The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 01, 1911, Image 3

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Figures recently issued show that
the wheat receipts at Winnipeg last
year were 88,269,330 bushels, as com
pared with the Minneapolis receipts
of 81,111,410 bushels, this placing Win
nipeg at the head of the wheat re
ceiving markets of the continent. Fol
lowing up this information it is found
that the yields throughout the prov
inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, as given the writer by agents
of the Canadian Government sta
tioned in different parts of the States,
have been splendid. A few of the
Instances aro given:
Near Redvers, Sask., Jens Hortness
threshed about 50 acres of wheat, av
eraging 29 bushels to the acre. Near
Elpbmstone, Sask., many of the crops
of oats would run to nearly 100 bush
els to the acre. A Mr. Muir had about
200 acres of this grain and ho esti
mates tLo yield at about 60 bushels
per acre. Wheat went 35 bushels to
the aero on the farm of Mr. A. Loucks,
near Wymyard. Sask., in the fall of
1910. K. Erickson had 27 and P.
Solvason 17. In the Dempster (Man.)
district last year, wheat went from
25 to 30 bushels per acre. Fifteen
acres on the Mackenzie & Mann farm
today went forty-three bushels to the
acre. In the Wninwright and Battle
river districts yields of wheat aver
aged for the district 26 bushels to the
acre. M. B. Ness, of the Tofield, Al
berta, district, got 98 bushels and
28 lbs. of oats to the acre, while near
Montrose, over 94 bushels of oats to
tho ucre was threshed by J. leonle,
notwithstanding tho dry weather of
June. Further reports from the Ed
monton district give Frank McLay of
the Horse Falls 100 bushels of oats
to the acre. They weighed 45 lbs. to
the bushel. A 22-acre field of spring
wheat on Johnson Bros.' farm near
gricola yielded 40J.4 bushels to the
acre. Manitoba's record crop for 1910
was grown on McMillan Bros.' farm
near Westbourne. who have a total
crop of 70.000 bushels, netting $40,000
off 2.200 acres. G. V. Buchanan of
Pincher Creek, Alberta, had 2."
bushels of No. 1 spring wheat to tho
acre. Mr. A. Hatton of Macleod dis
trict had wheat which averaged 21
bushels to the acre. B. F. Holden,
near Indian Head. Sask., threshed 950
bushels of wheat from 20 acres.
On the Experimental Farm at In
Clan Head, wheat has gone below 40
bushels, while several, such as the
Marquis and tho Preston, have gone
as high as 54 bushels to the acre. At
Elstow, Sask.. tho quantity of wheat
to tho aero ran, on tho average, from
26 right up to 40 bushels per acre,
while oats in 6ome cases yielded a
return of 70 to 80 bushels per acre,
with llax giving 13 to 14 bushels per
W. C. Carnell had a yield of 42
bushels per aero from six acres of
breaking. Neil Callahan, two miles
northwest of Strome. had a jield of
42 bushels of wheat per acre. Wm.
Lindsay, two miles east of Strome,
had 1,104 bushels of Regenerated
Abundance oats from ten acres Jo
seph Scheelar, 11 miles south of
Strome. had 12.000 bushels of wheat
and uats from ISO acres. Part of the
oats yielded S3 bushels to the acre,
and tho wheat averaged about 40
bushels. Spolin Bros., four miles
southwest of Strome. had a splendid
grain yield of excellent quality wheat,
grading No. 2. A. S. McCulloch, one
mile northwest of Strome. had some
wheat that went 40 bushels to tho .
acre. .1. lilaser. a lew nines soutn
west of Strome. threshed 353 bushels
of wheat from 7 acres. Among the
good grain yields at Macklin, Alberta,
reported are: D. N. Tweedle, 22 bush
els to tho acre; John Currin, 24 bush
els wheat to the acre; Sam Fletchei,
20 bushels to tho acre.
At Craven, Sask. Albert Clark
threshed from 60 acres of stubble
1.S90 bushels; from 20 acres of fal
low 9o0 bushels of red llfo wheat that
weighed 65 pounds (o tho bushel.
Charles Keith threshed 40 bushels to
tho aero from 40 acres. Albert Young,
of Stony Beach, southwest of Lums
den. threshed 52 bushels per acre
from summer fallow, and George
Young 5.000 bushels from 130 acres of
stubble and fallow, or an average of
3S 1-2 bushels to the acre. Arch Mor
ton got 5.600 bushels of red fife from
160 acres. James Russell got S.700
bushels from stubble and late break
ing, an average of 23 u bushels.
1 At Rosthern Jacob Friesen had 27
bushels per acre from SO acres on
new land and an average over his
whole farm of 21 bushels of wheat.
John. Schultz threshed 4.400 bushels
from 100 acres, or 44 bushels to the
acre. John lepp had 37 bushels per
aero from 200 acres. A. B. Dirk had
42 bushels per ncre from 25 acres.
Robert Roe of Grand Couleo threshed
43 bushels to tho acre from 420 acres.
Sedley, Sask., is still another dis
trict that has cause to bo proud of
the yields of both wheat and flax.
J. Cleveland got 30 bushels of wheat
per acre on 100 acres and IS bushels
of flax on 140 acres. T. Dundas,
southeast of Sodley. 40 bushels per
acre on 30 acres; M. E. Miller, 34
bushels per acre on 170 acres of stub
ble, and 35 bushels per acre on 250
acres fallow; W. A. Day had 32 bush
els per acre on 200 acres of stubble,
and 35 bushels on 250 acres of fallow; i
J. O. Scott had 30 bushels of wheat j
per acre on 200 acres, and IS bush- j
els of flar per acre on 300 acres; j
James Bullick averaged 29 bushels of
wheat: A. Allen 30 bushels; Jos. Run
Ions. 40; Alex Ferguson, 3S; W. R.
Thompson. 35. all on largo acreages.
The flax crop of J. Cleveland is rather
a wonder, as his land has yielded him
$60 per acre in two years with one
ploughing. Russell, Man., farmers
threshed 30 bushels of wheat and 60
to SO bushels of oats. A. D. Sten
house, near Melford, Sask., had an
average yield on 13 acres of new
land. 63 bushels of Preston wheat
to the acre. Hector "W. Swanston, a
farmer near Welwyn. Sask., had 5,150
bushels of wheat from one qtarter
section of land. John McLean, who
owns two sections, threshed 12,860
bushels of wheat.
His Head Was Hard.
It Is a common belief that the ne
gro's head is hard, capable of with
standing almost any blow.
The following story told of a promi
nent young dentist of Danville, 111.,
would seem to indicate something of
the kind, anyhow. Two negro men
were employed on tearing down a
three-storj' brick building. One ne
gro was on top of the building taking
off the bricks and sliding them down
a narrow wooden chute to the ground,
some thirty feet below, where the
other was picking them up and piling
When this latter negro was stoop
ing over to pick up a brick, the former
accidentally let one fall, striking him
directly on the head.
Instead of its killing him, he merely
looked up, without rising, and said:
"What you doin' thar, nigger, you
made me bite my tongue." The Circle.
Laundry work at homo would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness. It is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
blo can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than other makes.
Reaay With Proof.
An earnest preacher In Georgia, who
has a custom of telling the Lord all
the news in his prayers, recently be
gan petition for help against the
progress of wickedness in his town
with the statement:
"O thou great Jehovah, crime Is on
the increase. It is becoming more
prevalent daily. I can prove it to you
by statistics." Everybody's Magazine.
Scott's Rebecca In "Ivanhoe."
The character of Rebecca, In Scott's
"Ivanhoe," was taken from a beautiful
Jewess, Miss Rebecca Gratz of Phila
delphia. Her steadfastness to Juda
ism, when related by Washington Ir
ving to Scott, won his admiration and
caused the creation of one of his fin
est characters.
A Quick Sidestep.
Merchant (to widow) 1 am willing
to buy your husband's working busi
ness and good-will for $5,000.
Widow Well, but I happen to be
part of the working business.
Merchant Then I'll take only the
good-will. Fliegende Blaetter.
The Test of Intellect.
"I wonder why Mrs. Fllmgilt regards
her husband as stupid. He has been
very successful in business."
"Perhaps," replied Mr. Meekton,
"he's like so many of the rest of us
who can't possibly learn to keep the
score of a bridge game."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle o!
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Ttnnra trio
Signature of (a&Z72UCA4M
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Not the One.
"One of them actor fellers wants a
doctor quick."
"There isn't a doctor handy, but tell
him he might call the grocer he
cures 'hams." "
Fend 2c f-taini) for five sample of .nr
cry best Gold Embossed, Good LueU
Flower anil Motto lot Cards; be.mtjfut
colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card !
Club. 731 Jaekbou St., Topeka, Kan.
'They say the pretty Boston girl is
a good pick. I wonder what kind of
a pick she is?"
"Ice pick, I suppose."
We know nolhiiij; better for Pi'A tlwn
Trash's Ointment. It almost infflriably
phe miick relief and often effects cutcs
iu obstinate cases. Ask your druggist.
He is a learned man that under
stands one subject; a very learned
man who understands two. Emmons.
Taking Garfield Tea will prevent the re-
ctirrence of Fick-hcadache. indigestion and '
bilious attacks. All drugRists. I
The Breed. '
Stella Is her coat Persian lamb? j
Bella No; Podunk mutton. Judge, i
Mr. CTlnMnw's Soothlnj Syrnp for ClilUren
trrthliiR. Mittens the 11113, reduce inflamma
tion, allays iiatn.curer. w ind colic. 2Tc a bottle.
Difficulties are often the barnacles
that grow on delayed duties.
before it becomes
serious do it right
now. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is
the quickest arfd
surest medicine for
you to take. Thou
sands have proven
it. Start today. It
is for Heartburn,
Poor Appetite, Indi
gestion, Colds and
19 name
to remember
vmmed a remedy
Dairying means rich land.
Transplanting beets is common.
The flavor and odor of eggs is often
affected by the food.
The Poland Chinas of today are as
good as they ever were.
The Durrc-Jersey is not as refined
and compact as the Poland-China.
Soil doubtless has a good deal to do
with the success of the Ponderosa to
mato. Keep at least one horse about the
farm that is easily managed by the
There is something about oat straw
that seems almost poison to the skin
of a hog.
The quality of tho silage mar he
materially bettered by using care in
taking it out.
The dandelion has all along been
a hard weed to kill on account of Its
perennial nature.
A young bull not in service may be
fed silage liberally, but sparingly
when in service.
Those who have succeeded in get
ting a good stand of alfalfa are en
thusiastic over its value.
Fall pigs, or any other hogs for that
matter, should be kept off the man
ure pile during the winter.
All reports show that the demand
for butter, milk and cream continues
to be greater than the supply.
Any time before growth starts In
the spring will be all right for prun
ing such hardy trees as the box elder.
The practice of removing manure
from the stable directly to the field is
a good one when it can be carried out
Potato blight alone is estimated to
cause damage to the amount of $36.
000.000 every year in the United
In locating your plants be sure that
you understand their habits and are
able to assign them to their places
The hen is admitted to be one of the
greatest financial factors in the coun
try today, and she is also ono of the
most overworked.
Dairying need not imply abandoning
wheat, but more wheat on less acres.
uh bread and butter should bo pro
duced on the farm.
Plant trees only in ground that has
been under cultivation for at least
two or three years and Is in a thor
ough state of cultivation.
The farm manures vary in their ma
nurial value according to the feeds
given, the blading and the absorbents
used in saving the liquid portions.
While it is not desirable to select
for an orchard soils which need arti
ficial drainage, yet if such is chosen,
it should be underd rained with tile.
Unless rotten apples are promptly
removed from the orchard, fruit pests
will have an ideal place in which to
hibernate, during the winter months.
Cows must be kept clean and
healthy, and have pure air to breathe,
and then they will return a volume of
rich, nutritious milk in paying quanti
ties. It Is not profitable to treat fowls
suffering from a contagious disease.
It is a better move to at once destroy
all such cases, or there may be an
In making flower beds it Is not de
sirable to elevate them above the sur
rounding level. Raised beds shed
rain and In consequence dry out more
rapidly than level ones.
Outdoor grown tomatoes removed
from the vines In a green state, when
frost threatens, will take on a more
natural color if placed in the dark
than when exposed to the light
The only way to raise chickens in
large numbers In a short space of
time and have them at the. right
time to get the highest prices for
them is to use incubators and brood
ers. Every fcrmer may keep uis seed
wheat from deteriorating and even
Improve It by a little extra care and
labor. To produce seed wheat the
5raln should be well graded and only
the heaviest, plumpest seed sown la
a separate field at the most favorable
season and given the best possible
Experiments made at the Missouri
experiment station show that drinking
water is needed In proportion to the
milk yield. That Is. a cow giving six
gallons of milk a day needs about
twice as much water as a cow giving
three gallons a day. If the water Is
too cold to be comfortable If drunk in
large quantities, the cow will not
irlnk enough and as a result will drop
considerably In her milk yield.
All animals need pure water. the best kind of farm
ing. Corn may be planted In the young
Order pure-bred roosters early, to
head your flock.
All the various breeds of hogs have
their ardent admirers.
The selection and care of the brood
sow Is most Important
Great things are to be done with
chemical fertilizers In the future.
A combination of high roosts and
heavy fowls seldom proves satisfac
tory. When chickens are kept In yard
throughout the year, green food is
The Tamworths are good rustlers,
very prolific, and the meat is of the
highest quality.
Hogs are the cleanest animals on
the farm to bed and the easiest if
given half a chance.
Culling the pullets may seem a
small matter to many, but it adds dol
lars to the year's profits.
What Is the use of struggling along
with sugar beets when good old al
falfa Is the better crop?
Sheep are not subject to diseases
such as hog-cholera or the epidemics
so destructive among cattle.
A good tank heater, or some other
device should be used this winter to
warm the water for the cows.
The Poland-China is considered tho
ideal ofv the lard type of hog. They
are good feeders and early maturers.
Scatter dry grain among the litter
on the floor of the poultry houses so
that the hens will be forced to ex
ercise. When laying freely a flock of 50
hens will drink from four to eight
quarts of water daily, depending upon
the conditions.
Winter feeding Is far more expen
sive than summer feeding, but winter
eggs sell for nearly twice as much
as summer eggs.
Successful dairy expansion involves
the intelligent, systematic grading or
building up of a herd, both by selec
tion and breeding.
Never build a feeding floor adjoin
ing the hog house or sleeping quar
ters or there will be everlasting trou
ble in keeping it clean.
No crop will respond more quickly
or profitably to fertilizers added in the
correct proportions and In the proper
condition than the tomato.
In culling a flock of either chick
ens or turkeys, try to choose and
market birds of nearly the same size
and weight at the same time.
A big hem will eat more than a
small one, but she will have enough
extra weight at the end of the year
to make up for the extra feed.
Lettuce may be sown any time
during January or February. They
should be picked out of the seed bed
somewhat sooner than cabbage.
No farm animal, particularly the
pig. can stand out In zero winds,
shivering with the cold while eating
his meals and make profitable gains.
The preparation of soil previous to
the planting of an orchartl will de
pend entirely upon Its nature, its
texture and its condition of fertility.
There are several comparatively
new varieties of early cabbage which
are very promising. Wood's Early
and Race Horse are among these early
Certain breeds of cows produce yel
low butter twelve months In the year,
and the color of butter from all cows
is influenced by the character of feed
they receive.
When acorns are fed to pigs, their
flesh is apt to become very soft and
oily but this difficulty may be over
come by feeding corn for three weeks
before slaughtering
The plan of feeding hens In winter
is the best that will provide the con
tent of the egg in the most econom
ical form, and at the same time com
pel the hens to erercise to get It
When a marc does not foal after
protracted efforts, veterinary aid
should be summoned at once, for de
lay often results in the loss of either
the foal or mare, and many times
The production of eggs of all one
color and shade will enable you to
cater to the fancy trade, where prices
rule highest, and well-graded eggs are
also highly appreciated by private cus
Shredded corn fodder combined with
clover hay makes an excellent and
most valuable food for dairy cows as
it contains the needed protein and
supplies the muscle-making material
for growing animals.
Eggs laid prematurely and without
shells are caused by deficiency of shell
forming matter In the food of hens,
disease or derangement of the ovid
uct, or by the hens receiving a fright
or being chased about.
Pumpkins and squash (with the ex
ception of the summer squash, which
is picked and sold when young and
tender) are of better flavor and quality
when thoroughly ripe, and while the
vines will not grow and thrive well in
the shade, yet the squash, or pumpkin
will color up and ripen better In the
shade than when the hot sun shines
directly on them.
I've winked and scoffed and sneered full
oft at spirit-talk and such.
I've said that theories about such thins
don't prove so much.
But just last night I had a sight of evi
dence of weight
Not common stuff devised to bluff, but
word from people great!
Do you think I can say Oh. tie!" in ac
cents filled with scorn
Since George the Third, upon my word,
came back and blew a horn?
f might remark the room was dark and
mystically dim.
The atmostphere was laden with an In
fluence all grim;
Cold chills In line chased up my spine, my
tongue grew very dry
When through tho silence came a sound
like to an awful sigh.
Then through the gloom that filled the
room there came a message) keen
'Twas William Shakespeare who camf
back to play the tambourine.
And doughty Knox upset a box to show us
he was there.
While Robert Burns and Scott took turns
at tilting up a chair.
And Gladstone blew a paper through s
tube right to my lap
While Caesar told he'd taken hold he
gave the wall a rap.
.What can you say when in this way you
get the news direct?
Why. old Napoleon came and gave the
table top a peck!
Where do they stay? They did not say;
they, nor none of the rest
'Twas Talleyrand. I understand, the me
. dlum possessed.
When great men come all willing from the
land beyond the Sryx.
Why hold aloof when they give proof by
all these simple tricks?
I've winked and scoffed and sneered full
oft. but now I have no scorn
Since George the Third, upon my word,
came back and blew a horn!
"Yes, sir," says the man from some
where near the Mississippi river, "I'm
telling you the absolute truth when I
say that Richard Mansfield played my
town once for ten, twenty and thirty."
"What?" asks the other man. "That
must have been a good many years
ago. If It ever was at all."
"No. sir. It was last season."
"Man, you talk as if you thought I
were a fool."
"But he did. He was billed for one
nicht only, a crowd of ticket snecula-
tors cornered all the seats, and prices
went up to $10, $20 and 30 with a
A 3Wflhted Career.
fzunrir flUifl sMiJ " I ",rr-
"In me. mum," says the weary way
farer who is applying for a lunch,
"you see n victim of medicine."
"What kind of medicine?" asks the
woman at the door.
"Hair tonic, mum. I used to bo per
fectly bald, but was Induced to try a
hair renewcr. which grew this head
of hair for me, and I lost my job as
nest egg on an ostrich farm."
A Contrast.
We are discussing a mutual ac
quaintance, and we have repeated our
oplnionof his faults and failings,
when one of the party turns to us
with a knowing smile and asks:
"Do you know the difference be
tween yourself and opportunity?"
We do not, and say so.
"Well," he explains, sagely, "oppor
tunity knocks but once."
His Preference.
"Say, Fattzer, wouldn't you like to
be as thin as either of us?"
"No. Slimmuns, but I'd like to be
as thin as ten of you."
A map Is to a country what a pho
tograph is" to a man. .
If It looks natural it Is not regarded
as authentic.
On maps all bodies of water are
blue, and some states are pink while
others are yellow, green, mauve, ma
genta and red.
New York Is always red and Rhode
Island Is green. Massachusetts Is a
calm gray and Texas is a hectic pink.
Maps are useful to show children
how some place is bounded.
Railroad maps are more Interesting
than any other kind. A railroad map
can make the state of Illinois twice
as long east and west as It is north
and south, without the slightest In
convenience. Only on a railroad map
may New York. Nashville, Butte,
Mont, and San Antonio be shown upon
the same parallel of latitude.
Dr. Cook sought the north pole with
a railroad map.t
Hue hshould be forgiven him, therefore.
IN BIimUm1BsmS rfllWBwF
'II III"1 lilil ImBasaHijMfcamammal
HlHiiffilll I&&ask Vsmfismamsma
iKIii IIKKHbsIV mmTsaaaaaaaamr
iIIaII llutuBYawemamamamBmamssj mamamma
, nil IHaajLaaaaaaaaBSSSBBaaaaa mamTsssma
'anesaVVBurKsBaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBShlrf flm Tamsssa
ilBaBDYiTBl!liBaUlt29KZj amsmsH
i IBSSSJHunlHIHIBJHMnrlF? k w mamj
'fflsssCsimBmBmSeBsmTSamhammraBV al
ytj" ... , , , Ty7Br?7'S??yTy7TTTT
It is important that you should now rid your
blood of those impure, poisonous, effete matters
that have accumulated in it during the winter.
The secret of the unequaled end really wonderful success of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
as a remedy for Blood Humors is the fact that it combines, not dimply
sarsaparilla, but the utmost remedial values of more than twenty ingre
dients Roots, Barks and Herbs known to have extrsordtfLry efficacy
in purifying the blood and building up the whole system.
There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla, no "just as good"
medicine. Get Hood's today, in liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs.
foi itmfir
One might fight a lie and still not
follow the truth.
To correct disorders of the liver, take
Garfield Tea. the Herb Laxative.
Much moonshine goes into pious
talks about making sunshine.
He who cannot do kindness without
a brass band is not so scrupulous
about his other dealings.
rim ammo nr to idatj,
TcmrsnaaliT wUl reread mosey Ir PAZO OIIfT.
KENT fins to ears ear ease of Itealag; BUad,
KeealaserProtrsdlaanisslaCioUdajs. Ms,
Preaching produces so little practice
because people look on it as a per
formance. Garfield Tea cannot but commend itself
to those desiring a laxative, simple, pure,
mild, potent and health-giving-.
On Her Side.
'1 didn't know you had any idea of
marrying her."
I didn't. The Idea was hers."
Llpplncott's Magazine.
Literary Atmosphere.
"Mark Twain was not a widely read
man. How do you suppose he ever
managed to turn out so much good
"I don't know unless it was because
he smoked so much."
No Purchase Recorded.
There was a dealer who tried to sell
a horse to the late Senator Daniel of
Virginia. He exhibited the merits of
the horse, and said, "This horse Is a
reproduction of the horse that General
Washington rode at the battle of
Trenton. It has the pedigree that will
show he descended from that horse
and looks like him In every particu
lar." "Yes, so much so," said Senator
Daniel, "that I am inclined to believe
it Is the same horse."
Crutches or Biers.
Richard Croker, at a dinner In New
York, expressed a distrust for aero
planes. "There's nothing underneath them."
he said. "If the least thing goes
wrong, down they drop.
"I said to a Londoner the other day:
" 'How Is your son getting on since
he bought a flying machine?'
"'On crutches, like the rest of
them,' the Londoner replied."
The extraordinary popularity of fine
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all Injurious chemicals, is the
only one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
Probably Got Off.
Apropos of certain unfounded
charges of drunkenness among the
naval cadets at Annapolis, Admiral
Dewey, at a dinner In Washington,
told a story about a young sailor.
"The sailor, after a long voyage."
he said, "went ashore In the tropics,
and, it being a hot day, he drank, in
certain tropical bars, too much beer.
"As the sailor lurched under his
heavy load along a palm-bordered ave
nue, his captain hailed him indig
nantly. "'Look here,' the captain said, 'sun
pose you were my commander, and
you met mc in such a condition as
you're in now, what would you do to
" 'Why, sir said he sailor, 'I would
n't condescend to take no notice of
you at all. sir.' "
The Human Heart
The heart is a woaderfal doable putap, throega the
actios of which the Mood stream is kept sweepiag
rouad aad roaad taroegh the body at the rate of sevea
miles aa hour. " Remember this, that oar bodies
will aot stand the straia of over-work witkoet food,
pare blood any store taaa the eagiae cast roa smooth
ly without oil." After maay years of stady ia the
active practice of medtciae, Dr. R. V. Pierce fooad
that wbea the stomach was out of order, the blood
impure aad there were symptoms of geaeral break
dowa, a toaie made of the glyceric extract of ccrtata
roots was the best corrective. This he called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Being made witboat alcohol, this " Medical Discovery" helps the stomach tm
assimilate the food, thereby cariag dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases
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fevers, for thin-blooded people aad those who are always " catchiag cold."
Dr. Pierce's Commoa Sease Medical Adviser is seat oa receipt of 31 oae
cent stamp's for the French cloth-bound book of 1008 pages. Address Dr.
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Father I think the baby looks Ilk
Mother Yes, It shuts its eyes to am
awful lot.
Hard Luck.
The big stone had rolled to the hot
torn of the hill again, and the bystand
ers were jeering at Sisyphus.
"Boys," he groaned, tackling It one
more, "if you can't boost, doat
England's Oldest School.
A controversy has arisen in England,
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early part of the seventh century tho
King's school. Rochester, and tho
King's school, Canterbury. Justus, oa
bis appointment to the see of Roches
ter In 604, made provision for a school
in connection with the cathedral. Au
gustine established the Canterbury
school about the same time. St Pe
ter's at York dates back to the elev
enth century.
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