The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 03, 1911, Image 6

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I Was Cured by Lydia E Pink
barn's Vegeiabfc Compound
"Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou
bles for seven years, was all rua down.
and so nervous I
could not do anv-
Ipji thing. The doctors
liK; treated me for dif-
HpU ferent things but
aid. me no good. I
got so bad that I
could not sleep day
or night. While in
this condition I read
of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
benan its use and
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In
a short time I had gained my averaga
weight and am now strong and well."
Mrs. Satlie Stevens, li. P. D., Kb.
8, Uox 31, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grateful Woman.
Huntington, Mass. "I was in a ner
Tous, run down condition and for three
years could find no help.
"I owe my present good health to
Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Cora-
pound and lilood Purifier which I bo
lieve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what helped me
and does not say one word against it."
Mrs. Maki Jaxette Bates, Bex
134, Huntington, Mass.
Becauss your case is a difficult one,
doctors having dono you no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic
ENuns, oacaacno, mat beanng-down
feeling, and nervous prostration.
C . "l fcPTir-rf" I II I I 1 I' ' I l !
(r -eiMsssssWR? lySSaBmMim&MMii
'vvff' . v-imx&moawkrmmmsr, .,a m
T? - " -"i tbbbsssdp nHCii i at WsssBartsBBBBBBliBBBBBBi
& 3V3BX. i. . . 9ajesBwaslFCiLGBlE324'- i5SBBBBaSnBENKawjiJ
- kinMimKSK-' BB&SS&
iSSasllSBBBBWBKfJBBBVAaJBBpBBBft Bro9s19JBiBfliL Ssbbbmca'j i "& -i iif --
KtSBBBParaHMsSSaKaHEsSsaw't&fi'HalBSBBBBBr 3BBaf5" - s "JJL
HE dream of years wa3
soon to be realized, as
our hunting party
boarded the Northern
Pacific train, which
was to carry us to the
western part of Mon
tana for a ten-days'
trip in the Flathead
Our party was com
posed of H. R. Arnie-
ling, Charles Hedges, Bert Hill and
After an interesting ride through
the pines, and past the small ranches
along the Big Blackfoot river, we ar
rived at the town of Ovando and took
quarters at the Goodfellow Hotel.
After supper we found "Marsh," our
guide, and began mixing medicine for
the big hunt We inquired as to the
prospects of game such as none of us
had ever hunted. We finally agreed
to hunt for the following: Deer, elk,
goats and possibly a baar, as our tw
not sufficient to
Hix Letter
co anyiuing.
Dix Oh, I don't know,
cost me $1,000 once.
writing neeer amounts
Ten letters
Youthful Criminals.
One of the most distressing cases
he has ever had to deal with faced a
Liverpool (England) magistrate re
cently, und one cannot vonder at his
exclamation: "What ecu I do with
thece babips?" as he gaed upon five
tiny prisoners in the dock. The
youngest was only seven years old,
and the eldest eleven, yet the quintet
for two months have carried out
thefts and other depredations with
such skill and cunning that for two
months the police and detectives have
been trying In vain to find out who
were the thieves. Xo fewer than 40
charges were brought against the
children. The seven-year-old child
was the ringleader, and quite an adept
at thieving and planning thefts.
V WW" v
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOItIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorla
What W! Are Coming To.
Jack I thought your landlord
didn't allow children.
Henry 'Sh! We call It Fldo. Har
per's Bazar.
To enjoy pood health, tako Garfield Tea;
It cures constipation and regulates ths
liver and kidneys.
To be conscious that you are Ignor
ant is a great step to .knowledge.
Benjamin Disraeli.
Krs. WIdrIoWs Soothing Syrnp for Chlldr
teething, softens Jhepums. reduces Jnfiamtna
Uon. allays pain, cores wind colic. Sic a bottle.
Who so neglects learning In hjj
fouth, loses the past and Is dead for
the future. Euripides.
Gariield Tea, invaluable in the
ment of liver and kidney diseases!
The ship in which many fond hopes
go down is courtship.
Millions Say So
When millions of people use for
years a medicine it proves its merit.
People who know CASCARETS'
value buy over a million boxes a
month. It's the biggest seller be
cause it is the best bowel and liver
medicine ever made. No matter
what you're using, just try CAS
CARETS once yourll See. an
CASCARETS lOca box for s week's
treatment. aU druggists. Biggest seUer
la the world. Million bcxsi a month.
Allen 'sL'lcenneSalTecuretCtmmlrljlrera, Bona
Uleenrroralnaa Ulcers. arlroe
rtolf nt Cleera,Mercnrlal Ulrerv. White Swell
tnc.MUk lc,FevrrSors,&!UllMm. rwltHMyaa
hilar. IjuIIUc. J.P. A LT.KN.facpt A93tfatUJ(iB.
If afflicted with
iThHipsiR'sEyt Wafer
weeks time was
make the trip to
the sheep coun
try. The following
morning was
spent in packing
up and talking
with the numer
ous guides, as
about 30 per cent
of the town's in
habitants follow
this occupation.
Shortly after
noon, our train,
composed of
eight pack
horses, six saddle horses and three
colts, started on the sixty-mile journey
to our proposed camp.
We had traveled but a few miles
north from the village, and into the
timber, when we came to the well
blazed line which marks the southern
boundary of the Lewis and Clark Na
tional Forest, within which Glacier
National Park has recently been cre
ated. Along the well-defined trail we
were continually reminded by the
conspicuous signs posted by the For
est Rangers of the warning to all
campers in regard to fires.
The last day's trip was over a
rough trail, crossing and recrossing
Young's creek, up and down banks so
steep that we would often dismount and lead the
horses across.
The valley at this point widens out into an
open park of several hundred acres called the
"Big Prairie," which is now fenced and used as a
horse pasture by the forest rangers. At the lower
end of this pasture the river makes a wide de
tour around the vertical bluffs, the trail going
over the top, joining the river again near the con
fluence of the White river and the South Fork.
Here we made our permanent camp in a small
open park.
For three days we had heard Marsh tell of his
seventeen 3'ears experience in that part of the
country as guide, trapper and hunter, which made
us all the more keen to try our skill on the game
for which we had made the long journey.
On the morning of October 1st, as soon as It
was light enough to see. Bert and Charles crossed
thA river to look for elk near the lick we had
passed the day before. Heiny. Marsh and I went
up on the mountain back of our camp to look for
goats, while Ben set to work fixing up the camp.
We hunted along the top of the mountain for
a short distance, when presently Marsh called our
attention to what he thought was a goat lying
out on a point of rocks on the west side, and sure
enough- it settled all doubt by getting up and
walking out into plain view. We decided at once
to try for this one. It was necessary to walk
back a mile to a point where we could get down
onto a ledge which we could follow, or half crawl
along back to the place where we had seen the
goat. This ledge was covered with slide rock,
and made walking dangerous, and it was impos
sible to proceed noiselessly, as we would start
rocks to rolling over the edge every few steps.
At length we reached the belt of timber which
hid the goat pasture. Heiny took the right side
of the ridge, and I the left, and we began to move
toward the spot where the goat had been seen.
We had gone but a short distance when I heard
a shot and going in his direction I saw him and
Marsh. Heiny had shot the goat which ran out
near the edge of the cliff and fell, lodging against
the roots of an upturned spruce. It proved to be
an old one with two of its lower teeth missing.
We took the skin, head and part of the meat on
what proved to be a most hazardous trip, as the
west side of the mountain is a series of narrow
Banks of cloud were rising in the west. After
two hours of strenuous walking through the un
derbrush and windfalls, we came out into the
park back of our camp just as it began to storm.
Neither Charles nor Bert were In camp, and on
my part, at least, were the cause of some uneasi
ness, as it was raining and both 'had left camp
with only light sweaters.
In the morning as it was growing light. I gazed
out through the tent-fly to see the mountains
white two-thirds of the way down. A few min
utes later I heard a shot up the river, which I
immediately answered with a couple more.
Shortly after. Bert and Charles were wading
across the" stream to camp. They had shot a
deer within a mile of the camp, and had found a
bunch of elk which they followed until night.
Each was unable to find the other, and both con
sidered it dangerous to try to walk to camp In
the darkness and gathering storm.
The following day was spent hunting through
the river bottoms and lower benches, but without
results, only a few deer being seen.
That evening we decided on a strenuous hunt
work, secured the head and hide and
climbed back to the summit.
Our game supply now consisted of
three deer, three goats and one elk.
Charles decided to stay In the valley
with Marsh until he shot an elk. whilo
the rest of us took a part of the pack
train, loaded on all our game and left
at noon next day for the railroad.
By no means the least interesting
part of this trip was the chance to
view the Lewis and Clark National
Forest, where for ten days we lived
near to Nature, the only evidence of
man's having intruded there being
the cut out pack-trail and the forest
rangers' cabins. The timber ranges
in size from the giant Norway pine of
six feet in diam
eter to the 6-Inch
lodge pole thick
ets. The vivid
green of these,
brightened by
the yellow fall
tint of the asp
ens, against the
snow capped
mountains made
a picture which
no camera nor
brush could do
justice to, giving
one the feeling
that It was good
to be alive.
Small game was
numerous; three
varieties of
grouse, Franklin
blue and ruffed.
Pine squirrels.
whisky jacks,
magpies and many smaller birds added interest to
the trip.
The act of ex-President Roosevelt in setting aside
these immense tracts of rough, timbered country
for national forests, to be looked after by the gov
ernment, providing a home for the wild life and a
recreation spot for fut.ire generations, will stand
as one of the great acts of his administration.
Farm manure is valuable.
Plant some fall forage crops.
The nest egg theory is out of date.
A hen will lay if she is properly fed
and housed.
It is best not to wash eggs that are
to be used for hatching.
Many poultry keepers do not give
their birds exercise enough.
Rape makes very good pasture for
either young chickens or laying bens.
Experience teaches that the best
hatching eggs -are those of medium
shape. ,
The sitting hen must have her dally
care and attention, just like the In
cubator. Poultry farming. In connection with
sheep, is largely followed In parts
of New England.
Trees should be pruned when they
are first transplanted. This is is the
most ideal time to start the pruning.
There are two methods for getting
gcod cows: by buying them, or by
buying good sires and building up the
grade herd.
Onions and peas are among the first
seeds to sow in the spring. The
plants will endure some frosty
tvfizrrmNbtR casm. mmai CttEK
for the morrow. Ben. Bert and Heiny were to
go over to Ben's cabin on Big Salmon lake and
spend two days looking for elk. Charles declared
his intentions of trying again for the big bull on
the west side of the river, while I had picked a
likely-looking mountain across the gulch from
where Heiny had shot his goat on the first day's
We were out of camp early. Marsh and I both
taking saddle horses. We cut out a trail through'
and around windfalls, across Marshall Creek, and
by ten o'clock that forenoon were well above the
snow line.
While we were yet some distance below the
summit, we tied our horses In a sheltered spot
and proceeded on foot. Deer tracks were numer
ous in the fresh, wet snow, and on top of a small
ridge I found the tracks of a band of elk. There
were eight in the bunch, one track showing'
plainly to be that of a bull, and Marsh "allowed"
we had better try for him. The tracks were eas
ily followed, but as they had fed all over the
ridge. It took some time to find in which direction
they were going. Shortly Marsh, who was walk
ing back of me. touched me and pointed out a
yearling which was feeding toward us. We sat
down and watched this one which was soon
Joined by another and another, until six were in
sight. The two yearlings came within sixty feet
before they winded us and turned back. We
could hear the bull scraping his horns on the
brush. He was in the background, out of sight.
We watched them possibly five minutes, when I
saw what I took to be the bull, brushing his head
up and down among the branches of a small pine.
I fired at a point just back of his shoulders. Then
came the one disappointment of the trip, for the
animal proved to be a big cow. The remainder
of the band stood motionless for a quarter of a
minute, then broke into a run down the mountain
We dressed the elk and continued our hunt for
goats. We were crossing deer tracks every few
feet. On coming out Into a little park I found
one track that looked good enough to follow, and
had hardly gone ten rods when I heard him jump
out of bed. He came into an open spot on the
highest point of the ridge, and stood looking at
me over the top of some dwarf cedars. I drew
a bead on his neck and fired, scoring a clean
miss. The second shot hit the mark, and a ten
point black-tail buck was added to the list, and
went a long way toward repairing my feelings
over the elk.
The reunited party had supper together that
evening. Ben put up goat, elk and venison steaks
to order. After the big feed was over and pipes
filled, we sat around the fire In the teepee tent
and planned a further Invasion of the game zone
across Marshall creek. The result was Bert's
hagg ng of the largest goat of the trip, and
Char s getting a blnck-tail buck.
The shooting of Bert's goat was quite a re
markable feat. He and Ben had Just about given
up looking for goats and were standing on the
edge of a cliff, looking down at a trail along the
side of the ledge, when a goat appeared walking
leisurely. The animal was about fifty feet hori
zontally and three hundred feet vertically from
him when he shot, hitting the goat square be
tween the shoulders, killing it Instantly Any
struggle on the part of the animal would have
resulted in his rolling over the cliff, where it
would have been impossible to reach him The
two men crawled down over the slide rock out
w wuere me goat lay. and after
Less Lonely Club
Confident that New York is the loneliest city In
all this wide world, the New York World says,
several men and women have organized the Less
Lonely league, with headquarters at 57 East One
Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. The purpose is
to provide a suitable meeting place for persons of
refinement and education who are denied home
L. J. Wing, a well-to-do manufacturer. Is the
originator and president of the Less Lonely
league. His own loncsomeness Is responsible for
the movement, which is expected to gather thou
sands of recruits in New York and throughout the
United States when it gets fairly under way. It
was through a letter to a newspaper that Mr. Wing
got in touch with the other men and women who
fell in with his plan.
"Long ago I reelized that New York was a
mighty lonely place," Mr. Wing said. "I mean for
one accustomed to associating with cultured per
sons. At first I thought that through a church I
might meet congenial people. I attended one in
Central Park, west, but it didn't take long to con
vince me that no friends were to be made there.
I attended another church in Lenox avenue. The
result was the same. Now I don't attend any
church, but on Sunday jump Into my motor car
and take a ride Into the country and let nature
preach to me.
"It is tough on the young man who cares nothing
for the smoke shop or the barroom. The same
with the young woman who must remain in her
hall bedroom because there is no place to go. Our
clubroonis will furnish a place for them to meet;
there will be entertainments from time to time.
We have received nearly 100 applications."
Lawyers, publishers, teachers and others have
written asking about the club, and Mrs. Taylor
has had printed a circular setting forth that "four
walls and a door don't make a home."
And this from Hood's "Bridge of Sighs"
Ob, it was pitiful, near a whole city full.
Home they bad none.
Every other Tuesday an entertainment will
given, although the club rooms will be open
the members any time. Mrs. Mary E. Medberry of
Beasonhurst. L. I., is arranging the program. Miss
Edith North, a grand opera singer, is interested in
the work and sang for the members the other
In choosing a breed of sheep. It
matters little which is chosen so long
as it is a good wool and mutton pro
ducing quality.
After the hens become broody on
their laying nests they may be gently
and quietly changed at night to the
sitting quarters.
In that new poultry house have the
perches on a level and about a foot
above the dropping board. Don't for
get the dropping board.
Prune to prevent the lower limbs
from hindering cultivation; the upper
ones from growing out of easy reach
for spraying and picking.
Be sure that the turkeys have
enough, but not too much food during
the breeding season just enough to
keep them In good flesh.
Wash Incubator trays In good hot
water with plenty of the old-fashioned
hard yellow soap. Dry in the sun.
Do this after each hatch is off.
The hen that grew from the Incu
bator chicken will want to sit as bad
ly as the one that grew from the
chicken batched In the old-fashioned
It Is useless to plant beans nntil the
ground becomes warm. If they come
up and then are chilled, they turn
yellow and never amount to anything.
Let the best mother hen raise tto
The nervous horse should have I
oats and more bran.
A good hen will easily care for froa
fifteen to thirty chicks.
This Is about the time to plant
prune, spray, plow and fertilize.
A little charcoal la fine to give
any time of the year for all hogs.
Feeding the hogs at regular moan
Is worth trying. They know whea It
To prevent contagion, a sick fowl
should be at once separated from the
Regulate the amount and kind of
feed in accordance with the condition
of the hog.
Don't put the new bed on sod land.
The white grub Is death to straw
berry plants.
Clean sand or good country pine
sawdust is excellent to use on floor
of poultry houses.
Do not plant beans until all danger
of frost is passed, as the young plants
are extremely tender.
At 15 cents each day-old chicks
are cheaper than eggs for hatchlmr
at two dollars per sitting.
The poultry business large and
small is made successful through at
tention to the small things.
The turkey hen that ranges far
from the barns is likely to steal her
nest a long ways from home.
If there are two toms In the 'flock
and they don't agree, shut up one
one day and the other the next.
Be sure to have brood coops and
brooders ready and waiting for the
chicks when hatching time comes.
In some places the mutton sheep
are the more profitable, while in other
places It pays better to produce wooL
Cleanliness and plenty of fresh air
are great helps in developing the
chicks and keeping them thriving and
much careful
Geese will live to a great age, and some few
years ago I came across a very venerable goose
(male or female I cannot say) in Westmoreland in
unexpected circumstances. I was walking from
Milnthorpe to Arnsidc and at Ganaside found an
acquaintance sitting on a seashore bench feeding
a pet goose with biscuits steeped in ale. He told
mc that this goose had been in his family for over
40 years and was partial to beer, stout and even
gin. One of the most remarkable records of the
longevity of geese with which I am acquainted is
to be found in an old book entitled "Travels in
Scotland." by the Rev. James Hall, M. A.. London,
two volumes, 1807. On a visit to a Mr. Charles
Grant of Elchies. Stirlingshire, the author was in
formed of a gander that had been killed by accident
after living at the same place for "above SO years."
Handicap of the Grouch
Man Who Is Afflicted With the Desire
to "Get Square" With Somebody
Is an Enemy to Himself.
The man who goes through the
world with a grouch, who Is always
watching for an opportunity to "get
square" with somebody whom he
thinks has done him an injury, is at
a great disadvantage, says Orison
Swett Marden in Success Magazine.
The desire for revenge acts in the sys
tem acts like a leaven of poison, crip
pling the brain power and inducing un
happiness. No one can do his best
when be has an unkind feeling or re
sentment In his heart toward his fel
low men.
We are always prejudiced against
those who have the reputation of be
ing grouchy, or who are of a suspi
cious disposition. These people make
very few friends and are not good
"mixers." They often live lonely and
sometimes totally isolated lives espe
cially as they advance in years.
No employer wants such people
around him. He knows they are not
business-cetters or friend makers; oa
the contrary, they frequently drive
away customers and make trouble
among the other employees. In busi
ness, if people are not treated civilly
they do not take into consideration
that the clerks and those who wait
upom mem may be 111 or tired. They J
expect courtesy and obliging, kindly
Everybody wants to get away from
the cranky, fault-finding, over-critical
person. We do not like people who are
out of tune with the world they
live In.
Has a Wife.
"He'd never be mistaken for a back
"Why not?"
"He knows too much about wsat's
going on in his aslghborhood."
The brood sow, like all other ani
mals, requires sufficient food to main
tain her own body in a thrifty condi
tion, while yet supplying the needs of
the unborn litter.
There used to be a mania and it
still ha3 a hold In some sections ror
farmers to Increase their farm posses
sions in spite of their Inability to
properly use the same.
Farming Is not a calling In which
"main strength and awkwardness" are
factors. It Is not an Industry that af
fords a large aggregate crop by half
cultivating a large acreage.
The fertility of eggs depends chiefly
on the condition of the breeding
stock, the number of females alloted
to one male, the conditions under
which they are kept and the food.
Don't sell that old ewe merely be
cause she is thin. Look at her teeth.
If they are good she Is probably a
leany suckler and a money-maker.
Give her a little grain and watch her
"a little.
Poultry manure ferments very
quickly and as frequently handled
loses much of its nitrogen in the form
of compounds of ammonia which are
rapidly formed and which escape into
the air unless means to prevent are
The American breeds, the Ply
mouth Rocks. Wyandottes and Rhode
Island Reds, can be made good broil
er chickens at 2 to 4 pounds a pair,
roasting chickens at four to six
pounds each and good large plump
fowls at one year old.
The best way to fatten young stock
to secure a maximum profit is to feed
them well from the start. Whether
it be young cattle or Iambs, they
should be liberally fed from the be
ginning of the feeding period.
Birds do considerable for us in the
way of destroying weed seeds. Birds
that are especially useful In this way
are: Sparrows, chiefly our native spe
cies, Juncoes or "snow birds," gold
finches, bobwhites, prairie hens, and
meadow larks. The mouse-destroyers
among our birds are the hawks, owls,
shrikes and crow.
Don't look for fertile eggs If yon
crowd your hens too close. Another
bad thing in the same line is lack
of exercise.
If you have only one breed of pure
blooded birds you will sell many eggs
for hatching and birds for breeding,
at high prices.
A field of four or five acres will be
large enough to run a flock of 100
sheep for about thirty days and fur
nish some hay besides.
According to a successful dairyman,
the presence of dirt in milk Indicates
careless and uncleanly methods la
production and handling.
Now that the days are warmer, be
sure to keep the incubator cellar veil
aired and do not run the machines
with too h'igh a lamp flame.
In transplanting cabbages set the
plants In the ground up to the first
leaf, no matter how long the stem is,
and press the earth firmly about it.
The would-be poultryman should be
careful in his selection of a farm, for
upon this selection may depend his
success or failure in the pounltry
For those who have not much time
to devote to the garden there Is no
class of flowering plants more desira
ble than the hardy perennials and
herbaceous plants.
There Is considerable easily earned
money in rearing pigeons. In large
cities $3.50 to $3.75 a dozen pair is
paid for them. The demand is always
greater than the supply. "
Farmers who have heavy draft
mares are making a great mistake la
not raising more colts of this class,
and keeping the money at home that
is now going west for horses.
Obviously the remedy for unproduc
tive eggs is to use only healthy breed
ing stock and to keep the breeders in
good condition by good food and good
common sense care and management.
If you have a piece of land that
must be planted to corn later than
the last of May. use seed of some
good early maturing variety of corn.
Learning Sixty Day corn is good for
late planting.
If white worms appear in the soil
of your potted plants dissolve a piece
of fresh lime in water and set the
pot in the water, letting it remain
there until the soil and ball of roots
are thoroughly saturated.
It 13 said that bees cannot profit
ably travel more than two miles for
nectar. If they have to fly a greater
distance and carry back their load
they cannot bring to the hive enough
during the working hours to make it
profitable. The hives must therefore
be placed with this fact in mind.
Barnyard manure increases the wa
ter holding capacity of the soil; and
instead of dumping the manure in
some convenient out-of-the-way place,
or leaving in the yard to deteriorate,
or to rot the structures against which
it Is so frequently piled, the farmer
can not only save money, but at the
same time conserve the moisture of
his soil, by immediately spreading
it upon his fields.
Bulletin No. 122 of the Massachu
setts experiment station, giving the re
sults of a series of experiments cover
ing a period of 13 years, states that the
average cost of eggs produced on a nar
row nutritive ration has been 12.f
cents per dozen; on a wide nutritive
ration, 9.96 cents. The annual feed
cost per hen on the narrow ratios
amounted to $1.16; on the wide ratios,
98 cents.
, v