ntssiN SPRAYING PREVENTS DISEASE AND DESTROYS INSEQS Established Fact That Intelligent Use of Spray Always Pays Formula Given That Is Accepted as Safe and Reliable AT THE TELEPHONE. -rrrnrwA o r Do PASSEN n r n?rv7 tt :-UaL,AALJliU - coprfGMr or wtAMnzftsaff' H. wbk . jnv r- - nv -a? v v IVc:lv,l MM ,-T n?rowv7nnrnri m NbKmLPKKSKXa'r-i L W7 "- -s --V ?.-K T. --- 1 -s. Ss-.C- - --T - -t?r"V. 'V-- 1 BaaHMftM JaTaa. aTamaaw aaaa aaaaaTaaV .fe'V aT aS-altfVJH A -BsBMiK .Hf jffvAkff wv.wv mwwH-a mwm Sa 1 iWf k. BVf wQ$7k f n. aaaa aaaa aaaa j bbbbbbbbb. bbbbi -Baaai aaaa bbbbv m aaaa -aBBar m -aaai..- in h RESUMABLY everybody B knows by this time that 1 M B there is a standing offer of i raBHF $400 in cash for the man, fa-a woman by or girl wno HB I finds the nest of a wild plg- JL I eon (ectopistes migratori- us). otherwise known as the passenger pigeon, and finds with It the nestling birds. In order to get the roward the person who makes the dis covery must leave the nest and the ;irds unmolested and prove the truth of if by making a report and giving the sci entists an opportunity to verify the case. Magazine and newspaper articles lit erally by the thousands have been writ ten about the disappearance of the wild pigeons which once, as it is al ways put, "darkened the sun with their fiishlE." The members of the biologi r.al survey in Washington are specially interested in the subject of the disap pearance of this bird of passage from its wild haunts. For years it has been Imped that nesting pairs might be found in some part of the country and that with proper protection the bird might lie restored in part at least to its place In nature. Recently there was a story published to the effect that the birds, wearied of Ihe constant persecution which met them in the United States, had changed tins course of their (light and had gone into Mexico and there were living peace fully and happily. This story proved to in: absolutely without foundation. Still another tale was to the effect that the pigeons had gone into the heart of South America and there finding conditions pleasant were leading a non-migratory l:te. This tale also proved to be en tirely fictitious. In all partB of the southern states in the winter seasons there are people witching sharp-eyed for a glimpse of I'ij bird that once was a common sight. In Hie summer sharp eyes of the north are constantly on tho alert for the same purpose, but as 3'et no authentic report .' s been received that the bird of mys-K-iious disappearance has revisited the scenes familiar through the centuries to its ancestors. One of the scientists most interested in the search for the wild pigeon Is ftuthveu Deane, fellow of the American Uniilhologists union and president of Ihc Illinois Audubon Society for the Protection of Wild Birds. Mr. Deane ttrJually has given up all hope that any living specimen of the passenger pigeon rver will be found, but he is as tireless otlay as ever in tracing reports of tho Iiird's reappearance to their sources. The offer of $400 for the discovery of a nesting pair of the pigeons and their undisturbed nest comes from Clifton R. Hodge of Clark university, but $100 ad ditional will be paid for the discovery nf a pair of birds and their nest if found in the state of Illinois. The additional reward is the joint offer of Mr. Deane and. as I remember it, of Professor Whitman of lue University of Chicago. Ono of the most curious features of the search for the wild pigeon is the mistakes which arc made constantly by men who years ago trapped the pigeons and were as familiar with their appearance as they were, and are today for that matter, with the appearance of the com mon robin of the dooryard. Reports have come to from all sections of the country of the reap pearance of tho pigeon, but on investigation it invariably has been found that the discoverers l;.id seen nothing more nor less than tho com mon wild dove (venaidura macroura), or mourn ing dove, which is so familiar a bird that it serms almost impossible that any man of the countryside could have failed to overlook it as his constant neighbor and could confuse it with iu? much larger cousin, the passenger pigeon of other days. To give an example of how the search is con ducted for tho wild pigeon and how conscientious arc the scientists In attempting to verify reports cf its reappearance this one instance, taken from a hundred Instances, may bo noted. Recently a report from northern Michigan reached the presi dent of the Illinois Audubon society that the passenger pigeon in very truth had reappeared in the vicinity of a club house frequented by fishermen and gunners, many of whom had known the pigeon well in the old days and who were certain that in this case they could not be mistaken as to the identity of the bird vis itors. It was a long journey to the northern Michi gan club house, but an ornithologist undertook the trip believing in his heart that finally the passenger pigeon had been found, for he knew that the men who had made the report had been familiar with the bird In the old days and sup posedly knew the appearance of its every feather. At the end of the journey he was told that the pigeons were there and he was led out to see them. They proved to be mourning doves, a bird common in nearly all parts of Michigan and In most of the states of the Union. The dis appointment was keen, and keener in this case because this was one report which seemed to have about it every mark of truth. When I was a boy I knew the wild pigeon fairly well. It was nothing like .as abundant ?s It had been in the years gone by, but occa sionally small flocks were seen in the vicinity of my birthplace in the foothills of the Adirondack mountains in central New York. I am sorry to say that I shot some of the birds before I fully realized the value of giving protection to a van ishing race. The mourning dove I know as well as I knoxv the English sparrow, and 1 think that there is no chance of confusion in my mind re jecting the identity of the dove and its bigger relative, the pigeon. It is possible, though I am not sure that such Is a fact, that I saw the last wild pigeon reported in Illinois. Others may have been seen since that time within the bor ders of the state, but if so I have not seen their appearance reported. At five o'clock on the morning of a late April toy, fifteen years ago, I went Into Lincoln park. -. W. . X X I V M fM J "W"VI . VB- fW I Wi W aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaat. .rBBTaTaTaTaTaaK m -.ka. i:f J-w. ' ar? tAypip Chicago, to look for migrating birds which had dropped down into the pleasure ground from their night flight in order to rest and feed. I had just entered the park when my attention was attracted to a large bird perched on the limb of a maple tree and facing the sun, which was Just rising out of Lake Michigan. My heart gave a sort of leap, for I recognized it instantly as the passenger pigeon, a bird of which I had not seen a living specimen for at least twelve years. Then Instantly I began to doubt and thought that my ejes must be mistaken and that the at mosphere was magnifying the bird and that what was before me was realiy a mourning dove. I. drew closer and then I knew there was no pos sibility of deception. Before me was a beautiful specimen of the male passenger pigeon with the sun striking full on the burnished feathers of his throat. I stood within 15 yards of the bird for fully half an hour and then it left the maple and ,went in arrowy flight down the lake shore drive toward the heart of the city. I have often wondered since what was its fate. Theodore Roosevelt is deeply interested In the outcome of the search for surviving mem bers, if such there may be, of the passenger pigeon tribe. Mr. Roosevelt knew the bird when he was a boy and in his trips afield he always has kept a watchful eye open for a possible sight of a specimen of the species now feared to be extinct. When Mr. Roosevelt was president of tho United States he occasionally went to a wild spot in Virginia where he owned a cabin. He called the place Pine Knot. While there one day he saw what he believed to be nine wild pigeons. It would be perfectlj proper today for a man who saw as many pigeons as this together to shoot one of them one only in order to prove beyond peradventure that the tribe still has ex istence. When one simply reports the appear ance of a pigeon or of a flock of pigeons every one doubts very naturally the truth of the tale, holding that the mourning dove has been again mistaken for its cousin bird. President Roosevelt did not have a gun with himon the occasion of his meeting with what he thought were wild pigeons. If he had he probably would have shot one of them. He told no one except a few scientists and a few friends of his discovery. He knew as well as anyone else did that in the absence of the proof fur nished by a bird in the flesh it would be said at once that he made the common error. No one knows positively today whether the nine birds which the president saw were or were not pas senger pigeons. Every time that Mr. Roosevelt has been to Pine Knot since he has hoped for another sight of the birds which made him glad some years ago. John Burroughs heard from his friend, Theo dore Roosevelt, that the nine pigeons had been seen in Virginia. Burroughs believed the story because he knew how accurate an observer of nature his friend the president was and is. The stories of the pigeons in Virginia led Mr. Bur roughs lo n:ake inquiries at once in the counties in Xew York state west of the lower Hudson lying In the old Une of flight of the migrating pigeon armies of years ago. There the farmers and the country sports men told Mr. Burroughs that they had seen pig eons that spring, at least 1,000 of them, but that none of them had been shot. Mr. Burroughs was inclined to believe the re port, for tho men who made it were old-time sportsmen and supposed ly knew the bird well. However, there is no pos itive proof today that the New York farmers and gunners were not just as much mistaken as were the old-timers who told the story of the return of the pigeons to the upper Michigan country. In The Auk, a quar terly journal of ornithol ogy published by the American Ornithologists' union, there recently ap peared a paper by Albert Hazen Wright on "Some Early Records of the Pas senger Pigeon." In this paper are reported some of the first accounts which ever saw print of the pigeon multitudes of the early days. When one reads them it seems al most Incredible that a bird species which num bered its individuals almost, it would appear, by the million millions could ever disappear from the face of the earth. The account of the great pigeon flocka which Is most familiar to the people of the country is that written bv John James Audubon, the natural ist. It seems "from Mr. Wright's paper, however, that a century and a half before Audubon was born records were made of the immense numbers of the birds which were seen in America. The earliest writers called them turtle doves. Mr. Wright quotes from the Jesuit father. Le Jeune, who in the year 1637 likened the American Indi ans to the pigeons. "Our savages are always sav age; they resemble the migratory birds of their own country. In one season turtle doves are some times found in such abundance that the end of their army cannot be seen when they are flying in a body." Mr. Wright found another reference to the Im sense numbers of the pigeons in the writings of another Jesuit father in the year 1671. The ob servation was made at Cayuga lake In New iorh. state. "Four leagues from here I saw by the side of a river within a very limited space eight or nine extremely, line salt springs. Many snares are set there for catching pigeons, from seven to eight hundred being often taken at once." Another fa ther of the church in the latter part of tho seven teenth century writes of the passenger pigeons of the SL Lawrence country: "Among the birds of every variety to be found here it is to be noted that pigeons abound in such numbers that this year one man killed 122 at a single shot." Within the last five or six years reports have onie of the reappearance of the pigeon in Mis souri, Oklahoma, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. New York and Virginia and perhaps from some other states. In no instance has proof been adduced that tho real passenger pigeon, tire bird of the old time, was the species seen. The disappearance of the flocks which once covered the sky as with a cloud is one of the mys teries of nature. Man's persecution of course had much, if not everything, to do with the annihila tion of the species, but it would seem that some ting else, disease perhaps, must be held account able at least in part for the dying out of a noble race of feathered game. He Was Too Wise Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the government's food ex pert, said at a recent dinner in Washington: "But in our search for pure foods we may go too far. Thus a lady entered a grocer's the other day and said: "Have you got any currants?" The clerk, a college graduate, replied: "'Yes, madam, we have very fine Corinths, or small dried grapes from the Greek town of that name currauts. you know. Is the corrupted form. How many will you have?" " 'None at all if they are corrupted.' muttered the lady. 'I belong to a pure food league." " The Orang-Outang's Nest ' For the first time Londoners have now an opportunity of seeing an rang-outang in its "nest." or sleep rag platform. Dr. Charles Hose having recently presented to the national mu seum a fine adult male of this Bornean ape. together with a specimen of the assL Dr. A. Russel Wallace in his "Malay Archipelago" states that orang-outangs build their sleeping platforms comparatively low down on relatively small trees at a height of from twenty feet to 50 feet above the ground, prob ably for the reason that such a situa tion is warmer and less exposed to wind than one higher up. According to Dyak report, each orang builds a fresh platform every night, but this, as Dr. Wallace remarks, is improb able on account of the relatively small number of these structures to be met with. It may be added that the large amount of materials in the nest in the British Museum affords further evi dence of the same kind. Photographs are extant showing three or four orangs' nests in a single tree. The Field. "Diplomacy" In China. An expert in fine china frequently gets a commission that requires the utmost tact to fill. "I am called Into private houses," she said, "to set a value on fine china and bric-a-brac that have been broken by a maid. It often happens that the mistress sets an exorbitant price on those things and threatens to take it out of the girl's wages. If the girl has spirit and thinks she has been im posed upon she suggests that an ex pert be called in to arbitrate. If the mistress really wants to be fair she consents. Most of those jobs in di plomacy come to me. I dread them because it is so difficult to decide just ly and keep on good terms with both parties." Two classes of enemies attack fruit trees and plants, viz.: insects and fun gous diseases. The application of sub stances, usually liquid, to the tree or plant for the purpose of preventing or destroying these constitutes spray ing. We spray to destroy Insects and to prevent fungous diseases. Spraying Is no longer an experiment. It Is an established fact that intelligent and persistent spraying always pays. The effects of spraying are cumulative. The effects of spraying last year and this year may result In an increased yield next year. An Instructive bulle tin issued by the Wisconsin Horti cultural society, has the following to say regarding spraying: Tho Insects affecting fruit may be divided for con venience Into two classes, which are distinguished by their mode of feed ing, viz.: eating or chewing insects and sucking insects. Eating insects consume the affected tissues, commonly the leaves, and thereby hinder the functions or the plant. The common example Is the potato "bug" or beetle. Insects of this class are destroyed by poisoning their food. Sucking Insects do not consume the external tissues of the plant, but feed only on the sap. In order to accomplish this the insect thrusts its proboscis through the ex ternal coverings and sucks the juices in the same way as a mosquito sucks blood. As these insects do not con sume the tissue of the leaf or branch, poisons are of no avail. We must therefore attack the insects. This Is done by'covering them with some sub stance which will penetrate their bodies, or with substance which closes their breathing pores. To repeat: (1) Biting or chewing insects are destroyed by placing poison on the parts on which the insects feed. (2) Sucking Insects are destroyed only by attacking the insects and for this class poisons are of no avail. Apple scab, brown rot of plums and peaches, potato rot, blight, rust and other destructive plant diseases are too small to be discerned singly with out using a compound microscope. These spors alight on leaf or fruit and under favorable conditions of heat and moisture germinate, giving rise to threadlike projections which pene trate the plant's tissues. The main fact to be borne in mind Is this: The spores which may be present in Innumerable numbers may be destroyed or their germination pre vented by the application of certain substances known as fungicides, while existing as spores on the outside of plants, but after these have pene trated the tissue of leaf, stem or root, spraying is of no avail. In other words, spraying for plant diseases must be wholly for prevention. The following formula for Bordeaux mixture Is used as a preventive ol fungous diseases, as potato blight, ap ple scab, etc. Various formulas are quoted, but the following Is now ac cepted as safe and reliable: Copper sulphate, 5 pounds; fresh lime, 5 pounds'; water, 50 gallons. Either arsenate of lead or Paris green may be safely combined witb Barrel and Cart Spraying Outfit. commonly ascribed to weather con ditions. Indirectly this is often true, but neither rain nor drought nor any other atmospheric condition is ever directly the cause of plant diseases. Rainy weather does not directly cause plum rot, but provides condi tions favorable to the development of the fungus, and probably unfavorable conditions for the development of the plum nnd its ability to resist the in vasion of the disease. Fungi (plant diseases) are propa gated by spores, minute bodies which may float in the air and are usually Making Bordeaux Mixture. Bordeaux mixture. In fact, in all orchard spraying operations it has come to be u common practice to add either Paris green or arsenate of lead to Bordeaux at every application. By this means biting insects and fungi are controlled at a single operation. No other fact is more important than this in spraying. Arsenate of lead is a poison for biting insects and is less liable to In jure foliage than Paris green. It re mains longer in suspension. It ad heres better to foliage. It may be used for any purpose for which Paris green is employed in liquid sprays. The formula is: Arsenate of lead. 2 to Z pounds; water, 50 gallons. Up to the Farmer. When a farmer breeds indifferent cattle, horses or sheep he receives less for his labor and feed than he should receive, adds les3 to the wealth of his stale than the up-to-date farm er, and is at a disadvantage when he undertakes to secure for himself and family the things which help to make life worth living, says a writer In an exchange. I do not mean to say that the individual farmer owes more to the community or to the state than the laborer, the lawyer, the doctor, the educator, the preacher or the business man; but we do expect more from them as a whole, because there are more of them than all these others combined. Many horses arc innocently injured by overfeeding. It Is what is digested that counts. DIFFERENT KIND OF SPRAYS riAXT. irrtE- rkw corflbir inatfc. hmt taot ratersBlar. bk) CAnOAGB IHocna, aphb a4 s Wfta.) CltTRKV (IUC. pfc!. rvrralS. al ud laaf kHthL CrRRAC (HlUrw. ad leaf blIctt- COOACSUUtT UU4w. laaf MUM I r.RAFE IRaC BtlkJtw. aatfc aa. lbs kartla aal xapnr.t l-XACH. AWCOT (Iaf carl. carcaBa. 1 (Laaf UkM. . atafc (CMtvB 'ee , tan anu 1OTA1 MM. Oaat ( BEBXT 44 TOMATO (Bat ao4 MkftU VIIMT ATrUCATIOX. ttpnr tofor fctu!, .tart. ctnc ropp-r ailttllf latton. ft ar aM a. kara ran waraa ara flrat am, fart crn. far Caa Brllrv tUMrr aa4 taiara tlaw. r labarra dtuft. Ilrfara Uto ta apaa mprAf wlih rpomr anlaaata: Tar ftta apBHi m Vrara praaltceatantaD r.tara thai aaiai barer. Am aaaa aa wwrvia aa raaM aa lawar ami laare Uam. aprar rarla Aa trarva ad rarla fWnra bu4 tirt. fprar with cofTrr ttlphaa aftltl lion. AJ1 rarla ra fur Iraf trttlaa April t, :i acrar IVf Willi lattaa Itaftr bvi!a ota eoppar aulphata solutloa Cat aoJ Vara Mark kaata arkraarrr famad. Ba- M for aaaa la aoklhcate (twa raa to alvtaea aallaaa a waaar). far ataarj- atav- aprar artta aaapar aal- Cat aa call. rrtrkrU aaal raaaa aatfly dtanaaaa wttk aatararaaaa, Iwfara buda cr-ra. rsrar wttk rop par nrgaata ashttlaa. Ifetraar a Bordeaas. hzcum Arructnov. Attar taa klaaaaaaa kara fwrmnf. bat hafcra t&ry apaa.apray a"ta lloraaa mlatara aaj rarla If prat If lac. Wbra taa fr.lt baa art. aprmr attti Itordaau ails tara aa raria araaa. prat. anVlaf Bararaaa far aalllaa aaa la apat. fa taa ha faartars car raprat altk kaUa. IVhas fnt l-arra ara half crrra. Tmr laaf pupaara aa karaara raiaUlaa. Warn trait kaa art. aaa Barlaaas aaUrara aa4 1-arla rrara. tawlblras atrracta. TTbra taa aliMiwn kara farm, bat kafara thar aaa. WaiaVaBi aaal Farla a-raaa. Aa aaaa aa la lliaiat aaa failaa. aaa Hntiaa alitva aaA Tarla aiaaa. rThaa kratlaa r taatr larra appaar. lSrat arraa Wbra taa frK kaa art. at rara ma Wi aaa faat kick. Aflar tba frctt kaa ate aaa wamh capaar aolutloa. THIRO AITIJCVnOX. nithla a aark altar lh Moaama fall. Paadiauf aaj l-arla in.," Aftrr brala farm, aaa b-a. w2rr. pj'rtbmaa. 9f aalt palrr a traap laafal t a allaa af amlar.i 14.14 day lafar. If atura a- 1I431 af rot afrcrar. f-r-aat. ir avrfflf 'atll rnvubla. Cjraikrum or attabir. la-It oar kaaap phMaar laa amrarziaa. Vrbaa (raft la aK. oa ta.ta day Utcr rraaat. Wlthha a arark aftrr taa klaaaaaa fall. aaal rarUl -U aara tatar It-U car latar rapaal tl-la car latar iipaH harraatail. rto4aus ftf t ba kapt loncar) nr.rt tr BEST WAX FOR GRAFTING Recipe Given tor Maltin&? Mixture hat Is Essential in All Orchards Convenient , ' Sizes Made. Rosin four parts (ounces or pounds); beeswax, two pounds; tal low, one part; melted, slowly, in an iron vessel, patting In the rosin five or ten minutes before the beeswax; and all completely mixed together by much stirring. In 20 minutes or so It will be thor oughly mixed, and a convenient por tion is to be poured Into a bucket of cold water. In a minute or less it will be cool enough to take up with .the hands (which must have been greased with tallow) and pulled like taffy. When It becomes light yellow In color It Is done and can be made Into sticks or balls and put into an other vessel of cold water to harden. Other portions can be treated in the same way until all Is used up. These balls, or sticks, of convenient size can be laid away until required for use. Broilers and Roasters. A fat broiler is quite a rarity; tho best that can be done, in general, is to have it plump, for the natural ten dency of the chick is to use all nutri ment for growth and development. When the birds are nearly large enough for the market they should bo given all the fattening feed they will eat, and for this purpose corn in vari ous forms should be fed freely. They will digest more feed if fed ground than If whole or cracked. A moist ened mash consisting of about two thirds corn meal and one-third bran by bulk Is good. Cooked potatoes are good, and milk with a little sugar added will hasten fattening. Broil ers may be sold alive or dressed, ac cording to the discretion of the grow er. If dressed this should be done according to the demands of the mar ket to which they are to be shipa4. He Is that you, darling? She Yes; who Is that? TO AVOID SICKNESS You must keep the stom ach and liver in an active condition, the bowels free from constipation and the blood pure. For this work HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS has been used success fully for 58 years. Try a bottle today for Poor Appetite Colds & Grippe Fever & Ague Indigestion Malaria Dyspepsia All Druggists &Dealers GRAND VOYAGE TO THE POLE. ; mmd EYES WOULD BURN AND STING "It Is just a year ago that my Bis ter came over here to us. She had been here only a few weeks when her eyes began to be red, and to burn and sting as if she had sand in them. Then we used all of tho home reme dies. She washed her eyes with salt water, used hot tea to bathe them with, and bandaged them over night with tea leaves, but all to no purpose. She went to the drug store and got some salve, but she grew constantly worse. Sho was scarcely ablo to look In tho light. At last sho decided to go to a doctor, because sho could hardly work any more. The doctor said it was a very severe disease, and if she did not follow bis orders close ly sho might loso her eyesight. He made her eyes burn and applied elec tricity to them, and gave her various ointments. In tho two and a half or threo months that she went to the doctor, we could see very littlo im provement. "Then we had read so much how people had been helped by Cuticura that we thought wo would try It. and we cannot bo thankful enough that we used it. Jly sister used the Cuticura Pills for purifying the blood, bathed only with Cuticura Soap, and at night after washing, she anointed her eyes ery gently on the outside with tho Cuticura Ointment. In one week, the swelling was entirely gone from tho eyes, and after a month there was no longer any mucus or watering of the eyes. Sho could already see better, and in six weeks she was cured." (Signed) Mrs. Julia Csepicska. 2005 Utah St.. St. Louis. Mo., Aug. 25, 1910. Tiiero never was a good war or a tad peace. Franklin. Oonipation. indigestion, sick-headache nnd bilious conditions are overcome by a course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retiring. I am not so lost in lexicography as to forget that words are the daughters of earth and that things are the sons of heaven. Samuel Johnson. The Reason. "I know a woman who never gos sips about her neighbor.-." "(let out. You don't." "Yes. I do. She's dumb." When He Was Slow. "Swift Is the swiftest proposition I ever saw." "Is he? Did he ever owe you any money?" Patriotic Determination. "Your wife insists on being allowed to vote." "Yes." replied Mr. Meekin. "She's not content with having the last word in political argument. Siie want3 to go to the polls aud put in a post Ecript." COLDS" Monyoa's Cold Remedy Belteres the bead. tL.oat and lunits almost Immediate ly Cliecki Fevers, stops Discharge of. the nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colds. It cures Grip and op itlnate Conghs and prc-Tents Pneumonia. Write Prof. Mnuyon. 63rd nnd Jefferson Sts.. Phllsi.. ra Xor medical advice atx olutely Xrcc