The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 12, 1911, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Politic!, Foreign and Othsr
Intelligence Interesting to the
General Reader.
President Tail's message to the
special session of tongr's was in
cluded in about 1,000 words.
A new counterfeit ten dollar note,
a photograph production of the buffalo
rote, cleverly executed, was announc
ed by the secret service.
O. R. Collon. goernor of Porto
Rico, sailed for home. He will so to
Washington to consult with President
Tall and the war department with
reference to the affairs of the island.
Following a meeting of the demo
crats of the house on the ways and
means committee. Chairman I'nder
xood expressed the belief that no tar
iff legislation or- method of procedure
would be laid before the house for
Erxeral days.
The situation on the Mexican bor
der is to be the .subject of a speech
in the senate by Senator "Rayner of
Maryland. .Mr. Rayner informed the
remit he would consider the ques
tion not only as it involves Mexico,
but Japan as well.
One of the policies inaugurated by
Secretary of the Interior Fisher is
the reserving to the government of
the resources contiguous to lands
granted for specific purposes. He has
declined to approve townsites on In
dian reservations until it has been
definitely determined that the plats
do not contain water power sites or
coal lauds.
The president sent to the senate
the tollowing appointments of post
masters in Nebraska: William 13.
Swindell. Minatare; William W. Mc Wilsonville; John M. McGwire.
Renson: James II. Logan. Ponca;
Timothy C. Cronin. Spalding; E. S.
Daxis. North Platte; Otto Zuelow,
Schuyler: aron W. Locks. Falls
City; Charles S. Hughes. Pender;
Lewis S. M Kiighlin. Emerson.
The advantage of striking when the
Iron is hot applies to the necessity
for arranging peace in Mexico now.
in the opinion of Or. Vasquez Gomez,
bead of the confidential agency of
t'uo Mexican l evolutionists in Wash
ington. Dr. Gomez pointed out that
it was most opportune to treat for
peace, but that a month trom now.
possibly two months, the rexolution
probably will have reached such pro
poitions as to make nothing but a
complete triumph and the capture of
Mexico City acceptable.
President Diaz says he will step
aside if the people so wish.
The president's message to con
gress was limited to reciprocity.
Americans think the troops of Diaz
in northern Mexico are bottled up.
The army maneuvers in Texas are
proving of great benefit to the troops.
A policy of conciliation has been
ngieed to by the two factions of the
republican party in the senate.
Oklahoma state school land com
mission has announced it will sell
l.n::.".SC.2 acres, beginning June 23.
Premier Giovanna Gioletti present
ed his associates in the new cabinet
to the Italian parliament.
Members of the Brooklyn institute
which expelled Dr. Cook, elected Ad
miral Peary to honorary membership.
Capt. Palmer, ex-postmaster and
prominent in business and Grand
Army circles, died suddenly in Oma
ha. The Planters ar.d Mechanics" bank.
Oklahoma City, has dosed its doors
and its affairs are in the hands of the
Etate banking board.
The Chinese authorities have made
elaborate preparations for the in
ternational medical conference to be
gin at Mukden to investigate the
plague situation.
Suit lias been brought in federal
court in Denver asking the appoint
ment of a rec river for the Oklahoma
l.and and Colonization company of
Moffat. Colo., and Kansas City.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Cary Rumsey at the home
of Mrs. Ramsey's mother. Mrs. E.
JL Harriman. Mrs. Rumsey is the
daughter of the late E. H. Harriman.
The hull of the sunken battleship
Blaine in Havana harbor will be ex
posed not later than June 1, accord
ing to Frank M. Daniels, the con
tractor who built the coffer dams
around the ship.
For a man who has been called a
"has been." Bryan caused a stir in
Washington democratic councils.
Nebraska's three democratic mem
bers of the house fared well in the
committee assignments which were
reported to the caucus.
Henry Suits, aged 105 years, died
at Council Bluffs, la. He built the
first house in Omaha and has re
sided in Council Bluffs 5S years.
The 200 additional officers granted
the army by the last session of con
gress will be distributed among the
grades from first lieutenant to colo
nel. H. H. Kohlsaat gave th? name of
the man who said a corruption fund
had been raised to elect Lorimer.
Denman Thompson, veteran actor,
stricken with heart trouble at his
home in West Swanzey, N. II.. may
Dot recover.
Assets of the defunct Carnegie
Trust company. Now York, have been
fixed at $7,73.59S. Liabilities have
not yet been scheduled.
Fire that destroyed the carpet mak
ing plant of the Cochrane Manufac
turing company at East Dedham.
Mass!, caused a loss estimated at
Republicans scored a victory in the
municipal election at SL Louis.
Republican insurgents in the house
are disposed to act independently.
Senator Brown will offer a resolu
tion to admit Arizona and New Mix
ico. There Is certain to be a revival o!
tho Lorimer case in the national sen
ate. The country is confronted with a
republican senate and democratic
A hill to legalize boxing contests
has been Introduced in the Colorado
Friends of the Aldrich currency
plan are to conduct a campaign in its
Booker T. Washington has pur
chased a summer home on Long
Democrats in congress have out
lined a big lot of work for the extra
The president is to push Canadian
reciprocity to the exclusion of every
thing else.
The government suffered a setback
in its prosecution of Alaska coal land
cases at Seattle.
The Massachusetts house of repre
sentatives rejected the bill granting
suifrage to women.
Carter Harrison, democrat, was
elected mayor or Chicago by a ma
jority around 1S.000.
Rudolph Forster has been apjioint
ed chief clerk of the executive offices
at the White House.
A bill to restore the army canteen
was introduced by liepresentatixe
Bartholdt of Missouri.
The annual boat nice between Har
vard and Yale will be rowed at New
London on Friday. June :J0.
Speaker Champ Clark in his speech
announced the pledges which the
democratic majority must keep.
The supreme court disappointed a
big crowd by failing to rule on the
Standard Oil and tobacco cases.
No progress has been made toward
catching the men who ds'namited the
Springfield, Mass., municipal building.
A resolution ratifying the income
tax amendment to the federal consti
tution was adopted by the Tennessee
The Nebraska senate passed a reso
lution asking the regents to discharge
the head of the university extension
Governor Hadley. of Missouri, has
vetoed the immigrant board bill on
the. brounds that it was a political
Robert E. Davey. the Boston loy
broker. is being brought back from
Brazil for trial on the charge of em
bezzlement. Mayor Gaynor has appointed a com
mittee of 140 leading citizens to ar
range for a safe and sane Fourth of
July in New York.
The archbishop of Canterbury will
be asked to start a great religious
movement in favor of the Anglo-
American arbitration.
"General" Stanley, the American
leader of the rebels in Lower Cali
fornia, took full command of the in
surrectos of Mexicali.
The British cruisers Kent and Chal
lenger arrived at Valparaiso, Chile,
bringing the special representatives of
King George on a visit of courtesy.
Harvard college has been hit by
an epidemic of the German measles
and half a hundred students are now
under treatment in the college in
firmary. B. F. Bush, president of Uie West
ern Maryland railway, has been
selected to succeed George J. Gould
as president of the Missouri Pacific
Governor Dix. of New York, has
vetoed a ."0,000 appropriation to pro
mote the Grand Army of the Repub
lic national encampment in Roches
ter next August.
Officials of the Southern Pacific
railroad declined to discuss the re
port that the Rothschilds had taken
an option on the mil road holdings of
the Associated Oil company for $30,
(lOO.OGd. It is considered probable that nc
tariff revision legislation will get past
the scnato during the special session.
Dr. L. IT. Murlin. president of Bak
er university, Baldwin. Kans., has ac
cepted the yresidency of Boston uni
versity. Secretary of the Navy Meyer has
employed a commission to install sci
entific management in the navy yard
Herbert George Lee. aged thirty
eight, said to have been a prominent
dentist of Des Moines and of a well-to-do
family, was imprisoned for day
light robbery and subsequently sen
tenced to the state prison.
Senator Cummins favors overhaul
ing the civil service laws.
Congressman Norris refused to en
ter the republican house caucus.
Secretary Wilson is diligent in his
enforcement of the pure food and
drug act.
Postmaster General Hitchcock has
made sweeping changes in the rail
way mail tervicc.
President Taft summoned Norris
Brown to the white house to discuss
tiie Mexican affair.
Minority Leader Mann has asked
for more time in making up his com
mittees of the house.
Representative Mann, of Illinois
was made minority leader at the re
publican house caucus.
W. J. Bryan will inform a Tennes
see delegation he has no intention of
leaving Lincoln as his home.
Supreme Court Justice A. McGor
man was elected United. States sen
ator by the New York legislature.
Allen P. Richardson, former super
intendent of the St. Louis industrial
school has been indicted for alleged
misappropriation of funds.
Of bequests of $300,000 by D. K.
Pearson. Doane college, of Crete, Neb.,
is the recipient of $25,000.
W. J. Bryan told a Tennessee dele
gation at Washington he would not
leave Lincoln to make his home in
the south.
Mrs. Philomene Normandin. Cohoes.
N. Y.. is one of the heirs to the $60.
OOO.OflO estate left by the widow of the
late British officer. General Huett.
Andrew Carnegie has declined to
serve as chairman of an association
working for the adoption of an arbi
tration treaty between America and
Great Britain.
Analysis of Action on Bills Carrying
Expenditure of the State Funds
Baseball Men Are Hard
After Governor.
An analysis of the situation with
reference to appropriation measures,
passed or pending, indicates that the
present session of the legislature will
adjourn with a record against which
neither extravagance nor parsimon
can be charged. Since the indefinite
postponement Qf all house bills pend
ing on the house general file a pret
ty good idea can be had of just where
the legislature stands in the matter
of appropriations, bills carrying a
largo aggregate having been killed off
by this wholesale wielding of the ax.
The greater number of the appropri
ations to be made are still pending in
the senate, less than 300,000 in the
aggregate having gone to the govcr-
Crofton, Nebr.
State Senator, Eighth District.
nor and been sighed by him. The
screening out process thus far. how
ever, gives a pretty good idea of an
approximate total.
This shows that the legislature will
keep well within the boundary of a
4-mill levy for general fund purposes.
This is the smalest levy ever made in
the state since the enactment of the
new revenue law. Until the last year
of the administration of Governor
Shallenberger the levy has been 41-:
or 5 mills for general fund purposes.
Getting Ready for the End.
The senate prepared for the end by
indefinitely postponing all senate files
on the general file. The Placek con
gressional apportionment bill died on
the sifting committee file, so there will
be no redisricting of congressional
districts for two years. Tibbets of
fered a resolution directed against the
university extension department, and
Placek offered a resolution demand
ing that the gox-ernor apiioint a war
den or the penitentiary. It is noxv too
late for bills from one house to be
read three times in the other house.
The house xx-as seething with excite
ment over the coming test on Sun
day baseball, but no effort was made
until Wednesday. Both sides claim
victory. The Selleck beard of control
bill failed in the house. Omaha Ad
club wins ox-er Douglas county delcga
tion and see bill recommended to pass.
The election of county commissioners
by districts xvas decisix-ely defeated.
A constitutional amendment for in
crease of pay for legislators xvas acted
uron favorably.
To License Real Estate Brokers.
The Bailey bill to regulate and
license real estate brokers has been
advanced to third reading by the
house. There are txx-o very decided
sets of opinions concerning this bill.
One side believes that the bill will
create and build up a combine of real
estate dealers into a trust or monop
oly. The other holds that it will elim
inate from the business the irrespons
ible dealers and so-called "curb stone
The bill provides that all real estate
dealers must obtain a license to cost
$5 a year and to be obtained from the
secretary of state. Each dealer must
hax-e a regularly specified place of
Should the bill become a law it will
prevent a man from accepting a com
mission for helping in an occasional
deal for a friend unless he obtain a
regular broker's license.
Now Up to the Governor.
The legislative reaprortionmertt is
now up to the gox-ernor. It xxas
brought out by the fciftinsr committee,
put through the committee of the
whole, placed on third reading and
passed, all during the Thursday arter
noon session.
The bill was not put through as a
party measure. In spite of an effort
to raise a republican rex-olt by a few
disgruntled individual members of the
minority, there were a larse number
jf republican supporttrs far it. The
bill carried by a xote of 6 to 25.
Carnegie Endowment Fund.
Without warning. Senator Tibbets
introduced, and the senate passed, a
resolution authorizing the regents of
the state university to apply for par
ticipation in the Carnegie retirement
Tund for aged professors. Only Ollis
znd Pickens x-oted against the resold
A half dozen senators spoke ferxent
iy in favor of the resolution. Talbot t
remarking that he had voted against
acceptance of the fund two years ago
and that he had always regretted his i
iHfr4BBlBSBBB&V . Ji
EBsBBKv&'BBBBffBK AMh. v "
ljR-,?,BBBBBBB'"yBBfc' 'ii- '-,
Coffey V-VBBBBflLjBBfll v$"!''gl.
The legislative apportionment bill
has passed both houses o the legisla
ture and is now in the bands of the
governor. The judicial apportion
ment bill is on the house general file
as amended from what it was when
passed by the senate. It will be lifted
early this week by the house sifting
committee. Each of these bills has
been toned down from what had been
decided upon in caucus of democratic
leaders, and a select few of the mem
bers of the majority party in both
houses. It is probable, so say the
members, that this bill will also pass
muster, although the house amend
ments may not be adopted. The con
gressional apportionment bill, appears
to be the only one that will fail to
push its way through. It is on the
senate sifting file, but not in shape
that gives it much chance to pass.
It is said that the senate democratic
leaders are not anxious that it should
pass the upper house. If it gets into
the hands of the lower house it will
be amended materially. That much
is assured. The house democrats
who are dissatisfied with the line-up
have formed a combination with the
republicans and are prepared tu have
their own wax xlth the measure when
i: reaches them.
The Bartling Bill.
The Bartling bill, vetoed by the gov
ernor, added the following to the sta
tute which makes it unlawful for any
one over fourteen years of age to be
found on Sunday "sporting, rioting,
quarrelling, hunting, fishing or shoot
ing" or engaged in common labor.
"Provided, further that nothing
herein shall be construed to prevent
or prohibit the playing or lawn ten
nis, goir or baseball, between the
hours of 1 and 6 p. m., on the first day
of the week, commonly called Sunday.
Provided, hoxvever. that nothing here
in contained shall be construed as pre
venting any village, toxvn or city from
controlling, regulating or prohibiting
the playing of baseball within its cor
porate limits, or from preventing coun
ty boards trom controlling, regulating
or prohibiting the playing of baseball
outaide the corporate livx-'s of towns,
villages or cities."
Vetoed the Bill.
Governor Aldrich Monday vetoed
S. F. 36. the Sunday baseball bill, in
troduced by Senator Bartling of Otoe
The senate later in the day passed the
bill over the governor's veto. An at
tempt is to be made in the house to
pass the bill, notwithstanding the
veto. In that body it will require
sixty votes to pass the bill. As it
passed the house originally with fifty-
Lsix votes to its credit, considerable
difficulty may be had in obtaining the
necessary sixty xotes. In the senate
txventy x-otes make the necessary
three-fifths and the bill, xvhen placed
on its passase over the veto, received
twenty-one votes.
Guaranty Not Yet Ready.
Although the bank guurant law is
now technically in effect, the mandate
of the United States supreme courl
having been filed in the district feder
al court this xveek. it will be at least
a month before the laxv is in praetica!
This delay arises chiefly from tw
considerations; the legislature max
change the guaranty laxv so that the
orders of the state banking board
would be materially affected, and II
will take some time for the various
state banks to compute their ax-erage
daily deposits for the past two year
in order to find out what their guaran
ty assessment amounts to.
For Consumptive Hospital.
The Bushee measure appropriating
$40,000 for the establishment of a
hospital for indigent consumptives
was recommended for passase by the
house committee of the xx-hole with
scarcely an objection being registered
against It. Gerdes of Richardson
thought the amount of $50,000 as rec
ommended by the finance committee
rather excessive and moved that it be
reduced $10,000. and this xvas done
The hospital is to be located by the
board of public lands and buildings
and will probably go to xvestern Ne
braska, though the territory to xxhicb
it is to go is net defined in the bill.
No Funds for University Removal.
After having three days previously
decided by a substantial majority that
the 1 mill levy for the rcmoxal or the
state university to the state farm
campus should pass, and after all in
dications pointed to a faxonible xote
finally to the expenditure of this
amount of money for the university,
the house reversed itself and x-oted "i2
vo 41 against the bill introduced by
KIric of Knox to provide the funds to
carry out the plan.
University Removal Favored.
The house of representatix-es rec
ommended for passage the one-mill
levy for eight years to rox-er the cost
of removing the state university to
the state farm campus, and authoriz
ing such removal.
Banning's commission plan of gox
ernment for cities of oxer 5.000. to be
adopted by cities If they desire to
work under its provisions, xvas placed
on third reading and passed by a vote
of .10 to 0. Selleck xvas absent on ac
count of illness and Horton of Doug
las and Place!; of Saunders were ab
sent. The bill is S. P. 342.
Bartos made an Ineffectual attemp
to hax-e the bill recommitted for
amendment to the title but the friends
of the measure said the title xx-as cor
rect and needed no doctoring, v.hich
would result in delay.
May Veto Non-Partisan Judiciary. I
It is rumored that Gox-ernor Aldrich
has another veto message In store for
the senate, and that it will be sent to
that body with the senate bill intro
duced by Lee of Boyd, a bill providing
for the nomination and election by
non-partisan methods of judges or the
fupreme court and judges of the dis
trict court.
The jury to hear the case against
the locators of the KnglL-h group of
coal claims filed on Alaskan coal land
x-alued at more than $100,000,000, bz
been completed at Seattle.
Officials Say There is No Hope that
Any of Those in the Mine Will
Be Saved.
Scran ton. Pa. Between 50 and Of
men and boys lost their lives Fridax
as the result or a fire in the Price
Pancoast mine at the little village
of Throop, a short distance from iiere
Among those knoxvn to haxe per
ished aru Joseph Ex-ans. xvho xx-as
in charge of the United States rescue
car; Isaac Dave. a fire boss, and Wal
ler Knight, a foreman.
Ex-ans' death xxas the result of a
defective oxygen-charged armor
Charles Ensian. the noted expert, in
general charge of mine revc ue xxork
for the federal government. xvas alsc
overcome and is said to be in a criti
cal condition. As rescuers entered
the mine they stumbled over three.'
bodies. Ex-ans xx'as carried to the
open air as quickly as possible, but
he had inhaled so much smoke and
gas from the burning coal that he
died xvithin a few hours. Enslan't
experience xx-as similar to that ol
Evans. A majority of the missing
men and boys are foreigners.
The lire started in an engine house
at the opening of a slope leading from
the Diamond vein. 730 feet from the
surface. There xvere; 400 men in the
mine. About GO of them xvere at work
in a "blind" tunnel at the end of the
Escape xvas completely blocked by
fire,, smoke and gases, possibly be
fore they realized their danger. The
other men. scattered in different
xvorkings. made their escape by the
x-arious exits.
One of the men rescued xvas James
Vickers, a fire boss. He reported a
portion of the mine vas a seething
furnace. The rooi' xvas falling, the
coal xvas on fire, and the timber hold
ing up the i-flof of the gangxxay xvas
being ealxi axvay by the llamcs. Vick
ers xvas overcome by smoke and xx-as
found by rescuers, xvho took him to
the mine hospital and revived him
with difficulty.
Vickers xvas carried into the office
of the coal company and physicians
attended him. He gave it as his
opinion that all the men in tne mine
are dead.
"They perished hours ago." he said.
"No one could live in a place like
that. The xvorkings are a furnace
and are full of smoke."
Gangs of miners, led by Mine Super
intendent Joseph Birtley and assist
ed by the Throop fire department, car
ried hose into the mine and fought
the fire.
Insurgent Leader Would Allow New
Provisional President.
Meixco City. Hy a majority of 140
the Chamber of Deputies voted to
grant the application of Vice-President
Ramon Corral for an indefinite
leave of absence, but later reconsider
eed the resolution and his leave of ab
sence xvas limited to eight months.
Francisco I. Madcro's proposition to
resign from the "provisional presi
dency" in favor or some member or
the Diaz cabinet came to government
officials as a distinct surprise.
Diaz Must Quit.
Madcro's Camp. Bustilloi,' Ksiate.
Near Chihuanua. Mex. What ho de
clared to be his ultimatum on t.e
question of peace xvas delivered by
Franciscn I. Madero Friday. '-Vhile
still insisting President Diaz retire
and the country begiven a r.exv elec
tion, Senor Madero said he xvas will
ing to resign as "provisional presi
dent" and if necessary would alloxv
a provisional president to be selected
from Diaz's cabinet.
Two Ken Killed in Duel.
El Paso. Tex. In a duel in the out
skirts of Morenci. Ariz.. Constable
Lea Scott and Night Fireman George
Johnson xvere killed. A feud between
the men xvas due to Johnson's arrest
by Scott five years ago on a charge
of cattle theft.
Japan's Financial Policy.
Tokio. Marquis Katsura. the pre
mier and minister of finance, ad
dressing an audience or bankers at
Kyoto, said there xvould be no chance
in the government's financial policy
during th coming year.
Raises Capital Stock to $50,000,000.
Chicago. The American Implement
company raised its capital stock from
$10,000,000 to $50,000,000 and filed
the necessary certification with the
secretary of state at Springfield.
Taft and Bryan Talk.
Washington. -President Taft and
William Jennings Bryan talked about
peace on Friday. Other things may
hax-e eome in the hour's discussion
the president and the Nebraskan had
at the White House, but internation
al peace predominated. Mr. Bryan
xva particularly interested in a prop
osition submitted by him to President
Taft more than a year a?o. vhich he
thought might do much to prevent
war a commission to which dis
putes between nations might be sub
mitted. Tom Johnson is Very Low.
Cleveland. Shortly after bidding
his family good-bye late Friday, Tom
L. Johnson relapsed into a semi-conscious
state which still existed at
midnight. It is reported that heart
stimulants xx-ere sex-eral times admin
istered. The former mayor, xvho has
been making a strong fight for life,
apparently realizing that his end xxas
near had his wife, daughter and son
summoned to his bedside for a last
interview. He is quoted as saying at
the end of the visiL "Farewell, I am
through talking."
Snow Will Aid Wheat.
Hall County. Farmers in Hall
county are hopeful that the recent
wet sbow. which fell without an ac
companying freeze, will do much to
restore the coudition of wheat. The
crop had suffered greatly from the
prolonged dry spell and severe winds.
Spelling Contests On.
Phelps County. Phelps couuty
schools are having a series of spell
ing contests. Each township will
send its txvo best spellers to a county
spelliug contest, xvhich will be held
in Holdrege April 29. A great deal
of interest is being shown by the
pupils and patrons of the schools.
'Platte Valley Reunion in August.
.Merrick County. The officers of
the Platte Valley District Reunion
association of the Grand Army of the
Republic met in Central City, set the
date for the holding of the next an
nual reunion and transacted a con
siderable amount of business. The
date of the reunion is fixed as Au
gust 7 to 11. inclusix-e.
Safe Blown at Ncrthport.
Morill County. Burglars entered
the branch store of the Bridgeport
Mercantile company, across the river
at Northport, last xx-eek. blexv open
the safe and secured $75 in money.
The office is in the same build
ing, but neither the stamps nor any
of the merchandise xx-as interfered
Hastings Doctor in Trouble.
Adams County. A coroner's jury
at Hastings held Dr. H. M. Sxvigart
responsible for the death of Miss
Grace Baker, xvho died Monday as
a result of a criminal operation. Dr.
Sxvigart xvas arrested and released
on $5,000 bond pending preliminary
examination. He xvas formerly phy
sician at the Soldiers home in Grand
Palmer May Yet Recover.
Adams County. Harry Palmer,
who shot and killed his wife and
then attempted to commit suicide, :s
holding his own and has a small
chance to recox-er. He was held re
sponsible for the murder or his xvife
by the coroner's jury. Complaint
charging him xx-ith murder in the first
degree has been tiled by the coun.y
Fireman Killed at Crawford.
Dawes County. Frank .Mahoney, a
Burlington fireman at Crawford in
the helper service, xx-as run ox-er and
killed here. He had just completed
a trip to Helmont. and after cutting
his engine off from the train topped
out on the opposite track and xx-as
struck by another engine. The in
jured man xvas hurried to Alliance,
but died soon after arrix-al there.
A Runaway Train.
Daxx-es County. A runaxvay freight
train containing 59 cars crashed into
No -12, Burlington easthound passen
ger train, wrecking one engine and
ten box ears. That no one xvas in
jured is considered remarkable. The
treight train had been set out on a
siding at Crawford, xvhich is on a
steep grade, and the brakes became
loosened, allowing the train to run
down the main line at great speed.
Twenty-five Years in Pen.
Cherry County. Walter Rifenburg,
alias George Wilson, xvas arraigned
here at a night session or the district
court and pleaded guilty to the count
of murder in the second degree and
was sentenced to .serve, 25 years at
hard labor. Sundays excepted, in the
penitentiary at Lincoln. Rifenburg
was found guilty of the murder or
Jacob Davis, a pool hall proprietor,
in Valentine on December 27, 1909.
The supreme court granted him a
new trial.
Elevator and Houses Burn.
Webster County.- The elevator at
Red Cloud belonging to the Duff
Grain company burned to the ground
last Thursday. Fire spread from the
elex-ator to a small dxvelling house
and txvo stacks of alfafla and all
xvere burned.
Union Pacific Extension.
Morrill County. Union Pacific en
gineers are in the field to relocate
the line of extension or the Union
Pacific O'Fallons-Mcdicine Bow cutoff
westward from Northport. Activities
indicate resumption of construction '
xvork upon the grade at once.
Big Dam is Destroyed.
Cherry County. The big dam at
Valentine, xvhich has been in course
of construction for the last year xvhen
just completed and filled up about a
day. xvent out tearing out all or the
cement xvork and most all or the dam
north or the powr house. The rush
or water droxvned several head of cat
tie and hogs for Mr. Gaskill, a farmer
living on the creek a mile below the
dam. The xvork will all have to be
done over again.
State Treasurer's Report.
Ijinraster County. State Treasur
or Walter A. George's monthly re
port shoxvs a balance in the state
treasury or $;r.7,814.S. or which 7,
SSl.fiJ is cash on hand an $021 .932.84
is in state depository banks. There
is $252,279.81 in the general rund and
the trust rund invested and drawing
interest aggregates S.021,3'J1.30. The
treasurer has adxertifced the sale ot
over $4,000,000 worth or bonds ol
other states xvhich the legislature
authorized him to sell.
Passed Forged Check.
Nemaha County. Earl and Harlan
Matthews arc in the Nemaha count
jail as a result or passing success
fully two rorged checks, one upoc
Thomson & Peary and the other upor
Graham Bros. & McKnight. two lead
ing clothiers in Auburn. The checks
each have the signatures or Ed Ely
and the forgery xvas so well executed
that in each case the check passed
by the merchant and the banker tc
Mr. Ely himself before it was de
tected. They are held to the district
Spring Humors
Come to most people sad eawe
troubles, pusplea, bcHs aad other
tioaa, betides lost of appetite, that tfcai
fMliac bilioHsntss, indifertiom and keO
The sooner yoa get rid of them the bet
ter, and the way to get rid of them aad
to build op the system ia to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Spring 'Medicine par excellence as
hown by uneqvaled, radical and perma
nent cures.
Get it today in uual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
44 Bu. to the Acre
A a hrary yield, but that's what John Krannlr of
eJmunton. Alderto, XVestern Canada, k-ut from 40
- mcrcsof Spring XV heat in lJlu. Itoport
ura biiowcu oi Dor excel
lent rpsu Its Mu-li ai i -
CUU basheLi or Khrat
from 13) ncres. or 33 1-8
busnelTleldsnen num
erous. An high as IX!
bushels of af to tho
acre won't hr-BO! f rum
Alberta fleldsln l'jiu.
Thi Silver Gup
In t th recent Spokano
I-air nun unnrtleU to 1 1:
Alberta liovernmrnt fnr
I ts exhibit ufuralns. cru.sus ami
rtfotublea. IteportM of excellent .
Yioni inr l.'iu rotue ni-o rnvra
j"itatchf w.m and 3I.uiiiob.i lu
XX' extern Canada.
Freo lioiiiertleiiiU of ISO
acre. aut ailjoluln pre
emption of Hit) ucrri Int
t'J per :it) lire to ! Iiul
In tliecliotrt-st lttrlct.
School rouvfiilriit. cll
nmttt rxrfllfiit. Mill tlio
try rM.t.rnllvnije'lorat
hum!, hnlltlliic lumbrr
-ie:Jt,fi!lM;ty to Eft j,ntl
rrMNouahleln orlro. Milter
ranllr procured, xulsed
tannine a iturrrw.
Wrlttt as Jo best plnco for set-
uemem. seiner low rai:n-
rites. deeriitlTH lllti-trau .
"Last BestXX'est"lu.nt fm. ,.,
apsiUcarlonlam! other Informa
tion, to .Snp't or Immigration.
ttuw:i. Can.. or to tlic Canadian
UoTernmeutAKcnt. (a:
Bee Building Onaha. NekJ
(I headdress nearest you.)
"Des yo belieb dat Jim Johnson i
really converted?"
"'Deed I does, Pse bin visitln hla
house fo' do last free months, an' dey
hasn't had a mouthful ob chicken."
New Yortc pnycicians tiave Many
Cures to Their Credit.
New York, April 4. Advices from
every direction fully confirm previous
reports that the remarkable treatment
for epilepsy being administered by the
consulting physicians of the Dr. Water
man Institute is achieving wonderful
results. Old and stubborn cases have
been greatly benefited and many pa
tients claim to have been entirely
Persons suffering from epilepsy
should write at onco to Dr. Waterman
Institute. 122 East 25th bL. Branch 63.
New York, for a supply of the remedy,
which is being distributed gratuitously.
Molssant's Comparison.
"The late John B. Moissant was a
genial as xvell as a skillful airman."
said a Chicago editor.
"I remember well a visit he once
made me. with drawings of an aero
plane of his own invention under hla
arm. I joked him a little about the
machine it certainly had a heavy,
awkward look. But he said with a
" 'Oh, don't judge even an aeroplane
by its outside. What if the man who
discoxered the oyster hadn't stopped
to pry open the shell.' "
Give Deflanco Starch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold starching,
and if you don't think you do better
xvork, in less time and at smaller cost,
return it and your grocer will give
you back your money.
A Sign.
"Is your wife still treating you
"Is she? Gave mo Ice pudding for
Constipation caues and eriousIv aggra
vate ninny diMM. It is thoroughly cured
by Dr. Pierce's Pelleta. Tiny Buar-coated
It Is a great thing to be trusted, but
It is a far higher thing to be worthy
of trust Henry Lee.
Jtr. WrnsTovr-s Soothing Syrap for Clldm
tt-ethiuc. Hoftrns the (rums, reduces lnflaaam
tiOB, jUI pain, cures wind colic, 23c bottle.
Think all you speak, but speak not
ail you think. Delarem.
LewiV Single Binder, the famous traight
5c ciar annual sale 11,500.000.
Some sermons come near being dem
onstrations of eternal punishment.
Garfield Tea purifie the blood, eradi
cates rheumatism, gout and other dueases.
Nothing chloroforms a church quick
er than a. minister dosed with dignity.
Sick Feeling
that follows taking a dose of castor
oil, salts or calomel, is about the
worst you can endure Ugh it
gives one the creeps. You don't
have to have it CASCARETS
move the bowels tone up the
liver without these bad feelings.
Try them. an
CASCARETS nc a box for a weefc'e
treatment, atldracsttsts. Biggest seller
ia the world. Million boxes a axoatlk
189 YUK HI