Columbus JMirpk COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1911. WHOLE NUMBER 2,053. FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 52. r 1 Two Good Lots On Eleventh Street Now On the Market Foi Sale. BEGHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS t : COLUMBUS MARKET6. & Ky ................. -. '" B ' nts Wheat "' .1 ' While Coin Ji V.lliw Corn M-J !!.ifl,Li ?r70l ?5!HI MANY Y5ARS AGO Kil-rt of the Journal, April ::. 1S78. Considerable snow fell in tins vicinity Ian Friday. That, with the heavv riu:i ..f InM, Wednesday, givcB us plenty of uioistuie for the spring crops. "Nebr." should he universally used an the abbreviated nnine of our state. We n..ticH thai the government oiliciiils use H. ami Tor good reasons. Mistakes often happen with "Neb" because the hint lot ler'is indistinctly niaile anil mistaken for a "v." thus sending the document to Nevada, as happened the other day with u -letter of advice" for a 1. O. money order of S-J, and the payment of the order was delayed two weeks in couse iieiiee. Senator Sauiidei's timber culture bill, reported by Senator ruddock from the committee on ngrie.iiltuie, has pasted the senate, after an nnimated discussion, in which our senators took very promin ent, part. The bill amends the old law bv reducing the amount to be plunted from forty to leu acre. trecH to ba set four feet apart instead of twelve, and allows no oue person to take under the law more than UM) acres. If tho bill can be passed in the hoiie it will be a good law for Nebraska settlere Last Monday was plenuut. mild, sun stiine and waim, the cattish and garr were sporting in the Loup, the lark and rohiti twittering in the iilao, nnd the small hoy, astiide his utick, galloping alum; the sidewalk, playing ride pony, wan happy. Yet the happiness of the cnMioh find the gar r, the robin anil the lark and the little boy on Ins stick horse are matters of mere insignificance, when counted against the happiness i.f the man who mis hi ideas at the ch"ol meeting. Whi an openri.: for the pent-up feelings .f one whi.l. e.-n. Advertised Letters. following is a list of unclaimed inuil matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing March '2'J, l'Jll: Letters August OuiImmi. lien lis ter J, Miss Eunice Longrien. .1. M. O'Neal. K 1). Smith. G 11 Seller -' Cards Peter (."olkit, J .mes li Bur ins. K K. Fi. Charles llxi.e. Con Helzler. Miss Milium MeCah'. Mrs. John Morrell. .lulms Kied, Graee Wur teubuig Parties calling for anv f t'i. nl v. will please say, "advert ihed." W. A. McAi.i.isii .. V M A nice line of wedding rings just ie ceiveil Ourl Froemel, Eleventh street jeweler. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. G. KAVANAUGH Bonds for paving, sewerage and a new city hall were endorsed by the Commer cial club at their special meeting held Wednesday evening for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee appointed for the purpose of investi gating the paving ami sewerage proposi tions. The paving question was the main one contained in the report, and the paving district recommended ex tends from Platte to Lewis streets, aud from the south side of Fourteenth to the alley south of Eleventh street. The amount of bonds recommended for the intersections was $15,000, winch the committee believed would be sufficient and for the sewer the same amount would he required. Some time ago bonds were voted for a city hall, but after the election had been held it was found that the city did not have author ity to issue these The present legisla ture has a bill before it which will pro vide for this and in addition to the other recommendations was one for issuing 15,000 for city hall purpurea should the bill become a law. The committee vai composed of Uus. It. Spuicc, II. A. Clarke, (1. W. Phillips. G. Frisehholz and L. II. L-avy. The report was adop ted !y the club without a dissenting voice, ami those who have been pusbiug IheHe projects feel as though there is no oticstiun about there becoming a reality in the near future. Petitions will be circulated for the various bonding pro positions and President Frischhol?'. ap pointed the committee to circulate them: B. .1. Galley, C li. bpeice, S. 15. Marty, E II. Chambers und U. A. Clarke. Hot h city Ucketfl are complete, and the time for withdrawals or additions expired la&t Friday. For mayor, Louis Held, the piesent incumbent, has no op-po-it ion, and the same is true of the cily Ue.iMiiei. Walter Boeltcber; city clerk, Wm. Becker; police judge, Win. O'Brien; ami water commissioner, P. .1. MeCaft rey. (has. Wurdeman, for city engineer, who was nominated by the democrats, will not. have any opposition. In the First waul there is but oue candidate, for councilman, Louis Brnukcn. the de mocratic nominee, having no opposition. The same is true in the Second ward, where the name of Wm. Kurt, democrat, will he the only uauio on the ticket. The Third and Fourth wards each have two candidates, Charles W. Freeman be ing the democratic candidate and E. E. Bergman the republican nominee lu the Fourth ward George Winslow, the present incumbent and the republican nominee, is opposed by Uus Prieb With usual custom, there are hut two school hoard candidates. Louis A. Lachnit for tho democrats and Charles L. Dickey for the republicans Giistuvuis Schreiber, aged lortyhve, died Saturday afternoon ut his home on East Eighth street, death being due to kidney trouble Mr. Schreiber was born in P.randeuhurg, Germany, Februury IS, ISM When he was a year old tho fam ily came to America, arriving in Illinois in ISt'iii. Here they lived until lS60f when they came to Platte county, which has since been his home. Until 1S05 Mr Schreiber lived on the old home stead, north of this city, with his par ents, when his mother died. After this he purchased another farm, and later moved mio thiB city. Mr. Schreiber never married, lie leaves three broth ers. William and Louis of this locality, and Frit. Schreiber of Wisner. and two sisters. Mrs. Gerhard Voss and Mrs. Carl Klug. Funeral services were held Tues day at the Shell Creek Lutheran church, of which ho was a member, the services being conducted by the pastor, llev. Mueller, and burial was in the cemetery at the church. Final adoption of the plunu and speci fications for the remodeling of the High school building wjib before the board of education at their special meet ing last Thursday evening, and this was accomplished after some few minor ch::u gcb in the plans submitted by Architect Wurdeman. In a few days bids will be culled for so that the contract, .nay ho let and the work begin as soon as the spnng term closes. Teachers were also elected as follow: C. E. Collett, pnnei ,...1: Mary A. Johnston, Uuby 11. Hickley. Ellen ,J. Hansen, Emily F. Korer. For the grade.-. Minnie Baier, Lena Schino ckcr. Angelme Bracken, Oru Bracken, Kate Lueusinger, Julia Thomas, Eloise iinigger. Mrs. Ida Thompson, Mabel Euke and Sophia Alness. Th:s docs not complete the list of teachers, as there are a number of other positions which will be tilled by tho board at a later meetiug. Xet Saturday, April 1st, the fishing season opens, and already several large camping outfits aro making ready to be on the ground as soon as the law will )Krmit. It appears a hardship lo the real fisherman, who never goes beyond the rod and reel to enjoy the sport, to be compelled to stop in November, just when his favorite "pike" are doing all manner of bait-taking stunts. There should lie no closed 6eaeon for the man who fishes with rod and reel. But bear in mind that all sportsmen over eighteen years of age must take out a license. This will cost you one dollar at the office of the county clerk, and may be the means of saving yon much trouble in case the "bogey" man comes around. New arrivals every day. We are addiDg new numbers to our large variety of approved styles. We can please you in both style and price. H. 11. Stires. Dr. Kallmann, Dentist 13th St. Dr, Morrow, office Laeechen building. Baled hay for sale. Ernst & Brock. t The latest in shirts for spring at Gcr-harz-Flynn Co. Plain and fancy sewing Miss Gragert old East 14th st. lied Oxide the best barn paint on earth, at Leavy's. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Shoes repaired while you wait. S. Uurwitz, .521 West 11th. T. F. Askew of Council Bluffs, la., was a Columbus visitor Sunday. Dr. Li P. CaretenBon, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KummerSte. Frank T. Walker of Omaha was in the city Monday and Tuesday on business. The new and nobby styles for Bill in hats and caps are found tit Gcrbarz Flynn Co. Mrs. S. C. Pedersou left Saturday for Sidney, Nebr , where she will visit with Mr. Pedersou for about tun days. Lute North came up from Omaha Sat urday ami remained over Sunday with the home folks, returning Monday. Mrs. Jacob Gltir, accompanied by her daughter Anna left Saturday for Omaha to visit with relatives and friends for a week. O. I. Mart, of Omaha is unw local manager for tho Bell telephone, succeed ing D. J. Echols, who resigned last week . Tho event of the millinery opening. week was Stires Everybody was pleased with the artistic styles and mo derate prices. E. II. Chambers of this city has been elected as one of tho jurors for the next term of federal court, which convenes in Omaha April 10. A letter from J. E. North, who has been spending tho winter in San Diego. Cal., bays they expect to slnrt for Nebr aska in n few days. Miss Freda Phillipps, who is attending the public school in this city, left Satur day for her home at Belgrade to spend her spring vacation Last Saturday .1. E. Whitcomh pur chased Chalmer Shannon's interest in the II rm of Wbitcomb ,v Shannon in the Hagel howling alleys, and is now the sole owner of the place. Last Saturday evening a Columbus liowhug team, composed of Galley, Whaley, Burrows, Bramgan and Palmer, defeated h Schuyler team in that city, the score being 2,: 157 to '2,:'AJk. Con Keating, who was operated on for appendicitis ut St. Mary's hospital two weeks ago, is now improving slowly. For a time his condition was such as to cause his friends much anxiety. Miss Bertha Glur returned to Gruetli Sunday noon, after spending several days with home folkt-", who leing accom panied by her brother Car), who will spend several days with frit nds. A letter received by Kobert Neumeis ter from his wife, who is at present in Sheboygan. Wis , says that she is recov ering from a severe at tuck of pneumonia contracted soon after .she arrived there. Tuesday of thtB week the work of pre paring the ball grounds for the present season was commenced. This will bo done under the supervision of Manager Corbett. who will ee the grounds are in tirst class condition. Will Zmueeker arrived last Friday eve ning from Fillmore county, where ho has been farming for the last year or so. Ho will not return there, however, as ho did not renew tho lease on the farm, but will make his headquarters in this city. Paul Hagel left Monday afternoon for Uoche.ster, Minn , where he will undergo at: operation at the famous Mayo Bros. hospital. He was accompanied by his daughter. Mrs. Eugene TitTatiy, and Will Hall of Norfolk, who will remain with him. v Post Office Inspector Lindland was in the city last week gathering data for the establishment of the proposed additional city route. His work is along the line of looking up the location of sidewalks and street light?, these being among the important requirements asked for by the department. While painting at the Meays home last Friday, J. O. Blodgett met with an acci dent that will lay him up for some time. The ladder on which he was working slipped and he fell to the ground, spraining his right wrist and breaking a bone in his h ft wrist. While not serious the break is quite painful, and he is carry ing his arm in a bandage. Last week Baggageman Elias at the Union Pacific issued an order for all hotel and transfer men who meet the trains to keep entirely off the station platform. Heretofore they have been in the habit of crowding up to the trains, and to remedy this they were in structed to keep close to the building. But they were soon back at the trains again, and the order for them to keep off the platform was the result. Your Expense Account will be a small item if the monthly rent checks arc omit ted. Have you as yet solved the problem whereby this item bf expense called "rent" can be termed a profit, and ultimately make you a home owner. If you will take this matter up with our Secretary he will explain our method of making your rent item a profit. The Equitable Building, Loan and Savings Association Office with Elliott-Speicc-Ech61s Co. Kobert Uenuan Cockson. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cockson of sontb of tho rivers, died last Friday, aged live days. Funeral services were held Sat urday ut the Catholic church, and burial was in the parish cemetery. Dan Lord, a former old-time resideut of this vicinity, now living in Denver, was in the city a couple of days last week. Mr. Lord still retains interests iu Nebraska, and came this trip to look after a shipment of sheep from his ranch nenr Fullerton. Ex-Supervisor Peterson of Walker township, who has been at St. Mary's hospital for some time, was discharged from that institution Tuesday of this week. A few weeks ago the index fin ger on his left haud began to swell, and the doctor's discovered that the bone was affected and that amputation was necessary. This was done, ami ho is now recovering from the effects of the operation aud expects lo return home this week . A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Flenimiug lastThurb dayeveniug. AtS::l) o'clock Mr. Bur ton Mount and Mrs. Grace Flemming were married by Kev. William L. Dib ble. The beautiful Episcopal ring ser vice was used. Tbre was gathered h small company of friends who after congratulations were served lap refresh ments under the charge of Mrs. Drake. Mr. Mount is by trade a railroad bridge builder but will make his homo in Col umbus for ut least this summer. Last Tuesday evening, while Deputy Sheriff Mark Burke was returning to his hotel in Norfolk after taking an insane patient to the asylum, he discovered n Bohemian emigrant from Kushville, named Koutoe, who was the victim of an attempted holdup in the Northwestern yards at that place. The old man, who was uuahle to talk English, was on his way to the west, and had a considerable amount of money with him. His assail ants hit him iu the neck but were frightened away before the robbery could be committed. When Mr. Burke saw the old man he was in a dazed condi tion, with blood flowing freely from the wound. He wa6 given medical aid and taken to Omaha, where the bullet was removed, and he is now recovering. Tuesday evening aboilt six o'clock Martin-Burke and another hobo under took to help themselves to some clothing and as a result Burke is in the county jail, while his partner is at large. They entered the store and the other man ask ed to look at some clothes, which were in the rear part of the building. Horatio Adams was waiting on him, und while thus engsiged heard a noiso in the front part of store. Glancing into a mirror which gave him a view of the Trout por tion of the store, iio observed Burke tak ing a coat and vest, and at once started after him. Burke succeeded in getting out of the store and the police bell soon brought Chief Sehack. who succeeit-d in arresting the fellow aud he waslodg-. 1 in the city jail. Wednesday mornini' be had his hearing before County Judgo Rntterman, and pleaded guilty, drawing a jail sentence of thirty days, every otuer day on bread aud water. rr .r wi-: '.rlrl is alone good enough for our custo mers. Wc have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in THE BEST the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L W. WEIVER t SON HARNESS AND COAL Commercial Club Elect Officers. Tuesday evening the Commercial club held their annua! meeting for the pur pose of electing officers, and also listen ing to the reports of the committee ap pointed to solict funds enough to com plete the amount required for building the roads between the city and the Platte river bridge. The chairman of the soliciting com mittee not being present, a report was made by the three other members, and they reported subscriptions to the amount of $810.50, stating that there were quite a number whom they had not seen and that they could without doubt raise the required $1,000. This report was accepted and the committee continued until their work was com pleted. .When the reading of the mitiutes was completed, 6. A. Schroeder asked that the report of the committee on paving be amended so as to include Lewis street from the south side of Fourteenth to the alleys south of Eleventh street. After some discussion a motion was carried including Lewis street from the north side of Thirteenth to the alley south of Eleventh in the proposed paving dis trict. The committee on paving was al so given power to take the matter before the city council. The club authorized the officers to confer with the county board and request them to make formal application for the government expert to build the proposed road to the Platte river bridge, as the amount of money required was practi cally assured. The committee first ap pointed on securing the government ex pert was instructed to sec Mr. Sheldon and find out what the cost of securing the proper material would be, the neces sary gumbo being located on his land, near the proposed road. Eight directors were then elected fur a term of three years, two from each ward. James Hancy and W J. Walter were elected in the First ward; Mr. Haney succeeding F. J . Kersenbrock, who has removed from the ward, and Mr. Walter succeeding hiniBclf. In tho secoud ward the two directors wtio3e terms expire. Jacob Greisen and 8. J. llyan, were re elected. In the Third ward the prcbont members, U. A. Clatke and C. J.Garlow, were also re-elected. In the Fourth ward there were three members to elect, one to till the vacancy caused by the removal of S. B. Gregg. Thcvacaucy was tilled by the election of Matt Abts, and F.J. Gerharz and G. A. Schroeder were selected; Mr. Schroeder succeeding 11. L. Johnson, who had removed from the ward, and F. J. Gerhar. succeeding himself. President Frischhol. was authorized t select live delegates to attend the stfjto meeting of commercial clubs at Kearney the latter part of April, and these will be announced later. After the club adjourned the hoard of directors proceeded to elect olllcera for the following year, as follows: Presi dent, G. Frischhol.; vice presidents, Carl Kramer, CO. Gray. G. A. Schroeder; secretary, Eilert Mohlman; treasurer, G. W. Phillips. Before the adjourn ment of tlie club a motion was unani mously carried instructing the directors to re-elect President Frischhol. and Se cretary Mohlman, aud this was carried out by the board. Congregational Church. Dante in his wandering in bell saw au entrance over which were these words. "All hope abandon ye who enter here." He asked Virgil what it meant. "It means the home of the soul to misery abandoned." Such, however, is not a normal soul. God has put iu the soul universal the star of hope. When the seven classic philosphers were holding a banquet together it was asked of them, "What is the most univer sal possession?" The possession agreed upon was hope, for said they, "He that hath nothing else has hope." A crew of fifteen men once left a burn ing ship at mid-Pacific. They were thousands of miles from land. They had to leave tbe6hipso hastily that they had not time to take oars, or sail, or any other tackle or gear with which to pro duce motion. They were only able to snatch away some food and water. They lived six weeks in that boat. The last twenty days they dreamed every night of feasting and awoke every morning to the same starving want, vacant waters and desolate sky. Yet these men never lo6t hope for they preceived from the outset that their boat was ia the current of an equatorial ocean, a current winch those who knew the geography of the sea were aware would slowly but surely carry them at least to land, which it did. Sometimes the patience of hope in the christian life has to lie exercised iu that waj-. No oar, and no sail; no strength and no light; for many days neither sun or moon, no stars appearing, only the magnet of faith pointing steadily to the Rock of Ages. But we should never forget that the hope which God has put in the soul universal reaches up into a current that surely drifts Godward if we arc only following ite bearing. The pastor of the Congregation nl ehurch will discuss this subject next Sunday evening from the theme: The Man God Created and His Develop mentMan and His Immortal Hope. You will be helped by this sermon . The morning theme will be: Christ's Re quirement. We invite you to share our church services with us. William L. Diublk, Minister. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Watch the columns of this paper for the announcement of "The Whirl o' The Town." This is a home talent play, of sixty characters to be given in the North opera house in the later part of April. Mr. Anderson took twelve of our boys to Monroe on Monday noon of this week to put on a gymuastic entertain ment in the gymnasium of the Presby terian church, liev. Beal is trying to arouse interest in the gym work and he asked the Columbus association to send some of its athletes to show what is be ing done iu Columbus. The program given for railroad men on last Friday evening was much apprecia ted. A good number of the men and their families were present nnd enjoyed even the splashing they received ill the swimming pool. These monthly exhibits are showing a steady development on the part of the fellows who take part and a very tleoided improvement in ntbletic ability is noted in all the classes. Our boys at Monroe carried off high honors on Monday evening of this week. An enthusiastic audience greeted and cheered each successive event as the best on the program. The opera house was used and it was crowded to the full The program started with a marching drill in which they formed the associa tion emblem, the Y. M. C. A. letters, und closed with the cross formation. The dtimbell drill was followed by the pyra mid building in one of which the ceiling was reached. Following the diving came a talk by llev. Wedge of Genoa in which he spoke of the ideals of the as sociation represented by the boys and inviting the boys to Genoa for a similar performance. The 100 pound wrestlers carried the house by storm but the lit) pound men caused the audience to fairly raise the roof . The clown boxing event was very amusing and was fully appre ciated. In the tumbling the work of Leonard Linstrum was especially well received. The program was closed by the torch club swinging by Mr. Ander son and all decided it to be a Ural class evenings entertainment This is oue of the ways iu which tho Columbus associa tion can be of service to tho.Mirrounding- towns. The City Council. Besides opening the bids for the uuw chemical truck at the special meetiug Friday evening the city council also re ceived the report of the committee on tire, which included tho nuitual roport made by tho chief of the lire department. One of the important matters considered was the installation of a lire alarm sys tem in place of the present one. and this will be taken up mid investigated by the committee and a report made cover ing what cau be untili.ed here. The re districtitig of the city for tiro districts, which was also recoinmeuded by the chief, was endorsed and early action will he taken on this. The number of (lis tnetH will be increased to either eight or tt,nanj tua w mHke it much easier for the firemen to locate a lire. Another meeting was held Monday evening to further consider the bids on the chemi cal truck, and also to prepare for the re port of the committee which goes to Omaha in a few days to witness the test of the new chemical truck recently pur chased by that city. The following judges and clerks for the spring election, Tuesday. April 1, were named by the council: First Ward Judges, T. S. Jaworski, Robert Uirschbrunner, G. Frischholz; clerks, M. C. Calto, Earl Galley. Second Ward Judges, Chas Micek, Mike Wisentlub, Ed Brauigan: clerks. Adolph Luers, Isaac Brock. Third Ward- Judges, Geo. Willard. C. M. Elston, Frank VanAletiue: clerke, J. II. Meagher, Walter Novell. Fourth Ward Judges, F. J. Gregor ion, Bazil Gietzen, J. A. Turner; clerks, A. J. Kryzcki, D. D. D. Boyd. Base Ball. About a week or ten days ago tho re vised schedule for the Btato league was submitted to the various club, and last Saturday dailies contained the following regarding the result: The proposed schedule of 112 games for each team in the Nebraska State league has been approved by a majority of the clubs in the league, und tho official schedule will he sent out as soon as President Sievers can get it mto printed shape. Superior will open at Grand Island on May 12 for two games, Hastings at Kearney, York at Fremout, and Seward at Columbus. All other series through out the season will be of three games. On the Fourth Grand Island will play at Kearney both morning and afternoon, Columbus at Fremont, York at Seward and Superior at Hastings. All receipts on this day will be pooled. There will be uo "split games on the national holiday, as was the case last year, the purpose being to save the traveling ex pense. The clubs will close the season as follows: Grand Island at Superior, Kearney at York, Columbus at Seward, aud Fremont at Hastings. The Sunday games have been evenly distributed, to be played nt the towns scheduled, if possible, or transferred or postponed, as the conditions may warrant. Guns, amunition, tents, also all kinds of repairing. W. E. Rohrich, new loca- tion 1207 Platte street. Buy a Bank Draft Never risk your money in the mails. For abso lute safety, at trifling buy a draft at this bank Columbus State Bank Capital &Srplm, S85.000.0O Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. Matzen, dentist, over Niewobner's. See our new line of wall paper. Lwavy. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. R. Neumnrker, oflice with Dr 0. I). Evans, west side of Park. Miss Vesta Vallier of Grand Island in a guest at the homo of her uncle, A. E Vallier. Tnko a look at some of Gerliarz-Flynu Go's, nifty spring suits for young men nnd hoys. , Our millinery has the style nnd qual ity of tho high class, fashionable city productions. U. II. Stires. Hoy Hall, accompanied by hiscousine. Lloyd Mateon of Monroe und Lelaud Matson of Elgin, went to Omaha Mon day where they will visit relatives and also attend the presentation of Ben llur in that city. James Pearsall returned Tuesday from Omaha, where he has been making an extended visit with his son Charles and family. He also visited his son Earl at Eau CInire. Wisconsin, nnd says he had a i.;. i-:', enjoyable time Mr. and Mrs. George MoUenry of Denison, la., are the parents of a baby hoy, which arrived Tuesday of last week. Mrs. McUenry was formerly Miss Nell Evans of this city and Dr. and Mrs. O. 1). Evans are grand parents. Tuesday of this week Irene Victoria Galus, two year old daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Galus, died at their home near Duncan. Funeral services will be held Thursday at the Duncan Catholic church and burial will be in the Duncan cemetery. Letters from Alphy Heintz, jr., who is now living at Petaluma, Cal.. telle of his marriage to Miss Louisa Schaad on March '20. Miss Schaad is a daughter of Ed Schaad, a former resident of this city . Mr. and Mrs. Heintz are spending their honeymoon in San Francisco, and will make their home in Petaluma, Cal. Methodist Church Notice. Our services begin on Sunday at 11 o'clock and the subject for the meeting is, "Companionship in God's Work." Sunday school at noon. The evening meetings are changed to a later hour as follows: The Epworth league will meet at ? p. m., und the leader is Miss Sadie Cover. Evening theme is, "The Depart ed Gods." Special music to our public meetings. -Chas. Wayne Ray, Pastor. Route No. 4. Spring work is well under way on the route. Mr. Scharff is hauling lumber from Oconee for u new granary he is building. John ScbarlT shipped a ear of sheep to South Omaha last Wednesday even ing. Underwear UNION SUITS Wo have the agency for the famous Muiising Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on tho market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to &1.50. Prices in boys' from fiOc, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for yonr in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82.50 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S