txatiSSSEZZ Bft' i: i ' r. i 13 f i ;i' 3 i ii 'i Ml 5 ! !! t: ! I li K I 1 J ii !! H i; J fl :tf Joyous Springtime THE MARCH DESIGNER will will help you fulfill your plans for spring. There are pages and pages of Advance Spring Fashions, fresh, charming, irresistible. Things that you can make. "The Economies of Dressmaking" tells how to Make a Lining, how to Fit and Finish a Waist, how the Skirt is Handled. Points helpful to home dressmakers. Entertainmantforchildrenonmanyarainy day; strong articles, and interesting stories for grown-ups. Buy THE MARCH DESIGNER today. Better let us have your subscription and save money. 10c a Copy, 75c a Year J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh Street COLUMBUS, NEB. - " " """ " Stopping the "Fire Wagon." When the first railroad was laid orer the western plains and the cars begau running to Sau Francisco the lndiaus viewed the locomotive from the hill tops at a distance, not daring to come nearer the "fire wagon." A train of cars was to them "heap wagon, no boss." An Apache chief gathered a party of warriors in Arizona and went several hundred miles to see the ter rible fire wagon that whistled louder than the eagle's scream and poured out dense black smoke. W. M. Thayer says Jb his "Marvels of the New West" that the redskins grew holder and once attacked a tire wagon, expecting to capture It. When they failed ar-1 many were injured they said. "Fire wagon bad medicine!" The Indians stretched a lariat across the track, breast high, each end being held by thirty braves. Wben the engineer first saw it he didn't know what on earth was thh matter," said the narrator, "but in a minute more he burst out laughing. He caught hold of that throttle, and he opened her. out. "He struck that lariat going about forty miles an hour, and he just piled those braves up everlasting promiscu ous." The Cabal. The term "cabal" as applied to se cret factions of any kind had its rise In England about 1GC7, being first ap plied to the cabinet of Charles II. and formed from the initials of the cabi net members' names Lord Clifford, Lord Ashley, the Duke of Bucking ham, Lord Arlington and the Duke of Lauderdale C. A. It. A. L. Since that day it has been customary, in all English speaking lands at least, to ap ply the name to any secret conclave, especially In politics. The Way She Saw it. "You must not mock people. Hazel. Once upon a time, the Bible says, a crowd of little children mocked a good man named Elisha, and two bears came out of the forest and killed for ty-two of them." "Wasn't that an awful thing for their mothers?" Newark News. inn By PROF. A. LATIFF, Hindoo Seer By Prof. A. Knti:r, Hindoo Seer, the Worlds Famous mid rut8l Palm ist, isolial Business and Domestic Life Revealed ns Though Seen by the Naked Eye ""H "5M" lacs J m s M tii 0ft4g4f-4k-0U& Many palmists and mediums possess ed with more or lees power, have visited the city, but never in the history of oocult science has there appeared in the professional firmament a 6tar o radiunt and sparkling with toe superior intelli gence borrowed from finer forces of nature as Ibis cultured aud highly gifted man. He is the peer of all inedinms. He fully appreciates the responsible position in which he lias been placed and asks those who have been imposed upon, humbugged and deceived by tin .scrupulous, uneducated p -kous who arc claiming this divine ut of clair voyance or mediumship not to despair, but to come and be convinced that be can help you. Endowed with his won derful power by the Almighty, he has made it hi6 life study, and has cow Teached such a highly developed condi tion that he can read your life like a book and give you proper advice. Ladies can visit him without fear of having their confidence betrayed, and gentlemen need have no fe:ir of being imposed upon. AH will rind in him a reliable medium and a gentleman as well, who has no "humbuggery" or "hoodo" business connected with his mediumship. He gives dates, facts and figures, reliable and important advice and information on all bnsioess under 1 .vV,wk No!P 4vJ X i IffPli 7W DESIGNER, MAHCN lilt - -e.T Women on Warships In the British navy of Nelson's day It was not uncommon for wives to live aboard men-o'-war with their sailor husbands. Scarce one ot England's "walls of oak" in Nelson's time but had some woman aboard who braved the perils and hardships of the sea in ordoc to be with her husband. In nearly every one of Uie twenty-seven line of battleships under Nelson's coMiuand in the great battle of Traf alpir was one or more women, wives of sailors. Surprise may be expressed that English men-of-war's men were permitted to have their wives aboard. It was only by special perniisMim of the admiralty that this could be done and then permission was granted somewhat in the light of a penance for sanctioning the pres gang system, which was largely In vogue at that time. Men were seized in the streets and other public places and compelled to serve in British warships liocuuse "the king needed men." Some of the men thus seized had political influence and. being unjustly compelled to serve in the navy, were permitted to have their wives share their involuntary servitude. What the World Lost. 'It was the worst calamity that ever happened to me," sighed the pale. In tellectual high browed young woman. "I had written a modern society novel, complete lo the last Hiapter. and a careless servant glri gathered the sheets of the manuscript from the floor, where the wind had blown them, and used thorn to start a fire in the grate." "What a burning shame that was!" commented Miss Tart tin. Chicago Tribune. Manners Versus Mannerism. There's a vast difference between manners and mannerism. For in stance, manners takes Us soup softly and quietly, while mannerism gargles It. Manners says, "Parss the buttah, please." while mannerism bites a chunk out of a piece of bread aud stutters. "Slip me the grease, will you?" Detroit Free Press. REVELATIONS Fair and Square in All - His Dealings With the Public He Towers Above the Partially Developed Mediur -jl and is the envy of All Pretenders 802 West 13th Street Hours 9:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. takings, warns you of coming daggers, avertB trouble, Hickuess. etc., guides you aright m all affairs of lire, marriage, divorce, love, law nml speculation; tells of friends true or falsa. Tho future plainly revetted, lovers reunited, trou bles healed, names of friends and enem ies, and does give the name of your fut ture husband or wire with day of marri age, and is positively the only medium who doe8 this correctly, reunited the separated wife anil husband'aud secures for you the hand and heart of the one you love in marriage, brings you success and good luck in all undertakings; gives you lucky days, weeks and months and years, and tell nil about your future family and domestic life; gives excellent and reliable advice on all things pertain mg to married lire, teaches clairvoyance and develops mediums in from one to six montbe, 60 that you can tell everything, including names. Special attention given to the development of weak and purtiall developed mediums. If you anticipate speculating or invest ments of any kind, it will pay you to coc.-nlt Prof. A. Uatiff. His advice has made fortunes for many of his patrons. Why not for you? ' Office hours 9 a. m. to ! p. m. daily. All business as sacred and confidential Satisfaction guaranteed in all cafes, WIT OF THE INDIAN The Dignified Red Man Has a Keen Sense of Humor. STORIES OF STANDING BEAR. The Race the Old Chief. Was Willina to Run Against a Gevernment At torney A Gallant Brave and His Mirror An Invisible Bride. The impression prevails widely that the Indian lacks the saving sense of humor "that most characteristic of all American qualities." To the cre ating aud the spreading of this im pression many recognizable traits of Indian character bare Indisputably contributed his ancestral pride, bis exclusiveness, his gravity of face and dignity of manner In public. Nevertheless an injustice Is done him, for among no primitive peoples Is the sense of humor keener or more spontaneous and kindly. Years ago I was conversing with a group of children of the Omaha tribe. They were on their way to a rescrva-' tion school, and directly in their path lay a swamp an eighth of a mile wide, and straight through this they were required to wade twice a day. "It Is too bad," I remarked. "Cau you not go around the swamp? Yonr feet will be wet, and yon will be un comfortable and possibly ill." "Oh," cried a girl of about twelve years, her dark eyes dancing with merriment, "we walk over the $1,200 bridge." They all laughed at this. What could it mean? I saw no bridge; there was no bridge to be seen. It made them merry to see me mystified, and I heard them laughing and chatting as they went through the water and mud. Afterward I discovered the hu mor in the remark. Some years pre vious to that time the government had appropriated $1,200 to build a bridge over this swamp, but somehow the money had vanished Into somebody's pocket aud the work was not done. One evening I saw a gallant young brave making his way swiftly over the prairies of the Omaha reserve, lie was dressed in all his finery, and at his side dangled a small mirror. Manifestly he was an ardent lover. This I should hare surmised from hir dress and eager haste, even if I had not known him. As he was a friend of mine, I had inside information of his hopes and purposes; also I ven tured to stop him for a moment, pre cious as I knew him time to Ik?. "That mirror at your side." I re marked, "is to give opportunity for Prairie Flower to discover how lovely sno is, is it not; ' no considered a moment, and then, with a twinkling eye. he replied: "Xo. Maybe so she will talk too much to me. and then I will look into my mirror to see how tired I am." This certainly was the humor of ab surdity. Examples of Standing Itear's humor I could give almost without number. During the trial of his ease before Judge Dundy the contention of the government attorney was that an In dian is not a person within the mean ing of the law. This puzzled the old chief greatly. It also amused him. One day at my table he was vigor ously plying a knife aud fork when suddenly he paused In his eating, lift ed up his hands, and, a humorous smile lighting up his noble, storm scarred face, he remarked: "The attor neys say I am not a jwrson. But I can use a knife aud fork. Does a bear do that? If he. the attorney, is .1 per son I am one also. We lnith eat with knives and forks. Indeed. I think I can use them faster than he can. If lie wants to race me eating I am read-." Wc all laughed at this. When we were quiet Standing Bear added. "That Is, I will ruu au eating race with the attorney if he will pay for the beefsteak." The first public address Standing Bear ever made was given iu my hurch. In the course of It while he was pleading for assistance he address ed various classes of people present the men. the women, the clergy, the business men, the children. When he was pleading with the women be said: ' I appeal to you because you are brave aud patient. Whenever you have any thing hard to do you never rest until It i done." This was a gallant senti ment worthy of a chief. But Frank 1-1 Flesche, who was interpreting, ren dered the sentence thus: "You women are patient. When there Is anything hard to be done we mcu let you do it." This was so true to Indian custom that the audience laughed. Standing Bear was puzzled. As he stood sileut a moment wondering what mistake he had made Bright Eyes, the beautiful Omaha maiden, stepped for ward au! saicV "My brother Frank has made a mistake in interpreting the chiefs thrttiglit." Then she gave the proper rendering. The Chicago papers took liberties with Standing Bear's name, one of them referring to him constantly as Upright Brain. When this was ex plained to the chief he took the matter with great good nature. "What does it matter?" he remarked, his face beaming. "I am all tied tip with names. I am like a pony tangled In his lariat. Father Hamilton, the Presbyterian, calls mo elder. The Episcopalian clergyman calls me ward en. For I am au officer in the little church In our village, where both these good men preach. And now the papers call me what Is It? Yes, Brain. No matter. The Judge In Omaha says I am a person, and that satisfies me."- Southern Workman. Lisbon's Names. Lisbon, the capital of Portugal sometimes claims to have been found ed by Ulysses in the course of his wanderings. But, according to the London Chronicle, there is no doubt that TJIyssippo Is only a fanciful ver sion of Olisipo, the most ancient nam of what was probably at first a Phoe nician city. When the Romans ab sorbed and municipalized Olisipo it be came Felidtas Julia, but In the bands of the Moslems it slipped back to Lashbuna. Byron's line in "Cbilde Harold," "What beauties does Llsboa, first unfold!" gives the Portuguese spelling of the namertoday. p GROCERIES' AND STAPLE DRY GOODS Corner Eleventh and Olive Streets We give you Value Received for your money in Quality We have our Spring Corset Covers from 26c to 75c Ladies' Gowns from . . . Sl.OO to $2.00 Muslin Drawers from. .. - . ! .50c to $1.00 A large assortment of Embroideries of all kinds. Come in and see our , 10c assortment. We also carry a good line of Ging hams and Percales. - Laces of all kinds. Lace Curtains, lull size, 42 inches by 3 yards, from $1.25 to $2.50 Window Shades, from 25c to $1.00 Queer SkfrtsTn Ya In the "Island of Stone Momey" Dr. W. H. Fnrnlss tells of the female fash ions of the natives of Tap, the most westerly of the Caroline Islands, and expresses wonder that the women art so rarely burned to death. "In the first place,- their skirts are composed or four or are layers of dried leaves and strips of bast and are so voluminous and distended that they stand out all around the body, outrivai- ing the old fashioned hoopsklrts. Even when sitting down the women are sur rounded by a mound of veritable tin der. In the second place, they are for ever striking matches 'to light their cigarettes; nay, worse even, they carry about with them, for the sake of econ omy, the glowing husk of a cocoannt, and neither to matches nor husk do they give the slightest heed, striking the one recklessly over their own skirts or absentmindedly resting the other gainst the skirts of their neighbor, Xet m spite of thtr "utter recklessness never did I see a skirt catch fire. One month at longest Is the life of a wom an's dress; then the old skirt is burned and a brand new one plaited, with no tedious fittings at the dressmaker's nor depressing bills to pay." Use Shert Wards. Literary aspirants should religiously eachew polysyllabic orthography. The philosophical and philological substruc ture of this principle is ineluctable. excessively attenuated verbal sya Tools Inevitably Induce unnecessary complexity and consequently exagger - ate the obfuscation of the mentality of the peruser. Conversely, expressions which are reduced to the furthermost minimum of simplification and com pactness, besides contributing realistic verisimilitude, constitute a much lew onerous handicap to the reader's per spicacity. Observe, for Instance, the nnwitft. able and Inescapable expressiveness of onomatopoetlc, Interjectlonal. mono syllabic utterances, especially when motivated under strenuous emotional circumstances. How much more ap pealing Is their euphonious pulchritude than the preposterous and pretentious pomposity of elongated verbiage. Life. A Sheek Fer Tennysen. If any one asked Holman Hunt about persons he would tell delightful frank anecdotes concerning, maybe, the great men he knew and loved and measured exactly. He liked a spice of fun In everything, too, and his face beamed as he described a walk with Tennyson be had lately taken. They heard footsteps behind, and the great man rrowned. "How they dog us. Hunt! How shall we escape them?" "Just sit on the stile till they pasiL,, said the matter of fact artist. They did so. and two lads In knickerbockers marched by swinging their sticks and not even turning their heads. Tenny son was chapfallen. "Io you know. Hunt." he said. "I do not think they know who I am." "Very likely, my dear Tennyson, and they would not even know if vou told them!"-"RecoUections of Holman Hunt" in London Academy. Provided Fer In Advance. A playwright in an interview in Xew York said that without attention to the minutest details theatrical success could rarely be attained. "And yet." he added, smiling, "even this grand virtue of attention to de tails may be carried to excess. Thus a certain playwright said at rehearsal to his leading man: "'Now, remember. John, after yon speak this line. "Helen. I will save yon though I perish." pause and wait for the applause. "But the leading man sneered and answered cynically: " 'How do you know there'll be any applause? " 'That Is my business, not' yours, John,' the playwright answered with calm confidence." Wasblngton.Star. His Specialty. "That clerk or yours seems to be a hard worker." "Yes. that's bis spe cialty." "What - working?" "No. geemins to.1' Boston Transcrint. Hs F, G Stock at Dry Goods on hand and ready for your of Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear SMOKING MERRIHUANA. H PHIs Mexican Peens With Seme . thing Like Delirium Tremens. Water-bags and worms are among the tidbits In which the Mexican peon delights. He catches his bugs as they kim along the top of fresh "water J ponds, drying them and then eating them with as much zest as au Amerl can boy eats peanuts. As near as the I enera,,r caUeO, have from the begln peon can explain It, their flavor is ', n,nff of thlnss becn bombarding the omething. on the order of the chest- worId at a rate C8timated by the high nut, but as no white man has over ' f aathority a mny thousands an tried eating water bugs, or if he has boar wiff to the earth's Protecting doesn't dare confess it. the exact taste ' e.Ivc,0Pe J alr vc,7 few these mis- of these Mexican morsels can't be de scribed very accurately. The peons dote, too. on the nice, fat pulque worm. This inect is about two inches long and half an Inch thick. They fry the dainty in grease and pack it in brown naner packages of j dozen worms, which fetch 2 cents Pper. An industrious pulque worm collector makes a good living. The worm inhabits the maguev or pulque plant, from which is distilled the agna miel. or honey water, of Mexico. After twenty-four hours fer mentation it is very intoxicating. Aft er the Mexican has primed himself with several drinks of agna miel and has smoked half a dozen cigarettes made of the dried leaf of the merri- hnini ruil anal Km t n..n.. l. t ; nuu ' 11 inun he is ready for any crime of violence. This combination of stimulant and ! narcotic has the effect of deluding the 1 "Cum into thinking that his enemy- and every peon has a choice collection of enemies Is a pygmy in stature. At the same time it gives him an idea that he is tremendously strong and wonderfully brave. So he sallies forth to make mincemeat of his enemy or enemies and, as a -rule,. lands .in the local calaboose. One of the peculiar effects of mer- j rihuana smoking is to distort the size of all animals, making them of enor nwus size and horrible shape. The smoker is filled with a horrible fear, something like the horrors brought on by delirium tremens. A kitten or a puppy to his distorted vision appears as some terrible creature. A common sight In Mexico Is to see a swarthy "greaser." armed to the teeth, flee in terror from a small dog, while be would fearlessly attack any man with his knife or his machete. A FAMOUS RACE. The Greatest Steambeat Centest en the Mississippi River. The greatest race ever run on the Misabjafpfi was between the Natchez, a boat ballt In Cincinnati and com manded by Captain T. P. Leathers. fand a New Albany boat, the Robert E. Lee, under Captain John W. Cannon. There was spirited rivalry between the two vessels, and when the Natchez made the fastest time on record be tween New Orleans snd St. Louis (L278 milts In 3 days 21 hours 58 min utes) Captain Cannon resolved to heat It He encaged the steamer Frank Pargond aad several fuel boats and arranged for them to meet bim at va rious points up the river with wood aad coal. Then he had his boat cleared of all her upper works likely to catch the wind or make the vessel heavier.. On Thursday, June 2a 1870. at 4:45 p. m., the Robert E. Lee steamed out of New Orleans. The Natchez follow ed fire mbivtes later. The race had been advertised In advance and was now awaited with gathering interest at all the river towns. Large crowds were assembled at Natchez, Vkksburg, Helena and other large places. Between Cairo and St. Louis the Natches afterward claimed to have lost 1 seven hours snd one minute on account of a fog and broken machinery. The Robert E. Lee, however, was not de layed and arrived in St. Louis thirty three minutes ahead of the previous record established by her competitor. Fifty thousand people from the house teas, the levee and the docks of other stttmers welcomed the winner as she steamed iato port. Captain Cannon was the lion of the hour. The business men gave a banquet in his honor. Travel Magazine. REI N ER We are headquarters for Good Coffee from 20c to 40c per pound FLOUR At the trust price, now is the time Ac to buy it, per sack tiilJ 500 pound lots SII.25 Still have some LENOX SOAP 28 bars for $1.00 One pound of good Japan Tea and an imported cup and saucer for 50c Eggs, strictly fresh, 14c Everybody can afford to eat them at that price. Special attention given to telephone orders METEORIC DUST. An Invisible but Censtant Skewer ef Tiny Hellew Steel Ball. Meteoric dust is composed of minute hollow spheres of steel that look un der the microscope like leaden shot They are infinitely finer than grains of sand. Their origin is Interesting. - 1 Meteors, or shooting stars as they are Biies reacu us. in size meicors vary from a few ounces to many pounds In 'weight, and it is only very occasion ally that one Is of sufficient dimensions to survive the passage of SO to 100 miles through an atmosphere increas ing in uensuy as tne earth is ap proached. The speed at which they enter the atmosphere, calculated at not less than thlrty-fiv miles a second, generates such Intense beat by fric tion that the Iron of which the meteor principally consist Is immediately re duced to an Incandescent vapor, which Is the luminous train so frequently seen In the heaven on a clear night The vapor rapidly cools and con denses In the form of these minute particles, which assume the spherical fonDf g'does shot during its fall from I .. . the top of a tower. Finally the lit tie spheres are scattered by the winds and currents In the upper regions and gradually descend in their millions as an invisible but never ending shower. The perfect condition in which the spheres are found 1 due to tho pres ence of certain noncorroslvc elements found by analysis to be present in the metal of meteors which have come to earth. These little spheres can be found in almost any sample of dust particles where It has collected In sheltered re cesses or hollows, as In tho gutter, on the housetop or round the roots of old trees and dry ditches. They may be readily gathered by a magnet and when mounted form an interesting ob ject for the microscope. Chicago News. His Sole Dread. Hammond Don't you dread the si lent watches of the night? Martin - No; It's the cuckoo clocks that give me away. Harper's Bazar. PUBLIC AUCTION Having rented my farm 1 mile southeast of Columbus I ! will offer at Public Sale Saturday, Feb. 25. 1911 Commencing at 10:00 a. m. 1 1 Head of Young Horses and Colts 1 gray mare, 5 years old, weight 1250; 2 bay horses, 5 years old, wt. 2350; 1 black colt, 3 years old, wt. 1325; 1 black mare, 3 years old, weight 1100; 1 black colt, 3 years old, weight 1100; 1 sorrel driving mare 5 years old; 1 black horse colt 2 years old; 1 gray horse colt 3 years old; 1 bay pony colt; 1 saddle horse 7 years old. 120 HEAD OF SHOATS about six months old, weighing from 75 pounds to 150 pounds. 25 HEAD OF CATTLE consisting of 10 two-year-old steers; 5 milch cows; 5 heifers; 5 Shorthorn bulls, com ing two years old. Farm Machinery 1 corn planter; 1 disc; 3-section harrow; 1 walking plow 1 riding cultivator; 1 sulky plow; 1 stalk cutter; 1 Deering harvester, 1 hay sweep; 1 lumber wagon; 1 wagon with hay rack; 1 hay loader; 1 side delivery hay rake; 1 sur rey; 1 set buggy harness; 2 sets work harness and other articles too numerous too mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums under 810 cash. Above that sum t) months' time will be given on bankable paper at 8 per cent interest ALBERT STENGER B. F. LAGKY, fluttfenetr . ft. 6UIRK, Gtorfc inspection. A fine line CAGLI0STR0. Effect ef a Draft of the Naterieas Charlatan's Elixir of Life. Cagliostro. the famous eighteenth century charlatan, was the hero of many strange stories. A great lady who was also, unfortunately for her- Lself, an old one and was unable to re sign herself to the fact was reported to have consulted Cagliostro, who gave her a vial of the precious liquid (his "wine of Egypt"), with the strictest In junction to take two drops when the moon entered its last quarter. While waiting for this period to arrive the lady who desired to be rejuvenated shut up the vial iu her wardrobe and the better to insure its preservation in formed her maid that it was a remedy for the colic. Fatal precaution! By some mis chance on the following night the maid was seized with the very malady of which her mistress had spoken. Re membering the remedy so fortuitously at hand, she got up. opened the ward robe and emptied the vial at a draft The next morning she went, as usual, to wait on her mistress, who looked at her in surprise and asked her what she wanted. Thinking the old lady had bad a stroke in the night, she said: "Ob. madam, don't you know me? I am your maid." "My maid is a woman of fifty,' was Ihe reply, "and you" But she did not finish the sentence. The woman had caught a glimpse of her face in a mirror. The wine of Egypt had rejuvenated her thirty years! Cagliostro's valet was as great a rogue as he and posed equally as a mystery monger. "Your master," said a skeptic to him one day, "is taking us all in. Tell me, Is it true that be was present at the marriage at Cana?" "You forget, sir." was the reply, "I have only been in his service a cen tury." A Dining Hint. Fletcher says you should "hold your face down" when you are eating, so that your tongue will hang perpendic ularly in your mouth. To do this most comfortably get down on your bands j and knees when j-nu eat. explains the Chicago Record-Herald. Thorp Is hut one virtue the eternal sacrifice of self Goorgo Sand. I v J S 1- i- ' -zafzXz J -- h-f -M.