The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 03, 1911, Image 4

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Columbus Journal.
ColumbuM, Nobr
ConMtlidatcxl with hpoIntubns Times April
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Hundreds of New York nieu, women
and children, says the New York
Evening Mail, are to see the American
(lag for the first time, when President
Taft formally opens the big blind
workers' exhibition in the Metropoli
tan opera house.
These people are not lacking in
good citizenship. From infancy they
have been blind, and while ever' one
of them can describe the stars and
stripes in words, they have never be
fore been able to "sec" it. A usually
expressed wish from :i blind man that
he wished he could sec the ilag, made
the exhibition committee think. Fi
nally from Perkins Institute, S nth
Boston, the school where Helen Keller
studied, they learned that this school
had succeeded in making u palpable
Hag which their own pupils had been
able to "see."
In response to a request that they
allow the blind of New York the
opportunity to "see the ilag, the
director answered that Perkins would
send its complete collection for the
blind, and would display them in such
a way that every blind visitor to the
exhibition would be able to study
them and so "sec" them with their
Of all the blind who have heard of
the coming of the Hag none has ex
pressed deeper joy over the prospect of
"seeing" it than the little sightless
children in the public schools of New-York.
According to Senator Norris Brown,
who has kept in touch with legisla
tures on the income tax question, the
amendment is on the verge of adop
tion. Thirty states have ratified. 6f
the sixteen remaining, only four have
definitely rejected, leaving twelve from
which to obtain the five still necessary
w Huopnon. oenaior irowu is so
certain the five will be forthcoming
that he enters income taxes into his
calculations for new revenue lejris
latiou. The states refusing to ratify are
West Virginia, Louisiana, Rhode Is
land and New Hampshire. The twelve
from which five more ratifications
must come are Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Utah, Vermont, Virginia anil Wyo
ming. One of the four that have rejected
the amendment may be expected to
reverse its action within two years.
This is New Hampshire, whose hold-
over senate direct primaries have not
yet had time U rescue from the clutch
ot the rJostou .V Manic railroad. Of
the twelve which have yet to act, in
Minnesota the failure to ratify ere
this must have been a mere oversight.
New York is already half way across
the line with favorable action in the
senate, and the house may take favor
able action this week. The New Jer
sey legislature has lately been eating
out of Governor Wilson's hand, and
may accept the income tax before it
has had its fill.
That would make four of the five
required. Which of the others may
we hope will "come across." A study
of the list suggests that Senator Brown
may have blundered in thus early
proposing to urge the immediate levy
ing of an income tax to the end that
"the argument that duties cannot be
reduced or wiped out because we need
the revenue will not longer be valid."
Is it for any reason but to make a high
sugar tariff necessary that Louisiana
stands pat on the income tax? Or
Utah and Wyoming but for wool,
Florida for citrus fruit, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts and Connecticut for
cotton, Pennsylvania and West Vir
ginia for coal and iron? Obviously
it is by no chance or accident these
states are holding back. For that
reason it cannot yet be said that the
income tax is out of the woods. Lin
coin Journal
In a recent address at Philadelphia
Secretary McVeagh of the treasury
department attacked the civil war pen
sion. He declared that the enormous
civil war pension list is not a credit to
us, and that it never had a scientific
basis, although a worthy motive gave
it origin.
Secretary McVeagh declared that
the civil war tension has long since
lost its patriotic aspect, and has be
come a political list, costing the gov
ernment about Slb'0,000,000a year.
And right on top of this assault up
on the civil war pension, Secretary
McVeagh indulged in a plea for a civil
r ension list, so that aged employes of
the government may be retired from
the service upon pay and their places
filled by younger material. He insist
ed that the establishment of a civil
pension list is "absolutely necessary
for the sake of the government."
Somehow when a high federal official
gets to talking about service pensions,
he forgets all about the old men and
women who have to help pay the old
men and women who have lived for
years off the government.
If the government were in the habit
of asking its employes to work for a
pittance, one might find some excuse
this continuous howl for service pen
sions for government employes.
But as a rule the rest of us must
bend our backs all our lives to provide
means with which to pay government
employes good salaries during the peri
od of their undoubted usefulness.
Tli'-o who work for Uncle Sam, as a
ru:. , gel much more liberally paid
than do tluc who have to work out
iheirown salvntiwii :i employes of cor
porations and individuals. Their
work is eay, plenty f help is always
provided, their houre are horl and
their vacations u'lmerotis and long.
If he who works lor a corporation or
a private parly most of his life is ex
pected to save enough to enable him to
help pay government employes iieu
sions when they get old, it is not at all
unreasonable to expect such govern
ment employes to be equally frugal,
and the same degree of frugality must
enable the government employes to
save more money than he who works
for some one else.
The man or woman who does not re
ly upon political favor must, when his
or Iter period of usefulness is past, have
either saved up something for a rainy
day, Iiecome an object of charity or
struggle along as best he or she can
under the handicap. Isn't it asking a
little too much to ask he or she then
be required to help pay a pension to
some one who has for many years en
joyed lighter work and better pay.
j ibis suggestion that the world owes
a living to the men and women who
grow old in the service of the govern
ment is growing so strong at Washing
ton that unless the masses speedily or
ganize a protest against it, old men
and women who have never enjoyed
the advantage of working for Uncle
Sam at easy work, during short hours
and at good pay that might provide a
competence for old age, are surely go
ing to be called upon in the near future
to help pay them pensions.
There must be something wrong in
the mental vision of the public official
who can denounce the civil war pen
sions while still contending for a servi
ce pension for government employes.
Old soldiers will perhaps find the ex
planation in the fact that Secretary
McVeagh is a democrat. But that
does not explain his service pension
nonsense. Nothing could be more un
democratic. Democracy teachesequal
rights for all and 6ecial privileges
for none. If the day ever epmes when
men and women in all other walks of
life, those who have to pay the taxes
and the salaries of government em
ployes, can be retired at a certain ace
upon a comfortable pension, then there
will be some sense and justice in ask
ing them to help pay the pensions of
those who have always enjoyed good
pay from Uncle Sam. But other old
men and women have to look out for
themselves. When they-get old they
are shunted upon the junk heap and
nobody is worried about paying them
All over the country those who do
not believe in building up a class of
mendicants at public expense ought to
take in hand this matter of making
their protest known. If they don't do
it, things are now shaping themselves
11..A I. -1
mat wnen me civil war
a duly on American made milling
machinery, and that ought to be handi
cap enough against him if the Ameri
can miller needs a handicap.
Not only is the American miller to
be protected by a duty on flour, but
the American packer is to be similarly
protected by a duty on Canadian meats
and packiug house products to the ex
tent of one and one-fourth cents a
ouud, but the farmer is to submit to
free Canadian cattle and other live
stock on foot. It is difficult to sec how
any farmer or any other man in the
Northwestern and Middle Western
States can sec any justice in such a
trade. While virgin lands were
abundaut and we could grow our
wheat on $15 or $20 land, and while
our ranges were available for the pro
duction of cheap beef and mutton,
duties on Canadian products were of
no benefit to the American farmer:
First, because there was no market in
this country for Canadian products;
and second, because, practically speak
ing, Canada had nothing to sell.
Now, when, owing to the rapid in
crease in our population, the time has
come when the farmer might be be
nefited by a Canadian Tariff, he is
suddenly to be left unprotected again
st foreign competition.
Our soils have, to a large extent,
been depleted of their native fertility;
scarcely anywhere in this country are
the farms as fertile aa they have been
in the past, and never has the import
ance of building them up been more
necessary than it is now. With beef
bringing somewhere near the price it
ought to bring, an era of increasing
our live stock, and through it the
building up of our soils the fertility
of which wc were compelled to sell
when grain and beef sold below their
actual worth scenied about to be ap
proaching. No sooner had this hope
ful condition sprung into view than
the farmer was told that all kinds of
meat animals should come across the
line from Canada without paying a
duly Farmer and Breeder.
Loudon Copies of a report on the
cost of living in American cities, based
on inquiries made in twenty-eight
representative towns by officials of the
British board of trade, were circulated
in Parliament. The report of 533
pages covers the questions of workine
class housing, retail prices of commodi
ties, and rates of wages in the United
States, compiled for purposes of com
parison with the conditions of workers
in Great Britain and other countries.
The conclusions reached are: "The
cost of.Jbod and rent combined is 52
per cent greater in the United Slates
than in England and Wales, but these
heavier relative charges on working
class income have been accomplished
with weekly wages which arc as 230
to 100."
The report adds that this ratio of
money earnings is more than two and
one-fourth times as great as in Eng
land and Wales, and "makes possible
a command of necessaries, convenien
ces and minor luxuries of life that is
both nominally and really greater
than that enjoyed by the correspond
ing class in this country, although the
effective margin in practice is curtailed
by a scale of expenditure, to some ex
tent necessary and to some extent
voluntary, adopted in accordance with
the different and hicher standard of
material comfort."
The report notes that although the
habit of spending is greater in Amer
ica than in England, and although the
American is naturally more extrava
gant and great wastefulness often re
sults, it is in fact that those who desire
to exercise a strength of will and fore
sight can save more easily in the
United States than in England be
cause of the larger income.
In the matter of hours the skilled
workers in the building trades in
America have the advantage of about
six hours weekly compared to the
English, and the unskilled have an
advantage of about three and three
quarters hours.
It was two hundred and seven years
ago April 24, 1704 that the first
number of America's first newspaper,
the Boston News Letter, made its bow
to the public Two earlier attempts
had beenmade in the journalistic line
one in 1689 and one in 1690 but
both attempts were suppressed by the
Massachusetts government. The Bos
ton News Letter, however, managed
to weather the storm and successfully
faced the battle and the breeze for
seventy-two years.
This pioneer uewspacr, in what is
now the United States of America,
was published by John Campbell,
postmaster of Boston, who may fairly
be called the father of the American
press. It was printed sometimes on a
single sheet of paper, foolscap size, and
sometimes on a half sheet, with two
columns on each side.
When the News Letter was fourteen
years old Campbell enlarged it, in
order, as he informed his readers, "to
make the news newer and more accept
able." "This time twelvemonth," he
says in his announcement, "we were
thirteen months behind with the for
eign news beyond Great Britain, and
now less than five months; so that we
have retrieved about eight months
since January last," and he encourages
his subscribers with the assurance that
if thev "will continue steady until
January next, life permitting, they will
be accommodated with all the news of
Europe that is needful to be known in
these parts."
It is just possible that the wonder
ful enterprise thus suddenly manifested
by the proprietor of the News Letter
may have beeiyhelned along some by
the fact that he now had a competitor
in the journalistic field in the shape of
the Boston Gazette, published by Wil
liam Brookes, the first number of
which appeared in December, 1719,
about the time that Campbell made
his big announcement to the subscrib
ers of the News Letter. The battle
between the old pioneer and its rival
was a strenuous one, but the newcomer
at last bit the dust, leaving the News
Letter in full tosscssion of the field.
After its seventy odd years of life our
first newspaper met its end in 1770,
with the British evacuation of Boston.
it may be said in passing that a
complete file of this original American
newspaper, the only one in existence,
is preserved iu the collection of the
New York historical society.
When the old Boston News Letter
went out of business, in Independence
year, Massachusetts had seven news
papers, New Hampshire oue, Rhode
Island one, Connecticut three, Penn
sylvania eight, New York three,
Maryland, Virginia and North Car
olina two each, South Carolina three,
and Georgia oue; the total being
thirty-three, all of them weekly pub
lications. When the Constitution went into
operation, in 1789, there were printed
each week iu the entire United States
76,438 copies of newspapers a circu
lation that is many times exceeded by
that of the New York American alone.
Rev. Thomas Gregory.
$1,500,000. There must be many
cities, towns and yillagcs in the United
States who could be induced to part
with their superfluous statesmen if
Memphis really means business. San
Francisco would probably take $1,000
000 for Mayor McCarthy, with 30 per
cent off for cash. Albany would pro
bably accept $750,000 for William
Barnes, jr., or might consent to a trade
taking two thirds cash and. the rest iu
Tennessee bosslcts and wire pullers.
Washington would gladly let.yYillium
E. Lorimer go to Memphis at a nomin
al price and on a very liberal install
ment plan. We need only touch, of
course, upon the possibilities connected
with the persons of Mr. Charles F.
Murphy and Mr. George B. Cox,
whom their respective communities
could afford to let Memphis have with
a million dollar premium thrown in,
and still make money. New York
Post. V
Russia Passes All Other
in Hoarding Up the
clous Mstal.
In ten years Russia haa added $310.
000.000 to its stock of gold, raising tna
total in the treasury to $704,000,000.
Even France has been passed In the
contest of accumulation; In ten years
the Bank of France has Increased its
supply of the metal by $229,000,000,
raising the total to $678,000,000. One
year ago Russia held less than France,
but in the Interval the former has
gained $66,000,000, while the latter has
lost $63,000,000. It may be learned
with some surprise that Italy ranks
third as an accumulator of gold
since 1900. Its stock having risen from
$77,000,000 to $194,000,000. a gain of
$117,000,000. Germany has gained
only a little over $5,000,000, while the
Bsk of England's increase has aver
aged only $3,000,000 per annum, or less
than $33,000,000 in all. Its gold supply
today stands Just under $200,000,000,
which is exceeded not only by Russia
and France, but by Austro-Hungary,
and Is only $5,000,000 above Germany's,
and $7,000,000 above Italy's stock,
while, of course, It Is little more than
half the amount held by the New
York clearing house banks alone, to
say nothing of the billion odd dollars
that Is retained in the United States
treasury. Twenty years ago France
held only $263,000,000, Germany $138.
000.000. England $113,000,000 and
Austria-Hungary the insignificant to
tal or $22,000.00. against $227,000,000
today. At home, the New York clear
ing house banks and the treasury de
partment have added $782,841,275 to
their holdings in ten years.
Surest Method
Is to Be Interested
People One
ceases another and bigger pension list
will take its place. Lincoln Star.
Another thing, while the American
farmer is to submit to competition in
wheat production with the Canadian
farmer, the American miller is to be
protected by a duty on Canadian flour
to the extent of 50 cents a barrel. Is
that fair? Does thst sound like reci
procity? Why is the miller entitled to
Protection if the farmer is not? Cana
dian labor is as well paid and as in
telligent as American labor. The
Canadian miller will be obliged to pay
Connecticut Farmers Against Rabbit.
Most assuredly the proposed protec
tion of rabibts by imposing a limit
upon catches and by lessening the
opening season will not be approved
by farmers and fruit growers. Under
present limitations rabbits have mul
tiplied until tbey have become almost
a plague.
Their principal offense is the gird
ling of fruit trees, to which they are
strongly addicted even when the
ground is not snow-covered. So far
as known they serve no useful pur2"
pose except as food; their pelts are
next to valueless, bringing only a
cent each and "slow sale" even at
mat price. Farmers bring the addi
tional charge that rabbit hunters tear
down and do not reconstruct their
fences, and this complaint Is founded
upon facts. Bridgeport Fanner.
San Francisco Madcro, father of the
leader of the Mexican revolution says
that no member of his family will be
a candidate for office at the election
which it is hoped will result from the
insurrection. This is saying a great
deal, for he has eight sons, all full
grown, of whom the eldest, Fraucisco
I., jr., started the revolt. This son
was a candidate for the presidency
against Diaz a year ago, but the Diaz
machine has not permitted anybody
but Diaz to aspire to that high office.
Francisco, jr., retired to San Antonio
last November and began to get ready
for the present uprising.
The Madero family has good stand
ing in Mexico. The grandfather of
the present leader is estimated "by
some to be worth $50,000,000, made as
a speculator in mining properties, and
in cattle raising. He was for twenty
years governor of a province. The
father says: "We are fighting for
principles and not for political re
wards." In other words, they are
fighting for fair elections and for a
square deal, it tbey lap, tiicy Have
been encaccd in rank treason. If
they win they will be heroes.
They appear to he holding out well
against the regular troojw and to have
accomplished much in forcing the re
organization of the cabinet. They
will be content, however, with nothing
short of the complete surrender of the
Diaz machine. Boston Globe.
One of the surest methods of win
ning popularity is to be Interested in
the people one meets. Not a lip in
terest merely, but a deep, actual in
terest that takes one out of one's self
and one's narrow circle and for the
moment places one In the midst of
another's sorrow or Joy and lets one
see life from her standpoint
A girl who can listen sympathetical
ly and with the real Interest to the
details of another girl's wardrobe and
the list of her admirers has the germ
of universal popularity already de
veloped. It may seem a trivial and tiresome
matter and she may feel conscious
all the time that she has far more
Interesting things to tell, but, whether
or not she realizes it, she Is laying
the foundation stone of friendship.
Hearts, after all, are very much alike.
and each one haa the craving for sym
pathy securely planted In Its depth.
But nothing Irritates one more and
turns one from another's personality
so quickly aa the simulated and insin
cere Interest which, eventually, is al
ways detected. The girl who says
with deep emotion and with the soft
pedal stop of apparent sympathy
turned on, "My dear, how dreadful!
to the confidences of a sickening
heart, and then hastens to break In
with some frivolous fact about her
self or her social engagements, is not
apt to win much affection, and cer
tainly not any lasting love.
Sympatnetic Attitude.
T never enjoyed your chance for an
education." 6aid the reproachful fath-
"Well." replied ahe flippant youth.
That ready American humor which
King George's subjects find so hard to
follow and understand did not miss the
splendid opportunity offered by the
case of Mr. Bryan and the city of
Memphis. Close upon the heels of
Mr. Bryan's refusal of an offer of
812,000,000 to go to and live in Mem
phis comes a letter from the Omaha
Commercial club, offering to let Mem
Meerschaum Getting Scarce.
The valuable material from which
meerschaum pipes are made is con
tinually getting scarcer and the large
industry which has flourished In Vien
na. Budapest, Nuremberg, Paris and in
the Thuringian town of Ruhla seems
endangered. The manufacture of
meerschaum pipes is much more im
portant than Is generally supposed.
The towmof Ruhla alone has been ex
porting 1m round figures pipes to the
value of about $1,500,000 annually.
The finest grade of meerschaum is
found near Eskl-Schelr, In Anatolfa.
Asia Minor, .in a hollow, which in early
days was a lake, in which the meer
schaum was precipitated. Meerschaum
is also found in other places, including
Thebes, Egypt, the Bosnian Mountains
in the neighborhood of Grubschitz, and
Nuendorff in Moravia and in some sec
tions of Spain and Portugal.
"when it comes totfhat I don't believe omIec,l CIUD- oneriugui lenuem
I enjoy it myself." ' phis have Mayor "Jim" Dahlman for
Tamed a Wild Swan.
A mild male Russian swan (the
largest and handsomest species of the
wild goose tribe) flew Into a Los An
geles park three winters ago. After
much cajoling I have trained him so
that he will answer to the name I
christened him, and when I call "Bil
ly" he will run to me and will follow
tne like a dog.
I do much of my literary work In,
this park and Billy sits beside me and
searches my various pockets for pop
corn or crackers, and his disappoint
ment is pathetic if perchance I meet
him empty handed or rather empty
pocketed. It was fully a year before
Billy would allow me to approach
within ten yards of him, but by de
grees I have succeeded in winning
bis confidence and he now affords end
less amusement to my friends and
myself. Strand.
Baking Powder
The manufacmrers of Royal Bak
ing Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
pure grape cream of tartar, and is
the embodiment of all the excellence
possible to be attained in the high
est class baking powder.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price, and is more economical
at its price than any other leavening
agent, because of the superlative
qualify and absolute wholesomeness
of the food it makes.
Mixtures made n irmUboB of baking powders, bat rnnlsmis, dma,
are frequently distributed from door to door, or grata away a grocery
stores. Such mixtures are dangerous to use h food la Fnglinrf.
France, Germany sad soae sections of the United Stales ihesrsslesi
prohibited by law. Alum n a daageroas Meal add, aad afl
poyacMM coadean bakag powders riialiiMBit .
Would Chase Cats.
The other night a New York man
visited friends in a New Jersey town
where police dogs help the local force.
In routing out burglars. These dogs
are highly trained.
"In spite of that." said the man.
"Max, which I believe Is considered
the best of them, cannot be trained'
to leavo a cat alone. His Job is to
go around at night with a policeman,
and circle houses. If he finds a bur
glar at work he Is trained to chase
him out into the open, where the po
licemen can get at him. But if Max
finds a cat on his trip around a
lionso it Is all off with his job. He
chases that cat until pursuit is use
less. I don't know what he would do
If he caught a cat. because he Is kept
muzzled, but his nature tells him cats
pre to be worried and he annoys
them all he can In spite of his training."
Royal Abbess of Seventeen.
The Archduchess Elizabeth Frances
ca, oldest unmarried granddaughter of
the emperor of Austria, who made her
debut at the first Viennese court ball
of the season, did not present so pic
turesque a figure as her cousin, the
Archduchess Elizabeth Mary, on a
similar occasion.
Until her marriage with Prince Otto
zu Windischgratz the Crown Princo
Rudolph's daughter was abbess of the
order of St. Theresa and wore the vel
vet and ermine robes of her office at
all state functions.
With these she carried a pastoral
staff, studded with Jewels, presented
to the order by St. Wenceslaus, king
of Bohemia. 600 years ago.
A miter of peculiar shape perched
on the curly head of the seventeen-year-old
archduchess gave a piquant
finish to her appearance when she
made her first public courtesy to her
grandfather. Pall Mall Gazette.
Go via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake; return Shasta Route
via Portland, Seattle. Yellowstone Park, Gardiner
entrance, on your way.
Ctoinj; to Seattle direct through Billing, or via Denver
and Billings, Shasta Route through California. Yel
lowstone Park. Gardiner entrance on the way. He
turn through Salt Lake, Scenic Colorado and Denver.
This is the general excursion rate basis to California,
Portland nnd Seattle, on certain dates in June anil
July. $15 00 higher via Shasta Itonte.
This is the general exenrsion rate Ijbbib to California,
certain rfntpo in May, daily, June to September.
Also to Portland, heattle, on certain dates in May,
And daily Juno to September. $15.00 higher via
SliaHta lloutr.
The Burlington foUlcr map will help you plan
Your nearest agent uim ticket you
jour lotir.or let m help you.
b. F. RECTOR, Ticket Agent
Columbus. Nebr.
W. MTrlKbLfcY. Cen'l. Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebr
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