The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 15, 1911, Image 8

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R. .'
1 ll
; 1
if i
will help you fulfill your plans
for spring.
There are pages and pages of
Advance Spring Fashions, fresh,
charming, irresistible. Things
that you can make.
"The Economies of Dressmaking" tells how to Make a
lining, how to Fit and Finish a Waist, how the Skirt is
Handled. Points helpful to home dressmakers.
Entertainment for children on many a rainy day; strong
articles, and interesting stories for grown-ups.
Buy THE MARCH DESIGNER today. Better let us
have your subscription and save money.
10c a Copy, 75a a Year
en wwh at- COLUMBUS, NEB.
Dot and Trousseau.
Dealing with the weaknesses of ac
tors, some noted for meanness, a Tarls
contemporary relates a good story of.
Frederick Leniaitre, the celebrated ac
tor, who was somewhat parsimonious.
When his dauchter was about to
marry, Leinaltre agreed to provide the
"dot" and the trousseau. "Dot," it
may be observed, is the French equiv
alent for the English "dower" or Scot
tish tocher."
When the notary came to complete
the contract and was reading the
terms Lemaitre said: "The daughter of
Frederick Lemaitre has not need of a
dot. M. Le Xotaire, strike out the
The prospective son-in-law was pres
ent, and he had the courage to reply:
"The daughter of Frederick Lemaitre
can easily clothe herself with the fame
of her father. M. Le Xotaire. pray
strike out the trousseau."
The Cry of the Loon.
The cry of the loon is one of the
strangest, weirdest sounds in nature.
Those who have heard it can scarcely
wonder that it has so often been woven
into song and legend.
A blood red rlnt; hung round the moon.
Huns round the moon. Ah. me! Ah. me!
I heard the piping of the loon.
A wounded loon. Ah. me!
And yet the eagle leathers rare
I. trembling, wove In my brave's hair.
Almost all writers who have attempt
ed to describe the cry of this bird have
! . . tnmtMf1illl Itflll frllflkff I
Thus Mr. Vernon Bailey, speaking of I
the sound, describes It as ronows:
"Only on the lonely lake in the heart
of the woods do you get the startling
thrill of the loon's wild cry one clear,
piercing note or a long, quavering, de
mouiacal laugh that to the timid sug
gests a herd of screaming panthers."
Why He Stopped.
They had been engaged only a week.
He had kissed her fully forty times
that evening. When he stopped tho
tears came iut her eyes, and she said:
"Dearest, you have ceased to love
"No, I haven't," he replied, "but I
must breathe." Ladies' Home Journal.
Cunning signifies especially a habit
or gift of overreaching, accompanied
with enjoyment and a sense of superi
ority. It is associated with small aud
dull conceit and with an absolute want
nf ivniti:ithv or affection. It is the in-
tensest rendering of vulgarity, absolute j
nnd utter. ttusfcin
aK assail elsam amM eab aaBW SSBBV MB 9 B BBav OT BBB SssaV M sbbbV I
Special For 10 lays
Gold Dust washing powder OAp
Perfection Oil, I Aa
per gallon I Uu
E C Corn Flakes, QAp
3 packages for ZUu
Best Soda Crackers, Dp
per pound Ob
8 bars good Laundry Soap OC p
8 bars White Laundry Soap OCp
Fancy can Jam, assorted flavors, I Ql A
each IZ2b
Snow Drift Flour $1 .25
Once Tried, Always Used. Guaranteed
None Better.
Mercantile Co.
i. !- Saa dMUff & .
MAXQI-JtU rn&i?
Tha Young Man's Tact.
The man who was having his pic
.fine taken in the photograph gallerx
was au innocent listener to the conver
sation between two young ladies on
the other side of the screen:
"You know. Kate. I sometimes wear
a long curl hanging down the back of
my neck?"
"Well, when Fhil was calling on me
the other evening he asked me if he
might have that curl, and I jokingly
said yes. Before f knew what he was
about he had taken a little pair of
scissors out of his pocket and clipped
it off close to my bead."
"Why. the idea! Didn't that make
you furious?"
"Not for the fmallest fraction of n
second. I thought it was splendid of
him that he didn't seize and pull it
Not His Fault.
A doctor was summoned to attend
the miller's little boy. He wrote out a
prescription, which was promptly
made up and administered In due
form. The next day he. called again
to see his patient and found the whole
family in tears.
"Alas," said the mother, "I shouldn't
have thought that my poor child would
have died of the measles!"
"What!"' exclaimed the doctor. "He
had the measles, and you never told
me?" Paris Journal.
The Soft Answer.
Irritated Frenchman (to Yankee,
who had taken him for a walten-
Sir-r, you have gr-r-rossly insulted me.
There Is my card. My seconds vlll
vait upon you, sir-r.
Yankee Never mind your seconds,
treuchy. You can wait uiou me just
us well. Pass me the sauce, aud be
quick about it.
Shopping by Mail.
Not long ago in a little town in one
of the prohibition states a young man
entered the postolOce and asked the
postmaster for a postoffice order.
"For bow much?" asked the post
master. "Two gallons," was the prompt re
ply. National Monthly.
A Real Surprise.
Mamma And you say -your Uncle
Tltewad gave you a penny. Tommie!
Tommle Yes. ma'am. Mamma And
what did yon say? Tommie I was so
surprised 1 couldn't say anything.
uiiiuin!:!.- Yonkers Statesman.
It Will Crawl to tha Tor, but Will Fly
Back to tho Bottom.
A fly on a window pane will crawl
to the top, fly back to the bottom and
crawl up again. This order is seldom
reversed why no one knows. It is
on record that a fly crawled up a win
dow pane thirty-two times, returning
ach time a-wlng.
Hens scratch for food with the sun
behind them, the reason being that the
rays reflect on the minute particles. A
blind hen will pick gram and not miss
a kernel.
Cats seldom lie with their feet to the
fire. Usually they lie on the left side.
Dogs He with their fore paws to the
A mouse will Ignore a food supply
sufficient for a meal and run great
risks to nibble at a wholesale supply.
It will hide at the source of food sup
ply and not depart therefrom until ac
tually disturbed. It Isn't true that a
mouse runs to Its hole at tne nrst
Find a harmless little snake the
length of a lead pencil and provide a
box for it in the house, visit it daily
and at the end of three months it will
crawl to you for food.
Goldfish usually swim around a globe
to the right. They can be taught to
take a fly out of the hand In six weeks
time. The presence of other fish in
the globe is generally ignored by gold
fish. Drop a piece of chip on the sur
face of the water and it will frighten
a fish.
Sheep spend more tune grazing than
do cattle and horses. Sheep will eat
for twelve hours out of twenty-four.
New York World.
What On Man's Patitnt Effort Wrung
Frem a Dasart In Franca.
In the southwest of France, between
the rivers Adour and Garonne, are
long stretches of pine woods, green
and cool.
Where these pines now stand was a
barren waste In the middle of the last
century. Sun and wind vied with each
other in making the land drier aud
dustier. Over the stormy bay of Bis
cay came winds that set up great
sandstorms and sometimes hurled
whole villages. The whole region was
one of hopelessness and despair. aie
was against it.
But finally there came a man who
acknowledged fate only as something
to be overcome. This man, one Bre
montier, was an inspector of roads.
He began fencing in the desert He
built a fence and behind It planted
broom seeds. Behind the broom seeds
he put seeds of the pine. The fence
protected the broom seeds, and the
broom grew. Then the broom in its
turn afforded shelter to the delicate
pine shoots.
Soon the pines spread, and their
tough roots bound the sandy soil to
gether. The first step was accomplish
ed. Then canals were made to drain
the wet parts and carry water to the
dry. , k
Thus did one man by patient effort
turn a dreary desert Into a home for
an industrious and healthy population.
It was an instance of triumph over
fate. New York Tribune.
Tha Business of Lift.
Life is a business we are all apt to
mismanage, cither living recklessly
from day to day or suffering ourselves
to be gulled out of our moments by the
Inanities of custom. We should de
spise a man who gave as little activity
and forethought to the conduct of any
other business. But in this, which is
the one thing of all others, since it
contains them all, we cannot see the
forest for the trees. One brief im
pression obliterates another. There is
something stupefying in the recurrence
of unimportant things, and it is only
on rare provocations that we can rise
to. take an outlook beyond dally con
cerns and comprehend the narrow lim
its and great possibilities of our exist
enceRobert Louis Stevenson.
Thosa Nawtpapar Yarns.
A worthv old dame of New England
once invited her husband's attention to
what seemed to her a curious item in
tho journal she was looking at "Lis
ten to this," said she, reading.
The Mary H. Barker of Gloucester
reports that she saw two whales, a
cow and a calf, floating off Cape Cod
the day before yesterday."
"Well, what about it?" asked the
"Only this," replied his spouse. "I
can understand about the two whales,
but what beats me is how the cow
and the calf got way out there." Lln
plncott's. Tha Denkee Hsad.
Among the most extraordinary pieces
of symbolism known to have been used
by the early Asiatics was a figure of a
donkey's head used as a representative
of the deity. There is no doubt what
ever that the same emblem was onco
used among the Hittites. the Egyptian
and one or two other nations as a sym
bol of their red-god, Sut The super
stition of the yellow donkey of India,
the story of the swift ass of eastern
Asia and the ass of Dlonysios and
many other marvelous ass stories are
all survivals of that curious form of
religious worship the adoration of the
ass' head.
A Usaful Ramady.
Little four-year-old Billy was visiting
his neighbor, Jerry. Billy showed ev
ery evidence of a bad cold. Jerry's
mother asked with grave solicitude,
"Doesn't your mother give you any
thing for your cold, Billy?" whereupon
Billy answered, feeling In all his pock
ets at once, "Yes, ma'am; she gives m
a clean handkerchief." LIppincott's.
Quita Pretty.
v'-'I am not ashamed of my latest
book," said the author.
"Of course not" said the localicrltic.
"I noticed its gilt edges and the beau
tifully colored frontispiece." Atlanta
Ha Gat Har.
"Do you prefer beauty or brains?"
"Does not the fact that I hare pro
posed to yon repeatedly prove that 1
prefer both?" Houston Post.
Fly the pleasure that bites tomorrow.
-Gorge Herbert. .
Corner Eleventh and Olive Streets
We give you
We have our Spring Stock of Dry Goods on hand and ready for your inspection. A fine line
of Ladies' Muslin and Knit Underwear
Corset Covers from 25c to 75c
Ladies' Gowns from $1.0O to $2.00
Muslin Drawers from -50c to $1.00
A large assortment of Embroideries
of all kinds. Come in and see our
10c assortment.
We also carry a good line of Ging
hams and Percales.
Laces of all kinds.
Lace Curtains, full size, 42 inches by
3 yards, from $1.25 to $2.50
Window Shades, from , 25c to $1.00
Musicisna and Snaazinf .
Nobody can dispute the sincerity f
the players in a big orchestra like the
Philharmonic or the New York Sym
phony. Most of the time they take
their work seriously, but sometimes
the men break loose and play tricks on
one anotaer as though they were
youngsters in school. Of course the
audience knows nothing of these
things; they're utally perpetrated in
The red pepper trick is the common
est. The Jokers scatter it where the
bassoon and trombone players are like
ly to suck it up. The result is chokes
and sneezes. Sometimes the epidemic
reaches even into the strings, but of
course the players on the wind instru
ments get-it worst.
As a matter of fact, the jokers are
playing with fire. "A confirmed
sneezer eaa't get a Job In a good or
chestra, no matter how good a per
former he may be," said a consistent
concert goer. "Think of the effect of
a rousing sneeze on a pianissimo!
Why, it would spoil a whole concert,
one sneeze would. A conductor has to
guard against a sneeze as be does
against Inebriety." New York Sun.
A Lucky Gama af Chesa.
A story Is told of the Moorish prince
Abul Hejex, who was thrown Into
prison for sedition by his brother Mo
hammed, king of Granada. There he
remained for several years until the
king, fearing he might escape, placed
himself at the head of a fresh revolt
and seized the crown, ordering one of
his pashas to see to his immediate ex
ecution. Abul Hejex was playing at
chess when the pasha came and bade
him prepare for death. The prince
asked for two hours respite, which
was refused. After earnest entreaty
he obtained permission to finish his
game. lie was In no hurry about the
moves, we are told, and wen ior aim
he was not, for before an hour had
elapsed a messenger brought the news
that Mohammed had been struck dead
by apoplexy, and Abul was forthwith
proclaimed king of Granada. It was
Indeed a small favor for the pasha to
grant, but It altered the whole current
of the king's career.
Elaphant Humor.
The courage of a lion at bay, great
as it is, is no greater than that of the
buffalo, and he must yield his scepter
to the elcpliant, declares H. L. Tangye
in his book. "In the Torrid Sudan," as
to courage, size, strength and intelli
gence, it is a temptation to declare
that the elephant possesses a sense of
humor. A herd of elephants once fell
In with a train of donkeys. Their
attention concentrated on the load the
donkeys carried. With all the mischief
of monkeys, the loads were torn
asunder and their contents distributed
over half the province. At Bor, on
the Mountain Nile, the elephants were
at one time full of practical jokes.
Passing at night time through the vil
lage, they would knock the sleepers
up by demolishing their huts above
their heads, then contentedly march
Beauty and tha Beast.
A well known churchman was visit
ing New York, accompanied by his
wife, who is as beautiful as her life
mate is homely. They were walking
down Broadway one afternoon, and
the pair attracted much attention.
One of two young "sports," evidently
thinking to attract the favorable at
tention of the churchman's wife, in an
audible aside remarked that it was
another case of "the beauty and the
beast." Quick as a wink the husband
turned and. as be swung his right to
the speaker's jaw, scoring a knockout,
said. "I am a man of peace, but I nev
er allow any one to call my wife a
beast." J
An Excellent Reasen.
-You girls are beyond me." said the
father as be tied the ribbon of his
daughter's shoe. "Why don't you wear
battened shoes that won't coma unfas
tened Instead of these confounded
thugs that are untied half the time?"
"Because, papa." aaW Gladys sweet
ly, "I'd rather have a bow than get
thsswok." Harper's Weekly.
Value Received
Waman an Warships,
lav the British navy of Nelson's Bay
It was not utic.-ommon for wives to live
aboard meuo'-war with their sailor
husbands. Scarce one of England's
"walls of oak" In Nelson's time but
had some woman aboard who braved
the perils and hardships of the sea In
order to be with her husband. In
nearly every one of the twenty-seven
line of battleships under Nelson's
command In the great battle of Traf
algar was one or more women, wives
of sailors. Surprise may be expressed
that English men-of-war's men were
permitted to have their wives aboard.
It was only by special permission of
the admiralty that this could be done
and then permission was granted
somewhat in the light of a penance for
sanctioning the press gang system,
which was largely in vogue nt that
time. Men were seized in the streets
and other public places and compelled
to serve in British warships because
"the king needed men." Some of the
men thus seized had political Influence
and, being unjustly compelled to serve
in the navy, were permitted to have
their wives share their Involuntary
A Maan Advantage.
In a breach of promise' case the bar
rister who held the brief for Injured
beauty arranged that his fair client
should be so placed that her charms
should be well under the observation
of the jury. He began a most pathetic
appeal by directing their attention to
her beauty and calling for justice upon
the head of him who could wound the
heart and betray the confidence of one
so fair, concluding with a peroration
of such pathos as to melt the court
to tears. The counsel for the de
fendant then rose, and after paying
the ludy the compliment of admitting
that it was impossible not to assent
to the encomiums lavished upon her
face he added that nevertheless he
felt bound to ask the jury not to for
get that she wore a wooden leg. Then
he sat down. The important fact of
which the fair plaintiff's counsel was
unaware was presently established,
and the jury, feeling rather sheepish
at their tears, assessed damages at
the smallest amount.
Tha American Baby.
The American baby has a fine,
strong ancestry. The young men of
England who were Impatient of reli
gious restraint and of physical oppres
sion; the young men of Germany
touched with the dream of democracy:
the nick of northern Europe, the
strong, the fair, the self reliant, the
conscientious English at bottom, but
with a dash of the best blood of other
races this Is the American baby, and
no klne and no lord ever had a better
f heritage. Take it as It goes, in Mas
sachusetts, In Ohio, in Michigan, in
Washington, In California, the average
American baby has In its veins more
of the blood of the Plantagenets than
any king now living has. It waa his
fortune to have come from the daugh
ter lines and the lines of the younger
sons, not from the elder son, whom
British custom has marked for the
aristocrat David Starr Jordan.
They Bath Knew.
The fool said one day In the king's
presence, "I am the king!" And the
king laughed, for he knew that hi
fool was wrong.
A week later the king was. angry be
cause of an error be had committed
aud exclaimed, "I am a fool!" And
the fool laughed, for he knew that bis
king was right.
Nat Much.
Howell-Reading maketh a full man.
Powell But If you get arrested for
drunkenness the Judge Isn't Inclined to
accept as an excuse your statement
that you have been reading. New York
Her Dear Friend.
"I have decliued marriage proposals
from five men." said the fair widow.
"Have you?" her friend asked. "I
didn't suppose your husband bad been
as heavily insured as that" Chicago
for your money in Quality
We are headquarters for Good Coffee
from 20c to 40c per pound
At the trust price, now is the time 1 OR
to buy it, per sack tfl 1 J
500 pound lots SlliZO
Still have some LENOX SOAP
28 bars for $1.00
One pound of good Japan Tea and an '
imported cup and saucer for 50c
Eggs, strictly fresh,. .'. 14c
Everybody can afford to eat them at that
Special attention given to telephone orders
Unaammarcial Liszt.
Artistic folk frequently hare some
what vague notions about business.
Some of them are quite ignorant of it.
others utterly Indifferent to It and oth
ers yet hate the very name of it One
in the last named category was Liszt
He had returned from a successful
tour, and Princess Metternlch. the
wife of the celebrated statesman and
diplomatist, was questioning him re
garding the concerts he had been giv
ing abroad.
"I hear," she said, "that you did
good business In Paris."
To which Liszt gave the tart reply.
"I only played some music there.
Business that I leave to bankers and
To another lady the musical cleric
gave a still more sarcastic answer.
"Ah, Abbe;" she sighed, "what a great
fortune you would make if only you
could be Induced to go to America to
"Madame," returned Liszt, "If yon
stood In need of that fortune, believe
me, I would go at once."
Tha Mamas ef Meeee.
Moses of Scriptural fame is called
by eight different names in various
places in the Bible. Bathla, the daugh
ter of Pharaoh, called him Moses be
cause she drew him out of the water.
Jochebed, his mother, called him Jeku
thlel, saying, "I had hoped for him."
Miriam, his sister, called him .lured
because she had descended after him
Into the water to see what his end
would be. Aaron called his brother
Abi Zanueh because his father had de
serted their mother. Amrani, the fa
ther of Moses, vcalled the boy Chahar
because be was again reunited to the
mother of the lad. Kebatb. the grand
father of Moses, called him Ablgdor
because God had repaired the breach j
in the house of Jacob. The nurse of
the grandfather of Moses called him
Abi Soeho because he was once hid
den three months in the Tabernacle.
All Israel called him Sbemalah be
cause "in his days God heard their
cries and rescued them from their op
pressors." Had tha Appearance.
Mistress (proudly) My husband.
Bridget, is a "colonel in the militia.
Bridget I thought as much, ma'am.
Sure, it's tlT foine malicious look be
has. ma'am. St Louis Times.
Having rented my farm 1 mile southeast of Columbus I
will offer at Public Sale
Saturday, Feb. 25, 1911
Commencing at 10:00 a. m.
11 Head of Young Horses and Colts
1 gray mare, 5 years old, weight 1250; 2 bay horses, 5
years old, wt 2350; 1 black colt, 3 years old, wt. 1325; 1
black mare, 3 years old, weight 1100; 1 black colt, 3 years
old, weight 1100; 1 sorrel driving mare 5 years old; 1
black horse colt 2 years old; 1 gray horse colt 3 years old;
1 bay pony colt; 1 saddle horse 7 years old.
120 HEAD OF SHOATS about six months old, weighing
from 75 pounds to 150 pounds.
25 HEAD OF CATTLE consisting of 10 two-vear-old
steers; 5 milch cows; 5 heifers; 5 Shorthorn bulls, com
ing two years old.
Farm Machinery
1 corn planter; 1 disc; 3-section harrow; 1 walking plow;
1 riding cultivator; 1 sulky plow; 1 stalk cutter; 1 Deering
harvester, 1 hay sweep; 1 lumber wagon; 1 wagon with
hay rack;! hay loader; 1 side delivery hay rake; 1 sur
rey; 1 set buggy harness; 2 sets work harness and other
articles too numerous too mention.
TERMS OF SALE: AH sums under $10 cash. Above that sum 9
months' time will be given oa bankable paper at 8 percent interest.
B. F. LIIGfcY, flUCtiaMwT
Queer Church Ornamentatien.
The chancellor of the diocese who
refused to sanction the design for a
memorial window in a Carlisle church
on the ground that an angel Is depict
ed wearing the coat of arms of tlw
dean and chapter of Carlisle would
assuredly make short work of the Lin
coln cathedral "Imp." which finds a
place among the angels forming the
angel choir in that building. Up ami
down England are to be found hun
dreds of examples of the humor of
ecclesiastical architects of a past age.
from the snarling griffins worked Into
the stonework of Henry VII.'s chapel.
Westminster abbey, to the dun cow
and milkmaids in Durham cathedral.
A cat playing a violin can be seen in
Wells cathedral, and in Hereford ca
thedral two cats, apparently perform
ing a violin duet Boston "Stump" I
crowded with fantastic carvings,
among which may be mentioned a
wife chastising her husband, a teacher
caning a pupil and an orchestra com
posed of bears playing an organ, a
bagpipe and a drum. Westminster
Bread and Dyspepsia.
The conclusion that wheat bread 1
unfit for dyspeptics, sometimes Jump
ed at because 111 effects are noticed to
follow its use, is erroneous. On the
contrary, It has been pointed out by
Bouchard and others that farinaceous
food Is peculiarly adapted to some dys
peptic patients. It Is the microbes in
the starch which are capable of pro
ducing irritating adds that cause the
trouble. To avoid this Bouchard rec
ommends that only the crust or toast-,
ed crumbs of the bread be used by
dyspeptics, particularly those whose
stomachs are dilated. The reason of
this is explained by the fact that bak
ing temporarily, though not perma
nently, arrests the fermentation of
dough. When It Is again heated by
the warmth of the stomach the fer
mentation is renewed. In cases where
the bread is toasted brown through
the fermentation is stopped perma
nently. Family Doctor.
Prepared Far the Worst.
Husband- Goodby. my dear. A pleas
ant voyage. I have taken every pre
caution in case of accident. Wife
What do yon mean? Husband-Iusur-ed
your lift' in my favor. Journal
. II. OUIRK. Otork
i ...
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