it ! T ! t I J H PLUMBING i- timr seasonahle now than nt any other time in the yeai. If you Lave lilinitlini' that ubouiil l done for the betterment of sanitary cou- (litiuriN you ouhl to Eend for us at once. WE WONT OVERCHARGE hut mc will guarantee to do ymir work as well, if not better, than you could have it done elsewhere. ill 4 13 W 13th St. Columbus. Neb fl sa ITEMS OF INTEREST a i iai: i; ii :.-. Klolll tint Illtl.Hilx. IMu-nt word rvivl from Omaha bt.itee that CJuy Meaty underwiul an i.j.oriition ln-,1 Saturday. Sunt- tbeu ht Iuih been luijtroviii hIuwIv with rliai. es mioil for u complete recovery, providtnj; if course, other complication-, .!o ""' wt in. . ,. , , limlt-ii Autiiie of I.elrade -a:.s a , ,,, , C.-dar hmiils vihitor bundnv. Charley is tfoini: to et a tryout with Columbus, ui the Neinaeka league, ibis easvn. If h makes jcoud, which no dult he will, botli I!-Ic,railc and (dai will be t-t a yoml ball plaer. Ohaiiey m speedy a line fielder, and if he hitH her out a little oflenur be will win a berth Willi (ilC.NOA. rr.nn ilnliiii. i Whilc Slaving himself. liur -j lie... of fepuidiiie, cut his cbe-k. With-, i- two hours erysipelas set :n ami s: J dajrt later he died. The -ouiity hoanl bail voted to furnish enough plank for four Kmy roiul tlms ! ach township in the county. It id i.niv up to the townships to make tin dr:s and yet buy improvini: ihe roadn. The friends of Chris L Voihl who ..I i ,. i. .1 -., ....I.. ....rtl. I .nU,,.u,,.ra..... ...,.. .t of Clenoa but t.. ' a mile ft out St. I'M ward March 1st. were 1 siiriirised and hokld to heai til ins 1 ,ud,lenleath which orcurr..,! laM Sa'ur daymoru.ny. Obrin was ,.. Oenoa Mo..- 1 day or Tuesday and was apparently j Z 1 health. Oil Wednesday he wan j taken sick, ami a physician tuiimiioneil, ulio oronoiineed his ailment measlea. ! An is sometimes the ease in adultt1. the . .fsn vas very severe, but no one epect- j d Uhns' eickmsH would ie-ult fatal. Hebrew mpidly wor-e Friday and oa Saturday pawed aw i . i.M'iii. I".."l III" V,..l. lolin hehnn hauled some catll.- to iMirkel at Columbus last Frahiy. whudi is :.ouielhin unusual as they are y r- nlly dneu. Fanners have etarted to how sprmy wheat ai.d it r-eem- that. thei i yoiny Ik be more wheal sown thi ;. ear than there has been for a number ol ear litv Mn- Mill, r f i- Shell (t.-eek Ijutheran churoh ceh s.r.i -d their silver weddmy iiuiiiveisar. on ".jiies ilav. A hiree crowd was m :i:ii.dniice a-.d many beautiful gifts of silvet wvie j ! , iMVeii the hott and hoottt-s. While driving ca'-tie at ihe home of .!u Killippi Saturday morning Norman j which were tied up m Ins barn Oehsner sustained a broken leg that will ; iast Sunday .Tamer. Smith sustained put him oil duty for some tun-. I ue , tn,niv punful burns lo several ol his horse ho wa riding -lippel and f-!l im j lingers. While the llaines wer raging hiieh a manner as to bre..l. h-.s irub ... t ,, the t'ullison barn and there being im above the ankle. mineut danger that his barn would be I'red Ahrens wtio was i. unfoituuate destroyed Mr. Smith attempted to close List winter as to hat ti tiiiib uioken :n j a binning tlooi, thinking lie wou'd llrjs a runawav had the ame luub broken ' prevent the Humes from rcufhing the again S:tluida morniae uir.t u .-n-. ..: rnals until he eyiihl release them es above ihe former break. !! :s frm. their perilous position through au milking a cow when his dor '.erm. :. :..r opening. While engaged in this chase the cattle in the yard am! iiuin.g ' i..-'- I sustained the injuries as above the stampede Mr. Aureus was rur., jt-: te. l'r.nnpt medieal aid was seem -one of the animals stepping on hi? hub ) : h...-ver, and the lingers are getting and cau-ing the break. ' a.iug 'i rely at last reports. 3jgafcrpgrr-,a,7g5aa FRISCHH snoS CLOTHING Gents' Furnisbiirig Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 I lth Street. A. Dussell (SL Son ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES jir.MAVOou. I rum I l.i- (lazcttc. A nii'idii-r of the farnicrfl living uloiitf tin liee delivery liuea of mail out ' ,,f nni,viH Kan., have nulled down j tUl.,r .ll!Uj ,oxeB m,j refused to accept j tjieir ntIlii rroill (l currier recently j jippoinled. j , ... Ij"int week the (iHzette erred in atatmj; j ,.,,... .... ,. , t linn nit- iiiiuv ijukkj nieMJuieu lt. iiuii ,, ,, ,. . , Hire. F rioler, was from the phone pat rons wv-t and north of I Sell wood, ijiuro we hae lean.eil that those cunt ::ini northeast of IMlwood lilierally donttted toward the present, and there- fon we liaJieve in lining them justice by ; making this correction. 'ho i!di'-t person m Nebraska, Aaron f '.'. .fif.ud. i;au jut died near LUco at I tli- i:t)iif 11.1. Urailfoid was a reiuark- itl.Ie limn :md ictained his mental facul- .,M tl ,,, ljllK. f s (eath lie i.ever IMUril, ,; , l:, Mipposed to have a u.lnVl , t. , . Bradford necr rode on , railnud train, -team boat, nor in an aiitoiiiob:le; never saw an electric street cir ami never rodeiu a street car of any Intnl. I hniih able to read Latin and ! (h-rin-iu he never attended school after he 'ih .i. He never sat for a photogra ph. in-i win. in u building in which llii'io , iim an !ov:itor and iiivir lunl n or i;.t lo hls nu. Iwuvs tllII1Iljn ,,lf: ,K,in, WJlh sbt;jra V,r'MUvrd cabt , ,, f . . his vote lor .Monroe for president. Af- ,i . i . . . -, . . ter thit he voteil at everv preMtlenlial t,(rliI1 ,,, Iiever lnUwK much ,n- . i-kntkai. citv. rrm i !- Neaj..ireil. The health ollicers uaraiitineii John Hastings at his mommy place hiht Jlon day. .I.ihu has a mild case of smullpox. 1I ha.i been tlowu to Omaha last week previous and it is presumed contracted the dit tse while in thai city. As stated 'above the case is only a mild one, re ports to the contrary notwithstanding. Slo nil" Iler went over to Stronisbury j the hitler part of last ,eek and placed under arrest one Coo. Wright, who is wanted oa a statutory charge at Krie, Kansis. Wright had been working in the vicinity of Hordvilio for a short tune and had later gone to Stroiusbnrr', where his arrest followed. The crime with which lie is charged is a serious one and it is alleged was committed about a month ago. Sheriff Her took the pn-ouer over to Aurora Monday noon, where olhcers Iroin hne were waiting l. return home witu their man. While going to the rescue of some Columbus. p OLZ BROS. 1 MONHOE. From the lteinblicaa. Will Smith returned Monday from hi? trip to Illinois, much improved in health. Mrs. L. l . llendryx was very sick at her home in Kearney last week, but let ters received by relatives here report that she is improving. Chas. Kerr and Gus Tessendorf ship ped a mixed car of stock to South Oma ha the first of the week, and they went down to see them sell. Chas Nunnally will leave Tuesday of next week for uu extended trip through the west, and he may possibly tind a place that suits him and locate perman ently. Thursday of this week the new street gas light, recently purchased by the-village hoard, was installed at the 'tank corner, and that evening was givea: u test. It proved very satisfactory ami gives an excellent light, and can be 3t to burn any number of hours. Ir. ! quite probable that later one or more if; tbe lights will be installed. Last Thursday evening a primary election was held at tbe town hall forr-' the purpose of selecting three candidates j for village trustees at the coming elec tion. C. W. Ilolhngshead presided aa chairman and EL J. Hill was secretary. Wm. Sigea, John Gibbon and H.J. HilL were nominated for trustees for the term. of two years. Wm. Sigea will suc ceed J . 0. Head, whose term expiree, and John Gibbon, who was appointed in place of D. 11. Gipo. H. J. Hill, who is at present chairman of the board, will succeed himself. Last week an oppos ing ticket, composed of A. C. Loucks, J. Will Campbell and C. II. Kelley, was filed by petition, but Messrs. Loucks. aud Campbell who were satisfied with the action of the caucus, declined to rnu aud the ticket was withdrawn. The rea son for the opposition ticket, so it was given out, was to oppose the pool room, but this could have hardly been the ob ject, as the chairman of the village board. U.J. Hill, proposed submitting the pool hull matter to the voteis, to be decided at the election. This offer waa declined when it was thought there waa hope for it second ticket, and after the withdrawal of the ticket those opposed to the pool hall asked that the question be placed on the ballot, which will be done, and all given a chance to express their preference. llH.MfllltEY. from the l)niiiii.nit Jos. Kolluiun loaded a car with his farm machinery and household goods the latter part of the week and left for Sidney this state, near where he wilL engage in farmin. Joe had been keep ing bachelor's hall here for some tunc and will do the same m Cheyenne coun ty unices he can induce some of Platte county's handsome girls to share ranch, life with him. S. V. Schurr has been iu poor health for a couple of weeks from an attack of appendicitis, so he finally decided to have the cause lemoved aud went to the. Columbus hospital Monday for an oper ation. He was accompanied by Mis. Schurr and remained for treatment until Wednesday when the operation was per formed. Latest reports say he is recov ering rapidly. The barn of (1. U. JJiedinger, who lives three miles north of town, was burned to the gronud Tuesday evening, together with three head of horses, a calf and all the harness blankets, feed, rto., that was kept in the barn . Two small stacks of alfalfa and some straA? was .!.o burn ed but the granuries, corn cribs and other buildings were saved by the prompt ellbrts of neighb.iiii who quickly gathered to the scene. The'lJiedinger family were about to nil, down to supper at six o'clock when smoke was teen pouring from the barn. In a few sec onds it became a mass of llames and it was impossible to save any of the con tents. The loss was -partially if not all covered by insurance and "dr. Biedinger feels very grateful to those who rushed to hi- assistance iu tune to save tbe other buildings. AI.If.O.N. Fll-'ll lll ."'. .Mpa. W. V. L'tld received a telegram Tuesday that Ward Smith, her cousin's husband, had died very suddenly at (J rand Island. She left on the afternoon train, accompanied b her neice who is visiting her. Mr. Smith has been n train dispatcher for the IJ. 1. for a good many years. Tuesday afternoon sis the Union Paci fic passenger was running up to the Y the engine struck a team and wagon driven by Chas Nichols, er.. and Thos. Doty, at the crossing just north of the stockyards A string of three or four cars standing on tho stockyard switch shut ot? all view of the approaching train. Mr. Nicholas i.ud Mr. Doty were breaking a mule, driving it with the former's horo and they drove onto the track direct 1 in front of the engine. The force of the impact was suflicient to carry the horses and wagon forty or fifty feet up the track. Mr. Nichols saw the enyiue and jumped just as itstruck and was thrown to tho ground. For tunately he was not badly hurt, suffer ing only a few bruises and a general shake up. Doty also saw the danger but did not jump quick enough and was thrown onto the pilot of tbe engine. The horse had one limb cut oil and was killed as soou as pobsible, while the mule was apparently unhurt. The wtgon was entirely broken np with the exception of one wheel. Doty was foucd on the pilot, as eoon as the engine could be stopped. It was not known how badly he was hurt and he was plac ed on u stretcher acd harried to a doctor. An examination failed to find any seri ous injuries. His face and hefd, ami one hand vers quite badly cat, IN OUR NEW HOME In the Meridian Anne: You will find us better equipped that ever to attend to your wants in Electric Lighting and Electric Irons Let us wire your house Columbus Light, Heat Sc Power Co. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis orders. A doctor's first question when consult ed by a patient ie, "Are your bowels reg ular?" ilu knows that !tt per cent of illness is attended with inactive bowels and torbid liver, and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can lie restored. Bexall Orderlies are n positive, pleas ant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders iu general. We are 6o certain of their great curative value that we promise to return tbe purchas er's money in every cose when they fail to produce entire satisfaction. Kcxall Orderlies are eaten like candy, they net quietly, and have a soothing, strengthening, healing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, ilatulence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or other anuoyiug effect. They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two .sizes, 25c and 10c. Sold only at our store the Kexall store. 1'ollook & Co., corner 1:5th and North streets. Dirt and Death. When a celebrated 1'nris physician was asked how the city could prevent the coming of a plague then ravaging other European places he answered, "Boil your icer That tersely called attention to the necessity of utter cleanliness aud that even Ice made from impure water carried disease. "Yellow fever." said Henry Ward Beccher. "Is God Almighty's opinion of dirt." The chief contributing cause toward modem elHciency in surgery Is that surgeons have learned to keep clean. Nothing is so spotless as a good hospital. Everything is boiled and sterilized beds, instruments, clothing, washrags. floors, bands and finger nails. That is why they save lives there. Nobody would die If be could keep perfectly clean. Death is tbe final triumph of dirt. Chicago Trib une. He Understood the People. One of Jay Gould's campaign as a dealer in railways was with the Wa bash system of railroads. He got con trol and after effecting a reorganiza tion which increased the capital stock and also the bonded debt sold them out It is related of him at this time that an associate said to him. "Mr. Gould, don't you think you are Iwuid Ing this much higher than the property will stand?" "That may be." answer ed be, "hut the American people are mighty partial to bonds." A Mero Trifle. The young lady had won the phllo pena. "Well," said the gentleman who had lost. "I've lost: what shall I give you?" "Your photograph, nothing but your photograph." she answered. "In a pretty little gold mounting set In a gold bracelet, with a sprinkling of em eralds and Just one solitaire one only, mind you no more!" Habit is the deepest Baftre. Carlyle. law of human Impartial. "What did the captain of the vessel flo when he found the men were not disposed to do their full duty?" "He gave up the voyage and docked the vessel." "What then?" "Then he docked the crew." Balti more American. Between Friends. Bess He said my face was a ticrfect poem. Jess It is like one of Brown ing's. Bess What do you mean? Jess Some of the lines are so deep. Toledo Blade. How blessings brighten as they take their flight! Young. COLUMBUS T We invite nil who desire choice steak, and the very best cute of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultryand fish and oysters in season. S.E. MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Colambus.Neb. DO TOU WANT TO BUY The bet irripwtM land, with tbe beet water right. Which has produced bum. per crop for the past iit years. Prico reasonable. Terms very easy. For par. ticnlars write Isaac Conner. Omaha, Neb. M wm 1 HOWELLS FroB the Jouraal. On Moaday morniag t about eight o'clock our citizens were startled to hear the fir bell ring aad the shriek of tbe lire whittle. The scene of tbe trou ble was soon located at the Jos. F. Her outbosie in the watt part of town. Those who arrived first had quite a tussle with Herout who bad fired hie barn and corncrib and waa preparing to set fire to the rest of hie buildings, bis mind having become deraaged. It seems that when he awakened in the morning he waa filled with a desire to destroy, bar ing brokea several windows in tbe bouse and demolished a couple of chairs before going outside tofire tbeplaoe. When Dually overpowered and tied with ropes he told those about him that they might just as well let him finish tbe job aa be intends to finish it later anyhow and then take his own life. Mr. Herout was taken in custody by Marshal Dickey and removed to Sohuvler for safe-keeping until Wednesday morning, when he bad his bearing before the board of insanity, and after all the evidence in the case was in he waa ordered taken to Norfolk for treatment. During tbe time of the hearing at Schuyler heasked permission to leave tbe room. He waa left alone for a few miantea by the sheriff, in who ee charge he was placed, daring which time he set fire to one of tbe small oat buildings in the court bouse yard The officer saw the smoke and hastily quench ed tbe flames. Mr. Herout has always been a highly respected resident of this community, has always been faithful in the performance of bis duties aa mail carrier ou route No. 4, and was f man of good habits. His friends deeply deplore tbe affliction that has come upon bim. PLATTK CKKTEK From the Sicaal. Mrs. J. H. Beck, of Cheyenne, Wyo., arrived here Thursday morning for a visit with friends and relative. Mrs. Beck was formerly Miss Katie Mahoney. It was a matter of some surprise and much pleasure to tbe many friends of Mr. William Scbelp lo see him on tbe streets of Platte Center 'last Saturday. His serious illness of the past two mon ths or longer does not seem to have left bis health in an impaired condition. Two weeks ago the village authorities gave an order for three more street lamps like tbe ones now in use. A day or two subsequent this order was in creased to six. Theac lamps have arriv ed, and a man will be here tbe last of the week to set them up. An effort is being made to induce tbe railroad com pany to place a lamp on the street north of the depot. With all these lamps our village will assume quite a metropolitan appearance. Last Thursday being a birthday an niverssry of ltev. HiMnger, of the Ger man Baptist church, the members of bis congregation joined in a pleasant assem bly at tbe church and spent the after noon in a joyful manner. Tbe superin tendent, Mr. Hobbeasief ken, and also tbe organist, Mrs. Emil Scboeo, who arc ac tive church workers, were not forgotten on this occasion. Appropriate gifts were presented to ltev. Hilsinger, Mr. Hobbensicfken and Mrs. Sohoen ae a slight token of the esteem in which these worthy people arc held. The occasion was one long to be remembered. SIIKLUY. From the Sun. Myron Thompson baa been having a streak of bad luck this week. He ran a nail in tbe bottom of bis foot which caused him to navigate with difficulty and we notice that be hae been driving bis automobile minus one tire. Tbe nails appear to have been wrong end up with Myron this week. When land in tbe vicinity of Shelby began to sell for 9100 per acre many said that tbe top notch had been reached and it was time to let go. Some sold and others held on. O. F. Hotchkias held on until Tuesday when FredKumpf tempted him with aa offer of $150 an acre for bis IGO-acre farm one mile north ot Shelby and he sold. Tbe sale of this quarter section for $34,000 causes us lo wonder at the lack of foresight of a lot of us, to whom it seems but a few years ago when the railroad company was selling land in this same locality at from three to five dollars per acre, and settlers were relinquishing their homestead rights for almost a song or deserting them outright, fearing that tbe country would never be free from grasshopper raids. HAIR HEALTH. If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble Take Advantage of This Offer. We conld not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall U3" Hair Tonic and con tinue toscll it as we do, if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthu siasm carry us away, and ltexall "Do"' Hair Tonio not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is be ginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble. Rexall "!)3" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent pre mature baldness. Our faith in Kexall "U3" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask yon to try it on our positive guarantee that j oar money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we claim. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at onr store tbe Kex all store. Pollock k Co, corner 13th and North streets. Similar Tastes. Bacon Have yon and your wife aba Mar tastes? Egbert 1 think so. I ion't believe she likes her cooking Mtber. Tonkers Statesman. Moderation la tbe silken string ran nlag through tat pearl chela of all rb tue,-eUQ, r An Unparalleled Record 49,491,000 NOT A HarriMan Mies' Bucemger Beport for 1919 Show. Vic tory of Stfetj Itafaa. ACCIDENTS Unto ffeifc Oie-mk; Ufcket Seal!! TtSedieei. The Kjrrla.auwav Uss earned 10 pet ceat ef the eatlautedT U0O peswnger weJk eC tke flatted State. r .1.0 p. witaeur-fatal accident io aaree tee-auav eh TM result la ascribed .to tbe instaaa tJeaef safety devices and ! believed toUevs ne araISI lathe raUrosd world. The report, cinuhilng this data, 'juat has eetaueeinpiled ! the offices of Julius KruU caalR. director of maintenance and opera tion oa the system. Including- the Southern Bectflc aad Unlon-Paciac railroads, a total ot 17,9 miles. The total number of aeseagers c&rriel oa a one mile' totals- was 8.00O.O0O.00O. .Tbe 'figures' of the country's railroads for 1910 have not yet been compiled by tbe govern meat; but In 1009 the Interstate commerce commission reported the number of jicssen gers carried a -i9.000.Oev.ow. The fgures for 1010 will not-exceed a. billion le said. .Ho like HecordlXnowii. Slany other railroad have- gone through a year without a fat'a.lty .to any of its passen gers. -but it is talJ-.that no-system has Tnade this 'record for euch a larsv toist of passen gers. Tbe results' on the Harriman .lines are as cribed to a campaign waged by the'manage ment for years to reduce accidents. The Kar riman system now has mere miles of auto matic block signal protection than aay other system In the -world. Mr. Xruttschnltt ahn zejf has directed special attention to the'sc cident problem and began"evcral.years ago to-bring about a .reduction-by givlr.ff com plete publicity to all forms. of accidents and' their Investigation, which, it is believed, spurred both officers and employes to greater efTqrts-to'safesuard hves Intrusted to their care." I Chicagt Tribune, February 12th. Union Nat a StagU Fatal AccWewt. The Rannu uses :cttrled 10 per eat or tte country's estimated paswa get trafle-for 1110. Jlet 4 togle fatal aedieat occurred to p eager aay wner the system. This acaleresteat Is deecrlbei as ho psrallelsd .la zauroadJag, and lt la at tributed to the lastaUation f safety vlcea-caleiy. If aot wholly. If a small line gets through a. year without a fatal accident the result any Itself be considered aacMontal. A taat system carrying millions of 'passengers owes safety 4o ImproYemeats, care and ealclency. Cbicagt Record-Herald, February 15th. Standard Road of the West Let us send to you or give to you, free, an interesting little book, "Making Travel Safe." Address your local agent or GEMOT FORT, P. T. M. OMAHA, NEB. Seed Grain Suggestions. If you need good seed, ask the State Experiment Station where to get it and what it will cost. If yon produce yonr own seed grain, it is important to select it early out of tbe best part of the crop and tuke good care of it. Are you testing your seed for germ inating qualities? It is a simple matter, acd the State Experiment Station will send yon full directions fot doing it at home. Whenever smut appears, treat tbe seed grain with formalin solution. Get tbe formula and method from the State Experiment Station. The treatment is very simple and effective. By attention to these rales, you can increase yonr crop from -1 to 10 busbclB per acre, with very little extra expense. Additional attention to cultural methods and soil fertilization will add further to the profits. If yon have any good seed grain, you should send a sample to yoar State Ex periment Station, stating how much you have and tbe price you want for it. Yonr name will be listed and sent to those who ask for good seed. If yoar seed sppesra to be mixed or fslliog off in yield, it will pay you to get pare bred seed of tbe best strain adapt ed to your soil and climate. If you have any doubt as to what varieties to plant, writs the Stats Experiment Station and ask them which will do beet in yoar soil and climate. Yoa should never fail to use a good I finning mill, ss)sctjng poly tbe heaviest TRAVEL; LIFE LOST CUT TO THLEDL Owwatatt Drt to Pacific (733) and plumpest kernels of good body for sowing, and avoid plauting shriveled and dwarfed kernels. Wheat, oats, barley and rye seed may be beet prepared by fanning mills, which separate by size and by weight, by means of screens and wind blast. A good fanning mill, pro perly used, will more than pay for itself in a single season. UNION PACIFIC THE TINLE WEST BOUND. No. 11. EAST BOUND. H-SM n in No. 4 1:21 a in no. 1 .... No.U.... No. 15.... No. 3 .... No. 5 .... No. 21.... No. 19.... No.l.... No. 7 . . .10:28 a in .11:25 am . 3:0.1 p m . ft:Spni . 7:2.". p m . :!" pm . 2:lUnni .1120 am .12:10 pni . a J3 p m No. 12 No. i; i No. 16 No. 10 , i No. ia ' No.:: No.2i No. 291...... No. 21 iio, a . 5:21 a m . 2:W p m . 2:1 p di . 3:05 pin . 5:57 p ra 820 pm 1:20 pm 3:00 p m 7:12 a m :! p ni BRANCDEH. NourOLK. SP ALPINO 4 ALBION. No. 77 mzd . - d 7:20 a ni No.2Vpas ..ri 7:25 pm No. 30 pas ..a 1:10pm No. 7S mxd..a 4:10 pm No. 7!) inxd..d 6:00 am No. 31 pas ..dlilOpm No. 32 pas ..allSSnm No. 80 mzd ..a : p ra Daily except Sunday. note: Nos. 1, 2, 7 ami 8 am extra far trains. Noe. 4. 5, 13 ami II are local passsngsrs. Nos. 58 and W are local freights. Nos. 8 and 16 are mail traias oaljr. No. 14 laein Omaha 4:45 p. m. No. 8 dne in Omaha 5:08 p. m. C. N. a I. Tias Tails No. 32, Pass, (daily ex. Banday ) Issts. ... 75 a xa No. 32. Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Satardayj hr.50O p m No. 21. Pass, (daily ex. Saaday) arnVe..fe2 P as No. 81, Frt. & Ac, (d'y sx. Saaday) ar. . .0:15 a n JQ4X5Jl I k