The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 15, 1911, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Politic!, Foreign and Othar
Intelligence Interesting to tha
General Reader.
Representative S. C. Smith has re
signed as a member of the monetary
commission ami Representative J. P.
MeLaehlin of California, who was not
re-elected to the house, has been ap
pointed to succeed hiiu.
Representative Campbell of Kansas
announced as he was leaving the
"White House that he was going to
Canada to study the reciprocity situ
ation at first hands. He will spend
three weeks there traveling from
place to place comparing prices re
ceived by Canadian and American
farmers for their products.
There is no abatement in the cry
ing needs of the starving people of
China as indicated by advices re
ceived by the state department. As
a further measure of relief the na
tional Red Cross cabled $2,000 to the
American consul general at Shanghai
for distribution to the famine suf
ferers. Sitting in the unusual capacity of
a hoard of auditors, the supreme
court of the United States computed
that the state of West Virginia was
under obligation to pay over $7,000,
000 of the $32,000,000 debt of Vir
ginia which existed when the new
state was lormed. It was the biggest
problem in arithmetic the supreme
court has had to handle in many
Suggestions for the design of the
new r. per cent Panama bonds are
now being prepared, and will come
before Secretary MacVeagh in a few
days. It is the intention of the treas
ury department to follow the ideas
of artistic simplicity which arc em
bodied in the postal savings bonds
and the tentative savings for the new
paper money. Secretary MacYeagh's
plans are practically unchanged and
an issue of probably $30,000,000 is as
sured before June 1.
State militia officers are invited to
Join in the troop movement.
The issue of dollar greenbacks has
been abandoned for the time being.
The last hours of congress was
fight, fight, fight, in a legislative way.
In a speech tit Akron. O.. Gifford
Pinchot urged republican progression.
Champ Clark will be speaker of the
house when congress assembles April
Ex-Speaker Cannon has been of
fered a big sum for one hundred lec
Ecuador has called en the United
States for assistance in organizing a
sanitary service.
The Washington senate passed the
house bill for the erection of a new
capitol at Olympia.
The total number of bills introduced
during the three sessions of congress
just closed reached r.3.015.
Mass meeting at Rockford, 111.,
passed resolutions calling upon both
Senator Ixmmer and Senator Cullom
to resign.
Russia will be represented at the
conference in Washington in April
over the preservation of North Pa
cific fauna.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Barbour are
being held in St. Joseph. Mo., pre
paratory to deportation to Russia as
"white slavers.
George Baker Eddy, a nephew, has
filed notice of petition to intervene in
the litigation over the estate of Mrs.
Mary Raker Eddy.
Italians in America sent $20,000.
000 back to the old country during
1910, according to statistics of the
postolfice department
An act framed on the Oregon plan
of senatorial election has been passed
by the Now Hampshire house.
President Taft appointed William
M. Howard, former Georgia congress
man, and Prof. Thomas W. Page of
the University of West Virginia mem
bers of the temporary tariff board.
Speaker Cannon appointed Repre
sentatives Hawley of Oregon and Lee
of Georgia members of the commis
sion to supervise the purchase of
lands to protect the watersheds of
navigable rivers.
Arthur M. Travers, chief clerk to
(he third assistant postmaster gen
eral, was dismissed from the service
by Postmaster General Hitchcock for
manipulating postage stamps for his
own financial benefit.
The Chinese legation at Washing
ton emphatically denies rumors of an
anti-foreign uprising in Manchuria.
President Taft has designated
Judge Martin A. Knapp of the com
merce court as one of the mediators
under the Erdman act.
The Merchants and Farmers bank
of Culbertson. Mont., has closed its
doors and the sheriff is searching
for Cashier V. H. Rostwick.
The Alabama house has passed the
Smith bill regulating the sale of
liquor, said to be the most drastic
measure on the subject ever enacted
in any state.
Senators expect the president to
keep his word to call an extra session
If reciprocity is not passed.
There has been much speculation
as to what will happen to the Gould
group of railroads when the new man
agement takes hold.
Hungarian postoffice records show
that $37,000,000 was sent to that
country during 1910 by Austro-Hunga-rians
living in America.
An administration bill that pro
vides for the control or all public
utilities by a state board to be ap
pointed by them was passed by the
Kansas legislature.
Thus far 13 deaths have occurred
at Honolulu from cholera.
More United States troops have been
sent to protect the Mexican border.
Influential Mexicans say interven
tion by the United States means
Seven hundred marines from the
Philadelphia nay yard left for the
The Sulloway age pension bill,
passed by the house, failed in the
Reciprocity failed of enactment in
congress, hence the call for an extra
The president has called an extra
session of congress to convene the
4th of April.
The Saskatchewan legislature vot
ed unanimously for reciprocity with
the United States.
The American National Red Cross
cabled another $1,000 for the relief of
the starving in China.
Washington. D. C, has raised $34,
000 as its share of the $2,000 Red
Cross endowment fund.
The government has begun pro
ceedings against an alleged combine
in manufacture of electric lights.
The insurrection in Mexico it is
generally admitted, is a leading
cause for sending troops to the bor
der. Secretary of State Knox, who is en
joying a vacation in the south, will
visit Cuba before returning to Wash
ington. According to official Washington
the troop movement (Southward Is
to maneuver and watch Mexican in
surrectos. The Christian Herald has sent an
other $10,000 to the state department
for transmission to China to aid in
famine relief.
The levy of 1 per cent on all state
banks in Oklahoma is being made to
provide the guaranty fund under the
guaranty law.
The Kansas legislature passed a
bill appropriating $."0.000 to found a
state tuberculosis hospital. No loca
tion is named.
Justice Hughes of the supreme
court has been appointed head of
the commission to investigate maga
zine postage rates.
Kansas Cit- owners of the Luck
Tiger mine in Sonora, Mexico, have
been advised that the rebels have
seized the property.
Lord Amphill. in the house of lords,
declared England's inaction is respon
sible for Canada desiring reciprocity
with the United States.
Professor C. Emery of Yale has
been designated by President Taft to
continue as chairman of the tariff
board at a salary of $7,500 a year.
i uu 11111:111(11 uuiimmi, must ui mem
accompanied by their husbands, at-1
tended a boxing match in Syracuse,
N. Y., given for the benefit of a hos
pital. Sir Thomas E. Shaughnessy. presi
dent of the Canadian Pacific, an
nounces that road will spend $34,000,-
000 for improvements In the coming
Friends ot Secretary Ballinger say
he will not institute proceedings
against those he alleges "conspired"
against him until after he returns to
Congressman Champ Clark was ten
dered an informal banquet by Phila
delphia democrats who have been ac
tive in reorganization plans for the
city and state.
Governor Colquitt sent a message
to the Texas legislature censuring it
for voting to adjourn Saturday merely
because their pay drops from $5 to $2
a day on that date.
The California assembly adopted
a resolution condemning the United
States senate for seating Loimer
and rebuking the two California sen
ators for voting for him.
The house approved a bill to pro
vide for the erection of a monument
over the grave of President John Ty
ler at Richmond. Va. The limit of ex
pense in the bill is $10,000.
Seventeen Hindus, now detained at
Seattle must be admitted, though un
desirable citizens, because of a loop
hole in immigration laws, according
to a ruling by Secretary Nagle.
The first venire was exhausted
without a jury being secured in Chi
cago to try Charles Erbstein and Ar
thur McBride on the charge of con
spiracy to defame the character of
State's Attorney Wayman.
Governor Wilson and a committee
representing the democratic majority
of the legislature are formulating a
bill for election reforqis which they
will submit to the New Jersey legis
lature. It provides direct primaries
for all offices.
Ellis D. Ilobb of Eldora. Ia., was
appointed a national bank examiner.
Secretary Grey and Mr1. Balfour
clashed on reciprocity in British
A verdict was rendered against the
claimant for a share of the estate of
the late "Lucky" iialdwin.
The Mexican ambassador claims to
be in the dark as to the meaning of
trooops on the Texas border.
The president on his trip south will
gh-e careful study to the Walsh and
Morse applications for pardon.
United States Circuit Judge Henry
P. Eeverens has resigned.
Premier Laurier of Canada will
make a speech favoring reciprocity.
The senate failed to ratify the new
Japanese trade and commerce treaty.
The earl of Dudley will retire as
governor general of Australia in June.
Ex-Mayor Dunne of Chicago wants
an official count of the late primaries.
A fortune in securities was stolen
from Aaron Bancroft, a New York
Rear Admiral Sutherland has as
sumed command of the second divi
sion of the Pacific squadron.
A lady in waiting to Queen Helena
of Italy was killed by an army lieu
tenant, her admirer.
The chief clerk of the third assist
ant postmaster general was dismissed
for manipulating stamp sales.
The Nevada lower house has adopt
ed a resolution submitting the woman
suffrage question to the people.
Senator Heyburn complained that
the forestry service was costing too
much money for the good it does.
H. H. Fisk has tendered his resig
nation as superintendent of Haskell
institute, the Indian school at Law
rence, Kas.
Legislative Reference Bureau May Be
Permanently Established Kill a
Liquor Bill Total Appropria
tion Bill Now Over a
The legislative week beginning
Monday promises to be as lively as
any that have passed. The senate
has put out of the way the two big
events of the session, initiative and
referendum and county option, and
has acted favorably on a Sunday
baseball bill. The house has dis
posed of none of these measures, but
will get into the game this week. Two
measures which stand near the top
of the list are the initiative and ref
erendum and county option.
As far as the house is concerned
there seems to be no doubt that the
house initiative and referendum hjll
will go through with but few votes
against it. It will then be in order
that a conference committee be ap
pointed to get together with a like
committee of the senate to patch up
Senator First District and President
Pro Tern of Senate.
the differences in the bills on this
subject in the respective houses. The
senate initiative and referendum bill
is still in the hands of the house com
mittee. It has not been reported out
because it would thus complicate the
situation. The house has gone on
record as to the kind of a bill it will
vote for and it is not the senate meas
ure. If the house committee recom
mends the senate bill it means a
complication. If it recommends that
the senate bill be killed there will be
nothing to compromise on. Thus the
reason for holding it up temporarily.
County option will be defeated in
the house in all probability. It will
lack one or two votes of passing, just
as the same bill lacked in the senate.
The vote is to be had merely to put
the members en record, and it is un
likely that it will be brought up un
less practically a full attendance is
on hand.
After a two hours' deadlock in the
house Tuesday morning the support
ers of the amended Hatfield initiative
and referendum bill won a complete
victory over the opposition and passed
their measure by a vote of 75 to 23.
This result was not accomplished
without the most tense situation seen
in the house during the session. Men
were corralled in every part of the
house by groups of other members,
who were pulling them this way and
pushing them that way in an effort to
persuade them to change their votes.
The result was that the supporters of
the bill were1 the only ones who se
cured changes, the opposition failing
The fight is not yet over. After the
bill was passed the house, on motion
of Gerdes of Richardson, asked the
committee on constitutional amend
ments to report the senate bill at once
and made the consideration of that
measure the special order for Wed
nesday. Although the house bill has
gone to the senate, and although the
senate bill was passed in that body
with only two amendments of conse
quence, the opponents to the bills as
they stand, who had strength enough
yesterday in the house to block the
passage of the Hatfield bill for two
hours, will attempt to insert their
amendments into the senate bill.
The Oklahoma senate defeated a
bill authorizing the corjioration com
mission to suspend the operation of
the "jim crow" law.
The insurgents, or as some call
them, the wet democrats in the state
senate were joined for a time by Ban
ning of Cass and Skilcs of Butler,
both democrats, who voted against
county option, and by a union of dem
ocrats and republicans a sifting com
mittee was appointed. The standpat
and wet democrats, including three
senators from Douglas, who were not
consulted in regard to the slate, were
taken completely by surprise. The
committee appointed gavo Ollis of
Valley the balance of power. It com
prised seven members.
The Old Ones Won Out.
A proposition to extend the age llirt
for eligibility for jury service to men
of seventy, occasioned a lot of good
natured badinage in the house be
tween the gray whiskered patriachs
on the one side and the youngsters on
the other. Age finally wen out.
A Pure Seed Bill.
A pure seed bill, house roll 219, has
been recommended for passage in the
house after a rather beligerent pre
sentation of the case by the sponsors
of the bill.
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Smoking in tha House.
That the membres of the house
should not become so degenerated as
to repeal the anti-smoking clause of
their rules cards were being circulated
among the representatives giving the
result of tests'made by a former physi
cal director on smokers and non-
smokers and their respective mental
and physical qualifications as shown
by the investigation.
Although there were few of the lov
ers of the weed in the lower house
who paid attention to the cards, there
were two or three nevertheless who
considered that they were a distinct
insult on the intelligence of the house.
They contended that there was an in
timation therein that those who per
sisted in the pernicious habit of tak
ing occasional drags of pipes and
puffs at Havanas did not possess the
necessary mental qualifications to
either initiate or pass good laws for
the commonwealth. To this they ex
cepted, and declared that, in their
opinions, really bright mentality could
not become so smoke befogged as to
be incapable of legislative discern
ment. The senate has not condescend
ed to admit weakness because smok
ing i now allowed in its august cham
bers. i
i Bridge Bill Passed.
Cronin of Holt carried to a suc
cessful termination his effort to se
cure state aid in the construction and
maintenance of bridges over streams
more than 175 feet in width. It had
been anticipated by many members
that the bill would never get through
on third reading but Cronin was able
to count fifty-six votes. The bill pro
vides for a state levy of one-fifth of
a mill, or approximately $100,000, for
the biennium for aid in construction
and maintenance of these bridges.
Schol for Dependents.
IT. R. S4. by Hatfield, a bill to
abandon the present state schiol for
dependent children, formerly known
as the home for the friendless, and to
place the children now in the home
and those who in the future are com
mitted to its care by order of juven
ile courts into the care of a board of
control to be appointed by the gover
nor was committed to the committee
on public charities for amendment.
Pure Food Legislation.
The senate committee on medical
societies was surrounded Monday by
a crowd of able lawyers and lobbyists
who represent manufacturers through
out the country. The lobbyists direct
ed their talents against II. R. 270. a
bill that requires goods in package
form to bear the net weight, measure
or numerical amount. The committee
listened to argument and took the bill
under consideration.
University Medical College.
The senate followed the example o
the house and instructed its special
committee on university removal to
go a little further and dig into the
question of the separation or union of
the medical college of the university.
The instructions to the committee
were given by a motion offered by Dr.
Talcott of Cedar county, who is a
member of the state senate.
Legislative Reference Bureau.
The legislative reference bureau
will be a permanently established
state institution if a bill which was
recommended for passage by the
house committee of the whole be
comes a law. The bill creates this
bureau and places it under a partial
jurisdiction of the board of regents
of the university and affiliating the
bureau with the department of law
and sociology.
Salary Appropriation Bill.
The house has completed considera
tion of the salary appropriation bill
and ordered it engrossed for third
reading. Another 3,000 increase was
added to it, making in all a total raise
of ?44,100 over the bill as originally
introduced which was larger by more
than $100,000 than the bill two years
ago. The total of the bill has nor
reached $1,176,040.
Defeat of County Option.
Every member of the house who
voted on the county option bill when
it came up for third reading stayed
by his pre-election pledge, without a
single exception. But two members
were absent. Regan of Platte and San
born of Sarpy, both of whom were
pledged against the enactment of
county option legislation.
The house passed bills all Monday
afternoon with ninety members pres
ent. It killed the Moody pool hall bill
and the Grcssmann wage exemption
bill, and saved the life of the initiative
and referendum bill only through a
hasty adjournment. An agreement
was made by forty-one members to
vote against the house bill, and to try
to amend the senate bill when it
comes up in the same manner that
the same men had failed on the house
bill two weeks ago.
Lien for Attorneys.
The senate passed S. F. 143. by
Tibbets. a bill to give attorneys a
lien upon documents, money or
property of clients coming into their
hands or in the hands of an adverse
party for services performed on con
tract, cither express r implied.
Two bills restricting the liquor
traffic more than is done now under
the Slocumb law came up before the
house Friday. One was killed, the
other was rushed on to third read
ing. "
House Passes Fire Warden Bill.
The Shoemaker bill, abolishing the
office of fire warden in Omaha, was
passed by an overwhelming vote ia
the house. It carries the emergency
clause and if passed by the senate,
will becomejOffcctivp immediate;:.
The proposed universal sportsman's
license came up for consideration
Thursday, but was laid over to rer
mit drawing up some amendments
n-tiiMi will tnnlrn if nnlv nortilK- ark.
pliable to those under eighteen years
nt asra.
Chief Executive Says the Sixty-First
Gathering Done More Than Any
Assembly Since Civil War.
Atlanta. Ga. President Taft in a
speech before the closing session of
the Southern Commercial congress
made a plea to the young men of the
new south to take up the political is
sues of the day from a broad and
liberal standpoint and to eliminate
from consideration all narrow parti
sanship and sectionalism.
The president reviewed the accomp
lishments of the Sixty-first congress
declaring that in its three sessions it
had enacted more helpful legislation
than any congress since the civil
war. Mr. Taft asserted that the
greatest accomplishment of the
short session, which ended March 4,
was the ratification of the Japanese
treaty. The greatest disappointment,
he said, was the failure of congress
to ratify the reciprocity agreement
with Canada. In this connection he
referred to his action in calling an
extra session of congress to convene
on April 4.
"My opinion is," said Mr. Taft.
"that a majority of both houses dis
regarding party lines, will seize a
great national opportunity and
promptly ratify the agreement before
proceeding to other busjness."
Here the president paused for a
moment. Evidently he turned over
in his mind the democratic statement
that several of the schedules would
be considered at the extra session.
"ir." he added significantly, "it be
deemed wise or necessary to proceed
to other business."
In the hope, perhaps, that tariff leg
islation may be avoided at the extra
session, the president pledged him
self to furnish to the democratic
house at its regular meeting in De
cember a report from the tariff com
mission on schedule "IC" of the
Payne-Aldrich act the wool and wol
lens schedule. The president contin
ued: development of this country in the
last twenty years has been so great
that the statistics startle us. An
examination shows that proportion
ately the commercial and business
growth of the south is greater than
that of any other part of the country.
"With the coming of prosperity,
with the resumption of comfort in
f J their lives, with a growing sympathy
on the part or the north in their
working out of the serious problems
confronting them, and with the sense
of triumph in their success in ofer
coming their great difficulties, the
southern people have mellowed. The
northern people have met them half
way and never in the history of the
country have the two sections been
so fondly and so near, in such com
plete union as they are today."
Colonel Roosevelt Speaks in Favor of
Birmingham. Ala. Approval of the
commission form of government in
municipal affairs characterized Col.
Theodore Roosevelt's address Friday
to the citizens of Birmingham, who
are about to experiment with the
commission system.
"You are the first city of the size,"
he said, that has introduced the com- j
mission system in your municipal af
fairs. Now I believe in the commis
sion system and I am glad you arc
going to try the experiment. You are
going to try an experiment, which 1
think is fraught with infinite promise
for good."
No Concession to Japan.
Mexico City. That Mexico has
granted to Japan no concession for
maintenance of a naval station and
no privileges on the Tehauntepec rail
way are statements which Enrique C.
Creel, minister of foreign affairs,
authorized Francisco de la Barra.
Mexican ambassador at Washington,
to make.
Railroad Loses Money.
Ios Algnees. Cal. That the Atchi
son. Topeka & Santa Fe railway loses
an average of $10.08 on every car of
lemons it hauls east at the rate of $1
a hundred, the rate fixed by the in
terstate commerce commission, was
the assertion of railroad witnesses be
fore the new commerce court.
Col. Bolton Believes.
Omaha. Colonel Edwin B. Bolton
of the Fourth infantry, now stationed
at Fort Crook, retired from active
service at his own request Friday. He
has been on leave for some time. He
is to be succeeded by Lieutenant
Colonel McClure.
Senor La Barra Makes Mexico's Posi
tion Clear.
Washington. Mexico will resent in
tervention by the United States or any
other country for the purpose of pro
tecting the lives or property of their
citizens resident in Mexico. In a
statement Senor de la Barra. Mexican
ambassador to the United States,
said that Mexico believes herself fully
competent to protect all interests in
the country, not only her own but
those of foreigners. ,
Provisions for Four Months.
San Antonio. Tex. Col. John L.
Clem quartermaster general of the
Department of Tcvas. received orders
from Washington to secure provisions
for four months for 10,000 men.
Studying Tariff Problems.
Washington. The democratic mem
bers of tho house committee on ways
and means made some progress in
studying tariff problems and commit
tee personnel in two sessions, but it
will be some time before definite re-
suits will be announced
First Debate of Series.
Lancaster County. In half of the
eleven districts of the Nebraska High
School Debating league the first ser
ies of contests to decide the district
championship and the honor of send
ing representatives to the state de
bate is about concluded, and the dis
trict directors are arranging the
schedules for the second series. In a
district of eight schools, for example,
the second series will include the two
debates between the two pairs of win
ners in the first series. The third and
final debate for the district champion
ship will then be between the two
winners in the second series.
Victory last week fell to Osceota,
which won from Stromsburg in the
central district; Indianola over Mc
Cook. in the southwestern district;
Trenton over Culbertson, in the
southwestern district, and Sutton over
Geneva, in the central district.
Horses Burned at Hastings.
Adams County. Forty-eight head
of horses burned to death in a fire
which entirely destroyed Ed Tanner's
livery stable at Hastings. The fire
had gained such headway when dis
covered it was possible to save only
seven animals. Several were badly
scorched. Fifteen vehicles, machin
ery and feed were destroyed. The
loss is about $10,000 and insurance is
Farmer Killed.
Cuming County. Anton Neeson. a
well known and highly respected
farmer living west of West Point was
accidentally killed. Mr. Neeson drove
to the parochial school at Alois to
take his grandson to school. On his
return, when about a mile east of
the village, he was thrown from his
seat in the buggy, caught between the
shaft and wheel and was wedged to
Indian Shot by His Wife.
Richardson County. "Word has been
received at Falls City that Isadore
Rodd, an Indian living on the reser
vation southeast of Preston, was
shot twice by his wife at the home
of Sherman Hays. There is very lit
tle chance to save his life, the physi
cians say. One bullet entered the ab
domen and the other went through
both of the jaws.
Eighth Deer Lost. '
Platte County. A 200-pound buck
deer escaped from the Condon park
at Humphrey. Boys playing in the
park frightened the deer, only one of
which succeeded in clearing the fence,
which was made of wovenwire and
over eight feet high. This makes the
eighth deer that the park has lost by
death or fright in the last ten months.
Next Meeting at Omaha.
Douglas County. By a vote of 1,412
to 1,310 school teachers of Nebraska
have voted to kohl their next meet-
mg in Omaha and it will be,dunng
election week in Norember, the teach
ers voting almost two to one in favor
of this time. This is the third time in
thirty years that the association has
come to Omaha.
Dr. Redfield a Candidate.
Lincoln County. In response to
earnest solicitations Dr. Willis J. Red
field, head physician of the Surgeons
and Physicians hospital of North
Platte, has announced himself as a
candidate for re-election as grand
medical examiner of the Ancient Or
der of United Workmen.
Infantile Paralysis.
Cherry County. The first case of
infantile paralysis to develop in Val-
nt:m was ivhen tlifi child of Jflkft
KHne and wife camc, dmvn with iL
The case is in the hands of Drs. Dal
lal and Barakat. who report the little
one as getting better and think she
will recover.
Burglars in Union Bank.
Cass County. The burglars who
broke into the bank of Union some
time Thursday night left one clew
which may help to establish their
identity. In their hurry they left a
man's blue work jacket of a rather
small size, badly soiled and worn, but
It being the kind any workingman
might wear, this is a very slight clew.
They evidently were investigating the
vault, as a number of burned matches
were found around the vault door.
County Judge Elder Dies.
Lincoln County. County Judge W.
C. Elder died at North Platte of dia
betes. He was a pioneer citizen and
prominent in politics in Lincoln coun
ty for many years. For sixteen years
he was clerk of the district court and
for the last six years has been coun
ty judge of the county.
Lincoln Man Suicides.
Lancaster County. John McLeod, a
prominent real estate dealer, shot
himself in his office and was found by
his stenographer. He was about 36
years of age and came to Lincoln
from Neligh about a year ago. Cause
for the act is not known.
Joy Ride Proves Serious.
Gage County. A joy ride proved
rather expensive for Paul Wayhain
at Beatrice and he is now in the
county jail charged with stealing a
$2,000 touring car from William C.
Black, which was in his possession
when arrested.
Benkelman Votes Bonds.
Chase County. The Benkelman
school district voted bonds in the
sum of $12,000 for the construction
of a new school building in Benkel
man. Tiie proposition had a majority
of 21 over the necessary two-thirds.
A Suit for $3,000.
Custer County. D. E. Moses of Cal
laway has Drought suit through his
attorney. ex-Governor Silas A. Hol
comb. for $5,000 against the Matthews
Drug company of Callaway. The claim
is based on the fatal mistake which
Is alleged to have been made several
months ago by the drug clerk, John
Christnphcrscn. selling tartar emetic
Instead of cream of tartar, which
caused the death of Mrs. Moses. The
defendants named in the action are
Dr. A. L. Matthews. Mrs. A. L. Mat
thews and Norris Barber of Callaway.
Parbarfarfy die Ladies.
Not oa!r rimwr uvl wtrmJmm a f
aSe taste, byt gently rlfmaingniiJ tweet,
eniaf to the tpkem. Syrup of Figs sad
Efcor of Seaaa is particularly adapted
olaoassaad chaVken. aad beneficial k
leases ia which a whrJroac. rtreagaS
SBBg aad effective laxative should ba
ed. It is perfectly sale at al times aad
dapek colck headaches and aSe oaaa
caned by iocagejboa and romripanon so
praapdy and effectively that it is the oaa
perfect faaaly laxative which gives satis
factioa to al aad is recommtaded by
wfans of faaaaes who have used it aad
who haveperaoaal knowledge of its ex
cdleace. Its wonderful popularity, however, hat
fed unscrupulous dealers to offer inka
bons which act uoaatiafactorily. There
fore, whea buying, to get its beneficial
effects, always note the ful name of the
Company Cocaia Kg Sjyrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Fip
and EIndr of Senna.
For safe by al leading druggists. Fact
50 cents per bottle.
This is merely two ladies of fashion
endeavoring- to identify each other.
"I think the Cutlcura Remedies are
the best remedies for eczema I have
ever heard of. My mother had a child
who had a rash on Its head when it
was real young. Doctor called it baby
rash. He gave us medicine, but It
did no good. In a few days the head
was a solid mass; a running sore. It
was awful, the child cried continually.
Wo had to hold him and watch him
to keep him from scratching- the
sore. His suffering was dreadful. At
last we remembered Cutlcura Reme
dies. We got a dollar bottle of Cutl
cura Resolvent, a box of Cutlcura
Ointment, and a bar of Cutlcura Soap.
We gave tho Resolvent as directed,
washed tho head with the Cutlcura
Soap, and applied the Cutlcura Oint
ment. We had not used half before
the child's head was clear and free
from eczema, and it has never come
back again. His head was healthy
and he had a beautiful head of hair.
I think the Cutlcura Ointment very
good for the hair. It makes the hair
grow and prevents falling hair."
(Signed) Mrs. Francis Lund. Plain
City. Utah, Sept. 19, 1910. Send to the
Pottcr Drug & chem Corp Boaton.
Mass.. for free Cutlcura Book on the
treatment of skin and scalp troubles.
Work and Marriage.
In the New York courts recently a
girl, aged 17, on being told by her
mother that she was old enough to
go to work, replied: "Work. I will
not; I prefer to marry." Whereupon
she was married before night to a
young man earning $8 per week.
That is of a piece with the reasoning
of another girl who, being interro
gated by a friend. "Where are you
working now. Mamie?" answered
promptly, "I ain't working; I'm mar
ried." Boston Herald.
Tlieir wctMing tour had ended, and
they entered their new home to eettlr
down to what they hoped to be one lonk
uninterrupted blissful honeymoon.
But. alas! the youni bride's troubles
eoon begin, when she tried to reduce the
cost of living with cheap big can baking
She soon discovered that all she got
was a lot for her money, and it was not
all bakinjr powder, for the bulk of it was
cheap materials which had no leavening
power. Such powders will not make light,
wholesome food. And because of the ab
sence of leavening gns, it requires from
two or three time- as much to raise cakes
or biscuits as it does of Calumet Baking
Thu. eventually. the actual cost to
you, of cheap liakincc powders, is mora Calumet would be.
Cheap Iwkinp powders often leav the
bread bleached and acid, sometimes yel
low and alkaline, and often unpalatable.
They are not always of uniform strength
and quality.
Now the bride buvs Calumet the per
fectly wholesome baking powder, moder
ate in price, and always uniform and re
liable. Calumet keeps indefinitely, makes
cookinjr easy, and is certainly the most
economical after all.
Take This to Heart.
Some men work harder trying to
get out of doing a thing than it would
take them to do it. Exchange.
If there is any weakness
try the Bitters at once.
Its results are certain.
avm- m&Zam?tr'Z'mjpc'24, ;r" -M'r?