The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 12, 1911, Image 1

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' J f, ' -i
WHOi! JMBER 2,055.
240 A6RES
of the best land
in'the valley, the
Wm. M. Mason
For Sale with
Wheat 7l!
White Corn I'll
Vlluv Corn .ST
II i, top 9525 In $5 55
FiI.k or The Journal April 17, 1878.
1. II . Kelley returned to the pity
."Monday. He started from the Black
HiIIh Tuosduy of lust week. H has
faith in that country as a gold bearing
recoil (Jiiurt'. mining is already n
rraiul success, and when miners can
.Hiveniently get to the bed rock they
will make it "pan out."
The other day we noticed what might
-ry titly lie called a railroad echooner
gliding down the road, full sails set.
running at a good rate with no other
force hut the north wind It looked
like a decided improvement on tho old
way, for the "pa.eKfngcr," instead of
l.ifiiliinc his back at a crank or lever,
was ijiuetly lying in the car, probably
pondering on that old adage' that it is
certainly an ill wind that blows nobody
any good.
During the past weak a person who
hud formerly known the district to the
north of Columbus as a wild waste of
pnuried, encumbered with rosin weeds
and section cornets, jack rabbits and
prairie chickens, tonk a trip up north
.wnl wiw much surprised to find this
wilderness thickly dotted with fruitful
ti'-liln and cos' hornet. Isanti, in the
outlook over the barren regions of
Palestine, hk the fut-ire was leeled off to
Iiih virion, exclaimed that the "wilder
m : ami the solitary place shall be glad
for tliem; and the desert hIihI! rt-joice
mid blossom as the rose It t-lwill hlus-t'
Htiunilantly "' Now, it dues appear
Hint tin- vision of tins sainted propeht is
more than fulfilled in the grett expanse
! our praiiie utate. The teeming fields
it ii I lowing herds, the nice Ii'miioh and
growing treep, the school liont-f- -md the
brieht freed children, ami f.triiiHrs's
nm while liiiwy in the lietd iiuhi'j.le a
prspent and thrift found milv ivlieie
joy and contentment reign.
Advertised Letters.
following is a list of unclaimed mail
imtt.ter remaining in tin: pout ollice at
ColutiibiiR, Nebraska, for Die period end
ing Apnl 13, 1U11:
Letters W. IHoom. Wm. Freds. O
.1 K:ng A- Son, Snjdei v Scott. Frank
1 Clark, engineer.
I trties calling fir .'1113- of the above
will please say, "adveitised."
W A MrAi.i.iMi.i;. M.
Route No. 5.
Tuesday of this week there wan a band
of gypsies taking 111 the nriout: farm
houses on the routo.
Hurley Olcott shipped his tat cuttle
Monday of this week
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
Monday evening the city council com
pletcd the purchase of the auto lire
truck, which they have had under con
sideration for some time. Saturday of
this week the committee appointed by
the council, consisting of Council nieu
M. O. Oallo, F. S. Davie and O. F.
Elias, City Clerk Wm. Becker. Chief of
the fire department Bert J. Galley and
A. C. Boone went to Omaha to witness
the demonstration of the auto tiro truck
purchased by that city. The Omaha
track was made by the eame concern,
the Seayrave company, as the one pur
chased by Col umbos, and after witness
ing the testof that machine for half a
day, the Columbus men were convinced
that the Seagrave truck was the one the
city should have. The total cost of the
truck will he $f,915, delivered in this
city, and will be fully equipped, the
motor being thirty horse power and the
niHximun sitecd twenty miles an hour.
The adding of this additional equip
ment to the tire depattment will not
mean an increase in the number of fire
men, as men from the different com
panies will be selected to operate the
new truck. Columbus now has n fire
fighting equipment equal to any of a city
of its size, and the new truck will prove
that the council did the right thing in
making the purchase. The machine
will arrive here aa soon as the factory
can ship it, but this may take some
The Kearney Times has the following
to say regarding two well known Colum
bus young men, who are now engaged
in business in that city: Several weeks
ae;o Messrs. Hoppen and Sohwarz, for
mer owners and managers of the Gem
and Crescent theatres sold their inter
ests in the two show houses and started
on an extended trip throughout the
western country to look the field over
wi'li the view of locating. After atrip
of many weeks the pair returned to the
city and put the O K. btamp ou Kear
ney a-, a successful business center by
buying the interest of F. J. Saup in the
Airdomo. To further display their con
fidence in the city's enterprise a deal
was ronsuiuated yesterday whereby
Messrs. Hoppen and Schwar. also ob
tained the interest of Mr. O. E. Lambert
who in partnership with John Chapman
owned the Kew Palace Cafe, Possession
was taken immediately and Mr. Schwarz
will take up the work where Mr. Lam
bert left off, the latter gentleman leaving
for Texas in a few days with the view of
locating.' Mr. Hoppen will devctc his
entire time to the interests of the Air
dome, the season opening about the
middle or May.
Henry Nelson evidently thought that.
Chris Thompson, who is serving a ten
day sentence in the county jail, needed
some liquid refreshment, and in com
pany wnh a friend, went down there
Wednesday morning with a bottle of
booze They were discovered by
Sherill Lachnftand Deputy Mark Burke
who happened to be in office above the
jail, and they watched to see what Nel
son wat doing. Just as Nelsoti handed
the bottle to Thompson Burke asked
him what he was doing, and as boon as
Thompson heard Burke's voice, he
handed the bottle back to Nelson.
Sheriff fjHehnit proceeded to take
charge of Nelson and he wan taken he
fore Judge Katterman, where a com
plaint was filed, and he was bound ovf r
to district court, the bond being fixed at
$500. which he failed to furnish, and is
at present in the county jail. The
penalty for this misdemeanor is a tine
of from $oil to 500 and a term in the
county j'iil.
Columbus was represented by ten
delegate at the Woodmen county con
vention, held in Lindsay last Saturday.
This convention, to which all the camps
in Platte county were entitled to repre
sentation, was for the purpose of elect
ing one delegate and one alternate to
the meeting of the state camp in May.
Carl Kramer of this city was elected
delegate, and P. A. Carlson of Lindsay
alternate. Mr. Kramer is a candidate
for delegato from the slate to the head
1; imp. and he has hopes of being suc
i.vMnl in seeurmg the honor. Those
who re at Lindsay were Carl Kramer,
Kdcur Howard, Louie Held, Otto Qeuer.
J. F. Carrig. Albert Mason, Wm Mason,
W. 15. Snell. Hugo Schaad. and H. B.
John Micek was up before Judge
Kattenniwi Tussday on a charge of be
a habitual drunkard, tiled by his daugh
ter, Mrs. Walter Scott. He was sen
tenced to a term in the county jail, but
the judge promised to discharge him if
he would tell who furnished him the
whiskey. At first he refused to do this,
but late in the evening reconsidered,
and sent for the judge and told him who
furnished the whiskey. The name of
the party has nut been made public yet,
and it is understood that later he will be
prosecuted under the statute, which
provides for a severe penalty.
One of the acts passed by the last
legislature and signed by the governor,
was the judicial reapportionment of the
state. This created a new judicial dis
trict in the western portion of the state,
and the judge appointed for this new
district was It W. Hobart, formerly of
this city. At the time of his appoint
ment, Mr. Hobart was serving as county
attorney of Scott's Bluff county.
Our Meat Department will be
open next Wednesday April 1ft.
(joiuinims Mercantile Co.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
See La Book's Easter window.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Baled hay for Bale. ErnBt& Brock.
For Easter novelties see Gipv, 11th
The latest in shirts for spring at Uer-barz-Flynn
Plain and fancy sewiug-c-Mit-s Uragert
3Iti East 14th el.
Red Oxide the best
barn paint on
earth, at Lesvy's.
Dr. C. A. Allenburger, offioe in daw
State Bank building.
Low prices, artistic work and new
styles at Stires Millinery.
Dr. L P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th anil KummerSts.
LaBook's Easter Opening Friday and
Saturday Columbus and Monroe.
H. I. Gipe was a Genoa visitor Satur
day evening, returning Sunday.
A nice line of wedding rings just re:
ceived. Carl Frocmel, Eleventh street
The new and nobby .styles for 11)11 in
hnts and caps are found at Gcrharz
Flynn Co.
Walter Jacobson of Genoa was in the
city Monday between traine, being en
route to Lincoln.
Miss Grace Lubker returned Saturday
from Monroe where she has been visiting
friends for several days.
Engineer Wm. Dolan of the Albion
branch returned last week from a so
journ at Hot Springs, Ark.
Miss Hedwig Jaeggi left Friday even
ing for Anabein, California, where she
will make an extended visit.
Mrs. Geo. Abrrr and son Daune left
Friday morning for Page, Neb., for a
visit with Mrs. Abarr's mother.
(Jossanl Corset Demonstra
tion at U ray's, Saturday and
Monday, April the 22nd and
Miss Louise Wagner returned home
last Friday, after an extended visit at
the home of her uncle, Ghas. Rickley, at
Juleeburg, Colo.
Mrs. Emily Mere has sold the Mere
hotel to Mont Duncan of this city Md
possession will be given Salnrday of this
week, ApVil 15.
Mrs. Mary Parker and her daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd Swain, left Saturday for a
.sojourn of several weeks at the home of
Judge and Mrs. .1. J. Sullivan in Oma
Columbus friends have received word
from Will Wagner, formerly of this ciiy,
telling of the arrival of a daughter at
their home on April 2, this being their
Grst child.
For sale Elm, ash, honey locust eat
alpa, and Ktissiaii mulberry trees of dif
ferent at Albert Stenger's farm, al
so a few maple and walnut trees, price
according to size from 1(1 to 50 cents.
James Snodgras tiled a complaint in
Police Judge O'Brien's court charging
Thomas O'Dell with trespass, but when
the case came up on Tuesday the com
plaining witness failed to appear and it
was dismissed.
Christ Thompson celebrated Sunday
by beating his wife and she filed a com
plaint against him, the case being heard
before County Judge Katterman Tues
day. The judge gave him a ten day
sentence in the county jail, every other
day on bread and water.
Win Bakogims was in police court
Wednesday charged with enticing Ada
Lindblad, a fifteen year old girl, from
her home in Monroe. The evidence in
the case was not enough to warrant a
conviction m he was discharged at the
hewing which was held that day.
Our Moat Department will lie
open next Wednesday Arpil 10.
Coin minis .Mercantile Co.
Route No. 3.
K. P. Brigbam is moving his farm
buildings and residence to the east aide
of the farm.
A number of the farmers on tho route
marketed hogs Tuesday of this week.
The German parochial school i en
joying their Easter vacation this week.
A letter from Miss Mary Lange aaye
she arrived at Pnehlo. Col., all right and
is pleaded with the country.
The Meridian road north of Columbus
is in bad condition and needs some work
on it.
Peter Schmitt, like the late Congress
man Overstreet of Indiana, drives a mule
team to bis top buggy.
If the weather is favorable, sowing
oats will be finished this week.
For Sale.
Expecting to move back to Wisconsin
in the near future I offer my residence
for sale. Same consists of one lot size
66x132 and new eight room house with
furnace and electric light. For farther
information and price call on or write
Robert Neumeisteb.
Your Expense
will be' a small item if the
monthly rent checks arc omit
ted. Have you as yet solved
the problem whereby this item
of expense called "rent" can be
termed a profit, and ultimately
make you a home owner.
If you will take this matter
up with our Secretary he will
explain our method of making
your rent item a profit.
The Equitable
Building, Loan and
Savings Association
Office with
Elliott-Spcice-Echols Co.
After an illness of several weeks with
appendicitis, 51. C. Keating passed away
last Friday afternoon at St. Mary's hos
pital, where he has been since be was
first taken with the disease. "Con"
Keating, as he was known to all his ac
quaintances, was born in this city Jan
uary 21, 18S1, and was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Keating, lie grew to man
hood in this city and chose the mercan
tile line, entering in the capacity of clerk
and about six years ago went into busi-
ncss for himself, with Will Scbram, and
later as a member of the firm of the Co
lumbus Mercantile On , in which bo was
interested at the time of bis death. On
October 9, 1906. be was married to Mies
Anna Fox, who died four months ago,
since which time Mr. Keating has not
been in the best of health. One son,
Cornelius H., aged two year survives,
him besides his father and mother and
brotbeta and 6isters Mr. Keating was a
member of the city lire department, and
several of the fraternal orders, who at
tended the funeral in a body. Funeral
services were held Sunday at 1::M at St.
BouaventnreK church, and were con
ducted by the Itev. Father Mnrcellinns.
Those from elxcwhorc who attended the
funeral ware his brother John Keating
and wife and neioe from Denver. Dr.
and sirs. Voting and Mies Gertrude
Keating and Judge .1. J Sullivan of
Last Saturday evening the directors
of the Columbus base ball club held a
meeting to arrange some of the details
for the opening of the 1911 season, and
one of the matters to come before them
was the pale of the cant privilege. This
was awarded to JameR Politis, who was
the highest bidder. The board listened
to the reports of those who have been
looking after the work on the grotiuds
and also allowed a number of bills.
Monday of this week Bert Westbrook
sued K. Y. Lisco in county court for
$200 for balance and extras on a douce
built for Mr. Lisci by him. Tile esse
was on trial Monday afternoon, and the
judge took the case under advisement
nnti! Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelley and Harold
Kramer of Chicngo arrived Monday of
this week for a visit with their parents,
Mr. and Mra Carl Kramer. Harold,
who has been a student at the Chicago
university, will accompany Mr. Kelley
aa packer and assistant salesman dur
ing the spring season
A prominent surgeon has said: "If I
could put a Gossard Corset ol1
every woman in the country, I should
consider myself a beue factor to the Na
tion." Demonstration dates
April 22 and 24, at Gray's.
Fred I' Shier and Mrs. Bertha M.
Ault, both of Fort Dodge, la., were
married by County Judge ltattermsn
Tuesday evening of this week. Mrs. Aull
was n daughter of the late O. VanAllen
of Monroe.
L. W. Snow returned last Saturday
evening from his extended trip in Ken
tuckey, Indiana and Iown. Mrs. Snow
remained at Colfax Springp, Ia where
she will stay foreome time.
tJjl bsbbbibbbbbbT mm
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. We have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you better cheaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.'
Patron's day in the Coumbus schools
will be observed Friday afternoon.
April 28, and also the following Satur
day, April 29. There will be exhibits of
school work from all grades, selected
from the regular work of the school
year in the following lines; arthmetic.
grammar, language, geography, spelling,
penmanship, art and industtrial work,
which inoludes shop work from the
Manual training department of the
High school. These exhibits will be,
made at the High school and second
ward buildings. In connection with it a
Patron's Day program is being planned
for both of the buildings, and there will
also be a kindergarten exhibit and pro
gram for the special benefit of the pat
rons of this department. Daring the
week of the exhibit the Ellison art
pictures will be on exhibition in the
High school gym. This composes a list
of two-hundred and fifty choioe selec
tions from the masterpieces. A small
admission fee will be charged for the
special art exhibit only, all other exhi
bits being free to the patrons and public
who are requested to visit them. All
the teachers are anxious that patrons
should attend these exercises. This is
an excellent opportunity to meet the
teachers and discuss points of common
interest to teacher and patron.
After an illness of over ten months
David J. Mowery, a resident of this
city for over thirty-five years, died Mon
day afternoon at his home on North
Olive street, aged fifty-six years. Mr.
Mowery was born in Pennsylvania March
29. 1853, and resided their until 1876,
when he came to Nebraska and Colum
buB. He was harness maker by trade
and for years was employed by M. H.
White, with whom he went to Tacoma.
Later be returned io this city and was
employed in the various shops. After
coming to this city be married and is
survived by two eons, Motto and Harry,
and one daughter, Mrs. John Onrtis, all
of this city. Since his last illness,
which date from last June, he has been
unable to work, and has been confined
to his home must of the time. Funeral
services will be held at the, home Wed
nesday at 2:110 p. m.. and be conducted
by the ltev. C. W. Kay, pastor of the
Methodist church, and burial will be in
theColumbns cemetery.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The officers of the Association urge
the members to join with the Young
Peoples Societies in their two union
services on the Easter Dsy. Because of
these meetings it does not seem wise for
us to hold a special service on that day
but we invite you to engage with us in
the Sunrise meeting in the Presbyterian
church and the seven o'clock service in
the Methodist church.
The physical committee are this week
getting a tennis olnb organized and
working ont a plan for a baseball league.
The tennis club will be open to men and
and women. Anyone interested in
either of these activities will do well to
show their interest now while plans are
being made. The association will con
duct a league composed of teams repre
senting the different churches. An as
sociation team will be organized if the
interest warrants it.
The association is planning to put on
the biggest borne talent play ever pro
duced in Columbus. Behearsals will
begin next Friday night at 70 with
seventy persons taking part in the play.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Evans, producer,
will personally have charge of the work.
Mr. Evans ib the author of the ply and
has put it on in a hundred towns and
cities so that he is familiar with every
detail of the work and its success is thus
assured. The association will be call
ing on you to take part or at least to
buy tickets and if it receives your sup
port the association will do ell in a
financial way. Are you ready to back
np the work of the assooiotion in Colum
bus? The play is entitled "The Whirl
o The Town' and is a nveiy inrce act
musical production.
Route No. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Butler of Lincoln,
who have been visiting their son Ed on
ihe route, went to Monroe Tuesday to
visit their son Forest.
About forty young folkB gathered at
the home of Ed Butler last Thursday
evening, the occasion being a surprise on
Mrs. Butler as this was her thirty-third
birthday. Dancing, games and refresh
ments were the order of the evening,
and a good time was enjoyed by all.
Elmer Otto, three weeks' old Hon of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grossmcklaus,
died Saturday, and the funeral was held
Monday from the German Lutheran
church In Columbus, being conducted
by the paBtor, Rev. Mcissler, and bnrial
was in the Columbus cemetery.
A large bog shed is being built on the
Murray farm, now occupied by R. W.
Richland and Vicinity.
We're sighing for spring.
We'll give it n grand opening.
Don't be grieviog. Let the Journal
cheer you.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Klnck viBited
f riendb in Platte county 8undav.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engle visited
friends over in Platte county Sunday.
Arthur and Ohauncey Yonkic are at
home from their studies ut the Colum
bus high school. t
Louie Luckey and brother Willie ac
companied by lady friends, nutoed to
onr village Sunday.
Wh rather believe Will Price and
Malcomb McBride will have the earliest
oats if a late freeze don't catch them.
Mrs. M. C. Stevenson of Columbus
is enjoying the rural atiuosplieu on the
farm of Wm . Stevenson west of llich
land. Miss Adell Stevenson is at the home
of her parents, with a severe ouae of
toneilitis, nnable to be present at her
studies in Columbus.
Miss Lottie Keeler recently returned
from an extended visit with relatives at
Lincoln. Miss Lottie had a tussle with
the measles while tbero.
Mrs. Boy Crosby is here resting from
her long illness at a Fremont hospital,
following her injury in the Niobrara fire.
She is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Henry Binder.
The City Council.
Besides allowing the regular bills ut
the meeting last Friday night, the
council listened to a complaint filed by
those living in the vicinity of the Scott
& Torpy barn, to the effect that horses
were driven at fnll speed on the theBe
streets by the proprietors of the barn
and their employes, endangering the
Hvt-6 and limbs of children in that locali
ty. Asa result of this uu ordinance
was intaoduced regulating fas t driving
providing penalties for the same, and
passed the first of the week. Monday
evening the council held u meeting to
canvass the yotes at the city election
April -1, and also listen to tho report of
the tire committee on the chemical auto
trnck, and after this was accepted con
clude negotiations for the purchase of
the truck.
Tuesday evening of this week, the old
council adjourned and the new council
took charge. The new council then
proceeded to grant ten saloon licenses
to U. F. Brodfuebrer, Fred Schultz.
Yogel A- Moschenroes, C. W. Wunderlich,
Sam Gass, Henry Uercbenbann, W. L.
Boettcher, Chas Micek, J. U. llinkle
nmn unci Win. Bncber. Tho bond of L.
A. Gntes did not reach here in time, but
his license will b granted as soon ns it
arrives, and Albert J. Schaaf, who suc
ceeds B. W. Byrne?, will secure his
licenso Friday evening. The Columbus
Brewing company wan granted n whole
sale license and L. II. Lenvy, C. II .
Duck. Pollock & Co. and Horstman &,
Kersenbrock were granted druggists'
permits. J. L. Drunken was electee
president of the council and the follow
ing committees wero named for the
coming year.
Judiciary- -Drunken, cbairmuu; Davie,
Street and Grades Bergman, chair
man; Brunken, Kurt, Davi.
Finance Kurt, chairman; Brunken,
Public Property & Water Works
Calto, chairman; Davis, Bergman, Kurt.
Claims Brock, Chairman; Prieb,
Fire Davis, chairman; Oalto. Elia.-.
Parks Prieb, chairman: El ins, Berg
man. Printing Elias. chairman; Brock,
Police Brock, chairman, Elias, Brun
ken. Methodist Church Notice.
Our Easter service begins nt 11 a. in.,
and the subject for the Easter sermon is
"The Clouded and Unclouded Vision."
Special Anthem by the choir. Prof. C.
E. Collett will sing the boIo entitled
Come Unto Me." The Sunday school
meets at noon. At 7 p. m., there will
be a union meeting of the young people's
societies at the church. But at G o'clock
in the morning there will be a sunrise
prayer meeting nt the PrcBbyterian
church. At 8 p. m we shall have a
mixed program with special music.
Duct Sweet today, by Mrs. John Jan
ing and Mrs. F. J. Kersenbrock. Solo
Miss Hazel From. Duel, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Erskine Solo, MissKena Turner,
The'pnstor will present the pictures of
the Life of Christ with the Stcnopiicon.
You are invited to all onr meetings.
Chas. Wayne Ray, Pastor.
Organ Recital.
At the German Lutheran church,
Monday evening, April 17, at eight
o'clock, by Prof. K. Haase. No admis
sion fee will be charged, but a collection
will lie taken up to defray expenses.
Organ solo a) "Auf, auf tueinllerz
mit Freuden"
Prelude Router
b) "ChriBt isl eratauden" Bach
o) Largo Uaendel
d) UalMujah Uaendel's Messiah
Church choir
Organ solo a) Choralphantasie, "Kin
fcate Burg"
c) Sonate, No. 3 Guilmant
c) Toccata CallaertB
Church choir
Organ solo
a) Sonate in D Volckmar
c) Adagio in Finale from Sonate 1
Church choir
Organ solo, a)"Odufrochliche..Oster-
zeit Lu.
c) Andante Cantabile Widor
c) Grand chorus Guilmant.
of Deposits
LAW is now in effect in Ne
braska. Our highest court has
said that this law is good.
This is the oldest and largest
Bank in the county whose de
positors will receive protection
under this law.
Columbus State Bank
Capitol &Sarpl, 985,000.00
Dr. W. S. EvanB, Union Block.
Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, Barber block;
Dr. Matzen, dentist, over Niewohner's.
See our new line of wall paper. Leavy.
Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, octilistand
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr
0. D. EvanB, west side of Park.
Fred Resler of Genoa wan a Columbia
caller Monday, being enroute to Oregon.
For Easter eggs, nests with EtiHter
eggs, and Easter cards see Gipe, 11th
Take a look at some of Gerhar.-Flynn
Co's. nifty spring suits for young men
and boys.
Misses Lizzie Green and Carrie Pedcr
son of Genoa were Columbus callers be
tween trains Monday.
Guns, amunition, tents, also all kinds
of repairing. W. E. Kohrich, new loca
tion 1207 Platte street.
Mugnificient display of Easter suits,
coats, dresses nnd beautiful bats at
lowest prices st LaBook'o.
CboB. Smyers and G rover Cyeth left
hero Sunday evening for Stockton. Gal.,
where thf-y expect to spend the Bummer.
Mra C E. Pollock left last Thursday
for a two wehks at the home of her sis
ter. Mrs. W. H. Winterbotham, at
Jnlesbnrg, Colo.
The Misses Anna Boettchor. Stella
Ueosler and Anna Uont went to Clarkii
Saturday to und Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Grimes.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Wages, four dollars u week.
Girl will be given an opportunity to
lenrn the French language. Mrs Albert
Wo utroogly recommend that you have
one of theto miioll-tlalliccl-of
Gossard corset fitted to you.
Onr department is at your service.
Prices as low as 3.r0. April 22 and 2 1
t. Gray's-
Route No. 1.
A number of the farmers on the route
aro seeding oats nnd plowing, while
others have not yet commenced.
Henry Cattail has a new windmill,
tower, well and cistern and he is now
well prepared for summer.
Yesterday was evidently ground hog
day,1 on the route, three cars of fat hogs
being marketed.
The pie social in district No. 2, Misa
Mary Welch, teacher, held last Friday
evening, was illljjs, and a nice time
and good crowd reported.
Last Sunday Wm. and Peter Hcnggler
hitched up n young horse and got nicely
started, when the bridle broke, and a
runaway resulted, they being thrown
ont. The horse ran for three miles be
fore beiug stopped, and the only damage
was the broken bridle.
We have the agency for the
famouB MuiiBing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to fl.5(j. Prices in
bovs' from 50c. 75c. Si and 11.25.
In two piece garments we have
a spleuitid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2.50 a garment. Bny
early while the sizes are complete.