The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 08, 1911, Image 3

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Cured by Lydia E Pinknam'i
Vegetable Compound
Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suf
fered two years with female disorders.
my ueaun was -very
had and I had a
continual backache
which was simply
awful. I could not
stand on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my hack
nearly killing me,
and I would havo
such dragmng sen
sations I couiu
Irnrl cnrnnpss in khIo. could not
Island tight clothing, and was irregular.
I was completely run down. On ad
vice 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and Liver Pills and
am enjoying good, health, it is now t
more than two years and I have not
had an arho or pain sinco I do all my i
own work, washing and everything,
and never have the backache any more.
I think vour medicine is trraud and I
praise it to all my neighbors. If you
think my testimony will help others
vou may publish it." Jlrs. Ollie
NVoodale., Morton's Gap, Kentucky.
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement. If you
have backache don't neglect it. To
jget permanent relielf you must reach
the root of the trouble. Nothing we
know of will do this so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Compound.
"Writo to Mrs. Pinkham, at
I.tiii, Mass., for special advice.
Your lotter ivill he absolutely
confidential, and tbo advice free.
Vt'ntiion K.rolrmnn,"Wnh
li.i;U'i. IM.. Ifexjluirc-e. High
est itfcrescoa. lat rtxulu.
It nfillftiM with
Thompson's Eya Water
His 'Rah-'Rah Son by No Means the
"Dude" He Had Hitherto
Seemed to Be.
The new governor of a western
state has two sons. One is big and
husky like his father, but the other If
more slight: and at times he rather
vexes his father by his affectation of
'rah-'rnh-boy clothes and a general air
at lassitude and dudishness.
The two sons and the father wore
in the library one night and the name
if a prizefight referee came into the
j-onvorsatlon. The "rah-'rah boy had
been sitting by. twiddling his thumbs,
out his ears pricked up at the niLa's
name and he drawled: "I rather like
that chap. He's all tight."
"What do you know about him?"
the otlir brother asked, rather con
temptuously. "Oh. he gave me a shade the best
of it one night."
"Cave you th best of it?" both
father and brother shouted.
"Yes: you see 1 fight under the
name of Young Ryan and he counted
pretty slow one time when 1 was
down." Saturday Evening Post.
Rattlesnakes Appear Early.
Tho unusually warm weather
throughout central Wycming tne h:st
few weeks has caused large numbers
of rattlesnakes to leavo their dens and
many have been killed by ranchmen
and others. Not in the recollection of
the oldest inhabitants have rattle
snakes appeared so early in the year.
Casper correspondence Denver Re
publican. One Happy Condition.
"Wireless is a wonderful thing, isn't
it? It's going to mice the place
of everything- -telraph. telephone,
thought transference why. they even
transmit newspaper photographs that
"Yes. but theic's one thing they'll
.never do with wireless."
"What's that?"
By Mother's Food and Drink.
Iany babies have been launched
Into life with constitutions weakened
by disease taken in with their moth
ers' milk. Mothers cannot bo too care
ful as to tho food they use while nurs
ing their babes.
The experience of a Kansas City
mother is a ca?e in point:
"I was a great coff e ? drinker from a
child, and thought I could not do with
out it. Hut I found at last it was do
ing mo harm. For years I had been
troubled with dizziness, spots before
my eyes and pain in my heart, to
which was added, two years later, s
chronic sour stomach.
"The baby was born 7 months ago,
and almost from the beginning, it, too,
suffered from sour stomach. Sho was
taking it from me!
"In my distress I consulted a friend
of more experience and sho told mo
to quit coffee, that coffee did not
make good milk. I have since ascer
tained that it really dries up the milk.
"So. I quit coffee and tried tea and
at last cocoa. But they did not agree
with me. Then I turned to Postum
with the happiest results. It proved
to be the very thing I needed. It not
only agreed perfectly with baby ar.d
myself, but it increased the flow of
my milk.
"My husband then quit coffee and
used Postum and quickly got well of
the dyspepsia with which ho had been
troubled. I no longer suffer from the
dizziness, blind spells, pain in my
heart or sour stomach.
"Now we all drink Postum from my
husband to my seven "months' old
baby. It has proved to be the best
hot drink we have ever used. We
would not give up Postum for the test
coffee we ever drank." Name given
by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Miri.
Get the little hook, "The Road to
Wellville." in pkgs.
"There's a Reason."
rrr ronl t!te Inve letter? A nm
one ntiperir from time to time. They
lire genuine, true, unil fell cf human
'.'' AlfaHk Jsk
tYrvFrff II .
II It '
War Over National
WASHINGTON. One of the most
bitter fights in the history of the
national capital for many years back
has lately been going on, and doctors
all over the United States are falling
into line for or against the proposal
that we shall have a national bureau
of health. Mass meetings are being
called and mile-long petitions are be
ing dumped upon the national legisla
tors. Tons of mail and thousands of
telegrams keep coming urging them to
vote for the "conservation of human
life." Other tons of letters and innu
merable messages plead, demand and
entreat them to vote down what is
characterized as a "doctor's trust."
Hardly a town of any consequence
in the country has failed to have mass
meetings, councils and semi-public
gatherings of both factions. The med
ical men of the country have fallen
out over the proposition of having
tome general governing body to over
see things medical in the United
States. Washington is filled up with
fighting cohorts. The cry of "no
quarter" is the popular one, and the
fighters are lashing out at each other
bitterly hi the committee rooms, in the
press and from the lecture platforms.
All the fighting came about in this
Lawmakers Add
IF ALL the freak legislation intro
duced by legislators throughout
the Vnlud States were passed and
became laws what a funny country
this would become! Indiana has far
ms bed one or the most recent sam
ples. It is a bill requiring every per
son wishing to take a drink to take
out a license.
Prom Colorado comes the interest
ing news that a bill is about to he in
troduced in the legislature of that
st,ate providing that any surgeon who
shall perforin an operation for ap
pendicitis and thereafter be unable to
prove that the appendix was in a dis
eased condition, shall be guilty of
malpractice and punishable under the
penal code.
That much-abused class, the poor
bachelors, arc being abused once
more, this time in New Mexico, where
a bill has been Introduced in the
legislature providing for the classifica
tion of bachelors and widowers and
the levying of a tax against them.
States to Aid in
THE department of agriculture an
nounces that thirty-three colleges
have organized departments of agri
culture extension. The movement is
only four years old. The number of
persons connected with the extension
work in ?A states is t2. This does
not include members of the college
faculty and experiment station staffs,
who contribute only occasional serv
ice. Apparatus necessary for interior In
struction work in agriculture has
multiplied in the four years until now
entire buildings are devoted to the
storing of agricultural machinery;
barns are filled with horses, cattle,
sheep and swine; hundreds of acres of
land are utilized In demonstration,
and granaries are filled with samples
of feed, all used for illustration In
construction work to the resident stu
dents. The department is expressing the
hope that the state legislatures will
give the movement a new impetus by
- (ftOiC(Hevl yfKr
fTTErTl show your
H0ME,(fejJ tSP-T &'
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Ts& j&
' AsW? j
f JtlSli E-l -vVTX
" " "
Mrs. Taft's Informal 5 O'Clock Teas
WHILE officially exempt from the
obligations which rest upon other
less distinguished hostesses. Mrs. Taft
nevertheless takes cognizance of the
duties of her position as chatelaine of
the president's house and since her
coining into possesion of the old home
has instituted a very informal but none
the less delightful five o'clock tea.
These five o'clock teas of Mrs. Taft
are arranged fcr the purpose of permit
ting informal presentations to the
first lady and in consequence the least
bit of ceremony in the world is intro
duced. Appointments are made in
advance, of course, and when the day
arrives the visiters are shown into
either the red room or the green room,
wl'.ere they will find the president's
wife domestically posed behind a pret
tily laid tea table
As far as possible the maids are
eliminacil and the opportunity to have
an informal chat with the president's
wife over a steaming cup of very good
Gocd Bait fcr Fish.
Natives of a number of South Pa
cific islands make fish hooks of mota
er of pearl, so bright that no bait or
other lure is necessary.
Health Department
way: About a year ago 12 bills were
Introduced in congress, all seeking to
legalize the establishment of a na
tional bureau of health. Eleven oi
those hills were strangled in the com
mittees, and but two remained. These
two were the subject of bitter acri
manious debate on numerous occasions.
hut coucress finally adjourned without
doing anything. The fight was mere
ly postponed until the present .:
The finht for a national health bu
reau Is a part of the general conserva
tion movement that is going on an
over the country. The Natoinal Con
servation commissoin has taken note
of "human life" as being one of tne
resources or the nation that is worth
saving. Originally this commission
was formed to conserve lands, waters,
mill sites, forests, minerals and wild
game, but it speedily came to the con
clusion that human life was worth
mere than all the rest of our resources
put together.
"Wo need men." said the conserva
tion's, "to plow these lands, dig in
these mines and cut down these for
est trees. Therefore, let us conserve
human life, stamp out disease and give
the doomed babies a chance. Let us
establish a national bureau of health
that can at least do as much for the
farmers' babies as it is now doing for
his horses and cattle."
In support of the establishment of
the new department are ranged thou
sand of life insurance companies, la
bor organizations, farmers' associa
tions and other civic and social bodies.
to Nation's Gaiety
As for Texas, the legislature is now
seriously considering the enactment
of a law" to put you in jail If you ever
dare to use bad language to the tele
phone receiver.
Of course everybody knows about
Nebraska's famous sheet bill. It is a
measure to compel hotel proprietors
to furnish bed sheets nine feet in
The tongues of the railway station
agents in Missouri may be loosened
If a bill introduced Into the legislature
of the state is passed. The bill pro
vides a fine of $23 to $50 for any
agent who refuses to answer questions
put by travelers. The father of the
bill said years of rebuffs by agents,
of whom he had inquired if trains
were on time, had aroused in him a
lingering longing to one day "got
back" at tho sphinx who hides behind
the wicket.
The state oi Washington Is cater
ing to Its lady voters. Polling places
are going to be made very attractive
for them. The city council of Seattle
started the ball rolling with the Intro
duction of a resolution prohibiting
smoking in polling places at elections.
It is proposed to make the election
booths very pretty with decorations,
flowers, easy chairs and polite atten
dants. Agricultural Work
increasing the amount of their appro
priations for the work. This year's
appiopriation by states aggregated
$301,750. Indiana appropriated an
average amount. $10,000. New York
led. with $50,000; Iowa was second,
with $:;2.000, and Wisconsin third,
with $20,000. The department points
out that to the $301.7S0 should be
added the amount used by the sev
eral states for extension work from
the farmers' institute fund, of which
no separate account was kepL
From the standpoint of tho federal
government, agricultural extension is
a business proposition. It undertakes
to do for men engaged In agriculture
what proprietors of mills and manu
factories are striving to accomplish In
their business the conservation of
waste, economy of effort and mate
rial, and an Increase in the output
with reduced expense. "'It strives to
do with and for a man that which a
manufacturer desires to have done for
his machines improve it that it may
turn out more and better quality of
products." says Prof. John Hamilton
of the office of experiment stations.
With the hope of encouraging the
movement, the department has just is
sued a pamphlet containing the views
of several of the men prominently en
gaged in the work.
tea Is one that a great many women
are willing to enjoy in preference -to
being a guest at the most ceremonious
fete of the White House season. To
add to the attractiveness of Mrs. Taffs
five o'clock teas there is little pos
sibility of "crowd" just a few guests
are received and Mrs. Taffs tact and
good humored friendliness does the
Sandwiches of Infinite variety sea
soned just so; little cakes which are
simply one mouthful of deliciounness
accompany a cup of tea which is more
than good enough to drink. The Taft3
have been inoculated with the tea
drinking virus through their long resi
dence in countries where tea is really
a beverage of quality.
Over at the vice-presidential home
the weekly tea drinking takes on a dif
ferent and a rather more ceremonious
phase. Mrs. Sherman always, "re
ceives." that is to say. she stands at
the doorway of the drawing room and
all guests are announced, meeting as
they pass a number of Mrs. Sherman's
friends, who help her make cne feel at
home. Later, one Is treated to a num
ber of toothsome afternoon dainties
topped off with tea or choociate and a
punch which never by any hit or miss
has a "stick" -within its fruity sub
ctance. Wonderfully Minute Works.
A dynamo, perfect in every detail.
hat weighing only a quarter of an
ounce, has been made by a French
ly Nl .byWEBHRDNEPBrr;
w l ill $ i
ll i III i
li::Ii!:w: ! i,i:j'i5:l:-:il:,!ii:ti1
West Union. C One hundred vote sell
ers :ipr-aretl Judge Blair and paid
tlioir fin-s Monday.
Danville. 111. Several public officials
liuve expressed a willingness to tell the
crand jury the entire story of the pur
chase of votes.
What? T."t the women vote? Why
should thf primal risbts of man
Be crushed beneath the heel that tramps
tho pathway of this plan?
Man was created higher than the feebler.
Rentier sex:
'Twas he whom nature fitted for the prob
lems s.ore that vex
The mind and try the heart and call for
Intellect that sees
The baffling fr-tn of government and all
its mysteries.
And who should take a. woman from the
citadel of home
And sotid her out unshielded, "mid the
coarser clas to roam?
All. no. my brethren, we. the men. must
meet thi heavy task.
'Tis not a duty that we have a right of
lser to ask!
O. woman, imblest work or nil! Who'd
smudge the lily's white
By tainting it with balloting? Who'd
touch it with that blight?
Xay. let us bid her aeep away from all
those common things.
We'll s as an angel fair with halo
and will, wings.
Aside from that poetic view, we will not
soil her hands
With all tin- work of government no wom
an understands.
Aye. man. puiv man. shall bear the brunt,
and lie shall overcome
The- onslaughts f the ones who strike a'
our palladium.
What? I-ct the women vote? Why. down
would tumble all our shrines!
And honor would le blown
up as by m.nes:
br-!".ir-:i. do not sully our Ideats In
tiiis way:
nil the women stay at home upon
election day.
They'r.' better far at dusting floors and
wiping off the shelves
How can we trust th women when we
cannot trust ourselves?
Simple Parlcr (Vicglc Again.
The Mysterious Watch. For this
feat you need no preparation. After
a few moments of merry chatter you
borrow from some one In the audi
ence a watch. Having obtained this
an open-faced watch is best ask
some other person to loan you a small
hammer. Almost any one will have
this implement in his possession.
Taking tun hammer in your right
hand, approach some cne with a smile
and ask him for an anvil. Naturally,
he will not have it. Prior to the per
formance, you will have concealed
an anvil in your sleeve. Pretending
to search the last person's pockets,
you will produce the anvil. Now, lay
the watch on the 'anvil, and beat it
to fragments with the hammer. Then
ask any lady to lend you her handker
chief. Into this place the pieces of
the watch. Fold the handkerchief
neatly and give it to a third party to
hold. Now pronounce some mystic
words slowly, and then unfold the
handkerchief, taking therefrom the
watch in perfect condition.
It is best to practice this feat many
times until you attain perfection.
After you are sure of yourself you
can do the same tricl; with a grandfa
ther's clock.
Real Beauty.
The chorus always seems to bo
A phalanx of rare charm.
The prima donnas, too. we see
Are fair of face and arm
But O. of all the loveliness
That comes before our scan.
There's nothing oqual to I guess
The leading tenor man.
And Then!
"What makes you so white and out
of breath?" asks the friend of the
man who has rushed into tho store
and Is looking for a place of con
cealment, "I met Lieut. Peary down street
and asked him to head a party to k"
and discover Dr. Cook," shuddered
the 'other.
The Other Side.
"And so your father objected to
consenting to our marriage?" "I sup
pose, naturally, he was greatly moved
at the thought of losing j-ou."
"It wasn't that, exactly. The bur
den of his remarks applied to his feel
ings at the prospect of gaining you as
as son-in-law."
The Careful Housewife.
"Honora." said the young wife. "I
want you to be extremely careful of
this coffee mill."
"Indeed I will, mum."
"And after you take it out of the
coffee pot. always be sure to dry it
thoroughly, or else the works will
Unnecessary Talk.
"What did your wife have to say
when ycu got home so late last
night?" asked the friend who is chew
ing cloves.
"She didn't have to say anything,"
explained the man with the sleepless
looking eyes, "but that didn't make
any difference to her."
Saber's strain of hardy, luxuriant Alfal
fa Clover grows everywhere and brings
from two to five rousing crops annually.
It' the vigorous, healthy kind planted by
Ex-Gov. Hoard of Wisconsin and thous
ands of other successful fanners through
out the U. S. We are the largest growers
of clovers, grasses, seed oats, wheat, rye,
rye, barley, potatoes, etc., in America.
For iOc in stamps vre mail you:
1 Pkt. Luxuriant hardy Alfalfa Clover.
1 Pkt. Billion Grass the 10 Ton wonder.
I Pkt. Silver Kin Barley 173 Bu per A.
1 Pkt. Bonanza Oatp Sworn yield 259 Bu.
per A. winninn 4 Farms in 1910.
1 Pkt. Speltz the cereal hay marvel.
And 5 or more other packages farm seed
novelties or rarities, together with our big
catalog, bristling with seed truth all for
but 10c in stamps, or send 25c and we add
a hie package famous French bean coffee!
John A. Salzer Seed Co., 1S2 South 8th St,
L Crosse, Wis.
iflSSQ . Hf"'l ll I TB;
Mrs. Gumm And what d'yer think
of that there Jones as Is moved in
next dore but one to you?
Mrs. Jawkins Why, I don't like
talking about my neighbors; but as to
Mr. Jones, sometimes I think, and
then again I don't know, but, after
all, I rather guess he'll turn out to be
a good deal such a sort of man as I
take him to be.
"I have been using Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment for tho past
three months and I am glad to say
that they cured mo of a most annoy
ing skin eruption. It began by my no
ticing red blotches appearing on my
face and scalp. Although they were
rather disfiguring, I did not think any
thing of them until thoy becan to get
scaly and dry and to itch and burn
until I could not stand the suffering.
Then I began to uso a different soap,
thinking that my old kind might be
any good. I went to two different doc-
tors but neither seemed to relievo mo
any. I lost many nights' sleep in con
tinual scratching, sometimes scratch
ing till I drew the blood on my face
and head. Then I started in to use
the Cuticura Remedies and In two
months I was entirely relieved of that
awful pest. I am so delighted over
my cure by Cuticura Remedies that I
shall be glad to tell anybody about
it." (Signed) G. M. MaciarJanil, 221
West 115th St, New York City, Oct. 5,
Cuticura Soap (25c) and Cuticura
Ointment (50c) are sold throughout
tho world. Send to Potter Drug &
Cheni. Corp.. solo props., 135 Colum
bus Ave., Roston, for freo book on
skin and scalp diseases and their
Violation of Rules.
"They have expelled my favorite
waiter from his brotherhood, said
one hotel patron. '
"Yes." replied the other, "he accl- j
dentally smiled and said Thank you,' ,
a dollar's worth for a 50-cent tip."
If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salve
for inflammation, stys. itchius lid, eye
nches. defects of vi-ion and cnitivity to
ptrons ltpht. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, X. Y.
Between Octogenarians.
"I understand they sentenced him
to life Imprisonment?"
"Well, no; it wasn't as bad as that.
He got only 90 years!" Puck.
The Chicago Fire couM have lwcn pre
vented with one pail ofwater, but the
vatrr was not handy. Keep a bottle of
Hamlin? Wizard Oil handy and prevent
the fiery pain of inflammation.
It is possible to have too much of a
good thing. The dos with the shortest
tail runs the least danger of having
tin cans tied to it.
Piles arp often cured by careful dirt,
snd Trask'r Ointment. Write for Dr.
Mnrrs "Practical Study ..f Pili" to 1).
Ran.-om, Son & Co.. Buffalo. X. Y. free.
If a man's wife can read about poli
tics without wishing she were a man,
he will never experience the pleasure
of being henpecked.
Sirs. Wlnslow's Soothing Sjrup for ChlMrea
trethinir. Kofiens the Ruin-, roluc- inflamma
tion, allays pain, curt? n-iml colic, S5c a bottle.
The measure of what we love and
admire is the measure of our own
worth. Dobson. ctttred ix e to i pays. .,.
Tonr -Irugijis: will rerun money If IAZO OINT
MENT falls to cure anr cam r Itching. nitaJ.
UlecdlDg or Protruding file in 6 to It Cajri. tas.
And many a man never realizes the
value of his home until he has occa
sion to collect the fire insurance.
restart than an?
Spring Medicine
Needed Now, and the Best Is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood as n
other does. 40.366 testimonials of cures, in two years.
Get it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs.
Impure Blood is common In the
spring, because of the unhealthful
modes of living during the winter,
and it Is the cause of the loss of
appetite and that tired feeling as
well as the sores and eruptions that
occur at this time.
Be sure to take Hood's this spring.
A Religious Innovation.
A certain well-brought-up little girl
yawned at the breakfast table last
Sunday morning and ventured a polite
proposition to her mother.
"I really don't feel at all like going
to church this morning," she remark
ed. "Can't we just send cards?"
tiro signature or K. W. GKOVK. Uwd tbm World
over tu Cure a Cold in One Day. 3Sc.
Many a man who boasts that he
knows himself might well be ashamed
of the friendship.
Garfield Tea purifies the blood, cleanses
the system, clears the complexion, eradi
cates disease and promotes Good Health.
Some men will do anything for the
sake of a little newspaper notoriety.
Th family with young- children that !
without sickness In the housu now ana
then 13 rare, and so it is important that
the head of the house should know what
to do in the little emergencies that arise.
A child with a serious ailment needs a
doctor. It Is true, but in tho majority of
Instances. as any doctor knows, the child
sufterx from somo intestinal trouble,
usually constipation.
There Is no sense in el vine It a pill or
a remedy containing an opiate, nor is
flushing of the bowels to be always rec
ommended. Rather Rive It a small dose
of a mild, gentle laxative tonic like Dr.
CalJivtirs Syrup Pepsin, which, by clean
ing out tho bowels and strengthening the
Surrey body giving large hauling space when rear seat is off. Geared slow but a.
powerful poller The car you have been looking fori Ideal for Kancherm.
Also Western Distributors for Imperial Pneumatic fired Autos 10 models.
$1,350-52,000. Uet our tree automooue
B BsQ tVi-
BslsssBSSssssHR BBassssiBlBasssssSBBaW
'TTL "....
No Dust or Dirt Escapes its Powerful
Double Suction.
Durable. Least
T1imM rb-nnrn lifhtf-n
prove the sanitary condition and clean
linessof thehome.
Actfre Meal
per week
i nentbusinemelhncthese
They sell readily when
Has4 If
intelligent Agent
Marbridge BuOdias. Broadway sad 34 A
Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's
School for Girls
WITHIN EASV ACCESS of all parts of tho city, and of the great libraries
and museums. Opportunity j;iven for uttendance at public entertainments of
educational and artistic value. ....
physical, with expert supervision In every department, thus insuring definite certain results. ... . .....
FACULTY LAltGE. each teacher a specialist; and pupils assured the Indi
vidual attention adapted to tln-ir respective needs.
unlriiii department known as tho UPPER HOUSE, for graduate and special
students desiring to spend the winter in New York In a congenial social atmos
phere: under the favorable conditions for culturo of social grace3 and for
iritelHjrfnt advancement. The UPPER HOUSE Is in a large degreo free from
the ordinary restrictions of a school. . .... .
REST ADVANTAGES of New York available for the study of Music, Art.
Elocution. I-anKuagca and Dancing.
PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Special attention given with the object of promot
ing health, srace and ease of motion and repose of manner. The gymnastic ex
ercises are In chars of a graduate of Dr. Sargent, of Cambridge, Mass. SUM
MER CAMP In New Hampshire. . .
THE SUCCESS OK THE SCHOOL has been so pronounced that it has re
ceived the highest commendation of the leading educators of the country as
wll as of the highest oftlclals of the U. S. Government: Miss Bangs and Miss
W'hlton refer bv permission to the presidents of ten colleges and universities
anil to President and Mrs. Taft. Ex-VIce-presldcnt and Mrs. Fairbanks, Ex
Presldent and Mrs. Roosevelt, and the Chief Justice.
Any size tract yon want $100 per acre bays a special 160 acre farm
close in to Denver liberal terms write us about it also nend fur
"Special Bargain List" Irrigated Farms In Colorado and do It quick.
C W BONE LAND CO., Wk IImt. Minimi Bak M., DeaTer. Col.
Housework Drudgery
Housework is drudgery for the weak woman. She brash
es, dusts and scrubs, or is on her feet all day atteadiag to
the many details of the household, her back aching, her
temples throbbing, serves quivering uader the stress cf
pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest ia bed is
not refreshing, because the poor tired nerves do not per
mit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, scrvous
women is satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptiosv
It Makes Weak Women Strong .
and Sick Women Well.
This "PreseWtfea" remeres tke camae
wmmem'a realraesses. Meal tafiam
matloa aad aleeratloa, aad earea tamae
weakaeaaea aa peculiar to moatea. it
traaqalllzea tae aerwea, eaeoaratea tarn
appetite and ladaeea reattal aJeep.
Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let every one know what
bis " Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list of
iagredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unscrup
ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown
composition is "just as food" in order that be may make
bigger profit. Just smile and shake your head 1
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills.
On We
CsMssTI Hrl KbsbbTSb I faWm
uiBaCsMw. -
Roots, Barks and HeAs Hood's
Sarsaparilla so combines the great
curative principles of roots, barks sad
herbs as to raise them to their V&f
est efficiency for the cure of all
humors, all blood diseases, and
down conditions.
There Is no substitute for Hoofs,
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
' NaetismaleawlKBtlEritfts
Steaack aad bowek an ndbL
I GntCssv
mmm nm, ohm u "
Gcmvinc wmhm Signature
little stomach muscle, will Imnrdlarsly
correct the trouble.
This Is not alone our opinion bat that
of Mrs. N. II. Mead of Frceport. Km,
whose granddaughter has been taking It
successfully and of Mrs. J. It- Whiting
of Lena. Wis., who gives it to her childrea
and takes It herself. It Is sold in fifty
cent and ono dollar bottles at every
drug store, but If you want to test It Im
your family before you buy It send yosr
address to Dr. Caldwell and he win for
ward a supply free of charge.
For the free sample address Dr. W. EL
Caldwell. 201 Caldwell building. Moatt
ceUo. IIL
- JMkl Ifaltlaa
U "...."
Most Efficient and
haiMewarlc im.
Necessary to good
are making $30
and buueinc up
want an
for this territory
Our clients who acted on our advice
in the purchase of only three estab
lished dividend - paying stocks made
9-M on their investment between
August 3, inio and February 14, 2911.
or at the rate of 184.2 annually.
We bare prepared a handsome booklet
telling lutvr tliN van done, explaining tba
operation of Urading In the Mock market,
and showing Iiovr enormous profits can b
made with a minimum of THIS
89 Broad Street New York City
CI Tim icil bemariCef tha
PtumotM s laxicUr.. zruwth.
Kerer Fktla to Bejtoro Gny
uai7 10 lis xouuiiui ioior.
Can c:p !imei a bitlr tallias.
mcTmmu limapia
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 9-1911.
WVJ Hbj MOV VMnf HvJVsrJsr
sjs. Ytei
- mmum mm,.
'm mum
iwlHi Inus.
H Jscfcs, sssl Dbtr sftr Fni
V fvm&sz
tojco !p 1
apenna s-j Y
machine I y20i
properly W. &&z5&