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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
Coittmte a & I ,1 L i FORTY-FIRST YEAB. NUMBER 49. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911. WHOLE NUMBER 2,050. Two Good Lots On Eleventh Street Now On the Market Foi Sale. BEGHER, H0CKENBER6ER & CHAMBERS COLUMBTJS MARKETS live I latH ' Wheat tt lnt- tn V8inv ("out.. - l...gM.tOp CO - -" ,z :w ...$ no to $:) MrtNY Y&fIRS flOO V,U -r Tii Journal March III, 1878. A puiuie lire north or the city Sunday net out. during a pretty high wind It didn't do any damage, hut might hiive lllltl'V Thogieat snowstorm in the west Iihh intrfered t-omewhnt with the running f I rams mii the U. P.. hut tlie manager are nevet long in removing obHtructions to travel. K. O. Kavanaugh has laid down the !.et sidewalk in tin- city,:n front of but properly on Twelfth street, it iB or two ini-!i cottonwood plank, thoroughly seasoned. Nebraska hua ample room for thon HandH of families. Let them come and settle upon our vacant lands, reap rich hai vests from the soil, and grow inde pendent through the raising or stock. and see Tor yourselves. Final steps in the purchase of the chemical auto truck were taken by the city council at their meeting Friday night of last week and Monday night of tine week. A resolution was passed transferring 33,000 from the water works fund to the special fire protection fund, and an ordinance, which had been read at a previous meeting, providing for the purchase of the truck, placed on its linal passage, and carried. The Monday evening meeting was for the purpose of preparing a notice to bidders for the truck, and the elerk wbb instructed to prepare specifications for all prospective bidders. It is quite probable that tnc truck will be purchased and in eeryice within the net few months, and Colum bus will then have a tire lighting equip ment equal to any of the towns of its size in the state. Besides providing for the purchase of the truck the council killed the ordinance regulating the mov ing picture shows. An application for license hh a house mover was presented by Loiiirt Scbroeder. but as it was not accompanied by a bond, no action was taken. The chief of police reported that he had served the notice on the Union Pacific railroad company, request ing them to place Hn arc light at the Lew jb street crossing. On account of the exce-sive amount of work in the office of wnter eommissoner, P. J. McCaffrey, the j resent incumbent, asked that the salary be raised to 8U0 per year, and the re- itiet was referred to the proper com i ' . .. - nnttee. Tins being tnc ursi meeting in the month, bills before the council were allowed. Lust Saturday the executive com mittee of the. Nebraska State Teachers' aw-ociation met in tbiB city to canvass the voUMtf the association on the time a-iil plan- r holding the BUI meeting. O.ti'iha and Lincoln were contestants for Iho place, and Omaha wbb Biicctssful by it margin of 102 votes out of a total f .-i -.n mi.-. .-.... link ..mni tiwr vtia Ol -,OlW. 1UB leauuu i-uo u.cui.u,, -- held in roltimbus was on account of its location, being eHsily accessible from any part of the state. The committee winch is composed of the president of the association, Superintendent W. M. Davidson of Omaha, and secretary, Sup erintendent. V. T. Stackdaleot Madi son, and Superintendent S. H. Thomp son of Hahttngs. Superintendent ChaB. Arnett of Schuyler, Superintendent A. E. Fisher of Aurora, and Principal A. U. Graff of the Omaha schools. Omaha's interests in the contest were looked af ter by Will A. Campbell of the Coiu-i mcrciu'. club, and Principal Vernon Mays of the Lincoln schools represented that city. The method of selecting a time ut., .;ii ..I,,,.,, fur iTnlnmbns that she neirer the gold and silver mining dis- and place far the next meeting by the is tri.-Uoi ihe eoutilry than any of her nei ghbors eimt, and her citizens should take some steps hi the direction r establish ing at this point a branch mint. Col umbus is midway between the Atlantic and Pacific and surrounded by a country unsurpassed for its richness and beauty, mid from this central point eould con veniently distribute any amount of coin age lo the proper sub treasuries. Advertised Letters. following is a list or unclaimed mail mutter remaining in the post oflire. at lil'iuibiis, NehniskB, for the period end ing Match S. lUll: .Josepk Decora 2. A. B Fletcher. Mrs. L leader. S. W. Speelman. Sam L. Smith, Schmidt fc He'd. Cards Miss" Kate Bender, M'P Mary .liihiiKon. Olm. D.SlephetiMtii. IVirlie filJing for iinv of the above will plea-esiy, "advertised." V. A Mr i.i. isti.h. P. M. Methodist Church Notice. On Sunduy we begin our service at 11 a. hi. ami you are invited to hear thoer. mon on the theme. "(Jiving What We Have" Our Sunda school begins at noon and is fur the obi t s well ut. iho ...ieger people. Epworth League meets i ;.:;() p. m. Topic of the evening per vim will be. "Will Memory ie uarnen into K'.emity. Special unisn- at all meeting. Ciias. Way.nk Kay, Pastor. Platte Valley Peerless Seeds. Protect, planters. Catalogue and packet limit Pnnsy free A. O. Ander sou. SI 1 Ea-t Sih St , Columbus. Neb. referendum vote was provided for in an amendment to the constitution of the association at their last meeting. President Pollock of the local baseball club attended a meeting of the board of directors of the league in Grand Island Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare the playing schedule for the coining season, and also make u number of changes in the by-laws. The schedule submitted to the meeting will undergo a number oi cnangee ueiore ib in uumj adopted, there were conflicting dates with other attractions in all the towns belonging to the league. In some places it was desired to avoid chantauqua and race dates, and this city asked for games at the time of the Eagle state conven tion. When these matters are adjusted as well as possible, the schedule will be again submitted to the directors and s vote on it taken by mail. Of the local players, another member of last year's team, W. Malum, has signed for the com ing year. At the regular meeting of the school boird Monday evening the matter of issuing warrants in excess of the levy. the money to be used in the remodeling u the High school building, in response to a request from the board. County Attorney McElfresh rendered an opinion to the effect that it would be legal to do ilna. Mrs. Watts, one of the teachers. whs granted a leave of absence on iiconint or sickness in the family. Dis cufMon of ihe plans for the remodeling .ii tin- Highschool building will betaken up t a later meeting, the board having that matter well in hand. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. G. KAVANAUGH Superintendent Campbell returned Wednesday evening from Mobile, Ala., where he attended the Superintendents' National meeting. The Nebraska party which numbered forty, traveled from Lincoln to Mobile and return in a speci al car. The meeting, which was one of the best of its kind held in a number of years, was of special interest to Nebras ka people from the fact that it was pre sided over by Superintendent Davidson or the Omaha schools. Several of the new passenger locomo tives recently purchased by the Union Pacific, have been placed in service be tween Omaha and Grand Island. They arc similar to those already in use, with the exception of the capacity of the tanks, which will hold 9,000 gBllons of water instead of 7,000 gallons, and this according, to the reports in the dailies, will enable the company to run their through trains from Omaha to Colum bus without stopping for water. Peter Speichcr of east of David City, who purchased the John R. Leuschen farm in Columbus township, arrived Wednesday morning with his household goods and implements and has taken possession of the farm. Dr. Naumann, DcntiBt 13th St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building. Baled bay for sale. ErnBt& Brock. Red Oxide the best barn paint on earth, at Leavy'a. Dr. C.A. Allenbnrger, office in new State Bank building. Shoes repaired while you wait. S. llurwitz. :B1 West 11th. A. R. McKean of Omaha was an over Sunday visitor with friends. Dr. L P. Carateneon, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KummerSts. Fred Ledbetter of Morehouse, Mo., was a Columbus caller Monday. Miss Ethel Moore of Omaha was visit ing her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore last week. Otto Bolt returned last Wednesday from Denver, where he had been spend ing the winter. Guns, amunition, tenia, also all kinda of repairing. W. E. Rohricb. new loca tion 1207 Platte street. Miss Mathilda Schneider left Saturday evening for Silver Greek, where ehe will visit with relatives a few days Otto Kinder has sold his residence to Chris Wundcrlich, and will move to Omaha as soon as the weather is warmer. Miss Mathilda Schneider who for the past year or more has been clerking in the Echols & Kumpf grocery store re signed her positiou. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt, formerly of this city but now of Duncan, are the proud parents of a baby girl, which was born on Saturday, March 4. Beginning with this week the city mail carriers are again weighing mail, this time for the purpose of providing statistics for the dcpartraenL Shell Clark became u resident of Col umbuB last week, moving into the Carl Faulk residence, on Est Fifteenth street, which he recently purchased. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Frank of Hayden, Colo., arrived last Friday for a brief vis it with friends in this city and Monroe, the doctor being formerly located at Monroe. Miss Frances Turner was called to Omaha Saturday to cater to the wants or her sister. Mrs. H. A. Rowe. The Iatter's daughter, Ester, is also ill with scarlet fever. Mrs A. J. Smith is visiting at Fair bury with her brother, John Madden, who is bead boiler maker for the Rock Island at that place. She extiects to return next week . Mr. and Mr. Perry Loshbaugh leave this week for Los Angeles, California, where they will visit for sixty daye at the home of David and Harmon Shank, brothers of Hn. Losbbaugh. Mrs. O. C. Shannon, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Kenney and three children, arrived Tuesday from Trinidad, Colo., and Mrs. Kenney will make an extended visit in this city. At a basket social Friday evening at the school house in District No. 4(, Sherman township, Mis Ella Schneider, teacher, the proceeds amounted to$iL30 which are to be used as a library fund. Chas. Dack and family, who have been sojourning on the Pacific coa-t during the winter, are expected home this week. They will come via San Antonio, Texas, and make a short stop at Clannda, la.. before returning. Miss Hazel Studley, who is teaching school near St. Edward, was a Columbus visitor Monday, enroute to her home at Creston. Miss Studley is unable to have school on account of small pox in that neighborhood. Paul Roth brought suit in Justice O'Brien's court against Carl Krauae, asking for damages in the sum of $140, as the result of a horse trade. Roth claimed the horse he received from Krause was valueless, and sued for the value of his horse and the cash he paid as difference. He was given a judgment for $120. A fellow named Mattes, who has been stopping at the Pacific hotel for a ehort time, undertook to pass some worthless checks, drawn on the German town bank, for some merchandise. The merchants, however, were not caught very easily and before delivering the goods found out that the checks were worthless. Under the circumstances nothing can be done with Mattes. ! Next Sundav the large pipe organ. just installed in the German Lutheran church, will be dedicated with appropri ate services. There will be a epeoial sermon by the pastor, Rev. Meiasler, and Prof. Haase, of the Teachers' seminary at Seward, will preside at the organ. This is the first pipe organ to be install ed in the city and it was built especially for this church by Hillgreen. Lane & Co , of Alliance, O. Since Thursday of last week an expert from the factory, C. H. Brick, and bis assistants, have been busy placing the instrument in position and getting it to working satisfactorily. It is a two manual and pedal organ and baa nine seta of pipes, or a total of 579 pipes. An electric motor operates the fans which supplies the compressed air, and is under control of the organist. Besides the purchasing of the organ at a coetof Sl.luO, the church people have built a gallery in the south end of the church at a cost of J00 When the church was enlarged a year ago two choir lofts were bnilt on each side of the new part, bnt now these will be taken down and the choir placed in the same gallery as the organ. For some years this church has been planning on installing this instrument, and now that they have realized their hopes, they are more than pleased. After Easter an organ concert will be given and will no doubt be fol lowed by others. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the case of Avery Man ufactnriug com pany against Charles Thompson, has been on trial before Judge Thomas. Mr. Thompson is the contractor on the Car rig and Jewell ditch and bought a ditch ing machine of the Avery company. After using it awhile he claimed that it did not meet the requirements accord ing to his contract with the company, and he discarded it, leaving it standing near the road. Mr. Thompson has filed a damage suit against the Avery com pany for $14,000, alleging that he was damaged to this amount on account of the failure of the machine to do its work. While in the city last Saturday Will A. Campbell of the Omahn Commercial Club was doing some missionary work for the publicity hill now before the leg islature. At the state meeting of the commercial clubs in this city last year the proposition to advertise the state received a hearty endorsement, and while here Mr. Campbell secured an endorsement of the local commercial club to be forwarded to the legislature. The Columbus Mercantile company have rented the Filzpatrick building on Thirteenth Btreet, formerly occupied by the Brenn meat market, and will occupy it with their chinaware department. The meat market fixtures have been sold to a party in Central City and taken thore. The Mercantile company will open op a meat market in a portion of their present store room. Burglars entered the Gerhar.-Flynn clothing store last Thursday evening and secured 10 in cash. Ab the lock on the safe was set so as to be opened easily, it wag not neccsBary to use ex plosives. Entrance was gained from the outside cellar door and then into the store. The money was all that the thieves took, evidently not being desir ous of taking n supply of clothing. Mrs. Anna Nugent, who has been planning to opcu up her millinery store this spring, has not been able to secure a suitable room, and Friday of this week she will leave for Greeley, Neb., where ehe will make her home. Should she be able to secure a suitable location this fall, she expects to return to Co lumbus and again engage in the millin ery line. J. E. Hart and Miss Alice Sohram, both of Monroe, were married Wednes day of this week in the Methodist church at Monroe, the pastor, Kev G. Ii. 1'nii lips, performing the ceremony. Those from Coliimbua who were present as in vited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phillipps, Mr. and Mrs. L F. Phillips, and the Misses Lettie Conley and Minnie Glur. Supervisors Appropriate $8M for Permanent Road. At the meeting of the boBrd of super visors last week the question of appro priating money from the inheritance tax fund for permanent roads was brought up, and after gctliug an opinion from the county attorney regarding it, the follow ing resolution was adopted, which grants the request of the Commercial club. Relative to the application of the com mittee representing the Commercial Club of the city of Columbus, presented to the board of supervisors at their see Bion of January 11, 1911, asking the board to set aside from the Inheritance Tax fund the sum of $800.00 for the purpose of building a permanent highway be tween the Platte and Loup rivers south of Columbus, the following resolution was introduced by Suirvisor Wilson: Be it resolved that the application of the committee representing tlie Commer cial Club of the City of Columbus be re ceived and that this Board improve said road mentioned in said application out of the inheritance tax on hand to the ex tent of not to exceed one-half of the en tire amount to be expended on said road and not to exceed in any event the sum of SS00.00. Said Commercial Club mid the City of Cohimbu to pay one-half of estimates and engineering. Said portion of the inheritance tax to be expended on said road according to law. At the annual township meeting of Columbus township, held Tuesday of this week, the request of the Columbus Commercial club for assistance to build a permanent road between the Loup and Platte river bridge, was presented by the committee appointed by the club. Residents of the township were there to champion the cause of the club, and a report of the amount of money expended on this portion of the road, without any good resulte, convinced those present that the township should do their snare. and 100 was voted for that purpose. The total now available Tor the pro posed road tb be built under government supervision is $1,200, the county provid ing 8S00 and the township iul. Now that the committee has completed its work. President Frischholz ol the Com mercial club will call ii meetiug of that body for Tuesday evening. March 11, for the purpose of completing arrange ments for the building or the road. With the approach of warm weather the time will soon be here for the beginning of the work, and as there are many ap plications for the goveruient men who have this in oharge, Columbus Bhould lose no time in making a request for the expert. Platte Valley Peerless Seeds. Are sold in bulk and packages. Buy no others. Catalogue and packet Giant Pansy free. A. O. Anderson, 811 East 8th St.. Columbus, Neb. Congregational Church. One of the vital questions before the church todsy "ib recreation. One man has said let me control the recreation of n ...immunity and I will at the same time control the morals of that com munity. The man may have put it a tritle strong, but surely he has much truth on his side. In onr thinking of recreation, how ever, its good and bad, we should never forget that God had laid the ground of r.rrHtmn in man's nature. All higher animals manifest the play capacity. The ohild comes from its play as tired as the man from his industries, or the night he tosses and talks in his sleep because he has overworked an element of hiB being. To youth pleasure is very grat ifying. The blood is in the beet fix; the nerve cells are freehand tingling: the life is full of delicione enthusiasm; the bones suple; the eyes bright and in cheeks aglow and the body springy. We want more rather than less recreation. We want it distinctly understood that morality is not a campaign of suppres sion; that goodness is not another way or spelling wretchedness; that a clean conscience and a long face are not nec essarily complements The pastor of the Congregational church will Bpeak along this line next Sunday evening irom the subject: The Man God Created and His Development --Man and His Recreations. A large mdience listened to the last Sunday evening sermon and manifested much interest in the theme. We would like to welcome you next Sunday evening. At the morning service the subject will be: The Measurement of a Christian. Wilmam L. Dir.IlIiK. Friday night of this week u contest in declamation will lie held in the gym nasium nt the High school Tor the pur pose or selecting a representative to at tend the district contest r.t Fremont March :o. The district :s composed or all the territory north or the Platte river and east or the Sixth principal meridian in Nebra-kn. There will be four contestants Tor the honor. Fred Bahcock, Willard Prather, Neva Munger. and Martha Woosley. Besides the honor of representing Columbus in the district contest, the winner will bo pre sented with a 'medal. The judge will decide the contest on live points pro nunciation and articulation, carrnige and gesture, memory, expression and general effect. Several musical num bers will be given during the contest by the High school nnd grades, and pro bably outside talent A small admis sion fee will be charged to help defray the local expenses nnd also assist in sending the successful contestant to Fremont. Monday and Tuesday of this week the Platte County Sundnyeohool convention was held in this city, the sessions being hehl in the Methodist church. About thirty delegates were present and at the business meeting the following ollleers were elected. President, J. G. Cochran of Monroe; vice president, Anton J. Airred of Genoa, Secretary treasurer, Gertrude Fellers of Monroe; superin tendent of teachers' training department. S. L Whitney: superintendent ot uibie hIiikr work. Rev. C. W. Ray. Those from outside of the city who addressed the couvection were T. F. Stnrgese. editor of the Twentieth Century Farmer or Omaha and General State Secretary C. H. Lwis or Fairhtiry. .Mrs. Dfiniid Re'igiin, mother or Repre sentative R. O. Reagan, ilinl Saturday, daath being due to old age. During the winter she hns been in poor health and her son hns been called from Lincoln on several occasions on account ol her con dition. She was ono or the early set tlers or near Platte Center, having loeited on tho old homestead northeast of that village in early days. Funeral services were held Monday at St. Joseph't! church, Platte Center, aud burial v.r.s in the parish cemetery on Shell creek- Just au lie was leaving the Maenner chor hull Sunday evening, Siegferd Hansen, who has been employed na a cook at the E'iglo Care, suffered from ti ruptured blood vessel. Ho walked lo the Meridian hotel, where ho was given attention, and the How or blood checked. Art a result of the Iomi or blood he is quite weak, but no serious results are anticipated. YOU dT' ib t less apprc- prompt. pain staking attention to the details of your Banking business. This is where we can be of real service to you. Columbus State Bank Capital &Srpla. 86,000.00 Route No. .. Tho Misses Dayo Knight and Louisa Rnuiken were Columbus visitors Sun day. Mies Pearl Freemau, teacher in tho Adatiiy district, closed her winter term or school Monday. There was no school in District No. It! Tuesday, tho Shell Creek township meeting being held there. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Mohrmati return ed from their wedding trip this week, having visited friends in Iowa. Mrs. Wm. Neemeyer. who underwent an operation at St. Mary's hospital last week, io reported hi; gottiug along nicely. Peter LuljenB and John Drunken wich Blnppcd u mixed car ol stock to South Omaha Wednesday aud Wm. Lingo shipped a car or hogs the same day. 1 1 is bail enough to bo compelled to use a team on the mail route instead or an automobile, but when tho carrier h:s to dig the mud out from between the spokes on his wagon, he wishes more than ever Tor good weather. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Dr. Vnllier, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. Maten, dentist, over Niewohner's. See our new line or wall paper. Leavy Dr. Chas. 11. Campbell, oculist; and nurist, 1215 Olive street. Born, on Saturday, March 1." to Mr. nnd Mr$. Wm. Walsh, a son. Dr. W. R. Nenmtirker, office with Dr C. I). Evans, west side of Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Murie returned last week from a winter's viBit with their daughter at Fromsburg. Montana. C. A. Fiuecy arrived in the city today from Spalding, on his way to Valparaiso, to take Ins old position on tho visitor. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Putnam are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter at their home Tuesday of this week. Will Ungate, who has been visiting his parents in Los Angoks, California, for several weeks, will arrive home Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. S- C. Lect, who have been spending the winter with Mrs. LeetV parents. Mr. and Mrp. W. D. Benson. lelt Wednesday morning for their homo near Ellendale, N. D. Win Marlar of Miller, Neb., who 1ms been residing near Miller, Buffalo coun ty, was here the last week, visiting his son. Noah Marlar. while enronto to Greenwood, Kas., to visit his father. Julian Elizabeth Sticka, of Albion, died at St. Mary's hospital last Friday, aged 52 years, three months and seven teen days. She with her husband, Paul Stricka, have been residents of near Albion for twenty years, and Ha. Strieka has been ailing for ten years. She waa born in Russia, November 14, 1858. Her body was taken to Albion Saturday af ternoon and funeral services held Sun day. Last Saturday was a record breaker in register of deeds Oarrig's office, seven instruments being recorded on that day. This is the largest number ever recorded io a single day io the history of the county . For the first five daya of March, not including ounuay toe omce re corded two hundred and forty-five in atramente, and no donbt the total for the entire month will alio establish a new record. lr"?fcwJ aH JL1 23 i0 :; 21 Marriage Licenses. Walter H. Folken, Leigh Clara Schindler, Schuyler Math Abegglen, Columbus Anna Sehwcizer. Columbus John K. Iossi, Columbus Sarah Enzminger, Columbus Emil Hart, Monroe Alice M Schram, Monroe George A . Meyer, Osmond IdaA. Hellman, Leigh ... Ernest Jenny, Columbus 21 Emma M. Leibundgut, Columbus 21 THE BEST i alone cood enough for our custo men. Wc have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possioie for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEIVER SON I HARflt Hnil WVftl, Route No. 1. Sam Drinnin threshed his wheat last Saturday. Last Thursday David Lusche shelled hie 1U10 crop of corn. Nick Adaray, er., has a force of men baling bay and putting it into his barns. He is clearing up hie meadow for spring. George Henggler, jr.. Peter Henggler and Win. Henggler went to Geo. Hig gler's farm at Lindsay to finish gather ing corn. Route No. 4. Mrs. A. A. Miksch, who has been sick all winter, is now convalescing. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. Chas Knla Wednesday or last week. Miss Nellie Bray, who hns been very sick the last ten dajs, is slowly improving. Henry Sknman has moved from the Wm. Moore Tarm to tho Emerson place, south ol Oconee. Otto Hembd shipped a car or hogs and a double deck car or sheep, 210 head to South Omaha Monday. Miss Gertrude Donoghue is teaching in District No. !, for her sister, Miss May, the regular teacher, wlm ib sick with the grippe. Ludwig Ebner, who moved to Canada about ii year ago, Ikib sent word to their friends announcing the arrival of a. baby boy at tBcir"honie. Lester Belford is keeping bachelor hall in the house recently moved on his fath er's place, and is digging a cellar and al 60 doing a little kodak work. Chas Hihner has moved from the Brick house farm to a place three miles east. Olto Jensen or Platte Center has rented the Brick house farm for the coming season . Manager Corbett of the ball team secured two new players- the firet of the week, Cecil Weisenherger of Beards town, III., for whom he traded fielder Scaiilan.iind John L. Met, or Maryville, Town, who played with Aberdeen, S D , last season. A string of cars on the coal chute incline got away from Jim Naiioleon. u colored coal heaver who was riding them, and when they Btruck another Btringof cars at the bottom or the in cline, he wsb thrown to the ground and his skull fracturod. He was taken to St. Mar-y't; .hospital, and while hiB condi tion U not serious, ho will be laid up for some time. Material now being unloaded near the Burlington bridge, southeast of the city, is the commencement of an all Bteel hridge over the Platte and Loup rivers ut that point. Realizing that the pres ent wooden structure has been more or less unsatisfactory, the Burlington have decided to replace it with a Bteel struc ture, nntFthis year will build at least two spans of it. Work will be commenced as soon as the river is free from ice and the weather favorable. Platte Valley Peerless Seeds. Aro true to name. You want tbem. Catalogue and packet Giant Pansy free. A. C. Anderson, 811 East th St., Col umbus, Neb. Platte Valley Peerless Seeds. Will grow. Try tbem. Catalogue and packet Giant Pansy free. A. C. Anderson. 811 East 8th St.,Oolumbua I Neb. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for tho famous MniiBing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. PriceB in men's from 81.50 to 81.50. Prices in boya from 50c, 75c, 81 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82.50 a garment. Bny early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S