'.t 3 Y7E. N f CJDohuntms gouroaL . olimu. Nobr. Consolidat.Hl with tho Colnmbns Times April 1 1901; willi tho Matte County Arns January l,lH. w,iit-r. m tli.. loftrti,.M.rolarab3.Nrtr..M . .,"find-5lr.M mail nint'T. IBEJIS Or sTBbOEirTIO Oboynr, by u-ftll. vcto prepaid tt.50 .Jix month ...- .......... r .- nioutht -- . ... ..... - -40 WEDNESDAY. Al'KH, 12. U'll. 8TKOTHKK & COMl'ANY. Proprietors. BfcrJEWALS The data opposite your nwne oa ronr papr. or wrapper Bhowe to what time your ubecription is paid. Thus JanOT thows that payment ku boon received r.p io Jan. i, iw. FebW to Fob. 1, 1M55 nt whcn PaJnt !p made, the onte. which nfw as h receipt, will b chawed accordingly. DiBCONTINUASCES-ltefpouelhta Bobicrib rc will continno to receivo thin jonrnal until the pnblUheware notified by letter to discontinue, when all arrrairH- . -it be pai.1. If yon do not wieh tho Jonrnal coatir-? 'or another yonr af ter the time paid for "h expired, yoa ihould preTiooaly notify ns to 0 continue it. CHANGE IS ADDUESS-When orderia a ahange in the nildreea.anbpcribnre should be sore to el their old as well rb their new addreM. NOT A DEAD ONE. The newspajier jokcsniiths like to insist that Mr. Bryan is down among the dead men, and some writers who are not frivolous argue the same way. Mr. Bryan has been rebuked a good many times recently, and he received the worst kind of a turning down in his own state this year, but he still goes his way buoyantly, the favorite offer ing of the lyceum bureaus, and the an cient sacrifice whenever presidential timber is beiug considered. He says positively that he never will be a candidate for the presidency, but he will remain in polities, fso long as Mr. Bryan remains in polities he will expect to be the lud voice, and it is evident that then" are state. man of hi.s p:.tty who are willing he should retain his .supremacy. There is now in progress among de mocratic senators of the progressive sort a well ordered scheme to deprive Bailey of such leadership as he would assume. Mr. Bailey has made a spec tacle of himself upon numerous occa sions recently, ami his fervid defense of'Lorimer made many of his collea gues distinctly weary. Their weari ness was increased when he made he made his grandstand play of resigning and they have come to the conclusion that it will be wise to dump him ami are making plan3 to that end. The Washington story treating of this in cident says that in choosing a new leader the democrats will he influenced much by Mr. Bryan. So there you are. A man who can sit in his farm house at Fairview and pull wires for the purification of poli tics at Washington isn't a dead one by a lung distance. While he intends to break loose from the habit of running for the pre sidency, Mr. Bryan evidently expects to have a lot to say as to who shall and who shall not make the race. In the current issucoftheCommot.er, the ex-peerless says. "Some weeks ago four names were mentioned, and questions which have been asked concerning them have been answered. Some of the eastern pajwrs at once reported that Mr. Bryan had declared the four gentlemen named to bo available candidates. More tc ceutly the Commoner has referred to difierent public men in connection with their official work. It might be well understood now as later that commen dation of particular acts does not ne cessarily mean that the parties are available as presidential candidates or that their nomination would be desir able. Mr. Bryan is not prepared to express an opinion jet as to which one of the many gentlemen named would be the niostavailahle, but that iheCom nioncr may be free to commend such acts of Governor Harmon's administra tion that seem worthy for commenda tion, it is now stated for the benefit of the readers that the (.immotier does not consider Governor Harmon as an available man for the democratic no mination, for reasons that will be given when the discussion of the sub ject seems proper." If that doesn't sound like a ukase handed down from the throne room of the czar, it is difficult to classify it. If Mr. Bayan can wave Senator Bailey into outer darkness with one motion of the hand, and consign Gov ernor Harmon to oblivion with anoth er, it evidently is a waste of sympathy to condole with him upon the political misfortunes he has suffered in the past two or three years Emporia Gazette. -- i A HOUSE FROM ONE TREE. The town of Elma, Wash., in the midst of the great fir timber belt on the west slope of the Cascade Moun tains, presents a unique feature in the form of a 2 story house, containing fourteen rooms, built entirely of the timber from a single fir. This tree was a giant Douglas and was felled west of Ema. It was wonderfully straight and, when scaled, was fouud to contain forty thousand feet of ser viceable timber. The tree was cut into six logs, the first, or butt, being twenty-eight feet in length. Inside the bark the stump measured seven feet and nine inches in diameter. The distance to the first limb of this tree was one hundred feet, and the total heicht of the tree was over three bun dred feet. At the standard price then prevailing S2-5a thousand the lum ber in this tree was worth more than SI, 000. Harper's Weekly. SAYS THE FARMER IS THE GOAT. At the Publicity Club's reciprocity dinner Thursday night, P. V. Collins, editor of The Northwester Agricul turist, atteiupted to introduce a re solution protesting agaiust reciprocity which did not. affect the manufacturer as well as the fanner. He did not have an opportunity to express him self as fully as he desired and accord ingly he issued today the following formal statement: In Mr. James J. Hill's arguments in behalf of the Tali reciprocity with Canada, he conceded that he spoke as a free-Trader, for he had never been a dycdin-tlie wool Protectionist. Nine out of ten who stand with him must make the same confession. From the stand point of tho bug haul Mr. Hill's position is readily compre hended. He is a trar.sportationist, not a Protectionist. He argued that Tariff does not protect prices anyhow, :ts witness the fact that barley is sold at forty-five cents in those states where barley is produced ami sixty cents in a in a t:ite where they have no barley for tie. but must import all their b-:i .y. Hun, he argued, since there i- no tariff between those states, Tariff does not s.fleet prices. !!- defied ans wer to his argument; it answers itself. Next he concludes, in spite 'of his barley argument, that reciprocity with Canada will lower the price of farm products in the Northwestern states, and thus injure our farmers, but his answer to his own concession is that our farmers know so little about gooil fanning that they don't deserve protection. lie proves the blessedness (?)ofFree Trade on agriculture, but the engineers of his meeting were prompt to smother a motion, by me, to extend the bless ings f Frte Trade with Canada on everything, so as t be consistent. If it i- jiod sauce for Tie goose the iii'-mer why not equally good for the gander the manufacturer? Mr. Hill quoted official statistics proving that ifi 1840 72 per cent, of our nopulii'i n were agriculturists and now only '-V1. Vet as a stimulus for the popular 'back to the farm" cry, he proposes to open competition for American farmers with the occupants of the cheaper, newer lauds of Canada. Mr. Hill, Publicity Club of Minnea polis ami milers, all this Free Trade attack on the agricultural producers of the Northwest may seem right and easy, here iu the Mill City, but I have been in close touch with Northwestern farmers for twenty years or more and I am neither the "ignoramus nor the demagogue" into which two classes Mr. Hill courteously consign' all who stand for agriculture against this out rageous schedule. I register on be half of Northwestern farmers my ear nest protest against this wanton attack on our farmers-. Even Mr. Hill, with all of his great in toreM." in transport ing Canadian crops, defends the treaty only from the standpoint of a Free Trader. I am an American not a Free-Trader. You can smother an amendment intended to expose the absurd inconsis tencies of Free-Trade for farmers with Protection to manufacturers you can smother it in a biased assembly, but you cannot smother the voice of North western fannesr at the polls. Norare our farmers either ignoramuses or de magogues. This is more than a party question. I honestly believe in the Mclvinlcy Blaiue reciprocity principle, but this is not reciprocity, it is a Free Trade betrayal of agriculture for the further upholding of transportation interests, at farmers' expense. There was not a single argument presented by Mr. Hill in behalf of Free-Trade on farm praducis, which would not be just as logical if applied to every kind of m icufactured article in trade between Canada and the United Stales. Why in the name of justice and equity, the square deal and common sense, must the American farmer be the last to be directly benefited by a Protective Tariff and the first to loose that Protection, and be forever and always the goat. Minneapolis Daily News. If the Democrats have their way at the coming session of Congress the people of the United Slates will soon begin to take an interest in the world 'Mumping," so much used in England, and study its its application to condi tions likely to be created iu this coun try by Tarifi legislation which will give foreign products easy access to our markets. San Francisco Chronicle. A REPUBLIC OF PUBLIC OPINION. "With public opinion," said Abra hm Lincoln, "everything is possible." Charles Summer said, "Anything for human rights is constitutional." "There is a law higher than the Constitution," said William H. Se ward. The words of these illustrious gen tlemen are quoted in .the hopeful be lief that sentiments expressed by them will not be regarded as unpatriotic, as anarchistic, or as disrespectful of the abje and historic document called the Constitution. In fact, these great citizens gave the Constitution a solid dignity which is not maintained to it by many of its self-appointed defend ers. These latter seem to believe that the Constitution has precious little do with a government of the coplc, by the people, for the icoplc. This, then, is a government of pub lic opinion, in spite of the fact that it has a written organic law. The hope less doctrine that, no matter what the people need or how badly they need it, they cannot have if. if it is "against the Constitution" is merely a bogey niau. It is a powerful bogey man, to be sure; and it holds things back; but it has nothing like the power which Tories in temperameut would ascribe to it. To illustrate the flexibility of the American republic one or two ex amples of progress may be enumerated and some continuously vorking prin ciples of progress may lie indicated. The Oregon law for the nomination and election of United States senators is, as Mr. William Allen White said recently in a Kansas City address, in "defiance" of, or in circumvention of, the United States Constitution. That fundamental lv places with state legislatures the elections of senators, while the Oregou law in effect places the selection with the eople. Yet the law is constitutional because it docs not assume to eouij el the legisla tors to do what the voters direct. The legislative members are given the first option of pledging themselves to follow the popular choice, or not to make that pledge, and they arc given the second option to keep or break the pledge if they give it. The reliance is solely upon public opinion, working outside of or above the organic law; but not against it. That this conference iu the ruling force of the people's wishes is well founded has been demonstrated many times over in the election of presidents. The Constitution places that election with the electoral college, ami there it resides today. But the people long since made the electors merely mes sengers by state groupings to convey the record of their will to the respec tive state capitals and then on to Washington. The people's action is merely advisory, but it has all the force of a constitutional mandate. For a more general rule it may be observed that what the Constitution is is whatever the ruling interpretation of the Constitution is. There can be no doubt that what is constitutional one period is unconstitutional at an other (leriod, and vice versa. There can be no doubt of it, because the clastic, fact has been proved. The national income tax was constitutional once. It is unconstitutional today. It may be constitutional again the next time the court considers it. Anil this without any intervening amend ment of the Constitution. The instance is cited not to show disrespect for the court, but with the exactly contrary purpose of showing the respect which is due to American institutions of which the courts con stitute one important factor. Those institutions command respect and pa triotic affection because they have the strength to meet the facts of life and development. The republic will not have to go to pieces because the "pcr petuity" of its framework is the per petuity of an immovable stump. Its assurance of living is that "With public opinion everything is possible." Kansas City Star. Congressman Hanna delivered a speech in Congress in opposition to the Reciprocity treaty in which he showed the markets on the :lst of December, 1010, at Portal to be on wheat, 8oc, and at North Portal in Canada, 75c; barley was b'.'Jc at Portal and ooc in North Portal; flax wasS2.3.Jin Portal and 8I.!) in North Portal. This will be seen to be considerable difference favoring thef North Dakota man. These two towns join each other, so the Tariff must be admitted to be the cause of the differnce. Can we afford, as farmers, to wipe out this Tariff differ ence? Can we afford to trade a mar ket of ninety millions of people for a market of eight millions, and if we did would that be reciprocity? Let every farmer write a protest to each member of Congress. Let us give our mem bers something to work with. If we do not loudly protest we are not trying to help ourselves, and if we make no effort to help ourselves, we do not de serve to be helped. Pla&k (N. D.) Pioneer. NEW BLOOD IN CONGRESS. It is the opinion of a prominent member of congress from New Eng land long in service at Washington that the couutry has seen the last of men in congress of a service of thirty years and more and probably also, at least for some time, of men who have served incongress twenty years. The trend, in his judgment, is against long service. Elections are now consider ably affected by meaus of direct pri maries, and people seem tickle, and the best of men in congress are consequen tly apt to be toppled over by some newcomer who chances to charm the majority of the voters. Ac if !: ninti in iinnriM MMIll IlllVft record of twentv vears or more are few in number. And not a few of these are retiring, in some cases driven out of public life by popular clamor. Senator Hale of Maine is complet ing his thirthieth year in the senate. Previously he served six years in the house of representatives. In the public life of Washington he will, on March 1, have been thirty-six years. Senator Fyre of Maine will also this year complete thirty years of service in the senate. Scualor Aldrich will retire from the senate iu bis thirtieth year. He was additionally two years in the house of representatives. Senator Cullum is completing his twenty-eighth year in senate, but he can point to a service in congress father back then any other member, having been a mcmlicr of the house in 1861. Senator Galliugcr of New Hamp shire will complete twenty years of service in the senate, but he had already, when chosen senator in 1801, served four years u the house. In the house, Speaker Cannon can show service goiug back to 187:, or thirty-six years back, but two years will have to be deducted from the continuity, for he missed one congress, suffering defeat in the democratic tidal wave of 1800. The service of Repre sentative Bingham of Pennsylvania, called the "Father of the House," because he has seen longer continuous service thau any other man in it, harks back to 187!), while Representa tive Payne of New York, chairman of the ways and means committee, goes as far back as 188. Representative Dalzell of Pennsylvania first came to congress in 1887, or twenty-four years ago, and Representative Jones of Virginia has a record of twenty years of service in the house. All other congressmen report a service of less than twenty years. Representative Bartholt of Missouri, Cooper of Wis consin, Gardner of New Jersey; Gillett and McCall of Massachusetts and Loudenslagcr of New Jersey have been elected to another term, and so will by BH.'J have completed twenty years in the house. Of those who begau coming to the house in 180" only nine will remain. Judgment here is that more and more the 6euatc and the house is be coming an assemblage of fresh men, and that this trend will become eveu more pronounced in the years ahead. Boston Advertiser. BEER AND BULLION. As was expected, some editorial fits have been throwu concerning the re cent three-ring golden wedding cere mony staged by Adolphus Bush and family in their palatial California home. Yet there is no use attempting to paint Busch as a deep criminal, who has builded a fortune on ruiucd homes, drunkards' graves and fallen women. It may be that there is more or less stigma against the beer busi ness iu this country, although the action of Taft and T. R. in scudiug golden offerings to the beer kings wouldn't indicate that it had reached the very highest political circles. But, however that may be, Busch is a German, and there is no doubt of the social aud moral staudiug of his busi ness in the land of his nativity. Even the honorable kaiser remember ed him on this auspicious occasion, and beer drinking is one of the most popular pastimes of the fatherland, so, doubtless, Busch believes he is all right, which helps some in these days of more or less hypocrisy and frenzied finance. There is also something to be said in favor of beer as a temper ance drink, although Carrie Nation may throw a fit at the mere suggestion. Not that anyone needs beer, or that it is benficial, an halucination long since exploded, but which is dragged in by the brewery advertisers, and the man who requires an excuse with his suds; not that at all, but there are many people who insist on some alcoholic stimulant, and arc going to have it if they have to drink squirrel whisky in the back stall ofa livery barn. Beer easily accessible is a benefit to them, just as it was to the army in the days of the canteen. So there is no reason for counting Busch a lowbrowed des perado. His solid gold, diamond studded celebration may suggest a vainglorious fool. But just remember that the fortune he spent so lavishly in celebrating the fiftieth lap in double harness was largely contribut ed by other fools who were so much worse they didn't get auy thing out of it but unhealthy fat aud a headache, so.there is no use of selecting Busch out of so vast an array for the goat. As a matter of fact, he is smarter than most of them, and, doubtless, better than some who paid him tribute. Atchison Globe. 'When the extra session meets, in April next, some Southern Congress- mien may find themselves ombrassed as V .i . -..r. i a, .i t ....r.: xo me auuuuc io ikc ou jjuuimuuu sugar, Alabama iron aud Georgia lum ber. In the past these industries have been given Protection by Republican votes. Soou the Democrats will have to attend to that matter for themsel ves. San Francisco Chronicle. If reciprocity is a step toward Free Trade, Uncle Sam will just have to back up, that's all. Aud he will back up quick, regardless of all the theorems of Tariff reformers and college dream ers. Hard times will compel him to. Enid, (.Okla.) Events. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME Dog Walks 140 Miles to Reach Favor Its Spot Behind Butcher Shop Stove. If you've ever felt tho pangs of homesickness and havo longed for tho quiet of a small town In contrast to the hustle and bustle of a big city your sympathy will go out to Dewey, a white bulldog who, pining for his personal soft spot behind a meat mar ket stove in La Crosse, Wis., walked the entlro distance from St. Paul to that city. A letter from La Crosse tells of the arrival there of the dog. which is the property of Oscar naum, a St. Paul meatcutter, who formerly lived In tho Wisconsin city. Dewey is now sleeping behind the stove in the meat market in La Crosse, which his master formerly owned. Although Mr. Baum brought the dog to St. Paul In tho express car of a fast limited train and offered him all kinds of inducements and delica cies not to be had in a small town. Dewey was not happy. Ho ran away and appeared unex pected at his old home. Wagging his short tail furiously, he scratched and whined for admittance. The 140 miles ho had tramped had made him footsore and weary. His tongue was hanging far out of his mouth and he was panting. Dewey's eyes were bright, however, and ho was not too tired to yawn in a friend ly manner at his old trusted friend, tho market cat. When his master telephoned from St. Paul that he would go to I-i Cross to get him tho saunt little lighting pet was sleeping the peaceful sleep of tho weary- Between hla paws was a discarded bone, and tho satisfied grin on his battle-scarred face told more plainly than words that he preferred a meager bone In La Crosso to porterhouse steak in St. Paul. DRUGGIST, THE MEANEST MAN Woman Shopper Finds Many Things to Complain of In Drug Store. "Give mo a two-cent stamp, please. Here's a ten-dollar bill it's tho small est I have what, haven't you any more convenient change than all that silver? I can't carry that about with me. Well, the idea! Are you sup posed to be running a drug store, or what? Let me use your telephone. No free "phone? Well, this Is tho jumping off place. I must say. If I havo to drop a nickel In 111 havo to havo change please give me cbango for this five-dollar bill. "Well, they don't answer. Of all the service! Is there a city directory here? Where? For goodness sake, this is last year's directory haven't you a new one? Huh! Give mo a lit tle piece of licorice root for tho baby to bite on. Why. this seems wormy haven't you a smooth piece? How do you sell your magazines? Xo. I don't want to buy one we subscribe for all the good ones, and you don't seem to have those. Ill Just read this ono while I'm waiting for a friend. O. and pleaso give me a wide-mouthed bottle, holding about so much. What five cents? You don't mean to tell mo that you charge for empty bottles? I know, but when a person has been shopping all over your store, it seems io me you might bo a little accom modating about little things like Baby! Put that thermometer down throw it down at once! It might poison you. There I'm glad it was only a cheap thing, or you might have wanted me to pay for It because she smashed It. Thank goodness, there's my car! Will you please hold the door open till w get out?" The Absurdity of Overwork. Dr. C. Hutchinson Eely, the brain ex pert of Duluth, was discussing the new uberculln euro for progressive paraly sis, a malady common to brain work ers. "Tuberculin has cured a third of the cases it has been tried on," he said. "Hence It may be called a pretty good cure. But a better cure for the diseases due to overwork is rest." Dr. Hutchinson Eely thumped the ta ble vigorously. "When a professional man tells me he is too busy to take a rest," be cried, "I tell him he Is like a workman who Is too busy to sharpen his tools?' Designs Grand Staircase. Miss Fay Kellogg is a New York girl who has great skill as an archi tect She designed the scheme for the grand staircase of the Hall of Records in New York, which is re garded as a very good example of architectural beauty. ROYAL BAKING MAKES HOME BMlPJfc.'i'-" . '-sl KPSill nmMBjorWc?:..W.fJBM mBamKC&aannyvjnajanaj MMpjBMI and wholesome faaa the ready made found at the shop or grocery. nm Ci ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Memorial to Famous Women. The lady chapel of the now Liver pool cathedral, which is to be open next summer, has a scheme of beauti ful stained glass windows commemora tive of tho noble deeds of good wom en. Besides the famous women of the Bible tho following are commemora ted: Dr. Alicia Marvel nnd all who have laid down their lives for their sisters, Graco Darling and all coura geous maidens. Josephine Butler and all bravo champions of purity. Mary Collet and all prayerful women, Lou ise Stewart and all the noble army of martyrs. Christlno Rosetti and all sweet singers. Catherine Gladstone and all loyal-hearted wives, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and all women who have seen tho infinite in things, An gela Burdcttc-Coutts and all women almoners of tho king of heaven. Moth er Cccllo and all women loving and large hearted in counsel. New Zealand "Tattooed Rocks." Mr. Clement Wragge who has In spected what are known as tho "tat tooed rocks." on tho coast near Rag lan, New Zealand, is distinctly of opin ion that they are tho work of neither Tamil nor Maori, but aro the inscrip tions of a very ancient rare of sun worship people, antedating tho advent of the Maori by untold centuries. Tho spiral circle, ovals, crosses and squares, ho says, are most significant, and confirm his opinion that New Zea land has been inhabited by early man. Ho considers the inscriptions are probably connected with those at Easter Island and Central and South America, and aro Atlantean or Le murian In origin; further, that the Maori copied the spiral from the relics of ancient people, and did not Initiate It. Go Somewhere This Summer TO THE EAST: In due sHon attractive tourist rates will be anuounccd to the l.:ike unil Si. Lawrence regions, Atlantic Coast cities anil resorts. Cau we help you plan an Eusteru tour? OR IF YOU PREFER THE WEST, think uliunt thuraonntaiii climate and scenery of Colorado, the Big Horn region, or u tour through Yellowstone Park; tliero are circuit tours embracing Scenic Colorado, Hull Lake, Yellowstone Park and the Uis Horn Mountains. nil in one journey. Perhaps you can take this summer that long wished for journey to the Pacific Coast, embracing by diverse routis the entire West and Northwest regions. A summer lour, whether through the Eust or through the West, bus become to many u necessity, while railroad unil hotel facilities make it u diverting nnd enjoyable experience. There are no tours in the world that offer the traveler ho iiukjIi for his money. Get in touch with us. Let us help you plan your journey and provide you with freo ikbcriptivo publications ns soon hh received fnim the printer. Hqb Old Books Rebound In iact, for anything in tbc book binding line bring yonr work to Journal Office Pbone 184 POWDER BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts aad the loot Is User, more tasty, cleauy FINE TREES IN PALESTINE Eucalyptus, Fig, Olive and Orange Flourish Among the Rocks on Its Chalk Hills. Palestine Is exceptionally fitted for forestry. On its sand surfaces as on Its chalk hills trees flourish and fruit in an extraordinarily Bhort time. Eu calyptuses, for example. In three or four years reach a height and girth which elsewhere require eight or ten. and when cut off at a height of two meters develop to full trees again. It is a common thing to find great olive and fig trees growing among tho rocks. The best oranges on the European mar- L-rf nro frnm thn lnml which Is Sand j yet fetches now the highest price for orange culture. Indeed, there is a Jest ing phrase among Jewish colonists as. to Palestinian fertility: "If you but stick an umbrella In tho soil you will next year get a crop of them." Tho orange trees aro especially profitable, as they fruit two months before those nf Italy and Spain, giving tho advan tage to Jewish shippers. Jewish nurs erymen arc developing marked skill in grafting. Orange culture has now spread from the coast !nto Samaria. But the olive forstry is most promis ing. By 1912 tho Jewish people will own in Palestino some 60,000 olive and fruit trees. NOTK'K 'TO rONTUACTOKS. Hiatal irihnl will l" r-c'itl by tho 8ecn tury f t'" linriiif l<itration f tho city of ColnmhUH. Nelnwka. ou or Ix-forn iW - m.. Airil 2!. WII. Tor lli" rrair ami nMerntJou of tlio ("olumliUH Iliuh m-IimiI linililintc- l'rox;iM ti b riuiiiIwl intit l" ncnmi linuicriliy a certified clicck f.mil to thrw ixt c'iit of tho lil. Man nuil Hiiecificatioun for inl work niny l hmu at theotticoof Wanlcmau& tiralx. Arcln ti'oto, Colmnhns, Nebraska. Tim ISoanl rwHTVwitlio ricM to rejert any ami all bids. Ha. K. II. Naiimann. 1JI Hocretary. b. F. RE6T0R, Ticket Agent Columbus. Nebr. I.. W. WftKtLBY. Gnn'l. Passunocr flo.""1. Omaha. Neer i i If i