. For FHaUs
sample, address Allen a Olmsted. Ls Boy, N. T.
If a girl has a grown up brother she
acquires a pretty fair knowledge of
men without having to pass through
the agonies of matrimony.
The satisfying quality in Lewis Single
Binders found in no other 5c cigar.
Some women are like some old hens
t in their ways.
It win be welcome news to dyspeptics
to learn of a remedy that. In the opinion
of thousands, la an absolute cure for In
digestion and ail forms of stomach trou
ble, and. better still, it is guaranteed to
do so. The remedy ls Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin.
Wa all know the value of pure pepsin
In Indigestion, and add to this some ex
ceptional laxative ingredients and you
have a truly wonderful remedy. Mr. T.
W. Worthy of Forsythe. Ga.. got to tho
point where he could not even eat or di
gest vegetables and after many year of
seeking he found the euro In Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. Rudy Kasncr of
Mollne. III., was In the same bad pre
dicament with bia stomach, took Syrup
"-WfTTTial mBsfaaW'vC'
Household Remedy
Taken In the Spring fer Years.
Ralph .Rett, Willi, Mich., writes:
"Hood' Sanaparilla has beea a hoa
kold remedy in our- hone a km as I
can remember. I have takes it ia the
spring for several years. It has ao
equal for cleansing the blood and ex
pelting the humors that accamtdaU dar
mg the wiater. Being a farmer and ex
posed to bad weather, my system is oftea
affected, and I often take Hood's Saru
parilla with good results."
Hoods Sarsaparilla is Peculiar to Itself.
There is no "just as good."
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarnatabs.
IS onsets t
to pack
other starchoi aly XX oaaeta sties saa
the dii
shoaM snbnut to theam.
rivney of
Favorite Prescription koa
mane of them the went of
Splendid Crops
! Siskatehtwai (Wisttra Canada)
Bushels from 20 acres
of wheat was tne thresher's
rsturn from a Lloyd-
minster (arm in the
season of 1910. Many
field in that as well as
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 39 bu
shels of wheat to the
acre. Other grains in
Iksm darlvad
Iron Ik FIEF.
of Western Cassis.
Tht mvllent sbuwloc ei
prices to sdiance. Land tsIucs
sbonlddonblolntwo years time.
Cinsln arrowlag JBlsea faras
Ins;, cat He- nteGur aad dalrr
Inar arc all profitable. Fro
Hosnesteadsof leoavcrMawo
to bo bad la tb very beat
districts: 18 aero pre-esno-ttonsatS3.00
per aero wit
In certain areas. Schools i and
-c-barcbes In overy settle
ment, elltnato Taaexeelled,
soil tho richest : wood, water
and building material
PFor particulars ss to location,
low settlers railway rates and
dsertrtlTM Illustrated pamphlet.
"Last Best West," and other In
formation, write to Supt of lmml-a-ratlon.
Ottawa. Canada, or to
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BjBB-SBBSSBrnTaSSa dajSlona,ractoriMCaarcha,
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BsaasBSBHtjBWSnS raYMlnTraUcal. Write oa
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