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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1911)
' ;vyv"-'i v W MB1 John Henry's J PAL f" BaTaTaTaTa l Ifl'aaTeTtWaTaTf'ftTaaTeaTaV-aTaal fcBTBTBBaTBTaTaaTBTBBBBBaBBBa I 1 By GEORGE V. HOBART f"i-n thousand sin-oleums to the bad!" echoed Hunch Jefferson, as we sat in the club and made rapid passes at a light luncheon. "S'irct thins you know," I an swer" d. "Poor old Uncle Peter is pad dling arter the ponies and his pocket hook is leaking like a scutMed ship." "IJusy I'nclo Peter, of all the conie ons: It sounus like a pipe paragraph, it docs, John." laughed Hunch. "lt the goods. Hunch." I answered. "Ever since that little filly. Peaches, v.-ii the big race and Clara J. acci dentally tore oli $10,000. I'nele Peter has had colts in the hat-block. The old n:;i'i is certainly horfce-haunU-d. He spends all his time at the track, dipping out hot-air to the stable boys and juckevs and trainers, and the only win he has made so far is ."0 eenti; car tare the da he had to rtny home and nurse his rhu:naiism." Hunch laughed t-o earnestly that one of the lamb eiops hopped r.ff the plate and started to leaw the room. "And you. John'.'" he inquired when L" got back, "what hi-ve the e.tptains of industry been doing to you since 1 saw you thr c inoiiths ag'i?" "To me!" I answered, thiov.i.g the chst out a foot and giving Hunch the busy gl-ire. "Xeier n more! Every H.iiiiy I hae is naie'd to the floor, and he floor ges in the at sun ilown. I admit freely for quite some lime I travt led with the Andrew Carnegie push and tried lo give my coin away, but I'm through. I've stopped splaslnng" Mll living at IturaMoneV" P.unch intjuned. "Yes." I answered. "Still in the foothills. You must come out and camp v. ith me in the bungalow for a week or two. Hunch. The fri sh air will do you good." "Thanks, John; I do need a rest af ter that South American trip. Yerv likely I'll take a long bieath and rush out your way the latter part of next week." Hunch responded. "Latter part of next week." I ech oed; "oh! yes. now I temember Uncle William Gray and Alice are ex pected home from Europe about that time anil they have a castle in the cornfield next to ours tush. Hunch, tush!" Hunch put on a little pink around the gills. "When sue yon and Alice going to 'trot in double harness. Hunch?" I asked. "Seems to me you've been dodging the minister about long :enoiigh now!" "I'm for a license the next minute after I overcome Tncle William's ob jections." Hunch answered, mourn fully. "He says Alice is too much to the kindergarten to leave home yet. Say, John. I'm afraid the old gentle 'man handed out the set-back just be cause he doesn't approve of me." "Saw that off," 1 said; "why. you're ;white all the way through. Hunch, and 'Uncle William knov.s it. Alice is the apple of his eye ami he likes to hae his apple where ho can see it; that's .all. Hunch. You'll get her all right, if '1 have to go and drag her away my .self." Hunch laughed and changed the subjei t. "And do you mean to tell me you fell heir to a fancy dust-thrower like that Peaches filly a:xl never sent her lout after a wad of real inone;. ?" he 'imiuireil. "Why, somebody ought to take you by the ear and scold you!" "Xi. Hunch." I answered; "I sold Peaches to Murf Higginbottom, the trainer; soaked the rake-off in a slice of real estate and today I'm away to the good. Honest, Hunch. I'm now about six blocks up Easy street, and .walking fast. Sometimes when I think of that little bunch of bills in the bank 1 get so stuck on myself 1 want to run over to Philadelphia and laugh at the mint." "Oh. slice your cake. John!" chirped Hunch. "I've seen you with a bundle of money before now. but the snow drifted in the safe, nevertheless." Hunch is the original Human Frost. It tickles him to throw icewater on j.he warm babies. "It strikes me queer," P.unch went pn after a pau?e; "that you'd sell Peaches after she got so busy in that big race and handed you out such a fancy finish!" "I didn't exactly sell Peaches." I nnswercd. "Murf Higginbottom. the Kentucky ge'man. hauled in a large wad on that very race, so for a cash consideration I let him have Peaches for three years. He'll treat her white, you can bet on that. Clara J. and I intend to save up, and at the end of three years we'll have a heme for Peaches, and she won't have a thing to do but pull a six-pound dog-cart once or twice a week, and bite her way through all the hand-painted or.ts she wants for life!" "It seems pitiful." sighed Hunch, "to see a man get his hooks into a streak of luck and thea let go of the hooks." "Blame it all on the wise little Gazaboine who answers roil call when you mention Clara J.," I :mered. "She figured it out that the amount she won by accident just about broke even with the various sums I've lost by design, so 'John. says she. 'cut your cables and drift away! drift away!'" "And you drifted." laughed Bunch. "Say. Hunch, do you expect me to Bit on the doorstep of a foolish heuse all my life?" I inquired. "Don't you think I owe it to my wife and my rela tions to put the pipe down once in a while and pretend I'm awake? What do I know about horses? It was Murf who turned the trick, and if I had followed it up it was me for the cold Btorage, sure. It would have been a case of Airship Hike, up and away as the crow flies for little Johnny's money. There's only one cinch at the track, believe me. Bunch, and that's the bookmaker. Ho's the only one down there who can keep a ten-spct long enough to look at the pictures on it" "Wait, John." Bunch broke in; "I've got a great and original idea!" "He kind to it. Hunch; it's in a strange land." I admonished. "You say Uncle Peter is going the pace that kills the bookies with joy?" "The old man is on the hot-foot, sure thing." 1 answered. "Of course, he's not really lik3ly to go broke be cause he has so much money that the only way he couid lose it all is to drop it in a well. Nevertheless, it's pain ful to wateh him going up against the breakers every day and having it put all over him till his financial system is black and blue." "What do the home folks think about it?" inquired Hunch. "Up to now they aren't wise to the fact that Uncle peter is so busy at the bonfire!" I answeied. "There's a strong smell of s;"oke about his bank account, but theie's ben no alarm turned in. Aunt Martha has noticed great changes in Uncle peter, how- vi"-. and it's onh a question of time win n she'll catch him with the goods, j It used to be t! at the old fellow was : i fgg CPDacM'MJi.,r "-.. N fHW 1 " "Didn't I Tell You We Wouldn't Take Any Chances?" very pleasant company around the house, but now when he rolls home of an evening the first thing he does is to take a running kick at the cat, and then he drops into a Morris chair and barks sullenly at the landscape til! the hash whistle blows. How about that idea of yours. Bunch?" "I'll be there in a minute," Bunch replied; "first of all. John, do you want to cure Uncle Peter or this race track habit?" "Don't ask me riddles. Bunch," I snapped; "wouldn't you work overtime to stop a dippy relative from shovel ing his gold dust into another man's cellar? Sure. I want to cure him; but how? I tried to stiggest to him quietly on several occasions that he's sip against the squeezers, but Uncle Peter just cut off a cackle and said he knew his business. I told him that a man had to learn the horses back- "Never, No More! Every Penny I Have Is Nailed to the Floor and the Floor Gees Into the Safe at Sun Down." wards and sideways, going and com ir.g. from Alpha to Omaha, before he could hope to pull down any sure money, bat he dismissed the subject by saying he was on his way from Alpha to Omaha now. and. besides, if he wanted to pitch a bit of money overboard, It was his own he was ritching. What can you do with a clothespin like that? He has the fever. Uncle Peter has, and it will take heroic measures to cool him off." "How would you like to be the ice bag?" said Bunch, quietly. "What's the gag. Bunch? Are you leading me up to the center so you can ask me for a foolish answer?" I growled. "Xix now, John," Bunch responded; "didn't you say a few minutees ago that the only real breadwinner at the track is the bookmaker?" "That belief for mine," I answered. "Well, why don't you take a hand and gather in Uncle Peter's loose change?" Bunch went en. "I become a bookmaker!" I gasped. "Sure," said Bunch; "isn't it the shell road to wealth? Isn't it Cinch into your parlor and get his roll, avenue all the way to the bank? All you have to do is to coax Uncle Peter After a while when the old gentle man's fit of coughing is over and be backs away from the fight, disgusted and sick of it, you can hand him his money, minus the commissions, and give him such a shock of joyous sur prise that he'll stand on his head and thank you with both feet." It sounded like a wise wheeze. "But Uncle Peter would recognize me, and it would be all to the frizzle," I cried suddenly. "Clara J. wouldn't fancy It if she learned I was fooling around the track again after she had squared matters for me and put me even. I guess I'd better let Uncle Pe ter plod along to the poor-house," I added, sadly. "Xonsense, Joha," chortled Bunch. "You don't have to appear in the mat ter at all. Besides, I'll take a hand m the game myself." "You be the bookmaker, that's it; fine. Bunch, fine!" I yelled. "Xot exactly." he broke in; "but I can get a fly lad named Ikey Schwartz to stall for us. Ikey Is a member in good standing of the Bookmakers' Brotherhood and Burning Money Hunters' association. I've known Ikey for years, and. since our object is purely philanthropic, I'm sure he'll be glad to give us the helping mitt." "What'll it cost to put this produc tion on. Bunch? I'm quite willing to rush to Uncle Peter's rescue, but I'm not eager to sprain my ankles in so doing." I said. "We won't take a single chance," Hunch answered. "Before we go any further. John. I must tell you that my motives are not wholly unselfish. I've got an idea that if I can make myself solid with Uncle Peter he may be induced to square me with Uncle Will iam Gray, and thereby enable me to lead Alice away w the little old log csbin of our own." "Urop that plate; it's hot. Bunch." I said. "Uncle Peler Grant and Will- iam Gray never speak as they pass by. You've picked out the wrong an swer." "I know all about that," Bunch came back, "but Uncle William has great faith in Uncle Peter's judgment, just as hard. However, I'll take a long chance on all that. How much looc coin have you, John?" "About $3,000 loose, besides the bundle that's working in the real es tate business; but that's tied up so hard I can't get at it," I answered. "All right," Bunch went on; "we'll be equal partners in this deal. It'll take about 10.000 to make the pic ture icok right." "What!" I yelled; "me risk $3,000 to teach Uncle Peter how to behave! Xot on your horoscope! If Uncle Pe ter wants to take a walk on the road to niin I'm not going to flag him not when it costs me $3,000 to buy the flag, nix!" "Wait! wait!" Bunch broke in; "feel for the soft pedal and come back to Quiet Valley. Didn't I tell you we wouldn't take any chances? Do you suppose I'm dead anxious to chop up my money and feed it to the pigeons? You leave this to me, and I'll guar antee you'll save Uncle Peter and be a hero to your family forever and ever. Are you game? Say the word and we'll hunt up Ikey Schwartz!" "Light the gas. Bunch; I'm with you." I said. And we shook hands on it. (Copyright by G. IV. Dillingham Co.) Want Bounty on Squirrels. Since the bounty on squirrels was stopped several years ago the little pests have greatly increased in num bers until the question of handling thorn has become of vital importance to the welfare of all growers of grain and egetables. Every fanner has to devote from five to fifteen days each year in fight ing squirrels, and the annual cost of poison to each farmer averages $5. During the operation of the former squirrel bounty law the animals be came quite scarce in this section, for xen often made wages in the spring by a systematic campaign against the squirrels. The amount of damage caused each year in this county by squirrels runs into many thousands of dollars, causing a consequent decrease in the amount of grains, grasses and vegetables produced and an increase I in the cost or production. Colville Correspondence Spokane Herald. i Elastic Roads in Switzerland. ; An interesting experiment has been made with promising results at Zu-1 rich. Fine gravel, the grains averag ing from one-twentieth to one-twelfth of an inch in diameter, the whole carefully fi-eed from earthy sub stances, was coated ia a revolving drum with tar. These pellets were then carefully dried and hardened, and after eight or ten weeks were spread during dry weather in a thick layer upon a prepared roadbed and rolled. The road thus formed is inexpen sive, possesses a certain elasticity and is said to withstand well the effects of heavy traffic. The desirability of a slightly elastic road for saving wear and tear and suppressing noise is evident. f ByMLffir pVflJm Cfc I t Look out for mites. Select seed corn early. The cow never tires of silage. Don't put a sick fowl in a coop with healthy ones. Scraps from the table will help to reduce the feed bills. Old corn is the best feed until the new gets well cured out. Every corn grower should test ev ery ear of seed corn this year. In buying a cow the first thing to do is to look well into the breed. Green-cut bone must not be con founded with ground bone or bone meal. A great deal of interest is being manifested these days in the small farm. Horses, hogs, pigs and calves eat silage and thrive on it as well as doe. the dairy cow. The milk from a cow in a poor run down condition is certain to be cor respondingly poor. Every orchard ought to be planted in checks to admit of clean cultivation with the smallest amount of hoeing. On the average farm, fifty hens bring as big returns as the best cow In the herd with less feed and care. Many times, one hill will produce b:x eight-ounce potatoes; which is at the rate of 520 Lushels per acre. Chicken-eating sows are said to be cured by a tnblespoonful of baking soda in slop three times a day for a week. The cream separator, the silo and the manure spreader should find a place in the equipment of every dairy farm. The feeding of clover hay to poultry is a very simple matter and can be successfully done by any farmer or poultryman. Scales are a good thing for a man to have. They enable him to know just what he has to sell and also what he buys. Ewes that go Into their winter quar ters In an unthrifty and low flesh con dition cannot bring good vigorous 'lambs in the spring. There is often a tendency on the part of beginners to increase their herds too rapidly. Better go slowly and breed only the best. A variety of crops certainly adds to the pleasure of living, if he can have on his table the early strawberries and the late blackberries. Go carefully over your farming scheme as you worked it last season, try to discover the weak spots and set to work to remedy them. If you have plenty of pasture and milk, that veal calf will make nice baby beef this fall late, either for mar ket or for the homo meat supply. It Is estimated that 90 per cent of the poultry product of the country come from the farm, and that the value of these Is close to $300,000,000 yearly. A few drops of tincture of iron in the drinking water makes an excel lent spring tonic for the poultry. It tones up the system and makes rich, led blood. While there is more or les preju dice against the use of rye as food for farm animals, it forms a valuable addition to oats and barley for live stock in Germany. Oat straw contains from three to four per cent, of flesh-forming princi pies and about VI per cent, of gum. sugar and other fat-rorming matters. Wheat and barley straw are not quite so valuable. Get the very best seed you can find, put the crop in good condition. This eeason promises to be very favorable for planting and most farmers will be able to plant much earlier and with a better prepared seedbed than usual. Much corn is annually injured by ear ly autumn frost because the crop was planted too late. In most sections there will be little excuse for late planting this jcar. Horses should not be compelled to wear their winter coats of hair any longer than necessary. Farmers,, as well as horsemen, should have their horses clipied as soon as they are ex pected to do spring work. It is true the horse sheds his winter hair, but Eometimes the shedding is not as fast as it should be. Should the horse be out of condition the shedding process is naturally slow. He sweats badly and does not dry out well at night. Clipping is both humane and sensi ble. Horses which are not clipped un til the weather is warm and which are properly blanketed and protected when necessary are not in any danger of taking cold. Spray for soft scale. Buy only the best seeds. Plant some strawberries this spring. If a hen Is very sick, it scarcely pays to doctor her. Strawberries work In well with vegetable growing. The first week is the critical time in the life of the little pig. Don't try to feed ten hogs In a trough big enough for only six. Under domestication the hog has be come an animal of wide distribution. Xow is the time to produce lots of milk. Plenty of time and prices aro high. A weak point in dairying Is the lack of cleanliness at all times and in all things. Treating small grains with formalin is too important to be overlooked by farmers. To give profitable returns dairy cows must be well bred, well fed and well managed. I The most profitable nut trees for the middle states are the chestnuts, wal nuts and shellbarks. The first great requisite in the care of stock is perfect cleanliness, pure air and abundant sunshine. A hen that docs not lay usually does not bother the trap ue3t unless she is after eggs for food. Max has been found a profitable crop in the West and seems well suited to the prairie soils. in buying a barrel churn don't get one too small; if you do you will And it takes a long time to churn. - Unising.of broilers is a business by itself. Start on a small scale and then with success increase, tha capacity. Scrub poultry may serve a good pur pose in the pot. but they should not be permitted to propagate their kind. Stables should be well lighted and so arranged that the light will not strike the animals directly in the eyes. Few farmers and poultrymen know about the feeding value of bright, wcll-cstred clover hay for laying hens. You can not make a greater mis take than to confine your breeding ducks, especially if they are Indian Runners. One of the very important things to do this month Is to make your selec tion of seeds and plants and order them now. Pruning apple trees Involves so many principles that only the most general survey can be given In a short discussion. The dairy cow Is one of the best money makers on the farm; but, like aliens, she pays enly according to "value received." The Holstein. the Ayrshire and the milking shorthorn arc the best breeds for the milk farmer to raise. For cream select the Guernsey. Good comfortable housing and judi cious feeding are the two cardinal principles of successfully wintering the breeding ewes. The value of skim milk on the farm when fed in conjunction with grain Is greater than it is usually given credit for being. It is a good time now to take an In ventory of your farm and plan to keep records of all transactions connected with your farming operations. Don't be in a hurry to get rid of the old bull. Remember that he has prov en himself and the calf that you buy will be more or less of a lottery. A chilled egg will bring forth a weak chick if it hatches at all and a weak chick that has hard work to live is sometimes worse than no chick at all. During the breeding season mate one drake with four ducks until the last of April, then diminish the num ber of drakes to one drake to five or six ducks. The matter of keeping records is im portant. The farmer should be able to take account of stock at the be ginning of every year, the same as any merchant does. The lack of success which so many 'armers have with chickens In largely due to a lack of planning, and they neglect to give the fowls the attention these plans call for. Anyone can easily see that bone Is one of the best feeds for producing ggs. as the fat assists in forming the volk of the egg and also in sustain ing the fowl in winter. The possibilities of the best seed corn are so large in yield that farm ers cannot afford to jeopardize the most valuable crop on the premises by neglect In the matter of thorough' tests for strong germination of the J scd. Plan well for your hatching season. If you are going to use an incubator for the first time rommence to plan for it now. Ascertain what make will be best suited to your needs, and then secure one. set it to running, put eggs in it. and make an experi mental hatch before the time comes when you expect to do your best work and cannot afford to lose valuable time. If hens are to be your means of hatching make a gocdly number of nest boxes for your layers so that when one becomes broody she can have eggs put under her and closed up to prevent other hens from dis turbing her. S0ML01KIE XLM Jy WILBUR DUEmT T ADtma T fhoLine eH I've teen a wicked man." he said. "I've ! :te a-many crimes; I've shot at folks by way of jokes a half-a-dozen times: I've '.josje in liral ilaylijrht an stole a wi.liler's fattens! slioat But though I've iVen a man o' sin. 1 ntver sold my vote. I've pet fire to a tenement to see the entrlnes run. -'ve swlpoi! th rtlms from Wind mass's jialms an" thought that it was fun: n oaee wlion It wa. 1.1; tor cold I took a crlpplf's coat: t've s"im!tiil ship on pleasure trips but never sold my vote. I've dynamited raviriRS banks an skipp-il off with the cash: Hold bricks of bniss I've made to pass with all a con ir.'an's dash; I've ben a counterfeiter too. an made si sreasy note: I've held up trains out on the plains but never sold my vote. 'I've wort'oI the sholls at county fairs, an pockets, too. I've picked: I've sold fake stocks in thousand blocks the come-on I have tricked: Kach victim's tears were like three cheers whene'er I'd jet his Koat; Vet though, old pan!, my heart was hard, I never sold my vote. 'I've burgled here and burgled there, an" run a raein" book; M"ou'Il tlnd my name is one o fame with almost any crook: Hut set this down" the dying breath wa mttlinc in his throat Although I've been a man o" sin. I never sold my vote." 'Rah for Reform. Comes now another reformer who wants to uplift us by eliminating the word "Hello" from our telephone con versations. Good! We heartily agree with his deep-drawn suggestion that the first syllable of that word is too suggestive of a certain form of swear ing. It had not occurred to us before; very few people are In the habit of standing on windy corners of conver sation and watching for embarrassing displays of language. But we extend to the pure-minded reformer our warmest accord. Also we move that a certain well-known rhyme, on which we were trained years ago, be revised to read: "Early to bol and early to rise Makes a man hearty and wealthy and wise." Furthermore. let us change the name of the Helicon to the Rubicon or the Rhyraicon. And let us prohibit the sale of hellebore In drug stores. While we are about it, let us disln Tect things properly. Change the name of damask, for instance, and take Damascus off the map. And pass a law forbidding people to sue for damages, and, with one supreme mo tive. brethren. let us wipe the infamy af the Gatn dam off the Isthmus of Panama. Wishes of No Avail. 'This Is my husband. Mr. Grump 'We've just been married. Don't yot wish us happiness?" "When I look at your husband, mad am, I cannot wish I can only hope. Imperfect Reproduction. "It must he very consoling to you, we say to the bereaved lady, "to have that splendid phonograph record of your late husband'3 voice. It Is so ab solutely natural, too." "Ah." she sighs, "it is like, and ye so unlike, poor dear Henry!" "Unlike?" "Yes, it talks right ahead In hli tone, but it never stops when I inter rupt it." Puzzle. "He Is my hero," she sighed. Without finishing this we leave It tc the reader to guess whether he was a half back, a college orator, a base ball star, a matinee idol, a novel celeb rity, a prize fighter, a novelist, a sod? fountain clerk, or just a plain ever? Jay and Sunday young man. The Post-Lenten Ball. 'Good joke on the 1'rowns." "What is it?" "Hrown is disguised as a cavaliei and he flirted with a pretty little Dres den shepherdess under the palms, got her to unmask to be could kiss her and it was his wife!" "Did she call him down?" "Xo She fainted whon she saw h was he." Afraid? "What should I call my pet dog? asked the lissome maiden of th slender youth. "Give him a musical name. CaL him Offenbach." ((( JOTv lvWk m m grmrm " SUFFERED FOR YEAR. Kidney Trouble Caused Terrible ' Misery. D. C. Taylor, 705 E. Central Ave., Wichita, Kan., says: "For years I suffered from kidney trouble and was often confined to bed. On one occa sion while working the pain was so se vere I was helpless and had to be car ried into the house. I found no relief and was in terrible shape when I be gan taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me com pletely, no sign of kidney trouble hav ing shown itself in years. I have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills ta at least ono hundred people." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Scoundrel's Last Refuge. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Johnson. For constipation, hilioaxnc'. liver di turkuiccs and dUoacs roulting from im pure blcod, take Garfield Tea. It is more disgraceful to distrust than to be deceived. Rouchefoucauld. MUM- MATION AND PAIN Cured by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Creston. Iowa. " I was troubled for a long time with inflammation, pains in my siuu, sica. headaches and ner vousness. I had ta ken so many medi cines that I aa discouraged and thought I would never get well. A friend told me oC Lydia E. I-inkham's Vegetable Com pound and it re stored me to health. I have no mora rain, mv nerves arc stronger and I can do mv own work. Lvdia . Knkham's Vegetable Compound cured me after everything else had failed, and I rec ommend it to other suffering women. Mr.s. W3r. Seai COS W. Howard St, Creston, Iowa. Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made, exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to rcstoro their health. If you want special advice writo to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She will treat your let tor as strictly confidential. For 20 years she has been hclpinjr sick women in this way, free of charge. Ion't licsltato write at once. 44 Bu. to the Acre Ha lioavr yield, bnt that's what John Kennedy of K tmuiilun. Alberta. Western Canada, col from 4U acres ol spring wneatln 1'JIU. Kepirtft irumoinerui'siriciMiiinaiproY- nco snowed owicr eicei Ientrsultv Mien as4.- VM tiutbels of. wheal from K0 acre, or Xi I-r. tiU.ueracre. 5.9)and4(! busbe!yiiIdKerc num erous. At high as 172 bnsnels or oats i tne acrewereihre.hel from Alberta tie Ms in lltlU. The Silver Cup a t tin recent Spokane Kai mas awarded to the Alberta (ioveniment for exhibitor itralns.irrasses and veiretablei. KepoMS of excellent Tieics lor uiu come nis iron: aLatc hewan and 3faniloba In Western Canada. Free lomettettI of 3 GO acre, anil mljolulnic pre emption of GO Keren Oat H'S iicrarre) ure tu lw had lit tlio choicest districts. Schools convenient, cll niutt -cellent. noil the very beat. ntilnravs Hon at liaml. bulliilnic lanilwr chcap.f neleasy to get and reasonnhlelri price, water easily procured, mixed frmlnjr a success. Write a to beot place for set tlement, seltlerr. low railway rates. d'-.rrlptlv Illustrated -Last BVst Vest"(sent free on nppllca tion) and other Informa tion, to Snp't of Immigration. I itrawa. Can..ortotbe Canadian Government. Agent. (X) W. V. BENNETT Bee Bulldir.g O.naha, Neb. (I'se address nearest you.) Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut oet ettftartxa acd hinh- iiiiiuiiTT. MUflaVtiWaV TWmI CARTER'S LIVER PILLS iijrd? vegetable A gmdy oa wW t. cfcaaale bile, aa ooiIm the debate BMBbraaacf cc thebowa CarvCta- .aaaaEoaebow. Snail POL Small Dote. Saull Prica Gencice suaiax Signature MEN AND Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discour ascs and lessens ambi tion: beauty, vigor and lTOlVf F cheerfulness soon dlsap " r11 pKlr wi.n the kidneys rtrf out of order or diseased. For Rood re sults use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot the prcat kidney remedy. At druggists. I's hottlf bv mail fre-" also pamphlet. AiMrev-., Dr. Kilmer i Co., Blnzhamton, X. T. PITEHTC Fortunes am mado In patents. Pro- WlfSllIi tiTttiiurulfas. UurrApaireboolcfrea. W. T. iflusoruld Co.. WashiuKton, JJ.C. Nebraska Directory RUBBER GOODS by T3-U1 at cot prices. S d for f reo catalogu MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Omaha, Nab. fiourtney & go Omaha, Nebraska Better Huogs to Eat for Less Mtsej atawgtie MJW Free to Aay AMrew V w lBiV "t. i VflS- 'xSj&ySg-- mi r Y I i Is LITTIJS.aHPPK. mScmm JBSfB OUTTLaT .BTBBTaHaBTBr L "? mzir H mwm m MTWK PILLS. Bate. T AaT li1 , " " $&&&f2&&zz.t