Columbus Journal STROTHKR & STOCKWELL, Pubs. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA FROM MANY POINTS EVENTS OF THE DAY HELD TO A FEW LINES. DAY'S EVENTS BOILED DOWN Personal, Politic!, Foreign and Other Intelligence Interesting to the Ceneral Reader. Washington. A new counterfeit ten dollar note, a photograph production of the buffalo note, cleverly executed, was announc ed by the secret service. O. It. Collon. governor of Porto Rico, sailed for home. He will o to Washington to consult with President Taft and the war department with reference lo the affairs of the island. After a conference of two days with the currency commission of the American bankers" association, the monetary commission adjourned to meet at the call of C'haiiiunii Aldrich. In recognition by the Tinted States government of his north pole achive ment. Robert E. Peary was commis sioned a "civil engineer of tho navy with the rank of lear admiral on the retired list' A system of snr.ijlim; furs fiom Canada, in which innocent purchas ers in the Pnited States hae been the ultimate losers, has been discoer ed by Chief Wilkie of the secret serv ice department. Rear Admiral Charles E. Vreeland. now in command of the second divi sion of the Atlantic lleet. has been detailed to represent the navy at the coronation of Kins; Geor.ce V. Ad miral Dewey declined the appointment because of the length of the jonrne'. President Taft reopened the pardon cases of two murderers. Joseph .Mut chapotaua. a .Menominee Indian, con victed in Wisconsin in 1U04. for wife murder. He will be released after lie has actually serxed eight years. Abe Reed, an Indian territory negro, also convicted of wife murder, had bis life sentence reduced to ir, years. Postmaster General Hitchcock des ignated "crty-five additional postof fices as postal saings depositories in as many states and territories, mostly at industrial centers where there are many waue-earners. It is Mr. Hitch cock's intention to confine the offices as nearly as possible to industrial centers really needing such banking facilities, particularly giving consid eration to geographical location, pos tal receipts, foreign money order busi ness and general efficiency of post masters. General. Mexican iirstirrectos declare they tiave no peace program. Mexican federals claim a division victory ovei rebels in Sonora. An inventory of the entire Harri inan system is to be undertaken. Minister I)e la Itarra says peace will prevail in Mexico within a fortnight. Members of the Mevican cabinet tendered their resignations in a body. Conditions in northern Mexico are declared to be fast approaching a crisis. Forme President Reiehnraii of the Carnegie Trust company was indicted at New York. Representative Underwood says the bouse will change the wool schedule of the tariff law. Arthur Hughes, in jail at Pellvillc. Kas.. for burglary, escaped after lock ing the jailer in his cell. In a spceh at Pes Moines Senator Cummins picked flaws in the Cana dian reciprocity agreement. Four Milwaukee firemen were kill ed and several injured when a roof on which they were working fell. Attempt was made to destroy by dy namite the new million-dollar court house being erected at Omaha. Xebr. Governor Dix sent a special message to the New York legislature recom mending the repeal of the progressive inheritance tax law. Green bugs threatening the wheat in the southwest caused the price of that urain to advance oer.a half a cent in the Chicago market. The final provisional census returns give the total population of India as 2I5.00m.O00. This is an increase of 20..r.0i.000 as compared with 1901. Calls for six or seven thousand re cruits, to brine the infantry to its full strength, have been sent by the war department to all the recruiting sta tions in the country. The Honduras national railroad, of which 1.. M. Fairbanks of Mansfield. 111., brother of Former Vice President Fairbanks, is president and chief pro moter was placed in the hands of a receiver. Insurgent democrats and republi cans have it in their power to name the next Xew York senator. Attorney General YViekersham is forging a new weapon intended to cope with combinations and monopo lies. A German woman of Grand Island, JCcb.. saved $2,000 from "pin money" given her by her husband. Her death revealed the savings. Evan .1. Davis, seventy-one years old, president of the East Tennessee Coal company, died at Nashville as the result of injuries received in a fall down an elevator shaft. H. H. Kohlsaat said he had proor that it cost $100,000 to bend William Lorimer to the I'nited State? senate. The New York state house was partially burned, entailing a loss of $3,000,000. Valuable records are gone beyond recovery. Unless the Iowa and New York leg islatures act soon tboe states will not have full senatorial representation in the extra session of cons-ess. Commander Robert E. Peary was commissioned a civil engineer with the rank ot nar admiral in accord ance v.-i-h the act of congress pass-d at the !a: session. The Nebraska legislature expects to adjourn about April 4th. The employers' compensation act was passed in the Illinois senate. Opponents of Lorimer are laying plans to oust him at the coming ses sion. Friends of the Aldrich currency plan are to conduct a campaign in its favor. Stanley Robison. owner of the St Louis National league baseball team, is dead. New York democrats in caucus failed to make a selection for Unked States senator. The national forest reservation commission is ready to begin the pur chase of lands. The first move for peace must come from the rebels if President Diaz of Mexico has his way. Oklahoma-Kansas bandits held up and robbed an lion Mountain train of an amount said to be $20,000. Francisco Madero. jr.. has made it plain that he must be consulted be fore peace plans are concluded. China has decided to unreservedly 1 acquiesce to the demands of Russia concerning the treaty of 1SS1. The New York legislature will make strenuous efforts to get a senator be fore the extra congress convenes. New Yorkers held a mass meeting in the interest of more adequate pro tection ot -called lire-proof build ings. Selection of a president of the Mis souri Pacific to succeed George J. Gould will not be made for several weeks. The Russian government has form ally notified China that it is satisfied with her final reply to the Russian ul timatum. Directors or the Missouri Pacific railroad met and approved the ex penditure of $::0(i.00) for betterments on the road. The Red Cross will collect funds for lelief of families who lost rela tives in the New York skirt factory conflagration. .Mrs. Austin M. Knight, wife of Cap tain Knight of the United States navy, died following an operation for inter nal complications. Senator Bourne, in a speech before the Hoston City club, urged the for mation of direct legislation leagues to work for the adoption of the initia tive and referendum. The executors of the estate of Ce cil Grace, the aviator who lost his life while attempting an across chan nel flight, were granted leave to pre sume his death. His body has never been found. Counsel for the indicted Chcago meat packers appeared before .lodge George A. Carpenter in the United States district court and were given one week to file a demurrer to the government's action. Prompt denial was made by friends of President Tart of the report from Springfield. 111., that Mr. Taft had joined with Senator Aldrich in urging the election of William Lorimer to the United States senate. Henry L. Myers, the new United States senator from Montana, Is forty nine years old, a native of Missouri. He worked on his father's rarm, taught school, became newspaper man. finally a lawyer, and now sen ator. Secretary Nagel of the department of conuneice and labor announced the appointment of Holland P. Faulkner as assistant director of the census. F. Willoughby was recently transfer led to the economy commission at the white house. One hundred and firty lives, mostly women and girls, were lost in a fire at a skirt factory in New York City. Operatives were entrapped and most of them lot their lives by. jumping from a great height. Property loss on the building is less than $100,000. II. B. Colin, a prominent Omaha business man. was assassinated as he was on bis way borne late at night in Omaha. Two men were concealed in an alley and shot down the victim as he was crossing the same. Two arrests under suspicion have been made. At Los Angeles, after swallowing poison and cutting his throat Wesley Churchill, torty years old. leaped from the top of the eleven story building. He landed in an alley and was man gled into a shapeless mass. Churchill had lost his position because of poor health. He bad a large family. Dr. Kelly, a young physician, grad uate of an Omaha medical college, killed two men in Pes Moines, one of them a deputy sheriff of Pottawat tamie county, while on his way to the inebriate hospital at Knoxville. to which he bad been sentenced. The deputy sheriff, a life-long friend of the murderer, had him in charge. The other man killed was a saloon keeper of Des Moines who had refused to sell a drink to the frenzied doctor. Personal. Thirteen young men were graduated as assistant surgeons in the navy. Executive clemency will not be granted to former Rankers Morse and Walsh. Supporters of William F. Sheehan have abandoned him as a New York senatorial ixissibility. A. .1. Guchkoff. leader of the Octob erist party, has resigned as president of tho Russian dunia. Republican insurgents of the na tional house hold the balance of pow er on minority leadership. In a speech in the reichstag the German chancellor said disarmament was wholly impracticable. Of lvequests of $300,000 by D. K Pearson. Doane college, of Crete. Neb. is the recipient of $23,000. Michael O'Heara. of Omaha, al though in a dying condition, refused to make a statement' to the police as to whom were his assailants. President Taffs message to con gress will deal with reciprocity and the tariff beard. The woman's suffrage bill was passed by the Illinois senate with the referendum amendment. Louis Oscar Rotty. the noted French engraver of medals and a member of the French institute, is dead. Captain Worth G. Ross, commandant of the revenue cutter service, will be retired May 1. for physical disability Seven hundred and fifty engineers on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad have been granted a 9 ror cent increase. HE SIGNS THE BILL 4 - ANTI-TRADING STAMPS MEASURE EFFECTIVE IN JULY. ACT MAY GO TO THE COURTS Primary Bill Will Receive Attention When Commission Bill Is Dis posed of Farmers' Co-operation Bill has Close Call. Governor Aldrich has signed H. R. 107, the anti-trading stamps and anti free gift enterprise bill which was passed by both houses of the legisla ture. The bill has no emergency clause and will become effective three months after ihe legislature adjourns. The governor is said to doubt the legality of the bill, but he believes it will be better for those Interested to test the bill in the courts of Nebraska than to continually maintain a lobby xnp aaaaaaaaa i 22SSSSSsJBBk3 sBIBB BBBBBBBBBBBVVc "ABBrB) - SBBsBBreF; - BsBl BBBBBP - iBH - iHRMsBsRBMJBRvwr Bb H'MBBBbXobBBbIbBbI ,ibbbbbbT1bH .gia-yawBBBisBsBBRdsBBfrsBBBBBBBBl ,bBBBBBw EkI?Ibwt3BbsMbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .m. && LbSbbbbIbbI BBBBBBBBBft Hxv BBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBk " SbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk jM InKBBBBBBBBBf bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW. JeVC s ?BBBBBBBBBBf k v ! ? TbrbbbbbbK bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"? w EHH bbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbb. iz& &KMmmm L x & bHR.bbS sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV yfjjys8fr kbbbbbbbbh W. B. BANNING Union, Nebraska State Senator, Fourth District at the legisiatui e. The Nebraska Re tailers" association asked for the pass age of the bill and manufacturers of prize packages trading stamp com panies had able lawyers on the ground to combat the bill and to question its constitutionality. Eager Wins Charter Fight. The troubles of the Iancaster coun ty delegation were aired at length be fore the house in discussion over the Lincoln charter bill, introduced by Eager. It was a case of Eager against the rest of the delegation and he won out. The chief bone of contention was over a proposed ciiange in the date of the spring election. Eager's bill pro xies for setting this date ahead to permit the men, in the Russian colony to vote before they leave for their summer's work in the beet fields. This has back of it the old "wet" and 'dry" fight in Lincoln, the Russians being supposed to favor the "wet" policy for the city. Had Up-Hill Work. Numerous efforts were made to get bills advanced in the house without the intervention of the sifting commit tee. Most of them were uniformly unsuccessful. Representative Quack enbush made a hard fight to have brought out the bill providing for a levy of a quarter of a mill for support of the state normal schools. He even had a special meeting of the sifting committee called, but could not get the bill through this. An effort was made to bring out the McKelvie bill appropriating $25,000 for a state pub licity bureau, but this failed. To Adjourn April 4. Members of the legislature awoke to the fact that they must do a prodi gious amount of work in a short time or remain in session for a consider ably longer period than is agreeable to most of tbem. This realization came with the report or the joint com mittee on adjournment. The committee agreed to an ad journment April 4, which will give two more weeks of work. This would probably mean actual adjournment about April 7 or S. The house again defeated an at tempt to kill the university medical school bill. Nearly an hour was spent in controversy over parliamentary pro cedure. The dispute revolved about the question of the right or the house to correct the Journal of yesterday to make it include the belated Ellis mo tion, seeking to reconsider the medical school bill. Responding to the senate's invita tion to take up the subject of adjourn ment. Speaker Kulil has appointed Leidigli. Fuller and Neir as members of the joint committee to fix the time for adjournment. Another Hotel BHl by Sink. Representative Sink, author of the nine-foot -bed sheet bill, has come for ward in behalf of the traveling men of the state. The hotel commission bill, sought by the traveling men's associations was brougbt out by the sifting committee as a result of a lit- j tie persj iration expended m its ucuul; by the Grand Island statesman. The bill was introduced by Bulla, k pro vides for a state commission to have general supervision over the sanitary arrangemeuts c hotels. Considerable difficulty was encount ered by friends of road biils in the senate, but most bf the trouble was in securing twenty-two votes necessary to pass the bills with emergency clauses. but friends of the bill say ! the date the bills are to take, effect I makes little difference. The bills passed were S. F. 371. for a state highway commission: S. F. 365. for a state levy for state aid in the con struction of new roads, the state to pay hair, the county 35 per cent and land owners benefited 15 per cent of the cost. Judicial Bills Recommended. Both pending judicial bills were recommended to pass, by the bouse committee of the whole. These are the Lee non-partisan judiciary bill and the Quackenbush bill providing for election of supreme court judges by districts and for an intermediary court of appeals. The vote on both bills was almost a, straight party line up. On the Lee non-partisan judiciary bill the vote stood 50 to 42 with eight absent. Hardin was the only republican voting for the bill, while Bnsee. Fries and Shoemaker were the only democrats voting against it. On the Quackenbush bill Allen. Hardin and Hasik. republicans, voted Tor it. and Fries. Riha and Shoemaker voted against it. The former bill may squeeze through with just enough votes to pass it. but the latter has lit tle show of passing. It is a constitu tional amendment and requires sixty votes. There are but fifty-four demo cratic members. Cordeal's Primary Bill. While the house- was passing a closed primary bill the senate was vot ing on Cordeal's primary bill, S. F. 201. The bill passed by a vote of 17 to 12. Kohl. Placek. Reagan and Tan ner, were the four democrats who, with thirteen republicans, passed the bill. Varner. republican, and Horton and Volpp were absent and not voting. The Cordcal bill provides two ways of placing candidates, first by political committees which are selected at pri mary elections, and petition of regis tercd party voters. Non-partisan Board. A final effort will be made to get through i he house the Ma trail non-partisan hoard or control bill, a measure which it is believed, answers more specifically the platform pledges of both democratic and republican par ties than any of the others now rend ing. As a step toward this effort, the voti defeating the bill, was reconsid ered and the bill was amended in com mittee of the whole to remove an ob jectionable feature. It has been again placed on the third reading calendar. Last Pay Day For Legislators. Members of the senate drew their last month's salary from the state on Tuesday. Either the $100 checks must be stretched over the remaining days that the senate is in session or the senators will dig down into their pockets and pay ror the privilege of serving the people or the state. Wed nesday is the sixtieth day. the last day or the session for which pay is pro vided. Employes of the senate are more fortunate and will continue to be paid as long as the session lasts. Funds for Secretary Smith. Buhnnan of Howard called up his motion offered Friday to give Secre tary W. H. Smith $1,200 for preparing the senate journal for publication and reading proof. Tibbcts of Adams of fered substitute motions to give the same amount but lo give $400 each to Secretary Smith. Assistant Secretary Walrath and Assistant Secretary Per kins. The substitute was defeated by a vote of S to 14. The original motion was then adopted without opposition. Amended. Ad Club Bill. The Ad club bill for the commission form of government has been amended by the senate so that the water board will be exempt from the operation ol the commission form of government in Omaha in the event that the bill passes the legislature and is adopted in Omaha. Will Be No District Attorneys. Placet's bill providing for seven teen district attorneys was kiiled by the senate and with this action went glimmering the hopes of several po litical gentlemen who have attended the legislature in the hope of framing up jobs for themselves. Passed Stock Yards Bill. The house finished up with the stock yards bone of contention by passing the Ollis bill by a vote or 71 to 21, eight being absent. The gover nor is expected to sign the bill as soon as it reaches him. Anti-Bucket Shop. The senate sifting committee placed on the general file S. F. Xo. 31S by Bartos or Saline. The bill provides that any person operating or patroniz ing a bucket shop shall be deemed guilty or a relony. Governor Signs Initiative Bill. Governor Aldrich has announced that he had signed senate file Xo. 1, the Skiles initiative and referendum resolution for a constitutional amend ment. A determined effort to kill the bill appropriating $100,000 for a building for the University Medical school in Omaha came near being successful and the bill squeezed through with just barely enough votes to pass it. The vote stood 51 to 41, with S ab sent. If the appropriation bill, carrying $100,000 for a new buildinc for the state medical college at Omaha, as well as Sl'0.000 for maintenance, reaches the senate, it will be passed in that body. Before the senate can give its indorsement to the measure, however, the house must pass the bill. In explanation of hi.- veto of the Taylor-Dolezal stock yards bill. Gov ernor Aldrich has issued a 1. ."Co-word statement stating that the ra?Iway commission has jurisdiction only over common carriers, while this bill called the stock yards "public markets." Unless the senate sifting committee sees fit to sift out senate file Xo. 318 in pretty short order. Frank Bartos promises to start something on the floor of the senate. This senate file Is Bartcs anti-bucket shop bill. It pro vides for the punishment of both the broker and the trader in transactions where actual delivery or commodity is net intended. Senator Bartcs says that several members of the committee have said that thc-y would put the bill on general file, but that they have delayed thia action. A SENATOR AT LAST JUDGE O'GORMAN CHOSEN BY A VOTE OF 112. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS SELECTS Wild Applause Marks End of Struggle and Legislature Adjourns to April 17. Albany. N. Y. Supreme Court Jus tice .lames Aloysios O'Gorman, demo crat, at New York City, was elected United States senator Friday night by the legislature alter the most pro tracted struggle over this position ever held in the Empire state. On the final ballot, the sity-fourtxh. he re ceived 112 votes to SO cast Tor Chaun cey M. Depew. whose term expired March 4. At the close or a day of almost con tinuous negotiations, the insurgents capitulated and Justice O'Gorman was elected. A few minutes before tho bal lot was cast Justice O'Gorman's resig nation from the bench was filed at the office of the secretary of state, as a constitutional proision would have preveMited his election while holding the office or justice of the supreme court. Wild applause marked the end of the long contest and the legislature, driven from the state capitol by Wed nesday's fire, quickly adopted a reso lution adjourning until April 17. Governor Dix expressed gratification at the result. Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, who rot weeks has been striving to bring about the election or Mr. Sheehan. ex pressed himself as highly pleased at the outcome. Thursdax night it was understood a senator would be selected Friday from a list of eleven submitted by the insurgents. Early in the morn ing .Mr. Murphy came to Albany .and instantly reports spread that Justice O'CWirman had been sclented as the choice ol" the democratic organiaztion. The insurgents, who had about made up their minds to enter the e-aucus on the assurauce that no names would be submitted outside or their list or eleven, balked at this changed program. They failed to appear at the morning caucus and a postponement was held untl ". in the afternoon. Meantime a committee representing the regulars was arguing with the insurgents who were in conference at the residence of their leader. Sen ator Roosevelt, and finally 14 of them voted to put an end to the struggle by accepting Justice O'Gorman. One insurgent did not vote, and the other eight were recorded against this proposition. THE RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE. Drastic Action is Taken by the Post master Geenral. Washington. Drastic action was taken by Postmaster General Hitch cock in effecting a reorganiatiozn of the railway mail service. A dozen or changes of the most important offi cers were made by Mr. Hitchcock as a result or carcrtil investigation and consideration. Theodore Ingalls or Kentucky, su perintendent or the division or rural mails, was appointed general super intendent or the railway mail service at $4,nno a year, in succession to Al exander Grant, who was transrerred to St. Paul as a division superintend ent, a reduction or ?3.iiii a year. Nor man Perkins, division superintendent at St. Paul, becomes superintendent r the Washington division, succeed ing Charles W. Vickery. who is ap pointed chief clerk or the Cincinnati diwsion. vice A. J. Hall, reduced to railway postal clerk. Mr. Bryan as Evangelist. Lima. O. William Jennings Bryan, speaking from the sawdust-covered floor in the tabernacle at an evangel istic meeting here Friday, took up the appeal of the evangelist in urging his C.000 hearers to a pubic profes sion or belief in the Christian religion. Bryan declined a seat on the plat form and sat down among the audi ence. Kansas Bank Closes. Thayer. Kans. The First Xational Bank r Thayer railed toi open Thurs day. On the door was posted a notice which stated that owing to irregulari ties in the accounts or S. M. Pickens, former cashier, the bank would re main closed pending investigation by national bank authorties. The Continental Congress. Washington. The Continental con gress of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, which meets here on April 17 to 22. will be formally re ceived by President and Mrs. Taft at the White House Wednesday after noon. April 19. OTTO RINGLING SHOWMAN DIES. Member of Firm Passes Away as Cir cus is Giving Performance. Xew York. Otto Ringling of circus fame died here Friday night at the home or h is brother, John, as the big show or which he was joint own er with his four brothers was giving its evening performance at Madison Square Garden. He was 51 years old. Death was due to uraemic poisoning. He will be buried Sunday arternoon at Baraboo. Wis., his birthplace, where the show has always wintered. The Iowa Senatorship. Des Moines. That the Iowa dead lock is fixed was demonstrated Friday when Kenyon showed his full strength of seventy, with seventy-eight neces sary to elect. Deemer received 33 votes. Porter 52. Total 155. What O'Gorman Will Do. Xew York. The new senator from Xew York will support ail the pro gressive policies of the democratic party and will join hands with Presi dent Taft in urging reciprocity with Canada and the fortification of the Panama canal. tfyoa find any stfc xfanr km mv haic mrtmhinousto' health made a fromhak- mg porter; In m ms can j fore, Calumet has been of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health found in the baking prepared with it,. Does not this and the fact that it complies with all pure food laws, both State and National, prove that Calumet it absolutely pure? With the purity question settled then Calumet is undoubtedly the best Baking Powder. It contains more leavening power; it is more uni form every can is the same. It assures better results and is moderate in price. Received Hif heat Award CALUMET BAKING POWDER CHARITY AND CHEWING GUM Disparity That Hardly Seems Credit able to the Generous Instincts of the Race. 'According to a statement before a meeting of the Women's Foreign Mis sionary society of the Presbytery of Washington an interesting statement regarding the money spent for chew ing giim and that given to charity was made. The speaker was Miss Mary W. Kerr of Harrisburg. Pa., in connection with the topic of "Fren zied Finance in Missions." In urging the society to be more liberal iu Its contributions to charitablo work, sho said: "For every $3,000 contributed to charity, 17.000 Is spent for chewing gum." Tho statement passed almost un noticed except by a few. who saw the pertinence and logic of the remark. DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA "Our little boy Gilbert -was troubled with eczema when but a few weeks old. His little face was covered with sores even to back of his ears. The poor littlo fellow suffered very much. Tho sores began as pimples, his lit tlo face was disfigured very .much. We hardly knew what he looked like. The faco looked like raw meat. We tied little bags of cloth over his bands to prevent hira from scratching. He was very restless at night, his little faco itched. "We consulted two doctors at Chi :ago, where we resided at that time. After trying all the medicine of the two doctors without any result, we read of the Cuticura Remedies, and at once bought tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Following tho directions carefully and promptly we saw the re sult, and after four weeks tho dear child's faco was as fine and clean as any little baby's face. Every one who saw Gilbert after using the Cuticura Remedies was surprised. He has a head of hairwhich is a prido for any boy of his age, three years. We can only recommend the Cuticura Reme dies to everybody." (Signed) Mrs. II. Albrecht. Box SS3, West Point, Xeb., Oct. 2C. 1910. Send to Potter Drug & Client. Corp., sole props., Boston, Mass.. for free 32 page book, a guide to skin and hair health. Ud to Him. i Tom I'm dead sore. I lost $5 to- ' day. I feel like somebody ought to kick me. Tess (absently) Why don't you ask j father for ?ay hand tonight he's right in the library. Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching, and if you don't think you do better work, in less time Mid at smaller cost, return it and your grocer will give you back your money. Seems to Be Wrong. Howell Whatever is is right. Powell But suppose a fellow soaks you with his left? Hamlin's Wizard Oil i recommended l.v many plivsician. It i u-ed in manv pul lie and private hospital. WIiv not keep a bottle on hand in jour own home? Here's a tip. young man. Convince a girl that she shouldn't love you, and she will. lIE.tS CrREt IX TO 14 DAYS Tonnln-vuiNt will r.-tunl nx.n.-j if I'AZU cil.NT MK.VT tail t nri an ras. f Itctnwr. ItHrvl. Uiordlni: or I'rutrudlntc lil) In G lo U d.ij . i'- The vacant room at the top is due to the fact that there is no elevator service to help the lazy man. Women's Secrets There is one man in the United States who fs perhaps heart more women's secrets than any other man or woman ia the country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, but the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr. R. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation of advice and help. That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of oil women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if the cases treated were numbered by hundreds ecly. But whea that record applies to the treatment of morethan hali-a- mil lion women, in a nractice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal. and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by woaaca, as the first of specialists in the treatment of women's diseases. Every sick womaa may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely withosc charge. AH replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain eavelopes, withooC any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear aa with out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Preac, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE AUTOMOBILES DURABLE .( Swiftst ECONOMICAL IfWi Kt ATTRACTIVE Ji?ppP9gK SSSTi LASTING WSW ZSE&. Manufactured by DEAL MOTOR VEHICLE CO., Jonesville, Mich. Bradley, Merriam & Smith, Cwncil BSuf fc, la.. Western Distributers for Deal and Imperial Avtes i a models. S:ooo to $;ooo. Get our free catalogs before buying. Agents wanted. $1 it for .you backed for vears bv an offer World's Pore Food Expoaitieaj htttllUK PROOF POSITIVE. "There are a lot of girls here who don't ever intend to get married." "How do you know?" "I've proposed to several!" A Dramatic Critic. "And what is your father's business, my littte man?" asked Rev. Fourthly, as he made his morning call on the In fant class. "He's a dam-at-it kick-It," said the little chap, whose father wrote dra matic criticism for a newspaper. Har per's Weekly. The busiest thins In the world la Idle curiosity. For a disordered liver, take Garfield Tern, the Herb la.xatne. All Iniggi-t.-. Yesterday is certain; tomorrow, un certain: today, half and half. JiWi in the Morning! We tell you about how good you'll feel after taking a CASCARET that millions of people buy. use and recommend them But that's talk you buy a box now take as directed to-night and get the proof in tho morning After you know CASCARETS you'll never be without them. rSCAIJETS NV n box for n Trwk'H trt-alinriit.iiIIUrumrlHts. HitfK'st Nfllrr iu ike norltl. Million boles u uiuuth. Splendid Crops in Saskatchewan ( Waster Canada) BOO Bushels from 20 acres of wheat wu the thresher s return from a Lloyd I minster farm in the season of 1910. Mnny fields in that nswelt as other districts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu shels of wheat to the acre. Utner grams in proportion. URGE PROFITS re tfaus derived Iron the FIEE MKSTKAD LANDS of Western Canada. 'nii -i.i-'.lrnt fthuHlnir came priren to advance. Laml vulut-H BlHItliU IHUUl'in IB" Iran umr. .raln Knwinc.iiilrl farm In r. rnttl- ntlniMKUiiil diilry Inic are hII iriitah!. Free llwmrntrailaor 1 SO arrare to It hail In the tiry l-ftt tllstrlrtH: llarre pre-emic tlimiitt3.0lr iiernrrewltn In certain area. S-hooI(anl rliiirrlie III every Aettle iiirnt. rllmate unexrelleu. will ilierlhit:wMMl. water and l.iilldlnjf material iilrntlful. . . . .. Kor particular as to location, low wttlrr. railway rat- nml l-scrtptlTO UlUMrateil pamphlet. I--st Jtfst WVst." and oirr in formation, wrltr tuSup't of Imnil irnitlon. Ottawa, fanarta. or to Canadian Uuvurnment Aent- W. V. BENNETT Bee Bulldini Omaha. Neb. (l"s aildre nearest you 1 S3 FOR ALL SME EYES DEFIANCE STARCH for starchinc Hnebt linen. LESCRIlTIOK lio BALL BEARING THROUGHOUT a1ik15 S! V KvN af m c7iHn 111 LW'M t 1 XoflaPor V