wi'iKiywwai s jT.ai ! yrrn rv r t Tara-ms nri -,? - n-gir ii 3i2S3aaE4JC&jck3SkSeAJiMMAxuULXdaa .nMJ'-Hfr- r V 1 ,1 y . jttZ&S&&&'X2ianZrlUmimtomhi n is I; i' r.1 3 'l J i. i -"'BILL, y r r v "mNNIJlERMERSWN TlJZZrTRA77CAZS' JOT COPYRTOHT 1909 jr 0OOP,fXBtD OowrAJry"' SYNOPSIS. At the expense of a soiled hat Robert Orme saves from arrest a Rlrl in a black touring car who has caused a traffic jam on State street. He buys a new hat and !s given In change a Ave dollar bill with: "Remcmber the person you pay this to," written on It. A second time he helps the lady in the black car, and learns that in Tom and Bessie IValllngham they have mutual friends, but gains no further hint of her identity. Ho discovers another in scription on the marked bill, which. In a futile attempt to decipher it, he copies and places the copy in a drawer In ids apartment. Senor Poritol. South Ameri can, culls, and claims the marked bill. Orme refuses, and a fight ensues In which Poritol Is overcome. He calls in Senor Alcatrante. minister from his coun try, to vouch for him. Orme still refuses to give up the bill. Orme goes for a walk and sees, two Japs attack Alcatrante. He rescues him. Returning to ills rooms Orme Is attacked by two Japs who ef fect a forcible exchange of the marked bill for another. Onno finds the girl of the black car waiting for him. She also wants the hill. Orme tells his story. She recognizes one of tho Japs as her father's butler. Maku. The second inscription on the bill is the key to the hiding place of Important papers stolen from her father. Both Japs and South Americans want the papers. Orme and the "Girl" start out in the black car in iuest of the papers. In the university grounds In Kvanston tho hiding place is located. Maku and an other Jap are there. Orme fells Maku and the other Jap escapes. Orme finds in Maku's pocket a folded slip of paper. He takes the girl, whoso name is still un known to him. to the home of a friend in Kvanston. Returning to the unHersity grounds Orme gets in conversation with a guard at the life-saving station. They hear a motor boat in trouble in the dark ness on the lake. They find the crippled boat. In it are the Jap with the papers and "Girl." She Jumps into Orrae's boat. but the Jap eludes pursuit. CHAPTER VII. Continued. At the side of the girl, Orme now walked slowly through the deserted streets. It was some time before she poke. "After you left me at the home of gey friends " she began at last. "Don't try to tell about it," he in terrupted quickly. "You are tired. Wait for another time." They were passing under a street lamp at the moment, and she glanced op at him with a grateful smile, pleased apparently by his thought of fcer. That is good of you," she exclaim ed, "but my story Is easily told. Let me go on with It. I explained myself to my friends as best I could and went to my room. Then it suddenly oc curred to me that Maku and his friend might have come to Eranston by boat." "Just as, later, it occurred to me." "I thought that the other man night bo waiting for Maku. The mo tor car that we heard there was no good reason for thinking that our man was in it." She paused. "I know," he said. "I thought of those things, too." "It flashed on me," she went on, "that if I could find the man, I might he able to buy him off. I didn't be lieve that he would dare to injure xne. There are reasons why he should not. My car had been taken in, but I had them bring it out, and I told them well, that part doesn't matter. Enough that I made an excuse, and went out with the car." "You should have taken some one with you." "There was a likelihood that the Japanese would run if I had a com panion. As long as I was alone he might be willing to parley, I thought. At least, he would not be afraid of me alone. So I went north on Sheri dan road to the upper end of the low er campus. There is a cross-road there, you remember, cutting through to the lake, and I turned in. I left the car near a house that Is there, and walked on to the edge of the bluff. "Moored to a breakwater below was m boat, and a man was standing near her. I called out to him, asking what time it was. He answered, 'Don know,' and I knew him at once to be foreign and. probably, Japanese. So 1 went down toward him. "When he saw that I was coming. be got into the boat He seemed to be frightened and hurried, and 1 in ferred that he was about to cast off, and I called out that I was alone. At that he waited, but he did not get out of the boat, and I was standing at the edge of the breakwater, just above him, before he actually seemed to recognize me." "Did you kaow him?" asked Orme. "I never saw him before to my knowledge; but he made an exclama tion which indicated that he knew "What did he do then?" "I told him that I wished to talk to him about the papers. His answer was that, if I would step down into the boat, he would talk. He said that he would not leave the boat, and added that he was unwilling to dis cuss the matter aloud. And I was foolish enouuli to believe his excuses. If be wifhed to whisper. I said to my- TO THE BARGAIN COUNTER Manager Knew Just Where to Direct Woman Who Wanted a Pres ent for Hubby. She had spent the entire day in the department store. She was tired tired unutterably tired and yet her heart was filled with the true Christ g spirit A peace-on-earth-good-wHlto-men feeling stole over her as he realized that she had spent a lit tle over a thousand dollars in Christ Mas gifts to make others happy. GIRL self, why, I would whisper. I never felt so like a conspirator." She paused to look up at the street sign at the corner which they had reached, and turned to the right on a shady avenue. "Well. I got into the boat," she con tinued. "I told him that I my father was prepared to pay him a large sum of money for the papers, but he only shook his head and said. 'No, no.' I named a sum; then a larger one; but money did not seem to tempt him, though I made the second offer as large as I dared. "How much will you take then?' I asked at last. Instead of answering, he bent down and started the motor, and then I noticed for the first time that while I was talking we had been drifting away from the dock. I made ready to jump overboard. We were near the shore and the water was not deep; anyway, I am a fair swimmer. But he turned and seized my wrists and forced me down into the bottom of the boat I struggled, but It was no use, and when I opened my mouth to scream, he choked me with one hand and with the other pulled from bis pocket a handkerchief and tried to put It in my mouth." She gave a weary little laugh. "It was such a crumpled, unclean handkerchief, I couldn't have stood it. So I managed to gasp that if he would only let me alone I would keep quiet." "The brute!" muttered Orme. "Oh. I don't think he Intended to hurt me. What he feared, as nearly as I can make out. Is that I might have him Intercepted If he let me go free. That must have been why he tried to take me with him. Prob ably he planned to beach the boat at some unfrequented point on the North side and leave me to shift for myself. "When your boat came, of course I didn't know who was In it I never dreamed it would be you. And I had promised to keep still." "Hardly a binding promise." "Well, before he stopped threaten ing me with that awful handkerchief, he had made me swear over and over that I would not call for help, that I would not make any signal, that I would sit quietly on the seat When you recognized me, I felt that all need of observing 'the promise was over." "Naturally," muttered Orme. She sighed. "It does seem as though Fate had been against us," she said. "Fate is fickle," Orme returned. "You never know whether she will be your friend or your enemy. But I be lieve that she is now going to be our friend for a change. Tomorrow I shall get those papers." CHAPTER VIII. The Trail of Maku. When for the second time that night lie bade the girl adieu and saw her enter the house of her friends, Orme went briskly to the electric car line. He had not long to wait A car came racing down the tracks and stopped at his corner. Swinging aboard at the rear platform, he glanced within. There were four pas sengers a man and woman who, ap parently, were returning from an eve ning party of some sort, since he was in evening dress and she wore an opera cloak; a spectacled man, with a black portfolio in his lap; a seedy fellow asleep in one corner, his head sagging down on his breast, his hands in his trousers pockets; and was it possible? Orme began to think that Fate had indeed changed her face toward him. for the man who sat huddled midway of the car, staring straight before him with beady, ex pressionless eyes, was Maku. Under the brim of his dingy straw hat a white bandage was drawn tight around his head so tight that from its under edge the coarse black hair bristled out in a distinct fringe. The blow of the wrench, then, must have cut through the skin. Well that would mean one more scar on the face of the Japanese. The other scar, how had Maku come by that? Perhaps in some battle with the Russians in Manchuria. He seemed to be little more than a boy, but then, one never could guess the age of a Japanese, and for that mat ter. Orme had more than" once been told that the Japanese had begun to impress very young soldiers long be fore the battle of Mukden. While making these observations, Orme had drawn his hat lower over his eyes. He hoped to escape recog nition, for this opportunity to track Maku to his destination was not to be missed. He also placed himself in such a position on the platform that J his otn face was partly concealed by And yet a doubt just the dim shadow of a doubt possessed her. It seemed as though there might be some one she had forgotten. There was the diamond necklace for Aunt Mary, the smoking jacket for Uncle John (to be sure, he never smoked, but what else is there to give a man?), the cut glass decanter and liquor glasses for Cousin George (what a pity he doesn't drink!), the toys for the children, the silver drinking cup for Fido. the um-um-um yes, she had them all crossed off her lfst And the crosk-o&r which protected the windows at the end of the car. In his favor was the fact that Maku would not expect to see him. Doubt less the Japanese was more concerned with his aching head than with any suspicion of pursuit though his somewhat indeterminate profile, as visible to Orme, gave no indication of any feeling at all. So Orme stood where he could watch without seem ing to watch, and puzzled over the problem of following Maku from the car without attracting attention. The refusal of the other Japanese to accept the girl's offer of money for the papers had given Orme a new idea of the importance of the quest Maku and his friend must be Japanese gov ernment agents just as Poritol and Alcatrante were unquestionably acting for their government This, at least, was the most probable explanation that entered Orme's mind. The syndi cate, then or concession, or what ever it was must be of genuine inter national significance. Though Orme continued to smother his curious questionings as to the meaning of the secret, he could not ignore bis general surmises. To put his confidence In the girl to act for her and for her alone that was enough for him; but it added to his happiness to think that she might be leading him into an affair which was greater than any mere tangle of pri vate interests. He knew, too, that upon the mesh of private interests, public interests are usually woven. The activity of a Russian syndi cate in Korea had been the more or less direct cause of the Russo Japane.se war; the activity of rival American syndicates In Vene zuela had been, but a few years before, productive of serious in ternational complications. In the present instance, both South Ameri cans and Japanese were interested. But Orme knew in his soul that there could be nothing unworthy in any action in which the girl took part She would not only do nothing un worthy; she would understand the sit uation clearly enough to know wheth er the course which offered itself to her was worthy or not In events such as she had that night faced with him, any other girl Orme had ever met would have shown moments of weakness, impatience, or fear. But to her belonged a calm which came from a clear perception of the comparative unimportance of pet ty incident She was strong, not as a Jvewj? I I Urn U Gave No Indication man Is strong, but In the way a wom an should be strong. The blood went to his cheeks as he remembered how tenderly he had spoken to her in the boat, and how plain he had made his desire for her. What should he call his feeling? Did love come to men as suddenly as this? She had not rebuked blm there was that much to be thankful for; and she must have known that his words were as involuntary as his action in touching her shoulder with his hand. But how could she have rebuked him? She was, in a way, indebted to him. The thought troubled him. Had he unintentionally taken advantage of her gratitude by showing' affection when she wished no more than com radeship? And had she gently said nothing, because he had done some thing for her? If her patience with him were thus to be explained, it must have been based upon her recog nition of his unconsciousness. Still, the more he pondered, the more clearly he saw that she was not a girl who, under the spell of friendly good will, would permit a false situa tion to exist Her sincerity was too deep for such a glossing of fact He dared assume, tiieu. that he" sym- yet, and yet Oh, yes, now she remembered. How stupid of her. The aisle mana ger, who had taken personal charge of her was still In attendance. "It's my husband." she said. "I knew there was some one I had for gotten. I must get something for my husband." "Yes, madam." replied the aisle manager, who had had years of ex perience In such matters. "Step this way, please. You will find the bar gain counter three aisles to the left" pathy with him went even so far as to accept his attitude when it was a shade more than friendly. More than friendly! Like a white light the truth flashed upon him as he stood there on the rocking platform of the car. He and she would have to be more than friendly! He had never seen her until that day. He did not even know her name. But all his life belonged to her, and would belong to her forever. The miracle which had been worked upon him, might it not also have been worked upon her? He felt unworthy, and yet she might care might already have begun to care 'but' he put the daring hope out of his mind, and looked again at Maku. The Japanese had not moved. His face still wore Its racial look of pa- tlent indifference; his hands were still crossed In his lap. He sat on the edge of the seat. In order that his feet might rest on the floor, for his legs were short; and with every lurch of the car, he swayed easily, adapting himself to the motion with an uncon scious ease that betrayed supple mus cles. The car stopped at a corner and the man and woman got out, but Maku did not even seem to glance at them. Orme stepped back to make way for them on the platform, and as they descended and the conductor rang the bell, he looked out at the suburban landscape, with its well lighted, macadamized streets, its va cant lots, and its occasional houses, which seemed to be of the better class, as nearly as he could judge in the uncertain rays of the arc lamps. He turned to the conductor, who met his glance with the look of one who thirsts to talk. "People used to go to parties in car riages and automobiles," said the con ductor, "but now they take the car when they've any distance to go. It's quicker and handier." "I should think that would be so, here in the suburbs," said Orme. "Oh, this ain't the suburbs. We crossed the city limits 20 minutes ago." "You don't carry many passengers this time of night." "That depends. Sometimes we have a crowd. Tonight there's hardly any one. Nobody else is likely to get on now." "Why Is that?" "Well, It's only a short way now to the connection with the elevated road. People who want to go the of Feeling at All. rest of the way by the elevated, would walk. And after we pass the ele vated there's other car lines they're more likely to take, where the cars run frequenter." "Do you go to the heart of the city?" "No, we stop at the barns. Say, have you noticed that Jap in there?" The conductor nodded toward Maku. "What about him?" "He was put aboard by a cop. Looks as though somebody bad slugged him." "That's so." commented Orme. "H!a head is bandaged." "Judging from the bandage, it must have been a nasty crack," continued the conductor. "But you wouldn't know he'd been hurt from his face. Say. you can't tell anything about those Johns from their looks, can you, now?" "You certainly can't," replied Orme. The conductor glanced out. "There's the elevated." he said. "I'll have to go in and wake that drunk. He gets off here." Orme watched the conductor go to the man who was sleeping in the corner and shake hint. The man nodded his head vaguely, and settled j BEARD'S ORIGINAL FUNCTION Hirsute Adornment of Man Was In tended to Shield the Face, Throat and Chest Why has nature provided man with a beard, and why has woman not been blessed or bothered with the same facial adornment. Dr. James J. Walsh a well known writer and lecturer on medical subjects, declares there is no doubt that the beard was originally back Into slumber. Through the open door came the conductor's voice: "Wake up!" Shake "You get off here!" Shake "Wake up, there!" But the man would not awaken. Maku was sitting but a few feet from the sleeping man. He had not appeared to notice what was going on, but now. just as the conductor seemed about to appeal to the motorman for help, the little Japanese slid along the seat and said to the conductor: I wake him." The conductor stared, and scratched his head. "If you can," he remarked, "it's more'n I can do." Maku did not answer, but putting his hand behind the sleeping man's back, found some sensitive vertebra. With a yell, the man awoke and leap ed to his feet The conductor seized him by the arm and led him to the platform. The car was already slowing down, but without waiting for it to stop, the fellow launched himself Into the night being preserved from falling by the god of alcohol, and stumbled away toward the sidewalk. "Did you see the Jap?" exclaimed the conductor. "Stuck a pin Into him, that's what he did." "Oh, I guess not" laughed Orme. "He touched his spine, that was all." The car stopped. Tho spectacled passenger with the portfolio arose and got off by way of the front platform. Would Maku also take the elevated? If he did, unless he also got off the front platform, Orme would have to act quickly to keep out of sight But Maku made no move. He had returned to his former position, and only the trace of an elusive smile on his lips showed that he had not for gotten the incident in which he had just taken part Meantime Orme had maintained his partial concealment and though Maku had turned his head when he went to the conductor's help, be had not appeared to glance toward tho back platform. The conductor rang the bell, and the car started forward again with its two passengers Maku within, Orme without the pursuer and the pursued. "I thought the motorman and I was going to have to chuck that chap off," commented the conductor. "If the Jap hadn't stuck a pin into his " "I don't think It was a pin. The Japanese know where to touch you so that It will hurt." "An I didn't even like to rub the fellow's ear for fear of hurtin him. I heard of a man that was made deaf that way. Smashed his ear drums." "I wonder where the Jap will get off?" said Orme. "Oh, he'll go right through to the barns and take a Clark street car. There's a lot of them Japs lives over that way. He's one of 'em, I guess." "Unless he's somebody's cook or valet" "I don't believe he is. But of course, you never know." "That's true." said Orme. "One never knows." As the car plunged onward. Maku suddenly put his hand in his pocket He drew it out empty. On his face was an expression which may mean "surprise" among the Japanese. He then fumbled in his other pockets, but r -rcntly he did not find what he .wo looking for. Orme wondered what it might be. The search continued. A place of twine, a pocket knife, a handkerchief, were produced in turn and inspected. At last he brought out a greenback, glancing at it twice beforo returning it to his pocket Orme knew that it must be the marked bill. But Maku was looking for something else. His cheek glistened with perspiration; ev idently he bad lost something of value. After a time, however, he stopped hunting his pockets, and seemed to resign himself to his loss a fact from which Orme gathered that the object of his search was nothing so valuable that it could not be re placed. When he had been quiet for a time, he again produced the greenback, and examined it attentively. From the way he held it Orme judged that he wa3 looking at the well-remembered legend: "Remember Person You Pay This To." Presently he turned it over and held it closer to his eyes. He was, of course, looking at the abbreviated directions. "You'd think that Jap had never seen money before," remarked the conductor. "Perhaps he hasn't that kind," re plied Orme. "Maybe he guesses it's counter feit." "Maybe." "Looks as though he was trying to read the fine print on it." "Something you and I never have done, I imagine," said Orme. "That's a fact," the conductor chuckled. "I never noticed anything about a bill except the color of it and the size of the figure." "Which is quite enough for most men." "Sure! But I bet I pass on a lot of counterfeits without knowing It" "Very likely. The Jap has evidently finished his English lesson. See how carefully he folds the bill before he puts it away." "We're comin to the barns." said the conductor. "Far as we go." As he' spoke, the car slowed down and stopped, and Maku arose from hi3 seat. Orme was at the top of the steps, ready to swing quickly to the ground, if Maku left the car by the rear door. But the Japanese turnei to the forward entrance. Orme waited until Maku had got to the ground, then he. too. descended. Maku did not turn at once toward the Clark street car that was waiting to start downtown. He stood hesitant in the street After a moment, his attention seemed to be attracted by the lights of an all-night restaurant, not far away, and ho crossed the a provision of nature for the protec tion of the face of man, an out-door creature, against the elements. It was a shield for the face, the throat and the chest Man In earlier days wore very little in the way of clothes. The upper part of his body, the shoulders, chest and neck, were entirely bare, as far as we know, and In need of some kind of protection. So nature gave him a thick beard. Another theory is that propounded by Doctor Hunt of Boston, who In the course of a paper on the subject recently observed: street and walked rapidly to the gleaming sign. Orme followed slowly, keeping oa the other side of the street If Maku was hungry, why. Maku would eat while he himself would wait outside "like a starving child 'before a baker's window. But Maku, it seemed, was not hungry. Through the window Orme saw him walk to the cashier's desk and apparently ask a question In answer, the woman behind the desk pointed to a huge book which lay on the counter near by. Orme recog nized it as the city directory. For some time Maku studied the I-ages. Then he' seemed to appeal to the cashier for help, for she pulled the book to her. looked at him as though she were asking a question, and then, rapidly running through the leaves, placed her finger at a certain part of a certain page and turned the book around so that the Japanese could see. He nodded and, after bow ing in a carious fashion, came back to the street Orme had, meantime, walked on for a little way. He would have gone to the restaurant in an endeavor to find out what address Maku had wished, but for two reasons: The cashier might refuse to tell him, or she might have forgotten the name. In either IB vT" Maku Seemed to Have Had No Sua picion That He Was Being For lowed. event his opportunity to follow Make would thus be lost and to follow Maku was still his best course. Ac cordingly he watched the Japanese go back to a Clark street car and climb aboard. It was an open car, with transverse seats, and Maku had chosen a position about two-thirds of the way back There was, as yet only one other pas senger. How to get aboard without being seen by Maku was a hard prob lem for Orme, but he solved it by taking a chance. Walking rapidly to ward the next corner, away from the car, he got out of the direct rays ol the street lamp and waited. Presently the car started. It al most reached Orme's corner when he signaled it and, hurrying into the street, swung on to the back platform. There had been barely time for the car to slow down a little. Maku could not well have seen him without turn ing his head, and Orme had watched the little Japanese closely enough to know that he had continued to stare straight before him. Safe on the black platform, a desire to smoke came to Orme. He found a cigar in his case and lighted it While he was shielding the match, he looked over his hollowed band and saw Maku produce a cigarette and light it The Japanese bad apparently wished the consolation of tobacco just as Orme had. "An odd coincidence," muttered Orme. "I hope it wasn't mind-reading." And he smiled as he drew a mouthful of smoke. Lincoln park slid by them on the left The car was getting well down into the city. Suddenly Maku worked along to the end of his seat and got down on the running-board. The con ductor pulled the bell. The car stopped and the Oriental jumped off. The action had been so quick that Orme, taken off his guard, had not had time to get off first He, there-' fore, remained on the car, which be gan to move forward again. Looking after Maku, he saw that the Japanese, glancing neither to right nor to left was making off down the side street, going west; so he in turn stepped to the street, just as Maku disappeared beyond the corner. He hurried quick ly to the side street and saw Maku. half a block ahead, walking with short, rapid steps. How had Maku got so far?. He mu3t have run while Orme was retracing the way to the corner. And yet Maku seemed to have no suspicion that he was being followed. The chase led quickly to a district of poor houses and shops an ill-looking, ill-smelling district, where every shadow seemed ominous. Whenever they approached a corner, Orme hur ried forward, running on his toes, to shorten the distance in the event that Maku turned, but the course contin ued straight until Orme began to won der whether they were not getting near to the river, one branch of which he knew ran north through the city. At last Maku turned into an alley which cut through the middle of a block. This was something which Orme had not expected. He ran for ward and peered down th'e dark, un pleasant passage. There' was his man. barely visible, picking a careful way through the ash heaps and avoiding the pestilential garbage cans. (TO HE CONTINUED.) The Manly Part The manly part is to do with might and main what you can do. Emerson "Woman finds a natural protection for her throat and chest in the fine layers of fat that lie just under the skin covering her neck, shoulders and chest Consequently she needs no mat of hair to shield her chin and throat The larynx and trachea are removed further from the surface of the skin in a woman than In a man. Hence nature has provided a beard for a man for the purpose of protect ing him. just as the layers of fat pro tect a woman. You rarely find a very heavy growth of beard on a fat man. $3.50 BECK CURES WEAK KIDNEYS, FREE RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAIN ING, SWELLING, ETC. Stops Pain In ths Bladder. Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't It be nice within a week or ee to begin to say goodbye forever to the scalding-, dribbling, straining; or too fre quent passage of urine; the forehead and the back-of-the-head aches; the stitches and pains in the back; the growing: mus cle weakness; spots before the eyes; yel low Bkln: sluggish bowels; swollen eye lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and the de spondency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on. and If you want to make a QUICK RECOVERY, you ought to write and get a copy of It Many a doctor would charge you $150 Just for writing this prescription, but I have It and will be glad to send It to you entire ly free. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson. K-263 Luck Building. Detroit. Mich., and I will send it by re turn mall In a plain envelope. As you will see when you get It this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has great healing and paln-conqucring- power. It will quickly show Its power once you use It so I think you had better see what it Is without delay. I will Bend you a copy free you can use It and cure your self at home. LOGICAL. Assistant Manager What shall I do with the amount the cashier took; charge It to profit and loss? Manager No; put It down as run ting expenses. PRAIRIE DOGS. We usually write our own ads., but will let a user of "Rough on Rat' for extermination of Prairie Dogs write this one. Mr. II. B. Moely, a ranchman, un der date of Feb. 4th, 1911, writes as fol lows from Hill Top, Douglas Co., Col orado: He Bays: "I have read your ad vertisement of 'Rough on Rats; it not only read? good but it is good. I have been troubled twenty years with Prairie Dogs; have used many so-called exter minators to no purpose. Not long since I used a poisoned wheat, prepared by an expert who had made it a study for years. but it did no good for me: they ate it, but chirped for more. The 'Dogs' were eating up a field of corn for me; I was at my wit's end what to do; I could only get the small 15c. size here of 'Rough on Rats I mixed it with corn and applied; many of them chirped no more; I then mixed it with corn meal and placed it on days not windy, near their holes. 'Rough on Rats' is by far the best thing I have tried, but I fancy I am using it unnecessarily strong, or you may suggest a better way than I know to mix or use it. I with our druggists would keep the larg est (75c.) size; could you send me the 75c. size? It clears them out in great shape; vou should make it better known to Ranchmen." The above are facts as stated by Mr. Mosely. "Rough on Rats" is equally Rough on Prairie Doct, Squirrels, Chip munks, Gophers, Rabbits, Mice, Rats vfirniints of every and all kinds. Roaches. Flies, Ants, and Bed Bugs. Read the di rections how to use it safely in outbuild ings and for the different kinds of pests. For Prairie Dogs I would advice soaking coarse cracked corn in a mixture of, say one 25c. box of "Rough on Rats" to five gallons of water; let it stand a week, shaking frequently; you can use the same mixture over and over ngnin for cracked corn; or mix "Rough on Rats," thoroughly and instantly, say. one part to twenty of hot corn meal riiuh; when it cools, di vido in piece" and place about their holes. 15c. 25c. and 5c.: wooden boxes only. E. S. Wells. Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Neatly Put. The Duchess Dacazes. as all Che world knows, was an American a daughter of the enormously rich Sin ger family. The duchess was once taking part in somo amateur theatricals at Ragaz when a New York girl said to her mother: "Is she a real duchess?" "Yes. my dear," the mother, a Knickerbocker, answered. "Yes. real, but machine made." . True Humility. "I suppose you are tempted to put on airs since you own a motor car." "1 should say not," replied Mr. Chuggins. "A man with a motor car puts in most of bis life apologizing. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Latest Quotations. "How would you like a game picture for your dining room? A brace of can vasbacks, sny?" "So cheap stuff for me. Paint me a picture of a dozen eggs." Consulted Him Often. Mrs. Dunham Health is wealth. Benbam At the rate you have the doctor you ought to "get rich quick." 17SE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE the nnti-K-ptle jkwiUt to be nhaken into the f.h"-r It inalios jour feet feel eaiy and com-fortaiI- ami make.-, walking a delight. Suld everywhere. 25e. AV use substitutes. Kr free trial package,addrcd3w!IeaS.Ohateail,LeUujr,N.Y. Can a woman become a member of the Daughters of the Revolution just because her ancestors murdered the king's English? Dr. Pierce's PIcaant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny, granule, easy to take. Do not gripe. The strongest symptom of wisdom In man is his being sensible of his own follies. Rochefoucauld. T.cwN' Sinple Binder jrives the smoker a rich, mellow-tasting 5c cijptr. The ocean Is crossed in love by a number of bridal parties. Garfield Tea is the best remedy for con stipation. Take a cup before retiring. A girl is always sure her latest lova it the real thing. Tr -xV r sJcmJl CZecMevS rN & ) r i -