The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 15, 1911, Image 4

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(C olumbus Journal.
'"oluminiN, Ntir
Connnlilatel with tljo ("lunil)i:n Tiun April
1. 1901; with the lltl County Argus January
i, iw.
n'oroit I th I'ostolSro. Cnlombna. br .
--srod-clR' mntl nut'jT
One year, by mail, portatce prepaid $1.50
Six month 76
Throe moatha 40
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will continue to receive this journal until the
pablishera are notified by letter to discontinue,
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CHANGE IN ADDltESH -When ordering a
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Over iii southern Frauce has been
discovered the .skeleton of a man of the
middle palaeolithic n;e, indicating
that he had lived and died about
300,000 yeans ago.
The christian era is IcH than 2,U0O
years old and hi.-tory which attempts
to go back more than 0,000 years be
fore the birth of Christ, gives us little
more than legendary fragments.
Grasp then, if you can the hypothec
sis that this world was iuhahited
300,000 years before the biith of
Christ. In that vast sweep of 3,000
centuries, how many times did civiliza
tion reach its present standard? Is it
not possible that it may have fir -surpassed
auy thing we have as yet
A little more than J,000 years ago
we were barbarians, bit! little removed
from absolute savagery primitive,
cruel and iutoleraut in our passions.
In the space of 2,000 years, we can
trace our progress, step by step, fiom
paganism and savagery to our present
plane, which, while admittedly far
removed from perfection, .-till presents
an advanced plane of eivili.atioii.
It is inconceivable that in 300,000
years, man has made no progress and
if progress was made, what moral or
natural law set it hurtlimr to ashes
again? Is it a part of the plan that
civilization shall go so far and then
fall? Or is it merely some accidental
caprice of nature, like that which
destroyed Pompeii some sudden,
awful cataclysm which wipes out every
vestige of humanity and its work from
the face of the earth and preserves an
occasional skeleton in a stratum of
clay to be discovered a half million
years hence?
We don't know and perhaps never
shall, but the discovery of thehonesof
men who died 300,000 years ago, the
monster footprints of animals now long
extinct, the impenetrable mystery of
the solar system excites our curiosity
and we fain would peer into the mys
terious land of yesterday. Colorado
The people of the British Islands in
1010 saved one billion, seven hundred
and four million, five hundred thous
and dollars, according to the London
Statist. This unprecedented sum is
mostly being exported to augment the
five billions of British capital invested
in North America, the two billions
invested in Argentine railways, the
other billions invested in Australia,
China, India, South Africa, in nearly
every corner of the earth.
For some years British foreign in
vestments have not been so lup'c. for
the reason that vast sums were absorb
ed by municipal securities at home,
and perhaps because the British people
had been passiug through a period of
extravagance. But the capital de
manded by municipal improvements
aud assumption of ownership of public
utilities has been all supplied, while
also the people have entered upon a
period of individual economy. More
over, the Lloyd George taxation, a
most pronounced success as a revenue
producer, perhaps disposes liquid
capital to go abroad rather than to
seek investment at home.
But the sum of one billion, seven
hundred and four million, live hundred
thousand dollars yearly savings proves
that Britain still ranks with France as
a great producer of liquid capital,
whereas her yearly inrr:t is im
mensely more thau that 1 France.
The Germans ate doing well, produc
ing wealth and augmenting their
wealth, but the British figures of 1010
must stagger them.
A nation that can save so much in a
year, clear surplus over enormous
expenses in living and for government,
is still a nation to be reckoned with,
economically, financially or militarily;
is a nation to whom the colossal cost of
the Boer war is a bagatelle and to
whom a continental coalition would be
no more formidable thau was the
coalition organized by Napoleon.
England is not dead yet, nor anywhere
near dying. Minneapolis Journal.
With one exception; the longest car
eer in the speakership is that which
will close March 4, lJUi. At that
time Joseph G. Cannon will have ser
ved four terms, or eight years without
interruption. Henry Clay was chosen
six times, but not in succession, and he
was in office ten years in the aggregate.
Several persons held the speakership
for three terms. Nathaniel Macon of
North Carolina, entered the speaker
ship in 1S01, when Jefferson stepped
into the White House, and he remain
ed there until 1807. Schuyler Colfax of
Indiana held the post from lg(','in
the middle of Lincoln's service as Pre
sident, to 18(50, when Johnson stepped
out of the White House, into which he
had gone xm the assassination of Liu
coin. Colfax would probably have
been in ofh'ce longer had he not been
chosen Vice-president on the Grant
ticket in 1808, an ofKcc which he held
through Grant's lirfct term.
This is the speakership record on
that particular point until after the
close id' the Civil WaJ, except in the
case of Andrew Stevenson of Virgiuia,
who entered the speakership in 1827,
in ttic middle of the presidency of
John Quincy Adams, who was elected
four terms, as Cannon has been, but
who did not serve through the last of
them. Chosen to his fourth term in
1833, at the beginning of Jackson's
second teim in the presidency, he a
rouscd much hostility among his party,
friends as well as enemies, by the un
fairness of rulings, aud the lire which
wa- 'j."ned upon him from his own
ri.-iitm .;s cnM ruined him to resign
i.: If
4, in the middle of his fourth
term. One oi ihe charges brought
igainst him was that he was too sub
servient to .Jacksiin. And just at that
time, on account of.) a cUmui's summary
treatment of Cuil.ouM, Hayes aud the
uulliiiers, soiiie hostility to Old Hick
ory was aroused in sections oft he South
which had not favored nullification.
After Colfax left the leadership in
leiti'J to go to the vice-presidency,
Blaine was chosen to that office, ami he
remained in it until the Republicans,
in the election of 171, lost control of
the House. He was succeeded by
Michael C. Kerr, an Indiana Demo
crat. John G. Carlisle, chosen in 183."!
just after the wave in the middle of
Arthur's term placid the Democrats
it: control of tlu Huti-i, held the office
three terms. Samuel G. Randall id
Pennsylvania as also chosen three
times to the speakership, but his first
service, hi ginning in IS7(i, was for on
ly half a term. Kerr, elected in 187o
ineii me loiMiAing ear, ami Kamlali
succeeded him aud remained in the
post through Hayes's term ami until
Garfield and Arthur stepped into offi
ce. Fxcept Taylor, the Whig, who
was elected in 18 IS, Hayes was the on
ly President who, on entering office,
had the popular branch of Congress
against hint.
Thomas 1. Recti, with whom Can
non is often comj arcd, served three
terms as speaker, but not consecutively.
He entered office in ISS'.l, at the be
ginning of Harrison's term, but adver
sity struck the Republicans in the en
suing congressional election of 1800,
and the Republicans lost coutrol of
the House. Reed had, however, fram
ed the rules of procedure with which
his name is associated, and they re
mained after him. The rules were ad
opted by the Democrats, who had
fought them when the Republicans
placed them on the books. Crisp, the
Democratic speaker, enforced them as
rigidly as ever their inventor had
done. In the Republican tidal wave
of ISO 1, which swept the Democrats
out of power in the middle of Cleve
land's second term, the House was re
gained by Reed's party. He was
chosen speaker, and was ie-elcetcii at
the beginning of the following term,
that which began when McKiuley
first entered the White House. He
held the office till the middle ofMc
Kin ley's term. Reed found himself
out of harmony with his party on the
dominant issue of national expansion
which the Cuban-Philippine wars of
1898-00 had brought up, and he resign
ed from the House in 1895) and began
the practice of law in New York.
This is the roster of the persons who
held the speakership more than two
terms. Several held it two terms.
Frederick A. Muhlenberg of Pennsyl
vania, who was chosen speaker iu 1879
at the beginning of the career of Con
gress under the Constitution, held the
post during the first half of Washing
ton's first term in the presidency, or
until 1701. He then gave way to Jo
nathan Trumbull of Connecticut, who
held the post during the following two
years, but reentered it at the beginning
of Washington's second term in 1703
and remained in uutil 170-". Jonath
an Dayton of New Jersey, who follow
ed Muhlenberg, also held the speaker
ship two terms, but there was no inter
ruption in his service. Another 2
term speaker was Joseph B. Varnum
of .Massachusetts, who went into the
office in 1S07 in the middle of Jeffer-
son's second term, and remained in un-1
til 1811, in the middle of Madison's
fust term. He was sucoeeded by the
most distinguished man who ever held
the speakership; and by the man who,
with some interruptions in the contin
uity of his service, held it longest. This
was Clay.
Clay's advent as the presiding officer
of the House constituted an epoch in
the country's history. He was chosen
speaker iu 1811, on the day of his en
trance into the House, and he is the
only man who had this distinction.
Clay at ouce began to disclose the
latent powers of the speakership, when
the office fell iuto the hands of a strong
man. He framed the important com
mittees in the war interest and gave
free latitude to every member who
wanted to voice hostility to England.
It was said at the time that Clay co
erced the peace loving Madison iuto
the adoption of a war policy, on the
threat that otherwise a nomination
would be withheld from him in the
congressional .caucus which did ibe
selecting of the presidential tickets at
that time.
In 181f Clay reentered the speak
ership, which he had dropped to nego
tiate a treaty oi'thc War of 1812, and
remained in it by successive re elec
tions until 1820,wheuheresigued once
more. This was during the latter part
of the contest on the admission of
Missouri to statehood. In that fight
he got his name associated with the
long scries of deals which postponed
the inevitable battle between the South
ami North. He was the author of
the second ami final part of the bar
gain collectively 'called the Missouri
Compromise, under which Missouri
entered as a slave state, in 1821, but
slavery was to be excluded from all
the rest of the Louisiana Province
north of the southern boundary of
Missouri. The author of that parti
cular part of the Missouri adjustment,
however, was Senator Jesse B. Thomas
an Illinois Democrat.
Next in prominence of the speakers
was Blaine, and, though his service iu
public office was not as long as Clay's"
nor quite as distinguished, it was nota
ble for the influence which he wielded
atone time or auother, and for the
popularity which he won. A presi
dential aspirant from 187G to 1802, he
like Clay, lived to see his ambition
balked, time after time, ami to witness
the accession of smaller men to the
presidency. Blaine's one serious
blunder was in refusing the candidacy
iu 1888, in the year when Cleveland
was to he a caudidate for re-election.
I u 1870 he was impelled by scandals,
by the veiled hostility of Grant admin
istration and by the concentration of
many rivals against him. Neverthe
less, he was powerful enough to keep
the candidacy out of the hands of all
the aspirants whom he disliked, and it
went to a dark horse, Hayes.
Of the other speakers the strongest
aud ablest was Thomas B. Reed.
Capturing the caucus nomination in
1880, Reed was the mau for the crisis.
The Republican margin in the House
was only seven at the beginuing of
that term, aud simc method had to be
adopted to maintain a quorum. It
was then that Reed framed the rules
which headed ofT filibustering, and
which counted as preseut for legislative
purposes all the members who were
physically present, regardless of their
attempts to break a quorum by refus
ing to auswer to their names. The
rules then adopted met the demands
of the occasion, and were so logical
that, with some minor alternations,
they have prevailed ever since, under
Democratic as well as Republican
speakers. The change which were
made in Ihe liirht which removed
Camion from membership on the com
mittee on rules was the most important
modification of the Reed procedure
which has taken place. The Democra
tic caucus has decreed that the ap
pointment of the standing committees
is to be made by the ways and means
committee, and not by the sneaker.
Tiiis alteration, however, will not take
place until the Democratic House
enters next December. C. M. Harvey
in the St. Louis Globe Democrat
The eight grocery stores doing
business in Webster City today and
delivering goods actually pay out per
mouth for this service 8483, a total of
65,706 per year.
The four meat markets doing busi
ness in Weltster City today pay out
per month in cash for delivering
meats S20.3, a total of $2,460 per year.
The total cost of delivering in Web
ster City for eight grocery stores and
four meat markets amounts to S8.256
per annum.
The above figures are not guess
work, but are absolutely correct.
When the question is asked the com
mission appointed by the government
to investigate the high cost of living as
to who pays all this uncalled for ex
pense or waste, as- termed by the
commission, the answer is: The con
sumer. "B" in Webster City, (I.,)
Between 100,000 and 200,000 per
sons visit Valley Forge every year.
Everything possible has been done to
attract them. On the hills where
Washington's army su tiered and bled
there are now beautifully kept maca
dam roads and bridle paths that
meander through the trees. By train,
motor, bicycle, motorcycle aud afoot
the crowds come but always iu the
spring, summer or autumn. When
suow falls, fresh marvels of beauty are
revealed. Only few, save the fox hun
ters, ever see them.
Winter changes everything. Au
tumn leaves the hills aud the trees
gaunt and bare. But when the first
fall of slow covers the country like a
fresh, clean garment, there is no season
of the year when the laudscapc beau
ties arc eclipsed. Ever few steps
new nature pictures are revealed,
while fntu the hills are long vistas of
rolling farm country, immaculately
In many places ihe views do not
differ greatly from those of that win
ter of 1777-78, when Washington and
men fought against cold ami starva
tion. An army of ragmuffins, many
of i he troops even without shoes,
poorly and insufficiently nourished, it
was almost a miracle that any of those
patriots survived.
And today the mill iu the back
ground of the picture showing Valley
Creek as it empties iuto the Schuykill
takes the place of the old Potts mill,
built before the revolution. In 17o7
John Potts, a Quaker, built the Mouut
Joy forge, an iron plant that gave
employment to many men ami teams.
Back of the mill, almost a quarter of
a mile or so, was this original old
forge, which gave the place its name.
When the revolution broke out, the
property, including a stoue house near
the creek's mouth, hail passed into the
possession of Isaac Potts, a sou of the
purchaser aud General Washington
used this house for his headquarters.
Valley creek, with its beautiful
reflections, runs through the grounds
of the country home of Secretary of
State Knox. Near here was the head
quarters of General Kuox in Revolu
tionary times. Valley creek is espe
cially prtdific of fine views, both m
winter aud summer, and none is pret
tier than those through the trees jf the
roadway where it curves at right
angles from the direction of Secretary
Knox's home toward the Schuylkill
river. Here the effect is not unlike
that of the Delaware Water gap.
For miles, literally, along roads and
pathways one may wander in the suow,
either afoot or on horseback, winding
through old forts, intreuchmcuts and
the like. Along the Schuylkill runs
one road which is particularly lovely,
both in winter and summer. It threads
its way along the sides of the hills
uutil it reaches Fort Washington,
which overlooks one of the finest views
in Chester county.
There is no more historic ground in
the country thau this. The very men
tion of the revolution suggests Valley
Forge, the scene of its greatest crisis.
Aud the work of beautifying and im
proving it is continually progressing.
But recently it was that congress was
urged to pass a bill granting SI 00,000
for the erection of suitable memorial
arches. Already a memorial chapel
and a museum are under way, in addi
tion to historic buildings that are
maintained as nearly as possible in
their original condition. Boston Post.
That ripe aud iuicy ten million dol
lar melon for the stockholders of Sears,
R'lehuck v. Co. was carved last Mon
day. They enjoyed the feast immense
ly, but it is not of rcc.oid what our
farmer friends thought. The latter
furnished the seed, soil, fertilizer,
water ami labor that made the melon
grow to such enormous proportions,
which would indicate that no matter
how much the farmer hates trusts in
genera), he really enjoys working for
the mail order trust.
The melon cutting proposition,
which involved the increase of the
capital stock of the Searsbuck com
pany from So0,000,000to 840,000,000,
the distribution of the new stock as a
bonus to present shareholders, was
recommended by the directors last
November and passed upon favorably
at the annual meeting held Monday.
The stock of the company is listed on
the New York and Chicago exchanges,
and the extra dividend had been ex
pected in Wall street for some months
previous to its announcement.
The directors were re-elected, as
follows: Henry Goldman, Philip
Lehman, A. Barton Hepburn, O. C.
Doerinu, J. F. Skinner, R. P. Snillen,
R. W. Sears, A. H. Leb, J. Rosen-
wald. The following officers were re
elected: J. Rosen wald , president;
Albert H. Loeb, vice president and
treasurer; John Higgins, secretary.
The corporation was organized five
years ago to take over the firm of the
same name which hail been in the
mail order business for ten years pre-
viously. The company was etarled
with practically no capital, its founder
having been a $50 a month telegraph
operator in a Minnesota village.
Omaha Trade Exhibit.
Varno'a Reward For Decorating Twe
English Royal Palaces.
Rubens received for his painting of
the grand ceiling at tbe banqueting
house. Whitehall, Oie sum of 4,000.
The space covered by this painting is
about 400 yards, so that he was paid
nearly 10 a yard. In addition to this
remuneration, he was knighted, and a
chain of gold was also presented to
him by Charles I.
Sir James Tliornlnll. the first Eng
lishman who received knighthood for
his ability in art, was paid only 3 a
yard for the laborious work on the
ceiling of Greenwich hospital and only
1 a yanl for painting the ornaments
on the walls. "The Duke of Mon
tague," says Sir James Thornhill in his
memorial to the commissioners for
building the hospital, "paid M. Rosso
for his saloon 2,000 and kept an ex
traordinary table for him, his friends
and servants for two years while the
work was being done at an expense
jstimated at 300 per annum."
Signor Verrio was paid for the wliolc
palaces of "Windsor and Hampton
court ceilings, front and back stairs
at 8 shillings a square foot, which Is
3 12s. a yanl, exclusive of gilding;
had wine daily allowed to him. lodg
ings in the palaces and when his eye
sight failed him a pension of 200 per
annum and an allowance of wine for
life. Fearson's Weekly.
They Are All Her Very Own, and the
Dentist Has a Grievance.
"Men in every other profession and
business have the advantage of den
tists in the matter of advertising," said
a man with forceps in his hand. "They
can persuade good looking young wo
men to wear their goods for photo
graphic purposes; the dentist cannot.
The whitest, evenest set of false teeth
ever made cannot tempt a woman to
wear them and le photographed with
her mouth wide open.
"Manufacturers of cosmetics and ar
tificial hair are besieged by women
who are willing to daub their faces
with paint and powder and build their
heads out with puffs and braids into
any style of architecture desired for
photographic advertisements. Neither
do they balk at patent wearing ap
parel. The most absurd garment ever
invented can find somebody to pose in
It before the camera. Hut false teeth
are universally blacklisted.
"Every woman who gets photograph
ed with her mouth spread into a smile
wants people to think that the teeth
she shows are her own. and the dentist
who would dare to label the picture
'These teeth made by Dr. Blank' would
lay grounds for a -libel suit." New
York Times.
Books on a Shelf.
Rooks are frequently ruined through
carelessness. This is less in the han
dling often thau upon the shelves.
Books should not be packed tightly
on a shelf. It ruins the back and
causes them to tear'loosc with the
strain of getting in and out. Often it
forces the leaves to sag to the shelf
when pushed unduly. It is just as bad
for books to be too loose on a shelf, as
they warp, and the spreading leaves
encourage dust. A bookcase with the
rnntents at every angle is not a pleas
ing sight. There are some housekeep
ers who think a yearly dusting of the
looks at houseeleaning time sufficient.
This is bad enough when they are
kept under glass; when on open
shelves it means ruin to valuable
books. It takes a little longer to dust
the backs and tops of books on each
shelf every day. Tse a soft cheese
cloth or silk duster and shake it fre
quently. London Globe.
Beards and Beliefs.
Why is it that there seems to be
some vital connection Iwtween a man's
beard and his belief? The late George
Jacob Holyoake. in an article con
tributed to the Fortnightly Review of
September, JIHC recalls the time not
so very long ago "when only four men
in Birmingham had the courage to
wear beards. They were followers of
Joanna Soiithcotr. They did it in imi
tation of the apostles, and were jeer
ed at in the streets by ignorant Chris
tians." Iu the nurse of the same ar
ticle Mr. Holyoake remarks that
"George Frederick Miintz. one of the
two first members elected in Itirming
ham. was the first mcmlicr wh ven
tured to wear a beard in the house of
commons, and he would "me been in
suited had he not been a powerful
man and carried a heavy malacca eaue,
which lie was known to apply to any
one who offered him a personal af
front." London Standard.
The Mikado's Title.
The ruler of Japan really should be
called ten-o. not mikado. The latter
means "royal gate" aud is a title some
what similar to sublime porte. which
is used indifferently to mean the Turk
ish sultan, his government or the coun
try itself. Ten-o means "heaven's
highest," a title surpassing all the most
grandiloquent European efforts. The
original Japanese equivalent for ten-o
is soumelamikoto, but the former is
universally used, perhaps on account
of its brevity.
No Reason to Worry.
"I once played the part of Venus in
a pantomime," said the lady who
showed her age and was beginning to
have a mustache.
"Well, I wouldn't let it worry me,"
replied the one who was still fair to
look upon. "Venus was only a myth,
so, of course, you didn't hurt her feel
ings." Chicago Kecord-IIerald.
His Weakness.
WIgg Your friend the actor seems
rather eccentric. Wagg He's the per
sonification of eccentricity. Why, that
mau actually admits there are other
actors just as good as he Is. Phila
delphia Record.
A word of kindness Is seldom spoken
In vain. It Is a seed which, even when
dropped by chance, springs up a
Attractive Rates for March
basis of 23 00 for one-way coioniet tickets to California, Oregon. Washiag
ton and tbe Far West, daily from March 10th to April 10th. Tickets are
honored in coaches and through tourist sleepers.
via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake Route.
I Every day to San Francisco. March
' ( F r - -
orado, Ogden; personally conducted tonrist sleeper excursions every Thurs
day and Sundhy to 'Frisco, thence Los Angeles via Coast Line.
Every 'day to Seattle, Portland and Northwest.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS. March 7th and 21et, to new territory
south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Baein.
YELLOWSTONE PARK. Think now about touring the Park this summer;
inquire about the new aud attractive way through this wonderland, an
eight-day personally conducted camping tour from Cody, via the scenic
entrance, every thing provided; different from all other tours. An Ideal
recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take. Address
Aaron Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo., or the undersigned.
If you are expecting to make any kind of a summer tour I
shall Le glad to have you get in touch with me early.
The Course For Midshipmen at the
Naval Academy and at Sea.
Two midshipmen arc appointed each
year by every United States senator
and congressman, two arc credited to
the District of Columbia, and live arc
named each year from the United
States at large. All are generally
chosen by competitive examination.
The course for the midshipman is
six years, four years at the academy
and two years at sea, at the expira-
tiou of which time the candidate is
required to take his examination for
graduation. All midshipmen who pass
these examinations are appointed to
fill vacancies iu the lower grade of the
line of the navy.
All candidates for admission to the
academy must be physically sound,
well formed and of vigorous constitu
tion. No boy who Is manifestly un
dersized will be admitted. The height
of the candidate must not be less than
five feet two inches Ijetwocn the ages
of sixteen and eighteen and not less
than five feet four inches between the
ages of eighteen and twenty. The
minimum weight of the candidate at
sixteen must be 100, with nu Increase
of five pounds for each additional year
or fraction of a year more than one
half. X midshipman fr permitted to mar
ry lietwccn the date of his graduation
from the academy aud his final grad
uation for appointment in the line
without the consent of the secretary
of the navy. The pay of the midship
man is ?G0O a year, beginning with the
date of his admission to the academy.
It Is Just a Habit.
"I suppose. Eileen," she remarked to
the new girl, with feigned indifference,
"that you overheard my husband and
me conversing rather earnestly thM
morning. I hope, however, you
did not think anything unusual was
coing on?"
"Xiver a bit. mum. Oi wanst had a
husband meself. an niver a day pass
ed that th neichbors didn't belave one
r th other uv us would be kiit en
toirly.' Success Magazine.
The Charm of England.
It is not strange that Englishmen
Should be. as certainly they are, pas
sionate lovers of their country, for
their country is almost beyond parallel
peaceful, gentle and beautiful. Even
In vast London, where practical life
asserts Itself with such prodigious
force, the strancer is impressed in
every direction with a sentiment of
repose and pence. William Winter.
Watch Not Going.
Cholly What's the time, old chap?
I've nu invitation to dinner at 7 and
my watch Isn't going. Gussle Why,
wasn't your watch invited, too, dean
boy? Boston Transcript.
' Mil
A'- .v?s'g'' f5cs
"- . '.MT". - f-'f ?Jki .
S.S5&-, rJ?wMmiC jBsssssssssfl9&2' ."'i'. ' J
( Tl.- J -JMuiraeMKi' m aJSSSSSSSSSBSBvw-3SiJ -f J- fvW,
Old Books
In iact, for anything in tbe book
binding line bring your work to
Journal Office
Phone 184
10th to Anril tilth, via Denver. Semiii: Cat-
l. F. RECTOR, Ticket Agent
Columbus. Nebr.
L. W. WAKbLfcY. Gen'l. rassenfler flent. Omaha. Hthr
Here's a Writer Who Says They Rare
ly Accomplish Big Things.
The sun is blazing down on the gar
den In which lives a saint, so called,
whom I visited one day in Bombay.
He has not spoken for twenty-tbree
years, and his neighbors look upon
him with awe. Some mouths later I
visited at Davos Platz a man who for
nearly thirty years has been studying
drops of blood under a microscope.
He is gettiiji; as close to life as he can.
but admits that he knows little more
than the sage in his hot garden at
Bombay. Both the western scientist
and the eastern sage smile indulgently
at the fussiness of modern life.
My own experience of men iu many
lands has taught me that the most
active arc least valuable. It is a uota
hie survival of the simian in man that
so many people think that constant
mental and physical activity Is a meas
ure of value. Busy people seldom ac
complish anything. The statue, the
poem, the painting, the solution of the
economic, financial or social problem,
the courage and steadfastness for war
even are all born In seclusion and ap
pear mysteriously from nowhere. JIo
Here, Cromwell. Washington, Lincoln.
Shakespeare. Dante and Cervantes all
appear from nowhere and promptly
take command of the busybodies.
What a crowd or men we all recall
who were so busy making themselves
remembered that they are already for
gotten! Price Collier In Scribner's
A Btblo Library.
Probably the finest collection of
Bibles in the world is that in the li
brary of the General Theological semi
nary in Chelsea square. New York. In
the fireproof Bible room on the second
floor are more than J."o different edi
tions of the Bible, in all about LVW)
volumes, arranged on shelves and In
glass cases. Of these ."." editions are
In Latin, making 1,0.K volumes. Of
"polyglot" editions- in more than one
language there are !:. in .00 volumes.
The most interesting of the Bibles Is
the Gutenberg volume, printed at Mo
guntia between 14."t and 14" by Jo
hannes Gutenberg, which has always
ranked as a masterpiece of art.
Timber and Lumber.
'Taw. is there any difference be
tween timber and lumber?"
"There is no necessary difference in
kind, my son. They differ merely in
degree or stage of development. For
example, a man may be spoken of as
good timber for some high office and
yet represent nothing but lumber when
he gets there." Chicago Tribune.
"Why do you say he Is vulgar?" '"
"Because lie has at least ten times
as much money as I have." Chicago
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