The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 05, 1911, Image 1

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240 A6RES
oi the best laud
in the valley, the
Wm. M. Mason
For Sale with
wiHH "
Wheat -''
White Corn :'l
Yellow Corn Ml
Hogs, top.
.5.70 to $5 DO
Fill of the .Journal April 10, 1&7.S.
.los Bticher Iijih u mill site hi mile
norili of the city anil one-half mile uet
of Andrew Mutthis 11 beg""' wosk
on the nice this week.
'I'lit othor day we hoard n man rem uk
that, ho wished Russia ami Kugliitid
wmihl go t war, an he had fourteen
bushels of wheat to nell.
Tho native "Hickory Shad" is wry
nearly equivalent to no lish at all. Wo
would like to hear from A. .1. Arnold to
know if the Htosk can be improved.
More tieos planted in Nebraska this
ai than ever before. There are fewer
"utieks" bold, and people nn learning
nature's method of growing fruit.
It is now prosposod Jo liiutti a toll
bridge over the L mp opposite Silver
Oreck. toll tickets to be sold now to
raise money for the prospective bridge.
Among matter discussed nt li.e last
neetiuu of tlie directors of the Agriuul
mtiil Nuciely wiib that of offering prem
iums for farm crops and a model farm
During the month of March, ls7S, the
mean temperature was : HI decrees
Inches hf ram 01 tio'llid mum measured
1 .", ami snowfall I inrlifs Many
farmeiH liave don yeodine. and the e.irly
now ii giaiii looks inte i-een. The
uroiind wan fto,01 on I he 2t!i and :;ist.
Vcr lmy dining th- montii. ,iu I by
extensive prairie tiro.
Route No. 4.
I. F. Doiioghue shipped a car of
cattle and hoes from the Winslow spur
Tuesday eeiimg.
rmmlliN llu.ciii. who is attending
luihiness college in Columbus, bpent
Sunday at hoim.
Mrs. Kiln PoiiHchel lliuiiti viMted :i
lew das with Mr. and Mis. Karl But-eh
Marriage Licenses.
Forrest L. Sanders. Mler Creek til
C'leiiiinie .1. Beaty, Gibbon 21
Francis W. Fesler, Madison ".
K(imI;. Brand. Madis a 'St
Route No. I.
Farmers are busy with : liter seeding.
Grandfather Llenry G Kiieocheii re
tu mod last week from Cre.tou. where
he had been to yet ni'piiiintid with hm
new grand daughter.
Tuesday of thus week, Adolph l'V.e.-e
and Henry Landwehr marketed hoys m
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Sign Writing a Specially
With the exception of the couneilnia
nic tights in the Third and Fourth
wards, the city election Tuesday was
a very tame affair. In the First ward,
the democratic stronghold, butsoventy
two votes were cast, and in the Second,
which is also heavily democratic, but
fifty nine votes were polled. In the
Third ward, where democratic major
ities have been the rule since the city
was divided iuto four wards, E E.
Bergman, the republican candidate for
the council, won over his democratic
opponent. Okas. W. Freeman by four
votes, the total being 12U for Bergman
and 1H5 for Freeman. The total vote in
this ward wns2). In the Fourth ward
George Winslow, the present council
man, had been renominated by the re
publican, and he wa. opposed by G. It.
Prieb, the democratic nominee, who was
elected by a majority of twenty-live, the
vote being Prieb 121, Winslow !)!, and
the total vote of the ward 2:11. On the
remaining part of the ticket there was
no republican opposition, and the fol
lowing were elected Louis Held, mayor:'
Win. O'Brien, police judge; Wm.
Becker, city clerk: Walter Boettcher
treasurer, l J. McCaffrey, water com
missioner; Charles Wurdeman, engineer.
For the school hoard, there was no op
position, and Charles L. Dickey, republi
can, and Louis A. Lachnit, democrat,
were elected.
Fred Babcock of this city will repre
sent the East Centrul Nebraska Dis
trict Oratorial association at the state
oratorial contest, which will be held
about May 1. Fred won the honors here
and was selected to represent Columbus
at the district contest, at Fremont, and
at that place he won over six other con
testants from Schuyler, Waterloo, North
B-nd. I'iiitiKinouth, Wahoo and Scrib-n.-i
lj8i(ks the honor ir representing
the district at the state contest, he was
awarded a very nice gold medal. Those
who accompanied Fred to Fremont were
Superintendent Campbell and I'rof.
Collet of the city eckools, and the Mis6es
Dora Babcork and Mamie Elliott The
state orHtorial contest, which is held at
some point where there is a contestant,
will come to Columbus if the efforts of
Superintendent Campbell are successful.
He has been working hard to secure it,
ami at present the prospects are good
for it being held here.
beginning with next Sunday, April U,
the Columbus post oflicc will be closed
ou Sunday. This is in accordance with
a communication from the the depart
ment at Washington, and it is in line
with the recommendations of the post
master general to congress. The ollice
will not be entirely closed, however, as
all incoming and outgoing mail will be
worked, ami two of the regular clerks
will bit on duty during the day. lno
door will be open from 8 a. tit . to 2 p.
m . and those having boxes will be able
to -t. their mail during that time. The
genei id delivery will also be open, but
onh for one hour, from 1 to 2 p. m.,
and this will be for the deliveiy of im
portaut mail only. Il-retofore two of
the regular city earners have been on
duty each Sunday, ami patrons of the
city routes were given their mail. Un
dei the new order this will be done
away with, ami the new rules observed.
Ed Saudall. living south of Silver
Greek, had a narrow escape from death
Saturday night in the Union Pacific
yards. While under the inlluenee of
liquor he attempted to board No. 57, the
Omaha local, as it was coming into town.
He was between the signal lower and
Washington avenue and caught hold of
one of the rods on a freight car. As
the train was moving at a good rate of
speed, he was thrown from his feet and
dragged along side of the car for about
fourty feet, his coat catching on the box
at the end of the axle. He was con
siderably bruised and alo suffered a
fracture of the skull After the acci
dent he was taken to St. Mark's -hospital,
and given medical aid. and at pre
sent is getting along very well. When
the accident was tlrst reported, it was
thought that he had been btruck by a
passenger train, but this was an error.
D.iVid Thomas returned Monday from
his oUonded visit in California and the
west. Much of his time wns spent at
Los Angeles, and during his stay there
he met many of tho old time Columbua
people. On a trip to Mexico he was at
Tiajunna on the day the papers reported
that the place would be attacked, aud
he said there was plenty of ecitement
theie Mr. Thomas is very much plead
ed with California, iu fact, so much so
tlm he will probably make his home
there, ami at least upend the winters in
that state, as he says it is the only
place for a person of advanced years.
In a letter received by Columbus
friends from J. N. Kilian, he says he is
now stationed at Galveston, Texas, and
is m charge of purchasing the supplies
lor loriy mousanu meu. vjapiuiu ivu
ian was at St. Louis and had been order
ed to the Philippines, but the orders
were changed to Galveston, Texas. .1 list
how long he will remain there he does
not know.
Easter Handkerchiefs. Ladies' fine,
sheer pure linen handkerchiefs oc.
Fancy and plain handkerchiefs 10c, 15c,
20c, 75c to si.oo at Gray 8.
Otto Kinder shipped his household
goods to Omaha last .week, and with bis
family departed for that city, where he
will make his futnre liome.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13th St.
Dr. Morrow, ollice Lueechen building.
Baled hay for sale. Ernst .t Brock.
Will Heuer was a Fremont caller last
The latest in shirts for epriug at Ger-harz-Flynn
Plain und fancy sewitig Miss Gragert
olf, East 1 1th st.
Bed Oxide the best ham paint on
earth, at Leavy's.
Dr. C. A. Allenhnrger, offioe in new
State Bank building.
Shoes repaired while you wail. S.
Uurwitz, :;8I Weal 11th.
Duchess Silk hose Lisle top and foot,
price 5Uc, at Gray's.
Low prices, artistic -work and new
styles at Stires Millinery.
Elton Dickinson was a Sunday visitor
at the home of hie parents.
Dr. L P. Cnrsteneon, Veterinarian, In
firmary, 11th and KuminerSta.
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Washburn return
ed Monday from Nebraska City.
Uerbie Clark of Creston was u gueet
at the A. W. Clark home Thursday.
Messrs Earl aud Walter LaViolette
left Sunday for their nome at Omaha.
Eugene Clark and Will Moersen left
Monday for a week's outing at Eaney's.
A nice line of wedding rings just re
ceived . -Carl Froemel, Eleventh street
The now ami nobby styles for 1911 in
hats and caps are found at Gcrharz
Flynn Co.
AH the now shapod, new braids, now
colore everything the latest at Stires
Chas Smyers went to Monroe Satur
day evening to visit with home folks
oyer Sunday.
Miss Martha llirshbrunner returned
Tuesday from Genua, ufler a few days
visit with friend.
Mrs. Irvin Carroll of Genoa was the
1 gueet of Miss Marguerite Becher last
Thursday between trains.
Miss Tillio Schneider has accepted a
position at the Mercantile store and
began her duties Saturday.
Miss Blanch Houser, accompanied by
her mother of Genoa were Columbus
visitors Wednesday between trains.
Policeman Frank ilagel entered St.
Mary's hospital Monday of this week,
where he will undergo an operation for
MrP. W. N. Henuley returned bsl week
from a four mouthb' sojourn with her
daughter. Mrs. Kuby Browne, at Ocean
Park, Oil., a suburb of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Orrie Woods left Tuesday for
Lincoln to join her husband, who re
cently left for that place, where he is
employed in the Union Paeilic shopB.
Mrs. Bout Speire and eiiildren who
have spent the last reveral month with
her sibter. Mrs. A (i Lueeclieu, at
Bakerlield, Call., retiirtird !o her home
last Thursday.
Matt Allison wae up in police court
last Friday, a complain' having been
tiled by Anna Briggs, charging him with
malicious destruction of property. The
case was continued for ten days.
.1. K. North, who is on his way from
California to Nebraska, will not arrive
here until about th- first week in May,
as he will go to Wenatehee, Wash., to
visit relatives for a short time.
Barney Byrne has disposed of his
place to Jacob Schaaf of Elgin, Neb.,
who has an application for a license at
Barney's old location. Mr. Byrne has
sold his residence to Dr. O. D. Evans.
For sale Elm, ash, honey locust eat
alpa, aud Russian mulberry trees of dif
ferent sizes at Albert Stenger's farm, al
so u few maple and walnut trees, price
according to size from 10 to ."0 cente.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Ernst, living south of Duncan,
died Monday of this week, and was
buried Wednesday, funeral services be
ing conducted by Rcv.Braun at the home
of the parents
With the advent of the bank guaran
tee law, which was upheld by the United
States supreme court, but one bauk in
this city The Columbus Stato Bank, is
affected by it. And it is using this fact
in its advertising to good effect.
Con Keating, who has been at St.
Mary'H ho?pitnl for the last three weeks
and underwent an operation for appen
dicitis, was compelled to undergo an
other operation Wednesdav, ami his
condition is yet considered eerious.
Miss Rosa Leavy, who has just com
pleted the course of etudy and success
fully passed the required examination,
and is now a registered pharmacist,
returned home last week, and is now
employed in her father's drug Btore.
Work on the new government post
office buildiug has been resumed since
the weather has become favorable, and
will soon be under headway. Superin
tendent Dirham, who is looking after the
government's interests, ban returned
from a short vacation he took while
J work was suspended.
Your Expense
will It.;! a small item if the
monthly rent checks arc omit
ted. Have you as yet solved
the problem whereby this item
of expense called "rent" can be
termed a profit, and ultimately
make you a home owner.
If you will take this matter
up with our Secretary he will
explain our method of making
your rent item a profit.
The Equitable
Building, Loan and
Savings Association
Office with
Elliott-Speicc-Echols Co.
Word received by relatives from Pan!
Ilagel, who was operated on at the Mayo
hospital in Itochester, Minn., says that
he is getting along very well and is on
the road to recovery.
Messrs. Emil Schwarz and Paul Hop
pen returned Monday from Denver and
other parts in Colorado, after a ten
day's Bight seeing, and left Tuesday for
Kearney where they expect lo remain for
the present.
Miss Lizzie Green, accompanied by
her grandmother, Mrs. Greeu, and two
little brothers of Genoa, where the
gue6ts of Mr. and Mrs. Chris From Iaet
Friday, they beiug enroute to North
Platte to visit with relatives for a week
or teu days.
Wednesday afternoon Ed Giersdorf.
was before tho boird of insauity, charg
ed with being a dipsomaniac, and as a
result of the hearing, was committed to
tho asylum at Lincoln, lie is twenty
five years of age aud his father filed the
complaint .
Forest L. Saudero of Silver Creek and
Clemmie .1. Beatty of Gibbon were unit
ed in marriage at the Methodist parson
age last Thursday evening, the ceremony
being performed by ths pastor, Rev. O.
W. Ray. They will reside in Silver
Creek, where the groom is iiuployed as
a carpenter.
Work of getting tho base ball grounds
in readiness for the spriug tryuiit has
been under way during tho last wtek.
The last of the two ears of clay is lieing
spread out over the diamocd, and this
will materially help in drying the
groumlH after a heavy rain. April :!
the trying out will begin and Manager
Corbett 1ms seventeen meu on the list.
A new pitcher, Meirit Spaid of Hawar
den. III., was signed up last Friday and
he will report with the remainder of the
Burlington Agent L. F. Reet-ir Bold
hiB residence property, on West Seven
teenth street, to .1. E Kauffman, the
consideration being SJ.bOO.. This does
not mean that Mr. Hector will leave
Columbus, as he will btill continue to
occupy the property. But in three or
four weeks, in fact, as soon as he is re
lieved, he expects to take an extended
vacation and make a trip through the
west with the purpose of inventing in
weetern land, lie will combine busi
ness with pleasure us this will bo one of
the few vacations which he has enjoyed
since entering the employ of the Burl
ington over twenty-five years ago.
Tuesday of this week, Charles Everett
an experienced hotel man, was installed
as manager of the Thurston hotel. This
does not indicate that Mr. L'jlmian will
sever his connections with the hotel, but
Mr. Everett will have charge of the busi
ness. The annex to the hotel, which
has b'.en under construction for the last
several months, was partially complet. d
this week and twenty of the rooms turn
ed over, reudy for the furnishings, which
is well under way. The store nn :ub,
which are not yet completed, have as jet
not been leased, although Mr. Lehman
says he had a number of applications for
" tlTAT .
M ' - . -?r fifl
is alone good enough for our custo
mers. Wc have been in this business
in Columbus for many years and have
learned by experience many points in
the coal trade which makes it possible
for us to serve you betterchcaper and
more satisfactory than anybody else.
Mrs. M. F. Burke, formerly of this
county, but later a resident of Anaconda,
Mont., died in that city Friday. Marob
31, death being caused by heart trouble.
Mrs. Burke's maiden name was Dora flu
gan, and she was bora in Ireland Dec
ember 2, 18(51. With her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Hogan, she came to
America and Platte county iu 1871 und
lived on the old homestead on Shell
Greek, northwest of this city until her
marriage to Martin Burke October '.".,
1890. Then they moved to Omaha,
which was their home for beveral years,
before going to Anaconda. She leaves
besides her husband, three brothers and
three sister.-, Timothy. Martin and Ste
phen Hogan, Mrs. John Sullivan aud
Agnes Hogan of ColumbuB, and- Mrs
George Godkin of Neligh. Mrs. Burke's
body, accompanied by her husband was
brought here from Anaconda for burial
and funeral services will be held at St.
Bonaventure's cnurch Thursday morn
ing at nine o'clock, and will be conduct
ed by Father Marcelliuua.
At the regular meeting of the board of
education Monday evening provision
was made for those who reside outside
of the city limits and desire to take part
in the school elections. It was provid
ed that they should vote at the nearest
polling place to their residence at elec
tions tor jnembers of the board of educa
tion. Miss Theora Marsh of Hebron,
Neb., and Miss Ella Vollsteadt or Pern
were elected primary teachers. For the
Third and Fourth grades Mies D.ira B.
Zook of Uowells, Neb., was selected and
Miss Clara Weaver of this city was also
elected, her assignment to be made later.
Mrs. Martha Watts was again elected to
her old position in the Fourth and
Fifth grades. Ralph W. Kerr, a gradu
ate of Oberlin, O , college, was elected
science teacher. This position in for
mer years b8s been filled by a lady
teacher, but this year the board depart
ed from the old custom.
About a month ago a complaint was
tiled in Police Judge O'Brien's court,
charging W. J. Lueschen, a Creston sa
loon keeper, with malicious destruction
of property. Wm. Englebart, who owus.
a restaurant and pool hall in that village,
wb6 the complaining witness. Lueechen
passed through this a day or two after
the wnrrant was issued, und as he was on
his way to Hot Springs Ark., to see his
wife, he was granted a continuance of
thirty days, and Thursday of last week
the case was up fore trial. Englebart
complained that Lueechen had thrown
brick, bottles, and other mieslea at his
place of business and broken the win
dows, but the evidence was circumstan
tial, ami after beiug out about an honr
the jury returned a vcrdJct of acquittal.
lo district court the Uniou Pacific
railroad, Conductor Fred Mapps and
Engineer Juck Dolan are made defend
ants in a Buit for 30,01)0 damages, filed
by Mary Foreman, widow of John Fore
man. who was run over at Platte Center
on December D, 1010, by the Norfolk
passenger train and died that night from
injuries received. The petition alleges
that Foremau was iutoxicated when the
company sold him h ticket ami that it
was the duty of the trainmen to seo that
he left the train in safety, the ground
being covered with snow and ice at the
time. Reedcr & Lightner are the at
torneys for the plaintiffs', who, besides
the widow are seven minor children,
from three months to eighteen years of
Next Sunday, April !, will be the
annual confirmation at the German Ev.
Protestant church, and Pastor Neumar
ker will confirm a class of thirteen .
The services will begin at 10 a. m., and
a cordial invitation is extended. Fol
lowing are the members of the class.
Wilhelm Schwontje, Jacob Gerher.
Otto Husmann, Emil Saalfeld. Willie
Egger, John Luchsincer, Albert Melli
ger, Louis Blaser, Rachel Nauenherg.
Margaret Meyer, Thirzi Ricder, Rosa
Schwantje and Helen Greiner.
Work of removing the remainder of
the meat market fixtures from the Fit.
patrick building, was commenced this
week, snd they will be taken to Clarke.
As soon as this is completed the room
will be put in readiness for the Columbus
Mercantile company to move their chinn
department into it. The Mercantile
company have not been in a hurry for
the room, as their fixtures, which they
will ubo, have not arrived as there has
been some delay in factory so they
could not be shipped.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Beaty of Cedar
Rapids passed through this city Monday
with the body of their son Guy, who
died at St Josph's hospital in Omaha
Saturday. Guy, who was about seven
teen yeare of age, was stricken with
pneumonia about the middle of January,
never fully recovered, and he was taken
to the hospital for an operation. Fun
eral services were held in Cedar ltaprds
Tuesday, Mre. Beatj-, Guy's mother,
is a sister of Fred Curtis of this city.
. A fishing party from thiB city, com
noEed of George Fairchild, L. F. Phil-
lipps, George Winslow, P. J. McCaffrey,
George Turner aud James e!son, are
enjoying a two weeks' outing on Buck
Island. They send in reports of excep
tion luck Saturday and Sunday, their
catch being over sixty-five, mostly pike.
Miss Tillia Schneider returned last
Friday from Duncan, where she baa
been visiting relatives and friends for
1 the past four weeks.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Entertainment Course Committee
or the Y M. C. A. have Bigned the con
tract for the course for this next season.
Four btrictly first class numbers are to
comprise the course any one of which
will brt worth the price for the whole
course. Look over the list and decide
now that they may count on you for a
course ticket. Francis J. Honey, the
San Francisco prosecuting attorney who
hunted graft"eo vigorously that his life
was sought as the result. Montaville
Flowers iu Life Lectures with Illustra
tive Acting is well known in ColumbuB
and those who have heard him twice ae
anxious la hear hitu again. Edward.
Amherst Ott, the Purposeful Orator
with lectures that he has delivered
hundreds of times is still traveling with
.ill dates filled. His humor und wit
make even his heavy lectures an enter
tainment. The Chicago Glee Club has
not ehanged its personnol in eleven
years and have given return dates iu
over thirty cities and as high as ten re
turn dates in some of these places
Every single number costs more than the
highest priced number of last year and
every number is backed by a positive
gnarntee of satisfaction.
Congregational Church.
The study of the hereafter is at the
same time the most interesting and the
hardest of New Testament. It is made
so for two reasons the teaching of New
Testament in regard to the hereafter is
not only broad but fails to foens on a
single point. The man who wishes to
toy with doctrine has always found am
ple here. It would not be bard to com
pile passages to prove the annihila
turn of the wicked, universal, sal
va'ion, limited salvation. That hell is
is eternal or limited to man's attitude to
to God. That hell isa burning furnace
of fire or the lire of remorse in ones soul.
Equally as many different doctrines may
be drawn from New Treatment in re
gard to heaven. But this study is
made bard again because it is outside of
man's experience Experience is one of
the greatest interpreters of religious
teaching. The person who has passed
through conversion and is in the stages
of regeneration is able to teach from ex
perience. The man who was born in
Platte county und has driven over the
county step by step Iibb no need of a
map. He has the map of experience.
Jesus said "We speak the things we
know." When Paul was twitted of be
ing mad he said: "I am not mad but
speak wordB of truth." The only way lo
come to a wise conclusion in regard to
tlu? hereafter is to take the passages of
scripture study them in their context,
learn if possible what the author had in
mind when he wrote them. Consider
Christ's attitude to fallen men while iu
the world Study God's altitude lo
wanderiug men through the agcB then
give the preponderance of thought the
possibility of being correct.
The pastor of the Congretionul church
will ilis-juBs this theme next Sunday
eveniug. at eight o'clock, from the sub
ject "Tlie Mun God Created ami His
Development Mau anil His Hereafter.
This is the last sermon of this series.
The morning theme will he: Palm
Sunday Christ and the City Paoblem.
We invite you to these services.
.William L. Diiuilk, Minister.
Methodist Church Notice
The Sunday morning church service
is always helpful and inspiring, and we
welcome you to this meeting at 11 a. m.,
and the topic is "God Honors Those
Who Honor Him." Sunday school at
noon Epworth league at 7 p. in.
Evening service at 8 p. m , nnd the the-
mn will be. "Man in Search o
.f V!nma
.v ..... w
Coveted Treasure. Special music
morning and evening sermon.
Route No. 5.
Ivreuger Bros, are getting ready to
build a new house.
Frank Olcott has a machine run by
horse power, for loading Ih'b manure
spreader. It is something new and a
great time 6aver.
Lust Friday afternoon the assessors
from the various precincts in the county
met at the court honse, in response to a
call from County Assessor Clark, this
being the annual meeting of the assessors
prior to their beginning the spring work.
As there has been no changes in the
law. there were no new suggestions, the
meeting being called to talk over com
parative values and for the assessors to
receive their necessary supplies.
A delegation of Modren Woodmen,
representing the Columbus camp, went
to Lindsay Wednesday at attend the
county convention of the order, which
is being held there. Delegates to the
stale convention will ba chosen and
no doubt Columbus will have ucandid
ate for this place.
W. M. Brown, who has been engaged
in barber business in Columbus for a
numbeaof years, and recently sold bis
shop on Twelfth 6trcet, will locate in
Grand Island, as he has practically made
a deal for a shop in that city.
D. Schupbach returned Monday of
this week from New Orkane, La., where
be bad been on business connected with
the lumber company in which he is in
terested. Mrs. A. C. Ball of south Colnmbu?, is
very sick v:lh append jcitj9.
of Deposits
LAW is now in effect in Ne
braska. Our highest court has
said that this law is good.
This is the oldest and largest
Bank in the county whose de
positors will receive protection
under this law.
Columbus State Bank
Capital ftSmrplas, S85.000.0O
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Bloek.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. Matzen, dentist, over Niewohner'B.
See our new line of wall paper. Leavy.
Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
Mr. John Speicher has accepted a po
sition with the Greisen Bros.
Mrs. Dennis Harrington of Duncan
was a Columbus caller Monday.
Dr. W. R. Neiimarker, office with Dr
C. D. Evans, west side of Park.
A. Ii McKeen of Omaha was a Co
lumbus visitor the latter part of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sheldon are rejocing
over the arrival of u daughter Monday of
this week.
Take a look at some of Gerharz-FIynn
Co'a. nifty spring Biiitu for young mun
and boys.
The Stires millinery is popular be
cause it is correct and embodies all the
latest ideas.
Guns, amunitiou, tents, also all kindB
of repairing. V. E. Rohricb, new loca
tion 1207 Platte street.
Miss Anna Glnr returned home from
Omaha Saturday after a weeks' visit
with relatives und friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Grimes of Clarkb
spent Sunday ut the home of Mrs.
Grimes's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AugUBt
Miss Anna Smith arrived Saturday
evening from Crete, Ncbr, to viBit with
her mother, who is a patient at St.
Marys' hospital.
The Franklin Merchandise company
has rented the west room of the Harms
building on Twelfth street, and will op
en up a tailoring business.
Miss Marie Chissell arrived Monday
from New York, and is a guest at the
home of Mrs. Adolph Jaeggi. Mit-s Chis
sell will make an extended visit here.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Wages, four dollars a week.
Girl will be given an opportunity to
learn the French language. Mrs Albert
Tom Carson and John Governer were
before Police Judge O'Brieu on April 1,
charged with being intoxicated, and they
were each assessed $1 and costs, which
they paid.
Kavser's Ladies' silk hose, price SI. U0.
Mt. ::.00, Ladies' silk Lisle hose, black
and colors, 25c to b0o. Misses and in
fants silk ;hose 50c and $1.0(1 at
Will Hall, who accompanied Paul
Uagel to Rochester. Minn., returned
home Tuesday evening, and reportB that
Mr. Ilagel is getting along nicely, and is
expected to return home in about two
weeks .
We have the agency for th
famous Mousing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to W.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, tl and $1.25.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2.50 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete.