1 ITEMS OF INTEREST II I'M I'M KEY. From Uio DcmiMTJit T. 1). liobieon. Job. Muff and Geo I'Vhnnger went down to Columbus last Friday to attend a meeting of the de puty a".85Bora called by County Asses sor Clark for the purpose of deciding on an equitable and just basis of valuations for assessment. The Humphrey Dramatic Compuny lias re-orgauied with Win. StcrnbiTgy as 1'resideiit, Prof. Maloue, Vn: President, ami Frank Fisher Cenrral Manager. The company have tialheied logetlier the best of local talent and will stage a comedy entitled "The M-rry Cobbler" in the course of a few weeks. Miss Rose Kiseninenger who lias been teaching part of the past year in the Madison public schools has been reap pointed for the coming year. Miss KiHcuue'iiger is a graduate of our schools and afterwards taught several terms in the intermediate department and was a hard and conscientious worker. Madi hiiii evidently appreciates her worth as an instructor. The Humphrey fun- and basvball en thusiasts will be interested in kno'Aiug : hat the Sunday baseball law legalizing the playing of baseball on Sundays in Nebraska was parsed over the ;iivt:i (ir'n veto this week by a vole of til to II. Uy this bill baseball is put on the eaine plane with lawn tennis. croiiet. auto iiioluling ami other sport, and shouh! be just as clean as any aiiuiiieul Much of the objection to baseball lia- come from tne iiiigentlciuanly and roivdy onduct of some players and we trii&t that the local management will see that t!i games this s-ason will 1m conducted as they should be. as a good, clean and wholesome amusement. La'cr: Since the above wiib wntt n th" lower hoiiHe killed the bill, but we've played bull here lor sometime and expect to keep light on. Tin. villnge elect iui p itwed off ipnetly Tuesd.o. and yet to some it 111113' appear that there was not as much quiet etude about the day as there might have been, .los. Mender and Kichard Olne-r, being the 1:01111:11 es of the caucus held a couple of weel.s ago, their names were the only ones appearing on the printed ballots, but early in Hie day a boom was started for the re-election of Peter P.odewig as a member of the town bo-ird, and alt-o the name ol Matt Oi.eti was brought mto the riinuini:. with the result that .los. Header and Mr. Iiodee. ig proved to be 1 he swiftest limners, .ttid for the uet ear. at least. then- will be no change in the pnseut board In all there were '2't votes cast, of which Jo?. Mender received lOlI. Peter Modewig ('.'!, iiu'hnrd (Miner .""7. and Malt Ola.-sen ."i. Somebody evulenilj wanted to make .sure tint .!o. Smith is .1 memher of the board art he ieiv:etl two vo'es. Uiih.ss tie Nn:liwe-eiii 1 ad n nil or t)iinioliiih else jm'Ik bi!r- .on, people goin lo the Northwe It rn i!ep()t will have t lat.e the loail for it. ('"cause, at a 11 net int; of the illaue boatd Monday night, the present wilk from the .street north of the creel: to the depot was con demned on account of 11 being unsafe. All of the walk 111 question is i.ot on railroad propeity, bin for iiinni eurs the Northwotern railroad comproiy has kept the walk in rep ur. Of Il. how ever the company hue refu-i d ! p'l any more work or expem; on the walk be yond its own propei J v. anil as there is no law to compel the company to take care of sidewalks outside T c mpaiiy Iaiul.it appears that it 1- up ' the board to devi-o a w"ay out of ihe "illleul ty, and The Democrat is ostium ibis mil be done. It has already been -u.:jji od, thnt the riilroad company, the town and Harney Eckholt, who owns the FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street. GoGks" for the ame fight haven't any place ic our curriculum. The business of Plumbing is more matter of fact. In our work and among our tnpplies we ueo the best the market affords in the way of Cocks, FauGets, Pumps and other auxiliary sundries. We do yood work at reasonable prices. A. DUSSE.LL & SON 411-413 West 13th Street ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES land along which the eidcwnlk runs, will join in the expense of a good and per manent walk at this place mid each hear an equal amount of the expense. It would be an injustice to Mr. Eckholt to force him to put in this sidewalk, as it would probably cost more than the land iB worth. There is a question too as to whether a property owner can be forced to put in a walk of this kind. 1'I.ATTK CKNTKlt From 1 he Signal. School. iii district No. '2:1, the Kegan district, has been closed the past week owing to a number of the pupils having measles. Several older people in the neighborhood are also alllioted with the same disease. Mr. and Mre. Dwight McCombs from near Columbus, spent Sunday with the Ci. X. Lamb family . aire. Matt Gilsdorf, whose illness we mentioned last week, submitted to sur gical treatment at the Columbus hospi tal last Friday, and is reported to be impioviiig in a satisfactory manner. At the time of the death several weeks iu;o, of D. F. Donoghuo's brother, at (iuthrie. Oklahoma, the remains were brought to Omaha and deposited in a voilt. '' he remains were interred Sun day and Mr. Donoghue went down to be present at the burial. The village of Platte Center had a very spit u less election Tuesday. Two mem bers of the board of trustees had to be elected, but same as two years ago, no one seemed to take enough interest to see that a ticket was nominated, so the tickets were printed blank and voters had to write in the names of those they wished to vote for. Notwithstanding this state of affair 1(X! votes were cast, the largest number in the history of the village. And there was evidently pre concerted action, as Henry Hitrke and 12. W. Hoare each received (m votes, J. K. Malier received :l and 1. .!. lliley js. Three ballots were thrown out for irregularity, and the balance of the total were scattering. Burke was re-elected. The board for the ensuing year will be John Moffett, Max Mruckner, Fred Mey er. Henry Burke and I'j. W. Hoare. 0 MONKOK. 1'iotn 1 lie lippnlilkan. Arthur Watts was very sick the first of the week, and is under the doctor's care. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Frank left this week for their old home in Iowa, after visiting some time with friends in Mon roe and vicinity. Misses Maude and Hester Hill were guests Columbus friends Wednesday and Thursday. They were accompanied home by Miss Grace Lubker, who will visit here for a few days. Jacob Smyer returned from Kit Oar son county. Colo., several days ago. where he invested in nquurtcr section of laud. He is located about lifteen miles from Murlington, the county seat of that county Last week the the wind did quite a bit of damage to the F. Bel ford house, formerly owned by C. Li. CJerrard of Columbus, moving the house in such a position from the new built foundation that it tore the foundation to pieces. Frank Lamb tells us a great story about a hen that was buried in their corn crib last fall, and this week, as he was passing by the crib he happened to see the hen through the crocks ami get ling a saw. cut :i hole in the crib, and ook her out. He says there could have ben no other way for her to get in there, only by being covered up as they tilled the crib last fall. She hud eaten s Columbus. the corn all around her and wn still alive, and was a fanny looking sight, her feathers sticking straight oat How is this for a hen story ? Tuesday a village election was out of the ordiniry for Monroe in fact not in a number of years has the contest been so hot. And it was not for members of the village board, as there were only three candidates, and contrary to the usual custom, no names were written on the ballots. The tight was on the pool hall, and those against it carried their campaign so far that it reacted, and the majority for the proposition was larger than it would otherwise been. There were titi votes cast. 42 for the pool hall and 24 against. The three trustees, Howard J. Hill, Wm. Sigea and John Gibbon, each received GO votes, about four or Dve of those who voted declining to vote for trustees, but voting against the pool hall proposition. There are a number who'were not strongly oppos ed to having the pool ball, conducted as it has been during the last year, and much preferred it to the secret gambling which it has beeu responsible for stop ping. The judges and clerks of election were: Clerks. J. C. Bead. C. W. Hol lingshead; judges, Hugh Hill ,J. E. Dack and . W. Mann. SCIIUVLEK. From tho Sun. A buuch of men with a tape line made some measurements near the depot the last of laBt week which looked very much like measuring the site of the new build ing. They were like the usual railroad survey gang knew nothing about why they were taking the measurements. Isn't it fanny bow somo men can draw money for doing a little work and more money for keeping still. Knth and Idn Brock of Columbus spent a few days here with their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Smith. Saturday Mayor Zeulow took over the reigns of government in the post olllce and he can now nlllx the title o 1. M . to his name. All the old employes arc still there and will probably remain for some time at least and it is possible that they cannot be removed as a law was parsed by Cougress making the clerks in a post ollice a civil service employee. Otto is already mcasuringotittbe stamps at the front window and he doesn't look at all bad behind the bare. Friday morning of last week the hearts of the board of directors of the Schuyler Library were rande glad by the receipt of a letter from Andrew Carnagie stating that he would be more than pleased to give them nine thousand dol lars fcr a library building. Isn't that great news? About a month ago a com mittee of the library board asked the city council to make a levy of two mills for maintenance of such a proposed building- it was granted. Mr. Carnagie was immediately notified of the board's action and a request made that he bnild us a library. As the city levy is about nine hundied dollars we get a building costing that many thousand. At the present time the liuard are investigating a suitable site There are about three under consideration aud it may be but a short time until it is selected and turn ed over the city council for acceptance. fUIKI.r.Y. From tlinSuu. A wrestling iiihIcIi win; pulled off at the opera house Monday night between T. L. Slieghmakcr and Jack Gorman. Sleighmaker uuderlook to throw Gor man three times in lo minutes but failed in the third round to get Gorman down within the allotted time. The home of Air. ami .Mrs James Mc Meekiu, living five mile.-; north of Shel by, was the scene ol a quiet home wed ding Wednesday afternoon when their daughter. Mar, was united in marrisge to William Inness. The oreinony took place at four o'clock in the presence of about fifty close fiiemla aud relatives. Rev. T. K. Surface, pastor of the Shelby U. B. church officiating. After con gratulations had been freely bestowed upon the happy couple by the guests, a bountiful wedding dinner was served. The bride is the daughter of one of our most prosperous nnd respected farmers and is well known in this community, haying lived here all her life. The groom is the youngest sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Inneps, and is also well and favorably known in and around Shelby. The young couple intend to begin house keeping at once on the old Inness farm, two and one-half miles sonth of Shelby. They have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in this county who ex lend congratulations and wish for them a full realization of their bright prospect for future happiness and prosperity. IT GROWS HAIR. Here Arc Facts We- Want You To Prove At Our Risk. Marvelous as it may seem. Ilexall '9:j"' Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were ouce bald. Of course, in n(.ne of these cases were the hair roots dead, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearauce. Kexall "03" Hair Tonic acts scienti fically, destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, and will not gum or permanently stain the hair. Wc want you to get a bottle of Ilex all "1)3'' Hair Tonic and use it as direct ed. If it does not relieve scalp irrita tion, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an in creased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penDy you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c and 81.00. Sold only at our store The Bexall Store. Pollock & Co.. corner 13th and North streets. BUSTEltBfiflHNS .UAKANTED STOCKINGS rDARN! Why Darn? If yoa bay BUSTER BROWN'S GUARANTEED HOSIERY for the whole family there'll be NO DAKNIHG TO DO. SOfc Lule Half Hose for MEN, black, tan, aavy and Cray. Lisle Heae for LADIES, me dium and gauze weight; black or tan. Combed Egyptian Hose for BOYS,hght or heavy weight, blacker tan. Lisle fine gauge Ribbed Hose fer MISSES, medium or light weight, black or tan. MISSES silk lisle fine gauze. ribbed, black or tan. 25c a pair, Feur Pairs to the Box, $1.00. Guruteed For FOUR Montks For Sale B J. H. GALLEY Columbus, Nebraska Sir.VEH CUKKK. From tlm ?aiul. J. W. Vatli, U. li. Galley and Karl Hawkins of Columbus have beon hunt ing iu this vicinity for a few days. Miss Opal Merrill went to Oolunibus last Friday and met her cousin Miss Ruth Burger of Clay City, Iud.. who ex pects to spend the summer here. Tuyrza and Krma Buchanan are un der the doctor's ordera 011 account of having contracted the small pox, to which they were exposed- when Elva Klass came down from Gothenburg to attend her mother's funeral. Neither of the girls are very ill. Pupa Buchanan is at home making garden and Ass't Cashier Jim Jackman has quit writing drafts at the bank for a few days. The Board of Health has closed the schools until April 17, also ordered all public meetings to be abandoned until that date. These are simply precautionary measures, nobody having particular reason to be alarmed over the matter. ALBION. From tin Ariih. T. A. Bunker has the lumber trust beat a whole city block. He has just finished a uew burn Kix'.'4, with 18-foot posts, with side wings 14x21, made mostly out of cottonwood lumber grown and sawed on his own place. The trees were planted on the place before he bought it by Wanzer and Widaman. Be had the J-inch et 11 :T sawed full 2 inch, so that be has a very strong structure That e the way to do it raise your own lumber The I. O. O. F. people have made for themselves h line home. A short time ago they bought the Drake building, at one time the old llolliiiaii hail, and have takeu the partitions out papered and painted, till they now have a hall worthy or the order. Talking with Chas. Nichols alwui his railroad accident he said the adjuster came up and settled all satisfactory, both with him and Tom Doty. It is surely a ca-e where nil ought to feel thankful, first thnt 110 ono was killed or crippled, and that now it is all settled. Wm. Silvers, former sheriff of Boone county, in the good old ilBys when po pul ism ran rampant over the country, dropped off here, with bis good wife, last Friday. He has been living in Washington, in the famous apple country since he left here nnd has come back to see the folks once more. From tho News. Dr. H. H. Millard urrived home Sat urday afternoon from Columbns. He had been spending a few days hunting near bilver Creek, making the trip in his auto, but owing to the snow and muddy roads, left his car at Columbus and took the train home. The liremeu have lately received about WW feet of new tire hose and Tuesday afternoon gave it a trial. They h.ve been crippled by the need of sufficient dependable hose and with tli:s new supply, ought to be pretty well eijuiped. UNION PACIFIC THE TIILE JlRShiJI iBtQBM WEST EOCNII. 11 .... 8 am 1 10:2 am V 11:25 am EAST No. 1 No. 12 No. ; BOUM. Ni. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 121 a iu .'21 a m 2:IH p m 2:16 11 m 17 :iffi 11 m No. 15..... No. 10.... 1.1 . 'm 11 iu .. 7i." ! in .. C:li l in .. 3:11 am ..1120 am ..12:10 pm .. '-'Al 1. m .... 3:05 im 3 ... 5 ... 21... w'.Y. .t . 13.... . No. 2 No. '!.... .. No! a)!".!"". No. "21 ll, c ; i m SAO 11 m 120 pin 3:0a p m 7:12 am I:U' p m BIUNCDKS. XOlittlLK. SPALDINO A ALBION. No. 7S uixiL.d 6 .00 a in No. alias ..il 1:10 pro No.32ian ..athlSam No. 80 mxd..a 0:10 p m No. 77 ami. 172) am No.2iiw ..il"2-"pm No. 30)138 ..a 1:H pni No. 78 mx'l..at:10 pin Daily except Snn'Jay. note: Noe. 1, 2, 7 ami H are extra faro trainn. N08. 4. 5, 13 and II are local passengers. Noo. r8 anil M are local f reightfi. Noe. 9 and 16 are mail trains only. No. 14 dne in Omaba 4:45 p. m. No. 6 dne in Omaha 5:00 p. m. C. B. Q. Tint Tailt No, 22, rase, (daily ex. Sanday) leave. ...72i a w No. SJ, Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday) lv.5:00 p m No. 2L, rasa, (daily ex. Sunday) arrive.. P20 p m No. 31. Frt. Si Ac. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6:15a m M3S7 itebK lis HH f BELLWOOD, From the Gaztb. Itra. Wm. Barkalow went to Ulysses Wednesday morning to vi6it with old ! friends While she was washing one ( day last week, a needle that happened to be m the clothes, penetrated the llesby part of her left hand. She still carries the needle in her hand and she thinks it is working its way to the elbow. W. U. accompanied his "better half" to Ulysses, where they attended the funeral of Jliss Mahotiey's brother, who was killed in 11 railroad accident last Sunday. The Village election was held Tuesday and resulted as follows: W. U. Grant, "dry" candidate, 52 votes; Geo. Wads worth, "dry," 51 votes; A. Yanike, "wet" candidate, 4!) votes; II. Berger, "wet," 49. It will be noticed by the vote that both parties shot pretty straight. There were two spoiled bal lots. Both parties put in their best licks. The vote is about the same as it was a year ago. There were no black eyes or no one killed . During the day but two voters were challenged, one of them being Wm. Price, now a preacher in Holt'county, but formerly of Bell wood, the other, Ike Severn, who recent ly moved out of town to work for his brother. Both swore in their votes David City went "dry" Tuesdry by a reduced majority over last year. UlyB sea also went dry. Brainard, they bay, is "still ia doubt." OKNOA. From UmTiiiic". A deer, supposed to be the one that escaped from a private park in Humph rey, has been several tirueu during the past weeks southwest of Genua along the Loup. The election Tuesday was very iiict. The names of B. I) Gorman and Alfred Alfreds appeared ou the ticket by peti tion for village trustees and they w re elected without opposition. At a meeting of the Business Men's Club held Monday evening at Firemen's hall, it was resolved to make an effort to secure money by subscription to im prove the condition of Main street and the side streets and to sprinkle the busi ness streets during the tr: miner months. Flank Johnson and W. K. Martin were appointed as a committee to solicit funds and got busy Tuesday morning. A gen erons sum was secured. URGES MUSIC IN THE HOME Ethical Culture Man Would Have Chil dren Begin by Learning to Play on the Diahpan. A member of the faculty of the Eth ical Culture school of New York urges the development of music in the home by unusual though simple means. He would have the growing child learn to play upon his mother's dlshpan as an In troduction to the keyboard of the pla ao, and graduate from thrumming upon a rubber hand to the strings of a vlo ub. He mentioned also the triangle and the xylophone as examples of the more primitive instruments a child rould learn to play, and he might have extended the list with the instruments employed in the kinder-symphony the cuckoo, the water whistle, tho watch nan's rattle and the other diminutive editions of the cacophonous Inventions of Richard Strauss. To carry the Idea further, a child who has the laudable ambition to become the tympanlst In a symphony orchestra might be taught to drum on the win dow pane on rainy days; he should be fed on drumsticks; he is to be encour aged to practice the reveille and the rataplan with his knife and fork on the pdge of the table. Hereafter judicious parents will not throw away empty to mato cans, for, given a stout bit of twine and a piece of rosin, their nolse maklng possibilities are almost Infinite. By sliding downstairs children will cul tivate a faculty that will prove useful In the manipulation of the slide trom bone, and the use of the shoehorn will suggest the French horn and the Eng lish horn subsequently. Deserving No Mercy. "Here," said the policeman after he had hurriedly entered tho dentist's reception room, "what's goln on? You've had a man in there hollerin' bloody murder for nearly half an hour. Why don't you give him some thing to stop his pain?" "Give htm something to stop his pain? My dear air, you don't under stand. I had occasion to take a lady to lunch one day last week oh. It was a business matter, nothing more and this chap saw me. Well, the next day he happened to meet my wife, whom he knew before she was married, and he mentioned he had seen me and wanted to know what the other lady's name was. Of course, I M "Oh. never mind. Go ahead and kill him." Chicago Record-Herald. IN OUR NEW NOME In the Meridian Annex You will find us better equipped that ever to attend to your wants in Electric Lighting and Electric Irons Let us wire your house Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. AH kinds of Ladders, from 4 to 40 feet in length. Roofing: We handle Roofing in car lots and therefore are making right prices on it. ft 6, 8, and lO foot cypress Stock Tanks always on hand. Complete line of Lumber and Posts Geo. A. Hoagland RESULTS OF A WRONG DIET English Writer Says That Nearly Every Form of Disease Can Be Traced to Food. To sum up In a word, wrong diet furnishes the raw material for every disease. Without It they arc not poa slhle. It furnishes the means hy which inherited predisposition devel ops into activo disease. In its ah senco we arc not vulnerable to infec tion and contagion. Its retention in the body in the form of foreign mat ter is the one real disease. For dis ease is the accumulations or foreign matter In one part or other of tho body, and all the manifold names it bears serve merely to distinguish tho different conditions arising from this common cause. The locality, charac ter and state of these accumulations may give rise to the most varying symptoms, disordering tho blood, re tarding the changes of the tissues, clogging the joints. Irritating tho nerves and generally obstructing the bodily functions. Wrong diet Is the underlying causo of consumption, rheumatism, cholera, epilepsy, ancer. bubonic and pneu monic plague, heart iliscase. measles, bronchitis, influenza, appendicitis, bad temper, melancholia, apoplexy, hys teria, cataract and arthritis, and i the commonest cause of suicide. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Doc Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredient) of Kcxhll Orderlies, which are otlorl?t?s, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, intestinal iu vigorator and strengthened Kexull Orderlies are eaten like canity and arc notable for their agrceableness to tho palate nnd geiitlenet-s of action. They do not enneo griping or any disagreeable effect or inconvenience. Unliho other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create u habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the uh of ordinary laxatives, cathartics and liaruli physic, and permanently remove the cause of constipation or irregular bowel action. Wc will refund your money without argument if they do not do jus wc say they will. Two sizee, 2."ic. and 10c. Sold only at oiir store The Kexall Store. I'ol lock .t Co, corner Kith and North streets. You Can Defy April Showers if You'll Wear One of Our ill w AMI. J"- &i - Way- V-x V&. GREISEN BROS Columbus, Nebraska The funeral procession was moving' along tho villago street when Uncle Abo Burse stopped out of n store. He hadn't heard tho news. "Sho." said Uncle Abo Burse, "who they burytn today?" "Poor old Tito Harrison." said the storekeeper. "Sho." said Un :lo Abe Burse, "Tito Harrison, hoy? Is Tito dead?" "You don't think we're rehcarsln" with him, do you?'" snap ped tho storekeeper. Cincinnati T!mes-5fc'. i 1911 Indian Motorcycles are all litted with I'lio Free Engine Clutch without extra charge Holds nil World's Uevords GetthH l'.Hl Catalogue F. K. tiOODWIX, Agt. (enoa, Neb. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invito all who deuirc choice steak, and the very best cuta of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. Wc also handle poultryand Gsh and oysters in season. S. E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No. 1. - Cnlnmbuu. N'h. DO YOU WANT TO BUY Tin l"t irrhnilol Intnl. with tin lnf-t wntrr riKhtK Which hna irolucel Imm lr croH for the it ill jiftri-. Pric ren-otmlilp. TTuit viry siy. Kr par tictilarK writo Isaac loutier. Omaha. Neh. RAINPROOF Gravenettes or 'Slip-Ons' Perhaps, you've had an experi ence with a Raincoat that was was not rainproof. Then its as much to your interest as ours to let us restore your confidence by fitting you withaCravcnctte that really is rain-proof. Were that all you'll find in our Raincoats, they will be worth your while. But, when handsome styles, newly woven fabrics, careful and expert tailoring and perfect fit are added, the result must, and is, as near to perfection as brains can plan and human hands can execute. If you pre fer the lighter weight garment then one of those "Slip-Ons" will be the best buy you ever made. Your size in either, at $10, $12.50, $15, $18 and up to $&5 -