Route No. 3. Joe Coupons, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coupons, is very low with ap pendicitis. The wind of Sunday played havoc with the wimlmiil at the home of Fred Beblen, jr. Mi8 Louise Seefeid is now ut, the home of Mr. und Mra. Win. Kruiulaud in Columbus. Peter LutjenB shipped u car of hogs to South Omaha Tuesdu. loading them ut Platte Center. Herman SunnJers is toj-mrnius in Pueblo, Cd., und we understand that if the country suits huu and he can rind a desirable locntiou, he will make his home then. Monday Peter rich mi it's mule team took a spin around the (dock in Coluui bus, starting nenr the E'evator Boiler Mills. No damage was cue, except to the express wagon tbey 6truck. Marriage Licenses. Wm. Ros Urimes, Cirke, Neb 24 Lena Carolina Boettcucr, Columbus. -2 llenry lioL-ttcher, Columbus -16 Lizzie Lunsford, Omaha tf'J Burton .Mount, Columbus '52 Qrace L Flemmuig, Columbus !4 Quetave Hoeseel, Creston 21) Maragret M. Liittlemann, Creston.. 12-' Henry L Schult, Uellwood J3 Sarah L Styer, Ht-llwood 21 Andrew Lcgler, Schuyler 23 Minnie Schroeder, Sehuyler 20 Mostly Sound and Fury. His honor. Judge Samuel D. Wad dy. K. C. who ended liis life as a county court judge, was a noncon formist and a preacher. When he had preached his first sermon. E. E. Crispe, the author of "Reminiscences of a K. C." says he returned to the paternal home hoping to receive his father's congratulations. At the midday meal there was an ominous silence. This the young man at last broke by appealing "Father!" "Yes. Samuel," said the good man thus appealed to. "I have heard your sermon. There was not much theol ogy In it." "No. father." "Nor was there much divlnitv." "No. father." "Nor description of Biblical char acter." "No. father." "Nor explanation of difficult lems." prot "No. father." "Not much expounding." "No. father." "Well, Sam." said the father, with mild irony, "don't you think there ought to have been something in It?" Toronto Mail and Empire. Be Optimistic. There Is much in the past which we suggest ought to encourage us to face the unknown future hopefully and con fidently. The pessimists are very vo cal in our midst, they doubtless play a useful part in reminding us of our Imperfections, but none the less a look backward recalls to us the line of a well-known hymn: "Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take." We hope we need hardly say that we are not arguing for any careless view or life or its respon sibilities. We think thero is a real need for an increased seriousness in rertain sections of the community in order that we may more nearly attain the level of the ideal state in which ?ach of its members contributes some thing to its service. Let us be anxious about the future. Westminster Ga zette. World's Greatest Oil Well. The scene in the Potrero del Llano dWrict, a few miles above here, where the biggest oil wel! in the world has bei active since January ::, lfln. can not be adequately described. Imagine a solid column of oil shooting to a height of more- than four hundred and fifty feet from a hole In the earth, with a mist of minute globules car ried by the wind for more than ten miles settling down upon the vege tation and forming pools of oil within that radius: then a great lake of the fluid four miles long by three miles wide and formed by means of an earthen dam hastily thrown across a natural reservoir, and at the lowest depression of the bank of this lake a channel several feet wide leading into the Tuxpan river, through which the overflow of oil from the wonderful geyser is constantly going to waste. Tuxpaw (Mexico) Dispatch. Valuable Knowledge. "And these?" we asked, as w were ushered into a room filled with children deeply immersed in stud v. "They are learning." said the prin cipal, "the difference 'twixt tweedle dum and tweedledec!" We were not a little struck. "Rut is the game." we objected, "worth the candle?" "Oh, entirely so!" rejoined the prin cipal, "when they grow up th-v will be able, with very little assistance from the agent, to distinguish a car of the current year's model from a car of the year previous, thus to save themselves much humiliation and loss of social rating." Puck. Like Moving Picture Shows. Marionette or puppet theaters, for merly well beloved by the Italian resi dents from memories of their old home, have disappeared in New York. being replaced by the moving picture shows, but the mythological and le gendary dramas familiar in the van ished playhouses are still preserved and in more effective form by the films of the biographs. Rings Replace Straps. A newly invented substitute for the street car strap is a series of iron rings, attached to a bar running the length of the -car. Each ring is fas tened with a spring, and returns to a uniform position when the hand Is withdrawn from it The rings are not sightly, but their cleanliness attracts. a polished white surface being kept well scrubbed bj the transportation companies which have adopted them. STRANGE COURT TRIAL CHIMPANZEE IS DEFENDANT WEST AFRICAN TRIBUNAL. IN "John" Pleads Guilty to Having Stolen Sweets and Is Sentenced to Three Months' Confinement in Prison. The following strange incident is re lated by Capt. George A. Briggs and occurred during hie stay on the west coast of Africa about ten years ago. A chimpanzee named John, who was owned by a high official, one day broke from his chain and, strolling uncon cernedly down the main thoroughfare, scattered the crowds before him. A native woman who was vending dain ties dropped her tray and even for getting her small child fled with the crowd. The chimpanzee soon spied the tray of dainties and devoured them in a most convincing manner. The child, seeing all the sweets disappear, at tacked the chimpanzee by the tail, but a bite from the brute sent the child yelling at the top of his lung power. This so infuriated the natives that they made a combined attack on John and his lease of life would have been cut short had not his owner appeared. He faced the crowd and assured them that every man would bo tendered his due. For a similar offense he in quired whether a man would not have to stand his trial in court. "Yah! Yah!" was the shout. "Then," said John's owner, "let the woman appear in court tomorrow with the child and all the witnesses and I promise you John will be there liko a man to stand trial and take what ever punishment may be doled out to him." lite next morning the court was crowt cd when John appeared, chained a:l arried by several policemen. He vrs placed in the dock and the charge of larceny .uid assault was read to him. His master turned to him and. ask ing him if he hail any defense to of fer, was answered by the usual grunts of delight that John indulged in when ever his iiiastc greeted him. The master iLen informed the judge that John had pleaded guilty and had no defense to offer. The judge, after due deliberation, sentenced the brute to three months and he was led away to prison, where he served his sen tence. Host's Patience Worn Cut. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt. at a luncheon at the New York Yacht club, told a story about a very rich and very proud Hostonian. "He used to visit me with his fam ily," said Mr. Vanderbilt, "and, in his pride, he always brought a host of ser vants with him. Naturally, it was rather a tax on one's room. "Hut one Thanksgiving he must have felt prouder than ever. He swooped down on my farm with valet and chauffeur a regular army. I was rath er put to it to house that multitude, but I said till dessert came on at dinner. Then I shouted across the table in a loud, hearty voice: "1 say. Endicott. I hope your un- dergardener is better.' " 'My undcrgardener? What do you mean?" ho asked in astonishment. 'So far as I know, the man's not even i!!.' " "Oh. I thought he must be," said I, "or you'd have brought him along.' A Versatile Model. George W. Perkins, the retiring part ner of the famous hanking house of J. P. Morgan Co., was giving advice to young men. "Never undertake." he said, to do too much. In applying for a position It is almost better to promise too little than too much. Remember the model. "An old -hap. you know, applied to a New York artist for the post of model. " "Well," said the artist, 'what do you sit for?' '"Oli anything, sir." said the model, fingering his gray beard nervously. 'Anything you like, sir. Landscape, If necessary. " "Dry" Warships. The Mritish navy lias just taken a step unprecedented in its history. The two cruisers- Rainbow and Niobe are to be teetotal men o' war, contrary to all marine traditions. Grog lias al ways been a part of the standard ra tion, being a concoction of one part rum to three parts water: but no such luxury is to be permitted on the two ships above mentioned. In the old days in fact down to 1SH0 the daily allowance to each man was a gallon of ale and a half pint of rum. The quantity has been greatly modified, but it certainly never entered any tar's head that the time was coming for total abstinence. Willing to Learn. "'Did you know that man was trying to sell you a gold brick?" said the agi tated friend. 'Yep.'" replied Farmer Corntossel. "Then why did you listen to him?" ".Tes" wanted to see how the thing was done in case I want to go into the business. Flight of Time. "What is this young man doing asleep in our parlor with cobwebs all over him?" "Never mind, father. He's waiting for daughter to dress." Reed's Sarcasm. Senator Lodge. In the Century Mag- w....c. oa..o. u loot i recau comin.-; across Thomas B. Reed one day in State street just after the nomination of Mr. Blaine. The break In the Re publican party had begun, andl-asked Mr. Reed what he thought of the out look. 'Well.' he said, 'it Is a great comfort to think that' the wicked poli ticians were not allowed to pick the candidates, and that the nomination was made by the people. The poli ticians would have been guided only by a base desire to win.' " l HANDLING LONDON'S LETTERS Some Idea of the Big Force Require In the Greet Poet Office. Sir Henry Tanner, principal archi tect In his majesty's office of works, gave an address before the Royal in stitute of British Architects in Lon don recently, describing In detail the new general post office to be known as King Edward's building. As giving some idea of the magni tude of the work there, he mentioned that the removal of provincial mails and of the parcels of Mount Pleasant railroad to the main building required 700 of the force of 2,850 men, leaving only 2,150 in the old build ing, but there were at the date of removal to King Edward's building 3,750 of all ranks, including 1,400 postmen. Meanwhile the force at Mount Pleasant had increased from 2,850 to 4.550. These numbers were exclusive of the temporary force em ployed at Christmas. The work dealt with per week was as follows. Five and a half millions of letters, etc., delivered in E. C. district, and 3.500.000 to other dis tricts of London and by certain provin cial mails, and 3.500.000 dispatched to foreign countries and the colonies: in all, 12,500,000. weighing about 366 tons. With regard to the cost of the new building he found that if built in the ordinary way with steel construction the approximate cost, exclusive of fit tings, etc.. would be 355,000. but if in reinforced concrete 295.000 would probably suffice. The latter figure had proved to be correct, so that there had been an approximate sav ing of 60,000. and, apart from this, considerable space had been gained by the great reduction In wall thick nesses. The general post office has fur nished statistics of the Yuletide traf fic, showing that all records were ex ceeded in the huge 1910 Christmas "post bag." The great office is eqttipped with the very latest appli ances, and all were working up to their fullest capacity during Christ mas week. To suit the great length of the building electric "conveyers" have been installed. A new and in genious system for sorting newspa pers was also successfully tried. MUST WEAR DARK CLOTHES An Absolute Requirement in Factories Where Work Is Done With Gold. Light suits of clothes are not favor ed in factories where work Is done on gold. In fact, in many such factories a dark suit of clothes is absolutely re quired and even a light waistcoat may lose a man a job. The reason for this Is that any stray grains of gold that may get on the clothing can easily be raught on a dark suit, while they might get away from the establishment if light clothes were worn. That such a rule was enforced among gold workers one man learned recently when a Bohemian gold beater applied to him for a helping hand. The Hohemian said that he had only re -entry come to this country, that he had had a chance to obtain a good job 9t his trade, but that the place had been refused him because he turned up with a light coat and waistcoat on. and they were the only clothes he had. The man whom he approached was struck by the story and offered to help him out if it proved true. He went to a down town factory with him and round out that the man could have the job if he presented himself within an bour with the proper clothes on. Two 1 dollars enabled the man to rig himself out in the dark coat and waistcoat to go with ins dark trousers, and sure enough he got the job. "You may think this strange." said the man at the factory, "but it means quite a little to us. Every man's rlothing is carefully examined when he leaves here at night, and the gold brushed off whenever we see any on bis clothing. "It is impossible to hide even tiny grains on a dark background, but take a mixed or a light suit, and we might easily lose quite mi amount of gold, and gold isn't anything you want to lose, even In small quantities." Chicken Bones for Children. .Monday morning marketers learned through a sign in the delicatessen store window that the proprietor had choice chicken bones for sale. "For soup?" some one asked. "No; babies." he said. "It Is not easy to find a nutritious bone for the baby to gnaw. What he wants is a drum stick of a young. Juicy "fowl, it must be fresh and free from tang. Even the family that prides itself on setting a good table may buy a chicken whose drumstick is too old for the child. Every Saturday I cook wholesome celery-fed roasters. Their bones, when stripped, make excellent tooth sharpen ers for the babies, and any mother of a fretful brood can have them for next to nothing." Our Doctors. "The late Count Tolstoi loathed phy sicians." said, at a dinner in Washing ton, a Russian diplomat. "You remember how Tolstoi ridiculed physicians in 'War and Peace?' Well, I heard him ridicule three of them to their faces over a vegetarian dinner at Yasnaya Polyana. " 'Physicians.' he said, bitterly, look ing up from a plate of lentils, 'may be divided into two classes the radicals, who kill ycu. and the conservatives, who let you die." saw - """ Woman Suffrage Advocate. Miss Marjorie Johnson is giving a course of lectures In Philadelphia. She is one of the young college women connected with the Henry Street Set tlement House of New York. She wa; chosen by the Consumers league of Ne York to investigate the condi tions of factory and mill operators. and while investigating them worked' In several mills and factories. In her lectures in Philadelphia Miss Johnson contends that women in industrial oc cupations need the ballot more than any other class. WHILE WIFE WAS AWAY LONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH BAKING OF A CAKE. Recipe In the Women's Home Guide Was Simple Enough, but the Re sult Was Far From Sat isfactory. "I think it said a slow oven," said the man. He knelt on the spattered kitchen floor and peeped into the oven. "What'n thunder's a slow oven, anyway?" As he looked within, the oven began a curious movement, and he watched it fascinated. Something in a square pan had been ballooning out several inches, and even as he looked ,it began to recede, even as a bubble grows smaller when a child cautiously removes a finger from the spool with which it is blown. "Huh!" said the man; "that's funny." Then it occurred to him that a draft of cold air had struck his cake, causing it to fall, and he hurriedly slammed the oven door and heaped wood on the fire in order that it rise again. It is not necessary to say the man was alone. It might be well to say, however, that his womankind had gone off on a visit, and lest some think him insane, to state that he had been reading recipes in the Women's Home Guide until his tongue hung out The Home Guide was explicit in say ing that such a cake was easy to make, and the man, searching the kitchen, found all the ingredients. The temptatoin was too great, and he began making a cake. It should have been a good cake, for he had been very careful. True, he couldn't remember the difference between a tablespoon and a teaspoon ful until he had put three tablespoon fuls of baking powder in heaping spoonfuls but, as everybody knows, that should mako the cake lighter. One of the eggs looked a hit pale and washed out, and he rejected that, using only two. and he had added a lit tle sugar to the quantity, because he liked cake sweet. But, generally speak ing, he had made the cake according to directions. He cautiously opened the open again, and with a cloth jerked the cake out and slammed it on the table. Then he stood back and looked at it. Some thing was wrong, that was certain. It was of a curious dun color, and had a great bulge in the middle, while all about the bulge was a .lip like a surrounding valley. Also the edges were not dun color, but black. The bottom also was black, though much of the black stuck to the pan. Then the man tasted his cake. Yes. something was wrong. It was soft as library paste and guiuniv bevond be lief. The man did not hesitate. He open ed the back door and cast the cake into outer darkness, and with diligence began washing up the dishes, for there were dishes that seemed to in dicate that he had been trying to mako a cake, and the folks would lie back in the morning. And, when all was clean, he lighted his pipe and took up a magazine. Cake? Not much. He never wanted to see a cake again. The Magazine was not the Women's Home Guide. Qalveston News. Didn't Think Bride Necessary. "A queer thing happened here re cently." said Lawyer Nathan G. Fos ter. "A few weeks ago a fellow and girl came here ami asked me to marry them. They did not know that a li cense was required, so I went with them to the clerk's office and they ar ranged the matter. I told them to come back at a stated time and I would marry them. "The day designated the fellow came alone and said he was all ready to be married. 'Where's the young lady?' I asked. 'Why.' replied the fel low, "has she got to come, too?' The fellow thought it queer that I could not perform the ceremony unless the lady was present, but went out and soon returned with her." Rumford Times. Waste of Meat Through Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis in hops was offered as one of the causes of the increased cost of living in an address by Dr. Ilurton R. Rogers before the convention of the American Association for the Advance ment of Science. Doctor Rogers said that of the .10. 472,921 hogs killed at fnltcd States packing houses in JftrtO the govern ment inspectors found S2G.S4S affected with tuberculosis. This he said was 130,802 more than in IMS. He said that during the last ten years 2.fi4S."i20 tuberculosis hogs and 212.340 tuberculosis rows had been found. This, lie said, decreased tho meat supply and increased the cost of living. Almost Escaped. John IL Morron. the president of a great cement company, was praising cement at the New York Cement show. "It is the fashion now, too," he said. "It is as much the fashion as the new fangled decollete gown from -Paris. There will probably be the same diffi culty about it. "One man said to another at a ball the other night: "Do you have any trouble keeping your wife in clothes? "'Rather!' the other answered. 'Haven't you noticed the new French decollette srown she's wearing? " Pearls in Cocoanuts. Few people know that the cocoanuts of the Malay peninsula sometimes pro duce pearls that are highly prized by the natives. The stones are not unliko the pnarls of the muliusks and are cimilar in composition to tho oyster pearls, having calcium carbonate and a little organic matter These concre tions form jsst beneath the stem, and a pure white pearl brings a high price, as it is supposed by the natives to pos sess some kind of a charm. Cases have been known where the cocoanut pearl has been sold as a mollusk prod uct, but suqh instances are rare. DEE0ED HIS LAND TO GOD; Unique Instrument Made by Richard A. George of North Attleboro le Filed With the Regietrar. A unique instrument was filed re cently with the Taunton registrar of deeds by Richard. A. George of North Attloboro, in which a tract of land in New Boston, a suburb of North Attle boro, was conveyed to the Lord of Hosts. So far as known it was the first instrument filed In New England mak ing such a conveyance. In the deed the Lord is named as the grantee and the representatives of the Lord in the transaction were Charles Carpenter, E. S. Barstow and A. H. Jamison, all of North Attleboro, who are described in the paper as be ing trustees of the Christian Work ers' union. The grantor was Richard A. George. The deed is couched in the ordinary legal expression and declares that "Richard A. George of North Attle boro, In consideration of $1 and other valuable considerations paid by the Lord, represented by Charles Carpen ter. E. S. Barstow and A. H. Jamison, trustees of the Christian workers' union of North Attleboro, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby give, grant, bargain, etc., unto the said Lord and representa tives, a certain lot of land situated in North Attleboro. on the New Boston road. Then follows in tne deed a more particular description of the property. The land was purchased in 1904 by the Christian Workers' union of North Attleboro, but the instrument setting forth the transfer was not presented to be recorded until the past week. It is supposed that the matter of tax assessments will havo to be borne by tho trustees of the Christian Work ers union unless some special exemp tion from taxation is secured. This will bo determined later. New Boston is a small village some threo miles from North Attleboro, on the road to Foxboro. A number of years ago some of the villagers formed a religious society, and meet ings have since been held by the 2." or HO members. The body took the name of the Christian Workers' union. In 1001 the society decided to erect a small structure as a place of worship. The land was purchased of Richard, A. George, one of tho mem bers, and he deeded the property to the creator, naming as temporary, custodians the trustees of the union. Mr. George, the grantor of the unique instrument, is a jeweler by trade and is employed at Attleboro Falls. Her French. Winthrop Ames, at the New thea ter's anniversary dinner in New York said with a laugh: "At the New theater we try to be cosmopolitan. In setting a London scene, for example, we wouldn't make the dome of St. Paul's visible across the river from the terrace of th Sa voy. "That sort of thing happens, you know, in New York. It rather shows us up. It is rather amusing like the French of the consul's wife. "I was lunching once in a town in the Midi with the consul and his good lady. Mrs. Consul all through the meal had a good deal of difficulty in making herself understood by her French wait ing maid. When the dessert was brought on. she turned to the maid and said, in an angry aside: " 'Not these couteaux. Bring me the couteaux with the ivory handles.' "Then she turned to us and added, thumping her fist on the table, while the maid stood mystified: "D the language! I wish I'd never learnt it.' " Turks Must Study German. Germany has gained a diplomatic victory, the consequences of which can hardly be foretold, in persuading the Turkish government to make the study of the German language oblig atory in all the elementary schools of the Ottoman empire. Practical and far-seeing Germans long ago realized that the spread of tho German language is one of the best methods of promoting German trade interests in distant parts of the world, and the German government has always given its support 'to the foundation of German schools in over sea countries. In recent years great, efforts have been made to establish the German schools in China. Persia and many other countries In which Germany has commercial ambitions. New York Tribune. Granite of the South. When one speaks of granite the mind naturally reverts tn Vermont. It Is difficult to associate granite with any section of North America outside New England, yet It must now be acknowl edged to the credit of the south that Georgia, Nortii Carolina. Maryland and Virginia arc producing large quantities of stone of good quality which insures the south a place in at any rate. The annual output is now worth about $3,500,000 and the industry Js growing. It may be of comparative interest to know that New England's output Is about $9,000,000 worth of stone annually. The Negotiations. "Did Lord Luvous propose for your daughter's hand?" "No," replied Mr. Cumrox. "But he gave me to understand that he'd be willing to consider bids from our fam ily for the use of his ancestral name." Another Gift of Mrs. Sage. Mrs. Russell Sage has given $25,000 for a new rotunda of the city hall, which has been accepted by tho muni cipal art commission. Resolutions were adopted thanking Mrs. Sage. An archi tect has been appointed to draw up plans and the work will soon begin. The Best. Willis What is the happiest mo ment cf married life? Gillis When a man throws tho pic tures of his wife's relatives out of the family album and fills it up with photographs of his baby instead. Puck. JSIBsBBsBs p Just Received Our New Cadillac Torpedo which is the best ear 6n the market today. The Cadillac is noted for its easy riding qualities, and is recognized the world over as superior to any motor car manufactured. AH parts are interchangeable. Undoubtedly it is the best car ever brought to Columbus. Call on us and let us show you thatt 1911 Cadil lac Torpedo. You will certainlyDadmire it. It is the classiest Torpedo car on the market today. DISCHNER AUTO CO, Corner 13th and M Streets Golumbu, Nebraska CAUGHT HIM WITH THE 600DS How Gladys' Father Nailed Mr. Fick leton Through One of the Tri umphs of Science. The girl's father met the young man in the hall. The time was some nights later. There was a peculiar gleam of triumph in the elder man's eye which the younger man was total ly at a loss to fathom. "You wish to speak with me before Miss Gladys comes down?" said the caller, repeating the words of the other. "I do. young man." replied tho girl's father: "just step In the par lor; I will not detain you more than a few minutes. Doubtless you are aware of the recent remarkable strides of science." "Er some of them." "And doubtless you are familiar with the amazing invention by which it is possible to make a combination x-ray photograph and moving picture of a human being's brain." "Hum I have read something of it. I think. Very wonderful." "Very wonderful, indeed. Well, tho practical part of all this simply is that last Saturday night when you were here alone In the parlor with Gladys, you sat directly In front of one ot these truly wonderful machines. It was in ambush behind the sofa, as it were. You were er young people call it holding hands. I have heard and your conversation was most in teresting. So was the record of emo tion, unmistakable emotion, which was coursing through your brain." The young man gripped violently at the sides of his chair. "Here in my hand." the young wom an's parent continued. "I hold a com bination x-ray photograph and moving picture of j-our thoughts and feelings at that time. I would give them to you gladly, only they are so precious from a scientific standpoint that hesitate to let them leave my person, even for an instant. I that is. Gladys mother and myself trust you will have no occasion to alter your mental pose, for really these are very, very beautiful thoughts. "Y?; I thought I could not be mis taken. Here conies Gladys now. Gladys, here is Mr. Fickleton." Prooklyn Kngle. Language for Each Sex. If one of the difficulties of learning Samoan is that each noble has a pri vate dialect of his own, the difficulty is matched by a linguistic complication In certain other parts of Polynesia. In the Gilbert islands the men and the women speak literally a different Ian guage. The difficulty of mutual inter course is overcome by making the women use the masculine tongue when talking to the men. Among themselves it is "tabu." And the men do not trouble their heads about the other. With some trouble you may find the ("ifferpuce between the men's and the women's language in this civilized FRESH BREAD SUE AS USUAL Moving our building has not inter fered with our business in the least. We have leased an Eleventh street oven and will be ready at all times to lurnish our patrons with fresh Bakery Goods while our new three story building is being constructed POESCH "Thirty' country. There are words that are un derstood and used by every woman, and not quite comprehended by a man when he hears them accidentally. For example, "shopping" is a woman's word. And another which is not used by men Is "nice." A man may bs clever and rich and handsome, but not "nice." You have heard the whis per of the epithet In the feminine lan guage. But the word is never used in that Bense (which you know) by a man. Known by Their Back's. To tho frivolous minded the dress maker's fitting room suggested prepar ations for an Anthony Comstock raid. Even the adjustable wire forms repre Renting women's figures were draped in white sheets. "We do that." said the dressmaker, "at the request of the customers. These figures belong to wosien who or der so many clothes made that it pays to keep forms permanently adjusted tc their shape. The figures under thoss sheet's are by no means perfect. Tbers are stout figures that cannot be mad to look slim and thin figures that will not look stout; there are uneven shoul ders and hips that won't match. Cus tomers who know each other have ths eye of a detective for recognising shapes. Nine out of ten can pick out the figure of an acquaintance. " 'That looks like Mrs. Brown's hack.' they say. I may He away Mrs. Brown's identity, but you can't fool those wom en. That is why most women want their wire forms draped. Imperfections that can be hidden by a well-fitting dress look as big as a camel's hump in a wire form." . Teacher's Aim In Life. To help a child to become unselfish. self-reliant, kind, thoughtful, consid erate, honest and independent; to train to habits of usefulness; to pro mote purity of thought and life; to have even some small part In awaken ing loftier purposes and holler aspi rations; to arouse in the minds of boys and girls an honest and sincere hope to be able to some extent to make happier the school, the home, the community, the state, the nation, and tho world should be the greatest ambition of every teacher. Richard C. Barrett. Out of Babes' Mouth. Mrs. Philip Snowden. the English suffragette, began, at a dinner in New York, her reply to a toast on "mar riago." with the words: "I once asked a little girl if she knew what leisure was. " 'Yes.' she replied. 'Leisure is the place where married people repent." A Simple Request. "What are you going to tell the peo ple when you got home?" "Nothing." replied Senator Sor ghum. "And all that I ask is that they'll reciprocate and not start In telling me things." v