The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 01, 1911, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Personal, Politic!, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to the
General Reader.
At this writing it looks as If there
is no escape from an extra session of
The text of a new treaty with Japan
designed to replace that of 1894, and
drawn with the special design of
eliminating the restrictions upon im
migration contained in the treaty,
was laid before the senate by Presi
dent Taft.
Statehood for Arizona is impossi
ble at this session of congress, for
the reason that returns of the elec
tion held February 9 cannot be can
vassed and certified under the law
in time to reach Washington for ac
tion by congress.
The ocean mail subsidy bill, which
already had passed the senate, was or
dered favorably reported by the house
committee on postofflces by a vote of
7 to G. It was amended so as to omit
trans-Paciflc lines, making it apply
ony to South America.
Only one-quarter of the cargo of
supplies to be sent to China on the
army transport Bufford. for the relief
of the famine sufferers, has been re
Teived, and the Red Cross has issued
an urgent appeal for provisions and
"Honey to complete the cargo.
The president sent to the senate
the nomination of Cadet Taylor for
collector of customs at Omaha upon
recommendation of the secretary of
the treasury after careful examina
tion into the charges against him by
Victor Rosewater of Omaha. The sen
ate may not confirm.
Representative Alfred F. Dawson of
Davenport. la., to whom was offered
the post of secretary to the president,
called on President Taft and told
him that he did not care to be con
sidered in connection with that office.
Mr. Dawson is to become president of
the First National bank of Davenport,
with a salary considerably larger than
he gets in congress, and he told the
president .that he preferred to return
to Iowa.
The senate failed to ratify the new
Japanese trade and commerce treaty.
The ocean mail subsidy bill was
ordered favorably reported by a house
Glenn Curtiss, in an areoplane, de
scended and ascended from the ocean
nt San Diego, Cal.
Two new battleships and some
sraaHer craft are provided for in the
naval appropriation bill.
The national house will finish its
work, so as not to be held responsi
ble for an extraordinary session.
There lias been much speculation
as to what will happen to the Gould
group of railroads when the new man
agement takes hold.
Blowing out one side of the building
and wrecking the safe, robbers stole
between $4,000 and $5,000 from the
First State bank at Barry, Tex.
The Illinois house committee on
elections has reported out the bill
granting votes to women without
c iking any recommendation on it.
i"he government of Hayti has ad
vised the American state department
that the revolution in that country is
ended and the lives of foreigners are
Biplane of Aviator Purvis, of Clii
rago, was wrecked and he was slight
ly injured when he fell 100 feet dur
ing an exhibition flight at Baton
Rouge. La.
Briefs in the pleas in abatement
and the motions to quash the indict
ment gainst the meat packers were
filed in the United States district
court at Chicago.
An administration bill that pro
vides for the control of all public
utilities by a state board to be ap
pointed by them was passed by the
Kansas legislature.
Fire swept .through the business
section of Donaldsonville, La., de
stroying practically all buildings on
one side of the main street and at
tacked residences in outlying sec
tions. The loss is about $230,000.
"Bill Nye Day" celebrations out
numbered those in memory of Wash
ington in North Carolina on the 22d.
Large contributions were taken for
the Bill Nye Memorial association, to
be used in erecting a memorial, a
movement undertaken by the North
Carolina Press association.
President Taft signed an executive
order removing the land office from
Aberdeen to Timber Lake. S. D .
A. M. Greenfall. son-in-law of Gov
ernor General Earl Grey, says Can
ada has a good bargain in the recip
rocity agreement.
The Colorado senate adopted a res
olution requesting President Taft to
call an extra session to correct "the
known inequalities" of the tariff law.
Mrs. Caroline Durkee, SS years old,
widow of Charles Durkee, third Unit
ed States senator from Wisconsin,
and formerly territorial governor of
Utah, died at Kenosha, Wis.
Senators expect the president to
keep his word to call an extra session
if reciprocity is not passed.
The United States torpedo boat de
stroyer Monaghan was launched at
the plant of The Newport News Ship
Building and Dry Dock company.
Prof. T. N. Carver, the Harvard
economist and sociologist, is in favor
of smaller families and advocates
more lestrictions on the birth rate.
June in. 14 and 15 have been defi
nitely decided on as the dates for
the annual encampment of the Iowa
department of the G. A. R., to be held
in Muscatine this year.
The senate added $72,000 to the
house pension bilL
There Is small hope for ship sub
sidy at this session of congress.
Senate and house conferees reached
an agreement on the rivers and har
bors bill.
A new rule was adopted in the
house which stopped the filibuster
in short order.
Senator La Follette wants an inves
tigation of the charge that secrets of
the navy have been disclosed.
Convicted officers of the Naval
Stores company have been granted a
rehearing by the supreme court.
The supreme court of the United
States ruled that advertising could
not be exchanged for transportation.
The commerce commission has or
dered a reduction in refrigerating
charges on citrus fruits from the
Word from New York states that
negotiations between the Bell and In
dependent telephone companies have
The senate committee on foreign
relations decided to recommend to the
senate the ratification of the new
treaty with Japan.
Joseph D. Rockefeller, cousin of J.
D. Rockefeller died at his home in
South Bend, Ind. Mr. Rockefeller
was born in Pennsylvania.
Rumors of the bubonic plague
spreading into the coast cities of
Russia caused wheat prices in' the
Chicago market to go a half cent
Andrew Carnegie has offered to es
tablish a hero fund of $100,000 in
Denmark. The foreign office already
has expressed its gratitude for the
proposed gift
The King Lumber company, of
Charlottesville, Va., has been award
ed the contract for the construction
of the public building at Holdrege,
Neb., at $68,325.
The Mark Twain library, built as a
memorial to Jean L. Clemens, daugh
ter of the humorist who was drown
ed at Stormfield, Dec. 24, 1909, was
formally dedicated.
Pleny Stokes, the 20-year-old Texas
bok convicted of the murder of Dep
uty Sheriff Wood, was sentenced to
be hanged at the Florence (Arizona)
prison on April 26.
The supreme court of the United
States granted to Arkansas the priv
ilege of filing a suit against Tennes
see to determine the exact boundary
between those two states. .
After a lively debate, the Iowa
house, by a vote of 69 to 33, vote to
postpone the attempt to pass the Ore
gon primary plan bill over the gov
ernor's veto until March 8.
A joint resolution authorizing the
secretary of war to receive for in
struction at the West Point military
academy, two Chinese to be desig
nated by that government, was passed
bj the house.
The Tennessee house of represen
tatives adopted a resolution urging
President Taft to call an extra ses
sion of congress March 4, 1911, to
make an "immediate downward revi
sion of the tariff on the necessaries
of life."
Two hundred and forty-eight rail
way mail clerks at Syracuse, N. Y..
took a revolutionary step for govern
ment employes by affiliating with the
American Federation of Labor, re-,
ceiving a charter and electing and
installing officers.
The Aeranautic society will under
take to raise money to erect a monu
ment in Washington to the memory of
Lieut. Thos. Selfridge, Ralph John
stone. John B. Moisant and Arch Hox
sey, who lost their lives trying to
master the science of flying.
Marconi's patent covering the tun
ing of both transmitters and receiv
ers used in wireless telegraphy was
sustained by the British courts in a
suit brought by the Marconi Wireless
Telegraph company of London against
the British Radio-Telegraph and Tele
phone company.
An attempt to obtain consideration
for the bill to make Robert E. Peary
a rear admiral, failed. The house
was considering private bills when
Representative Butler of Pennsyl
vania, proposed that the Peary bill
be taken up. Representative Mann
blocked the attempt by a parliament
ary motion.
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, in the
last of his formal speeches in Chica
go before the Union League club
banquet warmly advocated the pro
posed reciprocity trade agreement
with Canada and scored congressmen
who, he said, were responsible for
hindering the confirmation of the
agreement by means of an "annexa
tion scare."
Democrats in the house hope the
president will call an extra session.
Samuel Gompers says a progressive
labor party must soon make its advent-President
Taft sent in the name of
Cadet Taylor to be surveyor of cus
toms in Omaha.
Miss Helen Taft, daughter of the
president, attended the last german
of the season at Baltimore.
In adresses at Chicago Theodore
Rooosevelt declared anew his adher
ence to progressive legislation.
Senator Lorimer made a long
speech defending the legality of his
election by the Illinois legislature.
Secretary to the President Norton
says there is a lot of extravagance
and needless waste at Washington.
Crown Prince Frederick William
and the crown princess of Germany
have abandoned their visit to China
William Jennings Bryan, of Lin
coin, Xeb., and A. B. T. Mooore. ot
Cedar Rapids, la., have been added
to the executive committee of the
Presbyterian Brotherhoood of Amer
ica. Mexican Minister Limantour says
the only basis of peace is that the
rebels lay down their arms.
W. H. CorUett. president of the
Williamette Iron work at Portland.
Ore., died a few days ago.
Supporters of Sheehan would glad
ly dump him for a compromise sena
torial candidate in Xew York.
Commander Herbert G. Gates. TJ.
S. X., died at the naval medical
school hospital in Washington.
Senator Aldrich has written a let
ter to President Taft declaring him
self in favor of Canadian recinroc-
Seward Representative Now Asserts
He Is a Free Man and Will Vote
as He Pleases House to Try
County Option.
Shall the stock yards companies of
Nebraska be subject to physical val
uation and placed under the control
of the state railway commission for
rate making purposes Is the question
squarely before the state senate.
Ollis of Valley championed bis own
bill. S. F. 115, in committee of the
whole and was supported by Skiles
of Butler and opposed by Bartos of
Saline and Morebead of Richardson,
the latter being president pro tem of
the senate. Hoagland of North Platte
spoke for and against the bill but is
said to be in favor of its passage.
Adjournment was taken for the day
before action was taken on the meas
ure. Both sides claim to have enough
votes to win. The opponents of the
bill have a list showing seventeen
votes against the measure. The
friends of the bill have another list
which they say shows the same num
ber for the bill. One man who is
counted to vote against the bill Is
said to have made up his mind to
Lincoln. Xeb.. Feb. 12. Secretary
W. H. Smith of the senate has com
piled a statistical biography of the
members of the senate which shows
that five of the members were born
in this state, that eleven are lawyers
by profession, that four are bankers,
that eight are farmers or stock rais
ers, and that only a bare majority
has had previous legislative experi
ence. J. A. Ollis, jr., and Ned Brown
are the veterans, each having previ
ously served two terms in the legislature.
District. Name, Postoffice. Politics, Occupation and Nativity
1 John II. Horehead. Falls City. dcm.. banking- and stock raisins..::?
- L. A. Vnrnor. Sterling, rep., lawyer, Ohio 3J
3 Henry H. Bartlin?. Nebraska City. rep., merchant. Nebr. 33
4 W. B. Banning. Union, dem.. lumber and grain dealer. Nebr.... 41
5 K. K. Placek. Wahoo. dem., lawyer. Nebr. 33
6 Richard S. llorton. Omaha, dem.. lawyer. Ohio 17
6 John E. Reagan. Omaha, dem.. lawyer. Mo 2J
C John M. Tanner. South Omaha, dem.. publisher. la 27
7 M. S. Wilcox. Craig, dem.. farmer. N. Y 43
8 J. M. Talbott. Crofton, dcm.. physician. la 14
9 "Aubrey A. Smith. St. Edward, rep., banker. Nebr. 3J -
10 Fred Volpp. Scribner. dem.. banker. Germany 23
11 Phillip H. Kohl. Wayne, dem., real estate and loans. Ohio 21 '
12 I. I. Albert. Columbus, dem.. lawyer. Penn 23
13 J. D. Lee. Lynch, dem.. farmer and stockman. Va 20
14 W. H. Reynolds. Chadron. rep., real estate. Ill 2
V J. A. Ollis. jr.. Ord. dem.. farmer and stockman. Ill 211
10 C F. Bodlnson. Kearney, dem.. merchant. Sweden 33
17 J. H. Buhrman. St. Libory. dem.. fanner and banker. Ill 2!
IS J. H. Kemp. FuIIerton. rep., lawyer. Va 14
19 Charles M. Skiles. David City, dem.. lawyer. In 31
20 Edward P. Brown. Daey. . lawyer. Nebr. 40
20 William A. Selleck. Lincoln, rep., merchant. Minn 2G
21 Peter Jansen. Beatrice, rep., retired farmer. Russia 3S
22 F. W. Bartos. Wilber, dem., lawyer, Bohemia 27
23 Wes Pickens. Powell, dem.. farmer. Ind 42
24 Charles C. Smith. Exeter, rep., manufacturer. N. V 40
25 J. M. Cox. Hampton, rep., farming and banking. HI 42
2C .Tames B. McCrew. Bloomlngton, rep., banker. Ohio 22
27 George W. Tibbets. Hastings, dem.. lawyer. N. Y. 23
25 II. A. Cox. Wilcox, rep., stockman. Ill 2C
29 John F. Cordeal, McCook. rep.. lawyer. Ill 2.".
30 W. V. Hoagland. North Platte, rep., lawyer. Ill 2S
vote for it. The vote on the bill Is
awaited with anxiety by friends and
Scheele Gets the Seat.
When the Sclieele-Wertman contest
case came up, the votes were almost
entirely along party lines, with the
democrats easy victors. This result
had been early foreseen and although
the reports of the committee which
had investigated the claim of Wert
man to the seat were made the occa
sion for many speeches the anticipat
ed result occurred. Scheele was de
clared the legal occupant of the seat,
which wrung from that gentleman the
exclamation. "Thank God. I am a free
man at last."
County Option Bill.
The judiciary committee of' the
nouse met and took up Xortou's coun
ty option bill. H. R. Xo. 392. After
some discussion, and with but one
dissenting vote, that of Prince of Hall,
against it. the measure was recom
mended for engrossing preparatory to
third reading. Though the supporters
of the measure have no hope of pass
ing the bill they mean to fightfor it
as hard as though they had a chance
to get it through the legislative mill.
An effort was made to revive in the
house the bill by Senator Varner rais
ing the amount of home made wine
which can be sold in a single package
without licensing from one to ten
gallons. The bill was reported indefi
nitely postponed' by the judiciary com
mittee Friday. It required fifty-one
votes to secure a reconsideration, so
that the bill lost, only thirty-seven
voting for it.
A memorial addressed to the sen
ate was read from the Retail Hard
ware Dealers' association, wherein the
passage of good roads legislation, the
universal hunting license law and the
$5,000 appropriation for the fibh
batcherv were recommended.
An effort Is being made by nearly
every county officers' association of
the state to obtain the passage of
bills raising salaries of county offi
cers. Th!s effort is meeting with con
siderable resistance in the legisla
ture. The first state wide prohibition
measure to appear this session was
introduced by ualt of Clay, it pro-
vides for statutory prohibition and missionary. Rev. G. A. Watermolder,
not for the submission of the ques-.have arrived In the city to confer
tion to a vote of the people. It ex-with members of the legislature in
cepts from its provisions home made regard to the Gallagher Indian mar
wines made from home-grown fruits. I riage bill which will be taken up this
It provides a penalty for its violation wek by the house,
of $100 to $500 fine or jail sentences The measure provides that on and
of from thirty days tc six months.
H. R. 52. appropriating $3,600 for
the purchase of 400 copies of Cobbey's
annotated statutes, was passed by a j
vote of 23 to 6. J
Flowers for Bartos.
Bartos of Saline, who made a plea
last week for a bill that would permit
the senate to pay its employes $5 a
day was the recipient of a splendid
bouquet to which was attached a card
bearing this inscription. "From $3
senate employes who vote on election
day." The inscription is supposed to
be a gentle hint to other senators that
their employes propose to vote on
election day without the aid of any
vehicle or any other artificial means.
How they intend or for whom they
intend to vote is not disclosed by the
County Option Quiet.
County option appears to be a dead
issue in the senate. The thirty-third
legislative day began Monday and
those who are nervous about county
option whenever it is 'mentioned will
welcome passage of the next seven
legislative days. After the fortieth
day no more bills may be introduced.
Only the governor, by special mes
sage, can then initiate legislation.
There is only one bill affecting the
liquor question now in the senate so
that the opportunities for attaching
new liquor amendments to other bills,
the method employed in the passage
of the daylight saloon bill, are very
For the purpose of setting aside the
daylight saloon law in all cities over
.',000 Inhabitants. Reagan of Douglas
has Introduced S. F. 287. The bill
provides that in all cities having over
5,000 inhabitants the licensing author
ities may extend the closing hour be
yond S o'clock, not to exceed the hour
of midnight, when petitioned by over
50 per cent of the voters of the city.
The bill would r.pply to all of the
Six members were born in Illinois
and four of them across the sea. Bod
Inson coming from Sweden, Volpp
from Germany, Bartos from Bohemia,
and Jansen from Russia.
Aubrey Smith is the infant of the
senate, being 32 years old. M. S.
Wilcox is easily the grandfather of
the lot. being only two years on the
right side of his three-score and ten.
The average of all the senators is 48
years. Aubrey Smith and John Cor
deal are the only bachelors in the lot
Smith's statistics follow:
i 1
"third" cities in the state and to Lin
coln, South Omaha and Omaha, but
would not apply to any other towns
or villages. In marry of the places it
would apply to it is not believed a
petition of over 50 per cent of the
oters could "be obtained. The bill
does not call for an election, nor does
it go into details as to how the names
of voters shall be obtained or present
ed to the licensing boards.
More Time for Homesteaders.
Hoagland of Lincoln secured the
adoption of a resolution asking con
gress to pass the Kinkaid bill which
seeks to extend the time in which
homesteaders will have to pay for the
lands they hold under the government
reclamation act. The resolution recites
that settlers on the laud under the
government irrigation project in west
ern Nebraska have had poor crops,
the government first failing to supply
water for their needs and that the
land will not be productive until al
falfa has been grown upon it for
three years.
To Commemorate Gettysburg.
The senate has adopted a resolution
introduced by Senator Horfron at the
request of General C. F. Manderson,
asking that the governor appoint a
commission of five soldiers, who
served with distinction in the civil
war, to serve with commissions of
similar nature from other states in
preparing for the commemoration of
the fiftieth anniversary in 1913, of the
battle of Gettysburg.
Cook will have electric lights in the
near future.
Favor Capital Punishment.
The house of representatives of the
legislature of Nebraska has gone on
record more emphatically than ever
in opposition to the abolition of capi
tal punishment. By a vote of 45 to
22 it refused to consider further a
bill providing for such abolition of
the hanging sentence.
A petition is being circulated asking
the state senators to use every means
to make Holdrege the site of the state
agricultural college which is provided
for by a bill that passed the house.
John Baptiste, Dan Rice, Peter
Rave and Oliver Lampere, four Win-
nebago Indians, accompanied bv their
after June 1, 1911, there shall be In
dian marriages permitted in this state
according to Indian customs. The vis
iting aborigines are here for the pur-
pose of doing all they can to secure
tne passage of the bilL
No- Solicitude About Labor, Senators
Being Satisfied that Status
Remains Unchanged.
Washington. The new Japanese
treaty of trade and navigation was
ratified after a two hours' executive
session of the senate at the conclu-r
sion of a day crowded with other im
portant matters. While the apprehen
sion of western senators that the
treaty might let down the bars to
coolie labor was not entirely remov
ed, these senators contented them
selves with expressing their sollci-
citude. They interposed no objection
to ratification.
The action in promptly confirming
the new agreement is expected to doyj
more to prove the feeling of cordiali-H
ty mat this country has for Japan
than anything done for many years.
It 'is regarded as a manifestation of
higher confidence in the high civili
zation of that nation. The effect will
be to permit Japan to enter at once
upon a reorganization of its fiscal
system and the making of new tariffs
with all nations.
Japan's treaties with other powers
are to expire July 17. That with the
United States, by reason of its later
ratification, would have continued
until the same date a year later bad
not this government consented to its
expiration at the same time as the
Failure to have ratified the new
treaty would have declayed the oper
ation of the Japanese program for a
year beyond the time when it was
planned to put it into effect It would
have meant much to the revenues of
Japan and the continuance of the ex
isting treaty with the United States
for another year would not have
benefited this government, according
to the representations of the State
department on the subject.
When the new treaty was received
from the president Tuesday it imme
diately became' the subject of wran
gles. Pacific coast senators feared
it might have an effect upon the la
bor situation on the western slope
by reason of the omission of the
clause in the treaty of 1894, which it
supercedes, recognizing the right of
this government to pass an exclusion
law. Friends of the treaty explained
that the diplomatic notes accompany
ing it definitely pledged the Japanese
government to prevent an influx of
undesirable coolies through the rigid
scrutiny of all passports.
An alien without a passport would
of course be liable to deportation.
The California senators, it is said,
became satisfied early that the
change would not menace the labor
situation In their state. Several
other western senators became
alarmed, however, at what seemed
to them unseemly haste in pressing
the senate to act. They desired sen
timent to crystalize in their states
and therefore prevented action for
three days.
Senate Doing Business.
Washington. In less than an hour
late Friday the senate voted the
Sutherland amendment into the re
solution providing for the election
of United States senators by direct
vote of the people; fixed next Tues
day as the time for voting on the re
solution itself; made the case in
volving Senator Lorimer's seat the
unfinished business and received the
Canadian reciprocity bill from the
committee on finance.
Smallpox in State Prison.
Lincoln, Neb. There is a well de
veloped case of smallpox at the state
penitentiary, acording to the testi
mony of several physicians called to
examine the case. The convict suffer
ing from the ailment was received
from Omaha tea days aygo.
Opposes Reciprocity.
Sioux City, la. The Canadian reci
procity pact was denounced as a
measure discriminating against the
farmer in the resolutions which
passed the final session of the inter
state Breeder's association here.
Preparing for Extra Session.
Washington. Tariff revision plans
af the ways and means committee of
the next house of congress were an
counced by Representative Under
wood of Alabama, who will head that
committee in the house.
Women Mobbed at Madrid.
Madrid. Two women belonging to
the most exclusive society circle of
the capital appeared on the streets,
wearing the new Parisian trousers
skirt and were fairly mobbed.
Cost of Tuberculosis.
Ithaca. N. Y. The monetary loss
to the state of New York from deaths
by tuberculosis in 1910 is placed at
$64,000,000 by President Walter F.
Wlicox, the Cornell statistician, who
spoke before a mass meeting here.
Sheehan Proposes to Stay.
Albany, N. Y William F. Sheehan
discouraegd hopes of a break in the
senatorial deadlock when he an
nounced that he will not withdraw
from the contest, even if all other
candidates do.
Reciprocity on Calendar.
Washington. Opponents of the
Canadian reciprocity agreement at
tempted to put a quietus on legisla
tion on the subject when the McCall
bill late on Friday was reported
"without recommendation" from the
senate committee on finance. So far
as the present session of congress is
concerned they took a long step to
ward accomplishing their purpose.
The return of the bill to the senate
by Acting Chairman Burrows of the
finance committee was made the oc
casion for brief speeches.
Insurance la Cancelled.
Merrick County. Merrick county's
antiquated court house is now with
out insurance and if anything should
befall it the county would suffer a to
tal loss. Agents regarded the risk
too great to longer carry it.
Bonds Carried at Chapped.
Deuel County. At the special elec
tion held in Chappell the bond propo
sition for municipal water and elec
tric lights carried by a substantial
majority, the vote standing 29 to 75.
W. T. Donner of Grand Island is the
consulting engineer. Work will be
Killed by a Fall.
York County. Frank Ledford fell
from the railroad bridge south of Mc
Cool and was instantly killed, his
neck being broken by the fall. Led
ford bad walked across the bridge In
search of some cattle which had
wandered away, and it is believed he
Probably Fatally Kicked.
Otoe County. Ben Graham went to
feed and care for .a sick horse and
as he did not return from the barn
as soon as his family expected they
went In search of him. He was lying
unconscious and badly bruised about
the head and body. It is feared he
can not recover.
A Strong Commercial Club.
York County. The York Commer
cial club now has a membership of
over 300 and is constantly growing.
This is one of the oldest commercial
organizations in the state and for
years it has been doing great work
for York, as is evidenced by progress
the city is making.
A $50,000 Farm.
Otoe County. Nelson Overton, one
of the pioneer settlers and a farmer
member of the legislature, sold his
400-acre farm five miles south of Ne
braska City to Clinton Cox for $50,000
and is not to give possession until
this fall. This is the highest priced
farm sold in this section for some
Married Sixty Years.
Johnson County. Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin F. Hunt of Vesta celebrated
the sixtieth anniversary of their mar
riage. A company of some forty
friends and the children, grand-children
and great grandchildren of the
hostess participated in the celebra
tion. Four granddaughters served a
sumptuous spread.
Packing House Closed.
Otoe County. The Horton-Gregson
packing house has been closed at Ne
braska City for the present because
of the unsettled condition of the bog
market. The packing company have
given notice that when it does open
that it proposes to cut out all com
mission men and buy direct from the
raisers or shippers.
Catholic Population.
Chicago dispatch: Advance sheets
of the official Catholic directory pub
lished by the M. H. Wiltzius com
pany, Milwaukee, Wis., give the fol
lowing statistics regarding the Omaha
diocese: Population (Catholic),
about 85,319; bishop, 1; clergy, 178.
churches. 192; colleges and acade
mies, 12; parishes with schools, 79;
children attending, 9.315; orphan
asylum, 1; orphans, 128.
Threatened to Kill Wife.
Gage County. Emery McLean, a
young farmer aged twenty-four. liv
ing in the Blue Springs vicinity,
frightened his family by threatening
to kill his wife and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Palmer, with a shot
gun. The young man drove his
threatened victims from the home,
when they summoned help. An officer
started for the scene, but McLean es
caped. Sues for Slander.
Dodge County. Ernest Kern, a real
estate dealer in Nortli Bend, has
brought suit against Robert High and
Charles High of that town for $3,000
damages for assault and battery and
slander. The plaintiff claims that one
of the defendants assaulted him nt
North Bend and on the same day the
otiier continued the light at Schuyler
and that both have made untrue state
ments abotit him.
Young Man Suicides.
Kearney County. Ilallie Space, son
of George W. Space, committed sui
cide by shooting himself. Space was
not yet twenty-one years old and it
seems no one in the family can ac
count for the deed. He left a note
on the table saying he would leave
his family forever as he was tired of
life. No special reason was given. He
arranged a gun in such manner that
the shot tore off the entire upper por
tion of his head. He had always been
a young man of good character and no
reason has been discovered for his
Church Burned.
Box Butte County. Holy Rosary
Catholic church at Alliance was total
ly destroyed by fire. The loss on the
building is between $4,000 and $5,000.
covered by insurance. A new church
will be built at once.
Church Dedicated.
Stanton County. The St. John's
Lutheran church in Stanton county
was dedicated with imposing ceremo
nies. A shdrt service was held at the
old church building, after which the
people marched to the new edifice.
Healthy Nebraska Village.
Washington dispatch: The village
of Humphrey lost one person in popu
lation since 1900. The recent census
gives it 868, against 869 in 1900 and
691 in 1890.
Car Burglars to Pen.
Fremont County. Tom Brown and
Charley Clark, the young men con
victed of freight car burglary at Fair
mont several weeks ago, were taken
to the penitentiary at Lincoln by
Sheriff Ashton. They get one year at
bard labor.
Doctors Said
Health Cone
Suffered witta Threat TrMMt
Mr. B. W.
D. Barnes,
ex - Sheriff
of Wanes
an a letter
from Mc
M Inn villa.
1 hadj
t re u b la
tnd had
three doc
tors treating
me. All
failed to do
me any
food, and
my health
gone. I con
Mr. B. W. D. B
cluded te
try Peruna, and after using four bat
ties can say I was entirely cured."
Unable te Work.
Mr. Gustav Hlmmelrelch, Hocbhebak
Texas, writes:
"For a number of years I suffered
whenever I took cold, with severe at
tacks of asthma, which usually yielded
to the common home remedies.
"Last year, however, I suffered foa
eight months without interruption a
that I could not do any work at aU.
The various medicines that were pre
scribed brought me no relief.
"After taking six bottles of Penma.
two of Lacupla and two of Manalln, Z
am free ef my trouble so that I can do
all my farm work again. I can heart
lly recommend this medicine to any
one who suffers with this annoying
complaint and believe that they will
obtain good results;'
Love does not depend
strength on concentration.
for Its
Take Garfield Tea to arouse a tiuggiab
liver all druggists sell it.
Some women worry about the wor
ries they have missed.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar
u made to satisfy the smoker.
Willie Knew the Quadrupeds.
Teacher Willie, are there any
feathered quadrupeds?
Willie Yes, sir.
Teacher Name one.
Willie A feather bed.
Simple Rather.
He You are the only woman I ever
She Do you expect me to believe
He I do. I swear it Is true.
She Then I believe you. Any man
who would expect a woman to believe
that cannot have been much in the
company of women.
Real Courage.
He was the small son of a minister
and his mother was teaching him the
meaning of courage.
"Supposing." she said, "there were
12 boys in one bedroom, and 11
got into bed at once, while the other
knelt down to eay his prayers, that
boy would show true courage."
"Oh." said the young hopeful, "I
know something that would be more
courageous than that. Supposing there
were 12 ministers In one bedroom,
and one got into bed without saying
his prayers!"
Education vs. Instinct.
Jacob Wendell. Jr.. who plays the
part of the dog in Maeterlinck's dra
ma, was dining In a restaurant recent
ly when a man, recognizing him as the
actor, approached and said:
"Pardon me, but you take the part
of the dog in 'The Blue Bird,'- do you
not?' Of course, you don't know it,
but I can really bark lots more Ilk
a dog than you."
"Well, you see," answered Wendell,
I had to learn." Success Magazine.
First Tramp The doctor 'as order
ed me a bath.
Second Tramp You do look pleas
ed about it.
First Tramp E's ordered me a
mud bath.
Step-savers and Time-savers.
is fully cooked, ready to serve
direct from the package with,
cream or milk, and is a
deliciously good part of any
A trial package usually
establishes it as a favorite
breakfast cereal.
"The Memory Lingers"
Eattla Creek. Mich.
aW fc3& t-B
BflflflflflflBaBK- BBBBJBBBJ
bbbbV:'- vIbbWv- ."'CV'Saml
bbbk v- vstes?' a c -sat
BBBBHaaW i$m
bbb v&sjBnsi
ar f&P vCmb y
" ewJK v-4aaVBVBav