The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 05, 1911, Image 3

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BytaLm &r
Teach the calf to drink at once.
Spring plowing for oats is usually
not desirable.
Through eating insects, birds do
their best for fanners.
The ilras system is rapidly forging
to tlie front it, sood loads work.
There ar- over 1 70.000.000 acres un
der wheat cultivation in the world.
Torn will give all the elements for
fat and heat to ine'M the vojiiib grow
ing n'edh.
It is not possible by any known
method to make dirty milk into clean
There is an average of about one
cow to every fl-.e persons In the
United States.
Fresh seed you must have, to be
Rood, and good seed is necessary 10
get a satisfactory crop.
Regularity in milking helps the
flow during the pre.-" "lit and all i..;b-;e
cpient lacteal periods.
The exports from Australia or rabbit
skins to the United Slates have near
ly doubled within a year.
Much of the success of a farmer de
pends on the proper and economical
management of his live stock.
To the farmers birds are chielly val
uable as insect destroyers, as mouse
destroyers, and as weed destroyers.
A powerful microscope is recom
mended by the department of agri
culture as a kitchen utensil to detect
Have a supply of good milking
stools in the dairy barn, hut use them
for milking purpose?, and not for
heating the cows.
Do not forget that hens will need
plenty of grit to help grind up the
food. If plenty of grit is not avail
able provide It for them.
A restless hen will never answer to
use as a hatcher early in the season,
when steady warmth is an imperative
condition of success.
A large proportion of the so-called
Holland floweiing bulbs imported into
this country every year in reality come
from the south of Frame
If a farmer has the tools with
which to work, he can repair the
wagons and the different farm imple
ments during rainy weather.
The hand-fed calf int tended for dairy
purposes can be made a much better
animal than the one allowed to feed
from the cow in the natural way.
Once or twice during the season it
wili b" necessary to go over the field
with hoes in order to stir the soil and
kill the weeds between plants in the
Now Is a goof: time to plan for next
year's garden ami truck patch. Select
the seeds and order tleMii early that
yon may have them on hand for early
Asnaragus selis at high juices in
the grocery at all times, but especial
ly very early In the season, therefore
asparagus is a profitable crop to grow
for market.
Rats steal eggs by passing them
along from one to another like the
bucket brigade, and in this manner
they can transport them safely up
and down steps.
Wheat screenings, having more pro
tein, are superior to the plump grain
for 'laying hens, and when they are
good and clean are wry much cheaper
than good wheat.
Do not allow inferior cabbage, po
tatoes and beets to fieeze: store them
for the hens. The time is near when
lhey will need such '"eeds as add suc
culence to the ration.
Timber is protected from dry rot
and insect attacks by boiling it and !
allowing It to cool iu and absoib a
saccharine solution by a new. process
that comes from Australia.
Making all due allowance for i.
creased consumption, the outlook tor
the early truck crop potatoes during
the season of 111 1 i.- not more prom
ising than it was during 1!10
Running a big farm appeals tc some
men who like to "bore with a big au
gur" and despise little things; but the
real test of success in farming are the
figures in the bank book at the end of
the season.
While planning your garden give
due attention to the color of the flow
ers so that they may harmonize.
Have a goodly supply of white and
neutral flowers to separate the clash
ing colors.
Hens will do well on almost any
kind of food if given enough of it,
but they certainly will not and cannot
make eggs unless they are supplied
with certain necessary elements for
egg making.
1- 1
Eliminate the middleman.
Cleanliness iu a dairy is desired.
The best location for an incubator Is
a cool, dry cellar.
The milk yield of the average cow
:s 400 gallons per year.
Onion sets should be set out just as
tarly as ground can be worked.
True scientific farming consists
largely of good common sense.
A hot bed and cold frame enable
jou to get your plants started early.
Tins trimming of a foal's hoofs is
an easy matter if it Is done once a
Profits come from the grown chick
ens, not alone from the number
Analysts say that butter Is the most
nutritious article of diet, and that ba
con comes net
Successful efforts to reclaim waste
marsh lands by raising celery are be
ing made in Bermuda.
1-gypt's land is for the most part di
vided into small holdings of from hal'
an acre to five acres.
livery one who has room on which
to raise more poultry should, by al'
means, plan to raise more.
Once settled indoors, the house
plants must he sure of regular atten
tion if they are to be a success.
Sow oats on fairly fertile him!, but
not too fertile; because the crop may
lodge when grown on very fertile land.
A pure bred hull on the farm will
double the value of a scrub or low
grade herd of cattle in a very short
A sheep that Is in good order at the
beginning of winter will come out in
the spring with its head up and on all
Commercial fertilizers cau be used
to advantage as a rule in the grow
ing of oats, by direct application to
the crop.
Well-bred heifer calves may often
be purchased cheaply of people who
I've in town and kep but one cow for
family use.
As a rule the most money is made
from the production of eggs and the
income is continuous throughout most
of the year.
A queen bee lives from two to five
ears. workers from forty-five days to
six months and drones seldom more
than five weeks.
No man can select good cows with
unerring certainty, for there are many
internal defects of winch there is no
j outward evidence.
I livery good farmer knows that a
j hard and lumpy soil will not grow-
good crops no matter how much plant
food It may contain.
If pigs destroy more than they are
worth, business rules command that
they be dispensed with as too ex
ttavaganf for the farmer.
While it is not absolutely necessary
to have the heaviest horses for tiie.
farm, it is essential that they weigh
from 1.400 to l.r.00 pounds.
The shredded stover is much nicer
to handle than cut fodder, and if
shredded fine there is but little that
is not eaten by horses or cattle.
T1 fTAtUlfnili! "1 ,.1klf..l Inn rtf 1. ......
j . .n I uii.n aiiif!! iv alt 11'il WJ UclllI
.yard manure and good cultivation,
sugar beets may be grown with good
results for many years on a given
One of the most important consider
ations of the present time, with much
of our land worth $!(i0 and more per
acre, is the maintenance of soil fer
tility. Careful and intelligent handling at
al! times is as important to the suc
cess of the small sheep grower as the
selection and breeding of his founda
tion stock.
One of the most general n7ethods
adopted for cooling milk is to place
the cans in a vat containing water
which reaches a point slightly above
surface of milk.
The secret of suc.-ess in wintering
tie fall pigs, lies in the ability of the
man who has the pigs in charge to
make the conditions faorab!e lor a
constant growth.
Scattering manure by hand Is a
slow and disagreeible task and this
is one reason why many of us have
not done our best toward getting It
onto the land promptly.
That chemistry i a valuable sci
ence is not disputed. That agriculture
also i a science is beginning to be
' recognized. The two to a great ex-
ten; must go hand in hand.
It Is not un uncommon occurrence
;o neglect the cow which is due to
freshen, whereas If proper attention
was given her up to this time, she
should produce exceptional results.
Spring and swelling buds are not too
far away to remember that the first
spraying for fungus diseases to be ef
fective must be done early for spray
ing is only preventive, not curative.
The sooner eggs are set after being
laid, the belter. There is no such
thing as setting eggs too soon for best
results, but the fresher they are the
more satisfactory will the hatch be.
Experiments carried on at the
Maine experiment station showed that
poultry manure, untreated, as well as
that mixed with sawdust, lost half of
Its nitrogen in the course of six
Timely Suggestions
Interest to
An April First Party.
A young girl having a birthday on
the first of April devised and carried
out this pretty party in a most suc
cessful manner. The invitations were
issued on foolscap paper, asking each
girl to come dressed as a "fool," the
costumes to be made of cotton ma
terial and crepe paper, so the expanse
would not be great, but just as much
fun. Red and green, the jester's col
ors, were carried out In every detail
as tar as possible. On the red candle
-hades funny little donkey heads were
outlined in green. The ices were
.served in the dearest little green pa
per cabbage heads and the fruits
proved to be excellent Imitations in
the real fruit shapes and colors, only
they were candy boxes, and the sup
posed chocolate eclairs were filled
with creamed chicken. A delicious
cream sauce was passed to put over
them. There were all sorts of amus
ing games, such as marbles for the
girls and a doll dressing contest for
rhe bovs. a whistling contest for the
girls and a sewing contest for the
boys, all having simple prizes for the
best. There were clowns and jesters.
The children said "It was the best
party ever" and so the mother who
planned the affair was amply repaid
for her trouble. I give a list of names
of real clowns and jesters who once
existed: Archie Armstrong, the famous
jester of King James I.: Chicot, the
jester whom Dumas has Immortalized
in his novels; Trlboulet and P.rusquet.
jester of King Francis I. or France:
John Heywood." the jester of Henry
VIII.; Scrogan. the jester or King Ed
ward IV.; Patrick Honny. who attend
ed Regent Morton of Scotland. Other
characters in fiction are the "Green
Son" of the Vicar or Wakefield, called
"Moses": the "Mad Hatter." from Alice
in Wonderland": the "Three Wise
Men of Gotham." "Don Quixote."
"Sancho Panza." "Simple Simon." etc.
Rest Cure Party.
This Ienten party given from "three
to six" for eight girls proved such a
success that I am sure there will be
many more In the next two weeks
after our readers know of It. It cer
tainly was an innovation and came
about by one of the girls saying "she
was so tired out. so weary of forma!
function, so bored by being a debutante
that-she wished for something differ
ent." The something different came
In the form ol a wee note which said:
"Cmw to My Rest Cure" party. There
was not an absent guest. 1 assure you.
They found the great drawing-room
with shades nearly drawn, a log fire,
couches with piles of pillows and
afghnns. When all had arrived the
hostess said no one was to talk until
moved to do so, then only in the low
est voice. Quite mystified, the girls
found places and a maid noiselessly
passed piping hot bouillon and crisp
wafers; then from the next room a
low sweet voice to a guitar accom
paniment sang a series of lullabies:
then the same voice read several de
lightful stories in a low, distinct tone,
the person was concealed by a screen.
then there was simply nothing doing
for fifteen minutes, each girl helng j
told to close her eyes and tell at the j
end of that time her vision. This took
another half hour, when a tray or
fragrant ten and delicious sandwiches
were served with candled ginger. After
WE give a sketch of a little nov
elt in the shape of a combin
ed pin-cushion and pen-wiper,
either for placing upon the writing
table or for hanging from one of the
handles of the drawers.
It i.-. made to represent somewhat a
Christ m.'s cracker, and if is tied up
on either s-iti with smart little rib
bon bows. It can be made In silk or
cloth, and the edpes of the material
.hnuld be em into points on either
side and 'hen the uncut edges sewn
together, so that, finished, it forms
Basket fcr Baby's Toilet Accessories
Is Easily and Cheaply
Hab". toilet accessories should be
as dainty as ii is possible to have
i hem. Perhaps the most important
itMn in the infant's nursery is the
I dressing basket. In the shops devoted
: to the things of.childrcn these ham-
J pers are shown in exquisitely dainty j
variety, nut. use mo&i guuu iuuigi
of life, they come high and the moth
er who wishes to have a pretty basket
for the baby and cannot afford the
price asked must use her own ingenu
ity and devise one.
The cheapest sort of a basket may
be bought for this purpose: as it is
entirely covered, the quality does not
show. It should be light weight.
Silk is generally used for lining, but
for the sake of economy blue or pink
lawn may be substituted.
White point d'esprit is the material
generally used as an outer covering
orer the silk. You can cover the
the Hostess
that, having sufficiently "rested,"
tongues buzzed at a merry rate and
the girls pronounced it a fine party.
Toasts for All Occasions.
Here's to tin prettiest.
Hire's to th- wittiest.
Here's to the truest of all who are true:
Here's to iliu sweetest one.
Heru's to the neatest one.
Here's to them all in one.
Hate's to you.
She's beautiful, tlirffore to be woo'd.
Site's a woman, therefore to be won.
To Friendship It Improves happiness
and bates mNt-ry. by the doubling of our
Joy and dividing "ir grief.
Thrre Js so much s.od la the worst of us.
There Is fit much bad In the best of us.
That It ill bfconif-s nny one of us
To talk about the rest of us.
They talk about n woman's sphere
As though It had a limit.
TlMre"s"iiut a pl:ir in earth or heaven.
There's not a to mankind given.
There's not a blessing or a woo.
There's not a whlsjvreil yog or no.
There's not a life and not a birth
That has a feather's weight of worth
Without a woman In it.
May vry Joy attend you.
And heaven dally rend you
KlesslnKS in heart and home.
A faithful Knight to tend you.
And sall.-tiitly defend you.
Wherever you may roam.
Here's to the man I love.
And may that man be ho
Who loves but one and only one.
And m:y that one bo me.
Here's to our better loving.
And here's in our loves outgrown.
Here's to the bitter whirlwind
That reaps what our st-eds have sown.
Here's to the friend that loves us
Too deep for tears or word.
And here's to those that love us.
When only the sense Is stirred.
A Detestation Party.
The hostess said in her message,
which was given over the telephone:
"Please come, wearing an article
which will express your greatest dis
like." As men were Included In the
invitations we were prepnred for some,
thing very unusual and were not dis
appointed. There were twenty guests
aud here are a few examples of what
happened: A sedate matron came com
pletely covered with realistic little
wlggly snakes, most of them pur
chased at a Japanese store; others
were of the vivid green variety so
much in favor for St. Patrick's day: a
beau or the town appeared with his
head adorned by a curious collection
of false hair, braids, puffs, rats, vary
ing from golden to jet black, which
plainly snowed his dislike for false
hair. A young girl wore a necklace
made from tiny imitation, but realistic
cigars, with cigars of larger size in
her hair; a young matron had a num
ber or toy and candy mice adorning
her white frock: one girl wore an enor
mous quantity of paste jewelry, strings
of beads, etc.. and another had her
dress ornamented with ads of whisky
and champagne. It was really a very
clever affair and created much merri
For Little Girls.
School frocks for little girls show a
continued adherence to the front panel
effect, finished either with scalloping
or braid.
a hollow cylinder of the material.
The center portion should next bo
well stuffed with cotton wool aud two
circular pieces "of cardboard inserted
on either side to keep the cushion in
shape. The material is then drawn
together over these two pieces of card
board, and tied tightly with the rib
bon. Both ends are filled with loops
or Ilerlin wool, on which the pens may
be wiped, and should it be desired to
hang the cushion up. then the loop of
ribbon with a bow at the top can be
bottom with a piece of the net laid
tin plain, but all around the sides it
should be shirred.
Cut a strip twice as long as the
measurements of the four sides of the
basket and an inch or more deeper.
Join the short ends together and then
turn under one edge and shir until
the point d'esprit fits the bottom of
the basket. Sew the strip down all
around and then shii the top edge.
Sew to the edge of the basket and
cover the stitches with a quilling of
blue satin ribbon about an inch wide.
Make pockets from the blue silk
covering with the shirred net; trim
ming the tops with the quilted ribbon.
Sew these into opposite corners and
In a third corner sew a pincushion
made to match the pockets. Into these
safety pins and small accessories or
the toilet are packed.
To trim the outside of the basket,
first make a ruffle of blue silk the
depth of the basket and another one
to overlie the first of the point
Edge the latter with two or, three
rows of blue baby ribbon above the
narrow hem.
1 I , ,M .11, I iM
Ah. here's a public drinking cup
Rut pause, my child: endure your thirst
And from Its brim take nut a sup.
But listen to some statements first.
"TIs here, perhaps, through charity
Som noble soul this fount endowed
So that no thirst-parched throat might b
In all the shuffling, passing crowd.
The. water Burgles from the spout
As pure and clear as from a spring
O. why should It pour freely out
To be cuught In this noisome thins?
Walt Just a moment. let us gaze
Upon the folk who drink and so.
Sometimes, my child, we find It pays
To notice thine!, and then we'll know.
What' After what we've seen you think
You'd rather go elsewhere to find
A cup from which to take a drink?
The railway, then. If you don't mind.
Here la the station, free for all.
A cup la hung, and water flows.
Cgh: See the man who lets it fall.
And sniff his breath, and note his nose!
Ml right, then let's get on the train
The day coach tlncup let us pass:
We know the g-rms that It must gain
From off the lips of all the mass.
The Pullman glass we'll use but wait
One takes it from the shelf beneath
And rinses In it. sure as fute.
The brush with which to cleanse hU
No Joke.
"Sir," said the Eminent Female Re
former, entering the workroom of the
Journeyman Jokewriter. "you write
entirely too many jokes about wom
en." Tbft Journeyman Jokewriter mado
no reply to this assertion.
"This thing." she continued, "has
got to stop. Take up any funny pa
perFunny. Dah! Take up any pa
per and look at the jokes, and what
do you find? Alleged jokes about
women who will not permit their
husbands to go out evenings, or play
poker, or smoke, or drink, or swear,
or-or commit any such reprehensible
act. It's got to stop. Woman Is no
joke, young man."
Stupefied, he remained silent until
she had gone, after giving his desk a
farewell whack with her umbrella.
"Woman is no joke." he mused,
tearing up a page of manuscript
which set forth the misadventures of
one llcnpcck. "I guess she Isn't."
"This is terribly late," said the wife,
as they were nearlng home after the
after-the-theater dinner. "It Is too late
for us to be out."
"Well." ventured the husband, "pos
sibly one feature of th occasion that
takes away a great dfal of its pleas
ure Is that you cannot consistently
scold me this time for coming home
30 late."
I say that what a person "says"
It Isn't right to bay he "sez."
Why. when at hmo or church he prays
You nviT tell v,nr friends he prez;
And when his grocer bill be pays
Yo do not mention that li pez:
Or when n hen each morning lays
You do not ever say It lez;
And when a little toddler plays
You don't remark on how It plez;
Or when from the front yard he strays
You do not frt because he strez;
And when at heme he blithely stays
You do not smile because he stez:
Nor when a pear or peach decays
Ooes any one say It dekez:
Nor when some happening dismays
Do iep!e sigh that It dlsmez
So I am one who calmly SAYS
It i3 not right to say one SEZ.
How He Did It.
"I shall make a name for myself,"
stated the studious Russian.
"Rut how?" asked his friends.
"1 shall invent an alphabet without
any vowelr. in it."
"And then?"
"And then I "hall make my name of
Ihe consonants."
Out of the Mouths of Babes.
"When I was your age," says the
man to his little ion, "I was the best
behaved toy In town. My parents
would not allow me to play in the
street: they made me keep my face
washed and my hair combed; they
compelled me to be well mannered at
all times, and I was sent to bed early
every night, and awakened early the
next morning. My parents trained me
to be a model, obedient, polite boy.
Why can't you be like I was at your
"But. papa," answers the lad,
"what would be the use? It doesn't
seem to have done any good In your
"?$-"-:--."'" yCtSH'iv"-". ":-$-Tt!i.-;"" .-
flr.l:.r :-"::-:-'MwSiMtrjir',UJ.' '"
At 3 A. M.
Leaves Kidneys In Weakened Condition
Doctors in all parts of the country
have been kept busy with the epidemic
of grip which has visited so many
homes. The symptoms of grip this year
are very distressing and leave the'sys
tem in a run down condition, particu
larly the kidneys which seem to suffer
most, as every victim complains of
lame back and urinary troubles which
should not be neglected, as these dan
ger signals often lead to more serious
sickness, such as dreaded Bright's Dis
ease. Local druggists report a large
sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which
so many people say soon heals and
strengthens the kidneys after an at
tack of grip. Swamp-Root is a great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy, and,
being an herbal compound, has a gen
tle healing effect on tho kidneys, which
is almost immediately noticed by those
who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton. X. Y.. offer to send a samplo
bottle of Swamp-Root, free by mail, to
every sufferer who requests it A trial
will convince any one who may be in
need of it Regular size bottles 50 cts.
and $1.00. For sale at all druggists.
Bo sure to mention this paper.
The Progress of Music.
A nnrmrin hiLur in ffott Philndol. I
phia has a young hopeful who is be
ginning in youth the study of the vio
lin. He takes weekly lessons and the
parents arc sanguine of his becoming
a great musician.
A friend strolled Into the bakeshop
the other day and inquired of the
genial German what progress the boy
was making.
"He pretty good gets along," came
the baker's assuring answer, with an
elevation of the chin and a swelling
chest. "He play "Home, Sweet Homo'
with such sweetness that makes you
wish for the Faderland. And. by
golly, you ought to hear him play
that 'Nearer. My God. to You."
Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to uso so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
bidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entire!' overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Why Maria Laughed.
Hiram paused at the door and hold
ing up a steel trap, said:
"Mariar. when you see this trap
again it will have a skunk in it."
Fifteen minutes later he reappeared.
"Mariar," ho yelled, "you come here
and loosen me out of this all-fired
And then he got made at "Mariar"
because she laughed.
Facing the Future.
"Even wljen Henrietta gets the
vote," said Mr. Meekin. "I don't be
lieve she will be quite satisfied."
"Why not?"
"We'll have to reorganize the ballot
so that when there's an election she
can stay home and let me attend to
that alons with the rest of the er
rands." True to Her Nature.
Maud Did you hear the news?
Madge has eloped.
Jack Madge always was a flighty
sort of a girl.
Trr 37nriae Kyc Itemed?- for Red.
Watery Eyes ami Granulated Eyelids.
No Smarting Just Eyo Comfort. Mu
rine Kye Salve in Aseptic Tubes Xcw
Size :.ic. Murine Eye Itemedy Liquid
23c and 30c.
How easy It Is for the people who
are down on excitement In religion to
fire all their gasoline at a baseball
For Catarrh and all Inflammation wc
recommend Trasl: Ointiicnt. It an Ikj
relied upon. A-l: your druggist and thojc
who have ued i4. -;
It must have been a spinster who
said that some widows wear heavy
veils to conceal her joy.
Garfield Tea stimulates the liver,- cor
rect", coiis-tipation. cleanses the system and
rids the blood of impurities. All druggists.
Many a young man earns a living
by wesrkine his father.
AYegefable Preparation for As
similating liieFoodandRegula
ling foeStomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dicslion.Chcerful
ness and Rest.Conlains neither
Opium.Morphine nar Mineral
Not Narc otic
Rectpt cfottt DrSAXuumcrat
jllxSnm -HtAM,Stt
Acptrmiml -
Hint SttJ .
tRukrprr fhiar
Apcrfect Remedy forConslipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Tac Simile Signature of
The Centaur Company.
Guaranteed under the Fod
Dreamy Dupont Dey say dat a man
down east has invented a machine fer
photygrafQn' bat a feller thinks.
Windy Rivers Well. If dat guy
could only photygraf what's on met
Kind at dis minute he'd git an epicu
rean masterpiece dat would make yr
sit up and take notice.
It Depends on the Liver.
"Is life worth living? that depends
upon the liver." Yes. and that again
depends upon what you eat, and how
you eat.
Henry Ward Beccher once said: "A
man with a bad liver cannot be a good
Christian." Henry made some mis
takes, but in this statement he was
eminently correct. It fe only another
version of a phrase frequently used by
the editor of the Care of the Body:
"As a man eateth so is he." Los An
geles Times.
The Why.
"How long are you going to stay
in Monte Carlo?"
"Six days."
"Why exactly six days?"
"Because I've only brought six cos
tumes with me!"
Allen's KiK.t-Kac,the Antiseptic powder fur Ttre
achlnir. anollcu. nervous feet. (lives rrst ani
comfort. MakeswalilnnailMljtht. Sold eTrjw hem,
Sr. Don't accept any nbotltnte. Kor KKKS
sample. addresi Alien . Oliustcvl. Le Roy. X. Y.
Faith must become active through
works. Deeds must spring spontane
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