l!32D2s2xfZZm!2&J,JJl 9w yg'yryiglig3H-3y" -Columbus goitrual. rolumbuH. Nebr. Consolidated with the Columbus TiniPH April 1, 1WI; with t! I'latto Oonnty Arne January 1. 1WH. Anixrt t the PoctHc'.Coliiiiibn.Nbr..Ra , ...ond-cLu1 mail mattAr. fikxb oFHunscHirnnR. :arar.by mail, poataira itii!1 1.W ts months... .- .......... f "ir"3iocth. . - -- M WEDNESDAY. Al'KII. 5. 1911. STUOTHRK .V COMPANY. Proprk'tore. Hfe.NKWAlS-The ilat opposite yonr name on your paper, or wrapper shows to what time yonr ffnbacriptins is paid. Tims Jan05 ehows that payment lias beea rocpivnl nj. to Jan. 1, 1905, FebOS to Fob. 1. 1WJ5 and wi on. Whnn payment la made, the date, which anawnrs at n receipt, will be changM accordingly. DlfiCONTINOANCES-llefiwrJJiIeKibiKTib-rs will continue to receive this journal until the publisher are notified by loiter to diacontinne, when all arxfarRR- -fit be paid. If jou do not wish th Journal couuuii' 'r another year af ter the time paid for hit. expired, you choold previously notify us to diocontinue it. CHANGE IN ADDKESB-When ordering a 3 aange in the addres&. subscribers should be aura to give their old a wrllae thoir new address. GIVE THEM ALL THE ROPE. In a few weeks the triumphant De mocracy will he at the Protective Tariff, hammer ami toiijs. It pro poses to completely sever the Protec tive tail from the national dog. Whether it will try to do the job all at once or "for humanity's sake" cut offa chunk every little while, re mains to be seen, but Democratic leaders make no bones of declaring their intention of completely wiping out Protection as soon as it can re done. The Democracy holds that consider ing the whole country the vote of last November must be taken as a man date of the people to place the Tariff" on a strictly revenue basis, which means placiug the duties at the point which will assure the largest possible revenue. This, in turn, means col lecting as much revenue as posible from commodities which we do not produce and gathering the remainder from competitive products by duties placed low enough to attraet large importations. A revenue Tariff" of that kind is syn onymous with "Free-Trade," a gen erally understood. Treasury require ments do not permit absolute Free Trade in any country. The Chronicle has been a Protec tionist journal since its foundation. It is a Protectionist journal today. It stood for the Dingley tariff while it lasted, and later for the Payne-AId-rich Tariff as an improvement thereon aud in the lauguage of President Taft, the best Tariff" acl ever enacted in this country. The Chronicle also stands for impartial trade with all nations, aud abhors so-called "reciprocity" in any form, aud particularly any fiscal legislation whatever concocted in secret aud embodied in a treaty. Nevertheless the Chronicle is of the opinion that the Democracy has the right to consider the vote of last No vember as a mandate to cuter upon a Free-Trade policy, and is of the opin ion that Protectionists will gain no thing by factious opposition. We believe the Democratic House should be given such assistance as the .-tand-patters cau give to promptly pass whatever Tariff bill it desires to enact, and if possible pass it on to the Presi dent. Of course, the' will put on record their reasons again.-L it and record their votes. But uothiug can be gained, and ' much can be lost, by attempting to delay what cannot be prevented. Give the Democrats all the rope there is. By Protectionists the Chronicle means the breed commonly known as "standpatters" those who favor Pro tection which gives the domestic markets to domestic producers, wheth er of raw or manufactured com modities. Aud who also stand for impartial trade and oppose the em bodying of any fiscal legislation what ever in a treaty. The Chronicle does not know of any Insurgent Republican who fills this bill. The consistent Protectionists should unite, refuse compromise of any sort with any pretended Republican, and whether one-fourth, one-third or one half of either branch of Congress, stand pat. Let the Democrats get quickly what they ask for under their mandate from the people. If the law when enacted makes for the prosperity of the nation we shall all be Free-Traders. At least the Chronicle will, for all it desires is national prosperity. But if the Free-Trade policy should have such results as it has hitherto had in this country, the people will know it, and if they perfer Protection, will give the necessary mandate. No assistance should be asked of the Republican Insurgents. Let them vote and talk as they please. They are not Republicans as Republicanism has been understood for the last quarter of a century, and at any raje tbey are not standpatters. No ally is of any use in a fight who does not enter into it with his whole soul. Such are better outside the works than inside. The advice of the Chronicle is for standpatters onlj. And to them wc say, get out of the way and let the Democratic steam roller steam roll. San Francisco Chronicle. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. When he first came iuto national prominence we saw him capture the nation with the power of his genius. We saw him sway the multitude with his words of wisdom, and amaze aud terrorize the enemies of free institut tions wit h the logic of liis speech. We saw him rise from the disaster of de feat again and again, and each time lie has had the confidence of the pe pi pie. We saw him as a twice defeated candi date for president on a foreign tour honored by the nations of the world. We saw this defeated man return t his native land, honored by all the civili.ed nations of the the earth, and greeted by his own people as no other private citizeu has ever been greeted. And we have asked why this man should touch the human heart of every nation aud appeal to thu human con science Hi every land? The answer is Bryan himself. Constant in his de votion to priucipal, firm in conviction, consistent in his course, brave and steadfast, he stands before the world the incarnation of unselfish patriotism. As the mark of hostile critics he has been misrepresented, mniigued and slandered, but over it all he has trium phed, towuiiu as an intellectual and moral giant, the champion of the pur est principles and th noblest senti ments that have ever possessed a great and powerful people. What was once in s-o irn and con tempt terme 1 Brynnism is being writ ten iuto the lawa uf the states, the con stitutions and into the statutes of the nation. Those who once derided this man for his fallacies are now singing his praises for his virtues. Those who on ce abused him for his iniquity are now lauding him for the sanity and streng th of his convictions. No wonder this man will remain in politics, for the crowui ng glory of his life will be when his creed of universal justice shall have been written deeply into the statutes of his country. Nashville Teuuesseeau. ON BEING A SPORT. You may remember his mother a pretty girl who wt:nt to the high school twenty-five yeaia ago an unusually pretty girl, who married a gay young fellow to reform him. She reformed him all right. He settled down, but he had loatthc confidence of the town, and when he died tcu or a dozen years ago, he had a job, but that was all, and she had a houseful of children. She buckled to her work and reared them, kept them all in school, kept them de cently dressed, wholesonrely fed. and gave them every advantage that this town affords. But it took hard work, and it took the beauty out of her eyes, put a stoop in her shoulders, aud put lines in her face that ucver will come out. Hundreds of people watched the struggle; and all of them were proud of her. The little girls are doing well; they seem to know what it cost their mother. t But that boy he seems to have an ambition to be a sport. His mother sees it and it is breaking her heart. His sisters see it and they arc ashamed. They often wonder what's the use of trying to keep up.and be somebody. aud if it was not for the blood of their mother in them they would slump. But the boy has to be a sport. He has to sneak through a blind door and up a stairway on East Sixth ave nue aud get whisky and he has to loaf around the pool shacks with a breath that would sour a cement sidewalk, and he ha to wear the loudest clothes and the. brashest hat he can ret in town and mother pays for it all, by Heaven knows what hard grinding work. All for the boy to be a sport. What a loafer he is! How worth less he is becoming. Does he think any merchant wants him? They all know about him. The whole town kuows that he is "mooching" on his mother. They could stand his drink ing, they might stand his loafing and his general cussedness but sponging it whisky, cusseduess and all that is too much. What a miserable foundation he is putting under his life. How it will crumble when the rains fall and the winds blow upon that house. Empor ia Gazette. POKER AND LITERATURE. Jell Davis of Arkansas rose in the senate the other day and asked a bro ther senator, who was Senator Gamble of South Dakota, what he meant by a "jack pot," as the latter had used the term in debate. Gamble, judging from his surname, ought to have re plied, but he didn't So Jeff didn't find out. But there arc senators doubtless, wboV-onld tell him. This incident suggests what contri butions to everyday speech have been made by cards, and by poker in parti cular. Many people who know noth ing of poker use its phrases. For in stance, the "standpatter" is sjwkcn of iu politics to describe the man who wants things to remain as they arc. The term "bluff"' needs no explanation it is in such general use. Church peo ple are asked to "chip in" to pay the parson aud forget that they are using a term of unholy association. Then there is the man who demands that everything be "above board," to signify that no concealment is going on Wc all know that when we have plenty of money we feel "Hush," an other poker term signifying that the cards' are all of one color. The term "full house" is still auother phrase that is jocularly used in common speech to signify that there is no more room. Others more familiar with pok er terms than a minister or an editor might multiply the illustrations. Some people understand thy lingo and don't know the game. Others know the lingo and think they kuow the game, but don't. It is a great game o thyy say. None of its ex perts have yet got iuto the hall of fame on account of their skill. Not even Poc, and he traveled some. It is a iraine that often makes its devotees feel poor, but at least it has enriched the Euglish language with picturesque terms. Boston Globe. THINGS PATRICK HENRY WROTE. The Patrick Henry papers, portraits aud relics, and a fine line of historical autographs of the Colonial and Revo lutionary periods were sold at auction in Philadelphia rcceutly. The original ivory minature por trait of Patrick Henry, painted from life by a French artist iu 1791, while the orator was arguing the British debt cases in the United States court at Richmond, Va., brought $H0. It was presented by Henry to the wife of his half brother, John Syrae, and is said to be the only portrait of Henry painted from life that exists. The life size bust portrait of him, painted in oil by Thomas Sully of Philadelphia from the French artist's miniature portrait, was sold for 84,o00. For many years this bust portrait hung on the walls of the state house at Rich mond, Va. Sully painted it fur Wm. Wirt, Henry's biographer, who had it engraved by Leuey for the "Life of Patrick Henry." The original draft of Henry's cele brated resolution iu the Virginia house of burgesses in May, lTuM.'agaiust the Stump Act, with a lengthy memoran dum on the back in Henry's hand writing aud siguetl by him, explaining how he came to offer the resolution, went for 81,400. A copy of -the famous receipt by Henry, May 4, 177, for the gunpowder he took April 21, 1775, from the Powder Horn at Williamsburg, Va., to arm the company of patriots he had raised, was purchased by the Virginia State Li brary for $100, which also obtained for 3105 his Fee Book, 1770-1707, con sisting of 17( folio pages, all in his hnudwriting, aud with an index. On the iusidc of one of the covers iu his autograph is "Patrick Henry, His Book." The walnut drop leaf secretary, used by him during the greater part of his life, was sold for $500. The walnut roundabout leather seat, his favorite chair, and the one iu which he died, brought $225. Two hundred dollars bought an antique solid silver caster, with three silver peppers and two cut glass cruets, each of the peppers hav ing engraved upon it the initials "P. H., 1777." The same bidder obtained for $16 a pair of polished steel shoe buckles, which Henry is said to have worn when he made his sjeech against the Stamp Act. Included in the Henry letters were the following, addressed to Richard Henry Lee, signer of the Declaration of Independence: March 28, 1777, accusing Robert Morris of speculating in army supplies, $25; September 12, 1777, rejoicing over the capture of Burgoyne, $o2.50; April 1,1777, say ing that Lee's enemies are traducing him by stories that he is in a scheme to discard General Washington, $50, and August 2S, 17'., objecting to the uncontrolled powers of the President in the Constitution, $50. An auto graph draft of his letter to President Washington, October 16, 1795, declin ing the tender of the office of Secretary of War, weut for S120. The following historical letters of Richard Henry Lee to Patrick Henry were sold: April 20, 1776, advocating an instant declaration of independence, $40; December :, 1776, describing Washington's retreat across New Jer sey, pursued by Howe's army, $35; January 0, 1777, giving an account of Washington's victories over the Brit ish and Hessians at Trenton and Princeton, $100; April 7, 1777, men tioning the success of the American commissioners (Franklin, Deane and Lee) at the Court tf France. g75; April 15, 1777, in reference to the British attacking Philadelphia, $60; May 26, 1777, vindicating himself of charges which cost him his election to Congress, $40; September 8, 1777, about Howe's movements toward Phil adelphia aud denouncing certain Qua kers, $57; October 8, 1777, giving an account of the Battle of Germautowu, $115; October 25, 1777, about Bur goyue's surrender and Washington's movements, $90. Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch. WHEN MEXICO WAS COVETED. Immediately after the Civil War, before many of the Confederate sold iers had laid down their arms, there was a stroug movement for the coloni zation of Mexico, then in' the midst of a Civil War. Some offers were made to the Mexican rcvolutiousts agaiust the Maximiliau government, but in the main a colonization scheme was proposed. A number of Confederate generals weut to Mexico aud negotia tions were beguu tor the trausfcrof large iiumbcrsjjf the still armed South ern troops to that country. But this great scheme did not go far beyond a spontaneous impulse. Of more deliberate and far.reaching purpose was a plan to annex Mexico, which was formed shortly before the close of the Civil War, with the idea of utilizing the Union army, when it should be at once out of the Civil War, for that purpose. Benjamin F. Butler had drawn a bill providing for the building of a great national highway across Texas, ostensibly for traffic, but really to serve as a military mad and as an ulterior means of getting large numbers of men, as road builders, to the Mexican frontier. This proposition reached President Lincoln the day he was assassinated. No doubt he would have done his ut most to block such au enterprise if he had been made fully aware of its pur poses. President "Johnson vigorously opposed it and it never made progress. The days of coveting Mexico have passed. At least, these arc not such days. There is no wish, nor could there be at this time popular approval of any plau to annex Mexico. What is wanted in the coiiutry is order, jus tice, peace aud prosperity. President Taft has taken the hazard that must always be takeu when troops are used in large numbers for a precautionary demonstration, but there is every rea son to believe that he has a perfect un derstanding with President Diaz as to the diplomacy of this movement. Kausas City Star. WHEN BURR BEAT HAMILTON. It is undoubtedly true that iu form er times in all parts of the country it was considered more important and more creditable to save a man's life or liberty than to get a verdict where property only was concerned. These days have passed, as far as New York is concerned, aud iu a lesser degree, possibly, iu nearly all the other states. and despite the agitation on the subject they arc never likey to return. It is interesting to turn back more thaua century and a quarter, to the earliest days of the Republic and to the careers of two lawyers who would have been giants in any age or in auy country, and who were antagonistic iu character and purjose, Alexander Hamilton ami Aaron Burr. Both men accepted criminal as well as civil cases. Aaron Burr, that erratic genius, is said never to have lost a case in which he alone was counsel. It is also of record that he won a case iu which, by aquecr trick of fate, his associate coun sel was Hamilton. It was a murder case. The actions and manner of the principal wituess against the prisoner seemed to Burr exceedingly suspicious, and it is said that both Burr and Ham ilton were undecided in their own minds which was the guilty party the witness or the prisoner. Hamil ton's summing up was perfunctory. Burr began to address the jury when it was nearly dark. The witness for the prosecution was leaning against a pillar. His face was pallid and covered with perspiration. He listened intently to the lawyer. Suddenly Burr seized a large candela brum, and throwing the light on the face of the witness, shouted, "Behold the murderer, gentlemen!" The wit ness turned and rushed from the court room and the prisoner was acquitted. New York Herald. Luck. "Well, I'm convinced that It's an 111 wind that blows good to nobody." "What has caused you to arrive at your present opinion?" "You know the Billlngers?" "You mean Horace Billinger, who recently got so badly squeezed In the stock market?" "Yes. You see, we lived next, door to the Billlngers for a number of years. Since they have lost their money and then compelled to give up their automobiles and discbarge most of their servants and in other ways get along on as little as possi ble, my wife has found that we can live on m.nch less t?iaj it formerly cost us." , RULES FOR L0N6 LIFE HUNGARIAN DOCTOR TELLS HOW TO RETAIN HEALTH. Happy Marriage Helps One to Resist Old Age Cardinal Precepts of Clothing, Diet and Hygiene Given Here. In his book, lately published in the Hungarian language and translated into almost every modern tongue. Dr. Lorand says that from recent reports of the register offices of Austria, Ger many, wc are justified in assuming that though life is usually limited to 55 to 60 years it may occasionally be prolonged to 100, or even more, by the operation of certain internal and ex ternal agencies. By studying these we may eventu ally bo able to prolong the lives of many individuals beyond SO or even 90, and to prolong our term of youth fulness by 10 or 20 years. We need no longer grow old at 40 or 50. This can be brought about by improving the functions of a certain few of the glandular structures of the body, pro vided one or more of the main organs have not already been too gravely compromised by incurable organic disorders. To prevent old age coming on too soon the first condition necessary is the possession of healthy ductless glands (chief among them being the thyroid, the adrenals, the pancreas and the liver), and this depends upon her edity. Marriage is an invaluable aid in the struggle against old age. If married life is one of the best means of resist ing the approach of old age on the other hand It is positively certain that unhappy marriages are the surest means of hastening its oncoming. To avoid premature old age and ear ly death wo have to follow the rules : Wear loose collars, because a tight collar presents obstacles to the free circulation of the blood through the thyroid. Do not take -too much meat, because abundance of meat alters the ductless glands. Take largo quantities of milk, this being the extract of various glands, and especially that of the thyroid. Be as much as possible in the open air, and especially in the sunshine; and take plenty of exercise, taking care to breatho deeply and regularly. Take a bath daily, and, in addition, once a week or every two weeks, take a Turkish or vapor bath. Wear porous clothing, light hat and low shoes. Go early to bed and rise early. Sleep in a very dark, very quiet room and with a window open, and do not sleep less than six nor more than 72 hours. Have one complete day's rest in each week, without even reading or writing. Avoid mental disturbances or wor ries. Be temperate in the use of alcohol and also in the uso of coffee or tea. Avoid places that arc overheated, especially by steam, and badly venti lated. Replace or reinforce the functions of the organs which may havo become changed by age or disease, by means of the extracts from tho correspond ing organs of healthy animals. But of courso the application of this pre cept must bo adapted to tho Individual case. The British Medical Journal. The Question. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, who has been chosen United States senator from Ne braska, owns a morning and an after noon newspaper in Omaha. One morn ing he was in tho editorial room of tho afternoon paper when a cab reporter called up for Instructions as toc how ho should handle a shooting caso to which he had been assigned. A man had married a girl at four o'clock in the afternoon before, and at eight the same evening had shot her fivo times. "What shall I do?" asked the report er. "Get an interview from the girl." said Hitchcock. "But I don't know what to ask her," objected the report er. Hitchcock got up from his chair, walked over to the wall, and beat his head against the plaster threo times. "I don't think you understand," he told the cub. with as much patience as he could muster. "Married at four, hot five times at eight. Go get the story." "Well, what shall I ask her?" queried the reporter. Hitchcock, look ing pained and grieved, said over the telephone: "Ask her whether she con siders the conduct of her husband an Insnlt or merely studied indifference." Weight for Saddle Horses. At tho Paris horso show recently a ppecial jury of experts was appointed to determine authoritatively Just how much a horso of a given weight should carry in the saddle. Tho jury brought in the following decision: A horse weighing no more than 825 pounds should not carry a greater weight than 187 pounds, pro vided the girth of the animal does not exceed 67 inches. A horse weighing 935 pounds or less, with a girth of C9 inches, should not carry more than 209 pounds, and a horso weighing 1,045 pounds, with a girth of 71 inches, should not carry more than 231 pounds. Association. "The man on deck yonder who has been so sick is a baseball player." "Doesn't seem to be enjoying him self." "No; said It was too much like work. Every time the vessel pitched ho felt r wanted to make a home run." "The Club." An exclusive dining society Is the one bearing the arrogant title "Tho Club." which since its foundation has been limited to thirty-five members. Johnson. Burke, Reynolds and Gold smith were among the original mem bers. Garrick and Boswell joined in 1773. and Gibbon and Fox in 1774. Of the eighteen premiers in the nine teenth century nine were members of the club. Fox, Liverpool, Canning. Russell, Aberdeen, Gladstone, Salis bury, Lord Rosebery and Mr. Balfour. London Chronicle. U Rovk I Baking Absolutely Puro The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Safeguards the against Chemists tests have shown Biscaii mate wiia sua aismt MHafj pemrer passes nam the stomach, as that alaesttea Is retarded therehy. Read tho tahmt omtt m mowttmm hi mot Church a Playroom. Before tho appointed hour of nino o'clock the other morning the doors of the Central Park Methodist Epis copal church were open for the con venience of the boys and girls of St. Paul who desire to tako advantage of tho games distributed by the Thursday club, says a St. Paul dis patch. Piled on the shelves of one of the classrooms .were more than a thousand sets of games, and Miss Helen Swanstrom stood ready to hand them out to the first comers. The boys and girls who came were overjoyed at tho information that they would be allowed to mako uso of the games right there in the church. They were glad too that tho rooms would be open from 7 until 0:30 o'clock every evening, except Satur day and Sunday evenings, when games will be given out for use In the church, but not for carrying home. Game3 for homo uso may be taken out any time on any Saturday from 9 a. in. till 1 p. m. Novelists and the Public. Surprises in tho novel reading lino are always pleasant. Readers are so apt nowadays to label a novelist, to say or assume that such an such a style, such and such a treatment, such" and such characters, are his or hers by right of Invention, or of Spring and Summer Rates SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA; general baste SGO.OO certain dates in April and May aud ilnily from June to September: still lower cencrul basis of 50.00 on certain dntea in Juno and July. (Jcueral excursion basis to Portland, Seattle, -rtiO.UO on certain dates iu May and daily from June to September: still lower general basis of 'S.IO.OO on certain dates in June ami July; $15.66 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The tour or the const is the world o greut?at railroad journey. YELLOWSTONE PARK: Plan a summer tour of this wonderl.iud. All kinds of excursion rateu through Gardiner nnd Yellowstone. gatowayH; also person ally conducted cumpiog toura through Cody. BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The resorts or this delightful region near Sheri dan und Thermoplis are attraotiug a largo volume of touriBt patronage. Send for special publication. COLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Usual popular summer rates to Colorado anil Utah cities and resorts". Send for Estcs Park booklet. Get in touch with me, aud let me send you any of our publications Colorado Hand Book". "liitf Horn Resorts", Yellowstone Park", Pacific Const Tours." flBIBM off ah a BsmmmtK: w -i ' ''mSmMmWKlmmWSKBoVIS9S!3u i -: &&mmmixnmmmmmm 5 r .; - .-' s i wm h ii immBmammmuBt:ji7.3VJWi &mzmxzanKmMEEmz&m&m Mapne Old Books Rebound In iact, for anything in the book binding line bring your work to Z5e Journal Office Phone 184 Powder food alum that a aart of the aft that yoav fcairfciaj adoption, or of any thug else. And who can answer that writers do not readily agree to the fancy, or the whim, or the taste, or the judgment of the public? With might and main they try to live up to the label, ma king, as a rule, little or no effort to change the brand. "You ask for a 1 certain thing; here It is for you." they seem to say. "There arp other draughts as good to bo got from tho vintage of my examination; but fearing your disapproval. I shall not attempt to provide them."--Xaho Walker In London T. P.'s Weekly. XOTICK. Notice is hereby tfivrn that thonmlernigntMl. by vlrtcpof n chattle tnortRju:. in tho form if a niortuagn nuto. rfattil Iteveuitirr -nil. UWH.aml wrtited liy Mr. S. F. Tripp ami Mrt. W. I.. .McQuown. nioitffliKorp, to It. W. Saley. murt tsiw and duly filed in the otKee of the County Clerk iu ami for tho county of Platte, state of Nebraska, on March 10th. 1U11. to oecure tl. payment of it certain promissory note for $"-., dated December -ml. lirtN. and isnlil to It. W. Saley. and nu which there it. now due tho mini of Sm.l'O, with intent thereon ut the rate of 10 er cent ier annum from February 1st, 1'JtW. and default having lieeu made in tho payment of sail! note and tho amonut due thereon and no unit or other proceetlinMit Ian having been instituted to recover wild Mini or any part thereof; Therefore. I will m11 to the hiliet bidder for cat-It nt public auction, at tho ollico and Htoro room of tho Anditorinm Music Company, at 1U Wet-t Ittli street, and ln-injr in the North opera Iioum. Columbus. I'lattw cuiinty, Nebraska, on Wednesday. April 1'Jth. I'.UI. at 2 o'clock p.m.. the following de-H-ribed proxrty, to-wtt: One Trjber Piano. Style II, No. llHlO.uiahojranycase, one stool nud ono scarf. K. V. SALEY. Mortgagee. b. F. RECTOR, Ticket Agent Columbus. Nebr. I.. W. WflKbLbY. Cen'l. Pssenr Agent. Omaha. Nebr BSB-m Tm. ---i- ; . I M M I I - Binding i i i ! i