The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 22, 1911, Image 4

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Political, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to tha
General Reader.
Secretary of War Dickinson con
ferred at length with the hoard of
directors of the Panama railroad
The mouthers of the I'nited States
section of the joint homidary commis
sion hetweeii tiie United States and
Canada held its first meeting, elect
ing Former Senator Thomas II. Carter
of Montana, and L. V. Lhishy, secre
tary. A reorganization of the army along
hroad lines is under consideration hy
the war department. The central idea
of the new plan, which is yet in the
formative stage, contemplates the as
sembling of several hrigades of troops
in various parts of the country and
Riving as many general officers as
possihlc actual field command.
Preliminary returns of the national
hanks made in response to the call for
condition on March 7. indicat' a gen
eral expansion of loans and discounts
throughout the country. New York
city shows loans and discounts of
$!U.VM7, increase of SHW.noo,
00(1. Huston shows an increase of
5ir,.000.MtO; St. I,ouis $U.'t:)(M00:
Pittshurg SI.OUO.OIM) and Cincinnati
Rejecting what he termed the
"alarming exaggerations of pessi
mists" in their interpretation of the
attitude of the United Sti'les towards
Mexico in tho political disorders of
the latter country, llaron d'l-'stour-nelle
do Constant, one of the leading
diplomats of France, in an address
tonight at the Panama union, urged
faith in the "conciliatory policy" of
the United States.
Official announcement was made
nt the white house that Associate
Justice Charles K. Hughes, of the
United States supreme court, has
been designated as head of the com
mission to investigate second class
postage rates, especially with refer
ence to magazines. Former Solicitor
General Lawrence Maxwell of Cincin
nati has been designated as one of
the members of the commission.
Nine men were indicted at Chicago
on a charge of Alaska land frauds.
The resignation of Diaz is declared
to be the price of peace in Mexico.
Japan is making, no effort to secure
a naval base on the coast of Mexico.
Oklahoma City adopted the com
mission form of government by about
1,200 majority.
Secretary Dickinson advised the
Fouth to cease violence to negroes if
it would prosper.
In his address at Atlanta President
Taft predicted good results from reci
procity with Canada.
The United States government has
made a request that Mexico release
two American prisoners at Juarez.
The contract for the new $2.fiG0.000
New York City postoffice was ward
ed to the Fuller Construction com
pany. Charles McKihben. aged 35, a
wealthy pioneer prospector, was burn
ed to death in his cabin near Dead
wood. S. D.
Conditions bordering on a panic are
raid to exist in northern Mexico, and
many towns are being beseiged by
the insurrectcs.
The Honduran congress has accept
ed the resignation of Itafatl Ixipez
Gutierrez, who recently was elected
second designate.
The Missouri senate assembly
passed a bill prohibiting dram shops
from being licensed, except in incor
porated cities and towns.
Concerning his candidacy for the
presidency. Champ Clark said the
democratic party might go farther
and fare worse, and he believed it
A valuation of $2.."12.14fi is placed
on the estate in New Hampshire of
the late Mrs. Mary Glover Kddy.
founder of the Christian Science
The California assembly, by unani
mous assent, has replaced its old pri
mary law with one providing for
the use of the Oregon plan for elect
ing senators.
The Iowa senate killed the resolu
tion for a constitutional prohibitory
amendment convention by adopting
the committee report for indefinite
postponement. 27 to 21.
The Chinese legation at Washing
ton emphatically denies rumors of an
anti-foreizn uprising in Manchuria.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barbour are
being held in St. Joseph. Mo., pre
paratory to deportation to Russia as
white slavers.
Four were killed and one injured
in a snowslide that destroyed the
boarding house at Gold King mine
near Gladstone. Colorado.
The Kansas supreme court hasjie
cided the law requiring railroads to
carry members of the national guard
within the state at a cent a mile Is
Action of the I'nited States in Mex
ico is purely an American affair says
a German newspaper.
The foot and mouth disease has
r.gain appeared in England. Move
ment of stock in a wide area has
been prohibited.
The campaign for membership in
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men and Encir.emen is in progress
throughout the country.
Thirty members of a rpifcinus cult
at Find'lar. O.. have chartered a spe
cial car to make a pilgrimage to Los
Angeles to bathe in a sacred stream
revealed to them by a spirit voice.
It is found there is no law against
the shipment of arms of Mexico.
The New York legislature Is still
balloting for senator without results.
Influential Mexicans say interven
tion by the United States means
The national monetary commission
plans to work with vigor this sum
mer. President Diaz is enjoying good
i health and personally tends to the du
ties of his office.
Use of the wireless resulted in the
capture at New York of an alleged
German murderer.
The world's Panama Exposition
company of New Orleans voted to
liquidate its affairs.
American soldiers of fortune are
numerous among the bands of in
surrectos ol Mexico.
Clarence D. llillman. a Seattle mil
lionaire, was found guilty of using
the mails to defraud.
In a storm on Lake Erie the fishing
tug Stiver Spray went down, and the
crow of seen was lost.
The I'nited States supreme court
sustained the constitutionality of
the corporation tax law.
A bill providing for adopting the
Oregon plan has passed both houses
of the Kansas legislature.
The supreme court held the gov
ernment nad a right to pursue and
confiscate bad egg shipments.
Andrew Carnegie may be called as
a witness in the investigation of the
trust company bearing his name.
George IS. Cox was purged of con
tempt at Cincinnati, hut was giypn a
scoring by the court for insolence.
Result of the election in St. Louis
show that the Goulds still possess
the management of tiie Missouri Pac
ific. The Danish government is sending
warships Jo Greenland with instruc
tions to arrest foreign walrus hunt
ers. The insurrection in Mexico it is
generally admitted, is a leading
cause for sending troops to the bor
der. It was declared in commons that
Great ISritain must keep building
ships as long as Germany is ambi
tious. Four convicts made their escape
from the Nebraska penitentiary
through an opening where bars were
sawed ofT.
"Send your war cloud to the Bal
kans; only maneuvers here," was
the comment of General Carter at
San Antonio.
As the result of a special investiga
tion, flic entire force of customs in
spectors at San Francisco will be
Cows eating from a straw stack
near Walnut. 111., uncovered an iron
pail containing a quantity of gold and
silver coins.
Napper Byronia. convicted of the
murder of his wife, the mother of
twelve children, was hanged at the
Tennessee state prison.
There has been eight deaths from
the bubonic plague and eight from
smallpox reported in Amoy, China,
within the last two weeks.
The lire that threatened to destroy
the town of Douglas. Alaska, was ex
tinguished after it had destroyed
property valued at $109,000.
The comptroller of the treasury is
sued a call for a statement of the
condition of national banks at the
close of business on Tuesday. March
the 7th.
Continuing its attempt to relieve
th distress of the starving millions
of China the American National Red
Cross cabled 2,000 more to the strick
en people.
The Chinese government declares
its intention of agreeing to both
points at issue with Russia and is
now drafting a reply to the recently
received ultimatum.
The American battleship Delaware
arrived at Valparaiso. Chile, with the
body of Anibal Cruse, who died at
Washington while serving as Chilean
minister to the United States.
President Taft has appointed for
mer Senator Cockrell of Missouri as
commissioner on the part of the Unit
ed States to re-trace and definitely
determine the boundary lines between
Texas and New Mexico.
Russia has sent an ultimatum to
China insisting upon a closer adher
ence to the provisions of the treaty
of 1SS1, which has been the subject
of negotiations between the two coun
tries for some weekst past.
With the white house and police
headquarters each one block away
and the United States treasury just
across the street, a robber entered
the office of the Grand hotel on Penn
sylvania avenue. Washington, held up
the clerk at the point of a pistol and
escaped with $50.
Bryan, at Washington, declared for
reciprocity and tariff revision.
Secretary MacVeagh sees a clear
field for an issue of Panama bonds.
Champ Clark is to move into
"Uncle Joe" Cannon's room April 4.
Ellis D. Robb of Eldora. la., was
appointed a national bank examiner.
Senator Carroll introduced in the
senate a bill to legalize prize fights in
Former Governor William B. Blox
ham died at his home Tallahasse. Fla
Colonel Roosevelt said not to forti
fy the Panama canal would be an in
stance of criminal folly.
W. B. Dickson has tendered his re
signation as vice president of the
United States Steel corporation.
Prof. .1. H. Walter, principal of the
Anacortes high school, Bellingham,
Wash., dropped dead while hearing a
Congressman Walter I. Smith ot
Council Bluffs took the oath and be
came judge of the United States cir
cuit court of appeals.
Archibald W. Butt, aide to Presi
dent Taft, will soon discard his title
of captain for that of major.
Russian Foreign Minister Sasanoff.
who has been seriously ill with mem
braneous ungina. is improved.
Emperor William will visit Empe
ror Frances .loseph at Vienna on
March 24 while en route for Corfu.
Justice Hushes of the supreme
court will head the commission to in
vestigate pastace rr.tes on magazines.
The new regent of Persia. Nassir
fl Molk. has appointed a new cabi
net upon his assumption of the reins
of government at Teheran.
In All cf Them Fights Would Be
Keener Were Bills Enacted Into
Law Present Provisions
in That Line Rigid.
, ,
By a vote of 14 to PJ the senate de-
feated a motion to retain the location
of the University of Nebraska on the
campus in Lincoln and to levy a one -
half mill tax for the extension and im -
provement of the city campus and the
state farm oaninns. Then, hv a vote
of 20 to l'. the senate adopted a report
of a joint committee recommending
removal of the university to the state
Cllll, III IIJU aiaiU
farm campus and to levy a one mill ad -
ditional tax for eight years to defray
expenses of removal.
Gandy's Eill Considered.
Gaudy's bill regulating the prac
tice of medicine in the state was rec
ommended for passage by the commit
tee. The measure provides that "any
person of good moral character over
twenty-one years of age, having com
pleted a two years course of study in
regularly incorporated and recognized
schools of suggestive therapeutics,
chipropractie. mental or magnetic
healing or who has heen engaged in
said practice for a period of two years
shall be competent to receive ccrtill-
cates from the slate hoard of these
sciences, same to be appointed hy the
governor from the ranks of practition -
ers of said kinds of healing."
Powell, Nebraska
Senator Twenty-third District.
With county seat relocation fights
at various stages of progress in sev
eral counties, four bills have been in
troduced in the house of representa
tives looking to the settling of these
affairs under different laws than those
existing at the present time.
XIne counties have prospective re
moval fights on, each or them varying
from the others only in the degree of
Intensity and activity with which the
present county seats are being as
sailed. The warmest fight Is probably in
Franklin county, where the city of
Franklin is seeking to take the hon
ors bodily from Bloomington. The
matter was voted upon at the last
election in a test vote proposition on
the advisability of building a new
court house. Litle was gained there
from, however, and the matter is in
practically the same condition as be
fore election, the bond proposition be
ing decisively defeated at that tr ?.
Governor's Maintenance.
The 'house started to play a little
politics when the general maintenance
bill was up for consideration and the
item for the board of governor's ser
vants and immediate family was being
discussed. Ten democrats voted with
the republicans io retain the item in
the bill, although this is the first time
such an item has ever api cared in a
general maintenance bill.
Plenty of Work Left.
Just what will be done about a sift
ing committee in the house is a matter
of conjecture. Most of the members
who have been heard to express them
selves about it believe it is still too
early to begin operation under the con
trol of this committee. In fact, a sift
ing committee will not be appointed
until it is absolutely necessary, or un
til a majority of members give up
hopes of reaching their bills -in the
general order of business.
Protects Poo Drinkers.
Bodison of Kearney made his ini
tial speech by moving that S. F. 2So
be ordered engrossed for third read
ing. He introduced the bill, and it
speaks for itself. It declares it to be
a misdemeanor for any manufacturer
to sell pop or other non-alccholic
drinks containing saccharine or coal
tar sweeteners.
Talcott explained that the bill
would hit some manufacturers who are
underselling others by usinsr a chean-1
er sweetener. It was c:Ji:d en-
grossed for third read:n?
Warden Salary.
S. F. 23C. by Brown, a bill to in-
crease the salary of the warden of ,
the penitentiary from $1,500 to J2.0fi0 i
I'i '!" Grafs' PJJr fc-yj-Sfii
tor xne purpose oi maKing up tae loss make way lor s. t. o-, uy ianner. a
of ?4S0 salary as postmaster, had a . hill to authorize county boards to des
close call. It failed to pass with the ' ignate two newspapers of two differ
emeigency clause and was placed up-' cnt political parties, having the
ou its passage without the emergency 'largest circulation of any such bipar
clause. Talcott and Volpp changed ' tisan papers in the county, to publish
from nay to aye and Horton who had the proceedings of county boards, each
been out cf the room returned and paper to take half the legal rate for
voted for the bill, making a total of IS the work. The latter bill was placed
ayes and 11 nays. en the general fi2
Apportionment Bills.
The apportionment bills which are
to be reported as now prepared in the
senate will probably be reported in
the house also, although the members
of the house committee are much mys
tified at the situation. The senate
bill was fixed up by the aid of demo
cratic house members, but the republi
can members have been frequently
consulted. The efforts to hold meet
ings of the house committee have not
been successful. Chairman Regan
claims to know nothing concerning
the bills, and says that the house
must still do its work. He is not
calling meetings, and it now looks as
if the house would be asked to accept
the senate bills on senatorial appor-
tionment as well as the senate bills
on judicial and congrcssioaal api)or.
tinnmont t, i.mie u; ,n,i nnt
cover the latter two redisricting
' propositions.
I Is It a Railroad Commission?
! The ca&c eye of Secretary of State
i Wait discovered that H. R. 33. signed
lkV tlin fninnmi ntwl cant tr flw rkfTir
t ... , , . . r . .,
of the secretary of state refers to the
. , ...s, , ,,., .. rr. r
I cUlo "r-iilrnirl Pnmmiccion " Tllrt rtf.
, fiR:n, unmft r .hl onmmiinn ii.toniTe.i
to be mentioned by the framers of the
bill is the "railway commission." The
bill in question requires railroads to
use standard sized cabooses, it is not
believed the incorrect name of the
commission mentioned in the bill will
have any effect on the validity of the
measure. For seme reason the mem
bers of the commission object to being
called a Vailroad commission. To sonic
this term conveys a different idea than
the term railway commission.
All for Stockyards Bill.
The house passed the Taylor stock
yards bill as amended and as accepted
by the house several days ago. One
vote only, McKelvie of Lancaster, was
' east against the measure. There Is
I openly voiced suspicion against the
' bill in the house because the Douglas
I county delegation voted for it. It is
even said that a motion will soon be
made to set a day for the considera
tion of the Ollis bill and that this bill
will also be passed through the house.
The fear is that with the sifting com
mittee appointed in the senate the
Taylor bill will he allowed to die in the
committee arid no stockyards legisla
tion be secured.
The White Slave Bill.
Without indulging in debate and
without the slightest opposition the
senate recommended for third read
ing Senator Horton's bill prohibiting
and providing severe penalties for en
gaging in the "white slave" traffic. A
procurer, under this bill is liable on
a first conviction for a county jail sen
tence from six months to a year or a
fine up to $1,000. and on a second of
fense a penitentiary sentence of from
three to ten years is provided.
Only Bill Recommended.
The Smith bill, the one that so far
has met with the approval of the
standing committee of the house, elim
inates entirely the ten year provisions
of the present county seat law. Other
wise there is no change between it
and the present statute. It meets the
exigencies of the occasion by leaving
the relocation open to all the towns
in a county without faoring county
seats which now have the advantage
of the ten year clause.
Democratic Joint Caucus.
A short joint caucus of the house
and senate democrats was held at the
Lincoln hotel. Reapportionment was
the main subject under discussion al
though other party pledges were
talked over informally. The possibili
ty of instilling more harmony into the
rest of the legislative session was
touched upon in a casual way. none of
the speakers however evincing a de
sire to go at the matter.
Capital Removalists Cautious.
The failure of the capital removal
promoters, Bailey of Buffalo and Sink
of Hall, to make any move for the ad
vancement of their bill. H. R. No. 382.
is responsible for the impression that
they are afraid to have it reach a vote
at this time. Bailey and Sink could
have the solid support of the Lancas
ter delegation if they would ask to
have the bill advanced for consider
ation. Talcott's Ventilation Bill.
Chief in importance among the bills
so far passed by the senate was .Tal
cott's bill providing for the proper san
itation and ventilation of factories
The bill also provides for guarding
dangerous machinery.
The Skiles initiative and referendum
bill as amended by the house, went
through without a negative vote, ex
cept that of Lawrence of Dodge, whe
later changed his vote to the affirma
tive. The bridge bill introduced by Ban
ning and Skiles. S. F. 272. as amend
ed by the bridge committee, was en
dorsed by the committee of the
whole. The introducers of the bill ex
plained that it was intended to break
the back of the bridge combine.
Governor Sends Message.
In a message to the house Thurs
day afternoon Governor Aldrich called
the attention of the representatives
to the fact that there were defects in
several of the measure which had
reached his desk for approval.
The senate In committee of the
whole indefinitely postponed S. F. 1S8,
by Tanner and then when the commit
tee arose the action was overturned
by a vote of seventeen to thirteen and
t'-o bill was ordered cngroicd for a
third reading.
Newspaper Spoils.
S. F. 297. by Tibbets. relating to the
publication of proceedings of county
boards, was indefinitely postponed to
Carter's Division to Be Ready in Twe
Hours if Word Comes from
National Capital.
San Antonio. Tex. Orders have
been recehed here from Washington
that General Carter's maneuver divi
sion shall hold itseir in readiness to
break camp and take the field as if
for actual warfare within two hours.
The order caused much comment, for
the particular reason that it did not
ccme iu the general maneuvers orders
issued by General Carter but from the
seat of the government.
Such an order means a blanket, ten
days rations, shelter tents. 200 rounds
of ammunition, etc.
The order to be in readiness for
operations in the field, while it might
be a legitimate feature of maneuvers,
is not taken in that sense.
Excepting the general-, to whom
long years have taught conservatism,
every one rejected the maneuver
theory, but could not explain where
war was to be expected. One officer
of prominence said he hoped Mexico
und the United States would not he
come embroiled.
"We would defeat Mexico and there
would be no lesson learned. The un
thinking in congress would have an
other object to point to, to show that
we can depend on the volunteers in
an emergency. We can after we have
lost 75 per cent to teach the remain
ing 25 per cent how to light.
"A strong lesson is needed. Japan
or Germany would serve preferably
the former, because of her geographic
al 'situation. They are quite capable
jf attacking us. with their perfect pre
paredness, whenever ready. We hae
spent ten days iu turmoil gathering a
handful of men in Texas. Ultimately
wo should triumph, hut the ultimate
cost would be appalling. It would be
much cheaper, even in money, let
alone lives, to treble our force, than
to take such a lesson, considering the
resultant pension rolls alone."
Officers canuot be quoted for publi
cation where criticism of superiors is
involved, or to be inferred, but the
man who made the foregoing state
ment has a reputation which extends
beyond the army.
Mrs. Davis Convicted of Killing Her
Hartington. Xeb. A verdict of
murder in the first degree with im
prisonment for life was returned by
the jury in the case of Mrs. Maggie
Davis, accused slayer of Ira Church
ill. Mrs. Davis Killed Ira Churchill
while he was milking a cow on his
farm home near Coleridge. Xeb..
Xov. 21 last. Her defense was in
sanity. It was alleged that Church
ill had promised to marry .Mrs. Da
vis, but on the eve of the wedding
had "turned her down" and married
another woman.
Indications Are That They Will Not
Be Accepted.
Mexico City. The intention of Fi
nance Minister Limantour. attributed
to him, in dispatches from Xew York
of coming to the capital to induce
President Diaz to listen to terms pro
posed by the Insurrectos for cessa
tion of hostilities it is said in offi
cial circles, probably will prove fruit
less. Only recently General Diaz an
nounced a plan which was not one
of conciliation but one of relentless
Rapid Work on Canal.
Washington. The excavation in
the central division of the Panama
canal. Including the great Culebra
cut and the Chagrc section, during
February, was the greatest on record,
being 1.40:i.3..S cubic yards. Alto
gether in that division
yards have been excavated, leaving
2G,0U1.49 yards to be removed.
Jackson at the Head.
Chicago. 111. W. J. Jackson, lice
president and general manager of the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the
Evansville & Terre Haute roads, was
elected chairman or the General Man
agers' association and the Associa
tion of Western Railroads.
Prohibition in Texas.
Austin. Tex. The so-called state
wide prohibition bill was signed by
Governor Colquitt. It provides for
the submission of a constitutional
amendment for state-wide prohibition
at an election July 22. next.
To Report April 1st.
Washington. Xone of the officers
af the state militias who are to join
the army in Texas to receive instruc
tions in military maneuvers, are to re
port to the instruction camps before
April 1. Each officer from the militia
will be attached to an officer of corre
sponding grade and from the same
arm of the survice. The War depart
ment is waiting to hear from General
Carter before deciuing how many of
ficers from the militia will he allowed
to attend the instruction work at oao
Coal Claims Affected.
Washington. Out of the thousand
edd coal locations in Alaska, which
the government through the general
j.,n j office is investigating for fraud.
G40, covering more than 102.000 acres
are in volved directly or indirectly in
the indictments returned by grand
juries in Spokane. Tacoma. Detroit
and Chicago. Although the RsH'nger
l'inchot controversy halted the work
on these claims, the investigations
were resumed last June. The result
has been the indictment of many participants.
Suicide Deliberately Planned.
Morrill County. A most remarka
ble suicide occurred on the north
side of the river when George C.
Bowman pressed a revolver to the
back of his head and blew his brains
out. The deceased, who was about
CO years of age. lived with his fam
ily on a homestead about six miles
from Bridgeport. He had been suf
fering from trouble which the doc
tors told him was incurable. Some
days before the suicide he told his
wife what he intended to do and how
he proposed to do it. On the day
mentioned he told his wife to leave
the house ami informed her that ii
she did not it would be worse for
her. Later he ordered his brother
and son out of the room and warned
tnem not to interfere with him. They,
supposing he even then had his re
volver under the bed clothing, obey
ed his commands. After they left
the room he shaved and dressed,
folded the bed clothes and piled
them aud the pillows on the lloor.
and lying aross the bed with his
head over the side, placed the re
volver to the base of his skull and
fired. He had said before this he
would do this so as not to mar his
face. Death resulted instantly.
Thief Burned Barn.
Antelope County. Two brown
horses weighing about 3.400 pounds
each and two sets of good Concord
harness were stolen from the barn
of Percy Jones, who lives about live
and a half miles northeast of Xeilgh.
The thief set fire to the barn, total
ly destroying it and the contents, in
cluding four other horses. The barn
was worth about $ 1,000 and was in
sured in the county mutual for $r00.
The horses were insured in another
company for $400. The horses and
tiiief were traced several miles be
fore the traces were mingled with
other tracks and lost.
Gas Near Fairbury.
Jefferson County. As a result of
an investigation made by Dr. George
E. Condra anil a number of univer
sity men under the direction of the
state conservation congress. Dr. Con
dra believes that gas of commercial
value has been found in a shalo
formation south of Fairbury. It is
believed that the shale will yield
about f.,000 feet of gas to the ton
and that the solid matter may be
used in making Portland cement.
Adams County Reports.
Adams County. After consultation
wiia automobile drivers and others
familiar with the roads in Adams
county. Dr. J. V. Beghtol, chairman
of the good roads committee of the
chamber of commerce, has transmit
ted a report together with sketches
of the road deemed preferable as the
Adams county section of the propos
ed state road between Omaha and
Denver, to the Coorado state com
mission of good roads.
Publishes Book for China.
Douglas County. An Omaha firm
has published an elaborate book for
the Hangchow Presbyterian college
Df Hangchow. China. This order
came to the Franklin Publishing
company from the Rev. F. W. Bible
of the college. The hooks will be
mailed to parties interested in the
work of the college, also a shipment
will be made to China.
Falls From Wagon and is Killed.
CIny County. Dave Loudin, a
farmer about ZT, years of age. fell
from a load of oats and sustained in
juries which resulted in his death.
He was bringing oats to town, riding
pn a wagon high box. A dog scared
the team and Mr. Loudin fell in front
of the wheels, which ran over his
back, breaking it in twe places.
To Form Poultry Association.
Adams County. As the result of
the agitation for the organization of
s poultry association, a call has been
Issued for a meeting of poultry rais
ers in Hastings to perfect such an
organization. Written invitations
were sent to all poultry men in that
portion of Xebraska who had entries
i:i last year's state poultry show, as
well as the poultry exhibit in connec
tion with last fall's festival. It is
the intention of the poultry fanciers
behind this movement to bring about
a large organization to the end that
poultry raising can be more largely
and profitably conducted in central
and western Xebraska.
Fast Running on the U. P.
Hall County. The fast running
time between Grand Island and Cen
tral City on the Union Pacific, which
for some time has stood at 19 min
utes for the 22 miles, was cut down
one minute last week by the Denver
passenger Xo. 11. which reeled off
the distance without a skip in 18
Norris Brown at Home.
Buffalo County. Senator Xorris
Brown is home lor a stay of three
weeks, after which he will return to
his duties at Washington.
Woman Killed in Runaway.
Buffalo County. Miss Ida A. Stras
haugh. 39 years old. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Abraham Strasbaugh. well
known residents of Kearney, is dead,
the result of injuries received in a
runaway, when, in leaping from the
buggy, she sustained a compound
fracture of the skull.
Died in Colorado.
Xuckolls County. John C. Cham
berlain died in Greeley, Colo., where
he had gone for treatment for can
cer, with which he has been afflicted
for the past three years.
Elevator at Anselmo Burns.
Custer Count-. Word has been re
ceived that the Jacuot grain elevator
at Anselmo. was totally destroyed by
fire. A high wind was blowing at
the time and for an hour or nnre the
whole south side of town was threatened.
4 .AbbbbbW
Hnnyon's Rheumatism Bemcdy relieves
wains in the legs, arms, back, stiff or
swollen Joints. Contains no morphine,
opium, cocaine or drugs to deaden tua
pain. It neutralizes the acid and drives
out all rheumatic rolaons from the ya
tem. Write 1'rof. Munyon. 03d and Jeff
erson St.. rtilla.. Pa., for medical ad
Tlce. absolutely free.
' ii
Sen-ant Heavens I have knocked
the big llower pot off the window
ledge, and it struck a man on the
Mistress What! My beautiful ma
Few people realize the grave dan
ger of neglecting the kidneys. The
slightest kidney trouble may be Xa
ture's warning of dropsy, diabetes or
,Trr-rJLT dreaded Bricht's dia-
7rlislXr ., 1P ,... ,
kidney symptom, be
gin using Doan's Kid
ney Pills at once.
Mrs. Sarah A. Rlack.
301 S. Douty St., Han
ford, Cal.. says: "Pic
ture mo lying crin-
picd with inflammatory rheumatism
and stricken with dropsy, not able to
move even with crutches. Such was
jii. cunuuiuu wnen l uegan using
Doan's Kidney Pills. Folks in Han
ford know how bad off I was and I
must give Doan's Kidney Pills full
credit for my wonderful recovery."
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y.
A Way to Keep Love In.
Mrs. Honeybird But, Dickey, dear,
the flat is so tiny. Why, the windows
are so small a mouse couldn't crawl
Mrs. Honeybird That is all the bet
ter, dear. When poverty comes in
love can't fly through the window.
:nre any pm!.I.' ta-e of DISTK.MPER,
IMXK EYE. and the like anions horses
of all ages, and prevents all others in the
lame .-table from h,iv:nj( the di.-cae. A No
:ures chicken cholera, and dog distemper.
Any good drupjiNt can MippJy you. or j-end
to nifrs. 50 cents and $1.00 a l)ttl . Agents
Ranted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co.,
Spec. Contagious Diseases. GoKuen. Ind.
A Ruling Passion.
"Uncle Pinchpenny spent a great
deal of time ut the home of George
"Yes. He couldn't be persuaded to
itop looking for that dollar George is
Baid to have thrown across the Poto
mac." Important to Mothers
Examine, carefully every bottle of
ASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Signature of QSl&ZMtfcJZcK
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
To render your neighbor a service
willingly shows the generosity of your
character; to preserve silence over it,
the grandeur of your soul. Puysieux.
AH drujrgNU sell the farnou1? Herb rem
idy, Garfield Ti-i. It corrects constipation.
Modern application is likely to ex
tract the teeth of an old saw.
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c ciar.
i"ou pa ItJe for i-iars not so good.
Each penny saved means one less
pang of foreboding.
30 ft. Bowels
Biggest organ of the body the
bowels ard the most important
It's got to be looked after neglect
means suffering and years of
misery. CASCARETS help
nature keep every part of your
bowels clean and strong then
they act right means health to
your whole body. wi
CASCARBTS toe a box for week's tremt
ment. All drurefets. Biggest seller in
Ike wotld MUlioa boxes a moatsv.
CImbm aad beautifies tha ask;
iTomctaa a laxunaot fruwth.
Sterar Falls to Baatora Gray
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Cons icalp dimaaa a hair taUiaa.
JOcandaiOUat Dniaajaa
Nebraska Directory
"" wllfc without pain or asnr
cical aperatioa. No pay until cored. Send foi
Dr.Wray,307 Bee Bldg.,Omaha, Neb.
6y nail at cut pricrs. Srd for fr eatalotrua
ourtney & Co.
Omaha, Nebraska
Better Things to Eat for Less Moiey
Catalogie Mailed Free to Any Addrest
C RE M E m m m R
for Couchs L Colds 3
Ivf! J. i v -